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Business iamouncements. XMAS, XMAS, XMAS, 1895. 1895. 1895. WINES AND SPIRITS AT WHOLESALE PRICES, AT C. E. BENSON AND Cos SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, AND 21, CROSS STREET OSWESTRY. IRISH WHISKIES. