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ii public gfcofc. r. PRICE & CO., 'ountants, Auctioneers, Commission raluers, House 8f Estate Agents, Sfc., Sfc., ired to undertake any business en- to them, and carry out the same tude and fidelity. aberdare. to any amount, either in large or eat on good Leasehold ani Freehold EDWARD LAWRANCE, OP MUSIC (CONijERVATORIUH OF LEIPZIG) AND UljAÙN:Sl; OK :T VID'S CIICRCH, &ERTHYR, LDAKE professionally Every Week. Pianoforte,Ringing, H:rmony, liar- 'ns, &c., &c., &c., may he known on 2, Courtland-terrace, Merthyr. 7 BAKER, GLAZIER, PArEHHANGER, &c., inform the PUBLIC that he has meed business in the above branches, lad, Ahert'arp, where he hopes, by m to aH orders entrusted to his care, h moderate charges, to merit a share ronage and support. 'cted stock of ail kinds of PAPER 5. 3HARD B. BOULTON, UltGEON DENTIST, ^KLES-STREET, CARDIFF. the best that can be obtained, from 5 Guineas the complete set. o years' experience. Established r,men%d by the principal Physicians in CarUrft' and neighbourhood. No msultation. Attendance daily, from ardiff ani Aberdare four trains run ly. MUEL HALL, ifomtu 'jujneb, AN-STREET, ABERDARE. -r- *TS RENEWED, AND REPAIRS Y DESCRIPTION EXECUTED. 'e-;>- 3 FOR ALTERING AND RENO- T Na OLD INSTRUMENTS. EDUCATION. 'NON SEMINARY: ENKIN JONES, MASTKK. LL BE RESUMED ON TUESDAY, JUfvY 19TH. tiNCE HALL, ABE R DARE. •sday, and Wednesday, July the 18th, 19t,1, and 2^/h. i HSBPS'S NTEIITAINMENT, AKD T PANORAMA! Illustrating STD SCENES IN AMERICA! Accurat ly D. pictjng r LIFE IS TIJ W BACK WOODS OF Ills FAR WEST. (jinai Songs, Anecdotes, Music and '+ E C TV R E -+- !VEN*NG,4T EIGHT O'CLOCK. 1. i- inated Bay Exhibition on WEDNESDAY at 13 aif-past Two. i Open Il iif-an-bour Previous. !F.: Second Claps, Is.; Third Class, 6d. ollis and Children Half Price. r. Morris's, Post Office, and at the Doors )i-c-nous to each Exhibition. iauagcr, to whom all communications ressed, Mr. R. C. LEACI:, Post reswnte i, or 17, Wood-street, Cardiff. Lor& Lecturer: Mr. W. H. KDWAliDS. V[,ia bt Stt .ET, IVY COTTAGE, HIGH-STKHKT, DAUK. Apply to Mr. W. SMITH, ■>ir -V e^thyr. ARE VILLAS, ABERDARE. LET, with immediate pnssossto". the desirable ai/d genteel RKSliENC'E a ladies' s>'inin;iry. The premises in room, l;it«iien, &e., and commodious i, togetk»f with seven bedrooms. Foi t)cui..rs Piiply to Mr. John Pug h ee, Aberdare. I'ENREiTHIN COTTAGR, PEN DERYN, BR ECONSHIRE. BE L) T. wiih injrftediate possession X PKNREITIIYN COtfi'AOE, Pendryr The house consists of h<n, parlour, and larder four l>t <!v» m«. <?nd lnn/Ler room. About fou ficres of hind and sUb'le might be had nex January, topel hefcwil/i pasture for two cows, o "Cow Hod p ny. l^lia situation is healthy, com manding extei)-ive"ard beautitul scenery, aw within two miles of tit" Hirwain Station and th VilIe of Neath Waterfalls. For terms, apply to Mr. JEXKIN RHYS, Scyboi *&wr, near Aberdare. < 4 AAAA4A A A A 4AA 4AAAA AA | BUY g « Johnson,Johnson s^Co's\ 1PURE TEA, « BMp Free;, from all Artificial j Colouring Matter, L S 2/- p&r lb. £ 4CHOICE OUALiTIESE 2 "NEW SEASON'S," ► 3 2/8-D'-W3/4-3/3-4/- P Supplied in Pacjrets only, from 2 ozs. to i-lb. and }-ltv<md6-lb. Tin Canisters. Chemists, Confectioners, (s'c., in