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Jrr0 THE JNHABITANTS OF QARDIFF AND JJISTRICT. T^HObE who appreciate a highly-fin irhedArtisuc A Portrait, we, in confidence of giving entire ^faction, teg to solicit of them the tav™r°* ^eir Patronage. The Photographic A Mechanical process, as many seem to think it is ftomThe ,iice they pay), taufht them that it is not»lfter all, **> Put even cheap UNSATISFACTORY Photo- graphs in the fire two or three times before resolv- es to get a good one. A Genuine Photograph is a of Art, and requires an Artist of Ability, ^Jith large experience, together with a pZ-, Modern Studio Accessories,ere an,ArtlstlcT1P°^ cau executed. In this respect we can trutn- say that we have endeavoured to procure the of Appliances, regardless of expense. in order we might secure a Perfect Portrait m Style Finish. But (what is moreimportant still, OUr Portraits are executed from the Best offPhoto- «r»phic Materials. Even our Mounts are specially ^de for us, and must be guaranteed chemically J £ ?re, with real gold stamping, and bevelled edge. Thus, it will be seen, every precaution is taken by to ensure their better permanency. ta y year We have continued to increase our Busines., this year we have been obliged to open large remises in Pontypridd for our country Patronage, order to avoid the overcrowding and incon- venience experienced during the past year at *Wstreet Studio, and also to bring about the picker dispatch of orders entrusted to us. We J^ote our Prices fearlessly, knowing that they are lowest that can be consistent with Photoeraphs WORTHY OF THE NAME. Yours respectfully, A. LAWRENCE, Managing Partner for Cardiff and District. Pro A. & G. TAYLOR. Puke-street, CardifE and Market-square, Ponoy- Pndd Studios open daily 9 till 6. CABINETS. Per doz. £ -;loz. t-doz. s. d. s. d. s. <1. f Figurea 15 0 10 fl 7 6 Vignettes 18 0 12 0 f J^ldren 18 0 12 0 8 o X^tipofa 17 0 11 0 8 6 too'3 or more!" 18 0 12 fi 8 6 C AnTEs. DK-VISITE. Per doz. Ij-ioz. -:V-doz. 3 s. d. s- d. s. d. figures C C < 0 <» ,oiiettea 7 0 4 6 3 0 .^ildren 70 4 3 ° of 2 .70 0-3 or more 8 0 5 0 SHOOTING SEASON. J^MOKELESS ARTRIDGES, 10s. per 103. J[^UEECH LOADING U From 70s. to :£50. Our own make- FOOTBALL SEASON SEND FOR PRICE LIST. JERSEYS IN ALL COLOURS. [21 pAGB W,oOD AND (j)10 (Opposite the Ca^le), CARDIFF. "h THE CARDIFF X^fiHpECT THRIFT glllLDlNG SOCIETY. I MISTERED Office: 11, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF 4 ^'Ascriptions received at the District Office, ■; Tuesday., from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. B |HSTa1CT OFFICE COFFEE TAVERN, HOLTOK- ■' B ROAD, BARRY DOCK. P S^Cuetaky — Mr. PHILLIP HARRY, I ftr 10' Cecil-street, Roath, Cardiff. I :—Mr. J. K/EES. 4., Iddesleigh-street ^d Mr. W. LLEWELLYN WILLIAMS, Stmth Wales Star, Cadoxton. [173 JJEHTHYR AND jQOWLAIS JJUILDING gOCIETY. ^airnaan — Mr- Alderman 'WILLIAMS, J.*P., ^waelodyfarth House, Merthyr Tydfil. LOANS advanced in -sums FROM £ 1130 TO £ 1B;500 fc2^Sy Re payments im 3 to 17 Years—Favourable Sf9emption Termis—Utmost Seereoy—Loans on ^lding8 in Progress—No Management Charges. I; .08Pectus and farther particulars may be w ^ined free on appiioation to the Local Agents, l^rs. DAVID JONES and Co., Accountants and ^^te Agents, 56, Veee-etreet., Cadoxton. [35 NOW OPEN HARRY'S Horn AND RESTAURANT, Coffee, GRILL, AND Bining-rooms. Every Accommodation for Visitors AT 4-'F41- Moderate charges. CLOiiE TO Barry Dock and Railway Station. [247 MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT. PIt01\{ £10 TO £ 5,0<i £ AT LOWER INTEREST THAN OTHERS. 