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mil, ELECTION IN I GLAMORGANSHIRE. SOUTH GLAMORGAN. MR. A. J. WILLIAMS' CANDIDATURE: MEETING AT THE DOCKS. Wednesday dinner time Mr. A. J. Williams ^addressed a meeting of the workmen of the Barry Docks at the end of the Graving Dock. A large number of workmen were present, and when Mr. Williams arrived they greeted him with ringing cheers. Mr. Sidney Davies (a, dock workman) pre- sided. and introduced Mr. Williams in a neat little Mr A. J. Williams, incommencing,referred totlft enthusiasm exhibited by the colliers of the Rhondda. Suggestions and complaints had been brought to him from time to time that officials belonging to great companies in this part of the world had been using their influence-their personal influence with the workmen the companies employed to induce them to vote in accordance with the views Of the officials. He did not care which way they induced them to vote—whether Tory or Liberal, but he said it was not proper that any man in authority over workmen should endeavour to get them to vote for either party. He had moved in the matter, and knew from the directors of the Barry Company that this sort of interference would not be tolerated. (Applause.) The chair- man of the Board (Lord Windsor) was a man of the highest honour, and he was sure that, although he might be opposed to him in his political views, he had no wish or contemplation of bringing official pressure to bear upon the workmen of the com- pany. He was told that the authorities had given express directions that no official should interfere with any workmen in the employ of the company, and that they were free to exercise their own discretion in the disposal of their votes. If there was a single case in which any attempt would be made to punish a single workman for refusing to be dictated to he hoped that the case would be brought to his own personal notice, and he told them that if the pressure was found to have been exercised he would do his best to vindicate his constituents. (Applause.) He would deal very shortly with the extraordinary claim the Tories were making to be the friends of the working classes. (Cries of derision.) Did they call it acting as friends to the working classes to tax the corn. and to make the bread dear, so that the landlord might get high rents ? Were the Tories friends of the working men when Mr. Gladstone wanted to take the tax off newspapers, by the taxing of which work- people eould not get cheap literature-when the present Prime Minister said, I wonder who would ever expect to get anything worth reading in a penny newspaper." Lord Salisbury now had to get all his information about his wretched and dis- organised party from the penny newspaper. (Cheers.) Were they the friends of the working classes when in 1866 Mr. John Bright tried to persuade Parlia- ment that the great body of the people in town and country ought to have a vote for the members who made the laws ? Every measure for the bettering.of the working classes had been similarly treated by their so-called Tory friends, who had only very recently found out they were interested in the working classes—only since they had had votes given them bv Mr. Gladstone. (Laughter.) Mr. Williams appealed to all the voters present to record their votes so as to enable Mr. Gladstone to carry out his grand Home Rule scheme for Ireland and the other measures of reform he contemplated. (Cries of We will.") Mr. Harry Inch proposed a resolution of con- fidence in Mr. Williams, which was seconded by Mr. F. W. Taylor, supported by Mr. Fisher, secre- tary of the Goal Trimmers' Association, and carried unanimously. LIBERAL MEETING AT BARRY DOCK. On Friday evening, 1st inst., the Liberals of Barry Dock:held a large meeting at the Public-hall to further the candidature of Mr. A. J. Williams. Alderman Meggitt was voted to the chair. Amongst the gentlemen present were Alderman Meggitt, Dr. Kelly, Messrs. Ben Lewis, H. Inch, Saunders. Taylor, and others. Mr. Taylor, in proposing Alderman Meggitt to the chair, said the meeting was convened to arrange definitely the work of bringing the electors to the poll on Friday next, and considered it every one's duty to take upon himself to do all in his power to give Mr. Williams such an overwhelming majority as to do away with the possibility of another contest. After some very able remarks by Alderman Meggitt, Dr. Kelly, Mr. Saunders, and others, a most satisfactory meet- ing was brought to a close. MEETING AT DIN AS POWIS. On Friday evening a very successful meeting of the electors of Dinas Powis was held at the National Schoolroom. Mr. J. Isaac presided over -alarge and enthusiastic audience. In his opening remarks the Chairman touched upon the near approach of the General Election and said he felt sure in 14 days hence the Tory party would be taught such a lesson of humility they would not forget for many years to come. (Applause.) People had been spreading rumours in that village that the ballot was not secret, but that was an old «dodge to frighten the voters. He could assure them that if they did not tell people themselves no one could ever say which way they had voted. •>( Applause.)—Mr. Cram proposed a vote of confi- dence in Mr. A. J. Williams and the Liberal party. Dr. O'Donnell seconded the resolution, and alluded to the very conscientious way in whieh Mr. Williams had discharged his Parliamentary duties. He impressed upon his hearers the secrecy -of the ballot. As an Irishman he felt very strongly upon the question of Home Rule. The first thing their enemies did when the queston of Home Rule was brought forward was to try and raise up the religious bogey. Sir Morgan Morgan appealed to the Pro- testants not to hand over their fellow-Protestants of Ulster to the Roman Catholics. There was no need of such an appeal, as it was only in one spot in the North-West of Ireland that religious intole- rance existed, and that was a place where the < Protestants were in a majority. It was not the general body of Protestants who were so intole- rant, but a society called Orangemen, who had had to be suppressed, and who had tried to hinder the present Queen from coming to the Throne in favour of the Duke of Cumberland. (Laughter and cheers.)