every Town. jj LOCAL AGENTS. ► d 6. and }-ltv<md6-lb. Tin Canisters. Chemists, Confectioners, (s'c., in every Town. jj LOCAL AGENTS. ► dberdure—EVANS, chemist, 14, Commercial str>n HIf:tP.HDS, ci'jmi*t, 13, C'ardiff-strei Aberaman — RICIIAUCS, chemist, Cardiff-road Cardiff—BAKER, confeciivnr.», 154, Bute road —REES, chemist, 284, Bute-street ■amiin—LIAJYD, draper, post Office Ijowiais—LFAVIS eht-misff 177, UUjh street IIirtooin—SI MS. chemist Jdantrissant LLF-VEI T YN, chemist, Bull Jung r confectioner, Ilvl ii-street —LTVVIS, rkemist, Oeorfie'town —STEPHEN'S, chemist, Jfiyh-sii ett Mountain 4di—JAMES, chemist, 69, Oxford stre j'Griiypridd—I1 AVILS. chemist, Iiiyli-ifteet Rhyrunvy— i) i xo> h,>>nist ■Irvf..r».it—Pui' t, chtmisi, Park-street hjuvsov, JOIINSHS & Co Toa Merchants, lir, BkKwntield-strt^t, City, London. <*• ^fiVAN THOMAS, & IRONMONGER, jjj i SAFETY LAMP MANUFACTUEER, ML 7, GARLIFt.STRElfl, ABERDARE, jS|| T>E-QS ttiOBt respectfully to cal\ tb^/attention of Colliery Proprietors and 1^4eJ J ) Colliers to the superior msikfi/and great advantages in purchasing his LA3IFS, over ouier maker?, as any part of the LAMP can, in case of breakage, be r°Paired at a small cost, on the shortest notice. :;8. JQ. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS i'OR LARGE QUANTITIES. Tough hand-made Glassed properly ground to fit CLANY LAMPS, 5d. each. § Patronised ly The Gentry, Clergy, and leading Tradesmen of South Hrales. E Y A W DAY I D House, Sign, and /Ornamental Painter & Glazier, n PAPER-HANGER, &c., JO ? HIGH It E E T ABERDARE. Wholesale DetH&/in Brhtol Patent Plate and Ornamental Window *Class, Railway Signal Lights, %c. 4) ° C c 09- Experienced Workmen sent to all parts of the Country. THOMAS WHITSUN JONES, A U C T I ON E E R, HOUSE AND COJ/MISSION AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAU-PLACE, ABERDARE. Auction Rooms and Second-hand Furniture Stores. ¡ THE ORIGINAL TIN SHOP, I 19, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. T PERKINS, SHEET IRON, ZINC, AND TIN SMITH, rSHAKES the present opportunity to thank the Puljfic of this town and neighbourhood, for their very JL liber d patronage for many years past, and toy&nnounce that, with improved tools and machinery, he is eualded to execute all orders promptly ana in a superior style of workmanship, and tiusts, by continuing to supply a good article at the towast remunerative price, to merit a continuance of their avours. # ■ i'lip attention of all parties using Dairy* UtejSsils is respectful!}' invited to Ins superior MILK P.\NS and COOLERS, &c, which are made iot/lie very best iiiateri ils His improved ZINC FRAMED HAND GLASSES for GARDENS, and MEAT SAFES, &c always on hand, or made to order BJULCfi -t &W&V ZZ P Jll P ill- G BEER ENGINES AND PIPES REPAIRED. New Pipe always on Hand at 4d. ppr Foot. O R D E R S A N D H K P A I US ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. K p, Trade supplied. Purchasers should see that the mark T. P. is on each article. 'rT THE CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR COOD HOimEUOLI) FU ilN u IIE LEWIS THOMAS, C A B I N ET-M A K E 11 A X D (f I) 11 O L S 11 E II E R, 4 0\N0lli-6lBEET, ABEBDARE, — CARPETS, LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, & MATTINGS OF THE BEST (iUALlFILS. ALL OUDKUS PROMPTLY ATTENDtii.) TO | i '} 6 mau »E ■was- PUB V, BRANDY, 3s. -id. PEP. BOTTLE. J. ij Ii f{- r. i..J J', i,S. D ï t .