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OUR SOCIAL COLUMN. (EDITED BY AFXTIE FLO). 11 Our object in opening' this social column is not one solely of amusement, nor yet of general infor- .nation, but we do it with the view of drawing out the more thoughtful instincts of our nature, and by 11rompting us to perform acts of kindness. inspire by cur influence others to do likewise. In the midst of an ever-increasing population there nre numerous opportunities of befriending those in need. On all sides of us are homes waiting to be brightened by one kind word, and hearts hungering for a sympathetic lock. Societies of a similar character have already been the means of doing great good. Shall we not von ure to hope that something may be gained by the formation of such an one here, and although no inducement is held out but the simple one of doing good, we feel confident that many will be anxious to join the "Band of Kindness." Each week the names of the members will be printed in the SOUTH WALES STAR, and any one desirous of joining the society may do so by communicating with Auntie Flo, at the offices of this paper. Further, any letters or information of a social nature will be heartily welcomed, and news of an interesting character will be inserted in this column. On receipt of one penny stamp a card of membership will be for- warded to any address, upon which, in addition to the name of the member in the case of a child, the signature of cither parent or guardian should be affixed. The following is a ccpy of the pledge each mem- ber is expected to sign :— THE BAND OF KINDNESS. » Established I SSI. EDITED UV ACXTIE FLO. MEMBER'S PLEDGE. "I voluntarily promise to let no opportunity pass of being kind to old people, little children, nilf-I ail animals, and I will do my best to persuade others to join the Band of Kindness. (Signed; Auntie Flo will keep a large book in which will be enrolled all the names and addresses of those who become members of the Band of Kindne-s," and they will be entered in numerical order as they are received. Now. will all my young friends in Barry. Bridg- end. Penarth. and the neighbouring towns and villages do what they can to make this society a success In other places, principally in the North of England, much usefulness is achieved by the youth of both sexes, and if the boys and girls and young people of all descriptions in the homes of my readers will take up the matter warmly we can show in a short time some good return for our existence as a Band of Kindness. Possibly, by-r,nd-bye, our organisation is per- fected, and the members of the Society increase, we nny launch out into more ambitious schemes. Auntie Flo will be pleased to have any suggestions, and will give them due consideration. Do the good that's nearest, Though it's dull at times, Helping. when yon meet them, Lame dogs over stiles. Everyone is interested at the present moment in the enumeration of the inhabitants of our country, and those who can remember when the last census was taken, and possibly the one before, are com- paring notes as to the changes which have occurred. To the old there is ever a charm in looking back- wards. and there must bo many to whom the once quiet resort of holiday-makers and pleasure-seekers, was a more delightftul spot than the bustling town with its spacious docks. and streets of houses. But the young, who live in the future, see in the rising seaport a field where their energies may find employment, and look forward hopefully to the improvements which another decade will bring about. By the aid of history, we are able to go back to the time whe'i the first census took 5 place, and we find it was a command given by God to Moses concerning the Israelites. B.C. 1490. Later on a census was taken at Athene D.C. 317, when -the population was found to consist of 127.630 citizens and 400.000 slaves. The term census, however, originated at Rome. where the first took place B.C. 56S, when the city was found to contain 84.700 citizens. After B.C. 432 it was held in the Campus Martius. and was generally taken every five years at Rome. What is of primary interest to us. however, is the knowledge that the first census of G-reat Britain was made in 1801. the Act of Parliament ordering a census to be taken every 10 years having passed December 31. 1800. Ireland was not included in this return until the year 1813. The fear that was then entertained was that there would net be enough room for our vastly increasing population. Since that time. however, it has been learnt that on the 33.600.000.000 acres of the earth's surface, there is a calculated popula- tion. of only 1,425.000.000—which gives a small estate of 23', acres to each person. We are not so afraid now of our population. What we are afraid of now is that we shall have too many of the wrong sort of people. In Australia they are already passing laws against the immigration of the Chinese. In America, men are afraid that the race will get worse through the great number of negroesand Chinese which over-run the country. And in our own land the" Sweating System in London is said to be in a great degree due to the '.•onsr.int incoming of pauper emigrants from Russia. Germany, and other parts of Europe. The census will throw a great light on this question. and we are glad to find that the leaders of the Jewish community in London are doing their best to help the Registrar-General. It would be very interesting also to know what is the strength of the various religious bodies in the United Kingdom, and there are several other very interesting columns that might be added to the census paper. Perhaps by the time the next census is reached— we shall then be in a new century—public, opinion will be ripe for more searching questions con- cerning religious, industrial, and social matters. ACROSTIC. Which of my readers will give a correct solution of the following :— Take letters on?, two. three, and four. You'll often find it at your door Next two and three and four and one. These are the lads who're full of fun Whilst third and fourth and second, first In olden Greece most nobly nursed: Then lastly, four. three, and two and one. Front sinking ships these rodents run.

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