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UitMir ftotirx. G. PRICE & CO., ■Accountants, Auctioneers, Commission Valuers, llouse Sf Estate Agents, Sfc.,$c., )T€ptred to undertake any business en- sted to them. and carry out the same raptitude and fidelity. :-Aberdare. ^loney to any amount, either in large or ns, lent on good Leasehold an i Freehold t. EDWARD LAWRANCE, OR OF MUSIC (GONSERVATOKIUM OF I SIC, LEIPZIG) ANIY ORGANIST OF ST. DAVID'S CHURCH, MERTHYR, BERDARE Professionally Every Week. +- for Pianoforte, Singing, Harmony, Har- lessons. &c., &c., &c., may be known on >11 at 2, Ccurtland-terraee, Merthyr. G. BAKER, ER, GLAZIER, PAPERHANGER, &c., to inform the PUBLIC that he has mmenced business in the above branches, s-road, Aberdare, where he hopes, by irtion to alt ordera entrusted to his care, with modeityte^hnrges, to merit a share patronage antf support. -selected stock of all kinds of PAPER NGS. RICHARD B. BOULTON, SURGEON DEKTIST, CHARLES STREET, CARDIFF. FT, the best that can be obtained, from to 25 Guineas the complete set. r-two years' experience. Established ccommendett by the principal Physicians eons in Cdrdiff and neighbourhood. No r consultation. Attendance daily, from 'our. n Cardiff an i Aberdare four trains run i way. AMUEL HALL, KOVttKTJV' TUNER, DEAN-STREE^ ABERDARE. IONTS RENEWED, AND REPAIRS ERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED. +- TES FOR YLTERING AND RENO- VTINCJ OLD INSTRUMENTS. N T E D imnydiately, — A KITCHEN 1AID. AI»()ly at the BOOT HOTEL, JED, —A SITUATION as Plain ,'ook r Honsemaid. Apply at 37, llinvilin- csyncn, Abe re. 8 PEe a A iTT TED, br a wi'll-known and long ostsb- sh. (i fyfe Office. DISTRICT AGENTS. not now represented, itivi* ai r^iit»eiriei>ts would be made with ropi'vly qualified Addre-s, 0., care of 3EMLEY & Co., Shoe-lane, Fleet-street, ■WISI^E VANST ign, Ornamental Painter, and Glazier, DIFF ST. (CARDIFF CASTLE HOTEL,) A- B E 3 3D .A.. R E. II Orders punctually attended to. t7o mrr, to". of Aberdare, an OLD GUINEA N, with inscriptions of the Lord's Pravt-r, salm, and .Collect, on the sides. Who- rrturn tii,- same to the offioc of this J1 be liandso\he]y rewarded. be £ LET, IVY, CQrfTAGE, HIGH-STRKKT, ERDA.&E. Apph to Mr. W. SMITH, npar ilertiv- DARE VILLAS, ABEEDARE.~ B LET, with immediate possession, the Ive desiralile ai d gt-ntee! RESIDENCE, or a ladies' semin-ry. The premises in- jag' room, kitchen, &c., and a commodious om, togftherwith seveohfdrooms. For particulars »pply to Mr. John Pugh, >ffiee, Aberdare. EITHIN COTTAGE, PENDEJIYN, BRECONSHIRE. 5E LETv with jrfri mediate possession, JSREITHYK QOTIAGE, Penderyn. se consists of hirU. parlour, and larder, rooms, and lumber room. About four land and stable might, be had next together wtth pasture for two cows, or piny. Tire fit nation is healthy, com- exK-nsive and beautiful scenery, and 'o miles of tin3 Hirwain Station and. the Neath Waterfalls. rms, apply to IVir. JENKIN RHYS, Scybor- ir Abtrdare. AAAAAAAAAtAAAiilip. BUY p ihnsvn, Johnson Co s J Fr*& from all Artificial Colouring Matter, L r PURE TEA, é BE 2/- per lb HOICE Ql/ALITIESE "NEW SEASON'S," ► '8- 3'-3/4 -3/3 -4/- P >plied in Packetk only, from 2 ozs. to i-lb. £ and 3*lb. and 6-lb. Tin Canisters. fei So So by Chemists, Confectioners, &c; in every Town. ► 1 I10CAL AGENTS. £ ?