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K i HL1_> i V l' RAILWAY SERVANTS, BARRY RAILWAY EMPLOYES AND THE ORPHAN FUND. MOXSTRE GATHERING OX GOOD FRIDAY. ADDRESSES BY SIR MORGAN MORGAN; COUNCILLOR MEGGITT MR. D. T. ALEXANDER. MR. JOHN ROBINSON AND MR. DAVID ROBERTS. INTERESTING AND ENJOYABLE PROCEED- INGS. Good Friday was spent by the members of the Barry Railways branch cf the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants in a most praiseworthy as well as agreeable manner. The orphan fund of the society being in need of special assistance, the local members wisely decided to hold a monstre tea and entertainment at the Barry Public-hall. The weather was not everything that could be desired, still it did not deter over 300 persons from Havod. composed of railway servants and their families and friends, travelling down to Baz-ry by a special train kindly placed at their disposal by the Barry Dock and Railways Company. The party were heartily welcomed by their Barry brethren, and an adjournment was made to the Public Hall. The hall was very prettily decorated with bunting, innumerable sets of signalmen's flags, red, white. and green, adorning the walls. About 650 persons sat down to a capital tea. provided by Messrs. C. J. Thomas & Co.. High-street, Barry. During the afternoon representative teams from Havod and Barry played a football match in a field near the Buttrills. The ground was decidedly not in the pink of condition for play, still a large crowd assembled to witness a very good encounter. which resulted in a victory for the dock boys by a try. In the evening the large hall was crowded to overflowing, the occasion being the public meeting and entertainment. It was a source of regret that scores had to be refused admission, as it was even impossible to obtain standing room. The audience was a very orderly one. consequently the proceedings passed off very harmoniously indeed. A loud cheer went up when Sir Morgan Morgan, who was accompanied by Lady Morgan, and Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. East Barry House, arrived on the platform. There were also present—Mr. D. T. Alexander. Councillor J. C. Meggitt, Dr. Neale. Mr. David Roberts (shipping master). Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Llewellyn. Dr. Powell, Rev. W. Tibbott, Mr. Woollev (secretary), Mr. John Davies, &0. Sir Morgan Morgan took the chair, and Mr. Woolley in intro- ducing him to the audience proceeded to give some interesting figures in connection with the society. He said that the object of the orphan fund was for the support of orphan children of the society, who died from accidents or natural causes. The fund is supported by weekly con- tributions of £ d. paid by each member of the society. by donations and subscriptions obtained from the public, and by the proceeds of private collections, entertainments, kc. The fund has of late sustained very great loss. consequently there is a great call for fresh sympathy, for fresh energies, and for fresh sources of financial sup- port. The report for 1889 shows that regular weekly payments, exclusive of special grant, have been made to 230 families of all grades of the railway service, the death of the heads of the family being in many cases caused by accidents. During 1888. 152 additional children were added on the fund, making a total of 790 that have re- ceived payment since the society was established. On the other hand, 231 have been struck off the fund during the past nine years. leaving still in receipt of the weekly allowance 259 orphans, at a cost per week of C48 4s. Od.. or £ 2.506 8s. Od. per annum. The report for 1890 is not yet to hand, but from a letter received from the general secretary it appears that 125 more children were added during 1890, the total cost on the fund being now CS.OOO per annum. The society is indebted for liberal support locally to Lord Windsor, Alderman F. L. Davies. Mr. Edward Davies, Mi-. Hughes. Major- General Lee. Mr. W. H. Morgan, Mr. J. H. Hosgood (Locomotive Department), and Mr. David Roberts. Sir Morgan Morgan, who was again loudly applauded, said they had heard from Mr. Woolley the object they had in view that evening, and he for one congratulated Barry, and the railwaymen of Barry in particular, on having such a splendid gathering as that. (Hear, hear). He was not very much surprised at it, because the cause they had in hand was a very good one, viz.. to support the orphan fund of the society. Mr. Woolley had been kind enough to say that many thanks were due to him (Sir Morgan) for being present that evening. It was very kind of him to put it in that way. but it had been very kind of them to invite him to come down, and to allow him to take a share in so interesting and excellent a proceeding. He said this, that no man was worth much if he could not jmt himself to some little trouble and inconvenience in assisting such a good cause. Therefore he wished Mr. Woolley and those present to believe him that it was a work of great pleasure to him to come down and do what little he could to assist them. (Applause). He would say one thing, and that was that lie had for many years taken a great deal of interest in everv- thing that concerned railway servants. And whyOne reason was that he had travelled a great deal in his time all over the country, and he had come a great deal in contact with railway- men. and he would say this. that he always received civility, kindness and attention wherever he went. (Applause.) If they were to search the country all over they would not find a class who gave so much satisfaction. They were a hard working body of men, who Avorked long hours and had to endure a great many hardships, and a great many risks, and yet they performed their duties honestly and well. (Loud applause.) Was it too much to ask the public in return to come forward liberally to help them when they were trying to help them- selves. (Hear, hear.) Was it not a noble cause Did they not respect a man who tried to do what he could for his wife and children. The members of the society were bound together for that pur- pose, and every man who had a kindly heart and a proper disposition ought to come forward and render what little assistance he could. (Hear, hear.) He was glad to find so many people sup- porting the movement that evening, and he -Is sure they were glad to see Councillor Meg«r'° and other gentlemen present. He said tv~^ ^ia<l a long and excellent programme befo1' cliem. which he was sure they would much p,OILer than a speech from him. (Laughter). In conclusion, he said the railwaymen of Barrv had done remarkably well in coming" togethpz, :ind lie hoped that their cause would be benefitted materially. He wished them God speed." (Cheers.) The programme was then proceeded with, the rendering of the various items being heartily ap- plauded. and at times encored. Miss Roberts (Barry) and Miss A. Davies (Cardiff) acted as accompanists. The following vas the pro- gramme :— Vajit t. C'l. uniirali's III .