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PENARTH. THE LATE.ME.-W. H. GILES—On Mo^rv tta mortal remains -of Me. W. H. Giles NvoLe iutc.xcdin the Parish Churchyard of Llandough. Fo • many x ears the deceased was -manager of tne stone quariies in taat parish. Latteriy he had been r, iu a. similar cahing at .Pcn.yrch wlic, e he came °to an un- timely end by cut to p-cces, having been th own on the line of rails, the loaded trucks mutilating his, boay in in a irigbttal manner. INTKUJLEDIATE. SCHOOLS.—A n:oeto* the buik.ing com mitt for the erection of intermediate v at Bocal Board OSice on SatUida) cvennj. under the presidency op Mr. James, hdwards Proxessars Powell and Tanner, of the Lnneisity CoJege <>i, South W"ales and Moi- iouth- shire, were present,.and rendered the commit.ee vala- ao.e aid ln.conuug.to.a decisio.i as to the ulans of the schools. It was uecitied to erect schoolfor 120 boys and 80 g.rls ,iii. separate buildings, each bui dbi^ contain si^ .classrooms, school-room and music-room necessary cloak-room, lavatories, ic Iu^ £ centie of the. buildings will be a laig^.ni canabie of ho.ding 2'JCLpupns, to be available £ *• use by «:.iner girls or boys. In addition, thcie wiU be a caretaker's house, laboratories, and playgrounds, The tot.i cost, is est.mat.ed at belaveen £ 4.000 r<nd 4'5 000 r Windsor hasten, the land; and contributed iibe^lly towards the ljuilt.3ns: fund. MlNISTE-U'.A1^ CALL.—-The Presikyierian Church of Wales has at Peiiartn entered rpoa a new lease of life, and it is moat.gj.-ivtv-.ying to record thai during the past fewnonths.the position of the congregation aad the diiiereiit.Qiganisations connected witu ■ he chvrch has materially impioved. The steps- which the mem- bers contemplate taking will undoubtedly have the. eiiect of considerably enhancing success. *They have preferred a call to. the Rev. J. M. Saunders M.A., Llandovery, eldest son of Dr. Sauadoi-s. and nephew of Canon, Howell, late of Wrexham, and formerly of Caruiii. The rev. gentleman has accep 2d the invita- tion to take_pex £ ooal chr -g», and v.21 en.or r»on duties at the beguiling u.: the New Year so thi 0 the Plassey-street Chapel will probably become a centre of ut.tracttc.m &arJy in 1892. 80N.S. OF TEiiPEKANCE.-On Tin-sd.^ evening last the members o the a'JO re society. ,0 the immW of about 7a,.together wita a few friends, sat down to an exce.Jent. dinner provided foe them n Barry's Llestamauu, Ca'c'tf, Jhe whole disease of which in— cluo r.g train, fcjj « to and from Peuarth, being defrayei Coumn^ar JJ. Uibb* the presi/en* of the division. After omner speeches* so^j. <?-c., wee given, and the members of the Penarth Handbell Ringers Association played a coivjle of selections Of course, the cap that inebriates wal not introduced at the festive, gathering, but it was evident f.'iat, that waa no Darner to. the srccess or tiie meeting or the enjoy- ment of the r-?:i!ieiL. Tempesan.ce 'levcrnies we-a in lequest,. anu before the IMùy separated cohee was served.—-Bra. C. Hodge, in pcopa-dng the toast of Xiic President, uslcei that ÍI.,r¡1i&ht. be witli musical honours and cheers, -act aever was su -h a request more heartily lespohded to.— Upon ri-c arrival of .theparty at the Penarth Railway S "t;OIJ, cheers were again given for Mi. Cibbs and family, C.OfJiT LEEr. The Mai^qyis of B -,c's annual eo.ar.ti le.et- took place at t-bq: Merry HP ri s Hotel, Llaudough, on Tuesday, Mr. Chambers, from the esta. a office, representing the Marc.pis. The'usual formality ol opening the court having been goi:» h^on^a, t-fae foilo-wing v.er3 s worn in as, jurymen for the ensuing .year:.—i £ Lr. Rees (Lland;j«gh), foreman; Messrs. <Tiaffiths, John iiiiams. btakci, Jones, Ceorge J. :Edwards," Hopkins, P. C. Ba^ry, Rees (Co-neiswell;, T..B. Clode, H. Ciode. ayd DaLd Mo.-gan (bailiff) This ceremony having be^i. gpae thtocgn, a most in- teresting one followed—that of r good tdnncr, served up in Mr. and Mrs. Cla;ke's well-known style, for which this hostelry hi-,5 become so famed. M.. Cum- bers did the honours of the chsir io a very felic'tous manner, the vice haviogjjeen v.blv filled by Mr. Rees, Carnerswell. Dinner beinga.ver. the rsuai loyal t-oast* were given, followed up with the MP renis rnd Mar- chioness of Bute, net Jo gevuiag the ch, man. whose genial countenance wq hope vo have iu our midst for many years to coxr.e,—T.ie ice-cbai 1 ms<n fe«ljngly alluded to the late M J. A-Co. beet, and his connec- tion for so many yiavs with the cor it lec Mr. Rees then gave the he^th 0; nis, successor. -M- John Corbe.t, a gentleman well, known ana resoec ed, which met with a .le:1 ty response*. One 0 two "o^IisZ toasts i followed, one in. jiaitu-ijai— bei-ig that of Mr. J. S. Corbett-—srhose, presence amongst us, we hope, may bp spared. ior many years to. come. Although iast. r\Qv leafri. c,jac the heakb af Mr. D. Moigaa, the bt.ili.ff.. who. had ab'y filled he post for nearly half a century.. 111 (■ hea'tli of 'i, ho^t and hostess concluded the list. The la. cr porLion of the evening also ,wafeve-y enjoyable.


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