- ANS, chemist, 14, Commercial street AN. RicmriOS, cAjmwt, 13, Cardiff-street m-HJCBAHDS, chemkl, Cardiff-road -BAKER, confectioner, Y54, Bute road R HR, chemist, 284, Bute-street -LLOYD, draper, Post Office —LEWIS chemist, 177, High street — SIMS, chemist Wilt LLF-VFI LYX, ch"mid, Butt Ring — HFTTS, (onfectioner, lligh-slreet — I.rwis, chemist, C>i-oroe-t'ucn. SrFPIIFP;, chemist, Ihgh-strcet. n 4sh—JAMES, chemist, 69, Oxford-street ('d—DAVIF.S, chemist, High-street f—DIXON, chemist f— PKI< T, chrmht, Park-street SON, JOJMTION & Co Tea Merchants, 7, Bloopnfield-street, City, London, EVAN THOMAS, # E IRONMONGER, H t SAFETY LAMP MA^UFACTUBEE, A r, 6 A RDIII-STREKT ABERDARE, |imjj "1">EGS most respectfully to call\ the Jittention of Colliery Proprietors and iMUfcJ _LJ Colliers to the superior makp a^d great advantages in purchasing his LAMPS, over other makers, as any jkart of the LAMP can, in case of breakage, *3dmpS* rePa'red at a small cost, on the shortest notice. Cl1 SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. Tough hand-made Glasses properly ground to fit CLANY LAMPS, 5d. each. JPatronised by the Gentry, Clergy, and leading Tradesmen of E*J South Wales. E V A N/D A V I I), fi House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter & Glazier, n PA^ER-HANGER, &o., t HIGIIT STREET, ABERDARE. Wholesale Dealer WBristol Patent Plate and Ornamental Window 40 0 Glass, Railway Signal Lights, fyc. O E c o <«• Experienced Workmen sent to all parts of the Country. THOMAS WHITSUN JONES, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND Commission AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-/LACE, ABERDARE. = j Auction Rooms and Second-hand Furniture Stores. j THE ORIGINAL TIN SHOP, ¡ 19, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. T P ETR~K INS, SHE E T IRON, Z I N C 1,/ AND TIN SMITH, rpAKES the present opportunity to "thank the Public of this town and neighbourhood, for their very X liberal patronage for many years past, and to/announce that, with improved tools and machinery, he is enabled to execute all orders promptly a/d in a superior style of workmanship, and tiusts, by continuing to supply a good article at tie lowest remunerative price, to merit a continuance of their avours. f The attention of all parties using Dairy t is respectfully invited to his superior MILK PANS and COOLERS, &c., which are made of the very best materials His improved ZINC FRAMED HAND (iLASSliS for GARDENS, and ZINC MEAT SAFES, &c always on hand, or made to order iSJLACM & «<4 5,VA&,lZliS> IttO* STWVI3 1>J PI BEER ENGINES AND PIPES REPAIRED. New Pipe always on Hand at 4d. p-r Foot. OJIDEliS AND REPAIRS ON THE SiroRTEST NOTICE. N )>_ 'piu. Trade supplied. Purchasers should see that the mark T. P. is on each article. THE CHEAPEST/HOUSE FOE GOOD HOUSEHOLD FCJItNITUItE LEWIS /THOrvlAS, C A It I N B T M AKER A A 1) U P U O L S T B It B R 4 CANON-STREET, ABERDARE, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, & MATTINGS OF THE BEST QUALITIES. ALL OltDRRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO I EAU 1» E': VIBC. PUHE BRANDY, 3s. 2d. PEH BOTTLE. W. MORRIS, WELSH HARP WINE AND SPIRIT STORES, ABERDARE, BEOS to i.ilorm the puhlio oenetally that lie has bfen ai.p..int-d AGEN|- for the Sale of Messra. Henry Brett and Co's Pure Brandy, which for quality and cheapness cannot be turPf,ss''d" In proof of the high estimation in which this genuine article is held by the faculty> 'l „ a e thdt the following Hospitals and Institutions have been supplied therewith :— Rethlem Hospi a., Deinnal House Lunatic Asylum, Brompton Hospital for Consutjrfjtion, brook House Asylum, V10 vS General Infirmary, Cln.ring Cross Hospital, Porset^ouoty Hospital, Fulha.n Union, Ot. J; or .ern Hospital. Guy's Hospital, Halliford Hduse Lunatic Asylum, Hastings and St. Leonara ni- mary, Kidd.rminster; King's College Hbspital/Lancaster Dispensary, Manchester Koya In r- marv, Middlesex Hospital, National Hosdital/lSorthainpton General Infirmary, Padding101 house, Royal Free Hospital, Royal HospitafH^itney; St. Thomas' Hospital, Strand ancras Workhouse, Surrey Lunatic Asylum, Sussex Lunatic Asylum, Westminster Hospital, Wrexiam Inhrmary. :0: ALLSOPP'S PALE AND BURTON ALES. W. MORRIS also begs to state that he is prepared to supply the above Ales, of the Octobpr brewing, which »re in prime and sparking condition, in any quantity, being one of the largest holders of Burton Ales in South Wales. WELSH HARP WINE AND SPIRIT STORES, ABERDARE. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE, "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. J. T. JONES & SON, P R IN TE R S, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, & c., DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC that they hav«r iust received a large and varied assortment of U PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums, tlarmonicans, Mouth Organs, &c. The lai^st and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Ri mm el's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &o., &c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ARERDARE. n "nTQn'R'nTr'T?; o IP THSTOMA.CU 'n I Are the sources of the .lcadliest maladi/s. Sow, K1Is ? I I They cleanse the bowels, regulate ll/liver, bnng the pttae .fated stomach I ■ into a natural and healthful Wi)fon. Changing sickness into health. g ■ THE BEST KSOWITJOB | I BUioog^Complaiiita. SSSL LivSo^t*. I' ■ Blotches on the Skm. Female Irregularities ^tles- eVer cause, &c. &c. » ■ Constipation of the Bowels. Indigestion. Retention oi Unne. g i FT CAUTION!—None are genuine unless the words •' Holloivay, ™ I ffl ^isccrmblo as a Watermark in every leaf of the book of directions w 8 m plainly seen by holding it to the light.— Sold at the manufactory ot Proiessor p E HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine* 111 >OXCS » I Is. l-|d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s.. and 33s.—There is a considerable saving by g T' 4' Y TJV R. NEWYDDIADUR pythefnosol, crefyddol a theuluaidd, wyth tudulen, prisungeiniog, cyhoeddedig yn Swyddfa'r ABEEnARE TIMES.* Teimlir gan lawer fod angen am ryw gyfrwng neillduol, ef gwrtlnveithio yr ymdrech awnfir y dyddiau hyn, er dwyn Cymru o dan iau Pabyddiaeth a Defodaeth, ac er adnewyddu ofer-gttmpiau, ac arferion llygredig yn mysg yr ieuelictyd. Mewn cyfarfcid o un ar ddeg o rteinidogion Aberdar, cyrmlledig yn SWyddfa'r ABERDARb TIMES, Tachwedd 19eg, 1869, rboddwyd anogaeth unfrydo] i'r Meistriaid J. T. Jones ali Fab, i ddwvn allan y TWR, i'r perwyl uchod cadarnhawyd yr anogaeth drachefn yn Nghynadledd Cyfundeb Qogleddol Annibynwyr Morganwg, a gytialiwyd yn liehesda, Me.thyr. Ionawr 17eg, 1870. Golygid i'r TWR ar y cyntaf fod yn gyhoeddiad misol yn ffurf misolion yn gyffredin modd bynag, wedi ymgynghoriad ag amryw gyfeiilion, yn matn pa rai, ymaegenymgryn hyder, yn gystal ag; ymwrandawiad ar awgrymiadau oddiyma ae oddidraw, yr ydym wedi dyfod i'r pendt-rfyniad i newid cynllun y cyhoeddiad yn gwbl felly, yn lie bod yn gyhoeddiad misol, bwriedir i'r TwR fod yn New- yddiadur pythefnosol. Tybir y gellir wrth hyny ymeangu cylch ei ddefnyddioldeb, drwy sicrhau iddo ledaemad mwy helaeth, ond ni fwriedir eyfnewid dim ar amcan gwreiddiol cyhoeddiad y TWR. Rydd y TWR O nodwedd uwir grefyddol ac anenwadol. Hyd y gellir, bydd yn dilyn yr un llwybr ac yn debyg o ran nodwedd i'r Christian Times, a'r/Christian World, yn aeisneg felly bydd yn cerdded llwybr hollol wahanol i'r newyddiaduron C^mrei*, Bwriedir i'r TWR lenwi cyleh sydd hyd yma heb ei lenwi yn llenyddiaeth Cymrti; bydd safle i wylio gyda dyfalweh, ac amddiffyn gyda ffyddlondeb diwyro crefydd efangylaidd y y w d; bydd hefyd yn gwylio ar symudiadau yr holl gyfundebau crefyddol o bob enwad, ac yn o o eu gweithrediadau. Oddiar y TWR bwriedir hefyd wylio yn arbenig ar symudiadau y Babaeth a Defodaeth, a dynoethi yn ddifloesgni bob math o dwyll crefyddol. Gwneir