'IP0 Ladies and Gentlemen, Noblemen, Clergymen, r*; Schoolmasters, ClerVs, Officers, Gentlemen s pervantg, and others in good situations, Farmers, ?ners- Carriers, Tradesmen, Cab Proprietors, K, J^eepers Lodging-house Keepers, Private House- bon^jers' and others, on their own security, without *»»dsmen? on Note 0f Hanci alcoe repayments ar- *«Bed to suit borrowers' own convenience om- ^tions stj-ictly private und confidential n application refused, and honourable and n ^htforward actions guaranteed.- —Intending bor- rr^fr-! are invited, before applying ekwfieie, to call £ rw«to to actual lender, MR. B. EDWARDS, 7, UNION-STREET, HEREFORD. Town or oonntry; distance no object. Letters im- mediately attended to, Established 1W4. [56 JESSE WILLIAMS' I SPRING MEDICINES. BLOOD MEDICINE (J. W. & Co), composed of the best Alterative, Purifying, and Tonic Medicines. It contains Iodide of Potass, Sarsa- parilla, Quinine, and other Resolvent and Cleansing Medicines. As a Cleanser and Purifier of Blood, no better medicine can be made. It may be taken with safety by the most delicate constitution. Does not upset the stomach, and is safe, certain, and speedy. Is. per bottle, three for 2s. 6d. Park Hall Buildings, Cardiff. SALINE POWDER (J. W. & Co.) One or two teaspoonsful dissolved in half a tumbler of water makes a sparkling Acidulated Draught, which is pleasant, cooling, and refreshing. It cures Headaches, Lassitude, Biliousness, Feverish- ness, and allays Thirst. It is a cooling and blood- purifying Medicine. In JIb and lib. tins, at 9d. and Is. 5d in bottles, at Is. or in bulk, at Is. 4d. per lb., at Park Hall Buildings, Cardiff. SULPHUR TABLETS (J. W. & Co.) in packets S 6d. each, or 2s. per lb. A perfect portable substitute for the time-honoured Brimstone and Treacle. These tablets contain Flower of Sulphur, Cream of Tartar, and Sugar. Every bit as good and much more pleasant than Brimstone and Treacle. Sulphur Lozenges (J. W. & Co.) are similar, only they are smaller in size and are oval instead of square. Sulphur Lozenges, 4 id. per box, at Park Hall Buildings, Cardiff. PODOPHYLLIN AND QUININE PILL. The P remedy for Liver and Kidney trouble. Each pill is coated with isinglass, so that it is perfectly soluble and tasteless. 10 £ d., by post Is. Jesse Williams' Medicine for Indigestion promptly relieves wind, spasms, acidity, and the usual symptoms of indigestion. Is., by post Is. 3d.. at Park Hall Buildings. JESSE WILLIAMS, pARK HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. -_u_- [160 GWEL'- IECHYD NAG AUR. F N U- R-:S E. THOM-PSONIS. ILLS' I 'UAUTION;NURSE p,lis be,r!s c!hers, -Pie8Se See th3t t4OU are rOt IMPT)SE D t,,se tru and off own js-being insistan NURSE THOMPSON'S thP ORIGiN4L and Onij CE.NUINF- tl;6 Ntr3e IN t3DXES AT THREE TIMES-.HE 2<9.1 ,,)Mall Cherr.1-tl and Pacert. Medic,e Vendors, Frpe 1ric- S(ile ANTHONY & C9 39,ST MARY STFZF-ET, CAR D I FF. NURSE THOMPSON'S PILLS wilt absoluetly preveni X1 Consumption if taken rarly and con umuillwith unti the constitution is thorougly restored. Thousands of young women die aunuaHy by neglucting this simple, yet the most remarkable, of medicines. The blood becomes impaired, hence