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TRADE ADDRESSES. TPE 'j, WITCP(ILL HOTEL, | BARRY-FOAD, CADOXTON. BILLIARDS. PaopuiETfK-. —HODDlNOXT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WIV E AAL> SPIRIT. ALE, AND POnTER il KHCHANT. CONVEYANCES LEI ON HIRE. [17 CAPITAL PLOTS OF '.lL .j A.f _l. \3" -LJ.. BUILDING LAND TO LET, Facing the Common. j SPLENDID VIEW. LOW GROUND RENT. Apply J. A. IrGGHE3, Esq., Solicitor, OU TO J. A. OW31S. Arohite-'t, Oi'lo xton. X IMPORT ANT NOTICE. JJ Tu^t Published. ft book for Yojin^ ± e • an D^ J A. BARNES. M.D. (L.S.), entitled "HOvV TO Eli SURE HEALTH,' o/o» stVUU CAUSES, oY-vli Wvh-us+iou of Nervous Vitality, di^sclepcn,hagon such as ^'pXit-^on'of 'th^ Heart, Noises in the Depression, Tmtr<irf»'l Sight anl "in'Stio, '7,^7^^™- of Bow Mi Aw»We, « the Ra.c: .c. "THE ADVISER" A,l,tress, Dr. 48. Bamsbury, London, X. L — R. Bishop, TAILOR, HOSIER & HATTER. 50, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. •*c v? Opposite THE Empire. T BEST VALUE FOR CASH. r367 I ,JI I AnV unverfallv admitted to be KH, ui.nei.a Nervous Disorders, a **?.x i pa;n in the Stomach, Sick Budi as *nd v'lnpss and Swelling after Headache, G.ddvne«F«• £ » CM 'fchil^, M«als, I" j of Appetite, Shortness of Flushing of Heat, L fl Biotches on the Breath Costivene^bcu. y and an Skin, Disturbed tionss &c. Ths fim Nervous and xrem din^^ minutes. Every dose will give rs, le Eox o{ these sufferer is earnestly in\ lteu t- i fee r«'l3, anc[ «'pp'IsEA A BOX. c u the^e Pills are lnvaiu- For female? of a^age c;uTy off all able, as a 1l &u thafc is reqmred. humours, and brin fc thern. There is no No femaie shoula Beecham's Pills for medicine to be found^equal -o of the removing an;> cor(iin" to°the directions system. L u~etV t, will soon restore ensured by their use. t,m naiied Digestion, and For t NVeak Stoniaeb, Ii-^ m'agic, all Disorcers ot j found to work wonders on and a few L.ose^ wi in the human machine. the most ^"M'^tantor^ mugcuiar system, They strength-n „nm.1|e"ion bring back the restore the £ nd arouse into action t? r-woad of health the whole physical energy of the hunian frame. Those are FACTS ^BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH Breath, Tightness and Op^resa^ speedily remove that sense of oppression and gg&u&a COUGH FILLS5. t £ most Violent Cough will in a sho.t time be '^Prepared only, and Sold Who^ale ,.c by t!,eVot,etor, Tho»..s tfcna x, t. He.en JXtS Dealers DN!M dSSion^e giyf„ .vitl. cob box. ROYAL EXCEANGE ASSUEASCE CORPORATION, (Established by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720.) FOR SEA, FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES Agents for Bridgend and Viciaity- "myTESSRS. w11, wILLIAiI3.! SO DUNRAYEN PLACE.. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES "94. Commercial Bcawt, PtKkham, "D-^ Sir,—I am a poor toad at expreasing :^nSwSrt'ere in ■hould like to thank you. Your lozenges have relieving my terrible oonsh. Since 1 haa '25 unlike him otomy' (the same as the iat« Kmp^rorofGHrioany, Hus^itAl^ thank God, I am still alive! performed at^t.