—Mr. Collier then supported the resolution in a vigorous speech, and, upon the Chairman putting°it to the meeting, it was carried unani- mously.—A vote of thanks to the Chairman ter- minated the proceedings. MEETING AT CADOXTON. A meeting, mainly composed of working men was held at the Public Hall, Cadoxton, on Tuesday nieht, to support the candidature of Mr. Arthur j ° Williams. In the unavoidable absence of Mr. Moon, Mr. W. Miller (Vere-street) was voted to the chair. Among those present were the Rev. W Tibbott, Alderman Meggitt. Messrs. Benjamin Lewis. A. Rees, F. W. Taylor, H. Davies, W. LI. Williams, D. Edwards, Evan Jones, W. Saunders, &c—Execellent and stirring speeches were de- livered by the Chairman, Mr. H. Davies, Mr. Evan Jones. Mr. F. W. Taylor, and Mr. C. J. Flowers. The proceedings were most enthusiastic through- out, and the frequent and ready applause testified to the thorough Radicalism of the audience and to the satisfaction felt in Mr. Arthur Williams. TORY FACTS." As a specimen of the facts" which are told and, we suppose, believed by Tories we cull this delicious little gem from the Western Mail of last Tuesday. It was headed Fiasco at Dinas Powis." "The Radical party at Dinas Powis have just experienced what they consider to be a downright insult. A meeting of the supporters of Mr. A. J. Williams was advertised to be held 011 Friday evening at the National Schoolroom, at which the Gladstonian candidate himself, with Councillor T. J. Hughes, Bridgend, and Councillor J. P. Jones, Penarth. were announced to be present, but, to the great surprise of the few persons who put in an appearance at the meeting, neither of the gentle- men named turned up, and an improvised meeting had to be held, Mr. J. Isaacs presiding. Apologetic addresses were delivered by the chairman, Mr. T. Crane, Mr. Lloyd Meyrick (Cardiff), and Dr. O'Donnell (Cadoxton). It is expected that, owing to the snub which Mr. Arthur Williams has thus inflicted upon his supporters at Dinas Powis, many will refrain from going to the poll." The matter is a small one. but is useful as supplying another instance of the Tory representa tion. (1.) "The Gladstonian candidate himself" was i/ot an- nounced to be present. (2.) The persons who turned up were not few." It was one of the best- attended meetings we have ever seen in the School- room. (3.) The few persons who turned up were not greatly surprised that Mr. T. J. Hughes and Mr. J. P. Jones did not attend, for the promise of both gentlemen to be present was conditional. (4) There were no "apologetic addresses "delivered by anyone. On the contrary, the addresses were full of fire and defiance to Toryism. There was no « Mr. T Crane or Mr. Lloyd Meyrick" among :t. the speakers. The speakers were Mr. T. Cram, Mr Collier (Cardiff), and Dr. O'Donnell. (6) Mr. Arthur Williams had nothing to do with the calling of the meeting. It was got up entirely by enthusiastic local Radicals. The Radical party do not think, therefore, they have received a snub," and they would not allow any petty feeling to interfere with their votes on a great and momen- tous question.—It is evident that the Tory scribe was not present at the meeting, and with such stuff the readers of the Mail are satisfied. GOOD TEMPLARS AND SIR MORGAN MORGAN. EAST GLAMORGAN LODGE, NO. 1. This District Lodge, in Quarter Session assembled on Saturday, the 25th day of June, 1892, heartily rejoices in the great progress the Temperance cause has made since the Good Templar Order has been introduced into Great Britain, and acknow- ledges with devout thankfulness our indebtedness to Almighty God for the large measure of success which has followed our efforts in spreading the principles of Good Templary throughout the com- munity during the lust 21 years. We pray and sincerely trust that every Good Templar, temperance friend, and true patriot in our extensive district, with a population of some- thing like 160,000 souls, will awaken to the enormity of the issue that we wish to decide at the coming election whether the brewer or the reformer is to rule this great country. We pledge ourselves most solemnly to use every legitimate means at our disposal to return to Par- liament good men and true, men who are willing to give the people the power to control the liquor traffic by direct veto. Hitherto we have been highly favoured in our district in having as our representatives in the House of Commons gentlemen who stood faithful to our cause, and helped by their great influence and vote to frustrate the design of the late Govern- ment to compensate and endow the brewers and publicans in cases where, for the benefit of the people, the issue of fresh licences were refused. Now that we know who the candidates in our district are, we presume there is no difficulty in deciding to whom we shall give our support and vote. The brewers and publicans have selected their candidates, and we are justified in supporting the two old friends whom the trade opposes—Sir E.J. Reed, K.C.B., and A. J. Williams, Esq., who have satisfactorily answered our questions. Weare satisfied, without regard to party politics, that in this contest our duty is clear. We have no choice; but vote for those who are prepared to advance our cause, and thus help to rid our beloved land of a traffic which is so inimical to the well- being of the nation, and get it, by Imperial enact- ment, removed from the commerce of a civilised and a Christian people. This we work for, and this we pray for and we call upon all Good Templars and friends to assist us in the coming struggle, and vote straight in the privacy of the ballet box for the emancipation of our own country from the bondage of liquordom, which is so prolific in misery, poverty,JI,nd crime. Issued on behalf of the above District Lodge— J. J. McEachran, D.C.T. and D.E.S. E. E. Thomas, D.V.T.; W. T. Raper, D.Coun.; Ben Evans, D.S.J.T.; W. E. H. Fellows. D.Sec. R. Emery, D.Tr.: C. McLeod, D.C.; A. H. N. Reddaway, P.D.C.T. June 29th, 1892.



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