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NEW VOLUMES JUST COMMENCED OF THETHREEMAGAZMES F or; 1B78. I.—" The Quiver," for Sunday Reading THE QUIVER For JANUARY, price Od., CONTAINING— The Resting-Places of our Saviour, and the Scenes of His Seclusion. By th< Rev. Prebendary CHADwicjc. B-D. Scripture .Lessons for School and Home. By the Rev. J. W. GEDGE, M.A. 3- Charlie's Revenge. By RUTH MITCHELL. J- "The Quiver" Bible Class. 5- Last Words of the Books of G-od. By the Rev. W. BOYD CARPENTER, M.A. • Charles and Sarah Wesley. 7- The Grod who Once." New Hymn Tune, by Sir GEORGE J. ELVEY, Mus. D., Organist of St. George's Chapel Royal, Windsor. 8. Early Pilgrims.—By the Rev. T. M. MORRIS. How to Work. A Short Story. l0- The Parables of the Old Testament. By the Rev. Canon BARRY, D.D. II. Out-of-the-Way Papers. Nervine Tonics. By the Rev. ARTHUR BROWN. la. A Motto for Life. A Tale for the New Year. I3- "Accept, my God." New Hymn Tune, by Prof. MACFARREN, Mus.D. 14. Good Work at Home and Abroad. 15. Unknown. By W. POOLE BALFERN. *6. A Christmas Carol. By JULIA GODDARD. I7- A Life. A Poem. 18. "In Coelo Quies Est." By the Rev. J. H. DAVIES, B.A. l9- The Recruit. By the Rev. G. S. OUTRAM. Granny. A Poem. By J. G. WATTS. aI. In the Rough. By G. WEATHERLY. 22. 1877-1878. By JANE C. SIMPSON. a3- The Peace of the Night. A Poem. 24. The Church Spire. By SARAH DOUDNEY. *5- MORE THAN CONQUEROR. Serial Story. By F. M. F. SKENE. a6. A CEECNICLK OF BABHAU. Sum, Story. By E. OWENS BLACKBURNE. "THE QUIVER is widely known as one of the very best of Magazines. We have often com- mended it as ably. Edited and attractive. The objects are well varied the illustrations are many and good. The devotional or expository papers are thoroughly scriptural."—Record. 2.—CasseITs Family Magazine. Cassell's Family Magazine For JANUARY, price 7d., CONTAINING— i. Embroidered House and Table Linen. a. The Nursing of the London Poor. 4- Hands and Feet: their Care and Comfort. 4. Iris. Song, with MUSIC. 5* The Average Servant. 6. A Tin of sardines. 7 Old Streets. 8. The Schoolmistress at Skerne Dun. A Short Story. g. The Child and the Man. A Contrast. 10. On Submarine Telegraph Service. IX. Chit-chat on Dress. la. Coffee Taverns. l3* A Lucky Tumble. A Short Story. 140 Songs of the Bells. *5- Constance. A Poem. *6. Bow my Children were Drilled. 17. King Baby-Experiences of a Young Mother. 18. The Gatherer.—An Improved Stove—A Hidden Quotation—A Substitute for Silk—A Novel Night- light—A New Heat-generator—Safety at Sea— The Rolling Bridge of St. Malo. 19. TIME tiHALL TRY. New Seriai Story. ao. SUSPENSE. New Serial Story. Its CHARACTER is so MARKED and decided that *e have no hesitation in giving CASSliLL'S FAMILY MAGAZINE the first position among the Monthlies for the people. Edinburgh Courant. 3.—" Little Folks," for All Children. LITTLE FOLKS For JANUARY, price Od., forms the FIRST PART of the NEJf VOLUME for 1878, and contains a beautiful Coloured Frontispiece, en- titled Hurrah 101" the Snow the Commencement of TWO NE W SERIAL STORIES, and many new features of attraction. "LITTLE FOLKS is out of sight the best children's magazine we know."—British Quarterly Review. The praise of LITTLE FOLKS is among all the critics as the perfect ideal of a magazine for the young."—Glasgow Mail. Cassell Petter <5? Galpin, London a1ld all Booksellers. NEW SERIALS. THE NEW POPULAR SERIAL WORK ON SCIKNCB. Just commenced, in Monthly Parts, price 7d. SCIENCE FOR ALL. Edited by RORERI tj BROWN, M A., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.G.S., assisted by a Staff of Eminent Writm. ABUNL ANTLV ILLLSTHA I KU. Part 1 of SCIENCE FOR ALL has been twice and can now be had, by order, from all Booksellers. Cassell Petter ëro Galpin, London; and aU Booksellers. Just commenced, in Monthly Parts, price 7d. CASSELL'S HISTORY OF nTEE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR. Uni JL form with Cassell's History of the War between France and Germany." PROFUSELY ILJ.USTRATED. *•* Third, Edition of Part 1 now ready (inc'.udinS l«arge Map), price 8%& at all Booksellers'. Cassell Petter ëro Galpin, London and all BookseUers. Just commenced, in Monthly Parts, price 7(1. THE SEA—Its Stirring Story of Ad- A venture, Peril, and Heroism. With numerous ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS. FOURTH EDITION of PART 1 (including Large Presentation Plate), price 7d., now ready. Cassell Petter &* Galpin, London and nil Booksellrs. Messrs. CASSELL PETTER & GALPIN will shortly publish in MONTHLY PARTS, price 7d., a Valuable and Interesting Work, under the title of GREAT INDUSTFIES OF GREAT V< BRITAIN. FULLY ILLUSTRATED. *»* Prospectuses ofthisl1nporta.nt Worlc are not'' ready at all Booksellers', ()1' will bo sent >>ost free on application to t1w Publishers, CASSELL PETTER & GALPIN, Ludgate Hill, London. Now ready, coloured boards, 3s. 6d. cloth, gilt edges, 5s. "Little Folks" Christmas Volume, Forming the MOST CHARMING GIFT-BOOK of the SEASON for children of all ages, containing nearly Five HUNDRED PICTURES and beautiful Coloured FRONTISPIECE. The Volume also contains a complete Serial Story oy W. H. G. KINGSTON, entitled THE \OL'NG HARRINGTONS, or the Boy Explorers and a complete Serial Story by one of the Authors of Poems written for a Child," entitled POOR NELLY. Casseli Petter ëro Galpin, Lcudon; and all Bookse lets. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE DICTIONARY OF COOKERY EVER PRODUCED. Now ready, 1,280 pages, royal 8vo, cloth, 158. CASSELL'S DICTIOTTAHY OF COOKKHY. With numerous ENGRAVINGS and Full- page COLOURED PLATES. Containing about A^OUsand RECIPES. .Cassell's 'Dictionary of Cookery' is one of the most trough and comprehensive works of the kind. To expatiate 1\ its abundant contents would demand pages rather than Paragraphs."—The Times. One of the most handsome, practical, and comprehensive of cookery."—Saturday Review. V It seems to us that this book is absolutely what it claims to that is. the largest and most complete collection of the kind Ver produced in this country.—The Christian World. C&ssell Petter &> Galfiin, London and all Booksellers. CASSELL PETTER & GALPIN'3 COM plete CATALOGUE, containing a List o SEVERAL HUNDRED VOLUMES, consisting 0/ BWLHS ana RELIGIOUS WORKS (including DR. Lifk OP Christ," complete in Two Volumes), FINE ART Volumes, Children's BOOKS, DICTIONARIES, EDUCATIONAL WOK::■< History, N A TURAI. HISTORY, HOUSEHOLDDomes i '< in. TISES, HAND-BoOKS and GUIDES, SCI R:-ICE. TRAVELS. &c. be., together with a Synopsis oj thtir ttumsm. I Illustrated SERIAL Pl1B1.ICATIONS. seJtt lost :>e,- c application to C.LStiETL PETTER & GALl'l* ^_j^dgate Hill, hondon. (j.WNEIR pob math o ARGRAFFWAITH, am Wisiau rhesyuiol, ac yn y modd dcstlusaf, yn ^i'udfu'r Observer, 1, Lon Eben, Aberteifi. BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 42, St. Mary Street, Cardigan. BEADT-MAPS BgOTS Sz SHOES. DANIEL DAVIES, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, BEGS to solicit an inspection of his Ne^ly-received Stock of Ladies, Gentlemen, and JD Children's Ready-made "V^NSTTLEM BOOTS, In all the latest designs, from the most noted Manufacturers, the whole of which are marked at the Lowest Remunerative Prices. Gentlemen's Fishing and Shooting Boots. Ladies' Glove Kid Button Boots. THE BESPOKE pEP ARTMENT still continues to receive D. 6.special attention, experienced workmen only being employed, and the best materials used. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. HENRY DAJSTIEL DA VIES, MANUPActUBER OF "WOOLLJL^ CLOTHS, FLANNELS, BLANKETINGS, Welsh Plaids and Stripes, Hosiery and other Yarns, Priory Street, CARDIGAN. These Goods are manufactured Wools, and WARRANTED to be unadulterated with SHODDY, or any other INFEKlyf ^aterjals. The Hosiery Yarns are in great variely 01 Colours and Qualities, made up in different size Balls, convenient for Retail Dealers' ready sj?; eV)T?Tn»> PATTERNS and WHOLESALE forwarded, post Free, to Shopkeepers ONLY. PRINTINGTPRINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EX^QXJTED AT THE "CAEDIOAN OBSERVER" GENERAL 'MT PRINTING & BOOKBINDING establishment, 1, BBEIT'S LAJSTE, C-AJRI3IC3-3sr. JOH-NT C. -ROBERTS "YTTILST returning thanks for the liberal support hitherto accorded him, solicits a W continuance of the san^* Prin%g of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, combined with moderate charges- Estimates given for every description of work, and prompt attention paid to orders forwarded by post. MEMORIAL CARDS In the N eltest Designs, at moderate prices. Every description of POSTING BILLS executed on the shortest notice. ARGRAPFU A LLYFR-RWYMO. tg- Gwneir pob math o waith Argigg-U yn Swyddfa'r Cardigan Observer, 1, Ldn Eben, Aberteifi. iro I Old Sores and Old SkiJl Diseases. The seeds of these disord« £ f expelled by thi« penetrating Unguent, not o»^. 111 superficial parts, but from the internal tissues case, even of twenty years' standing, speedily A Certain aure for Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Asthma, &e. For cnrlng sore throat, ^nohitis, asthma, tight- ness of the chest, and pain 1° ? lae"~Vhich instant treatment alone prevents degenerating serious maladies, this Ointment has the same po^ers over cb^. compiaints as a blister possesses, -without causing P81 ^lity. Old asthmatic in- valids will derive marvellous e^s0 tr°ln the use of this Ointment, which has brought round many sucn ■Htferer3 and re-established health after every other bad Eifeally failed. Bad Legs, Bad BreaSts, Old Sores, and Ulcet-s. 4 By rubbing the Ointment round fyg affected parts, It pene- trates to the tissues beneft4"' e*ercif es » wonderful power on an the blood flowing fuming from, the diseased part. The inflammation tte p-tin becomes less intolerable, the matter tbicKer, and « cure is soon effected. In all long-standing cases, fills should also be taken, as they will thoroughly au depraved humours from the body. Gout, Rheumatism Stiff Joints. „ Gout and Rheuma^™ arise fr0tn inflammation in the parts affected. To effect a P0- 'f 11CUre, adopt a cooling diet, drink plenty of water, take s'x !0 £ M'av's Fills night and morninp, and rub this Ointnient' e?(ctually twice a-day into tl.o suffering parts; when they drivejill inflam- mation and depression «ul" wie sys^ subdue and remove all enlargement of the jom»> ana leave the. sinews and muscles lax and uncontracted. Both the Ointment and Pn^ JlhOllld be used in the following compiiinU ..— Bad Lec-s 2?