-) t 4:J. W. MORRIS, | WELSH IIARP WINE AND SPIRIT STORES, ABERDARE, B' KQS to inform 111? public g«:,c.ally Hint he lias befn npi,|>iiit=<l I- f»r ,l' "f" l!f„rv Uf.tt am! Or, Pure Hr»ody, .liicil f"r <ju»lity an-d .oN.a;|,„e», ci.J' In proof of the high estimation in which this genuine article is helu by the facult). -iliMa' that th, following Hospitals and Institutions have been^uppliert therewith :-B,thlei» UoSP' oi| House Lun. tie Asylum, Rrompton l!o-pital lor Con^mption lin.ok House ARylun», V ^onho'; Gtnerai Infirmary, Charing Cross Hospii..i, Dorset County hospital, Ifuiiiam Lni° • Hoai-iii'l Go's Hospi'ai, Ualiiford 1:1 ous- I/Qnatic Asylum, Hastings and St. Le t marv, K.dd-noinster; KingV Colleg.- |lo8mtril, Lancaster !) spensary, M anchester <>} m-irv Middlesex Hospital, National Hokpilki, Nortnampton General Infirmary, I aduin^l house', Royal Free Hospital, Royal IiospiLf, Putney; St. Thomas' Hospital, Strand,'WrexUm Workhouse, Surrey Lunatic Asylum, Sussex Lunatic Asvtum, Westminster » Infirmary. '°' ALLSOPP'S PALE AND BURTON ALES. W. MORRIS also begs to sIde that he is prepared to supply the above Alas, of the October brewing, which are in prime and sparking coudit.on, in any quantity, being one of the largest liolders of Burton Ales in South Wales. 0 11 WELSH HARP WINE AND SPIRIT STORES, ABERDARE. STATION ESt Y & FANCY WAREHOUSE, gi "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDAliE. M J. T. JONES & SON, o' PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, ,-STATIONEB.S, &c., DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC that tlv-y have itfst received a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONEUY and .FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENIS, &c., to which they invite attention. < A large Stoek ot Musical Instruments, inclildWC'oncertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drnms, Harmonica us M«»uth Organs, ftc. The largWl and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FORFION MADE TOYS. Dolls in grunt variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands,'Conversation Cards, &c Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouchcs, Cigar Cases. Ladies Bags, I urses, Albums, &c„ &c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS— "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. II fl JEJ'Z'C. « I In many hospitals in Europe this celejrratcd remeay is now m general use. | 1 I In Spain,"Portugal, and in Italy* the Physicians regularly preserve its use lor g j| 6ores and ulcers. Sailors, soldie-rs, em^ants, and mineis n i mos invaluable. p ■ The Ointment and Pills should be used conjointly in most of the iollowing cases B Asthma Eruptions Piles WII^HT I 1 B*d4ELr3t,$ £ *•»"«« SSf" ml»ng»ituaiffic.uy0t I E Bronchitia Lumbago Sore Throata Breaming | 1 rr CAUTIONNone are genuine unless the words Holloway, London, are B discernible as a Water-marlc in every leaf of the book of directions 1 S & be plainly seen by holding it to the light.