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BARRY AND DISTRICT NURSING ASSOCIATION. SPLENDID RECORD OF A YEAR'S WORK. THE NEED OF A COTTAGE HOSPITAL. The annual meeting of the Barry and District Nursing Association was held on Thursday after- noon, the 22nd ultimo, at the Barry Hotel, when there were present—Mr O. H. Jones, J.P.. Fonmon Castle (presiding) Mr and Mrs John Cory and Miss Cory (Porthkerry), Mr Clifford J. Cory, Major-General Lee. J.P. (treasurer), Rev Canon Allen, M.A., and the Misses Allen (Porthkerry Rectory), Rev Canon Edwards and the Misses Edwards (St. Andrew's Rectory), Rev E. F. Daniell and Miss Daniell (Sully), Rev W. B. Taylor (London), Dr and Mrs Neale, Mrs Du Reaume, Mrs A. Jackson. Dr and Mrs Powell. Miss Small, Mrs and Miss Whall, Mr R. A. Sprent, Alderman J. C. Meggitt, Mr R. Robinson. Mrs Lewis W. Jones, Dr Sixsmith. Mrs E. S. Johnson, Mrs Sibbering Jones. Mrs F. Small, Mr J. Robins (representative of the Trades' Council), Miss Fleming. Miss Llewellyn, &c. Rev Canon Allen opened the proceedings with prayer, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. COMMITTEE'S REPORT OF LAST YEAR'S WORK. The report of the committee was read by the chairman, showing the excellent work done by the association during the past year. The opera- tions of the association, the report pointed out, extended over an area of ten parishes, representing a population of fullv 17.000. and the work had been carried out during the greater part of the year by the superintendent and three nursing msters. The various kinds of manual labour carried on in the district during 1893 entailed, unfortunately, a large number of accidents, and in consequence of the still lamentably deficient hospital accommodation, some of the accident cases have yet to be sent to the infirmary at Cardiff, a fact which the association have long felt re- presented a very serious state of things. The association, however, is still prepared to under- take the management of a small accident hospital in the event of such a building being provided. The number of applications for treatment received during last year was 583 cases visited, 1.302 visits paid, 16,774. There were also 40 cases left on the 31st December. 1892, so that a total of 623 cases were attended during 1893, of which 429 recovered or became convalescent, 44 died, 10 transferred to hospital. 17 removed from the book for various causes, and 70 carried forward to 1894. It is calculated that the cost of each case averaged 14s 2d, and each visit a little under 61d. In the summary showing the classes of persons nursed. 237 are placed under the head of labouring classes, 26 domestic servants and charwomen, 25 railway employees, 34 small tradespeople. 49 sea- faring men, 104 artisan class. 3.-) tippers and trimmers, 40 riggers and dock workmen. 2 small farmers, 16 boilermakers, and 15 ethers. It would be interesting to know where the 583 cases came from 61 hailed from Barry, 252 from Cadoxton, 190 from Barry Dock, 11 from Dinas Powis, two from Sully, 52 from Eastbrook, I from Palmerstown. 4 from Cwmciddy, 1 from Porthkerry, 3 from Penycoitre, 1 from Merthyr Dovan. 1 from Fonmr 1 from Wenvoe, 2 from Barry Island, and l' Jln Twynvrodyn. A review of the work done since the establishment of the association, on the 16th of April, 1891, shows that in that year there were 291 cases, with 5,391 visits paid 462 cases, with 11,372 visits in 1892 and 623 cases. with 16,774 visits in 1893. The Odd Minutes' Society, which was started in 1891 in con- m,ection with the nurse work, still continues to be of much service, and it is an invaluable aid to the Nursing Association, as it provides bedding and garments for lending during illness, and warm clothing for patients who are recovering. In con- nection with the association, there was a Christmas dinner fund, which provided dinner for 34 very poor families, and oranges for a number of sick children. There is, the committee point out, a constant and real need of cast-off clothing, bedding, furniture, ware, cotton flannel, old linen, periodi- cals, Jcc,, for destitute cases, and the superin- tendent will very greatfully acknowledge the caceipts of such gifts. The committee desire to tender their grateful thanks to all who have helped them, and wish to record their special obligations to the Barry Railway Company and their officials for their considerate treatment el the nursing staff to Miss Small and Miss Jayne (now Mrs Evans) for having organised con- certs for the benefit of the Association to the Barry Garrick Dramatic Society, whose benefit perform- ance resulted in an addition of d610 to the funds to Mrs John Cory for her continued and indis- pensable help and to the benefit societies of the district, who. of their own initiative, held a church parade and house-to-house collection,which brought in the substantial sum of £37 3s 2Jd, an effort to assist the association in its work which, it is understood, will be renewed, and it is trusted that Nursing Sunday may become an institution in the district. The committee feel they cannot close their report without acknowledging their indebt- edness to the ladies who have interested themselves in collecting funds, and record their deep regret that they have lost the services of Mrs John Robinson in consequence of that lady having left Barry nor do they consider they would be doing right if they did not express their deep sense of what is due to the whole-hearted devotion to the work of tending the sick evinced by the superin- tendent, Miss Amy Evans, and her capable staff of lady nurses. THE TREASURER'S REPORT. Major-General Lee, the esteemed honorary treasurer of the association, submitted his report for the year 1893, which showed that the balance in hand at the opening of the year was j6104 128 lljd donations and subscriptions received during the year. d6341 17s 3id other