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A ROMANCE m JteEAh LIFE. The Paris con-eapondentof the Globe gives the fol- lowing account of an extraordinary case .which has come before the Paris law courts: Victor Maunier, who died in Aogust, 1874, at NeUilly, at the age of 55, was the hero of cue of those romances in real life which are barely credited in this prosaic and material age. The preux chevalier whose sword was ever drawn and lance carried in defence of beauty, and the Crusader who risked his life for the deliver ance of Jerusalem, have been handed down to us as a tradition of the past; but we still have men who wander forth seeking adventure and trying to gather together millions. Maunier left his native village with nothing but the clothes he had on hit back, and apprenticed himself to a jeweller at Marseille, where he made thp acquaintance of an Italian family of dentists. He married the sister of his friend, Teresa Oddo, and settled down at Messina, where- he established himself, with the assistance of some of his acquaintances, as a jeweller. Ten years of married life were too much for the gay young jeweller, whose love of amusement and dislike of trade had brought him to the brink of ruin. He abandoned his wife and children to their fate, and made his way to Athens, while Madame Maunier, with her two girls, made her way back to Marseilles, where, with the aid of her toothers, she was able to open a small haberdashers' shop, which increased and prospered, enabling her to bring up her family and lay the foundations of a small in- dependency. The truant husband appears to have tried every trade and profession, without obtaining any satisfactory result, until in 1848, when he perceived the important r6le the invention of Daguerre weuld have throughout the world. He learnt the process, and went to Cairo, knowing that an art considered wonderful in France would be accounted a miracle in the land of the Pharaohs. Maunier, on his arrival at Cairo, was far from dis- appomted with his reception at the handiof the Pacha. He took portraits of the Court and managed to ingratiate hnhself with Prince Halim, son of the fanions Mehfemet AU Pasha, with whom he made some valuable ^archaeological discoveries in the neighbourhood of the Pyramids. Some few thousand yeara ago the man who could read or explain a dream to the Pharaohs was called at once to honour nnd dignity, and even now a species of veneration awaits the fortunate individual who can make dwcoveries adding prestige and wealth to sue- rainty fast faHirig into decay. Balim Pasha and Marnier became bosom frienda and oompaniens. The Prince, among his vast estates, was possessed of land which had been extensively planted with sugar canes, and Mavinier perceived t at once what w lmmenee fortune might be. made. The tWO partners started a large sugar ex- tracting and refining work *gn the neigh- bourkoodofJxmgsor, the first of its kind ever intro- duced into Kgypt, and they were rewarded" beyond their moat 8&npine expeetatioaa. Both became rich and powerful. Maunier looked about him, paying his addresses to a yonng giri who sang and danced at a Moorish coffee-house in Cairo. She waS the daughter of the master of the establish- ment, and had gained a reputation for beauty. The forwutrti wife appeared most inopportunely for the truant husband on the scene. Cairo is not far from the OBnaebi&re, and Egyptian gossip can Marseilles. The wife had heard of her husbands good fortune, and had determined to make antirgmappe^ to him, promising-aU should ba forgotten and forgiven if he would return to hia old allegiance and to hie children. He KfaM, and at once commenced a suit for separation against his wife, gaining the day, owing to the powerful influence of his friend and partner Halim. Notwithstanding the opulent maiuMr hr which he lived, he «ontrived to persuade the French Consul that he was a mere dependent on the bounty of the Prince, and the wife had to return to Marseilles empty-handed, having been nonsuited in her claim for alimony. The ««nabob found that anything could be accomplished with money, and he went through the ceremony of jjiarri^ according to the rites of the Greek Church ^jth Madame Bouvaret-GaUj, the dancing-girl, who wifoi 1 sceiety and acknowledged ^Powerful, conceived a scheme f0I °f ¥• Political ambition. He ? similar to that which placed on the throne of tbe Ottoman Empire, but the J^nspiracy was discovered and the Prince if88 k*nMhed'. He turned his footsteps towards I J? foreigner, Paris. He was accompanied by Maunier, who, to prevent any enf°rced him by the ver- "ti Jf4Sfoou2 of Ia»- made over all his p Bouvaret-Galli and two of his ,and only surviving daughter met him at Marseilles as he landed from the Bto&mervbut he refused to recognise them. He made 1° ?!