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Shipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE.—The Steamers of this Line follow the acecined Outward and Homeward Tra.eks adopted by the leading Liverpool and New York Steamship Corn. panies. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORE. via QUEENS- TOWN, every WEDNESDAY. BRITANNIC \Y(>¡l. D<-c 2) r.r.:lDIANIC Wed. Jan. 8,18::6 "'MAJESTW Wecl. ,j¡u. 1, i3J6ri'SUTONIC Wed. Jan. 15, 1896. Second Ca.bin will he carried on the voyages marked thus. Cr,ttort itot car?-ied <M Passe)iger,gtean?ers. Steerage pil55ge at low ra.tea, including Outfit free of charge. ?New ?York, Boston. Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Sncerior accommodtition at moderate fibres for Sa.loon .-md Second Cibin also through bootunRS to China.. New Zealand. and Austra.ha.. Foriur'hcrinformfttion&pply to RHoBERTS 23, Town Hiii. Wrexham; W. D. Jo-fEs, Old lhnk, Holy- head? J. W. H?i.. 97, GeorKe-street. Chestcr. or of IsM. iMKis & Co., 10, Wa.te?street, JLiverpool__95o CUNARD LINE. FIVE AND A THIRD DAY PASSAGES. -r? OY \L MAIL STEAMERS FROM LIVER- R POOL, CALLING AT QUEENSTOWN. FOR XKW YORK. FOR JiOSTOX. LUCAXL\ .Sat. Der. 211 KBL\RIA.Thur. Dec. 19 ETRUHIA.S!it. Dec. 28, Thur. Dec. 26 AUHAXL\S:lt. Jnu. 4)SYLVAXIA-Thur.. JM. 2 Surr. Accr<M''tGT'TtON at modera.to f.u-es for First ana jec_m(1 Clasq Passengers also through to CHINA, JA"AN, N IW ZEALAND. :Mld Ar;s-rI!ALIA. SteM'iu'c r:is3cn!:ers to all parts of America. and Canad:L :Lt !ow rates; those by Boston steamers booked to N&\v York without extra chM-go. THE CUXARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LiMiTED 8, Water-street, Liverpool, Or to their Agents: T. CnAKLES, The Old VicM-agc Brvmbo. Wrcxham; R. ROBERTS, 23, Town Hill Wrexna!lt R. D. RoBEHTS, Estate Agent, Rhyl. 261z A BERDEEN LINEto AUSTRALIA via ??. Tenerife a.nd Cape Town in 42 days. A USTH,\ L.L\ ca.pt. T. F. Spn.Mins: 3.661 ton<<. Dec. 23 DAMASCL:S Capt. A. Douglu.s, R.N.K.. 3,609 tons JM. 25 The stcA'ners of this favourite Liue sail from London monthly t,l];illg saloon :tnd third class passengers to TENEi:lFE, CAPE TOWN and.aU Austridi.T.na.nd New ya.rcs to Austra.lia, S14 14s to JE50; to C.H)e Town £8 8s to JE2S 5s. For pnrticn;Ars a.pplv to Gco. Thompson and Co.. 7, Billiter Square, London, E.G. 5f TIMBER SI.ATEP BRllihS, TILES, CEMENTS. LATHS. SEWERAGE PIPES And all other Bnilding Material. -r? ?TEREDITH TONES'S, JLL. JAJL ? TIMBER YARD, AND STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. Beat Red BUILDING BRICKS ma.de at the Brick yards near Wrexha.m. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS :— MEREDITH, WREXHAM." 1816f T 0 X A S.S f!J B.eal..¡ yr.. = -J -=f:J) = ..¿; == -=, !!J Unequalled for JXFLUENZA. COUGHS. COLDS. ASTiIMA. HIWNCHIAL AND ALL CHEST COMPLAINTS. Tin Bil'lninôharn Chronicle No-.pm. l ? -'t'. Z.s: .rhe- most enina.cious cure ever offered to ti." pn!.Iic for the numerous varieties of ch' st f.i):j)!aint'! is Tho[n:t'MTs "Pertect" LUNG i HHAL.R. In a.¡l bronchial affections. hon:'at'!ies- :t<.thm:i. and affords t'ci:etlor'in:s'!n'"t-er" TU('U.NL'S OF THSTIMOXI.'LL". r:'¡,'e 1/14 Jier l;ottJe of Chemi,ts, ur post London, S.E. ? ?? .? "? ?? ?? ? ?. ? ? ? S ? r??J??JS t.&?'!?? ??MSE? The Gr":t.tc'st outAvard upphcatiun :m' r,¡. "<h"+:l!!m L \.i. ") (":jg.\&íf .¡;r¡ .1 ,r:Jttib"7Y'" ¿, '1i \.t" ;¡rJ:iw,lt\?l1., pins, ana. &11 p&ins. The mast Perfect Oil ever brought before t..a pubHc, and will give reiiet quicker th<tr othl' reinGdy. y,J:l by Chlllists at lilt per bottle, or post ] freeS'I.ext.ra.frojtn i.1- V-%restniluster Bridnc Road, London, S.E. '? ?rMF'? n!!HFn ? 'n d.. t ???'?yt R?p?diy, und .fcrmaneutly, ? .r. ByLStNG "jE R 0 Z 0 x 3S/' i: idl i.ns Restored the Hearing of Thousands. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. N-ne germine without the word EROZONE." :r;ce lIP.. pe" bottle of all Chemists, or post: free 1/3, from 1' Il'f1 0.. iii. :f 0 17 .l.V î.4S, 'Westminster Drid.g:3 LONDON, S.E. ?'='Y? ''???'T?' i ')., .?. < t-*i M? '«< t-J t?  Reliavss. ¡ ONF 3?  ?T??OS !——————————? L'ONGSTAFFR I*?ESB**°a).?)6?*tjta ?It? ???*< These PHls will Positively Cure quicker than any other remedy all m.S- 'JHARGES of th" GE¡- '.rAL ORGANS in eitilf, aex. Acquire or Constitutional; also GRAVEL and PA-INS in the BACK. FREE FRO)f MERCURY. So; in boxes at t/H und 2/9. of all Pntent 7-te<ncine Dealers, or post free ;3 ?md 3; from 148, Webtminstar Bridge Road, London. PARISH & DISTRICT COUNCILS. TO OVERSEERS AND OTHERS. All the NECESSARY FORMS can be procured from BAYLEY & BRADLEY, LD., "ADVERTISER" OFFICE. WREXHAM. EVERY MAN BUFFERING from NERvous and PHYSICAL ?? DEBinrY should sead for a valuable pamphlet explaining how all nervous a.nd organic derangemeata may be successfully trea-ted without stomach medica- tion. The method is easy and pleasant, and will effect a perfect and permanent cure. Sent sealed post free.—Address E. NoNTON, 249. High Holborn, London, W.C. 1078c FREE TO MEN 'Wheu yon are tired of taking nauseous and mysterious preacriptiona and compounds, which .do yon no r-od, but only rnin yonr digestive organs write to "t?.?" wil!aend yon n.boobwhich describes q. U T -1?T?%l \T QU?'"? ?X!' ?'?".1? cure fnr lost strength was'.il1g .?-akm "c.,fra]n whatever cause arising ?' ?<?'A('i! 'I?DICI ELECTRICITY' ':t:nt \[) .n.e C for postage J. 1,ii(;.i¡ "I,5.. ondon. W.C 1916 Money. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED), ESTABLISHED 1856, Are prepared to advance, at a few hours' notice, fr jm JE5 upwards, ufon PERSONAL SECURITY, or upon deposi t of ..WE POLICIES, IITLE DEEDS. SHARE CERTIFICATES. DEBENTURES, <&c., AT MOCEBATE TXTEREST. No Preliminary or other Charges or Premiums. Specially Reduced Terms for BILLS and LOANS of -E50 and upwards. Repayments by easy inatalmenta. Stricteat con- fidence and privacy observed. Forr.a of application furnist? Free by post or otherwise. Prompt attention givn to every applice, tiou.—Apply JAXE8 PHENNAH, Secretary, 4, Temple- row, Wrexham. 72 MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT FROM .E10ToJE5,000.. AT LOWER INTEREST THAN OTHERS. m0 LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Farmers, t Gardeners, Carriers, Cowkeepers, ShopKeepera, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks, Sclioolmasters, Clergy- men, Gentlemen's Servants, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders, and others in good situations, on their own security without bondsmen, on note of hand alone, re-payable by easy instalments, or ar- ranged to suit borrower's own convenience. All communications are received and kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honorable and straightfonvard transactions guaran- teed. Intending .Borrowers are invited before apply- ing elsewhere to apply to the actna! lender. B. EDWARDS, 17, Pepper-street, Chester. N.B.—Town or Country distance no ct Letters immediately attended to. No changes what- ever if no business be done. 22G7n THE OLDEST ADVANCE OFFICE IN SHREWSBURY. A DVANCES made privately and con- ndentia))y in suma of JE10 np to JE500 UPON PJ?RTLO. MISSORY NOTE ONLY at much lower interest than usually charged. Repayment arranged to suit Borrowers'' requirements. Genuine and extensive business dane for 25 years past. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. Apply personally, or write for terms, to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 5, TOWN WALLS, SHREWBURY. OswESTRY BRANCH—1. Cambrian Bui!dinga, Oswald Road (next to Cambrian Railway Station. 1497a WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ??? ?S?*? ?t??f j<?*?? t? ?C7 Btw ? ??LL??'S t'OB ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SCCn AS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER AND FEMALE AILMENTS. ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOXES. In Boxes, 9;d, Is l;d, and 2s 9d each. with full directions. The Is li(I box contains 56 pills. Prepared only by the Proprietor- THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELENS, LANCASHIRE. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH—PERFUMES THE BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, of all Druggists, or from the Proprietor, for Is, post paid. fl234t -YTTANTED, BOYS to SELL Advertiser3 Vt on Saturday mornings.—Apply, Omce of this Paper. Business Announcements. GWILYM EYANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Is the beat possible Winter Medicine. It is admirably adapted for the preven- tion and cure of all winter aitments. Especially should aUwhose occupations keep them indoors for a great part of the dav protect themselves from the injury to health resulting ft omEasterly winds, cold and damp feet, exposure t" the weather. This can be easily done by taking a timely course of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOB WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. LOW SPIRITS, MELANCHOLLY, LOSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION. BLOOD DISORDERS, CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC you WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS. TESTIMONIAL .— 5, Nort.Ii-st.rcct. Ashton-in-MakerneId, Lancashire, July 8th. Dear Sir,—Please send me a bottle of your Quinine Bitters. I have taken <wo butties. au<t already find great relief. I have suffered for over three years from Weakness and Nervousness. accompanied by rising sensations in the head. Giddiness, and a Sick Sumach. but have f..uml great benefit since I commenced taking your Quinine Bitters. I was told of the remedy by one of my neighbours, whose wife had been long ailing from the same complaint: but she is now as well as ever through taking vour Quinine Bitters. Yours faithfully. MRS FAIRHUBST. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC i!&; FOR BRONCHITIS. PALPITATION. TESTIMONIAL :— Courtia, Abor, near Bangor, June 21st. Dear Sir,—I have suffered from Bronchitis for years, and each succeeding attack has been worse than the former one. I have tried several doctors and patent meui- cinec, but have had nothing to compare with GwiLYM EvAKS' BiTTEns. I have also suffered from Palpitation of the Heart, of which I am now cured. I !tm now using the Mxth bottle. I know several persons who have been cured of various complaints by using your Bitters. I remain <&c., DD. RouEBTs. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Sold in 2s 9d and 4a 6d bottles. See the name GwiLYM EVAS" on Stamp, Label, and Bottle. This is importa.nt as there are numerous imitations. Sole Proprietors QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. ez2M5co BREAKFAST-SUPPER. EPPS S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. 1771 THE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1887 NORTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. BAYLEY & BRADLEY, LIMITED. ADVERTISER OFFICE, WREXHAM. TORPID LIVER. HEADACHR. PU RE L Y VEGETABLE. SUGAR COATED. All Chemists is. ? Small Pill Small Dose Small Price. j 1263 r-. r-¡===' =- m .r-=--=;' ¡! -'f' -("0. (3' 'Ð I' ?. "*Ä¡'Ji I "J.».t;r-) -It 1. tI Ii :11 'iJí''3 ¡¡, J( @ "ë'f:<fj¡f I 'I! \4-J L 1/ V <5 a c,J:;Q'0:" t, :1:5::¡_t- -3.- i' 3.t:l ?' \? ? JK?* '? ?- i.'?'.)'.?'?.?' ?'?''??-????l??''? .????'??A??y???*)t????'??'.?*.????-?????!??\* -?'?? I 'O'r/)' 7J- )" oI'' ,p Š !YJ 'i I I. -1/ '):? y c.. 'J 'oJ i), 'J: L:Ja.irz c.- IIIII "Q.t 1t M @)2>Wj:fJli' -p't'l i t ? ;hese Remedies have stood the test of "l F!FTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, ), And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family use. -to /i'. THE PILLS ii Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS and 1 BuWBLs, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all ages. THE OINTMENT ] Is the only reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, conEa, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS; < for BRa:'o!r:T".J"')'' SoRE THBOATa, COUGHS, GOUT, EIIEUMATIS-U, b¡ i SwELMNGs, and for all SxiN DISEASES it has no equal. Manufactured only at 78.NEV OXFORD STREET, hte533, Oxford St.,LON"n, Olil') SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily between the hours of 11 & 4, or by letter.



[No title]



