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CORRESPONDENCE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SOUTH WALES STAR. A letter appeared in vour issue of the 16th inst., from Mr. R. C. Griffiths, Bridgend, in which my letter to you of the 9th inst. was criticised. Mr. Griffiths refers to an advertisement which ap- peared in your columns in July last, when by a printer's error. Conservative claimants, and not Liberal claimants were requested to communicate with me. Printers' mistakes, sir, will occur in all papers, but I do not think anyone who knows this district would he misled, more especially as it was corrected almost immediately. Mr. Griffiths states that I supported the claims of two Conservatives. I shall be very glad if Mr. Griffiths will supply me me with their names. I can only say that I did not support anyone who had not sent in a claim through a Liberal agent, and who did not profess to be a Liberal. As I stated in my former letter, there were 70 claims for Cadoxton parish (not 83. as Mr Griffiths states). Of these 14 were dupli- cates one was disqualified through non-payment of rates, and two through receiving parish relief, and a considerable number were disqualified as they had occupied unrated houses. There were, I believe, about 30 claims entered which could not be sustained, as the claimants were not qualified. Mr Griffiths designates these claims as bogus cbims," but I believe that they were signed in ignorance of the law relating to the franchise. Mr. Griffiths further states that the Radical gam at the Revision Court at Cadoxton will not affect the next election, as 93 out of the 113 are owners' claims, and. therefore, were mostly duplicates. This statement is truly remarkable. There are a con- siderable number of owners in this district who are qualified as owners, but are not qualified as occupiers, and, therefore, to say that the 93 owners' claims do not represent any new voters is simply absurd. Mr. Griffiths adds that the Con- servatives can show a substantial net gain on the revision list for South Glamorgan. If the calcula- tion is made in the same way as Mr. Griffiths has calculated in reference to this district, I do not wonder at his statement. The Liberal gain in our district from the last Revision Court is (according to the ordinary rules by which such gain is counted) 113. and this represent at the very least from 80 to 100 additional Liberal voters. Mr. Griffiths, by some mental calculation (the process of which I cannot quite follow), arrives at the fact that the net result is a gain of 1 for the Conservatives. I think, however, he will find his mistake when we come to the general election.—I am, kc., J. ARTHUR HUGHES. Liberal Registration Agent. Local Board Offices. Cadoxton, 20th October, 1891. THE COITY SCHOOL BOARD AND THEIR CHAMPION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SOUTH WALES STAR. gin The Coity School Board have at last found a champion in the person of the redoubtable (?) Veritas but. verily, well may they exclaim, Save us from our champion." Such a con- glomeration of rubbish I am sure it has not been the fortune of the readers of the Star to read be- fore Of course, the poor fellows object was right enough — to whitewash the unjustifiable action of the Board but alas 1 in attempting to do so. he has only made contusion worse con- founded His grammar is wretched, but to his honour be it said, he uses some very long words, and by the way. long, meaningless words are characteristic of him. It would be amusing to follow Veritas's flounderings in grammar, but your space, sir. is too valuable to occupy upon such amusements, and I will therefore only dwell as briefly as possible upon the five paragraphs con- tained in his—well, shall we dignify it with the name of letter ? 1. Veritas" was one of the deputation who waited upon the Board to present to them the petition of four-fifths of the parishioners. This petition traved upon the Board, in respectful Tvcrds to retain the services of Mr. Peters, and can Veritas say that he and his fellows used any dis- respectful words in presenting the petition No, sir, he cannot: or, if Ke can the local press in which the meeting was reported will not bear him out. Veritas was then on the side of the many, but since he has turned a very dignified somersault, and as it was in the beginning, it is now—back- sliders are the bitterest foes. 2 Would Veritas and the small clique to which it has pleased him to go over for reasons best known to himself—we guess what they are-have us believe that the few are right and the many are wrong in regard to Mr. Peters Public opinion is very safe and just, and in Coity everybody knows that public opinion is overwhelmingly in favour of Mr. Peters, and in twelve months will show it, too. 3. In this paragraph the writer refers to the unequivocal testimony of the two members," &c. 'Twas in his haste that David called all men liars, but it is after very many years' experience that the people of Coity have formed an opinion of the veracity of certain parties, and it is labour in vain for Veritas to parade this "unequivocal testimony "—it is neither here nor there. 4. Here poor Veritas sadly betrays the ignorance which is so marked a feature of him. For his edification let me inform him that a new Code tnrne into force this year, and that that amply accounts for the mole-hill which he tries to make a mountain of in regard to the grant. By too. it is gratif ving to find that the Board admits, at least, that the difference between this years grant and that of last yeai is :t s- nc long time it was alleged that the difference was £ 5 OI5^" "in this, the last paragraph. Veritas expresses his opinion that the people of C'oity degenerate If by degenerating he means our determination to secure°fair play for Mr. P., then I say may we still go on degenerating.. In conclusion, sir, allow me to reite™*e ^at Ratepaver said in your columns a few months a^o —"We have set our hands upon the plouah. i. 1 we will not look back till we have seen II} r. Peter., safely on the headland. He is the people's man. and the people will retain him, tnough they have to send a parcel of nobodies to eternal obscurity by doing so." I had intended offering a few remarks upon that precious meeting of the Board, reported in your last. but the length of my letter precludes me from doing so till next week.