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IN PARLIAMENT—SESSION 1892. i BARRY AND CADOXTOU G-AS AND WATER. (Powers to construct new works, acquire further Lands and raise additional Capital, other Powers, Amendment or Repeal of Acts.) "V^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applica- -i-N tion is intended to'be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session by the Barry and Cadoxton Gas and Water Company (hereinafter called The Company ") for leave to bring in a Bill for all or some of the following among other purposes that is to say :— 1.—To authorise the Company to make and maintain the works hereinafter described, or some or one of them to be wholly situate in the Parish of Saint Andrews Major, in the County of Glamorgan, that is to say :— (a) A Conduit adit or line of pipes. No. 1, to commence from and out of the exist- ing pumping works and well of the Company on Biglis Moors, and to terminate in that portion of Dinas Powis Moor num- bered 702 on the 1-2500 scale Ordnance Map of that Parish, and 21 chains or there- abouts from the north-west corner of a field, numbered 707 on the said Ordnance Map. (11) A well shaft or boring to be situate in that part of Dinas Powis Moor numbered 702 on the 1-2500 scale Ordnance Map of that Parish, and 2h chains or thereabouts from the north-west corner of a field numbered 707 on the said Ordnance Map. fr) A Conduit adit or line of pipes, No. 2, to commence from or out of the well shaft or boring (work h) before described, and to terminate in and near the north corner of that part of Cog Moor numbered 710 on the 1-2500 scale Ordnance Map of that Parish. (,1) A road to commence at and from the existing pumping works and well of the Company before described, and to terminate by a junction with the existing road of the Barry Railway Company at a point one chain or there- abouts south of the north-west corner of a field numbered 707 on the 1-2500 scale Ordnance Map of the aforesaid parish, (') All necessary and proper embankments walls dams cuts channels aqueducts catch- waters culverts tunnels drains sluices wells tanks engines buildings mains pipes machinery appliances roads Plp- proaches telegraphs and telephones and other works and conveniences. 2.—To authorise the Company to (a) Purchase by compulsion or agreement and hold and to take on lease and to take grants of easements over through or under lands buildings springs streams waters and other hereditaments and property which may be required for the purposes of the intended works and of their undertaking or otherwise requisite or desirable for the purposes of the Bill. and to vary and extinguish all rights and pri- vileges connected therewith. (lJ) Take collect divert impound appro- priate and use all such springs and waters as can be diverted and abstracted or as will or may be intercepted by the proposed works or which may be found in or under any of the lands for the time being be- longing to the Company, or over or in res- pect of which they may acquire easements or rights. (to) Deviate from the lines and levels of the intended works to such an extent as ma}' be defined by the Bill or prescribed by Parlia- nlent. (t,7) Lay down maintain alter remove and renew mains pipes and other apparatus works and conveniences in over under or across and for that purpose to break up. open alter divert stop up or otherwise interfere with either temporarily or per- manently. any turnpike cr other roads highways footways streets public places bridges canals navigations towing paths railways tramways telegraphs telephones pipes sewers drains rivers strc-ams brooks or watercourses in the parishes townships and places before mentioned so far as may be necessary or convenient for any of the purposes of the Bill. 3.—To authorise the Company to raise further moneys for the purposes of the Bill and for the general purposes of their undertaking by the creation of new shares or stock with or without a preference priority or guarantee in payment of interest or dividend or other rights or privileges attached thereto and by borrowing on mortgage or bond and by the creation and issue of debenture stock or by any of these means, and to apply to any of the purposes of the Billi any moneys now belonging to the Company or which they have power to raise. 4.—To incorporate with the Bill all or some of the provisions of "The Companies' Clauses Con- solidation Act. IS-5." The Companies' Clauses Act. 1853." The Companies' Clauses Act, 1839." The Lands" Clauses Acts, and The Waterworks' Clauses Acts. 1847 and 1863," and such parts of "The Railways' Clauses Consolidation Act. 1845," c- as relate to roads and the temporary occupation of lands with such variations modifications and j exceptions as the Bill may prescribe. 5.—To alter, amend, extend, enlarge or to repeal so far as may be necesstry for the purposes of the Bill the provisions or some of the provisions of The Barry and Cadoxton Gas and Water Acts. 1883 and 1839." and all other acts (if any) which may relate to or be affected by any of the objects of the Bill. ô.-Tbe Bill will confer on the Company all powers rights authorities and privileges which are or may become necessary for carrying it into execution, will vary and extinguish all rights and privileges which would in any manner impede or interfere with its objects, and will confer other ex- emptions rights and privileges, and will contain all such provisions as may be necessary or inciden- tal to its objects. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that on or before the 30th day of Novem- ber instant plans and sections of the intended works together with books of reference to such plans and a copy of this Notice as published in the London Gazette will be deposited for public inspec- tion with the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Glamorgan at his Office at Cardiff, and with the Parish Clerk of the said Parish of Saint Andrews Major, at his residence, and on or before 'he 21st, day of December next. printed copies of the Bill for effecting the objects aforesaid will be deposited iu the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Dated this 18th day of November, 1891: DOWNING AND HANDCOCK. Cardiff, Solicitors. JOHN CHARLES BALL. 13. Parliament Street. Westminster. Parliamentary Agent.


