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NOTICE ACCURATE TIME FOR LITTLE MONEY. From 10s. 6d to 75s. 60 1 pal WAT.'D"RBUR II WATCHES. These World-famed Watches a.re now made in Nickel, Silver, and Gold filled Cases, are Jewelled, Dust-proof, and are without doubt the best value ever offered. REPAIRS MODERATELY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Watches sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order A. MONTGOMERY, THE WATERBURY WATCH DEPOT, 44, Royal Arcade, CARDIFF. [24 Umbrella Manufactory. g g ESTABLISHED^ 0m • 1 ™ II ll j!>;§ <3-2 S P fi vSI 1 rr> rt /T > lU wtLKmA\Sra^«-"T»Ea I i >. W o j Q[jjB 1~1 02 S j; § SQ If). i I IVS^ i s ilS9 wSK e „ — REPAIRING AND RE-COVERING. Parent's Alpaca Umbrellas 2s. 6d. to 6s. 6d. Gent's Laventine and" Glorias 4s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. ■(rent's Superior Silk Umbrella Gs. 6d. to 30s. Itadies' Alpaca Umbrellas Is. 6d. to 5s. 6d. Ladies Laventine a-nd Gloria" 3s. 6d. to fis. 6d. Ladies Silk Umbrellas 8s. 6d. to 20s. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. W. PEDLER, o A "DOTAL A EOADE, /CARDIFF. 04. i\ A- [2S8 -nn_ I HARRYS .1, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, COFFEE, GRILL, AND DINING-ROOMS. I CLOSE: TO Barry Dock and. Railway Station. -H" [247 A Large Stock of NEW AND SECOND GUNS. MUZZLE LOADERS from 15s. BREECHLOADERS 30s. SENT iON! APPROVAL. Write for Particulers to- H. FREEDMAN & SONS. (CGrner of College & WatGrioo-strdsts)? SWANSEA. Jotham & Sons, I 26 & 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. ¡ _cc:cc,==: JOTHAM & SONS. Autumn and Winter Clothing. JOTHAM & SONS. I' JOTHAM & SONS. The largest Stock JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. And best value ever JOTHAM & SONS. i¡ JOTHAM & SONS. Produced. JOTHAM & SONS. 1 JOTHAM & SONS. Separate Rooms on Ground Floor JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. For Juvenile Department. JOTHAM & SONS. I JQTRAM & SQNS. Over 14,000, fourteen thousand square feet of JOTHAM & SONS. Show Rooms. Woollen merchants, patters, Hosiers, and General Outfitters, 26 & 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. [187 Established 1838 (53 years.) "U'T mi T% mins a Elms I. T. DANDO AND SONS, Plumbers, Painters, Glaziers, AND General Decorators, ELECTRIC BELL FITTERS, VERE-ST., CADOXTON. Flush Cisterns :■ THE J*?'' NATIONAL SELF-CLEANSING OF THE (High or Low Pressure) I BEST MAKE WATER FILTER NOW IN STOCK. Is Invaluable for Uie, INCLUDING Schools, Hospitals, Asylums, Mineral Water Works The" Hotels, Laundries, Bakeries <; EYERED," Steam or Hot Water Generators, and all Public Institutions. and," These Cistern^ are specially Prices and Patterns can be had all the latest Improvements. '■ —=<■ *•> UI^Z—- as above. Cooking Ranges, Gas Heating Apparatus, and Green.houses Fitted Up by Experienced Hands. GAS FITTINGS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Electric Appliances for Banks. Hotels, Offices, and Private Houses, Fitted Up with the Latest Inventions, and by Experienced Workmen, at the Cheapest Rates. yi O L IN, GOW, AN D Q A S Ej EXTRA SET OF STRINGS. AND PITCH PIPE, FOR 31s. '1 THE. BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. SEND FOR AND TRY IT! Y 0 H N V I F, S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, [83 11, TREDEGAR PLACE, NEWPORT. The Cadoxton and Barry BILL-POSTING AND ADVERTISING COMPANY (LIMITED) BEG to announce that they CONTRACT for BILL-POSTING and ADVERTISING in all Parts of the United Kingdom. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Offices 15, BARRY DOCK-ROAD. BARRY, and 39, HARVEY-STREET. CADOXTON. [479 J. PHILLIPS & CO., IRONMONGERS, • H Q 9; « W W fT" '"Tf1 £ b» § ttmrrtf '«* w ■■ .■ 111111 2 TSlrUUIjA i-1 O | £ Q jjmmr I-|S LARGE STOCKS TO SELECT FROM. [471 BEDSTEADS I MATTRESSES!! BEDDINC Of Every Description at WHOLESALE PRICES direct from the Manufacturer. C £ »,s?>jK»iLra,^<e Paid. Write for Illustrated IAst to ARTHUR DALE, 62. Church St., Birmingham 'v ["FOR THE BLOOD IS ITRT icunaanLSgSH HDJSP-^blood purifier piB mBfAN D R E STO R E: P. For cleansing and cleaving the blonrt from all im- purities, it caunot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Pimples, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Lege. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears tlie Blood from ail impure mattev, From whatever cause arising. It is a real specific for Gout and Rheumatic pains, It removes the cause from the Blood and Bonos. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war. ranted free from anything injurious to the most ¡ delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietory j I solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS From all Parts of the World. I Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d., and in cases, containing: si;, times the quantity, lis. each — fnillieient to effect permanent cure in the great maioritv of long standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS ana PATKNT MEDICIKK VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, or sent for 3;3 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, Tjij; Ltkcor.n j AND Mijilaxd Counties DRUG Company, Lincoln. e I CAUTION .-Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture and [ I do not be persuaded to take all i¡¡,i!afi"lI. j KITT & Co.'s Rapid Cure. PACKAGES (with MIXTURE, PILLS, and LOTION) 4s. 6d. Cures in a few days all DISCHARGES, either Constitutional or Acquired, Kidney Troubles, Painsjin the Back. CONTAINS NO MERCURY. v KITT & CO., MEDICAL HALL 39, BUTE-ST., CARDIFF. Where they may be consulted from 8 a.m. to 10 p.na. daily. Entrance also at 40, aide-door. [479 ONE,-BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PillS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains In the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, is. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent to any address for aixty stamps by the Makers The Ltncolit and Midi.inb Cotjutibb Dbtjg Company, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents,, Babclay & 10, Loudon, and all liaf Wholesale Honim. ADELIIA Pianofortes. > rJ) c:+- ¡ 8 f rJ) 00 0 d Cf) 00 eN (1 Edward B. BRADER, 5, Church Street, Cardiff. FOR GOOD AND CHEAP PIANOS AND ORGANS. Specialite 22 Guinea Piano. Tuning and Repairs of all Instruments carefully undertaken. ESTABLISHED 1840. 171 G HY-D' c N I I j I s- ll,liz-, bein t 3i j are 60t IMPOSE D a,,idpal,-n.6tf heir k NURSE T SIZE- 29. the sole. Propriet6rs H 0 NIY & 4 M A T R'e e NOIxSE THOMPSON'S PILLS will absolute y prevent J. Consurnption if taken early and continued with unti the constitution is thorougly restored. Thousands of young women die annually by neglueting this simple, yet the most remsukable, of medicines. The blood becomes im poured, hence decay of the lungs and other organs naturally follow. "VTCTRSE THOMPSON'S PiLLS are specially suited for all -i-* lauies, regardless of a^e. The taking of "those medieina? adrertisul for the cure of disorders of both sexes have produced the ipost alarming results therefore, NURSE THOMPSON'S PILLS should be every lady's medlcinefor all purposes. I Note from a correspondent "I must thank you, and con gratulate my daughter, aged 25. upon a marvellous improve- ment in bodily health and personal appearance. Five months ago her condition wiis such as to excite not only pity, but alarm, amongst those interested in her welfare. We gave Nurse Thompson's l'ill;\ a fair trial, and, from a girl of feeble strength and sickly complexion, she has developed into a rosy- faced well-developed young woman." The above is an extract of thousands of similar letters re- ceived by us. TRY THEM for Head-Ache, Pains in the Back or Limbs, Faintaess, Sickness, Giddiness, Languor, Constipation, Flush- ings of Heat, Palpitation, Indigestion. Change of Life, ggrollen Limbs, and all other IRREGULARITIES. [256 'd_ THOROUGHGOOD'S I XL ALL EMBROCATION GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF FOR ALL I rpiGHTNESS OF THE CHEST, COUGHS, CHEST COLDS, I BRONCHITIS, • SORE THROAT, ASTHMA, STIFF NECK, RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, CRAMP, &c. To be had of all Chemists and Druggists or Post I Free on receipt of P.O.O., Is. I-J^d. and 2s. Scl. ——— II PREPARED ONLY BY THOROUGHGOOD AND CO., ¡ 275, HIGH HOLBORX. LONDON, W.C. PRINTING of all kinds, LETTERPRESS and LITHOGRAPHIC, done 'promptly at the "STAR" OFFICE, VEBE-STRRET, CADOXTOX.—The Parcels Post affording great facilities. for cheap and rapid transmission of Parcels, the Management will henceforth avail themselves of it to forward small a parcels of circulars, &c., to their many country custom- ers. Orders executed by return of post when so required. -Sifj| iim* AUJDKhJMiSES. 