ymosodiadau digamgymeriad o'r TWR ar ofer-gainpiau, ac arferion Ilygredisr ereill, sydd yn ffvnu yn ein gwlad r ac felly, golygir iddo fod yn nawdd e i ieuenetyd ein Hysgolion Sabbathol, ac ereill, sydd yn rhy fynych yn cael eu llithio i ddilyn y Huaws i wneuthur drwg. Bwriadir awylio yn y TWR ar symadiadau y byd a'r amserau yn wleidiadol, cymdeithasol, a theulu- aidd. ghoddir gwersi yn y TWR ar wleidiadaeth, trafnidaeth deuluaidd, a moeswersi yn cyfFredin. Felly, bydd yn gyfrwng hynod fanteisiol i gynorthwyo newyddiaduron sydd ar y maes eisioes, yn gwneyd eu rhan yn nyrchafiad y genedl. Gan mai prif amcan y Cyhoeddwyr yw, nid enill arian yn unie. ond lledaenu gwybodaeth fuddiol yn mhlith ieuenetyd ein cynulleidfaoedd, athrawon a phlant ein Hysgoliou Sabbathol. Bydd i'r TWR teael ei helaethu yn ol fel y byddo amgylchiadau yn caniatau, a'i ddwyn allan yn wythnosol os bydd galwad am hyny. Bydd yn berffaith anenwadol, ac am hyny taer gymhellir yr holl enwadau i'w gefnotri, a dyfod allan fel un gwr yn erbyn y gelyn cyffredinol. Cotier, mai mewn undeb y mae nerth. Er cau allan unrhyw anmheuaeth am ei anmhleidgarweh, bydd Golygydd o fysg pob enwad, ac ni chyhoeddir dim am un enwad na byddo y Golygydd yn gymeradwyo. Wele yn canlyn enwau y G dvgwyr — Aunibynwyr, Parch. W. Edwards, Ebenezer. Trefnyddion, Calfinaidd, Parch. P. J. Walters. TVdyddwyr, Parch. T. Price, .A., Ph.D. Wesleyaid, Parch. John Rees. Eglwyswyr, Anfoner bysbysiadaa ac archebion am y TWR mor fuan ag y byddo modd, at y Cyhoeddwyr, J. T. Jones & Son, Aberdare Times Office, Aberdare," fel y gwybydder pa nifer i anfon i bob man. 3, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. ESTABLISHED, 1849. TIIB3 GVIiVEA WATCH. ONE of the most suitable:PRESENTS for Young Lads going to School, or returning from their Holidays, is the CELEBRATED GUINEA WATCH, which is not only the greatest novetty of the day, but is decidedly the most marvellous success of modern skill and economy. THE d- U I N E A W -A. T C Ti is STRONG and elegant in appearance, the Movement is sound, well-finished, and jewelled, in four holes, THOMAS EVANS wishes to can the special attention of the YOUNG WORKING MEN of the district to THEE GUINEA "W -A- T O H which he mo3t strongly recommends to them as best suited to their wants, and beyond comparison the best article that has ever been oflered for so small an amount. ^NOTICE.—Every Wittch is examined and warranted correct, price al Is. Sent safely packed and carriage paid to any part of the Principality for Is. extra. To be had at 3, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. CROW-N, ABERDARE. -:0:- MR. J 0 H N JAMES, (Late of tluI Bute Arms.) DE^I RES to announce to his numerous friends and the inhabitants of Aberdare, that he has NKWLY OPKNED the SrACIOUS and COMMODIOUS HOUSE, known as the CROWN HOTEL. M».'sydref. He also wishes to add that, having lately returned from America, after three years residence in the States, he is prepared, gratuitously, to g-ive any information in his power to Emigrants who intend making th. ir liome in that admirable country. MOST IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL WINE CONSUMERS. Standard Measure Wine Company, Head Office-BUILY-STREET WAREHOUSES, LONDON, E.C. I- »I DEPOT FOR THE DITRICT, AT J P It A T T S |^g|| j/ CHEMIST AND ST A TIONER, I COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ll I Supply all Foreign Wines in B RITIS H STANDARD II frll 11 MEASURE, each bottle REGISTERED on the outside ll I with ACTUAL quantity it contains, and CHARGED VV WEMSTEREP -yftAVE'MMW J for accordingly. Standard Pint-and-Half Bottle contains 6 Gills, whereas the largest reputed Quart conUrius only tiills. The quality is unequalled; the Price witbio the reach ot all. Wine, now one of the necessaries rathor than the luxuries of life, is, from its decreased price, fast coming into every day consumption; hence the necessity for a Standard Measure understood by all, by which it can be readily purchased; and what measure better than the Imperial Measure of our own country ? ,I WINES IN,, HAEF-PINT BOTTLE. Containing five ordinary wine glasses. iA o*6st convenient Bottle for Light Wines, small consumers, and invalids. Bordeaux. •• •• from 4s. ol- per dozen. Spanish Port. •• ». -6s- Ol. Alto Douro Port. ,,611. 9d. Cadiz Sherry. 68. 9d. „ WINES IN PINT-AND-A-HALF BOTTLE. Bordeaux from 12s. Od. per do«en. Spanish .Port 17s. 6d. Alto Douro Port. 20s. Oi. „ Cadiz Sherry •• •• •• •• •• •• 20s. OJ. „ -:0:- For prices and descriptions of all Wines, sold by this Company in half-pint, pint, and pint-and-a- half Standard (Imperial Measure) Bottles, also of Sparkling Wines, see Price List, to be had application at above Depot. ARTIFICIAL TEETH! H. W. GEIPFITHSrSUiffEQir DENTIST, (And Assistant for a considerable period to Mr. T. RV.ES,) RESPECTFULLY "informs the Public of Mertiiyr, Aberdare, and Neighbourhood, that he may R be consulted professionally, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily at 3A, Victoria-street. Merthyr. All operations in Dentistry carefully and sItilfullyrpprformed. Artificial Teeth, guaranteed to answer nil the purposes of Natural Tefth, supplied at Moderate Charges. Children's Teeth Regulated. Con. sultations Free. The most careful attention paid to all orders. Charges strictly Moderate. 03* ADDRESS-3A. YICTOKIA-S I'REKT. B R I T-l OBH-FLOUR is prepared from RICK, the Starflc Eood more than Three Hundred Millions (300,000,000) of People, and is/ unequ^d for Blanc-Mange, Custards, l uddnips, Cakes, Soups, &c., and is the most wh^esome and easily digestible Food lor Children \ydxi& Invalids. Testimonial from EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R.S. Hire-Flour is Corn-Flour, and I regard this preparation of Messrs. COLMAN'3 as superior to anything of tho kind now before the public." Testimonial from ARTHUR HILL HASSALL, M.D. I find it to bo perfectly pure and most carefully manufactured; it forms an exceedingly digestible and wholesome article of diet." Testimonial from CHARLES A. CAMERON, 'M.D. I have never tasted anything of tho kind more agreeable in flavour or so easily digestible." Retailed by Family Grooers and Druggists, and Wholesale by '3 J. & J. COLMAN, 108, Cannon Street, London. LIGHT DULY ON THE BOX SAFETY THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST "7 iJufrlic Hotirw. FLI%'I it BRITISH AND POBEIGX COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECTS:— COMMERCIAL INFORM ATfOX.—To rpmove danger or dou bt from contemplated credit transac- tions. REGISTERED INFORMATION.—Not relied upon. Every inqu ry is, wh"D received, des- patched to three or four correspondents, or more if deemed requisite. The information registered appended in addition. Three stamps each in- quiry. LEGAL ADVICE—SuppUed to Subscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained.. AGENTS.-In every Tonrii and City in the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe and America. REGISTERS.—Contain over One Million names. DEBTS.-Promptly applied for, in accordance with inrtructions. Immediate settlement. References permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers furnished free on application. TERMS.