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'N anted. _TLnJTL AIRDRESSING.—Wanted an Apprentice at once.—Apptv, Hanmer. Bridge-street 183t A PPRE?TICE Wanted.—Apply B. PoweM, ?JL Honae Pointer and Decorator, Qtieen-atreet? HVV 7ANTED, a Haicetresser — App!y, James V V Beva.n. Go&t Inn, Moant street. Wrexham. 150r WANTED a Young Man for Provision I Trø.de.-Âpply, W." .Adt'l':rtiser Omce. 195r '?\-?\ TANTED, Plain Washing by a respectable VV Person.—AppiT, W?hicg," ??? OSes. _??.??—?— ?< ROCERY and Provisions.—Junior Wanted. (jT Apply Jonea. 41. C:mrch-9':oet, RhoBym?re. Rnabon. 180c I -n\V rr ANTED, Strong Youth. 15 to 18? for farmwo?.J?mea Le?. The ?? ?. Gresfotd. _?.?———————— T13 MJTCHERTNG.—Wanted, a strong Youth, n.ed to the trade-Apply LL Price, t. Rn?on- TO&d. Wrexbam. n'c _?_ ?W T' ANTED, Cottage with pasture, mile or ?'o fron-. ?rexb?m.- W rite, A.B.C., t'« Offieè, Wrexham. 18la -?\'rV r? .TKD a Student-Teacher to practice the Viotin w'th Juniors.—Apply Rospne?th School. Wrexban). t8 TIT ANTED, at once, a respectable General V V S.,rNnt. !'la.lI f¡:,mily.Irs Sli\t3r, V pru:)u Hoise, L!andll;1n0. ?_ DRUNERS. — One or two good men wanted f .r p.MS-wcrk.-Apply, Dar!inQt.on, Pla.3t;o)bciNrue. Hm.bon. 152r TItTANTED. at once. a Cook-Gencra.1 and \'V R. HOllsem..id-waitreBs.-Apply, 'Vyun"tay Arm- Hotel, 29f TTOUSEMAID —Wanted a Youug Woojan. JLl &3 Uon?m?id.—App'y to Mrs Jones. 6, Chester-atreet. W t39 'YVTY TAXTFD an Apprentice to the House Vt P?-ntinK an.1 Decora.ting.—Appty H. Samne). 5. \Vrexham. t17:J ? /?TR?ERY and Provisioas, wanted an \')r Improver with ? bont two years' experience. Men'a Stores. Wrexha.m. 185r tt7A?sTED, strong Youth, to assist Wtth VV e?t'? "?on !'r 'iker gnc.d ?'??ea si ven tn one anitIbtc.-F. y.?r.J). r-.?hin O'.d H?' 178= ? MART Men Wanted to reprcseut lar?e !!?) arr.) St)..ry a.nr) comm'?'on p..rma.r'ent position if C. Adre, h,<a. ?\ 7"ANMAX.—Wanted a smnrt cnpr?.tic ?r?p.d ?f?f"=mtri. mna;, be weil r?'ornmended t")d thornnc'.? n-ed to horsea.—Apply. Wr?x??m Co-spertttive 190r T\tY yAXTED, uuder Teanjsman, aged about V V 20 yt'M-<; fu-io a. good C.owumn &rd Youth. Good csttage for one ma.n.—Apply W. Honchtoa. Home Farm. 162d ""{""TANTED, en tro!ii the second Vt F.-hr'i'T.rv. a. 8U;n.U FnrQ'shed or Us- fcrm=hed lion:?, h) Wrpxham or Bbmbs.-Aorlr"ss C, OiRce of thi" 160d "\XTA:TLn, n;;prctahle Youtli as light vV al:>. w..l1-c'lncated Hoy os apprpn!ice to the Grocery Prcviaiou Trade.—App)y, Wrex- ham Co opera.tiva Society. 191r ?(OOK and Houacm&id (family two) ?22. ?? JE20 Gp.nerfti another kept), .EJL8 Housemaid (to tr::lII) £14; 100 Servants. paid -35, MR.rket ?trpf-t. f"-lIchp,,el". 167x /t GRICULTURAL Labourers for Queena- ?TL land. JMO !.o JE60, all fonnd. Fr.-e pMS?ea. Ship kit, JE1. ,'¡peial pa.rty in MMch.—Rnmspy, Government Shrewabnry. &ta.mp. 16.51 T EFT OFF CLQTHtNG.—Highest pnceH ?