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such a course would not only be unwise but disastrous. The Labour party in the House is as yet comparatively insignificant in numbers and it remains to be seen how many seats the Labour candidates could secure without the eo-operation of either of the two political parties. From an opportunist point of view, it would be a grave and a suicidal blunder on the part of the Labour party to break off its connec- tion with the party which has given it the franchise and the right of combination. Another reason why the Labour party should not break with the Liberals lies in the fact that as yet the Labour representatives have produced no great leader. They have given the House of Commons some of its best members, Mr. THOMAS BURT, Mr. HENRY BROADHCRST, Mr. FENWICK, and our own MAHOX." But not one of these, excellent and able men though they be, can be styled a leader of his party. As yet it is a party without a leader, an army, vast indeed and irresistible in power, but without a general to direct it. Since the leader cannot be found from within ii« own ranks, one must be found from outside. Mr. GLADSTONE, whose sympathy with the struggling, the weak, and the oppressed has been the most conspicuous and lasting trait in his character, is now too advanced in age to think of organising and directing a party which will in time be the most ppwerful in the kingdom. There is no states- man on the Conservative side who has the slightest real sympathy with the New Unionism," as it is called, and there are very few on the Liberal side. Mr. JOJIX MopLEY has gone wrong on the Eight Hours' question, and there are but few official Liberals who are in close sympathy with the Labour movement. Where, then, is the Labour leader of the future to be found ? He must be a good speaker, a ready debater, a man of strong character, reso- lute will, and indomitable courage. He must be in close touch with the people he must be intimately acquainted with their demands and their aspirations; and, withal, he must be .superior to the charms of office. We believe that such a leader will be found in Sir CHARLES DILKE. We have nothing to say here of the STEAD and DILKE controversy we have no in- tention at present of defending or accusing Sir CHARLES DILKE. But it seems to us pretty certain that, guilty or innocent, Sir CHARLES 'will be returned by an overwhelming majority by the electors of the Forest of Dean. That is -easy work. The real fight and the bitterest struggle will take place after DiLICE'S re-entrance into Parliament. He will have no place in the next Liberal Government probably he will stand no chance of office for many years to come. All this seems to point him out as the man, above all others, who is destined to be the leader of the Labour and Radical party. The curse of the Radical party hitherto has been that once their leader makes himself formidable to the official Liberals, he is offered a sop in the way of office, which he accepts, and which effectually gags him. The redemption of the Radical party will be worked out by a leader who can- not, or will not, accept office. Such was the history of the Irish party. It was only when they found an incorruptible leader, who would neither be bought by the emoluments of office, nor be diizzled and tempted by the highest honours, that the party became a power in the politics of the nation. There seems little doubt that, for some years at least, Sir CHARLES will not be offered any office in a Liberal ad- ministration during these years of liberty he will be an invaluable Labour leader. That he is qualifying for the post is evident to all who have followed his recent movements. Not only will he represent the mining district of the Forest of Dean, but he has made himself intimately and clearly acquainted with the labour problems of the day. To Wales his leadership will be of the utmost value. Welsh members are from the very nature of things labour members, for they represent thoroughly Working-class constituencies. The assistance and guidance of a statesman of Sir CHARLES DILKK'S ability and experience will be invalu- able to them. The Welsh members, like the labour members, are in want of a leader, who will not be bought by the offer of an under— lecretaryship or a County-court judgeship. The tendency seems to be for the Welsh party to cast in their lots with the Labour party for the demands of both have not been acknow- ledged by official Liberalism. In Sir CHARLES, therefore, the Welsh members will find a valu- able ally; and his declaration on Monday night at Cardiff in favour of Welsh Home Hule was most opportune. The only logical out- come of Home Rule for Ireland, we have often insisted, is Home Rule all round, or a Federal system by which Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales can regulate their own local affairs. We were glad to see that Sir CHARLES laid Kuch emphasis on this point, and we hope that it will tend to do away with the absurd idea that Welsh Nationalists are aiming at Wales for the Welsh, or that they are asking for something foolish and impracticable. Welsh Nationalists will not, of course, try to further complicate the Irish Home Rule Bill by press- lug their own grievances but they will take an early opportunity, we hope, of extracting from English Liberals a recognition of the principle. The Disestablishment of the Welsh Church must carry with it, to some extent, such a recognition of the principle. The income which is now enjoyed by the Church of England in Wales will be appropriated for national purposes. In order to administer this money, a national council will have to be es- tablished, which will, we trust, form the Nucleus of a Welsh Parliament. .