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Riiondda District CouncilI


Riiondda District Council Pensions tor Old People. Government to be Approached for Increase- After rending the eorretpondence, Mr. IT. P. Niehola» (ill" Clerk) said he luad reeeive«l formal nwtloos rogai-diiig ..1. aMessjweHt .f eollieries aud the basis on "rilich tiisy were te be determined. It was •aoved seconded and earried that the elfI- ssale should be adhered to. TRAILERS TO DRAYS DANGEROUS TO PUBLIC. Mr. R. Morgan Reos took exception to the d Isi-egat-d paid by the Rbondd-st Valley Breweries Company in the matter Of trailers. If a fatal accident occurred owing to tliv. Ir use it would reflect on t-lie poync-il. It was deeidod that the police be written to on the subject. On the. minutes of the Legal and Parlia- mentary Cenwnittee being read, Mr. J. T. JfVnes, Porth, suggested that all that was Possible should be done to encourage allot- rnents. Mr. W. P. Nicholas said there a growing demand few thenn, and ex-erytlilng should be done t. find land. STAXB AID FOR OLD FOLKS. I Mr. Mark Haroombe brought forward the question of old age pensions, and bought tke extra 2s. 6d. granted should Le Itill further increased. At present old People were living with their families, and III some eases were a drag on tlioae wjth •lender means. Because they were taken iu. in thia way the Pensions Officer was uet billing to gire relief. It was a case of I rslati. "ing pouslised out of puce good "ftture. 1C*. Nie?ola* said that the MInra?r ?ahng with ?. matter wu in sympathy ?i?h the old p.opl?, but at present he peuld do nothing. Mr. Evan Roderick enquired if they could not challenge the Government. tt ^as very hard on old folks just now. They "roilld be better treated by tJie Guardians. Mr. Nicholas pointed out that as Clerk ? the Pensions Committee he ha? written t" Mr. Walter Long on the subject, but had *ot received any reply. i Mr. Gwilym Rowlands worked mtqt the aiaioii itt being paid, which he cen- lidered was most unfair. He believed that the Loeal Government Board would give c*n'sidera4ion to the present unfa irness if ^Pproached. He was in sympathy with all that had been said. the metien of Mr. Mark Harcomhe, it Was resolved that the Clerk write to the Lecal Government Beard again on the object. CTNBMA AND THEATRICAL I LICENSES. T-Vs jfrantwig of theatrieal and cinenm lieenseg was rvmwid,-red, and all were re- **wed with one exception TylorstowH. Mr. T. Williams, solicitor, Perth, applied for a, lieeme at the New Central Cinom*, Perth, whi-eh he said had met with the ^ppreval of ?b* CouncH't Surveyor. R?yiMS to Mr. Hora.io P?ihpe, Mf. Wil- li". said tL?re were throe Kcwmes in at the present time at Port it. lir. A. J. Orehard pointed out that I he ef the plans did not make im- perative that a license should ba granted. h9 Rev. Rowland Hughes considered ihat there was ample accomodation at the three Pleees at present open, and it was not a^visable to opou a new one at the present I ^ittie. air. James James held that the I demand should rule the de(-Ialoii'of ti-c, Conueil. At Ystrad Rhondda they had a ti."nIR building which was closed for want support. Mr. Mark Harcowihe moved, lklr. Ben barlool seconded, and it was (lecidt-d to p"a.nt the Hcen?p, the only dtesenti?nt "?ing th? Rev. Rowland Hughes. OVERCROWDING I PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Mr. Rees Morgan Rees directed atten- tion to the overcrowding in lome of the ?etnaa had Ti.it?. When the tnt hottt? was over the T?.tibule. were CHed vritk people going in to the second per- He suggested to proprietors allowed sueli a state of things should writte. tM pointing ()* 't that if tlHs oroup overcrowding was persisted in Uley would hare their licenses w'thdrdwu. It was deeided to carry out the sugges- tion of writiug calling the alffcentioH of **»uagors to the eoiaplaint meda by Mr. .1;\8. At a meeting of the Roads Commute* e. November 34th a letter was read frorn lh. W, B. Cownie, ou behalf of the Rhondda Tramways Company, Limited, it r.ply to the Clerks' application fer pay- -.nt of the sum qf J £ 555 which the County Council had deducted from the Grant in r«8peet of the year ended the 31st Marck ►5st, in consequence of the bad state of the Aramway track, stating that the Directors fretted to hear of the deduction; that it s" not stated that this deduction was in of any particular road, though it suggested that the deduction was made JJ1 conseqtitnce of the bad state of the "r-Ryfl-li,ay tra<;k; that assuming this was 8 (wkich the Directors did not admit), Ih.y W..Id POW\ out that th? present state *f the 'kamw.y track was due so?Iy to *40 fact that owin? to the W?r, the Com- ?a.II' had fotmd it impossible to obtaiu ti? "'6008sary labour and ma?rial; thd th? Uiuittry of Munitons had now certined the *?rt.tkiag sa a Controlled wtabli.hmeut, they E?d r?al(Ål, tl?refore, to hop? :at thQr? would ? a considerable improre- 14-,ui '? ? lakour ??' coneern"?, and lb-t ??et progress on the re?air of .he t"8,ek wuuld ? m*de 5 and &skin& ".et.?' Ih. Co?neiI ^>uld u.i.t them by plaotn? ?t tk  disposal the .enic8' of .ome of tha?r road men and labourers; or, if on the ether ? !1d the Council considered ther "?r. in tfg^1^01"1 to carry ont the repair of tke tl'8,?k themselves more expeditiously than th'5 (7ompany, thon t]2* Corilany we-re pile- tj,p Company, then tke Company were p)M- fared to consider such a proposition that 1 tailing tiae acceptance of either of these saggeitiens, the Company would- Uiiû every effort to improve upon the present progress immediately they succeecfed in getting the necessary labour and that on considera- tion the Council would realise that the Cotnptvnr were not liable to make good any deduction wkich the County Council may ehoosa te make from any payments in re- spect of the maintenance of the roads in the Urban District. It was resolved after careful considera- tion that a reply be sent informing the Company (11 that although the Council had only the minimum number of employees necessary for the carrying out of their own work, tlie-v ii-ere prepared to assist the Com- pany, by pla-cing at their disposal a certain number of the Council's workmen, and that the Surveyor had been instructed to arrange accordingly; and (1) that the Ceuneil hold the Company responsible for the sun of £ -555 which the County Council had deducted from the Road Grant by reason of the condition of the Tramway track, and that tite Company be requested to pav tJaü amount in question forthwith. INCONVENIENCE TO WORKMEN. I A letter was read from Mr. n. Holliday. engineer a-nd manager of the Rhondda Tramways Company, Limited, in reply to the complaint as to ths inco.nvcnietice ex- perienced by workmen in having to wan for overdue cars at the aerveral stopping places, stating that whilst he very mii.h regretted the inconvenience, he was afraid be could kold out no hopes of aPt improve- ment in the near future owing to the shortag-e of labour, and that whilst every endeavour was being made to provide a regular service it was found that the c, iii- paratively inexperienced men of which a large proportion, of their staff now in- sisted, encountered difficulties which would not be met by more experienced men, and, in addition, it was impossible to deal with cases of carelessness and inattention to duty in the same way as would be done in normal times. It was resolved that a reply be sent, urging the Company to do everything pos- sible to minimise the cause of complaint. THE HOME SECRETARY AND CHRISTMAS HOLIDA fM. At the Health Committee on Nov. 21st a letter was read from the Home Secretary enclosing copy of an Order made by him under the Defence of the Realm (Consolida- tion) Regulations, 1914, restricting the koiirs during which shops may keep open and retail trade carried on in the eveeiegs during the winter months, and stating that he would consider later whetker any relaxation of the provisions ef the Order should be allowed during the Christmas Season, and would be glad if the Authority would let him have at the beginning of December their views on this point. Letters were also read as under applying for the relaxations ef the provisions of the Order during the Christmas Season, iiamely, from the Rhondda Federated Chambers of Trade, the Treorchv and District Chamber of Trade, the Mid- Rholldd.. Chamber of Trade, the Porth, Cymmer and District Chamber of Trade, the Mid-Rhondda Butchers' Association, the Rhondda Branch of the National Federation of Hairdressers, the <•' U Branch of the South Wales and Monmouth- shire Federation of Confectioners, .\nd ?r. Jaipes Smith, 150 Bute-street, Treorchv. R was i-pcomm?nded that the Home Sec retary be asked tü relax the provisions of the Order for the three week days preced- ing Christmas Day in the cases of all trades other than Barbers and Hairdressers, and for the week day preceding Christmas Day in the cases of Barbers and Hairdressers, ky allowing tke shops to remain open until 11 p.m. on those davs.


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