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——— j J. rp H o M A s, (Formerly lorenian of the G.W.R. South Wales Harness Department), gADDLER, HARNESS & COLLAR MAKER, H0L10X-R0AD, BARRY BOCK, (Opposie Central Police Station.) ALL ORDERS EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ACCOMMODATION AND BUILDING LAND IN THE PARISH OF MERTHYR DOVAN, IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. AND NEAR TO CARDIFF AND THE NEW BARRY DOCK. MESSRS. STEPHENSON AND ALEXANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at Walker's Barry Hotel. Barry, on TUESDAY, the 28th April next, at 2.30 in the Afternoon, the follow- ing valuable FREEHOLD LANDED PROPERTIES, Situate in the Parish of Merthyr Dovan, in the County of Glamorgan, viz. :— Lot 1. A Close of LAND, numbered 70 on the recent Ordnance Survey of the Parish of Merthyr Dovan, having a frontage to the road leading from the Buttrills to Merthyr Dovan, and adjoining the New Cemetery, and containing about 2a. 2r. 25p. Lot 2. Two Closes of LAND, numbered 233 and 236 on the recent Ordnance Survey of the said parish, having a frontage to the road leading from Barry to Colcott, and containing about 10a. lr. lip. Lot 3. A Close of LAND, with the Cottage and Buildings thereon erected, and known as Colcott Vach, numbered 63 and 64 on the recent Ordnance Survey of the said parish, having a frontage to the parish road leading from Colcott to Merthyr Dovan, and containing la. lr. 35p., or thereabouts. Lot 4. A Close of LAND, numbered 50 on the Ordnance Survey, having access to the parish road from Coldcott to Barry, and containing about Oa.3r. 20p. Lot 5. Six Closes of LAND, with the Farmhouse, Outbuildings, Yards, and Orchard, known as Colcot Vawr, having a considerable frontage to the Barry and Port-roads, and numbered 40, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 56 on the recent Ordnance Survey of the said parish, and containing 16a. 2r. 6p., or thereabouts. Lot 6. Three Closes of LAND, adjoining the before- mentioned Lot, having a frontage to the Port-road, numbered 42. 47, and 48 on the recent Ordnance Sur- vey. and containing about 14a. Or. 35p. Lot 7. Three Closes of LAND, numbered 44, 46 and 200 on the recent Ordnance Survey of the said parish, having a considerable frontage to Port-road, and con- taining about 15a. 3r. 15 p. Lot 8. Two Closes of LAND, numbered 199 and 45 on the recent Ordnance Survey of the said parish, having a frontage to Port-road, and containing 3a. 3r. 15p., or thereabouts. Lot 9. Two Closes of LAND, having a frontage to the Port-road, and also to the parish road leading from Barry to Port-road, numbered 179 and 180 on the recent Ordnance Survey, and containing 9a. lr. 6p. or thereabouts. The foregoing lots are within short distances of the Barry Dock, and afford an unusual opportunity to in- vestors in this class of property in this rising and important district, and are now in the occupation of Mr. David Howells, upon a yearly tenancy, v." hi eh ex- pires in February next. Plans. Particulars, and Conditions of Sale are in course of preparation, and may be had upon applica- tion to Messrs. Stevens, Bawtree, and Stevens. Solicitors, 73A, Queen Victoria-street, London, or of the Auctioneers, at Cardiff. QGMORE ANGLING ASSOCIATION. The above Association having JJENTED THE DUNRAVEN WATERS For their Member's jp X C L U 8 I V E ANGLING, Any person found fishing without a ticket will be prosecuted FRANK BARTLETT. Hon. Sec. Q U S T O D I A N WANTED. The Maestcg Local Board requires the services of a Custodian for the Town Hall. The duties will include the taking care of. and general management of the Town Hall, seeing hiring' fees paid, and the keeping of proper order a t ill Meetings and Entertainments. 