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PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING. A meeting of the Public Works Committee of the Local Board Mras held on Monday evening last, at the Board's Offices, Barry Dock Town, M'hen there were presentMr J. Robinson, C.E., (chairman), Messrs J- C. Meggitt, G. Thomas B Lewis, J. J. Williams, E Hughes, Dr O'DonAelh O. Jenkins, J. Barstow, J. A. Hughes (clerks Dr Neale (medical officer), J. C. Pardoe (surveyor) and G. Lightfoot (inspector). MISCELLANEOUS. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed; and a discussion took place regarding the supply of water for flushing, sanitary, and road purposes, a deputation (con- sisting of Messrs G. Thomas, E. Hughes, and the Surveyor) being subsequently appointed to wait upon the directors of the Water Company with reference to the matter of terms, &c. The Board's yard and stable in Norwich-road, Barry Dock Town, was let to Mr W. Osborne, the scavenger, at 3s 6d per week. The Surveyor (in reply to Mr Meggitt) said Messrs Shand, Mason, and Company were getting the hydrants and stand pipes ready, and they would be delivered shortly. The Surveyor reported that 38 street lamps had been duly erected at Barry Dock Town, and were ready to be lighted.—On the motion of Mr Meggitt, seconded by Mr Hughes, it was resolved that the lamps be lighted at once, Mr Lewis re- marking that they were sadly needed. It was reported by the Surveyor that the stream near the Old Court, Barry Dock Town, had been contaminated by the scavenger depositing a quantity of night soil therein, which, if repeated, would create a serious nuisance.-The Inspector of Nuisances said the scavenger M'as doing his work very unsatisiaetorily, and he had seen him fclPPing the soil into the surface drains.— The Clerk said unless the Board's officials observed f irn'8' afc C0UW fchey expect the public to ao ine scavenger had undertaken to find proper depots himself. —The Chairman Cannot we do. something to assist the scavenger in the matter of finding depots ?—After some further observations, Mr Hughes moved that the scavenger be summoned to appear before the Board on Wednesday. — Seconded by Mr Jenkins, and carried. The Surveyor stated that Messrs Seward and Thomas' piece of diverted road near the Police Station had been completed and opened to the public for general traffic, so that the old portion of parish road could now be closed. A complaint was made by the Surveyor that children were in the habit of climbino- tl10 i„ pillars in the district, and l,e £ notices be issued prohibiting the same P The Surveyor also complained thaf u built by Mr Adams at Barry Dock had h? pied before the drainage connected ihlbee" 0<?cu: been constructed.—It was therewith had proceedings be taken ae-ainst fl f .Aafc. le"al matter, the Clerk beinf inS f er in the the Board in the action mstrucfced t0 represent ro^wavCU1tnmvn°°^ P^ace relative to a certain beinjr hie-her H as ^ueret-street, Barry Dock, along the same 'and a st levelf ofrthe houses buil,fc th-it nn bniu- A strong feeling M'as expressed until th« r Plans should be passed in future Thoma« .been ProPerty formed, Mr in fiio • f opinion that it would be better, shn.ilri ln. e,sts of fche public, that a test case ar,18e therefrom rather than that the present of things should continue. THE PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS AT BARRY DOCK TOWN. ,1 Surveyor submitted plans and estimates of the proposed private improvements in the principal streets of Barry Dock Town, the cost of which was laid at JB2,977 lls 3d. — In reply to Mr Meggitt, the Surveyor said no drainage connec- tions had been provided for in his plans and in reply to Mr Hughes, the Surveyor remarked that he had made allowance for pavements already made.—Mr Thomas said he was determined to move at the Board meeting, on Wednesday, that the work be proceeded with at once. The matter was a very important one, and did not admit of moment's delay. Notice should, therefore, be served upon the parties interested forthwith. The plans included the formation of an 18-inch inain sewer, which would be a portion of the general drainage scheme, but no connection would at the outset be made between the proposed neM* sewer and the existing temporary drains, surface water only being admitted thereto until the outfall sewer had been constructed.—The committee agreed unanimously to suppjrt Mr Thomas' intended motion, excepting only the latter portion, dealing with the early invitation for tenders for the execution of the work, a suggestion being made that this might be dealt M'ith by a committee, and that the Board should consider the question of whether the contractor of the general drainage M'ork could charge for such portion of,the sewerage M'ork as was included in this scheme, inasmuch as he had tendered for the entire undertaking. PLANS. The following plans were, amongst others, sub- mitted by the Surveyor: -Two stables in Barry Dock-road, East Barry, for Mr Morris four houses in High-street, East Barry 16 semi-de- tached villas in Kingsland-crescent, Barry Dock, the latter being desciibed as wholly preventing means of acccss from Llantwit-street to Holton- road, and it was felt that the public convenience was thus completely frustrated.—A conversation ensued, and Mr Hughes suggested that the Barry Company and the different syndicates connected with the land in that locality be written to asking them to endeavour to arrange that all the roads should have direct access to the intended new bridge at Barry Dock.—Mr Meggitt agreed, and urged that the bridge should be built wider than 30 feet. It would have to be done some day, and they might as well make it wide enough now in building it" even if the Local Board had to pay a share of the cost.—The Chairman said the ap- proaches to the bridge would be very small.—Mr Thomas concurred with Mr Meggitt that a 30 feet 1, bridge would not be sufficient, because most of the trailic at that point would go to the dock, and within twelve months a 30 feet bridge would be found to be far too small.—Mr Meggitt: I move that a committee be appointed to wait upon Mr w Edward Davies, the managing director of the company, in the matter.—The Chairman It will be useless- to have a b'ig bridge unless it has good .approaches a? M'ell.—Mr Meggitt: It would be better for us to pay part of the cost rather than have a narrow bridge. —Dr O'Donnell: That would give us a locus standi in the matter of insisting upon having proper roads thereto.-A committee (consisting of Mr Meggittr, Dr O'Donnell, and the Surveyor) was then appointed to wait upon Mr Edward Davies with the view of urging the necessity of forming a 50 feet road.-Plans con- tinued :-Six shops in Barry-road, East Barry, for Messrs Jenkins and Arnold shop in Barry Dock- road, East Barry, for Mr Rees Jones six houses in Glamorgan-terrace, East Barry, for Mr Hopkins six houses in Glamorgan-terrace, for Mr Davies; one house in Glamorgan-terrace, for Mr Martin stable at East Barry, for Mr Howell; and an oven and bakehouse in Main-street, Barry Dock Town, for the Co-operative Stores. SITE OF A SLAUGHTER HOUSE. A letter was read from Mr R. Forrest, J.P., as representative of the Wenvoe Castle Estate, to the effect that the Board's application for a site for the erection of a slaughter house near the gas works was receiving attention, and a reply thereto would be forwarded soon. THE ROADS QUESTION. It was agreed, at the suggestion of Mr Thomas, that the district roads question be deferred for the present, the attention of the Surveyor being so fully occupied just now. APPLICATION FOR INCREASE OF SALARY. A lengthy letter was read from the Surveyor (Mr J. C. Pardoe) applying for an increase of salary, and pointing out the extraordinary increase which had taken place in his duties during nearly two years which he had held the appointment, besides which he had largely assisted the en- gineer in connection with the main sewerage scheme, having prepared nearly 16 miles of sec- tions, and attended 114 meetings of the Board and committees.—The discussion which took place thereupon was in effect that Mr Pardoe M as en- titled to an increase, and Mr Thomas said the Surveyor had done a large amount of work, giving overtime for which he had made no charge what- ever.—Mr Hughes suggested that the application be deferred until some of the new streets had been formed, so that the public might see some results of the Surveyor's services.—Mr Thomas paid the Surveyor a high tribute for the efficient manner In which he had prepared the plans for the private improvements' scheme.—Mr B. Lewis pointed out that when Mr Pardoe was appointed he undertook the dual duties of surveyor and inspector of nuisances. Recently, however, a separate inspec- tor was appointed, but Mr Pardoe's salary re- mained the same, and he was permitted to retain office assistance.—Mr Thomas said he would move that the Surveyor's salary be increased to JB200, and that he be retained, if possible, for two years at least.Dr O'Donnell seconded.—Mr Jenkins agreed that the application had b^n mftd.e quil" prematurely, and Mr Hughes moved, and Mr Jenkins seconded, that the matter be deferred for six months.—The amendment was voted for by Messrs Lewis, Jenkins, and Hughes; original motion, the Chairman, Messrs Thomas, Meggitt, and O'Donnell; Mr Williams remained neutral; and Mr Barstow, not being a member, did not vote.