™* Scalds Bad Breasts Fistulas Sore Throats Burns Si f-kin Diseases Bunions T ,ular Spellings Scurvy Chilblains Liimbago Sorc Heads Chapped Hands IM Tumours Contracted and Stiff ?or° Joints bore Wounds THE Ointment and P"ls,e SOJ.J at professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 5M Oxford stl.c London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout thei Civilised World, ia Pots and }s- lid., 2s. M- 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The smallest ointment contaans one ounce and the smallest box of Pills four dozen. F«'l printed directions w-e afflXed cach Pot and Box, and can be bad in any 3.' evc-'i in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian Persian, 0r ct,ine.se. No. 16—3; 7F you want PRINTING of any description done J neatlv, expeditiously an(j reasonably go to the 0BSEB No. h Bbens Lane, (op- posite the Black Lion Hotel), Cardigan. ALLAN LINE, Shortest Ocean Passage to MBEICA, Halifax, Canadian, & United States Mail. Composed of Twenty First-class Steamers. Leaving LIVERPOOL, every THURSDAY, and LONDONDERRY every FRIDAY, for HALI- FAX, QUEBEC, PORTLAND, and BALTI- MORE. Through Tickets to BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, and to all points in CANADA, and the STATES. Low Fares and excellent Accomodation. Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving home, are met at the Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Agent the Company, who takes charge of them until they go on board the Steamer. The Canadian Government grants Assisted Passages by the" Allan" Lme. £ 3- Write for the Pamphlet LORD DUFFE- RIN IN MANITOBIA. For Rates of Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHEBS & CO., -Liverpool or London- derry or to the Local Agent, J. O. Roberts, Observer Office. The Printing Trade. AN Intelligent YOUTH wanted as an AP- PRENTICE to the above Trade. A good opportunity offered to learn the different branches thoroughly.—Apply, Office of this Puper. G-EOKGTE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. Ph11 Patronised by several nnej Surgeons, and UXIVZBSALLY held in high 1I.leem. Though you have suffered *^DF°CA,P_A^ED for years and tried Remedies in JAM, BE assured there is still a Safe and sp66dy cure for y cost by GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS, which are ED by all as being the best Medicine yet discovered for Pile AND GRAVEL, as well AS PAIN8) WHICH In Ninety-nine Cases out ol ry ^uudred, are caused by these painful Maladies: PAIN INTHE BACK, FLATULENCY, GRIPING, COLIO, A SENSE OF WEIGHT IN THE BACK AND LOINS, DARTING PAINS IN THE REGION OF THE HEART. LIVER, AND KIDNEYS, CONSTIPATION, PAINS IN THE THIGHS, SOMETIMES SHOOTING DOWN TO THE CALF OF THE LEG AND FOOT, SUPPRESSION AND RETENTION OF URINE, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. Thoncandt hare v^i*been>'th«' &nd ">*17 who had been pronounced hopele««h thei, uge hotougmy restored to ONE BOX WILIi CONVINCE TIIE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. In order to tuit all who ONE or BOTE of these Maladies, the liable Remedy in No. I-GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2—GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3—GEORGE'S PILLS FOR the pj^Eg. Important Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalids, from aU ParU°f*„'A°™trV> be forwarded to any addrett on recetpt of o- stamped envelope. Sold in Boxes, Is. L}d. JND^JD., by ,11 respectable Chemists; by Post, Is. 4d. ana OS., M postage stamps. EVERY BOX IS PROTECTED BY THE GOVERNMENT STAMP. NOTICE.-The title" prLB AND GRAVEL PILLS" is Copyright, and entered at Stationers, Hall. :PrOprIetor, J. E. GEORGE, M.R.F.B., HIRWAIN, GLAMORGANSHIRF. j L D. R. WILLIAMS, ISCXJLPTpR Marble Works, LLANELLY. Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Crosses, &c., executed in Granite, Marble, and Stone. Designs forwarded on application. 1 r J MATH | AS' Boot and Shoe Warehouse, ii 7 GAJRDIQlAJSr. Ui ENTIRE NEW ST$CK OT WINTER BOOTS1 10,000 Pairs of Boots to choose from. T™ Establishment is now replete with an entire win J all kinds of Boots and Shoes, and will be found equal to any House in Wales. 'A very large stock of Summer and last year's Boots will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE, to make room for the new stock. Clumped or Treble-soled Boots In Gentlemen's, Ladies', & Children's. Shooting, Hunting, and Sea Boots. Navvies' and Farmers' Nailed Boots. Leggings, Goloshes, Cork Soles, &c. A large assortment of SERVANTS' TRUNKS. BENSON'S WATCHES. Watch and Clock Queen and Royal Family, and bv sueciil OW Bon1Seilt to.the P™ce of Wales and Emperor of Russia. Bond-street, and (Steam Factory) Ludgate-hill, London. GENSON'S WATCHES of every description, crranh for a11 climates, from £ 2 to 200 guineas. Chrono- nettSi Cbronometers Keyless, Levers, Presentation, Re- peaters, Railway Guards, Soldiers, and Workmen's Watches oi extra strength. BENSON'S ARTISTIC ENGLISH CLOCKS suit corated with Wedgwood and other wares, designed to n any style of architecture or furniture also, as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. From t5 5s. BENSON'S PAMPHLETS on TURRET CLOCKS, Watches, Clocks, Plate, and Jewellery. Illus- trated, sent post free each for 2 stamps. Watches sent safe by post. Benson's new work, "Time and Time Tellers," 2s.6d. IMPORTANT MEDIOAL WORKS. G 122nd Thousand, Free by Post, in Envelope, Two Stamps. TO HEALTH or, Advice and Instructions for the Q e °f Nervous Diseases. Gives Instructions and Ad- cure oftn6^-at°f t^eilty;?ight years' Practice, for irf ,°t diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility Nofst fn ^Ph^iCai Depression' Palpitation of the Heart! w m the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight ConstinSiA7' L<>ss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Di^n«« r?'' Hysteria, Timidity, Self Distrust. SleeTF,?r°S11 £ ?s.s Fears> Muscular Relaxation, Loss of UJ Nutrition, Loss of Flesh, Weakness, Pimples +i!+^enC-«Ac"' resulting from Loss of Nerve Power. Illus- Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. Important Rules to be observed by Patients. Also by the same Author Seventeenth Thousand. Fifty-seven Engravings on Wood, post free for 7 stamps, PnJfKCAL.iEDU9ATI0N or The People's Guide to Health 1 On the culture of the healthful and h £ rv**f"i ia bwmanity. Fifty-seven Engravings. • SubjectsPhysical Education, Laws of life, How to render weak muscles strong, Gymnastics, Prevention of disease Cure of disease, Air, Light, Skin, Diet, Bath, &c. Gives in- structions for developing and strengthening the human body, How to regain lost health resulting from loss of nerve power the effect of overtaxed energies—Over-work, City life, Worry, jjram ton and Intemperance. How to secure long life and avoid the infirmities of old age, &c. DR. HENRY SMITH, No. 8, Burton Crescent, London, w.c. J. R. DANIEL, Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, PAPER HANGER, House and Ornamental Painter, UNDERTAKER, &c., 12, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIGAN. PIANOFORTES For Sale or Hire on the Three-Years System. Yn awr yn barod, pris Swllt, HYNODION HEN BREGETHWYR CYMRU, Gydag Hanesion difyrus am danynt Cyflawnir y gwaith mewn Tair Rhan. Rhoddir Gwyneb-ddalen a Chynwysiad cyflawn gyda Rhan 3. Yn awr yn barod, mewn Llian, pris 2s. 6c., nntPT A ISTT1 Y PARCHEDIG JOHN JONES, Blaenanerch, GAN Y PARCH. JOHN DAVIES, BLAENANERCH. Y Caniedydd Americanaidd: Y 4 Rhan mewn Llian, pris Is.; yn Rhanau, 2c. Wrexham: Cyhoeddedig gan Hughes and Son; AC AR WERTH GAN Mrs. Williams, Bookseller, Aberteifi. SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS are INSERTED in the CARDIGAN OBSERVER at the following rates :— CLASS I.