decay of the hiim and other organs naturally follow. -■\fUKKK THOMPSON'S PILLS are 3pec;aJly suited tor all J3I ladies, regardless of age. The takinsf of tlio?e medicines advertised for the cure of disorders of both sexes have produced tthe most alarming results: therefore, NURSE THOMPSON'S .PILLS should be every lady's liic-dicinefor all purposes Note from a correspondent :— must thank you, and con _gratulate my daughter, aged 25, upon a marvellous improvc- '.meut in bodily heulth and personal appearance. Vive months iago her condition was such as to excite not only pity, but tvlarm, amongst those int. rested in her welfare. Wo gave it'ur.sf Thompsons Pills a fair;trial, and, from a girl of feeble strength and sickly complexion, she has developed into a rosy- faced-.well-developcd young woman." t 3?Ue above is an extract of thousands of similar letters re- ceived bv us. TRY THEM for Head-Ache, SPaina in the Back or Lnnbs, l'a*,(inoss, Sickness, Giddiness, Languor, Coiistipation, M113I1- !e iugs of lleat, Palpitation. Indigestion, Change of Life, Swollen [,imt*and all other IHllEaUL\UITtES. 1256 ATHLETIC SPORTS /^J PRIZES. £ THE L^V^.JEWT AND BEST P, SELECTION IN WALES. /\VEBBING PiJESEN'TS. NO RUBBISH KEPT, /jh/v 4^% /TESTIMONIAL ——— PLATE. ANY ARTICLE O aad EXCHANGED //i» /BIUTHDAY GIFTS IF NOT in S1IjVE11 & ELECTRO OR PLATE. i 3 ar{d 4, St. Mary-st., CARDIFF. iy Go to LouJon and Elsewhere, and Pay Double. M11- W. DAVEy> CERTIFICATED BAI.LIFF, Under the New Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1888. EKNT8 AND DEBTS COLLECTED AND GENERAL BROKER. Address W, DAVE^'bAI^T, PiSN^RTIL^ Jotham & Sons, 26 & 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. :=::=:- JOTHAM & SONS. Spring ahd Summer Clothing. JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. The largest Stock JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. And best value ever JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. Produced. JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. Separate Rooms on Ground Floor JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. For Juvenile Department. JOTHAM & SONS. JOTHAM & SONS. Over 14,000, fourteen thousand square feet of JOTHAM & SONS. Show Rooms. Woollen merchants, otters, Hosiers, Md General Outfitters, 26 & 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. [187 Established 1838 (63 years.) An Event to be remembered! Grand Opening by a great Firm! J. Hepworth & Son, Limited, Whose fame as the LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE EMPIRE is now widely known, have just secured the Splendid Premises hitherto known as SAMUEL BROS. MARKET BUILDINGS, SAINT MARY STREET, AND WILL OPEN WITH A SUPERB NEW STOCK OF Clothing and „ Hats. :A '• ox SATURDAY NEXT. "W :j J. HEPWORTH & SON, Limited, MARKET BUILDINGS, I ST. MARY STREET, CARDIEFj {373 I ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, (Established by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720.) FOR SEA, FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUllTIES Agents for Bridgend and Vicinity- TIJESSRS. WM. "^rILLIAMS & ON DUNRAVEN PLACE. BRIDGEND. [124 fJlONTINE SURASCE. THE great obstacle W-the universal adoption of Life Assurance amortjjtt salaried officials is the fact that in most offices premium* remain pavrfble during the whole period of life, long after the productive years have passed, thus