_J K?en. PMtiea waited on by Mr or Mr)! Smith tn cr Coant'-v. Ca.?h promptly remitted for Mreela eenL—Addreaa, 12, York-street, Wrexh'Mn. a TANTED, g')oJ practical Working Fore- 'it man, to tt'ke charge of pma. Urickworba to North Wa.!es. nnderstand machinery. n.nd hve in hon'-e f'a the worùs.pply, Thomas Browne, Tov.'er Uhfstcr. 146f THE Pioneer Life Assurance Company. JL Limited.—Rfspectuble Men Wanted, aa fu)! and sp.a.re. time Asent- for Wrexha.m and surronnr). 1Ilg Dj.vie9, a.aaiata.nt manager. 12, Ea.rle-street. Wrcxbam 179e 'IT 1VERPOOL Victoria Insurance Society. t ? Sm?rt nna.n wanted to Canva.aa. Sala.ry and CommiaBion. NE'w Tahl«!i a.nd every aR!!iFitaIlce civen.—App!y. Grimth". 5, Town Hill, or Evana. 2, Atbert-atraet, WrexhAn: 151r A GENT Wanted tor Wrexham and ?*3? district," one Vtbo ba.a a. sound connection amongst botela. business hoaaea, a.nd priv;tte families. Good com:ni"aiou to thoroagh rehH.bte ma.r'.—H. Gcd'.viu und Son. Cider Storea, Hereford. ôH XTANTED, where two are kept, a TV !e?pectab]& middle-aged woman & .vidow not objected to. Mi!k u.nd assiat in the house. A good hama to a. ¡;tel\ih per"on.—Address, sta.ting ii.r.d r,,f(-renCt;s. 11G..Itfrdrtucr OSice. t 'YTT'ANTED, Foreman for smalt brick- Yr workE one who underata.nda the machinery, making. E.nd barning of good common bricka aboat 10,000 per day.—App''y, per tetter, "Foreman," care o< Mr Robert, Ha.rddin. Wrexham. 121f A LL those Persons requiring GOOD ALL J? WOOL FLOCK BEDS, ca,n hn.ve them on at the NOTED PLEDGE STORES. 26, Heucla.s-street, Wrexham. Any Bize ma.de to or&r. ?Tom 6:1 5d to ISa 6d. Oldest eata.blished bed mllkera 0 Wrexham. 2338 To Let- ?lOMFORTABLE Apartments for two or ?/ thrae yocng men.— Mrs Joaes, 25, Welnn?oa- roa.d. 196r fT?O Let, Shop. House, and Bakehouse in JL Suburbs.—Addteas, Shop," c/3 ??f'?r?t'.Mr Omee. 182a. TIO Be Let, Large Garden, with stable and gi-hou,¡e.-J. A. Chadwick. Burton Brewery. Wrexham. tl73 /?<OTTAGE and GARDEN to Let at LIany \? pw! Rent 3? cer week.—Apply, A. Benia, L!aLnypwH. 184f m0 be Let, near Wheatsheaf, a Cottage and i_ Ten Acrea of La.nd.—Apply to W. Sparrow, GtrersyHt HiH. 139r A PARTMENTS.—Front Sitting-room and ??_ Hedroom for one or two Gentlemen to join. nve minutes' wa.tk from Town.—3, Albert-atrfet, Bightown, WreXh3.ffi. 155t To Let. I TTOUSE to Let, Hawthorn Villa, Smith. JIJL netd road. with Bath. Rent JE14.—Apptv. C. Lerry. 41. Regent-street. 37r A GENTLEMAN can be accommodated ?\ ?ritb a nice Front Sitting and Bedroom.— Apply, 8, Victoria-road. Wrexham. 49z FmO Let, OSlces at Bank Chambers, Egerton- JL street. For pa-rtionttn-a apply to the Manager, Btoyd'a Bank. Limited. Wtexham. 3576d rr?O Let.—Grazing Land. A small Held near JL the cemetery. also one by Bersham-road Bridge. —Apply. BaiM, Bryn Off", Wrexham. 115h m0 Let, on 25th February next, No. 5, JL Erddic-terra.ce.—Apply. Messrs AMinston Hashes and Bate, solicitors, Wrexham. 28a. ?lOMFORTABLE Sitting and Bedroom to \? Let, juat vacated by a. youn? gentleman ap?endid.y aitnatod bath, Ac.—GI&nod House (opposite GnUdba.U). Chester-atroet. 166z rmo be Let Red WiMow Farm, parish of JL Caeca Dntton, near Wrexham, containing forty-cix acrfs. Good honse ",nct out-buiJdins_- Apply MrR. Brereton, Dntton Villa, Caeca Dattr'n. t76 npO Let. Mount ViU& Higher Kmnerton, JL CbeHter. A good House, Batcher's Shop, SIa.og-oter House, BõiJJingR a.ud Garden. Also (if desired) 7 Acres of Pa.9tnre Land, ]nte!y occncied by Rr Daniel Nteid.—Appiy to Mr Henry S. Wha.ney, F.S.I., 3, Huuter-atreet, Cheater. 72h PLAS-YN-COEDRWG Railway Station, G!yndyfrdwy, G.W.R.) nDO Be Let, from 25th March next, contain- JL i?? 85 acres, in a,dditijn to sheep-waik.— Pnrther Cha.riesRicha.rda and Son" aolieitora. LIs.nK°]Jen. 145a. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. GWERSYLLT HALL ESTATE. npO be Let, at Upper Gwersyllt, three miles L by tnrnptke rotd from Wrexbant, from the 2nd of Febrnfuy next, 214 Acres of L'nd, a.tso 23 Acres of Gfaz:UR Lalld, wnhin the Pa.rk.—App!y to the ?>Ici3rf! Shone and Aatt, C.E., Ar4:y!e Chambers, \\rc<ha.m. 169o Sales by Private Contract. QUANTITY of Manure for Sa.lc, lyiu? at St'i,ble-y?rd, Wnio?v Brewery.—App?y. C K. ? H.. u°on & Co.. 14, High-Ht.reet. 155r /?RESCHNT Amcricaa Organ for Sale, six- \?/ teen stop- tcne rich a.nd pipe-!i!<o in qna.Iity, and tonch perfec'. Most anita.bie for eha.peIa.Hchooia ui: pnva.te Eqn t) to new. A th-j OrKt!.nis'. Congregational Churcu, Taiwrn, I Coeapoeth, 154r DRIPPING: DRIPPING DRIPPING 1 Best Quahty. 4d per Pound. WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTETj, 2085a WREXHAM. SINGLE Broughaujs, Landau. Open ?_) W?goHe'tc, tc ca.rry ten perRons, Two and four- wheel Dogcarts. AH in very good order. Also L'trKe Assur'.mt:[it of latea!. dcaigna new carriag¡;s.- Morgans, London, Co.\t;hbu:!denf, Wrexham. 114h rt?O Be So!d by Private Treaty, Eight Free- JL hold (newly etecteJ) DtveHiog-houses, with garden a-sd appaitfna.ures, at Station-road, BrocRbton.within oneminste'a Wfilk of Great Western I Railway SLa.tioa.—Apply to John Uogera, bnitder, Station-road, Brougho!J. I BOROUGH OF WREXHAM. I MANURE. A QUANTITY of nrst cla-=s MANURE J. T k- FOR SALE, in Lnts of aboat 35 tons.—Apply to Mr CHARi/Es MooHE, Guildhait. 157t mo be SOLD by Private Treaty, all those i Fonr Valax.b'e MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOBSES, Va)uab!e Corner BUILDING SITE, Ga.rden3 a,nd a.ppnrtena.nees thereunto beloagtng, Fimate at Wheatabeaf, GwerayHt. near Wrexham, with an annual rental of £4518, 8d. The above property, which is welt aitnated and commandd ¡;:ood tenants, forms aa excellent jnvest- tnent. For farther pa.rt'caln.rH apply to Mr HAMrDM< A. PovsER, Soticitsr, 33, Regent-street, Wrexham. 2332 o TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY A LL THOSE THREE VALUABLE A. MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES, Gardens and Appnrtemnces thereunto belonging, situate at Plasgwyn Monnthia, Miners., near Wrexham in the occupations of I?n.nna.h Roberts and others, witn an a,' iiaa.i renta,! of £14. The Property ha.i< recently been <horoat;h!y re- paired. It is \\fJi sitnAted and commands good tenant", and would form an &xceHent inveatment. For further particniars apply to &fR HAMPDEN A. POYSER, Sohcitor 53, Repent-aHoet, 3074. Wrexbam. I ALL KINDS OF I WOOD TURNING MANGLE ROLLERS RE-TURNED OR I NEW ROLLERS SUPPLIED. WE CAN DO ANYTHING. S. ASTON & SON, WREXHAM. 3259f ?7'ANTED, BOYS to SELL ???Mcra Tt on Saturday mornin?a.—Apply, OSiee of hit paper. Business Announcements. CABINET WAREHOUSE, 4, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. ESTABLISHEl) 18 40. NOTICE OF REMOVAL! J. LLOYD begs to inform the Public tha.t this Business will be REMOVED after the 25th of March, to LARGER and more CENTRAL PREMISES at No. 21, TOWN-HILL, Wrexham, late in the occupation of Messrs R. and T. S&avage, where all Orders will be promptly attended to. FURNITURE REMOVED to any part of the United Kingdom, or Stored at Moderate Ra.tes. 186c T. OPENSHAW 3E6S TO INFORM THE INHABITANTS OF WREXHAM AND DISTRICT THAT HE HAS PURCHASED THE BUSINESS LATELY CARRIED ON BY MESSRS MORTON AT 12, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. THE SHOP IS NOW STOCKED WITH THE BEST SELECTION OF BOOTS, SHOES. AND SLIPPERS IN THE DISTRICT. OVERSHOES IN ALL SIZES THE BEST HOUSE FOR LEATHER LEGGINGS. LADIES', GENT'S. & JUVENILES' GAITERS IN ALL SIZES. B0'TS REPAIRED. A AL SOLICITED. NOTE THE ADDRESS- T. OPENSHAW, CENTRAL BOOT STORE. 12, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 3A2fa I Entertainments and Meetin g s. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. AN EASTER FAIR & SALE OF WORK WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 9TH AND 10TH, 1900. In aid of the Congregational Free Church Bni!ding Fnnd (Rev. M. 0. Evans, pastor), a ST. JAMES'S THEATRE, WREXHAM. FRIDAY A SATURDAY. 19th & 20th JANUARY. HER WEDDING DAY." Time and Pricea aa usual. THE FIRST PANTOMIME OF THE SEASON. THURSDAY. FRIDAY. & SATURDAY, 25t.h. 26th. and 27th JANUARY, and One Matinee. SATURDAY. 27th, at 2 30 p.m., Mr E. GRAHAM FALCON'S Pantomime, "ALADDIN." Ear!y door, 7 p.m. Admission, 3a, 29, and lB. 187R. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. CAERGWRLECASTLE FLOWER SHOW. THE SECOND ANNUAL EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY, JULY 23RD, 1900. £50 in PRIZE MONEY. For Particn'ars, apply H. D. DAMEs, Abermorddu, Wrexham. 147d GILCHRIST LECTURES. WREXHAM COURSE. The Second Loc'.are wiH be delivered on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, at 8 p m., by DR. A. P. LAURIE, Sobject: THE ELECTRIC CURRENT — ITS PRODUCTION AND USE." Chairman—Sn: R. A. CusLiFFE, BART. A late train wiH leave the \V.M. and C.Q. Railway Company's Central Station for Mesa and Peatre, Pias Hower and Drymbo a.t 10 30 p.m. 149f GEORGE FRATER, Hon. Local Sec. WREXHAM AND DISTRICT FANCIERS' ASSOCIATION. A GRAND EXHIBITION OF POULTRY, PIGEONS. CAGE- BIRDS, RABBITS, AND CAVIES, WILL. BE HELD IN THE PUBLIC HALL, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JAN. 26rn & 27rH. I Entries positively c]oss January 20th. 161z J. MASON, Hon. Secretary. POLICE ORPPANAGE, CONCERT. PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM, 