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-,-¡'-., ,'.-..;1 LONDasr…

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PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. THK ADDBESS T&TBS$ Lords tord Whafnelilfe uaqvel-tEe AS3.r4w in answqgfto the Speech. Hiorcf Louitoua seconded thetvAddwss. f:; LOJH4> Granvilie said i hat Ke was awar^tfcat the mind ot Parliament was absorflqd by one ari| desireciftb hear ■fcakt abQwt.ta be ujapeby n^r •'He ftSrred to the Andrasay Note apfu the Beitm Mentorandu JV auttstated that dnriag the course of last year great ap- prehensions were entertained that this country might be dragged into war. The important point in the Queen's Speech was the demand made for taking pre- Queen's Speech was the demand made for taking pre- cautions in expectation of a possible eventuality, and this demand would excite g. great deal ot country, as being contrary rto pfeai j<y; peece^ Lt rii Beaconsfield said he u^t Jeppected to hear anything on this occagion,adout the Andrassy Note 1 andthe Berlin Memorandum, and whatever epitbet might be applied to tfie poli<iy of the. Ministers, it could not, he. maintained, "toe called- at \acilfatuig policy. F^Om the. earliest moment the Government had never hesitated in the policy to pwt-sued ia referene» to the great occurrences passing in the East. Long before Lord in the policy to be pwt-sued in refereno" to the great occurrences passing in the East. Long before Lord Salisbury attended the Conference at Constantinople her Majesty's Government had considered the course to be pursued, and they'came, after long deliberation, to the unanimous conclusion that the maintenance'of nefttrfllity was the interest of this country. Since then they had never swerved from that determination. It was need- less for him to declare that this efforts of the Government, would still be directed to procure the. termma,tton of hostilities, but if they should have to defend the interests of this country, the Government would 2ioover ,hotitate to take ev £ ry measure fpr that purpose^ ..Tlxe Address -was then agreed; to.—In the House 6t Coidmona the Queen's Speech having been read by the Speaker, the usual Address was moved by Mr. Wilbraham Eger- tim. Mr. Tennant seconded the Address.: The Mar- quis of Hartington, at the outset, admitted "that the Government had taken a natural and proper course in summoning Parliament'' before 'the usual time, if only to clear away the misrepresentations of their policy, in which, their friends had indulged at different, periods of the recess, but especially daring the last few. weeks. Some further explanation, therefore, was needed, and, also, he wished to know whethel:" the Saltan had applied for our mediation spontaneously or a.t our suggestion. The Government, of course, must- have some declaration of policy to make to the House. While on the one hand they might: Clear away all the anxiety by which the public mind was distracted, they might oa the other hanA divide the people as' it had nevetr been divided before, and might cheek every hope of reviving trade and prosperity. Bn £ he wao at a, loss- to know what had occurred since the pro- rogation Parliament to alter our situation or to make any step necessary which was. unnecessary at that time. Tie Chancellor of the Exchequer began by protesting- that the Government had neverfot one moment departed from the line which it had laid down at the commencement of the war. At 'present, the Government made no demand on Parliament, but they thought it right to wank the House that the time might come when it would be neces- sary to take precautionary measures; They baa. no secret intentions, no desire to carry- oat any policy, but that which they had openly professed, For that they deeded the confidence and support of Parliament, but if the question were' obscured by party dissensions and suspicions he would not answer for the conse- quences. Mr. Gladstone warmly expressed his thankful- ness at the general tone of the Chancellor of the Exche- quer's speech, which he predicted would be received with a general sense of relief throughout the country. With regard to the future contingency be reserved his opinion,' but he was convinced that nothing existed in the present circumstances, as far as they were known, tojustify an increase in our military strength. After some further dis- cussion the debate was adjourned. ADJOUKNED DEBATE.—The adjourned debate on the amendment to the Address, in reply to the Speech from the House, was resumed by Mr. Meldon, who contended that the discussion waa justified by the conduct of the Govern- ment who, during four sessions, had declined to do justice to the people of Ireland in spite of the remonstrances of its representatives. As the Government declined to support measures to remedy abuses in Ireland, Home Rule was necessary in order that the people might manage their own affairs. Mr. Hermon denied that Irish measures had been treated with disrespect, and Sir W. Harcourt added that on such a point the grie- vance of Irish members was no greater than that of other representatives, whose measures were rejected year after year before they were ultimately accepted.