— £ 3 3a., £ 5 5s., £ 10 10s., and upwards per annum. OFFICES:—33, Kenfiild-street, Argyle-street; Glasgow; London, E.C., 58, Cheapside Dublin, 10, Henry-street; iVJ anchester, 88, Moosely-street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond-street. Agencies: Applications invited. I 'k i STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BRISTOL & NEATH, Being the quickest and cheapest route to Brecon, Builth, Trecastle, lihayader, Talgarth, Llanidloes, SSenny-bridere, Devvnock, Onllwyu, Merthyr, Dow- lais, Aberdare, Mill Street, Hirwain, Glvti Neath, Maestee, Aberavon, BVKOL Ferry, Pontardawe, Ystalyiera, and places adjacent. Considerable Iterlnrtion in I'ates lins bren arranged be- tween the Propndor of the Steamer and the various Kail, w^y Companies. Application to be made at the Station* on tbe Vale o NfMth Railway to Mr. MDKLKV, Neath and Urecnn Rail way ..1r Morlev, Neath ..ud Brecon Railway; Mr BivOUGH TON, Mid WALES Railway; or to lkr J. L. Quay, Neath. THR IRON-BUILT SCREW STEAMER ■NEATII ABBEY? DANIEL A N S (J omma n«le r Will take IU (JUUILS OJT Jlumlavs Hint I'hiirsdays, at tbe SV T-l*i, B.ICK Bristol, Mrtlm I.lacfh, AUD Sail a» fol- io V 9 (In ri n *R\the ,>nth ot MAY, 1870, Wind, wea- fher.aml « AFI-R per^ittiuu, with HBT ity to tow. HI'oui NKIVLH/ T'loui nath«irn! l'asin VLAV- May. HKiMlll, 4 Wednesday.}^ 7J xnorn 3, I'negday 7 mora t, Saturday 9| morn i, Thursday 81 night 11, Wednesday 2 after U, Alonday 14 night 14, SATURDAY 5 moiu ,J, FrIday. 3' morn 18, Wednesday S morn 17, Tuesday 7 morn HI, 8alurd IT H»I morn 19, Thursday 8} NMHT 2"), Weduesday ? alter '21, Tuesday 1 morn 28, Saturday TI £ alter 27, Friday 4| morn 31, Tuesday 6 uiorn 31, Tuesday 6 uiorn Horses. I•>». fid.; Cattle, 7s. (id.; DOICN PIGA, ITI.TID. Sheep, id. (IIJ*. 12s.; IMisetniis. UN., (J.IRRVHUEN, WIN. Ln6 Stork whipped and lantled at the risk ot the Owuer. All -Minus 0 lie aiixi^nule tlir I'acket belure 5 o";locl, p.w Agents—THOMAS & SOX, Welsh Back, Bristol; J. L. AIATTIIEWIA, Quay, Neath. (SHORT SEA PASSAGE.) EVERY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TO AMERICA. IJ Y THE SPLENDID MAIL STEAMER? of the ALLAN LINE, running iu connec- tion with the GRAND TRUNK and other Rail- ways, and torwardin'j; Passengerb ou easy terms to nil Stations iu CANADA and the WESTEiiN STATES European July 5 Hibernian July 19 Austrian 7 Nestorian. „ 21 Germany H ]2 Caspian 26 Prussian u 14 Scandinavian „ 2S Calling at Londonderry (TreUiid) every Friday to embark, passengers allll hyr Majesty's mails and iroin Ponlalld tlo Li%,t-i-poty( every Saturday. Cabin Passage to POI<TLAN14(1BOsTON, or NEW YOhK, £1;, 18s. and jt" 15sw^ncluding Provisions, but not Wines or LiquorsVwfiich can be obtained on board. Steerage f'!1.,s.age to either Portland, Quebec, Boston, or New York, .£6 (is., including a plentiful supply of cooked Provision. Raggajte taken from, the Ocean, Sif/imxrnos tn ¡ fir Hallway CarK tree of Expense. Pamphlets on Canada supplied gratis. Miortest rtuute to Han Francisco. via the Unien Pacific kailioad. Through tickets issued on the most favourable .terms. t'"r Freight or I'assagc apply, in Glasgow, to J. & A. Allan, in London, to MonUomorie and Urecnhorne, 17 Gracecnurch-street to ALLAK BRDTHKK AC Co.. Alexandra-buildings, James-street. Liverpool and {<;>, I'oyle Mrcet, Londonderry. Any information RI quired concerning Candela can be obtained from Mr. DIXON, 11, Adam-street, Adelpiii, London Agent fur the Canadian Government. Read the Warning Fvice. VSI'KCIAL WOKJC FOli PU1VATE INSTRUCTTOV By HL.Mil a.Mil'H, AI.U.. of the I'uiveniity of Jena author of tht- "People's Iolll.le to Uenlth," "Lecture IO Vounu Men^' &c, i llr. »> A KIN'AG \OICR, a medical work (L<i0 pates) pivin« the N' VV special trfatment Jor tho per ECT CUI-e ot Aervoui De.iluy, WNAU ,.rEALUA, Mental and PBYS^L tru,t, Dizz,iie,.s, Lo,L (,)I IIHV,-iieen '■ ,V Aiuny • li.Mi, '.nil I.tn OTHE- ,LI- "UTFR KLF.C 1 INCI t'Y AU'd all 7l, IR WTB^UT medicine I F'11;. 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