24TH JANUARY, 1900. HALF PROCEEDS TO LOCAL SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' RELIEF FUND. ARTISTES Miss KATIE JONES, Soprano. M n WILLIAM D A VIE S, Principal Tenor, 8:. Paul's Cathedral. REv. H. STEPHENS wiU sing. ¡ M:ss AMETUE LEADHETTER, (Dip. 1.3.31.), Sj!o VtoHn. LiK F.C.HATrON, Solo Flute. Mn AXD ;\1w; F. HORATIO LLOYD Mnsica.) Sketch. MRS J. LLOYD (CsiRK), 'Will Recife the Abaent-Mindbd Eeggar." AcoomptniatH: MRS LEAD!!ETTER AND MR F. PuLLEIX, A.R.C.O. Prices—Reserved Dèats. 5/ Unreserved Area, 3/- Gallery, 1,6. Plan at Richardson's Mnsic Warehonse, Regent- street, Wrexha.m. Concert 7.30, Carriages 10.15. Late Trams to Rhos and District. Gcd Sa.ve the Qaeen. f IN AID OF THE FAMILIES OF THE RESERVISTS. PERFORMANCE OF THH CANTATA. "JOHN BULL AND HIS TRADES," BY THE SCHOLARS OF THE WREXHAM BOARD I SCHOOLS, ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH. 1900. IX THE 1 PUBLIC HALL. z z PENYBRYN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH SALISBURY PARE. SUNDAY. JANUARY 21sT. Preacher: REV. R. PERIS WILLIAMS, Wrexham. Services at 10 45 and 6 30 p.m. tl71 CHRISTIANS' MEETING HOUSE EING STREET. SPEAKER: Janaary 21at.—Mr Ed. Evana, of Birkenhead. Next Lord's Day Evening at 6.30. WELCOME TO ALL. 546 Lost and Found. ? ? REWARD.—Lost on the 2nd inst., in o&? eonrae of journey betwe' J ?Nantyffrith to Cefnybedd and thence by Wrexham, a, Lady'd Furse (red eo'onr), contaf—u ? gold, money order, and cheqnea. The above reward will be paid for the Mccvery thereof on application to Char!ea J. Ford, 13, Temple-row, Wrexbaca. tH5 LADIES at last GRASP the FACT that FRISTER & ROSSMANN'S SEWING MACHINES ARE BEIXG SOLD AT SPECIAL CASH PRICES. ABOUT HAL If THE PIMCg ARGED BY HIRE DEALERS I HAND MACHINE with Solid Walnut Cover jgg lg g HAND & TREADLE with Solid Walnut Covar £4 4. Q. OAKES & GRIFFITHS, CHESTER. 263<& For Prmting that will attract, For businesslike printing. APPLY AT "WREXHAM ADVERTISER" OFFICE. TELEPHONE, No. 66. A LL Orders for PRINTING, IjITH? ?? GRAPSY, BOOimiKDl??. &c., intended ?r the 'ADVERTISER" nFFICES,wm be reo ? ? tbeO&GM MAIIRI,"11.44VA.R-i41 OXLY there NCScOKNECTiat with R.nv otrMr fir,-n. Office hacra i:I am. to 6 p.m. TELEpHoxj!. No. 66. Business Announcements. J P JLL 0 YD ESTABLISHED 1874, DEALER IN HAY, STRAW, CORN, & FLOUR. ALL KINDS OF FEEDING STUFFS FOR HORSES, CATTLE, SBEP, FIGS. POULTRY DOGS AND GAME. A LARGE STOCE'OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 'ALWAYS ON HAND. QUEEN STREET HAY, CORN, AND FLOUR STORES. WAREHOUSE :—ARGYLE & LORD STREETS, WREXHAM. 812 IND, COOPE & Co., LTD., HENBLAS-STREET AND QUEEN-STREET, WREXHAM, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. SINGLE BOTTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. NOTE PRICE LIST— ALES AND STOUTS. IN CASES (CARRIAGE PAID.) Per Per Per Per Per Ga.Ha. Pica. Fir. E.H. Bte. Ea8tInc!i&ra!eA!e 1/8 7/6 15/- 30/- 60/- 0 „ 1/6 6/9 13/6 27/- 54/. L.B. Fine Bitter A!a 1/4 6/- 12/- 24/. 