^ Mr. Shaw contended that the Irish members had a right to take this opportunity to discuss their own affairs, and that the amendment was not inopportune. Mr. Knatchbull- Hugessen regretted the amendment had been interposed, for two reasons-first, from an Imperial point of view, as he considered that after the statement of the Govern- ment, which had allayed public anxiety, tne Address ought to have been agreed to unanimously; and, secondly, as 11 friend of Ireland, because he felt that the success of some of the measures advocated below the gangway was imperilled by the endeavours of Irish members to place their country in a state of isolation. In reply to the argument that Liberals would secure the support of the Home Rulemem- bers by accepting their proposals, he declared emphatically that nothing should induce him to imperil the Em- pire in order to consolidate his party. Sir Patrick O'Brien retorted that the right hon. gentleman himself seemed disposed to treat Irish members as an isolated body, and in supporting the amendment denied that he was showing any hostility to the Empire or taking any position contrary to its integrity. Mr. Newdegate and several other hon. members continued the debate. Sir M. Hicks-Beach said the Government undoubtedly intended to introduce bills relating to the subjects affecting Ireland referred to in the Queen's Speech. He confessed him- self unable quite to comprehend from the debate what were the demands of the Irish people referred to in the amendment. As to the present release of the Fenian prisoners, it was decided at the same time that it was determined to release Davitt; but with regard to those still confined who had been connected with the murdef of Sergeant Brett their cases stood upon an entirely different footing. The Irish members had expressed their anxiety to take part in debates on Imperial subjects, and no one would welcome their participation more than he, provided that it was conducted in a fair and honourable manner, and not with a view of impeding public business. Ultimately the House divided, and rejected the amendment by 301 to 48 votes. The Address was then agreed to. THE REPORT OF TilE.ADDREss.-The briuging u,, of the report of the Address in answer to the Speech from the Throne gave rise to a short conversation, commenced by Mr. Bentinck, who dissented from the doctrine laid down by Mr. Gladstone on Thursday night that Russia is jus- tified in extending the limits of the terms on which she insisted before the war began, and expressed a conviction that if Russia should push her claims to such a point as to endanger the peace of Europe, her Majesty's Government would be supported by the vast majority of the House and the country in maintaining the rights and honour of the Empire. Sir G. Bowyer, however, while not taking the same view as Mr. Bentinck of Russia's right as a belligerent to in- crease her terms, was of opinion that if the Czar used his victory with moderation we might anticipate a peaceful and durable solution of the Eastern Question. Mr. W. Cartwright and Mr. W. E. Forster joined in le- gretting the determination of the Government -not to pro. duce any papers at present explaining the attitude of Greece; and Mr. Dillwyu asked whether there was any truth in the report that her Majesty has written to the Czar. The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied that this was a question which ought not to be put without notice, and he was generally cheered in deprecating discus- sion at a moment when the Government must necessarily j maintain a strict reserve. At present they were unaware wbat the Eussian terms were, though he was able to say I that the statement.of them in that morning's papers was not correct. After this the report was agreed to without fur- ther comment, and the Address was ordered to be presented in the usual way. PAPERS AS TO TERMS OF PEACE.-In the House of Commons Mr. Childers said I wish to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer with reference to the despatch from Lord Derby to Mr. Layard of the 25th December, 1877, in- structing him to bear in mind a communication made by him to the Sultan in July, 1877, whether there will be any objection to lay upon the table papers on this sub- ject and, whether, when or soon before her Majesty's Government thus sounded" the Porte in July, 1877, as to possible terms of peace," and promised that their good offices should be exerted to secure for Turkey the most favourable terms possible, any com- munication had passed between her Majesty's Government and the neutral Powers or Russia as to the possible terms of peace on the side of Russia; and if so, whether the views of the Powers and of Russia at that period will be communi- cated to Parliament. The Chancellor of the Exchequer re- plied and said: With reference to the first question, the substance, and, indeed, the entire effect of the communica- tion to Mr. Layard on the 28th July is given in the des- patch received. It contains in effect the whole of what passed. With regard to the second question, there were separate communications between her Majesty's Govern. ment and other Powers; but those communications were of a confidential character, and it would not be possible to lay them before Parliament. Mr. Childers: I should like to know whether one of the other Powers was Eussia ? The Chancellor of the Exchequer: Yes. THE QUEEN'S MESSAGE TO THE EMPEROB OF EUSSIA.