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Shipping Intelligenoe. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Ut\ f ='?''    S??    N? "t ? {tfi;'1,Ø£;I"i ''?? 'i:c .J,¡F;);Ø'- LIVERPOOL NEW YORK da QUEENS- TOWN. OCEAMf Wod.. Mtiv 2 TUETO""IC. Wed" May » I (-jwF.IIANIC Nvc(l.' M«y ib I 1 MAJESTIC.-AVed., May 24 rtnffif Third CIEL-ig passage at low rates, lucluuiuv, free of chfLrLe. To New 'N r ork, Ba,?tn, PhilELdelphia, or Baltimore. 8nperior Rccommooation at moderate fa.res Cor JSS3 £ 3ES~j ^3«sSfli £ 00"w'10 China, .Japnn. N.w Zell.h.nd. and Austrll.lÏa., For further .nforma^n app y p JœŒ8, street, Rn:¡.bon; W. D. JONES, Old Bank, Holybe30d; Wm. Cov£Y. 41, WR.terga.te-8treet, Chester; or of Hope-street Chambers, Wrexha.m J. DAWRON, BridJ!o &<FFI3"IVA5S5T— 34, *&■ 95 street, London, B.C. -onVATi AI \XTJ STEAMERS '"7? ROY? ?IT. STEAMERS r'?? .??.poo? ?——-? TO NEW If ORE. ljUr'\Xt\?'?'?-? I -i 'o I KTRUUIA Ap' 2r I ✓•» »TDAVT\ Sat.. May 5 I 1 \J ?r TOXI ?.. Tues.. May 8 I'TiTONIV.. 'rIW,Tnne 12 SYLVANIA..Tue-=.. June 19  Z5LpKTTIVEn "Mnw YorK OWwnBia J?  ?U?re -iU."  ¥'ø.!pq :J.1()l1, EIZ MI'd npwariJ"; 2niJ Ca'h 1-n £71a" and UPW!Hl; r. C1;I". rate 95 5:?.. and u}\arJs ac'énrilir t FteEinier fLnd "'e"'M>IJ.  Return Ticke t B ??' aent, R.M? <™>in ?t ?rt3 of America. a.n? Vaxsei^er* 1,,)OKP,1 ilirou '11 to all nart" of America and r?-P!?Pr.< ?"?????c? St?m?Mn Company, Limited, ^i-erpool, P?'?? d uAsent-. T. CHAMPS 0&r&'?. App'y '-?'? ?; RnBK?T J?KS. !?j!mi?t?.M'-?<-?r?p??.??????._ T. T, BIORCAN, & (o., 25. Che-^r ^AbkWB. E"tate Agent, Rhyl- 2hlt ALLAN LINE STEAMERS.  STATES. TO CANADA ?TH. UNITED STATES. M?.INOS FROM I.IVERPOOL. f"'S. ™„r 2S   9.S.ORCADIAN '??:. ??? ??. ??.Ap?. 14th S oli(::kDIAN for 'llifil_x Apl. 14th 3,5. BUH?O-, AYMA? for Q?bec a»*ntrcal.. ? 21^  2?  kll't kN f,-tr fo?r V.?  B F; -IC Ayreg API Cargo steamer only. 81110<'1J Fit:1'? f,o Sp-n? (labin ?7. SteerMG £ 5. T'.4r,L"h i-ket, to ail points at special rales. niip-i, rrtt.e- %rO, !nll .Mt.icalMsf'-PP ?H?.te???A???? ????c?cn joSE8t Hop^steeet 19,Jame;i-s,rec.' lu i vc?-P-1, CO.. 24. Ch?r. street, Wrexham. 619z A "BERDEE LINE to AUSTRALIA via A T^eriffe aid C.pe Town in 42 days. ?TP ki ? -k?;l A'?N, CA lit. T. F. ?,p-,ti (I iug. 3.661 tolls 8AIJAMIS.Cap,A Don,la,K >R.. 4,508 !-3Iay 29 Tbo steamers of f this fE6vourite Line sail froyn Lcndon as above taking saloon and third ci? passeJnf. to TENERIFFE, C&Pn TOWN -? all Australian and £ M Ms to New Ze?nd Ports. *r  Au!!tralillo  £ 50; to Cape Town 19 to ;30. I For particui&rs apply to Geõ. ?pS?Co.. 7.BllUter?. tjonflin. F-.C. ELDER. DEMPSTER & CO. (BEAVER LINE) ROY?L MAIL STEAMERS. ROYAL -NI.AIL STPA'?NIERS. LIVERPOOL TO ST. JOHN, N.B. (r,a HALIFAX. g« LARn S1.JTERI0R.A-pri1 21At a a LAKE ONTARIO April 2288tthh PM.eneer. booked throngh to all parts of ?C?d. and Wnited States. iSn?p-nrriioor r aaccccoommmi.ioL. dation at lowest rates for First pa-gePgers.ies i ntending to 81?S. «. Families and Parties intending '• emigate. •Se to ELDER. DEMPSTER? Co., AMc.n j ?O,i? .3e. Wzlter -stref-.t. Liverpoo1. 589f OLD IRISH WHISKY OR RUM. THREE SHILLINGS PER QUART, Equal if not Superior, to anything in trade at 48 W I L L D E R 1 S. CHEAPEST HOUSE is WREXHAM FOB Spirits MARKET HALL VAULTS (Entrance to Market Hall). 767a WREXHAM. COCKLE'S ATIBILIOUS PILLS. >H"|"i>ltfVW*—iTtairr The Oldest Patent Medicine. rae for nearly a Century The Safest Family Medicine. Of purely Vegetable Ingredients. Free from Mercary and other Injnriona Drnga. THEIR USE For all tha common ailments of everyday life Gockle's Fills are simply invaluable. y y ¡fe FOR BILE, LIVER, ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY INDIGESTION, SICK HEADACHE mi all kindred complainte tbese-famous Fills act readil-Y, surely, and Bafely. COCKLE'S ANT I BILIOUS PILLS. D-, G. F. COLLIER, writing on he Pharma 5opoetft ot tie Royal College of Phyaiciana of Lon- Son. B%Ya :— 0 on.. u I h?.ve no heeitation in Baying that it 19 the best mads Fiii in tiig kingdom." TAKE NO OTHERS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. c -OCIKLE'S PILLS. c OCVKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. OOCKJ E'F& PILLS. C L' PILLS. ,J' t. r- 1.. Cleanse and regulate the whole system, leaving it free from all impnritiea. They carry off all un- healthy humonra; are ad. mirable in women's ail- ments, overcoming all ir- regnlaritiea and maintain- ing the system in health, strength, and vigor. To nse them always is to keep yourself in perfect health—the bowels free the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and complexion free from blemish. May ba had throughout the United Kngdom, in J Soxes a? la lid 29 9d, 4s 6d, 21s, and 22s. GREAT OBMOND STREET, LONDON, W.C. fl294n I TELEPHONE, No. 66. GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT MARKET SQUARE, BAYLEY & BRADLEY LIMITED, PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, BOOKBINDERS, &c., AdvertilK" Olice, Wrexham. I Businasa Annonncsments. I THE GREAT SPRING MEDIVRWE. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. GWILYM ET .A.NS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Each Season of the year has its peculiar ailments and daDgera No observant person can have failed to notice this. The great prevalence of Ininenza during the paet Season i. a 8triking instance of this fact. SPRING AILMENTS. SPRING AILMENTS. SPRING AILMENTS. ECZISJA. SKIS AFFECTIONS. lLOtS DISOKDEKS, PIMPLKS, BLOTCHES, (tc. These ailments are speedily relieved by a coarse of Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. This Preparation contains the active principle of the ifnest Blood Tonics and Purifiers, such aa :— flARSAP ARILLA, BURDOCK, DANDELION, SAFFRON, LAVENDER, GENTIAN, and QUININE. THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. For nardin against the dangerous state of convalescence after Inflaenza is to take liberal doses of Gwilym Evan's Qainine Bitters. It averts all fear of relapse, sustains and builds up the system rapidly and per- manently. DO YOU SUFFER from WEAKNESS ? DO YOU SUFFER from INDIGESTION? DO YOU SUFFER from LOW SPIRITS YOU MAY SAFELY PIN YOUR FAITH TO GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILTM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. The first three of these Plants are noted as Blood Parifisra. I GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Is admitted to be among the beat Puri fiers of the Blood which have yet been dis- covered, and though eeveral vegetable preparations are offered to the public as Blood Purifiers, none can compare with GwiJpn Evans Quinine Bitters in thai: eificacy to attaiii the desired result. THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. Health has many handmaids, and all de- pend on strength of nerve and muscle. We exact too much from these in the daily com- petitive struggle for success in Life, and we have to stiffer in consequence. BILLIOUSNESS, SLEEPLESSNESS, LIVER DISOHBEES, CHEST AFFECTIONS, Are all succestif ullv combatted with the sus- taining assistance of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Beware of Imitations. Note particularly the name 11 Gwilym Evans on the Label, on the Stamp, and on the Bottle (a threefold precaution), without which none are genuine. Refuse all others. SOLD IN BOTTLED 2/9 tX- 4/6 EACH. SOLE PHOMUETOBS: j QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 2564fcj WORTH A GUINEA A BOX ØfiflsJl14s FOR ALL I BILIOUS AND J NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. WIND, AND PAINS IN THE STOMAC!H, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, ¡ DISORDERED LIVER AND FEMALE AILMENTS ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOXES, In Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each, with full directions. The Is lid box contains 56 Pills. Prepared only by the Proprietor- THOMAS BEECHAM. ST. HELENS, LANCASHIRE. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. EFFICACIOUS-ECONOMICAL- CLEANSES THE TEETH—PERFUMES THI BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, of all Druggists, or from 1h.. Proprietoi, for Is, post paid. n 713t rut »T:ST "sUTfTJTtOUS COCOA. r- S f; >- J :;I :i- '=: 1'7 .w ¡ tJ CirtA r: f-UL -COWFOKTlNQ. a O N 0 & .[1 ,5 ( YJ ? r'   "Uk AND SUPPER. 2047 Money. WREXHAM, RUABON, AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED 1846. ADVANCES made on Mor?age Secnritiea ??_ at moderate rates of interest. Repayment by instalments. Premiums moderate. Rapid comple- tion of Mortgages and light legal charges, which saay be fixed before-hand. Fall particulars on application to T. J. PARRY, Secretary. 5, Temple-row. Wrexham. 1229s MONEY LENT PRIVATELY, from JEIO iwt upwards. ON BORROWER'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE. The undersigned has been established for nearly thirty years, and has always conducted business under his own name. He has always endeavoured to act in a fair and straightforward manner, and has received many hundreds of letters of appreciation and thanks from those who have dealt with him. No Preliminary Fees charged. No Bills of Sale taken. Prompt Attention to Enquiries. Prospectuses, terms for advances, or any informa- tion desired, will be supplied, free of charge, on application, either personally or by letter, to GEORGE PAYNE, ACCOUNTANT, 5, TOWN WALLS, SHREWSBURY. WEDNESDAYS, at 1, Cambriau Buildings, Oswald-road, Oswestry (next to Cambrian Railway- Station.) 2068d NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. I All Orders relative to Advertise- ments received by Telephone or Telegraph, must be confirmed by letter, otherwise attention cannot be guaranteed.








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