-The motion was then agreed to, and Mr Pardoe, upon being re-admitted to the room, thanked the committee for the generosity with M'hich they had entertained his ^application, find hoped he would be able to give the same satisfac- tion in discharge of his duties in future as in the past. MR. JENKIN JONES AND A FLOCK OF TRESPASSING DUCKS. A letter was read from Mr Jenkin Jones* Wes- ton Farm, drew attention to a pond used for flush- ing purposes in a field opposite Daniel-street, Barry Dock Town, and 50 or 60 ducks were in the habit of frequenting this pond, and going to h'8 fields, so that he could not lay the damageJ9T trespass at less than £ 10. (Laughter.) — Chairman: Whose ducks are they ? laughter.)—The Surveyor I don't know.—r Thomas suggested that the Surveyor should see Mr Jones, and endeavour to come to an under- standing with him in the matter.—This was agreed to. SPECIAL MEETING. The meeting was then adjourned till two o'clock on Wednesday, at the same place, for the consi- deration of the engineer's report as to the main sewerage tenders, &c. ADJOURNED MEETING. An adjourned meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Wednesday afternoon at the Board's Offices, Barry Dock Town nrespnt— Mr J. Robinson, C. E., (chairman), Messrl G. Thomas, P J. O'Donnell, J. J. Williams, E. (clefk^'and jT'p ,Me £ gitb> J- A- Hughes stow was also present. THE MAIN SEWERAGE CONTRACT. f TL6 reported he had received the sanction 01 the Local Government Board for the borrowing of £ 23,000 for the construction of the main sewer- age of the district, repayable in 30 years, the letter being as follows :— SANCTION TO LOAN. Z Whereas the Local Board of the district of Barry and Cadox- ton, in the County of Glamorgan, acting as the Urban Sanitary Authority of the said district, have, under the pro- visions of the Public Health Act, 1875, made application to ,the Local Government Board to sanction the borrowing by the 0 0 said Local Board of the sum of twenty-three thonsand poundS for works of sewerage, And whereas we, the Local Government Board, have deter- mined to sanction the borrowing by the said Local Board of the sum of twenty-three thousand pounds for the works afore- said, and we are satisfied that this sum is to be borrowed for permanent works within the meaning of the said Act, And whereas there are no balances of outstanding loans contracted by the said Local Board under the Sanitary Acts or the said Public Health Act, and &uch last-mentioned sum does noc exceed in the whole the assessable value for two years of the premises assessable within the said diotnVt Now, therefore, we, the Local Government pn i by sanction the borrowing at interest hv th ??r. of the sum of twenty-three thousand nramH?'1 aforesaid, such sum to be borrowed nn th for the works charges and rates which the said Lorni ]8 credlfc of ,th? to mort^a^e for Hip « t<0cal Board are authorized said sum, together w ith lh,? of. secunnS' 'he repayment of the with such intnrlf '-m .thc merest thereon, and to be repaid, with such interest. Ni, tilin a period not exceeding thirty years irom the date of the borrowing thereof. Boanl61hla"fhday^of June?T890.°f Governraent HUGH OWEN. Acting on behalf of the Local Government Secretary, Board under the authority of their general order dated the 26th day of May, 1877. -Mr Meggitt felt the term of 30 years in which the money was to be repaid was very small.—Mr Lewis suggested that they should write to the Local Government Board asking for an extension of that period.—Mr Thomas agreed, and urged that the Board should point out that whereas the rateable value of the district was only £22,000 when the public inquiry was held, it was now over £ 60,000.—Mr Meggitt moved that they should apply for 40 years.—A conversation ensued, and the motion was seconded by Mr Lewis and carried, Mr Meggitt being asked to co-operate with the clerk in the preparation of a letter to the Local Government Board. The report of the Board's sewerage engineer (Mr C. R. Walker, C.E.,) was read and considered at length, and, after making recommendations with regard to the contract, suggested that Air Robert Chartoris, of Leicester, be appointed aS clerk of the works.-Dr O'Donnell moved that the tender of Messrs W. R. Parker and Company, Penarth, at JB17,000, be accepted for the carrying, out of the main sewerage contract.—Mr J. Williams seconded, and it was carried unani- mously subject to the acceptance of satisfactory sureties.—On the motion of Mr Thomas, seconded by Mr Hughes, it was resolved that a letter 0 written to each firm who had tendered, thanking them for their tenders, and regretting that t same had not been accepted.—A long discuesi