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A. W. WHEELER,1 DYER AND SCOURER, 12, DUKE.STREET, ABERDARE. Men and Boys' Clothes carefully Cleaned and Pressed at the shortest notice. Carpets, Druggets, and Hearth Rugs Cleaned. Ladled Cloth Jackets, Mantles, and Kid Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. i A SINCERE VOICE OF WARNING AGAINST Q.UACKS, or an unerring guide to the Nervous and Debilated, by J. L. PULVERM ACD ER. An infallible means of detect- ing the Quack Doctor, and thus preventing the above class of Patients from falling into his clutches, a danger iuto which they are likely to be entrapped through his specious and enticing forms of advertisements and Treatises. The well known name and position of the author is a suffioient guarantee of the truth of his statement. To be had of any Bookseller, or direct of J. L. Pulvermacher, Galvanio Establishment; 1G8. Regent Street, W., London, STATIONERV & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c., DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC that they have just received a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., &c. ——— :o:———— OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. A ,Vtp,DE MA L I ^M^UEHTDNW ONTHEBOXJ^M I A U. gli E ug -i, THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST i!71- R. C. LEACH BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, Cardiff-street, V.ABERDARE. Itir AU orders promptly attended to. No connection with any other Bill Poster. —————————————————————————————; MESSRS. MASON & CO., STOCK and ift SHARE DEALERS, 12, Great Win- chester-street, London, E.C. Holders of Mining Shares difficult of sale in the open market may find purchasers for same through Messrs. Mason an<I Co'/S agency. Every description of Shares bought and sold at the best market prices. Daily Price List on application. DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men, on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who.<Sontemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Skould be read by all who vtdue health, strervg*n» and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.-Post free on receipt o two stamps.—-Address, Secretary, Institute o Anatomy, Birmingham. ESTABLISHED 1860. SECURITY IN CREDITING. FLINT AND CO.'S BKITISH AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. Head Offices:—58, Cheapside, and t, Bow Lane, B O. Branches-Maochester 88, Mosely-street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond.street; Blackburn, 3, Tacketts-street; Leicester, 42, Belvoir-street: Edinburgh. 12, Princes-street; New. castle, 53, Grev-street; Glasgow, .UJ, Kenfjeld-street, Argyle-street; Cork, 70, South Mall; Dublin, lu Henry- street. [N the interests of trade, and at a heavy ex- penditure of time and capital, these Offices have been established. The Agents and Correspondents, both British and Foreign, have been selected with care. Constant communication is maintained with the various Bureaux des Renseignements of the Con- tinent, the Intelligence Offices of the United States, and the British-American, Indian, Aus- tralian, and other Colonies. A trusted confidenfial vehicle of information; a plain answer to a plain question is given. Truth in the report, safety in the transaction, is the end desired and sought for. What Members are entitled to for f3 3s.- ENTITLED TO- 40 Inquiries on Great Britain- three stamps each. Inquiry—every inquiry sent to three or fuur cor- respondents. „ Gazette weekly, and index quarterly (register contains over a million names.) Any additional number of Inquiries at I s. 9d. each. Legal advice at any time, or any num- ber of times, free ot charge, on any commercial question. „ Debts applied for subject to the follow- ing commission 5 per cent. from Y,2 to £ 20; H per cent, from jE20 to £100, and U per cent. beyond or subject to prior special arrange- ment. Monthly settlements. Facts far Members: — This Office make each and every inquiry (no matter how closely it follows on a previous inquiry) the subject of a fresh investigation. References to more than 10,000 tirms. Our system of Debt Collecting is much approved 1. Our Registers and Reference to Correspond- ents at once show Debtors ability to pay. 2. No spending good money after bad. 3. Special facilities ill County Courts. 4. Judgment against Debtor in 12 days. 5. Attendance to prove debt unnecessary. 6. Commission, 5 per cent. under JK20, 2 J per cent. above. 7. Prompt Remittance. A carefully revised list of Swindlers, with their latest aliases kept at this oftioe. al, NOTtCR.