— Sold at the manufactory ol I roles- | | sor IIOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, M pots at S 1*- 4s. 6d., lis., 22s,. asd 33s.—There is a considerable saving y | g taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are affixed to each pot. Y T W R. "VJ EWYDDIADUR pytbefr.osol, crefyddol a fbeuluaidd, wyth tudsilen, ftiris un geiniog, cyhoeddedig yn Swyddfa'r ABERDARE TIMES. Teimiir gan lawer fod angen am ryw gyfrrhig neillduol, er gwrthweithio yr ymdrech a wneir y dyddiau hyn, er dwyn Cymru o dan iau Pabyddiaeth a Defodaeth, ac er adnewyddu ofer-gampiau; ac arferion llygredig Yil myse yr ieucnctyd. Mawn cyfarfod o un ar ddeg o weinidogion Aberdar, oynuiledig yn *Swyddfa'r ABERDARK TIMES, Tachwedd 19eg, 18G9, rhoddwyd anogaeth unfvydol 1'1' Meistriaid T. T. Jones a'i Fab, i ddwyn allan y TWR, i'r petwyl uchod cadarnhawyd yr anogaeth drachefn yn Nghyna'd^edd Cyfundeb Gogieddol Annibynwyr Morganwg, a gynaliwyd yn Beln-sda, Mcitbyr. ionawr 17eg, 1870. Oolygid i'r TWR ar y cyntaf fOIl yn gyhoeddiad misol yn ffurf misolion yn gyffredin modd bynag, wedi ymgyngboriad az iniryw,yfei'lioii, yn marn pa rai, y mae genvm grvn hyder, yil ag •ymwrandawiad ar awerymiadau oddivma ac oddidraw, yr ydvm wedi dyfod i'r pend.rfyniad i newid cynl'un y cyhoeddiad yn gwbl felly" yn lie bod yn gyhoeddiad misol, bwriedir i'r TWR fod yn Ncw- yddiadur pythefnosol." Tybir v gellir wrth hyny ymeangu cylch ei ddefnyddioldeb. drwy sicrhau lddo ledaeniad mwy helaeth, ond ni fwriedir cyhiowid dim ar amcan gwreiddiol cyhoeddiad y TWR. Bydd y 1WR o nodwedd L: wir grefyddol ac anifbwadol Hyd y gellir, bydd yn dilyn yr un Ilwybr ac yn debvg o ran nodxvedd i'r Christian Timet, a'r Christian World, yn ae sneg felly bydd yn cerdded llwybr hollol wahanol i'r nti,%vY(idiadipio-n CymreiL,, Bwriedir i'r TwR Ienwi cylch sydd hyd yma heb ei ienwi yn llenyddiaeth CyVru bydd yn safle i wylio gyda dyfalwcli,'86''• at»ddl&rn gyda; ffvddlondeb diwyro crefydd efangylaidd yu y wlad bydd hefyd yn' gwylio ar symudiadau^ hoft gyfandebau crefyddol o bob enwad. aetyw-eronicio eu gweitbrediadau. Oddiar y TWR bwriedir hefyd wvlio yri arbenigar symudiadau y Babaeth a Defodaeth, a dynoethi yn ddifloesgni bob math o dwyll crefyddol. Gwneir ymosodiadau digamgymeriad o'r TWR ar ofer-gampiau, ac arfsrion llygredig ereill, sydd yn ffynu yn ein gwlad ac felly, golygir iddo fod yn nawdd e i ieuenctyd ein Hysgolion Sabbathol, ac ereill, sydd yn rhy fynych yn cael en llrthio i ddilyn y Uuaws i wneuthur drwg. Bvvriadir awylio yn y TWR ar symudiadau y byd a'r amserau yn wleidiadol, cymdeithasol, a thfittlu- aidd. ghoddir gwersi yn y TWR ar wleidiadaeth, trafnidaeth deuluaidd, a moeswersi yn gyffredin. Felly, bydd yn gyfrwng hynod fanteisiol i gynorthwyo newyddiaduron sydd ar y maes eisioes, YI1 gwneyd eu rhan yn nyrchafiad y genedl. Gan mai prif amcan y Cyhoeddwyr yw, nid enill arian yn unie;, ond lledaenu gvvybodaeth fuddiol yn mhlith ieuenctyd ein cynulleidfaoedd, athrawon a phlant ein Hysgolion Sabbathol. Bydd i'r TWR sael ei helaethu yn ol fel y bvddo amgylchiadau yn caniatau, a'i ddwyn allan yn wythnosol os bydd gal wad am hyny. Bydd yn berffaith anenwadol, ac am hyny taer gymhellir yr hall enwadau i'w gefnogi, a dyfod allan fel un gwr yn erbyn y gelyn cyffredinol. Cofier. mai mewn undeb y mae nerth. Er cau allan