— In the House of Commons the Chancellor of the Exchequer rose to make a statement. He said with regard to the question which was put to me yesterday by the hon. member for Swansea as to a statement whiah appeared in the newspapers in reference to a communication said to have been made to the Emperor of Russia by her Majesty, I djd not feel myself able to answer it ac the time; but I can now state to the House exactly what had passed. Her Majesty having had from the Saltan a direct personal appeal, sent by the advice of her Ministers the following telegram to the Emperor of Russia: 11 I re- ceived a direct appeal from the Sulcan which I cat) not leave without an answer, knowing that you are sincerely de- sirous of peace I do not hesitate to communicate this fact to you, in the hope that you may accelerate the nego- tiations for the conclusion of an armistice which may lead to an honourable peace." Mr. Dillwyn Might I be allowed to ask what reply was sent to the communication of the Emperor ? The Chancellor of the Exchequer said the com- munication addressed to her Majesty was a private and personal and direct communication, so also was the com- munication of the Emperor of Russia; and I think it would not be convenient or right that all the correspondence should be laid before the House. But, as her Majesty's eommnii- tion had been sent by the advice of her Ministers, he had received her Majesty's commission to give its purport to the House. EAST INDIA PUBLIC WOBXS.—Lord G. Hamilton Jmoved for a Select Committee to inquire into and report as to the expediency of constructing public works in India with money raised on loan. After an interesting re- trospect of the system and principles on which public works have been constructed since the com- mencement of Lord Dalhousie's Viceroyalty, he referred to the pressure recently brought on the Government to con- struct schemes of irrigation at the public cost, and showed the speculative character of the calculations on which they were based by the examples of the Godavery, the Madras, and the Orissa irrigation. On the whole he re- garded the agitation as barely honest while these facts were suppressed, and he much regretted the countenance which bad been given to it by Mr. Bright. But in order to put an end to this interminable contro- versy the Government desired that it should be referred to a Select Committee, before which the advocates of these schemes could state their views. With regard to the amendment of which Mr. Fawcett had given notice, to include within the scope c.f the committee a general inquiry into the best means of preventing famines, &c., the Government would oppose it, because it would prevent any report being agreed to this session. Mr. Fawcett, regarding the order of reference as too vague, moved as an amendment that the committee inquire into the best means of preventing the recurrence or mitigating the intensity of famines in India, and also whether by greater economy, especially with regard to military and other charges under the control of the home authorities, a fund for the relief of famines may not be provided with- out subjecting the people of India to such burden- some taxation as will be imposed on them by the contem- plated increase in the salt duty. Mr. Bright, after reitera- ting his confidence in Sir A. Cotton, insisted that the Indian Government in some way or other ought to devise a scheme «o+ irrigation for India, not necessarily to be t once- i'ut th<* completion of which should 1*# T JRWAR<V.as of our duty to the people of India. Possibly some of the projects might not pay, but they would save life, and the subject ought not to D9 dealt; witli in a shopkeeping spirit. Sir G. Campbell supported the committee, though he thought the not pay, but they would save life, and the subject ought not to be dealt with in a shopkeeping spirit. Sir G. Campbell supported the committee, though he thought the order of reference a little too vague, and from his own ex. perience boa £ testin^Hv^o?thejtaUy unreliable calcula- tions of Sir JsfCottffHHfr. G.ahx^nrfrested the addition of fie ww^iPjjthe w that the preven niltoh oifefed^^add wohfiS^ |9pe |hat the inquiry uld^oav»«^gasK^both ton 1 esults of public works' ti tlwir efrUfc on tit of famine; and the ma&oH''#* tlups amelfed wps 0. J


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