11 Applications in writing for the office, stating salary required, endorsed Custodian." to be delivered to me not later than six o'clock of the evening of Friday, the 10th April next. R. SCALE, Clerk. Town Hall Chambers. March 28th, 1891. COLLECTOR WANTED. The Maesteg Local Board will at its next Meet- ing proceed to the Election of a Collector. The duties will include the preparation and collection of the General District Rate, collection of other dues belonging to the Board, and the el keeping of the necessary Books and Accounts rela- ting thereto, in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Board. Security for X500 to the satisfaction of the Board will be required. Applications in writing for the office, stating salary required, endorsed Collector." to be de- livered to me not later than six o'clock of the Evening of Friday, the 10th April next. R. SCALE. Clerk. Town Hall Chambers, March 28th, 1891. DOARD SCHOOL, CADOXTON, BARRY. A GRAND CONCERT Will be held under distinguished patronage at the above place, Ox EDXESOAY EVEXIXG NEXT, APRIL 8TH, In aid of the Cadoxton Welsh Church Building Fund, when SEVERAL EMINENT ARTISTES Will take part. Chairman SIR MORGAN MORGAN, Cardiff. Doors opf>n at 7. the Concert to commence promptly at 7.30. Admission 2s.. Is. and 6d. IX) THE INHABITANTS OF HOLTON ANT) THE BABBF DISTRICT GENER^LLY. JJICHAHD GUY, THE WELL-KNOWN PORK BUTCHER AND BACON CURER, BEGS to Inform his numerous customers that on THURSDAY, April 9th, Next, he will open large and convenient premises suitably erected for the trade, at HOLTON-ROAD, BARRY DOCK, and, while thanking his customers for past favours, respectfully begs a continuance of their patronage and recommendation. His goods will be precisely the same quality as those for which he is so well noted at Penarth, and will be sold at the same price. WILL OPEN ON THURSDAY NEXT, APRIL 9TH. ADDRESS HOLTON-ROAD, BARRY DOCK, AND GLEBE-STREET, PENARTH. J. JONES, (FROM BAKER BAKER, BRISTOL.) Begs to announce that he OPENED on Thursday, March 23th, 1892, with a well-assorted Stock of MILLINERY, FANCY, AND GENERAL. DRAPERY. Note the Address BRISTOL HOUSE, 16, MAIN STREET, CADOXTON. WANTED. WANTED, in good condition, Second-hand VV WHEEL-BARROW—Apply and state price to W. B., South Wales Star Office. WANTED, respectable BOYS to sell the South IYale* Stur.—-Good commission to suitable lads. Apply Manager," Star" Printing Works, Vere Street, Cadoxton. A PARTMENTS required by two Gentlemen.— XV N eighhourhood of Cadoxton Village or Old Barry, preferred.—Apply "Excelsior," South Wales Star, Cadoxton, Barry. GM ENERAL SERVANT Wanted able to do plain J" cooking.—Apply A 21, South M «/t'« Star, Cad- oxton, Barry. DRAPERY-Wanted, sharp YOUTH, also young D LADY APPRENTICE out-door preferred.- W. C. Edwards, Dunraven House, Bridgend. FOR SALE. I7H3R SALE—A 35 Guinea Piano, for £ 1C. Come and see it. Also a Musical Box, plays 8 tunes, cost £ 8, will sell for f2 10s.; this is a bargain.—Apply Buckland, Salop-street, the oldest established dealer in Penarth. IT^OR SALE, a Genuine Bargain, Bedroom Suite of Furniture, consisting of Wan!robe, Waehstand, Dressing-table, Towel-rail, two chairs, and pedestal.— Apply Buckland, Salop-street, the largest dealer in Penarth. FOR SALE, Treadle Sewing Machine large marble time piece, cost £ 10 strikes the half hours; will sell for C3 10s. Also two pairs of bronzes.—Apply Buckland, Salop-street, the oldest established and largest dealer in Penarth. ASH.-Full Value given for Ladies', Gentlemen's, J and Children's Cast-off Clothing. Furniture Bought. All orders punctually attended to on receipt of postcard.—Mrs. Buckland, 23, Salop-street, Penarth. PONIES and Traps Let out on Hire. Bath Chairs for Hire or for Sale. Light hauling done.—Buck- land's, 23, Salop-street, Penarth. TO LET. HOUSES TO LET, Castlcland Street. Three minutes' walk from Barry Dock.—Apply J. D. JEXKIXS, Vere Street, Cadoxton. OFFICES TO LET.—In splendid position in main thoroughfare, gas laid on.