contribu- tions, j659 Os 4Jd; fees paid for nurse helps, 2 42 Os 6d total, A567 118 lid. On the expendi- ture side the principal items were those for house- keeping, &c., :£186 5s 5Jd; salaries to nursing sisters and nurse helps. jE140 18s lid: rent of itome, £ 33 l(;s total expenditure, J6442 Os 6d balance in hand on the 1st January this year, £85 10s 7!d. In the course of his report. General Lee points out that on the whole the statemenc of accounts is a satisfactory and encouraging one. Last year he received considerably less from public bodies, concerts, &c., than the previous year. this source of income yielding only j659 Os 4&d, as against dei49 10s Id in 1892. The difference would have been greater but for the generous action of the benefit societies in organis- ing a church parade. In 1892 he received £ 50 from the Trades' Council, but. up to the present, nothing further has been forthcoming from the same source, although the commit.tee are informed that a collection is being made and, they trust, attended with good results. The subscriptions from private individuals show an increase in 1893. but the chief reliance of the association is still upon Mrs John Cory, who has kindly promised her generous subscription of £ 100 shall also be given for 1894, being one year more than she originally promised. (Applause.) General Lee remarked that since preparing his report he had received £1117s from three lady collectors, which would bring the balance in hand up to £ 83 7s 7Jd. Mr J. Cory moved the adoption of the secretary's and treasurer's reports, the same to be printed and circulated. He thought every one would agree that the reports presented that afternoon were exceedingly satisfactory. It was not necessary for him to say anything in support of the motion, for the reports spoke for themselves. He trusted, fcowever, the committee would agitate for the establishment of a cottage hospital in the district, for such an institution was greatly needed at Barry. (Hear, hear.) The financial statement was certainly very gratifying, knowing as they did that there were so many worthy institutions •f the kind which, unfortunately, were in debt. Mr Cory concluded his remarks by expressing a 4ope that the excellent and competent nursing •toff would be increased this year. (Hear, hear.) Mr J. Robins, representative from the Trades' Council, seconded, and stated the Council were making collections in the district in aid of the funds of the association, but as all the money was not yet in hand, the members considered it advisable to hold the collection over for another month, when they hoped to hand over a substantial sum to the treasurer. (Hear, hear.) The reports were then unanimously adopted. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES. The following members of the executive com- mittee were re-elected with the addition of Mrs Isaac, Dinas Powis — Major-General Lee (treasurer). Dr Neale (chairman), Dr Livingstone, Mrs R. S. Robinson, Dr and Mrs Treharne, Mrs Powell. Dr W. Lloyd Edwards. Mrs Isaac, Mrs Daniell, Dr O'Donnell, Dr Powell, Dr Sixsmith, Dr Brav. and Dr Kelly. The members of the general committee were re-elected as follows, with the addition of several new members :-East Barry and West Holton-Mrs R. Robinson, Mrs Lowdon, Mrs Powell, Mrs McCann, Mrs Neale. Mrs Isaac, Mrs Davies, Mrs Sibbering Jones, Mrs Murrell, Mr William Nicholle, and Messrs Ivor LI. Thomas and J. Robins (representatives of the Trades' Council). East Holton and Cadoxton — Mrs Ewbank, Mrs Treharne, and Miss Small. Porth- kerry—Mrs John Cory and Miss Allen. Penmark and Rhoose-Miss A. Savours and Mrs Morgan (Penmark Vicarage). Wenvoe-Mrs Jenner and Mrs S. Robinson. Dinas Powis knd Michaelstone- le-Pit—Mrs J. Isaac, Mrs E. England, and Mrs Lewis Jones. Sully—Mrs E. F. Daniell. VOTES OF THANKS. Alderman Meggitt moved a vote of thanks to the secretary, treasurer, the auditor (Mr R. A. Sprent), and the lady collectors, for their very able and ever ready services during the past year. Mr Meggitt said the reports of the secretary and treasurer were excellent ones, and the least that could be done in acknowledgment was to pass a very cordial vote of thanks to the honorary officials for the faithful work and devotion mani- fested. They should not, however, only thank the secretary and treasurer, but extend their acknowledgments to the auditor, the collecting ladies, and the efficient nursing staff, aad he was fully confident the ladies and gentlemen present would receive the motion with satisfaction and cordiality. (Hear, hear.) The reports placed before them could not have been so gratifying had it not been for the splendid services, devotion, and self-sacrifice shown by the staff during the past year. (Hear, hear.) Since the establishment of the Nursing Association, the reports showed that a noble work of humanity had been accomplished throughout the district, and it spoke volumes for the untiring energy of the superintendent, Miss Amy Evans, and the members of the staff. This grand work, however, was not executed without expense, and they had to thank the collecting ladies and others for the welcome monetary aid extended to the association. (Hear, hear.) He was pleased to understand they were starting the present year with a balance in hand, but he should like to echo the words of General Lee with regard to the need of increased funds, and trusted those residents of the district who at present did not extend their support would do so this year. (Hear, hear.) With reference to making special provision at Barry for dealing with accident cases, the matter was one worthy of consideration and support. He had seen several men who had sustained accidents taken over the rough roads to Cardiff for treatment, the long distance and jolting only adding to their suffering. If some means were devised by which accidents could be treated at a