—Prospectuses of Public Companies, Parliamentary Addresses, Government Notices, &c., 6d. per Line per Insertion. CLASS II.—Notices of Municipal and School Board Elections, Legal Advertisements, Public Notices, &c., 4d. per Line per Insertion. CLASS III.—Sales by Auction, 3d. per Line per Insertion. CLASS IV.—Announcements of Religious and Charitable Institutions, Literary and Competitive Meetings, Lectures, Entertainments, Dinners, Anniversaries, &c., 2d. per Line per Insertion. CLASS V.—PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS, Such as Situations Wanted or Vacant, Apartments and Houses Wanted or To Let, Sales by Private Contract, Businesses to be Sold, Partnerships or Money Wanted, Articles Lost or Found, and Mis- cellaneous Sales and Wants, are inserted at the following rates :-Four lines, one insertion, Is.; three insertions, 2s.; six insertions, 3s. Every additional line in proportion to the above scale. CLASS VI.—BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at very Moderate Rates when ordered for a Quarter or more. CASTELL CAERWEOROS SHOP, NEAR NEWQUAY. An excellent Freehold Dwelling House, Shop, Warehouse, and Garden for Sale. MR. JOHN EVANS, HAS been instructed by Mr. John Griffiths, who is giving up the business for farming pursuits, to SELL BY AUCTION, at the BLACK LION HOTEL, NEWQUAY, on Saturday, the 2nd day of February, 1878, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, sub- ject to Conditions of Sale, the whole of the above well-known and old established PREMISES, suit- abe for carryiitg on an extensive Drapery, Grocery, -y, Ironmongery, and Corn and Seed Business, with the whole of the FIXTURES complete. T.he Premises, which have been established over seven years, are situate within about 4 miles of the Seaport of Newquay, and about 41 miles from Llangranog, and in au excellent country place, f I LSA to be SOJ# ^j XlL ATION, The very extensive STOCK-IN- TRADE of Drapery, Grocery, Ironmongery, &c. One half of the Purchase Money for the Premi- ses may remain on mortgage at 4i per cent. For further particulars apply to Mr. John Grif- fiths, the Vendor; or to the Auctioneer, Gofyn- achfawr, near Newquay. MILK! MILK! MR. W. I. THOMAS, of Swiss Cottage Dairy, London, who has lately taken Noyaddwillim Farm, has made arrangements to send into Cardigan, every morning and evening, at the resi- dence of all who may require it, any quantity of PURE FRESH MILK. Early orders are solicited to be sent to Noyaddwillim. or to No. 15, High Street, Cardigan, at which latter place a constant supply may be had at all times during the day, between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sundays only 6x- cepted. Noyaddwillim, Jan. 31st, 1878. ]Fon A PORTABLE STEAM CRANE, with proved Chain for working it. Guaranteed to raise at least Three Tons weight. Apply to Mr. Thomas Edwards, Cardigan. Yn awr yn barod, 144 tudalen, Pris Swllt, "W EDROSIA: SEF GWEITHIAU Barddonol a Rhyddiaethol y diw- CX eddar Mr. T. WEDROS EVANS, Ysgolfeistr. Yn mhlith ereill ceir y bryddest fuddugol ar y Ffurfafen yn Eisteddfod Crymych, 1876. Ar werth gan ei fam, Mrs. Evans, Rhydanfach, Ceinewydd, ac yn Swyddfa'r Observer, Aberteifi.

[No title]

Family Notices