unrhyw anmheuaeth am ei anmhleidgarwch, bydd Golygydd o fysg pob enwad, ac ni chyhoeddir dim am un enwad na byddo y Golygydd yn gymeradwyo. Wele yn canlyn enwau y G ilygwyr:- Annibynwyr, Parch. W. Edwards, Ebenezer. Trefnyddion, Calfinaidd, Parch. P. J. Walters. Bcdyddwyr, Parch. T. Price, .A., Ph.D. Wesleyaid, Parch. John Rees. Eglvvyswyr, Anfoner hysbysiadaa ac archebion am y TWR mor fuan ag y byddo modd, at y Cyhoeddwyr, J. T. Jones & Son, Aberdare Times Office, Aberdare," fel y gwybydder pa nifer i anfon i bob man. 3, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. ESTABLISHED, 1849. THR GUINEA. WATCH. ONE of the most suitable'PRESENTS for Young Lads going to School, or returning from their Holidays, is the CELEBRATED GUINEA WATCH, which is not only the greatest novelty of the day, but is deoidedly the most marvellous success of modern skill and economy. THE G-^I3STE A "W -A. T C IFI is STRONG and elegant in appearand^, 4he movement is sound, well-finished, and jewelled in four holes. THOMAS EVANS wishes to call the special attention of the YOUNG WORKING MEN of the district to THE GUINEA "W -A. T O HC which he most strongly recommends to them as best suited to their wants, and beyond comparison the best article that has ever been, offered for so small an amount. NOTICE. — Every Wiltch is examined and warranted correct, price 21 Is. Sent safely packed and carriage paid to any part of the Principality f<lr Is. extra To be had at 3, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. "(JiiOWN INN_, ABERDARE. .:o: MR. J O H N/J AMES, (Late of the/Bute Anns.) DESI 1'KS ta announce to his numerous, friends and the inhabitants of Aberdare, that he has .It NKWLY the SI-ACIOUS and COMMODIOUS HOUSE, known as the CROWN HOTEL, MM sydref. lie also wishes to udd that, having lately returned from America, after three ypars residence in the States, lie is prepared, gratuitously, to g ve any information in his power to Emigrants who intend making th ir home in that admirable country. 1!10 MOST IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL WINE CONSUMERS. Standard Measure Wine Company, Head Office-BURY.STREET WAREHOUSES, LONDON, E.C. r- i DEPOT FOR THE DITRICT, AT J • P K A T T S \{||fe 'jpiffllf (( CHEMIST AND ST A TIONER, J LI COMMERCIAL-PLACE, II ^i\ Supply all Foreign Wines in BRITISH STANDARD II 1 ■ MEASURE, each bottle REGIS TERED on the outside II I with ACTUAL quantity it contains, and CHARGED 1^0\STEREd"t"am5^V i for accordingly. Standard Pint-and-Half Bottle contains 6 Gills, whereas the largest reputed Quart contains only 5^ Gills. The quality is unequalled the Price within the reach of all. Wine, now one ol the necessaries rather than the luxuries of life, is, from its decreased price, fast coming into every day consumption hence the necessity for a Standard Measure understood by all, by which it can be readily purchased; and what measure better than the Imperial Measure of our owtf cuuntry ? 