+ THE SALARIES OF SCHOOL TEACHERS. THE time has now come when the question of the salaries of assistant teachers in our elemen- tary schools should be thoroughly considered. Since the passing of the Education Act in 1870, up to within a couple of years ago, the scholastic Profession has been overcrowded, and, conse- quently, the salaries of teachers have been grad- ually lowered. The tide has, however, turned, and our School Boards are as anxious to obtain competent servants as they were previously to look after the interests of the ratepayers. This change has been brought about by the rapid "Cxodns of good teachers from the scholastic pro- fession to the more lucrative ones of law, Medicine, and journalism. At their last meet- lrig, the Llantwit Vardre School Board received Several applications from their assistants for increase of salaries. In some cases the appli- Cants only received the miserable stipend of £32 10s. per annum—twelve shillings and six- Pence per week—and some of the members un- blUshingly retorted that the salaries paid by this Articular Board were equal, and in many cases higher, than those paid by neighbouring boards. If this be true, and we have no :teason for doubting the veracity of such gentle- men as Messrs. JAS. RICHARDS and JAS. ROBERTS, the condition of our teachers must be pitiable indeed. It must be borne in mind that in order to obtain this position under the Boards, the teachers hata first of all to serve an appren- ticeship of four years, at the end of which they are expected to pass the scholarship examina- tion, which we know to be a most trying one for those who have only a few hours each even- ing to prepare themselves, and are even then tired and weary after the annoyances and worry of a day spent in teaching children in a stuffy schoolroom. When this examination is success- fully passed the teachers have again to prepare for another and the harder one of obtaining certificates, which may take place any time after a two years' study. At the end of this long period of training, if successful, they receive just twelve shillings and sixpence per week, on which they are expected to live and dress respectably, and sometimes to support a needy relation or aged parents. It is a matter of small wonder therefore that our most talented and competent teachers leave the profession, or that our Boards find a difficulty in filling their vacancies. A radical change must soon come over our educational system, for we cannot afford to allow our representatives to employ incompetent men and women to train the com- ing freneration and it stands to reason that no able and reasonable man will become the slave of a School Board for twelve shillings and six- pence a week, when from six to ten shillings a day can be earned by manual labour. Even our unskilled labouring classes are better off, better fed, better clothed, and much freer from anxiety and worry than our poor teachers for they, by union and combination, can demand a fair day's wage for a fair day's work, whereas the poor slaves of the scholastic profession are ground down by men who, although professing Liberalism, are really the most tyrannical masters who have ever trodden the earth. If our schools in future are bally taught, or if our youths were to refuse to become school teachers and this is what the state off affairs will eventually become—we shall have to thank no one but our own School Boards,who have so merci- lessly ground down the poor teachers. There- fore, in the interest of the rising generation, we would advise our School Boards, and the Llantwit Vardre Board in particular, to con- sider well the results of what they will decide when the scale of salaries is remodelled- We hope that workingmen, whose claims have received valuable support from the educated classes of this country, will in their turn do their utmost to bring pressure to bear on the members of stingy Boards. The teaching pro- y fession is not only one of the noblest, but it is also one of the most important, of all the pro- fessions. No one, outside the family circle, can exercise so much influence in moulding the character and developing the powers of the coming generation as the schoolmaster. Surely it would be an till-advised economy which pro- vided incompetent men for such an important work. The interests of the ratepayers and of the teachers are at one on this matter. Efficient teachers must be obtained and to secure such, good salaries must be given. The Barry School Board has already found that the truest economy in this matter is liberality. We trust other School Boards will show the same wise foresight. ;— An occurrence, almost more rare than Angel's visits, is that magistrates are required at the Bridg- end police-court. Saturday last, however, saw the exception to a very general rule. The Chairman was the only person who attended, and for an hour the court was kept in suspense. The members of the sought, but not found equal to a few hours on the great unpaid" living in and near the town were Bench administering justice to offenders to be brought before them. One of these justices—living not a hundred yards from the court-was sent for by the Chairman, but as is usual with this gentle- man, he absolutely declined to attend." This is not the first occasion upon which he has refused to fulfil the duties of his office as justice of the peace. It is to be hoped that he will resign his position, and allow the Lord Lieutenant to appoint a sound Nonconformist in his place. There are plenty of such in our midst, but not one has been appointed while the squarson is about! By the way, Mr. Blandy Jenkins, although usually sitting at another court, acceded to the request of the Chairman to sit, and they are duly responsible for all the business that was done that day. The Pontypridd Local Board have once more decided to bring pressure to bear upon the Barry Railway Company to run passenger trains between the two towns. The obstinacy of the Company will, we feel certain, before long become a source of great annoyance and inconvenience to the in- habitants of both towns. Business communica- tions between the two towns are increasing week by week, and commercial men have to waste time and money by travelling along the Taff Vale Rail- way via Cardiff and Cogan, whereas were a system of passenger traffic established on the main line their transactions would be more speedily and cheaply concluded. We hope that the concerted action of the Pontypridd Local Board, the Ponty- pridd Chamber of Trade, the Rural Sanitary Authority, and all other interested parties will be a successful one, and that we shall before long see the rural districts opened up, and really connected with the towns that must eventually become great centres of commerce. r