becoming a serious bnrden, whilst, at the same time, the surrender value are so entirely disproportionate to the amount paid as premium that payment can only be discontinued at very serious loss. For instance, persons who are entitled to retire with pensions from their employment constantly fiurl them- selves obliged to remain :.t their posts, being otherwise mumble ;to provide from their lessened incmce the necessary sum for the maintenance of tlieir whrjle life policies. These obstacles are overcome by tne Pontine Policies issued at ordinary life rates by the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. The Society-s Policies, with Twenty "icar Tontine Periods now maturing, show (after furinsiring" piofcee- tiou for twenty years) a return in every case of more than-the total amount jjaidin premiums. All j. vr.uity Year Endowments show a return of the premium tt.\iol, with mteyost at rates between 6 and 7 per cent. per annnm. T_, .Ç;I1:ND FOR PROSPECTUS TO EOUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY^ THE UNITED STATED, B A N K B U I L 30 I N G S, ST. MARY-STREET., CARDIFF WM. TRIGGS, MANAOKH. BUILDING SOCIETY ESTABLISHES 1851. INCOJHS^ATKD L874. DIRECTORS :— Mr. WM. GRIFFITHS, "a'k Ilowse, Cardiff, Cliairman. Mr. J. MORGAN, Llantrisant, Vioe-ahaifiaan. Mr. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Glasfryn, Poutypridd. Mr. JAMES RICHARDS. Treforest. Mr RICHARD ROGERS, Pontypridd. Mr. RICHARD LEWIS, C.C., Boot Depot, Tony- pandv. REV. WM. PARRY, Taff-street, Pontypridd. Solicitors—Messrs. SPICKETT & SONS, Court House, Pontypridd. ,S'Km'?/(ii'-Mr. T. ROWLAND, Pontypridd. Advances made on Mortgage in sums varying from £ 100 to zCl,000, repayable in monthly or quarterly instalments. MORTGAGE AND SURVEY FEES PAID BY THE SOCIETY. Advances made on the Shortest Notice. For further particulars apply to the Secretary, MR. H. S. DAVIES, TOWN HALL CHAMBERS, 75] PONTYPRIDD (~i a AAA divided into Sums of not less than V/ Ul/U ±'i,000,to beadvunoed on Mortgage —Apply, G. Alexander, Peaybryn, Cardiff. 789 J_ +- ALL -yilSITORS T0| QAE5DIFF Should Pay a Visit to the "WORLD'S FAIR, I Adjoining Great Western Station, Penac Lh-road. I ^DMISSION FREE- ALL KlKbS OF AMUSEMENTS. I QPEN EVERY JJ V E N I N G N E ty E FREE. FREE. FREBL [226 HARRY Wusstone, JUNIOB, SILVERSMITH, Dealer in Works of Art, 54, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOCGHT. I am prepared to Buy for Cash any of the follow- ing :—Antique Silver and Plate, Old China- Coins, Cut-Glass, Battersea Enamel Boxes, &c., 6rc. Hav- ing a large connection amongst collectors, &.e.J am prepared to pay the highest prices for the above. j r' BANKERS: LLOYDS, LIMITED, CARDIFF.[.210 ji J &As YCLES ON -EASY TERWI Singer's, Humber's, Excelsior's, Centaurs, Ivels, &c. REPAIRS, PLATING, AND ENAMELLING. MEA-GElt BR OSS., 10, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. L242 J. IT HOOPEU 4 s0s' CERTIFIED UNDERTAKERS AND CCltf PLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS. S The Best and Cheapest in the District for all j Classes of Funeral Cars. Hearses, Shellibieis, I Mourning Coaches, at Mayne, Hooper & Co. I Higli-strt-et, Barry; and at 30, Winds or-road j Penarth. [ 6gj ADELINA Pianofortes. c:+- C'\S En cz 00 P s (D 00 m G4 01 m < CHEAPEST, WELL-SEASONED, GOOD TONE, DURABLE AND I L"; \NT PIANOFORTES MA:: Edward B. BRADER, 5, Church