1 WINES HALF-PINT BOTTLE. Containing five ordinary wine glasses. A most convenient Bottle for Light Wines, small consumers, and invalids. Bordeaux. irom4a.0d.perdczen. Spanish Port.. •• •• •• •• •• •• f3' j?, Alto Douio Port.. •• •• •• •• •• >» 9 Cadiz Sherry. •• •• •• »» 6s. 9J. '• WINES IN PINT-AND-A-HALF BOTTLE. Bordeaux from 12^ 0tl- l,er JozcD- Spanish Port. 178.6d. „ 1 Alto DQuro Port 20s. Od. „ Cadiz Sherry 208. Ode „ -:0:- For prices and descriptions of all Wines, sold by this Company in half-pint, pint, and pint-and-a- half Standard (Imperial Measure) Bottles, also of Sparkling Wines, see Price List, to be had on application at above Depot. ARTIFICIAL TEETH! H.W.GRIFFITnsrsUR&EON DENTIST, (And Assistant for a considerable period to Mr. T. REES,) RESPEC TFULLY "informs the Public of \^rthyr, Aberdare, and Neighbourhood, that he may- JLt be consulted professionally, froth 9 ajfi. to 8 p.m. daily at 3a, Victoria-street, Mertbyr. A operations in Dentistry carefully and sk^My performed. Artificial Teeth, guaranteed to answer all the purposes of Natural Teeth, supplied at Moderate Charges. Children's Teeth Regulated. Con- sultations Free. The most careful attention paid to all orders. Charges strictly Moderate. <rT ADDRESS- 3A, VICTORIA-STREET. ^ObMAH'S Is prepared from "RICK, the Staple FoopKof^ more than Three Hundred ICllioni, (300,000,000) of People, and .is ucey^alled for Blanc-Mange, Cus kiui, Soups, &c., and is the Jost ^Sesome and easily digestxble Food for Children | I and Invalids. | Testimonial from EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R..S. Rice-Flour is Corn-Flour, and I regard this preparation of Messrs. Coin's as superior to anything of tho kind now before the public." 1 Testimonial from ARTHUR HILL HASSALL, M.D. j « I find it to be perfectly pure and most carefully manufactured; it forms an exceedingly 2 digestible and wholesome article of diet." I Testimonial from CHARLES A. CAMERON, M.D. I have never tasted anything of the kind more agreeable in flavour or so easily digestible." •! I j Retailed by Famfly Grocers and Druggists, and Wholesale by j J J. & J. COLMAN, 108, Cannon Street, London. U^rONLY OH ) THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST gnlrlir IHofire.5. I FLI XT & CO.'S BRlTISa AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJtCrs: — COMMERCIAL INFORM ATION.—To remove danger or doubt from contemplatedcredittransac- al tions. REGISTERED INFORMATION.~Not relied A upon. Every inqu ry is, wb^n received, des- patched to three or four correspondents, or more if deemed requisite. THe information registered appended in addition. Three stamps each in- c quiry. LEGAL ADVICE.—Supped to Subscribers free of charge. CounseLaud Solicitors specially retained. y i AGENTS.—In every Ttfwn and City in the United J Kingdom, theContW^nt of Europe and America. REGISTERS.—Contain over One Million names. w DEBTS.-Promptly applied for, in accordance p with inrtructions. Immediate settlement. n References permitted to numerous commercial s firms. Opinions of subscribers furtiished free v on application. a TEKMS.