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PA ULIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. THE BUSSIAN ADVANCE UPON CONSTANTINOPLE.—In the House of Lords Lord Granville referred to the rumours of the Russian occupation of Constantinople, and T-ord Derby stated that Mr. Layard had telegraphed under date of Tuesday, that, notwithstanding the armistice, the Bus- sians were advancing upon Constantinople, and that the Turks had evacuated some strategic positions on the Sea. of Marmora. The noble earl also said that he had applied to the Russian Government for an assurance respecting the occupation of the Turkish capita], the necessity for which her Majesty's Government refused to admit. Lord Stratheden, having called attention to the fur- A ther correspondence respecting the affairs of the East, Jfe' Lord Derby remarked that since he last addressed their,X lordships he had received a communication from the Rllssiaa" Government to the effect that orders had been given to their commanders to cease hostilities, andt that there was no truth in the rumours that prevailed of a; contrary character. AFFAIRS IN THE EAST.-In the House of Commcns, in reply to the Marquis of Hartington's inquiry as to the truth of the rumours prevalent that the Russians were ad- vancing upon Constantinople and Gallipoli, the Chancellor of the Exehequer read two telegrams from Mr. Layard, stating that the Russians were advancing, that they had compelled the Turks to evacuate a port on the Sea. of Marmora, that the Servians were also advancing, and that the Porte was in great alarm. Her Majesty's Govern- mentlial telegraphed to St. Petersburg for information, reminding the Russian Government of the Czar's promise that Constantinople should only be occupied if the march offevents compelled such an occurrence, and that as the Turkish resistance htld ceased the necessity for such a step was at an end. Subsequently Sir Stafford Northcote read a telegram from St. Petersburg which had been banded to Lord Derby by the Russian Ambassador, stating that there was not a word of truth in the rumours that had reached this country. Mr. Forster said the telegrams from Mr. Layard had so altered the state of things that he must ask permission to withdraw his amendment, which was met with shouts of "No." A discussion ensued, in the course of whith Mr. Bright remarked that what had taken place in Turkey might have been with the connivance of the Porte, and in that case the position of this country was not changed. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said the opinion of I the Government of the necessity of the vote was unaltered. Mr. Gladstone regarded Mr. Layard's telegrams with astonishment and dismay. It was not unreasonable to ask for twenty-four hours' delay to ascertain how the matter really stood. The Chancellor dissented from this pro- posal, but eventually Mr. Forster's amendment was with- drawn, and the debate on the main question was resumed, in the course of which a discussion ensued upon a motion by Mr. Richard for the adjournment of the debate, which was opposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Marquis of Hartington. Ultima'ely the House divided upon the question that the Speaker should leave the chair, which was carried by 295 against 96. The House accord- ingly went into committee, and iimmediately reaujned and adjourned. THE VOTE.—In the House of Commons the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in answer to the Marquis of HartingtoD; stated that a summary of the articles of the armistice had been received that day from Mr. Layard, and it was of such a nature that a portion of the British fleet had been ordered to proceed to Constantinople for the protection of the life and property of British subjects. The prin- cipal effect of the armistice articles was that almost the whole of Bulgaria, Boumelia, and Thrace, up to the lines of Constantinople and Gallipoli, are ic Bussian hands. The House went into Committee of Supply, and the Vote of Credit for six millions was formally moved. AF £ «F a speech against the vote hy Mr. Biehardj Lord Hartington admitted that the despatch of the fleet might be. productive of advantage. He objected, however, that the Government had made no such statement as to their views,, intentions, and policy in relation to the vote as would justify the House in giving them its confidence. At the same time, in the crisis at which they had arrived, he was not disposed to refuse the vote, while he hoped that the Government would not consider themselves warranted in acting with precipitation. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ex- pressed the pleasure with which he had heard the noble marquis's announcement. As to the question of policy, the Government recognised the great changes that had taken place in the European system in consequence of the war. It would be their duty to take part in th'e reconstruction of Eastern Europe, because Eug- land was bound to take care that her interests were not injuriously affected, and because she had a right to claim her place is the council of the nations in order to give effect to the views which she might think fit to support. The views with which the Government would entef the Conference were—that there should be perfect freedom of commerce into and in the Black Seft? that the arrangements in respect to vessels of war should be such as would render it impossible for any single Power to close the entrance to the Straits; and that » fair and durable settlement should be made in the con- dition of the countries to be reorganised. FURTHER into detail it would be wrong for him to go. hoped the occasion for using our naval and military forces, for the transport and supplies of which the VOW was asked, might not arise; and in that case the whol* vote would not be spent, though a part of it might be spent- Mr. Gladstone said the definition of the purpose with