Street, Cardiff. PIANOFORTES BY BROADWOOD, COLLARD AND COLLARD, BRINSMEAD, and all the Lead- ing English and Foreign Makers. Tuning and Repairs of all Instruments carefully undertaken. ESTABLISHED 1840. U71 THE WITCHELL PEL, BARRY-ROAD, CADOXTON. BILLIARDS. PUOPBIETOR :— B. HODDINOTT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANT. CONVEYANCES LEI ON HIRE. [17 L >- ROYAL HOTEL, CORNER OF BARRY-ROAD AND MAIN-STREET, CADOXTON-JUXTA-BARRY. JflAMILY AND COMMESGEAL HOTEL. CENTRAL, AND PLEASANTLY SITUATED. GOOD STARLING. FllED C. WTMJAMS. 114] PROPRIETOR. DIJMAVES-PLACE REERESHBIT ROOMS, (Near the New i>ridge, BRIDGEND.) HOT JQINNERS J)A|LY; "y^TELL MRED JgEDS. 33] HENRY BALL. NOTICE TO VISITORS. M I S s JI 0 R G A N, THE STAE RESTAURANT, (WELSH SPOKEN) QUEEN-STREET A RCADE. THE BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR A GOOD DfXXER OR TEA. DINNERS FROM 6D. TEA FROM 4D. ICE-CREAMS AXD SWEETS. C O M E AND S E E. OPPOSITE ST. JOHNS CHURCH, IN THE ARCADE. [162 VICTORIA DINING MOMS. HOLTON ROAD. BARRY DOCK HOT DINNERS DAILY. Accommodation for Visitors. Well-aired Beds. PROPRIETOR—C. F. ROSSER. [1 ESPLANADE HOTEL, PORTHCAWL, 100 ROOMS. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Also MARINE HOTEL and TERRACE of FURNISHED HOUSES and APARTMENTS Tenuis Courts. Inclusive 'hotel terms, 7s. 6d. per day; after May 1st, 10s. 6rt. Above are the only hotels-with cea. frontage at Porthcawl, and are the nearest to the golf links. Visitors' subscription to golf club 5s. per week, 10s. 6d. per month. Exceptionally healthy and invigorating climate. Dry, sandy soil. 220] Apply MANAGERESS. jyjR. JOHN YOUNG, BARRY DOCK CHAMBERS, BARRY DOCK, and at 7, TREDERAR-PLACE, NEWPORT, MON., UNDERTAKES the SALE bv AUCTION, or U Private Troatv, of LIVE STOCK, PRO- PERTY, FURNITURE, STOCKS, &c., Valuations for Probate, Transfers of Hotel and other Businesses. Life and Fire Assurances, the Collection of Rents, Management of Estates, Mortgages, Arrangements with Creditors, and the Business of a PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ACCOUNTANT. [87. PLEASE READ THIS! It concerns you, if you want to buy in the Cheapest and Best Market. RASTERS AND CO. (T HE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS) ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING OF EVERY.DESCRIPTION FOR GENTS, YOUTHS, and BOYS, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. 1%/f ASTERS AND CO. never had a better selection than they have to-day Their unrivalled ItX STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, kc., for the present time of the year is the best evidence^ of their enterprise, experience, and efficiency. At MASTERS & CO.'s Establishments Economy and Excellence go haiia in hund, and the result is Universal Satisfaction. EVERY GARMENT IS GUARANTEED FOR WEAR. GOODS TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PERFECT FIT IS GUARANTEED. ONE TRIAL is sufficient to prove the Superiority of- MASTERS and CO.'s CLOTHING. XOTE THE ADDRESSES: 29 and 30, St. Mary Street, ) nnT™ 292, Bute-street, > CARDIFF. 