— £ 3 <Js., £ 5 5s., £ 10 109., and upwards T pi r annum. j OFFICES:—33, Kenfi ld-street, Argyle-street; I Glasgow London, E.C., 58, Cheapside Dublin, 10, Henry-street; Manchester, 88, J Moosely-street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond-street. Agencies: Applications invited. ( 1 c STEAM COMMUNICATION BBTUKBS t BRISTOL & NEATH, I Being the quickest and cheapest route to Brecon, Builth, Treca-stle, Rhayader, Talgarth, Llanidloes, Senny-bridge, DT-vynock, Onllwyn, Merthyr, Vow. ( lais, Aberdare, Mill Street, iiirwain, Glyn Neath, Maesteg, Abenvon, LIN.CI_ Ferry, Poutardawe, I ] Ystalyfera, and places adjacen.. t Crnsiilerable Heduction in Kates bas leen arranged be. j tween the Proprietor 01 the Steauier aDd the various Kail, ycompanies. Applu-.ation to be m:1!1e AT tl;e Stations ON the Vale 0 NEATH Kailway to Mr. MMFCMLY, NeatW AND MRRCOO Itail WA) lir Morler, Keath and Brecon Hail way; MR LIHODGK TON, Mill WNIEJ* Kailway; or to MR J. L. M A I TH BVV Quay, Neatb. THE IBON-BUILT SCREW 8TEAAIBK I\EAT!! ABB MY,' j DANIEL KVANS.OomjtfSHiC.er Will take in Goods on MooilHy*/<fnii Thursdays, at the VVelMb Back iiri^tul, for Hit* al>»~ye places. «o<l Sail as t'ol- 1>>. s Ilnriue the Month ol ^fAV, 187", Wind, wet- [her: an(1 water pefniitting, with liboity to tolv. Kroni N E A] H fioiu Hatliurst Matiin Way. May. HHISTOI. j 4 Wednesday TRmovn 3, Tuesday 7 morn 7, Satui-dav 8| yiorn- b, Thursday 8J night II, Wednesday 2 rv^yi- 9, Monday 12 night U, Saturday 5 morn 13, Friday 3} worn 18, Wednesday 8 morn 17 Tuesday 7 morn 2I, Saturday 10* ;uorn LY, Thursday 8^ IIIPHT 25, Wednesday 'I after 24, lyeaduy 1 morn 28, Saturday t>a «HOR 27, FRIDAY 4} morn 31, Tuesday £ Uiorn Horses, I2». Pd.; Cattle, 7s. od.; L)uwL) ?».; t. ¡ II. 6d- Sheep, is.; Gigs, 12s.; Phaetons. 15" a3s. Live Stock shipped and landed at the risk ot the Owner. AH toods o he alongside the Packet hetore 5 o >Jock, p.ni Agents—THOMAS & Sox, Welsh Back, Bristol J. L. MATTHEWS, Quay, Neath. (SHORT SEA PASSAGE.) ] EVERY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TO AMERICA. BY THE SPLENDID MAIL STEAMERS of the AILAN LINE, running in connec* tion with the GRAND TRUNK aud other Rail- ways, and forwarding Passengers on easy terms to all Stations in CANADA and the WESTERN STATES :— European., July 5j Hibernian July 19 Austrian „ 7 Nestorian „ 21 Germany „ 12i Caspian „ 26 Prus.sian „ 14| Scaiirfinavian „ 2S Calling at Londonderry (Irelarid) every Friday to embark passengers and hecAlajesty's mails and from Portland to LIVRP°°L^VERY Saturday. Cabin Passage to POIJTLA^D J^OSTON, or NEW YOUK, XLS 18s. and £ 15 LOFLMCLUDING Provisions,but n<'T Wines or Liquors, which can be obtained on board. [ Steerage PARAGE to either Portland, Quebec, Boston, or New York, eG 6S., including a plentiful supply of cooked Provision Baggage taken from the Octtan, Steam snip* to the n'ilway Cars free of Expense. Pamphlets on Canada supplied gratis Miortest Koutc to San Francisco, VUI the Unian Pacific Railroad. Throrigh tickets issued on the most favourable terms. FOR Freight or Passage apply, in Glasgow, to J. &. A. Allan, in London, 10 liontonaerie and Greenhorne, 17 Gracechurch-street to ALLAN Brother^ Co., Alexandra-buildings, James-street, Liverpool and 85, Fcyle Street, Londonderry. *#* Any information required concerning Canada can be obtained from Mr. DIXON, 11, Adam-street, Adelphi, London Agent for the Canadian Government. Rend the Warning Voice. ASPKCIAL WORK FOlt PUIV4TE INSTRUCTION. A By U)- !SK'' SiVlITH. M.\1., of the I'niver.sity of Jena, author of the "People's liuide to Health," "Lecture ic Youn^ Men," &c. 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