„ "owety in a most brilliant "Sfc*? hotel purchased in the Bue Scribe and fttted up in the Oriental style with luxury. Invitations were sent ? had remembered the magnificent hospitality offered to all COIners by Francis Bravais were eager to bow down before the golden calf and Madame Bourawt-GaHi, for such according to French law i"?..?erer be, was anxious to establish her position as Madame Maunier in the eyes' of the worn. She was thought by the habituS* of the Bois ? and the Opera to be the lawful spouse °«ti! ?eT millionaire, and nothing was heard of the unfortunate T6r&a Maunier, nee Oddo, who was earning her living at Marseilles, remembering her duty towardl her husband, and still offering him forgive- nas. 1 nnK a Tep7 severe illness the curt of the Madeleine endeavoured to reconcile the husband and wife, and would probably have succeeded had not Madame Bouvaret-Galii intervened and declined to peruut the old priest to see the siek man. The legitimato wife was advised to commence a series of actions against her huaband, which, if legally unsuccessful in point of law owing to the separation pronounced before the consular authorities at Cairo, would haTe areat influence on the rich parvenu, whe, like most ofhiaelaaa, trembled with apprehensions as to the result of an adverse verdict recorded against him by public opinion. Kadame Maunier refused to take any steps, and when business was in a most critical stote with her she merely Wrote to her hus- band asking him to assist her for the sake of their daughter. At one moment—according to the opening speech the and daughter, now suing Madame Bouvsret-Galli for the purpose of obtaining P°T"1?n °f Property and money which belonged jJf *hen he died—Maunier was on the .SUlk beyond hepe of recovery, he friends who hnew the, ewenm- effect a Hs was on the point of yielding, and .actually written to the wife and daughtw begging them to come to Paris at P1* by the side of their dying husband and father. An effort was made to fceep the family divided. Madame Bouvaret-Galli, finding she was losing her influence over the dying man, whose mind was continually wandering hack to happjdaysspent at in«, determined to remove of those who were advising h"0 her own particular interests. A house at Neuilly, and the sick man dead of night, only a few people ^5 oonfidence of the supposed Madame family declare that during the few jays when Maunjy was struggling for life, securities tuKfo Property were removed from the house jii the aue Scribe and delivered up to Madame Bouva- yet-gatn, on orders signed by the/dying man, whose ¡"hereabout. DODe could discover. At last Maunier died, ana the seal wife, to protect her own in-, terests, caused seals to be placed on all the books, Spers, .closets, ehests, &c., of her late husband. to^L°*refuUy taken revealed the astound- ing fact that the "nabob". had died almost « league Francois Bravais. Madame gouveret-Galli admitted that she had been band- gomely provided f0r, and the widow, dissatisfied with he explanations she received, commenced a law auitagainjt her rival, who had held her place for °rL? ^S'^eilty y*™. and ,had supplanted her 'nneral, usurping the position of tji as the case was about to be Bouvaret-Galli volunteered a state- ? JS at 'mount of money given h*r by the ^"argued that she had from £ 20,000 to .£25,000. and offered to surrender one half (£10,000) as a compromise. The offer was accepted, a deed was signed, and lawyers thought they had heard the last of the case. Madame Maunier has, however, dNcoveted since that her husband at the time of his death had more than one claim to the title of millionaire; and finding that Madame Bouvaret-Galli had claimed a sum from Halim Pasha of over .£80,000 aa due to the Maunier estate, of which she is commenced an action praying that the deed or compromise may be set aside, owing to her having been induced to execute it on the fraudulent representations of her rival.

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