whicJI the fleet had entered the Bosphorus was most satisfactorfo and no Power had a right to complain. In respect to the reorganisation of the Christian provinces, he entertained some apprehensions with respect to Austria, whid1 must be vigilantly watched. He declined to sup- port the vote, as the Government had failed to connect it with the object they had in view; I' was opposed to the long-established rule of the House, and might prove in worse hands a precedent dangerous to the Constitution. Mr. Fawcett stated that he intended to per- sist in his opposition to the vote. Mr. Forster hoped THE influence of England would be used to the utmost in favont of liberty of conscience for all the inhabitants of Turkey- He should not, however, oppose the vote after the satis- factory explanation of the Chancellor of the Exchequer- Mr. W. H. Smith, promised that no efforts should be spared to accomplish the objects mentiored by Mr. Forster. Aftef some observations-from Mr. Sullivan and MFC, D. Davies, » division was called, whereupon Lord Hartington, MR* Forster, Mr. Goschen, and other leading members of the or position, rose and withdrew from the E:mse,atnidstdensi'¥'d cheers and laughter. Th>: committee divided, and assented to the Vote of Credit by 328 to 121-or D. Ministerial majority of 204. THE PORTE AND THE BRITISH FLEET.—In the House O* Lords, Lord Beaconsfield told Lord Dunraven that Mini- sters had received no information with regard to the intel- • ligence published in some of the newspapers, to the effec* Y, that a number of Russian marines had crossed the Balkans towards the Sea of Marmoraforthe purpose of manningTØ- ish men-of-war which were tobecmne Russian PROPERTY* and convey troops from the Sea of Marmora to Odessa and Sebastopol. He added that be hid no reason to the statement correct. The noble earl also said, in answer to Lord Granville, that, in the absence of any notification from Constantinople, Admiral Hornby had declined responsibility of taking'a portion of his fleet tluougn £ the Straits without instructions, and hud to Besika Bay. Her Majesty's Government had, consequence, communicated with the Porte, and would not conceal that some such difficulty as was referred to in the newspapers had occurred; hut he confidently believed «that it would shortly,-tie surmounted. SubOO* quent to the communications between her Majesty's O0,' vernment and the Porte, three foreign Governments H»» applied for firmans to enter the Dardanelles, though was not able to say that they wotald act upon them at ONE0 if granted.. THE VOTE OP CREDIT.—In the Commons, on the report^* the Vote of Credit, Mr. C. S. Parker suited his reasons objecting to the vote. Mr. Co wen replied^ to some REMAR^F of Mr. Gladstone on Friday referring to him, and said contention was that when national interests were at all party differences should be sunk. He considered THJ* the Turkish Government was superior to any that could P. substituted for it. Mr. Bath bone deprecated the EXHI- BITION of distrust of foreign Powers. Mr. Parnell spo*0 of the wrongs of Ireland," which far excee4ed those suffered by the Bulgarians trom the Turks. Anderson and Mr. E. J. Beed having made a few marks, Mr. Gladstone observed that the RESPONSFBFL"? of tho Honse was now at an end, ANA that 1 would not beseem their dignity to worry the GOVERN- MENT when engaged in transactions of an anxious AND F difficult kind. He hoped, therefore, that he might REGA^ the question as at an end. Adverting to Mr. Co wen's planation, taking the speech the hon. member had as the measure of his opinion, he did not see there was much difference in principle between them; HA quite agreed that party should give way to PATRIOTISM The discussion was continued by Mr. Waddy, Mr. donald, Mr. Storer, Mr. T. Brassey, Dr. Ward, APJ* Mr. Hubbard, and closed with the adoption of the rep0? »• con. Subsequently, in Committee of Ways Means, the Chancellor of the Exchequer moved solutions for raising the six millions by the of Exchequer Bonds and Exchequer Bills, at par IN a period of not more than three years. In REPLS to Sir G. Campbell, the right hon. gentleman said that should not think of proposing to make a permanent ADD*" tion te the Debt, and as we were within six weeks of end of the financial year it would be impossible to put O» new taxes that would be worth anything. The ment therefore, be a temporary one and brought forward his financial statement for the year 187^ 79, he would explain how he would provide for it. resolutions were then agreed to. » THE EASTERN QUESTION.—IN the House of Lords Granville having asked what was the latest information respecting the state of affairs in-the East, Lord replied that, with regard to the movements of the tieet, which he took to be the most pressing matter at the preSeOt moment, he hoped when next their lordships met to be IN* position to say that the intention announced some days had been carried into effect, and that the ships W^RE »T near Constantinople. As to the Conference, there was NOTHING altered in the situation. All the Powers had agreed that> should be held, and the only matter in difference was TN" place of meeting, which he did not think was likely cause much difficulty. With regard to the of the Bussian army he could add nothing or authentic to the statement contained in the EIRCUL8^ telegram of Prince Gortschakoff, which had gone the ROUS of the papers. Italy and France had suspended the patch of their fleets, he presumed, because they had obtained firmans to authorise their proceeding up the danelles, and, as to Austria, all he knew was that she HS** applied for a firman. THE IMPORTATION OF CATTLE.—The Duke of and Gordon called attention to the operation of the relating to the importation of cattle, and laid a bill the table on the subject, which, after a short discussi" was ordered to be read a second time that day three weekØ.

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