48/- F.A. Family Ale. 1/- 4/6 9/- 18/- 36/- SpeciaHy recommended for Private Families. <t. MiId A!e. 1/6 6/9 13/6 27/- 54/. 5. „ 1/4 6/- 12/. 24/. 48/. 6. „ 1/2 '3 10/6 21/. 42/. 7. „ 1/- t,6 9/. 18/- 56/- 1/6 6/9 15/6 27/- Double Brown Stout. 1/4 6/- 12/- 24/- Bcown Stoat 1/2 5/3 10/6 21/- B 0 T T L E D Imp. Pints. Imp. Ha,!f Pints. 00 East India. Pa.!e 36 2/- 0 „ „ 3/- 1/9 J.J,.B. Light Bitter (apecia.Uy recommended). 2/6 1/6 F.A. Family Ate. 2,6 1/6 D.8.Donb!e Stoat 35 1/9 8.S. Single Stont. 2/9 1/6 P.Porter 2/6 1/6 (In Cork or Screw-Stoppered Boti!es.) CHAMPAGNES, SPARKLING HOCES. MOSELLES BURGUNDIES, CLARETS, CHABLIS, CORDIALS, LIQUEURS, PORTS. SHERRIES, &c. AUSTRALIAN WINES, "BIG TREE," AND "ORION" BRANDS. MARTELLS AND HENNESSY'S BRANDIES. RODERICK DHU, HIGHLAND CREAM, INVERCAULD. BRIGADER, GLENLIVET, AND J. JAMESON'S WHISKIES. IND, COOPE & Co., LTD., BREWERS, IMPORTERS AND BONDERS OF WINES AND SPIRITS, BURTON-ON-TRENT. INDIA PALE ALES AND STOUTS IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. SPECIAL TERMS TO HOTELS AND BOARDING-HOUSES. WINES AND SPIRITS. NOTE THE ADDRESS :— HENBLAS-STREET AND QUEEN-STREET, WREXHAM. W. E. PALMER, BRANCH MANAGER. J. L. MAYGER, DISTRICT AGENT. w. E. BRANCH MANAGER. J. L. MAYGER, DISTRICT AGENT. fal655dj 1899. CHRISTMAS. 1900. G. F. & A. RROWN & SONS, IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND SPIRITS, 59, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, In solicitiag your esteemed Orders for Christmas, ha.vc pleasure in placing before you a. selection from their Genera.1 Price List. Our Bonded Stock, as the result of most careful selection, aSords all purchasers an opportunity of obtaining, each at its respective price, the best possible value. Per Per Per Per Per Per I Bo.-tte. Qna.rt. Bottle. Qua.rt. Bottle. I SCOTCH t/8 2/8 IRISH 1/8 2/8 RUM 1/8 2/8 WHISKY i m 3/4 WHISKY 1/11A 34 3/4 2/10 4/ 2/10 4/ 2/10 4/- 3/ 4/3 3/6 5/ 3/6 5/ 3/6 5/- Etc. Etc. 4/2 6/- GIN 1/6 2!4 BRANDY 1/8 2/8 PORT AND /9 1/- 1/lli 2/8 1/1H 3/4 SHERRY 1/ 1/6 2/6 3/4! 2/10 4/- 1/4 2/- Etc. 4/10 7/- 2/- 3/- 5/5 8/- 3/- 4/- Etc. HALF.PINTS AND PINTS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. Burgundy, per bottle, 1/6, 2/ 2/9, 4/8, &c. Champagnes, 4/4, 5/4?t, &c. Clarets, 1/ 1/4, 1/6, 1/9, 2/ 2/6, &c. Vintage Forts, 3/ 4/2, 3/6, 5/6, &c. Hocks and Moselles, 2/1, 2/9, &c. SPECIALITY: FINE OLD SPECIAL BLEND SCOTCH, PER 3s 6D BOTTLE. 2934hz W. W. REES 10, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM, (FseM BROWN, HOLMES, <& CO., CHESTER), Begs to direct SPECIAL ATTENTION to hif Large a.nd Vtu-ied Stock of VENTILATED DOWN QUILTS, Of &H Ae LATEST STYLES and COLOURINGS, which range in pricea from 3/11 to 49/6 each. SPECIAL PURCHASE IN WHITNEY AND CLOTH BLANKETS, J (Extra. Good Yalne), 5/tl, 7/11,10/6, to 21/- per pair. HOUSEHOLD LINENS of every description kept in stock, t MHJjINERY acd DRESSMAKING Orders executed on the Shortest notice, a.t Strictly Moderate Prieea. NOTE ADDBEBS:— W. W. REES, 10, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM. DRESS & COSTUME DEPARTMENT. DAVIES & RUSH, HAVE OPENED A LADIES' COSTUME DEPARTMENT, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A FIRST-CLASS LADIES' CUTTER, Beg to MMioance that LADIES' GARMENTS of all d"oriptions Me made on the Premiaee by Praet:M.l Ladies' Ta.i!ors, and that Style a.nd Fit eha.tl be Ouaxanteed. ALL THE GOODS ARE PROCURED FROM THE LEADING LONDON COSTUME HOUSED. A Tlfl_L J.6' RRSPECTFWLLY NOLWITND. 