—I remain, &c., RATEP À YER. [This letter was unavoidably held over last week. We wish correspondents would notice that we fro to print on Thursday afternoons, and that therefore it is advisable to let us have all com- munications by Wednesday morning.—EDITOR s. jr./?.] — -*♦-—-—- THE OFFICIALS OF THE OGMORE AND GARW LOCAL BOARD. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SOUTH WALES STAR. SIR, You will pardon me for asking you for a small space of your valuable paper What rate- pavers lias the great and unselfish Bryncethm "Ratepayer" consulted—Bryncethm If not,_I can assure him that the majority of ratepayers in the Garw and Ogmore arc not altogether satisfied with the conduct of some of the members of the Local Board, and no doubt can point out some faults attached to its officials as well, but I will admit at once that the Chairman is a" gentleman, and will go further. I believe every member of the Board to be a gentleman," whatever position of life he holds; but I presume a gentleman is liable to make a mistake now and then. If so, he must not complain if some poor collier like myself points them out to him occasionally. Also I wish to thank the Chairman for his generosity, but I hope he does not intend taking some of our Bryn- wrach Common from us in the Garw to repay him for his generosity towards our Ogmore friends. The "Bryncethin Ratepayer wishes me and others to come out under our proper names. That is all very well. Why does he not appear under his proper name. I should like to know > (Throw- in^ stones and living in a glass house himself.) Is "he a paid officialI am afraid so. 1 can assure him I am not. nor am I likely to be unless the Board will appoint me to look after the walking o-angers round the corners. i ° I should like to know, Mr. Editor, what prevented our worthy Doctor from attending the meeting when the Surveyor's salary was brought up and dealt with If he had been present I am sure he would have had the courage of voting one way or the other. I was glad to see (from your paper) Mr Salathiel drawing Mr. Edwards out from his hidino- place on the question of letting houses before they were finished. Where was Tom Lewis on this pointI ran of opinion. Mr. Editor, that it is healthier for people to live in unfinished houses than to live, as some of them do, over- crowded. six or seven in the same bedroom, wluch is a disgrace to humanity. Oi course I agree in keeping up the authority of the Board, but let them deal with everybody alike Oh yes, I am told that the officials of the Board have a new form of notices now to serve on householders—what fVipv pnll the u ronch and ready notice. 1 am, yours. &c. GARW RATEPAYER. Oct. 20th. 1891. CHANGE OF CONSTABLES AT TONDU. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SOUTH WALES STAR. SIR.—It is with extreme R^ret the inhabitants of Tondu and Aberkenfig are losing the services of a very valuable officer in the person of Police- constable Phillips. From my own knowledge, and from information I have received, I can safely say he is one of the best officers that has ever been in this district, and if it were not for pre- venting his promotion, a good many ratepayers would be for petitioning for him to remain here. He is one of the sort of officers that is wanted in a place like Aberkenfig, where the publicans are very fond of trying to bribe the constable, being a straightforward man of the highest integrity. I wish him every success in his new sphere of duty, and hope to see him some day, not far distant, with the stripes on. Lucky are the inhabitants who are to have the services of Police-constable Phillips as a limb of the law. They have a good one. But the res- pectable people need not fear; they can be more respectable still; but woe betide the ruffians, thieves, and drunkards they will have to look out. as he is always on the look out. In short, Police-constable Phillips is one of the most res- pectable policemen I have ever met. Would to God that the force was composed of nothing but his sort there would then be no difficulty about the Welsh Sunday Closing Act.—Yours, &c., Aberkenfig. A READER. CONGL Y CYMRY. [DAN OLYGIAETH LLWYDFRYN.] HALOGTR SABBATH. AT OLYGYDD "SEREX Y DE." SYR,—Yn mis Medi darllenuis llythyr yn y Star gan ryw berson nad yw wedi talu fawr sylw i'r Beibl, onide ni fuasai mor ddynol a chvmeryd y rhan o'r Ys- grythyr a gymerodd i brofi nad oedd y person a dorodd gae o wenith ar ydydd cyntaf o'rwythnos—neu Ddydd yr Arglwydd, fel ag y mae yn cael ei adnabod yn y byd Cristionogol—yn tori gorchymyn Daw. Feallaimae y person ei hun oedd yr hwn a wnacth hyn yn y Rhoose. Os nage, bydded i'r person hwnw ddarllen y burned benod o Deuteronomium,iddo gaelgweled ei ddallineb. Yr wyf yn cofio personau yn byw yn yr un fferm na fuasent yn halogi Dydd yr Arglwydd, fel ag y gwnaethpwyd yn mis Medi, 1891; ond pan yn darllcn am y Rhoose a meddwl am y teuluoedd ag oedd yn cadw crefydd y Testament Newydd yn ei phurdeb, ac wedi magu un yn anwyl, ac wcdi bod yn aelod ffyddlawn yn LIancarfau, ond erbyn heddyw wedi gadael eorlan y defai(l, a myned i gorlan y blaidd, yr oedd fy nghalon yn tristau. Mae Crist a'i apostolion wedi rhoddi digon o arwyddnodau yn yr Efengyl er ei adnabod. Buaswn wedi ateb y llythyr yn gynt; ond gan nad oedd neb wcdi cymeryd mewn Haw i wrthbrofi ysgrifen y person, yr wyf yn anfon yr ychydig linellau hyn fel rybudd i halogwyr y Sabbath—nid ffermwyr yn unig, ond pob masnachwyr ar y Sabbath—tafarnwyr a bragwyr. y rhai. o herwydd yr elw, a dorant gyfraith cin tir, ac sydd yn cael eu cefnogi gan y Toriaid sydd yn eistedd ar ein meinciad y dyddiau hyn. Nos dda.— Yr eiddoch, Ac., ATHRAW.



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