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P A RLIAM ENTAHYJ^'iKLLj GENC £ RESIGNATION OF L^kd DEEBY.—Ia the House of L^rds Lor, Derby rose and said lie desired to take 'he earliest opportunity,of sitting that he hai ceased to hold the office of the Secret&iy for Foreign Affairs, and thar, as his resignation had been accepted by the Queen', he only held office until his successor should be appointed. The Cabin,t arrived at cert-tin conclu- sions of a grave and important nature, and in the measures proposed he had not been able to concur; but, to prevent needless alarm, it was his doty to state ib it those measures did i:ot necessarily lead to a s' ate of war. f hen the concurrence of Parliament s V ould be asked for the adoption of 1 hose measures he would be ready to indicate the opinion he had formed, but it would be for those who we'e responsible f >r the conduct of public affairs to select the time for submit tin. the sub- ject to the consideration of Parl ament. it might be in. ferred that he had differed from the vi..w of the Cabinet as to the positii n in which England should join the Congress, but that was not the ca- e an l ne need not add that no personal motives had in:li enced his conduct, for he had always held that a public 11111.11 was bound to make a sacrifice of his personal feeliiiijs L, iM li1 ;i. ousfi-Jd s-aid that during a long time the cares of Tlublic life which he had shared with Lord Derby had been comp nsaced by the consolation of private friendship. As Lord D rhy hud with perfect taste avoided entering on the particular reasons which hai ind ctd him to take a step so important to the country, ip like manner, 1Jord Heaconsfieid proceeded to say, he would refrtun from noticing those topics; but as public mi-chief might arise from misapprehension he must state that, in consequence of the belief tha^, the Congress would not meet, it bee >me the duty of the Government to consider what, measures they would adopt for the protec- tion of the Empire, and they had thought it right to advise the Queen to appeal to Parliament, in order that the servi. es cf the Reserved Forces mitrht be made available. In losing the services of Lord Derby, he was th' greatest suSever, but he believed that the policy which he had recommended would tend to the greatness and strength of this country. Lord Cardweil said that it was most important that the House should know the reason of Lord Derby's secession from the Government, and he sup- posed that an early opportunity would be afforded of dis- cussing thema ter. The subject then dropped. Mi NisTKRiAr, STATEMENT.—In the House of Commons, Lord Haa-tington asked whether the Government was able to give any inforuation ns to the meeting of the Congress. The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied that, papers would be at once pl9ced in the hands of members toxplainillg the position of affairs, aud he proceeded to indicate the prin- cipal: points which would be foi nd in them. In the (first despatch, dated March):5, her Mtf jesty s Government laid it down as a condition ot entering the Congress, that every article in the treaty between Russia and Turkey, should be piaced bef re the congress, not necessarily for acceptonce, but in order that it might be considered what articles required the ac- ceptance or the concurrence of tbe several Powers and what did not. To this the Russian Government replied on the lath of March that.thg treaty would be communicated in its entirefv, and well before the a eembling of the Con- gress that all the Governments woulo lif ve full liberty of appreciation and.aetion;. j!»ct that it would be an unfair restriction o.u Russia, if sir1 alone nmong nil fh'e Powers were asked to contract a preliminary engagement. To this her Maj. sty's Government res-lied en the 21st of March, denying that the .preliminary understanding which they ask-d for. would reiFrict, the freedom of Russia, and asking for further explanation; and finally, the.Kussia^,Government, off;the 2t»tli of March, defined the term "-liberty of appreciation ajid action" to mean that other Powers would have the liberty of raising such questions at the Congress as they might think fit to discuss, but that Bussia reserved to herself the liberty of accepting or not accepting the discussion of these questions. THE MUTINY Bili.—The House then went into committee on the Mutiny Bill, and wa.s occupied in considering the clauses until a late hour. The proceedings were of the same protracted nature as on the two previous evenings. Ulti- mately the bill passed through committee. SUPPLY.—On going into Supply, Lord Hartington asked for some further explanation of the statement made by the Prime Minister in the House of Lords as to the cailing out of the Reserves—was it, intended to embody tie Militia or merely to call out the Army and Militia Reserves? Mr/Hardy replied that, under the Act of Par damcn:, before calling out the First Class Army Reserves it was necessary that acommu- nication should be ma> e to Parliament and that, a Pro- clamation should then be issueo, and those step-" would be aecordinglytaken on Monday, or as toon after as possible. They would not affect the enibodiment of the Militia, which requled a different process, but they would simply f nut her Majesty in a position to avail herself of the First Class Reserves to fill up her regular forces. In answer to further questions-from Mr. Cywen and Mr. Childers, Mr. Hardy said that the' strength of the First Class Aruiy Re- serves wa^ 12,000 meo, and of the Miliiia Reserves' between fi&iOtK) anA 26,000 men. If ah expediticn uy force is sent out, of course the linked battali m" of Militia will be em. bodied, but not before. Tht He use subsequently went into Committee of Supply on a vote of £ 3,777,540 on ac- count of the Civil Service and Revenue Estimates for the I next year. THE CALLING OUT OF THE ARMY AND MILITIA RESERVES. —THE ROYAL MESSAGE.—In the House of Lords the Earl of Beaconsfield presented the Message from tbe Crown. The Lord Chancellor read her Majesty's Message, which was in the foUowicg terms: Victoria Regina.—The present state of pubiic affairs in the East, and the necessity in connection f' therewith for taking steps for the maintenance of peace and for the protection of the interests of the Empire baying constituted, in the opinion of her Majesty, a case great emergency within the meaning of the acts Lof Parliament made on that behalf, her Mnjesty deems it proper to provide additional means for her military service, and, therefore, in pursuance (f tho-e acts, her Majesty bas thouglJt it right to cUlJlmunicate to the House of Lords that her Majesty is' about to cause her Reserve forces and her Militia Reserve force, or such part of then? as her Majesty may thiiik necessary, to he forthwith caIleg out fopyewnH.naiit service." Tie E irl of Beaconsfield said j he had intended t" move ihat'lier, Majesty's gracious Message should be taken into consideration on Thursday' 0 but .as "it ^appeared to be" thought expedient, tl at her 1 Majesty's "Message should "be considered by both House9 of Parliament 011 the same day. and the time for it3 discussion was then teing considered i the Commons. he proposed that a settlement of the time should re "j arrived at later in the evening, when the arrangement made by the Commons became known. He took the opportunity ofsuying that he should lay further paperS on the astern Question before the House trat even- ing. Earl Grey hoped it would not be consiiered prematur0 if he venturtd to espre-s 11 hope that wh n th rime canJe for the C'.jn ideration of her Majes y's gracious Message be' "Majesty's Ministers would explain very ckarl. whit. the ultimate purpose for which the m. asure of calling °u the ReserVwB"«Kras adopted. Such a measure was a very aojd <ould onlj be done m time of nat onal danger 0 j: great .emergency As to tte m< n of the Reserves tbeiO" /o selves, many of' them would be compelled to leave tbeir |j occupations and their families, so that, such a I was a most serious one. The Earl of Redesdale sal nothing was more likely to embarrass tbe Government r.Kh 1 speech as that of the noble earl's. E-irl i'stiei! i' c.irre-.jx nderce with any other Governments tb^fl Russia would be prouui ed. The Earl of Beaconsfield he should lay further papers on the table this evening, deprecaifed further discussion at present. In with the understanding arrived at in the Commons, th Message would be Considered on Monday, the 8th inst. THE Quefn'S MESSAGE.—In the House of Commons ^r* G. Hardy, the Secretary of State for War, I he expressed it from the bar of the House, ''a from the Crown." The Speaker then read her Majesty Message, whicti was the same as that presented to Upper Honse, and, after some discussion, it was agreed t° Upper House, and, after some discussion, it was agreed to fix Monday, the 8th inst., for its consideration. THE PROPOSED CONGRESS.—The Marquis of asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether it was tlI 1: intention of the Government to by on the table any further papers relating to the negotiations with other Powers ejj the subject of the proposed Congress..Be said he only point out in explanation of his question that the pape1 given on Saturrjay morlling showed an mterval d a whole month—namely^ from the 7th of FebruB I) to the 7th of March—during which there ",er Ii I no communications produced. He wanted to point OUt also that no papers were laid .before them shewing wj1" views were taken of tbe preliminary objections of enteral* into the Congress by the other to.weis of Europe. < Chancellor of the Exchequer said there are more cornmoP- cations which I think will be laid on the table besi" those already presented. With regard to the del*v referred to between the correspondence or comnru^j cations —that"'fiTSISy -was--occasioned to. the. inter^ thai had elapsed .before her Majesty's bad received the official communication the- terms bf the Treaty of Peace. With regard the communication's from other Government s as to the 0 jection raised by us to enter tbe Congress, tbey are j garded in the light of confidential corumui ications, a~g- therefore they could not properlj be laid before the HouS~I There is one paper which will be laid on the table this ing, and which I hope will be in the hands of members morrow. It is a circular despatch which was prep red j her Majesty's Government and u as addressed to all ,g Powers of Europe expressing the opinions of her MaJeS J Government as to the present position of affairs. I INDIAN FINANCE.—Mr. Fawcett moved a series of resol11i tions directed against the increased salt duty in India the trades licence tax, and declaring that the fund for relief of famines should not be expendet1 upon public w0^S ] Mr. Grant Duff said the resolutions summed up all j the House ought not to believe with regard to finance. Mr. Maclver moved as an amendment that trades licence tax should be supplemented by a sif^t I tax on incomes from other sources; the was not seconded. Sir G. Campbell suggested number of suiall economies might be effected, which I1f f¡b' aggregate would suffice to dispense with the increase of salt tax. Mr. Smollett supported the resolutions, as did Mr. Grant; while Mr. Blrley objected to the first, sympathised with the second. Mr. E. Noel favewV the second and third, but opposed tbe first resolutJ" Mr. Massey aid tbe >a t tax was asse ssed with wanton 1 a quality. He should vote iitainst the first res< lution. support the second a- d he resommended that tbe tration of the famine fund should be left in the hands of Indian Government. Mr. C. B. Denison object d that -j resolutions we e equivalent to a vote of cei sure both the Indian Government and Sir J. Strachey- 0id Playfair condemned the salt tax, although no one c°nCe- advise its abolition in the present state of Indian Lord G. Hamilton said the object of the Govern ment to equalise the differential duties throughout India..$0 increase in the expenditure had, however, eaten up a j^l' Lord G. Hamilton said the object of the Govern ment to equalise the differential duties throughout India..$0 increase in the expenditure had, however, eaten up a j^l' the surplus, as well as the improved receipts from the1 pt ways. Under these circumstances the Indian pC had made wise arrangements for obtaining a su £ jil>' surplus, besides laying down Found financial ciples, which were capable of almost indefinite The proposals of ir J. Stracbey were so closely assoc^j^ that one could not be com enmed without overtbr0 jn the entire budget. He admi ted that there was for £ some things that had been said ngainst the !i fttiv0 and the licence duty; but there was no alterD pg between the latter and the income-tax. The resol°j,ffif' wae of too abstralJt a character to be accepted. Mr- plil" cett having replied, the House divided on the first Te tion, condemnatory of the salt tax, which it negati'J 0ja" 163 to 87. A division was then taken on the second ». tion, relating to the :rade licence tax, which was del by 1M to 96. The third resolu ion was withdrawn. «*

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