1- WE HA YE K OW BEEN AESEVERE^ND^KCEN^OM^T^ Q"ALTER °F 3 CENTUR-Y' AND nothwithstanding I. WHY IS THIS ? Because our Goods have stood the Test, and are found to be wW w,- advertise them to be-™ "Best and Cheapest." "W e are now prepared with a SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING FOR SPRING WEAR For Gentlemen, Youths, and Boys. IN OUR BESPOKE DEPARTMENT We hold a Choice Selection of Beautiful Cloths of every kind and ■such as will satisfy the most fastidious person. These Cloths cut' and made up in good style and finish which we turn out our Goods cannot but for ^hei^requLemSits for1 Spring8Wear™^ "S 0rdere Masters &TCompanv isThe leading Clothiers in South Wales and the West of England ? 29 and 30, St. Mary Street, 1 292, Bute-street, I CARDIFF. 1, St, John's Square. j ^5 (Corner of Queen-street) CARDIFF. CARDIFF. y -4 REGISTERED TRACE MARK. JOHN JAMES & CO. ARE NOW SHOWING THE OEM I%" Latest Novelties FOR EARLY SPRING WEAR IN ALL DEPARTMENTS =. The Largest and Choicest Assortment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH IIIIIIMY Out of London. TheLatest lodelsin Mantles,Jackets,Capes,Blouses &c. We Challenge the Trade in this Department for Value, Fit, Style, and Workmanship ? Irish Hand-lade Underclothing. Special Range of Irish Hard-made Underclothing in Ladies! Misses and ChiH-Pn'* n • Special Value in our Talerkut Corsets 6/11, 7/11, 8/11 per Pair "H sizf-sv Full Range of the New Long-waiste$Corsets 2;6|d., 2/lIJd., 3/6^1., 3/lI|d., 4/ll|d, Our Popular Fancy Dress Department. A Grand Range of the Newest Fabrics. Patterns sent on Application. Household Linens and Plain Drapery at Manufacturers' List Prices. Special Line, New Patters, Flannelettes at 2§d. and 3Jd. per vrd Prints, Sattens, Deiaines. kc. Special Value, New Patterns. Dressmaking on the Premises under Competent Hands Charges strictly in accordance with a High-elass Ready Money Trade. JOHN JAMES & CO., 28, 29, and 30, High-street, and 30, 32 and 34, Castle Arcade, CARDIFF. RENOWNED FOR FASHIONABLE GOODS. THE BEST ARTICLE AT THE LOV/EST PRICE. i Pjp O N T I N E ASSURANCE. | TH Egreat obstacle to the universal adoption of Life Assurance amongst salaried official's is the fact that in most offices premiums remain payable during the whole period of life, long after the productive years | have passed, thus becoming a serious burden, whilst, at the same time, the surrender value are so entirely j disproportionate to the amount paid as premium that payment can only be discontinued at very serious loss. For instance, persons who are entitled to retire with pensions from their employment constantly find them- selves obliged to remain at their posts, being otherwise j unable to provide from their lessened income the necessary sum for the maintenance flf their whcle life policies. These obstacles are overcome by the Tontine Policies issued at ordinary life rates by the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE! SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. The Society's Policies, with Twenty Year Tontine Periods now maturing, show (after furnishing protec- tion for twenty years) a return in every case of more than the total amount paid in premiums. AU Twenty Year Endowments show a return of the premium paid, with interest a.t rates between 6 and 7 per cent, per annum. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS TO EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. BANK RUILDIN GS. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF [M. WM. TRIGGS, MANAGER, I "LEWIS'S RECTORAL BALSAM did me ,I. wonder- full amount of good. It relieved my c:mgb instantlv —Is. Hd per bottle. j OHLOiiO-LLNSEED Cough Lozonge: nogt free 7d. BURGLARY INSURANCE GENER" L ACCIDENT ASSURa CORPORATION (LTD). CAPITAL, £ 100.009 Chief Offices-Victoria Buildings, Perth • 4 a;. London,B.C. BURGLARY DBPABTMBBTT A 1J Householders should cover this' H*I- Coantry Mansion House ntk- Town Kesid-uces • Per £ 100. Shops and Warehoisses ^-per £ WO All loss is covered np to the amor^ ance without, reference to th- v>)r.»' -i u Insur- the house. Damage to goo:h ind C0Ht'erits of covered. Premises also Fidelity °Gu1aranlee,aIl^ii^I3^^Sy^rf^n^ Ac^ent., Accident and Employers' Liability A rsum nj* Street Prospectuses and full particu'a-s of t, meats f ree on application to abov/oF* Depart- Offiee 26, Gly^Wd^tTcard^' °ft<> Distri^ Apphcations for Agencies invito r ana valuable agency easily established^ T^S' arge mission allowed Liberal com- f404 E. J. ROBERTS PIUMBER. GASFITTER. SIGN WRTTPT? A IIOJSE-DECOEATOE. &C S* 81' rIIGH STREET, BARRY, Established 1885. rhousands of Pier-p^ of r>. j. Piec, and upwards t* T Per PAPER II Jfgeest IITTISGS hi it>» 7S.v- r GAS and iS