- Ii this office, a Debt, after ap- lication is made, is not left to die a natural death. Promp, efficient, and voluntary advice is given to Subscribers as to best means of recovering same. If in London, a clerk waits upon him (in the country, by post) and obtains from him such in- structions as will enablo us to recover debt with- out any further trouble to Subscriber, and with- out any attendance of Subscribers being acces- sary. TERMS £ 3 3s., X5 5s., and £10 iOs, and upwards, per I annum. f'" r N.B. — Banks and their branches contracted for. a::r All telegrams, Aocounts for Collection, Com- mercial Inquiries, and all other communica- tions to the London Office only. Dratts crossed National Provincial Bank of Eng- land, to JFli>t & Co., London-, 1 <1 E Due A T ION. ABERDARE COMMERCIAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, COMDUClJfD BY THE REV. J. JOSEPH GEORGE. MR. GEOAiJE respectfully informs the Parents of Pupils and the Public gene- rally that School Duties will be RESUMED on MONDAY, January 13th, 1873. TERMS:— £ 1 Is. and 15s. NOTICE. GEORGlTT^ARKER, (Son of the late David Parker,) PLASTERER, & c., 69, YNYSLWYD STREET, ABERDARE, DESIRES to \nform the friends of his late father, and^the public generally, that he intends carrying on the business as hereto- fore, and hopes, by strict attention to all orders entrusted to his care, combined with moderate charges, to merit a share of public support. Cement and Sand supplied upon reasonable terms. E AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS rpHE extraordinary cures effected by this old A standing remedy are so numerous that their publication is almost an impossibility. A selection, however, accompanies each box. The best proof of. their efficacy is to be found in the fact that those who have once tried them are careful never to be without them, feeling con- vinced that where they are to be had DOCTOR'S BILLS ARE UNNECESSARY. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. Sold by the. Trade in all Parts. IC,&YE) S W 0 RSDELLIS PILLS HAVE relieved and cured thousands afflicted in almost Vevery possible way. They purify the blood, and go at once to the root of disease. t7 m TM-E'N'T' The Ready and Reliable Remedy. Armed with this powerful antidote to disease, every man Is his own fanii y physician. Tlic lint Hospital Surgeons admit its unparalleled ami healing virtues. Foreign Giivern.nents sanc- tion its u>e in th^ir naval and military .services, and mankind throughout the yorld reposes the utmost coutidenco in its curative propertied Gout, Rheumatism, and Dropsy. These are among the most terrible and agonising diseases to which the human frame is subject; yet in their worst forms, and when seemingly incurable, they disappear under a per- severing application of this soothing and powerful Ointment, if strict attentiou be paid to the pnnted instruction wrapptd round each put Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Quinsey, Mumps, and all Derangements of the Chest and Throat. If, on the appearance of any of these diseases, the Ointment be well rubbed, at lClLst three times day, upon the neck and u"P'»r part of the chest, so as to penetrate to the glands— the worst cases will yield in a a> paiativ«ly short time, particularly if Hollowaj's Fills be taken in appropriate doses to purify the blood. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Ulcerous 0 Sores, and Old Wounds. Many thousands of martyrs from the above complaints have fuund lite almost insupportable; but if Iiolloway's Ointment be bri kly and plentifully rubbed upon and around the parts affected, it will quicklv penetrate to the source of the evil; ease may be safely guaiantecd, and disease driven from the system. Nothing cmii bo more simple or safer than the mamin in which it is applied. nothing more sauit try than its action on the body, both locally and constitutionally. The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor TToi.loway'b Establishment, 538, Oxford Str. ct, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Me.li iue throughout the Civilised World, in Pots and fepxes, at Is. l £ d.. ?s. 9d„ 4s.pl lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The l'oi of Ointment contains one ounce; and tliewnallest liox of Pills four dozen. Vull printed directions are affixed to ea::h Pot and Box, and can be had ia any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, • Armenian, Persian, or tihiutiat; No, 13-3 v. GLENFIELD » *5 s-1 ry Js the only kind used 11 o 1 ft. tvl^rl jjer Majestys Laundry. If there:are any Ladies who have not yet usee he GLENFIELD STARCH, they are respect I fully solicited to give it a trial, and careiull follow out the direetions printed on every pack tage, and if this is done, They will say, like the Queen's Lavndres It is the finest STARCH they ever used. WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELD STARCH, See that you get it, as inferior kinds are oftt I substituted for the sake of extra profits. Beware therefore of spurious imitations. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. THE extraordinary power and medical proper- ties of the extract of Burdock surpasses everything yet known in medicines in its singu. lar influence over the blood, which it purifies, strengthens, and enriches, and thus gives health and strength to the greatest sufferers. The Bur- dock Pills remove all Pimples and Blotches on the body, and clear the blood from ail impure matter, from whatever cause arising. THE BLOOD, STOMACH, & LIVER. In those Pills will be found a most efficacious remedy for all derangement of the digestive or- gans, and for torpid action of the liver and bowels which produce indigestion, and the several vari- eties of bilious and liver complaints. They speed- ily remove the irritation and feverish state of the stomach-allay spasms—correct the morbid con- dition of the liver and organs subservient to diges- tion—promote a due and healthy secretion of bile, and relieve the constitution of all gouty matti r and other impurities, which, by circulating in the blood, must injuriously affect the action of the kidneys. '1 has, by removing the causes pro- ductive of so mu £ n discomfort, thly restore the energies both ofTiody and mind and l»y the use of Burdock Pills the foulest blood is purified, and every disease of the liver, stomach, and head, is cured, and brought under subjection by the ex- traordinary curative power of the Great Blood Purifier, Thompson's Burdock Pills. PILES, GRAVEL, AND PAINS IN fHE BACK. 1 All suffering from those painful complu.flts should be aware that they proceed from the ti- jl state of the blood, when the Burdock Pills should c be immediately taken, as they speedily cure the most obstinate complaints after all other remedies have failed. COUGHS, ASTHMA, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE CHEST ANp LU1JGS. Every disease of the chest and lungs may be truly attributed to the morbid matter existing in the blood, which developes itself jnto incipient and pectoral complaints, and when neglected or improperly treated, their ravages are so rapid that fatal diseases are the result, such as decline, asthma, bronchitis, or pulmonary consumption. The Great Blood Purifier, Thompson's Burdock Pills, should be freely taken on the slightest symptoms, as they go to the root of the diseases, by cleansing the blood and regulating the bowels, ss that life may be prolonged and illness prevented. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. The Burdock Pills are a medicine long known for their very uncommon virtue in removing those obstructions, and other disorders more especially incidental to the younger portion of the female sex. They remove all obstructions, heavi- ness, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, weakness, and allay pain, head-aches, giddiness, hysterical diseases, &c. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER CURES THE FOLLOWING COMPLAIN IS. Indigestion, wind in the stomach and bowels, palpitation of the heart, liver complaints, bilious obstructions, asthma, tightness on the chest, lum- bago, piles, gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, sore eyes, :bad legs, sore throats, sore heads, white swellings, scrofula, king's evil,'secondary symptoms, tic doloreux, retention of urine, rheuma- tism, debility, dropsy, jaundice, diabetis, female irregularities, weakness, worms, fits, St. Anthony's dance, and fevers of all kinds. Those Pills may be had from all^Chemists, and Patent Medicine Vendors, in boxes at Is. l-d. 2 and 2s. 9d. per box, or direct from the estab- lishment, No. 34. High-street, :Swansea, for 15 stamps. Horniman's Pure Tea is the Best & Cheapest. The valuable properties of tea exist only in the young LEAVES/ HORNIMAN'S TEA, selected from thV ehoire spring gathering, without the usual mineral powder on the leaf,—is very strong mid delicious in flavour; being sold only in PACKETS, uniform quality and real cheapness is guaranteed. LOCAL AGENTS Aberdare. Evans. chemist Mountain Ash.. White, chemist Jones, chemist Pontypridd.James, chemistr Thomas, chemist Dowlais Hancock,chemist Merthyr Rees, chemist Ebhm J'a/e.Jones, chemist Stephens, chemist Brecon Hughes, bookseller Hirwain George,cheniist Swallsea.. Richards, ehemist Horniman's AGENTS in every town, 2,538 Chemists, &e. CARDIFF TO NEW YORK.

