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THE RECEPTION IN PARIS. The Correspondent of the Daily Newt, writing from Paris, Suuday night, thu* describes the Shah's reception in the laud of sunshine :"— Par's has not enjoyed sucb a holiday as this since Queen Victoria visited the Emperor Napoleon III. In 1856. lhe Republicans somehftw couli not mitre up their minds to place the Shah on a footing with the kh.ga they were In the habit a few years back of seeing In thcirstreets. They looked upon him as a sort of Arabian Nights" heio, stranger in all his ways and belongings than the Prince Charming of a fairy tale. The Royalists were delighted to pay homage in him to a political principle they are unable to affirm at Versailles. As to the tradespeople and artisans, they fancied his visit to Parts could not fail to set money in circulation and the landlords buoyed themselves up with the hope that his advent over here would he the signal for wealthy foreigners to return and hire their unlet apartments. From an early hour the whole city was ag jg. Tne tide of human beings, towards noon, flawed in the direction of the Chamns Elys&es and the Arch of Triumph, where it was announced the Shah would be shown fora few moments to the Parisians. All the way from the Place de la Concorde to the Place de l'Etoile the footpaths were filled with a gay Sunday mul- titude. The houses were dressed eut with flags and velvet hangings Balconies and windows had "To let" in most of them. The American inhabitants hospitably threw open their front sitting rooms to their friends and ftiendt hif nd*. Free luncheons were gtven by the wealthy ones in honour of the Ktrg of Kings. A free luncheon means a w«ll fur- nishedbuffet, wlthTiberal enpplfes of champagne, being kept up for seven or eight hours, for the benefit of every country man or woman on the vbfting list of the lady of the house. The Place de VEtoH*, which was encircled with tiers of benches, was the central point of the f&Se. I tthrabs which w(IUId have been ornair ental on the stairs leading to a ball-room masked the base of the Arc of Triumph, whose outlines were lost In extraneous decorations and adornments. The taste displayed in this instance by the dlreotion of the Garde Meuble afforded a parallel to £ at v „ Campagna Inn-keeper, who dressed up the broken statue of a Pagan goddess, dug up In Sunday garments not omitting her coral necklaoe and plnchbeek bracelets. L? mj "U frames, covered with blue striped eanvas bid away the mutilated bas reliefs of the arch fielng NeuIUy. A sort of trelJls-woik spread itself like a net over every part of the entablature. It was stuck all over with flag-stafs, from which hung an Infinity of flam and fancy streamers, of endless length and variety of blue yellow, and Solferino and Magenta reds, They were inter- mingled with wreathe of proportionate dimensions of artid- otal laurel leaves, which had served to deck out P-ris on the occasion of the Enperor Napoleon III.'s triumphal entry into it at the close of the I'arlan war. On the top of the monument was placed an object of gigantic size. It looked at a distance like one <f those Wheels of Fortune one turns in the hope of winning crockeryware at French fairs. On making inquiries I learned that it was Intended to represent to-day the Sun of Per»ia, and hereafter is to serve at the illuminations as the point whence raj s of electric light are to emanat?. The interior of the arch was arranged as a tent. It was hung in white and green silk, and furnished with aim chairs fnd settees, and a buffet ou which sweetmeats and cooling drinks were laid out. The Municipal Council of Paris here awaited the Shah, who, it was arranged, was not to pass through the monument in his carriage. Circular benches surrounded the Place de I'Esolle. They were divided into sections, named after the first six letters of the alphabet, audtwo unlettered tribunes--to wit, that of the Council of State at the top of the Avenue de Wagram, and «fi £ ne 6 corDer of tbe Avenue de l'lmperatrice, wninh was reserved for Met dames de Mac Vlahon and Buffet and ten other ladles of high official position Madame de MacMahon, who was dressed in blue and white, might have been tikeu by a stranger ignorant of the political r..lime now governing France for a Quven sar- roundetl by her Court. She sat in a sort of throne-like chair, whilst the ladies who came with her chMe to stand on the IMpa leading to it. The social status of the ticket-holders admitted to the amphitheatre oould be guessed from the up- notttery of the sections to which they were shown by ushers 10 black tights ard silk stockings, and wearing steel chains round their necks. Extravagant toilettes were the exception bnt very elegant one* were by no means rare. The ■^vSn^V' a>. 8 rule' were simply frail gauze structures on wnich to set wreaths of flowers, of grapes, of ivy berries, of curranta wh te and red, ef forget-me-not, of cornflowers, 2 l }w c**e °' young girls, large daisies mixed with verves bows. Some queens of beauty and of fashion came out hi broad-leafed Tuscan straw hats, modelled after the head-gear Winter halter gives the Empress EugSoie in his best portrait of her. • J' calculated that 10,000 persons obtained admission into the Place de l'Etotle. There was, however, no incon- venient crowding anywhere. At four o'clock a heavy rain- lail and thunderstorm were apprehended. But. just b»f»re five, the clouds dispersed, and the sun came out magnifi- cently. Pleasant breezes fanned the leaves of the um- brageous chestnut trees at the back of the tribunes. When a cannon announced from M"unt Valerien that the Shah had arrived at Passy, the weather was truly delicious. As the troops forming his Majesty's guard of honour rode round the Arch of Triumph, they were bathed in the ruddy glow of the setting sun. Nasr-ed-Dn'* Jewels could not possibly have been sten under a more favourable light. As be descended from his carriage to receive the address of the Municipal Council, the spectators uttered a cry < f admira- tion. Never In their lives had their eyes been so feasted. The moment tht Royal cortige entered the Champs Etyteps the Amphitheatre, in the eertre of which rose the Arch of Triumph, presented the appearance of a theatre. At the close of-the play employes of the Garde M- uble at once set about rolling up oarpeis, and wapgons cam- forward t • fetch away flowers and orange trees. The multitudes which had P,. ,Lntiy f°r hours in the avenues lea-ting to the Arch climbed across the barriers, and uuited with the occupants of the lettered tribunes in sacking the buffet where the Shah had previously taken some refreshments. Some ladles got badly bruised In tbe onslaught, but there were no bones broken Later in the evening the Jockey Club and proprietors belonging to tbe Conservative partv Illuminated, lhe Boulevards looked dazzllngly brilliant. While walking along them I could with difficulty realise the hosrors I wit- nessed In this city in the summer of 1871.