local hospital, he was confident the results would be satisfactory to all, especially the working classes. (Hear, hear.) Mr Meggitt also expressed the hope that the com- mittee—if no outside body would move in the matter—would take steps in the direction of the establishment of a hospital for the district. (Ap- plause.) Rev Canon Edwards seconded, and said they all felt that the institution was worthy of increased support, not only from the people in the immediate district, but also from residents of all the parishes connected with the association. (Hear, hear.) The population of the Barry district and neighbourhood had greatly increased during the last two or three years, yet money did not come in to anything like the extent it should. They could not expect everything to be; done speedily, but he trusted increased support won Id soon be forth- coming, especially towards the erection of a hospital. When they considered the large amount of excellent work done by the institution, he thought it was a great pity that money was not more freely contributed, so that the staff might be increased. It was a great privilege to be able to help the poor in this way. The poor had a real liking to be visited audattended at their own homes, and they did not care to be taken to hospitals to be separated from their friends. He hoped that the support extended to this worthy movement during the present year would be much greater than previously, remembering more especially that the poor were under the care of the Saviour, and that kindness done to them was regarded by Him as done to Himself. (Hear, hear). The Chairman said he felt great pleasure at the fact that real progress was being made by the association. (.Hear, hear.) While considering this, however, they should all bear in mind the great necessity for still further progress. Re- marks had been made with regard to the desirability of establishing a hospital at Barry. What was required was a small hospital for the treatment of accidents, and he would throw out this suggestion. Possibly the association 19 might be able itself, by means of a special fund, to hire a small house in which they could place two or three beds to treat accidents. This could be considered by the executive committee, and in this way they would be able to make a beginning in view of something more substantial in the future. (Hear, hear.) Referring to the nursing staff, Mr Jones said the greater number of cases visited by the nurses were in the immediate district, and could be reached by means of the railway, but cases occurred also in outlying parishes, and he would suggest that anyone wish- ing to assist the association could do so by lending occasionally a horse and trap, or by giving the nurses a lift" on the way. (Hear, hear.) If this was done a great amount of walking would be saved the nurses. By the next meeting he hoped the staff would be enlarged and a hospital established. (Applause). The votes of thanks were accorded with acclam- ation. and General Lee, in returning thanks, said all who had anything to do with ,the work had done it welcomely. (Applause.) As to the funds, he was glad to say that, somehow or other, they came in. (Laughter, and hear, hear.) They got low at times, but something always providentially happened which put the exchequer right again, and one of the features that made this association rather more of a success than many institutions of the same character was that there were so many ladies willing to collect in aid of the funds. Collecting was disagreeable work some- times, and they were, therefore, very grateful to the ladies for their valuable help, for it was well- known that if it were not for the help thus received the work already carried on by the association could never have been accomplished. He did not wish to say anything against those who did not contribute. There were so many calls, but he thought there were a great many people in the district who could give a little more. The working classes, also, should contribute more than they did, for it was amongst the poorer people that the association worked, and the promoters might reasonably expect more general help. When they bore in m;nd that the nurses made considerably ever 16,000 visits, costing about 61d a visit, it should be some inducement to the public to contribute, however little. One important thing that had led to the success of the movement was the absulute devotion of the nurs- ing stoa, and they were most fortunate in securing a lady like Miss Evans as superintendent, for her life was zealously devoted to nursing. (Cheers.) Rev Canon Allen moved a vote of thanks to the able chairman, and in doing so said Mr Jones had always shown a kind and warm interest in this movement, and on any occasion when he occupied the chair he carried out the duties with that thorough care and precision which won for him the thanks and admiration of all. (Hear, hear.) Canon Allen agreed with previous speakers as to the need of a hospital for the district, and referred to the additional sufferings experienced by persons meeting with accidents at Barry Dock by having to be taken in a conveyance to Cardiff. Canon Allen wished the Nursing Association continued success during the year, and trusted that the funds would be supported by the public much more than during the past. (Hear, hear.) Mr J. Cory seconded, and the vote was carried in a cordial manner. The Chairman suitably returned thanks, re- marking he much appreciated the honour of presid- ing on such an interesting occasion, and his duties on that occasion had been most agreeable. (Hear, hear.) Miss Evans, the superintendent, gracefully thanked the speakers for the kind and encouraging words expressed to the lady collectors, and to those kindly sending flowers and articles for the patients. The company afterwards partook of tea in an adjoining room.