—Apply D. Williams, 20, Caroline-street, Bridgend. EDUCATIONAL. p AY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. HEBBLE HOUSE, CADOXTON, BARRY. Principal MISS BARSTOW. Next term commences MONDAY, APRIL 13th. BARRY PREPARATORY SCHOOL, ATHER- STONE, WINDSOR-ROAD. PRINCIPAL MISS BURBRIDGE. R.A.M.. Assisted by thoroughly efficient Governesses. Thorough English, French, Music, and other Accomplishments. Kindergarten Taught. BARRY PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. TO COMMENCE OX APRIL 7TH. MUSIC, DRAWING, and Rudiments of French, as well as all the Elementary ,Ssbjects, by thoroughly qualified and experienced Teacher. For full particulars, apply to- I MRS. COLLIER, 111, HIGH STREET, BARRY. JNTERMEDIATE GCHOOL, 113, HIGH STREET, BARRY. MISS TAYLOE WISHES by these means to convey her sincere thanks to her numerous patrons for past support, and begs to inform them that her School will Resume duties on APRIL 6TH. PROSPECTUS OX APPLICATION. [A CARD.] ME. J. CLARK FAIRBAIRN, ARTIST, 55, VElÍE STREET, CADOXTON. TAYLOR & CO., R.I>.C. (Registered by the Worshipful Company of Plumbers, London), PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND HOUSE DECORATORS, 113, HIGH-STREET, BARRY. 63- ALL WORKS GUARANTEED. Estimates Given Free. A Trial Respectfully Solicited. Cheapest Place in Barry for Wall Papers. A-. KINDS OF GLASS CUT TO ORDER. N.B. t and CO. employ rrt/ixtard plumbers. NOTICE! NOTICE!! 118, HIGH-STlawr, BARRY. FINEST ASSORTMENT OF POTATOES, FRUIT, VEGE- TABLES, POULTRY, RABBITS, ETC. AT LOWEST PRICES. ALL ORDtRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO B. I) A V IKS, 118, HIGH-STREET, BARRY. (A CARD.) MR J. A. OWEN, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, 5, VERE STREET, (Opp'site the Local Board Office,) CADOXTON, BARRY. GARDEN 5EEDS, Flower Seeds, Farm Seeds, Seed OaV Barley, Vetches, Wheat. Beans, «tc.: ARTIFICIALMANURES; IMPLEMENTS, Carts, Wagons, Ac., )f all kinds. Catalogues Free.-J. HIBBERT & SfXS, 10 and 11, Castle-street, Cardiff. GREAT SHOP. E. GRIFFITHS, "pUVEXXY SHOP, JJRIDGEND, Is now shewing the I.ATEST NOVELTIES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. If you want the best value in the trade in Ladies', Children's, and Infant's HATS & BONNETS, pay a visit to Ewenny Shop. Latest Styles in DRESS MATERIALS. Latest Novelties in Ladies' MANTLES. Latest Novelties in Ladies' and Children's JACKETS. Charming Novelties in BONNETS and HATS. New RIBBONS. X ew GLOVES. '> Latest Novelties in FLOWERS, FEATHERS. &c. B. SEIDEMAN, TOBACCONIST, EXCHANGE TOILET CLUB, 5, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, BARRY. LADIES' COMBINGS CAREFULLY MADE TO ANY DESIGN. CERTIFICATED CHIROPODIST. CORNS CAREFULLY CUT AND EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. Moderate Charges. Ladies and Gentlemen waited upon at their residences. TESTIMONIAL FROM DR. GORE. Cadoxton. February 24th. 1891. '"Mr. B. Si*iDEiiaN. Hairdresser and Chiropodist, of Exchange Buildings. Barry, removed a hard Corn for me in December last. from which I had suffered a deal of pain. I was very pleased with the way the operation was done. It was quite painless, and up to the present I have not had the least trouble from it re-appearing. ALFRED GORE." (S5= PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS. WHEN times are bad then money is scare, and every one tries to buy in the cheapest market. If you want GOOD STRONG SERVICEABLE BOOTS CHEAP, now is your time to give G. B 1 8 H 0 P, Of HOLTON-ROAD. A call, he having just secured a LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE JJOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS Of every description, which he will be able to Sell at about HALF THE USUAL PRICE for Cash. Hand-sewn Boots made on the premises by ex- perienced Workmen. Special attention given to repairs. Nothing but the best material used. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. r- Note the Address :— G. BISHOP* PRACTICAL BOOTMAKER AND REPAIRER, HOLTON-ROAD, BARRY DOCK.







Family Notices