¡"\rnlS" Jfale Voire Party. (( Vixliu'teil by Hi". J'Y.it). Son; The Sunt; tliat reni'l ieil my Heart "II;. T.L. Roe,( itoy ), L);tN-i(,s, ilT Fairy !>elK Seleetion Mr.Xivtman (ciicom.i1). Trio,l'roteet UB" Misses Francis < L'eiiartHJ,Ua.wie a1ll[.\11I1a Davies (Can I iff). Son. Village Blacksmith Mr. C. Fili-crthorn (I'.arrv ). Son; Home, dearie Heme" Xiss Anna Davies. Soii^ 1 am a merry Ziniu'ara" Miss Francis. Trio, Fair Flora Decks" Messrs. Hicks,Dryant and Farr. PAHT II. (rlec, '• Laufrh and jrrow I'nt Mule Yoic" l'arty I encored ) Son#, '• Matrimony (encored '• Uncle John ') Miss M'a.ir.yie Davies. Kec-itatioii, "The Bridge-keeper's Story Miss Roberts. Duett, (lathering Flowers "Misses Maggii and Anlla Davies. .Song, '■ The Children's Home (encored) '■.Song that reached my Heart" MissI,. Thomas ( liaiTy). Song, "Daddy" Miss Anna Davies. Song, '■ Y Dachgen Dewr dr. D. Farr (Barry). Song, "i'is a Flower" Miss 5. Olemence (Barry J. (lice, Cl,oi-i-Ls ( I)r. I'tti-ri- ). V,)ice Choir. Finale, Ciod save the QMin." During the ten minutes interval short addresses were delivered by several of the gentlemen upon the platform. Mr. John Robinson said to see so many happy faces in Barry that day had givei him very great pleasure. He was sorry that the veather had been so unfavourable for their assembing together, but he hoped that on the next occasion they came to Barry they would be able to git. amongst their friends, and see the different thugs in the district in which they took an interest, without so much discomfort. He quite approved of taking advan- tage of a holiday like that for such a gathering. Besides assisting in such a worthy object, it gave them an opportunity of making friends and ac- quaintances in a very agreeable way. He had not come there to make a speech, but rather to tell them that he took great interest in their welfare (Applause.) Councillor J. C. Meggitt who was heartily received, said that Mr. Woolley had placed in his hands the report for the last year of the society with which they were connected, and he was bound to say that he read it through with remarkable i interest. It was a splendid report, and it spoke volumes of praise for the self-reliance and for the' forethought of the workmen connected with their great railways. He saw by the report that the society in Barry numbered upwards of 100 mem- ben; (hear, hear)—much larger than towns double and treble the size of Barry. If all the working classes in all parts of the country would be as provident and as thoughtful as those amalga- mated in the society, they would have far less need of poor-law unions 'and poor-rates. (Applause.) It was the duty of every working man to make some I provision for the future, and lie commended that society very thoroughly and very heartily indeed. He was only too glad to find that there in Barry there were so many spending their holiday in such a benevolent way. He only wished that all work- ing men in all towns would spend their holidays in such a rational way as they did. He was glad to see Sir Morgan Morgan that night. It was the first time he had had the pleasure of meeting him at Barry, and he was glad the occasion was such a noble one. He hoped that they would have a very profitable evening, and that the funds of the society, particularly the fund connected with the orphans, would have a large increase as the result of that gathering. (Applause.) Mr. oolley corrected Mr. Meggitt in one particular. The Barry branch now numbered 230 members, and not lfiO as stated. (Loud applause.) Mr. D. T. Alexander. who next spoke, thanked them for inviting him to attend that meeting. He was obliged to them because he was somewhat interested in what was taking place, inasmuch as he was an old railway man himself. (Applause.) It therefore gave him very great pleasure in assist- ing in every possible v»"«iy railway servants and everything connected with the railway system. He did not think it was necessary to make a speech because there was no time, but he could only tell them that he had always supported that insti- tution. although not at Barry. At Cardiff he had supported it during the last ten or fifteen years. (Cheers.) It would also give him very great pleasure to support it at Barry, because he always very much liked to interest himself in every good movement in that district, and because he had always received the greatest kindness from the servant connected with the Barry system. (Ap- plause.) Mr. David Roberts. Barry Dock shipping master, received quite an ovation on rising to address the meeting. He congratulated his fellow working men upon the grand gathering that evening. That institution was. undoubtedly, one of the grandest that could be supported, and he could do no other than give his support to it. because, unfortunately. he was an orphan himself. Railwaymen were con- tinually exposed to danger, and if accident or sick- ness overtook them, what comfort was greater to the victims than to know that their wives and children would be provided for. (Hear, hear.) He thanked them for their presence that night, and for so nobly supporting such an institution. He asked them to make that an annual gathering. (Cheers.) That had been a successful one. but lie was ure that next year's gathering would be even more successful. (Loud applause.) Mr. Frank Burgess (at the conclusion of the musical programme) proposed a vote of thanks to Sir Morgan Morgan for presiding. Mr. J. Haves seconded, and the resolution was enthusiastically carried. Sir Morgan Morgan, in returning thanks, said it had given him very great pleasure to be there that evening, and to have listened to such splendid initio. He urged them to be active in getting subscriptions at Barry, as there were a large number who would subscribe if they were only asked. On the motion of Mr. Hughes, a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the artistes, the accompanist, Mr. David Roberts for the loan of the piano, and to the ladies and gentlemen who had supported Sir Morgan on the platform. The proceedings then concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

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