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THE MARKETS. MAJJ.K-LA.NE.—MONDAY. There has been no feature of importance In the grain trade at Mark-lane to day. A want of animation has prevailed, and prices have tteen without appreciable alteration. Very few samples of English wheat have been on offer. With a thin attendance of millers business has been limited, at about late rates. A fair show of foreign wheat has been on the stands. Transactions hitve been entirely of a retail character, and had sales been forced, lower rates must have been accepted. Barley has been scarce l'he trade has been firm, and lull rates have been realised. Malt has been disposed of at about previous currencies. The oat trade has been firm. Supplies have been short, and late prices have been well maintained. For maize the dtmand has ttill been qatet, and prices have shown no change. Beans have been firm in value, with a moderate demand. In peas sales have progressed slowly at previous quotations. Flour has been quiet at last Monday's prices. METROPOLITAN CATTLE MARKET.—MONDAY. Depression has been the feature of the cattle trade to-day. The supplies of stock oflerlng have been larger than on Monday last, and prices in consequence have had a drooping tendency. As regards beasts the receipts from abroad have been liberaL From Spain and Corunna there has been a large supply of animals, some of which have come to hand in excellent condition. There have also been some Danish and Dutch animals on age. The trade has. been quiet, and prices have had a drooping tendency, belr g about 2d. per 81b. lower. From our own gracing districts a moderate number of beasts has come to hand. The condition has been rather various, but good breeds have been tolerably plentiful. A difficulty has been experienced in concluding business and prices mostly rule 2d. per Slb. lower, the best kinds making 61, 2d. to 6s. 4d. per SIb. From Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, and Northamp tonshire we received about 800 shorthorns, &c., from Nor- folk and Suffolk about 700 Scots and crosses, and from other parts ot England about 5.0 various breeds. A fair supply of sheep has been on sale, lucludVng a full average proportion from abroad. For all qualities the market has been dull, at a decline of 9d. per 8lb., the best Downs and half brads making 6s. to 6i. 2d. por Limbs have changed hands quie ly, at from 7s. 61. to 81. 6d. per Sib. Calves have been in slow request, on former terms. Pigs have been nominally unaltered. Per 81b. to sink the offal L d I, d. I s. d. s. d. Coarseand Inf. beaats5 0 5 1 Prime South downs 6 0 6 I Second quality ditto 6 6 6 10 Largecoarse calves 4 6 6 < Prime large oxen 6 0 6 2 Prime small ditto II 662 Prime Scots, &c. 6 2 6 4 Large hogs 4 8 4 < Coarseand inf. sheep 6 066 Neat small porkers • 06 4 Second quality ditto 6 8 6 10 Lambs 7 6 8 Prime coarse woolld 5 10 6 6 METROPOLITAN MEAT MARKET.— The supplies of meat, although short, were more 'adequate to the demand, and pflces in conaeqeunce gave. way 0008- sionally. Per 81b. by the carcase. a d. s. d. s. tL s. d. Inferior beef 8 8 4 4 Inferior tautton.. 4 0 6 0 Middling ditto 4 4 6 0 Middling ditto 6 0 6 6 Prime large ditto 6 4 5 10 Primeditto. 6 8 6 2 Prime dftro 5 8 6 0 Large pork 4 0 4 4 6 0 6 i Small pork 6 0 6 6 6 0 6 i Small pork 6 0 6 6 FISH. Pickled herrlngk, 28a to 35s. red ditto, 12s. to 28s. routed uitto, 18i. 6d. to S2s. iresh ditto, 19.. to 25r. per barrel kipper herrings 2s. 6d to 5F. per box bloater ditto, 3s. to 6s. per hundred smoked haddock, 20s. to 80s. trawl -i-t,to, 18i to 21s ditto plaice, 19s. to :051. pei barrel; ditto whiting, los. to 18s. per basket; soles Is. td. to be. I tr pair turbot, 5i. to lis. brill, Is 6d. to 3s. 6d. eadh; nii-.cbrel h. to 3s. mullet, 6s. to 12s. 6u. per dozen; nativa oysters, £ 1010s. tlef buahel. SEED. LONDON, Monday, June 30.—In Cloverseeds few trans- actions took place. There is rather more inqaii^ for fine white samples of CI iverseed but these are held beyond the views of the buyers. Tne best Trefoil met rather more in- quiry, wid rnlly former prices were asked foir such. White Mustardsefd was put chused in small lots at quite as much monty, but there was nothing passing la browu for want of supply. Canaryseed realised former currencies, with a mo- derate sale. Ltrge Hempseed was saleable on farmer terms. English rapeseed, being scarce, brought the extreme rates of last week. PROVISIONS. LONDON, Monday, Jllne. 30 —Ttie arrivals last week from Ireland were 342 tlrkins Butter and 3,116 bales Bacon, and from foreign ports 32,897 packages Butter, 2 189 bales Bacon. Tne supplies ot foreign Butter keeplarge, »nathegeneral prices are lower, but not to sny extent^-ls. to 2). per cwk, according to repute of brands. Irish is almost neglected. A f«w retail orders for Corks are about the extent of the buai- nell doing Bacon market stUl llow, with the exception of the beat brands of Waterford All other descriptions can be purchased on easier terms. PRICKS. Butter, per cwt. S S Cheese tK» 0wt. s. s Dorset.. i? H Cheshire 60toS4 Friesland 108 Dble. Glouc., new 66 74 Jersey »» 92 Cheddar 80 8ft Eng. Fresh, per doz. 12 u American -68 68 Hams York. 98 102 k 7= 76 Cumberland 96 100 Irish, green, f.o.b M 80 M 100 TALLOW. LOZ",ION, Monday, June 80.—The Tallow trade is quiet, tad siergiiurg, Y. C. is now quoted .at 48j. per owt. on the spot. Rough 41s. net cash. Rough Fat- 2s. per 81b. s. d. s. d. Town Tallow, per cwt 43 6 Rough Stuff, per cwi 16 0 Rough Kat, per 81bs. 2 0 Graves „ 19 A Melted Stuff, per cwt. 32 0 Good Dregs „ 4 9 Yellow Russian, new 43s. Od. per owt. Australian Mutton Tallow 42s. 01. „ Ditto Beef Ditto. 40s. 6J. HAY. LONDON, Saturday, June 28 —A moderate supply of hay and straw A as on sale here to-day. Trade for new and in- ferlor hay was dull, but prime old hay was in request. Prime clover, 80 to ggs. inferior ditto, 60s. to 70L prime meadow hay, 70s. to 82s. inferior ditto, 4AL to 60s. and Straw, 80s. to 38s. per load.