-fk bad no one could possibly have had a more violenti it waaso D at tizaes that it quite exhausted me. The w„^eaable tomt UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. The above speakafor itself. Prom strict inquiry it the benefit from usin? Keatipg** Congh «2» The operation was a specially severe one, and was penorm«a wmj assciuist. Dr. H.T. Butlin, ml St. Bartbotomew^ HospitaL IKn«* tSe operation the only means of relirf is the nse of these I^KOOg^ WEIGHT IN GOLD. W anxeme what a spleodid «oo«h TRADE ADDRESSES. EDWARDS' F "HARLEM" For UAIR. c.J c; :J n. C;J HAIR PRODUCER & RESTORER PREVENTS THE HAIR FALLING 0?F AND TURXINa GREY". Unequalled for pro mot: IT* the Growth of vho Hair anll Beard. THE Wi)Ti11D-UNOWNKI) EMMED" FOR BALDNESS. For Curing WEAK ntid Thin Eyelashes, Preserving, Strengthening, and rendering the Hair beautifully soft For removing Scurf, Dandruff, .c.; also for R'Storinyr Grey Hair to its lvttura! colour it i with- out a rival. Phr3Í2i¡ws and Analysts pronounce it to he perfectly harmless, and devoid of any metallic or other injurious ingredieuts. Is., 2. Sd., 3s. st, and 5s. Gd. par bottle, from Chemists, Hairdressers, and Perfumers all over the world,or sent direct on receipt of Postal Older. S5, Hljjj K3U333N, LD^33n, W.8. +- [a CARD.] FREDK. WALL, Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate and Commission Agent, 100, GLEBE-ST., FENARTH. DISTRICT AGEXT FOR SCOTTISH UNION AXD NATIONAL FIRE ASS LIFE INSURANCE' CO. GUARDIAN PLATE GLASS INSURANCE CO. HEXTS AND DEBTS COLLECTED. Levies made by Certificated Bailiffs. MONEY. + M. >XNY LEN T WITIFOITT BILL OF SALE OR SURETIES by the United Kingdom Deposit Bank, 35, Craven-street, Strand. London, upon Note of Hand -.s t'oHo\vs :— £ s. d. £ 20, 24 Monthly Instalments of 0 18 4 £ 30, 24 „ „ 1 7 6 £ 50. 24 „ .2 5 10 £ 100, 24 „ „ .4 11 1 No Commission or Legal Charges incurred. A Guarantee <riven of strictest privacy. Write or call for prospectus. A. G. WILLIS, MANAGER. MONEY TO LEND, in Town or Country, at ."> per cent., in SUM- of £ .">0 and upwards, upon personal security, for a term of not less than three years: also upon MORTGAGE at 3 per cent. No ( charges. — Apply M" Wood, 56, Tasman-road, Stockwell, London. S.W. LOOK HERE WILLIAM MUNI)AY, ORIGINAL TOWN CRIER AND BILL DISTRIBUTOR, 11, Iddesleigh-strcet, Cad- oxton-Barry. All Orders guaranteed to be worked thoroughly on the shortest notice. References given. God save the Queen." "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE THE GREAT BLOOD PURtFtER A RESTORER. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Pimples, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the I'8c8. Cures Scurvy SOFes. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure Ifatttr, From wkatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS From all Parts of the World. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d.. and in cases containing six times the quantity, lie. each aufficient to affect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, or sent for S3 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, Ta8 Lmcoln AND Midlaub Cotnmn Dace COMPANY, Lincoln. CAUTION".—Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture, and beware of worthless imitations or substitutes. SOAP (for Delicate Skins), fid.^JOd., & 2/6. CREAM (for Itching, Face Spots, &c.), 1/lJ, 1/9. POWDER (for Redness, Roughness, &c.), 1/ 1/9. if L OLN )1D Y N E. ^jj| |-nilB^^r^n-k^o^m r^nied^ for The Scholastic Trading Co., Ltd., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. New Stock of Albums, Purses, Pocket Books, Reward Books, and Photo Frames. Note Paper from 61d per packet. Envelopes from 4d per 100. New and Choice Selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards now on View. Writing Desks. Bounds' Poets from 2s lid. 7, St. John's-Square, CARDIFF. TRADE ADDRESSES.