1, St. John's Square, J [52 CARDIFF. CARDIFF. .4 'REGISTERED TRADE MAaK. JOHN JAMES & CO., Great Half-yearly Sale of General Drapery AT LESSENED PRICES, Is now proceeding, and will be continued throughout the Month of July, 1892. Our grand Collection of Mantles, Capes, Jackets, Cloaks, Macintoshes, Jerseys, Costumes, Ac., at Clearing Prices. Special Lot of Ladies' Blouses (new shape), with Frill and Cuff in Mus.iu Delaine, Print Zephyi, Mttslin &C at Is. ll$d.. 2s. 6J>1.. and 2s. ll$d; worth double. High-class Ladies' Silk an 1 Satin Blouses, Jflacka'nd Colours, 6s. l'ld., 8?. lid., and 10s. lid.: see Reductions. Lot of Ladies' Shot Silk Skirts, 7s. lid, Is. lid., and 10s. lid.; worth Double ,,„ Our well-known Irish Hand-Made Ladies' Underclothiag at clearing prices. Natural Wool Underclothing for Summer Wear, very special prices. Children's and Maids' Garments in Jackets. Mantles, Capes, Reefers, Costumes, etc., at reduced prices. A full range of all sizes in the New Bishop Sleeve Watteau Jackets in Ladies, Misses, and Children's. Every Piece throughout our Popular Fancy Dress Department reduced for Sale. A lot of Double-width Dress Fabrics in assotted Stripes, Checks, and Heather Mixtures-. Lot 1.—6 £ d. per yard, regular value 12fd. per yard. Lot 2.-Ditto, Double-width, New Patterns, 12|d.; regular value lSid. Lot 3.-Ditto, a large selection of Patterns and Styles, Douhle-width Ail-Wool French Fabric, Is. 6td., average value 2s. 6fd. Lot 1.—New Patterns in Muslin Delaine Light and Dark Ground*, 6Jd.; regular value 12|d. Lot 2.— Do. do. do. 9Jd.; do. 15|d. Lot 3 — Do. do." do. 12Jd.; do. 18fd. Washing Dress Fabrics in the Fashionable Black Navy Grounds- Lot 1.— 31d. yard; regular value 6fd. yard. Lot 2 4td. do. 7jd. Lot 3.—Printed Satteens, 6fd. do. 9td. A special lot of Embroidered Robes to clear at 21s. lid. and 29s. lid., less than manafactnrers' prices. Household Linen and Plain Drapery at manufacturers' lht prices. A lot of Umbrellas and Sunshade at clearing prices. Special lines in Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, and Trimming. Our Challenge (Dent's) Kid Gloves at Is. l'lfd.: every pair guaranteed, full range of colours and 6izes. Carpets, Linoleums, Rugs, Squares, etc at cleaving prices. Lot of long Lace Curtains in White and Ecru, taped edges, 12Jd., J5 £ d., 18|d., Is. ll^d^ 2s. 6Jd., 2s. llfd., 3s. 6fd., 3s. 11-Jd., 4s. 6$d., and 4a. llfd. Write tor Catalogues of Particulars— w I' 28, 29, and 30, High-street, and 30, 32 and 34, Castle Arcade, CARDIFF. [297 I THE SHIP HOTEL, BARRY, FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL. I civ MINUTES' WALK FROM BARRY RAILWAY STATION I I 00 œ > z I HATJNor BEEN ENTIRELY REBUILT IS NOW OPENED FOR VISITORS. SPECIAL TERMS FOR PRIVATE APARTMENTS FOR CAPTAINS ANDTFAMILIES j 33] A. M. LEICESTER, Proprietress THE GADOXTON AND BARRY BILL-POSTING & ADVERTISING CO., LTD- OFFICES: 12, VERE ST., CADOXTON. HAVE the Largest and Best Bill posting Stations in the District: Lurge Hoardings near the Cadoxton, Ba.rry Dock, and Barry Rail- way Stations. ESTIMATES GIVES" FOR DISPLAYING POSTEES. All work carefully attended to. CommuaiCritions to be addressed to the Secretary. | [866 j MR. A. A. WESTON, AUCTIONEER, VALUER. & ESTATE AGENT 2, HOLTON ROAD, BARRY DOCK. N.B.—HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and TRADES-' MEX'S STOCKSSol(I at the above Rooms Weekly on Commission. Goods intended for Friday's Sale shonla be sent in not liter than Wednesday each week. f42. G. H. Burnett FAMILY BUTCHER, Of Barry-road. Cadoxton. h;is opened a BRANCH BUSINESS at. 57, HIGH-STREET, BARRY, with none but prime English Beef. Wether Mutton. Yeal, Lamb, and dairy-fed Pork. FAMILIES WAITED UPON DAILY. [329