58, HOPE STREET, AND CENTRAL ARCADE. 1617 BuaiMM AnjMunoemeBtBt -ø HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW "GLOBE" AUCTION ROOMS, WHICH ARE NOW READY FOR THE RECEPTION OF GOODS FOR SALE? THE BEST Situated ROOMS m TOWN, being on the MAIN STREET, and close to both Railway Stations. OPENING SALE, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1900. PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK. R. OWEN JONES & CO. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, &c,, REGENT STREET, WREXHAM. GOODS FETCHED AND SOLD AT MODERATE INCLUSIVE CHARGES. INSTRUCTIONS HY POST PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 3082 t 'DT A'?y?T'?T? c?Y? ? ???T 4f111.- J.JLR.D! 1 IJMbr biisASuN. FOREST TREES, QUICKS. PRIVET, HOLLIES, &< FRUIT TREES. (Leading Sorts). ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, STANDARD AND DWARF ROSES. CLIMBING PLANTS-VIRGINIAN CREEPERS. CLEMATIS. IRIS HERBACEOUS PLANTS IN GREAT VARIETY. FINE COLLECTION OF .GREENHOUSE PLANTS :-PALMS, AZALIAS. CROTONS, FERNS, <&c.. Ac.. INSPECTION INVITED. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. STRACHAN & EVANS, SEED MERCHANTS AND NURSERYMEN. 4, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. NURSERIES :-NEAR RAILWAY STATION. 2436 "6r. r- ABSOLUTE SAFETY! ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?_ ? ?_? ?' ? t ROGERS & JACKSON, AGRICULTURAL LE MEN T AGENTS, WREXHAM, NAT. TELEPHONE No. 19. Have in stock a Splendid Selection oi CHAFF CUTTERS, Rtted with Fly Wheel and Safety Levers to comply with the Chan'-Cutting Machines (Accidents) Act now in operation. Fanners will do well to be prepared, and have the wheels on their machines protected, and levers ntted. A Large and Varied Stock of TURNIP CUTTERS and other Food- preparing Machinery on hand. Horse Gears a speciality. Estimates given, and every attention paid to all orders. Agents for the following and other First-class Makers :—JOHN WILLIAMS & SON; HENRY BAMFORD & SONS; RICHMOND & CHANDLER; HARRISON McGREGOR & Co. FRE RAIL.2'i::1ES ??t????!?t!NM!??t'T?tN?N? t Ab! UK &SOH.WREX-——H—A? M???J*j NZ????B???t?M -?? .??. RE STORER, ,i????HSI???gS?? ?°" /<<??????REM<3VERS_?MoSjrORER?t ERta!ER MOVERS AN_- Hr?MMF'!? $ ffp?SH????MANUFACTURERSREPAtRERS J 'f 0 I WREXHAM ADVERTISER PRINTING WORKS. IJC3T APPROVED STYLE. PRICED CONSISTENT WITH GOOD WORKMANSHIP. A LL ORDERS for PRINTING, LITHO- ?' 1 GRAPHY. BOOEHIXDI-?Q, &c., intended tor the "ADVERTISER" ceived at the OSces. MARKHT SQUAKE, o-L):, there being NO CONNECTION with any oil.er nrm_ O&ee honra nine a..m. to nix p.m. Telephone No. 66.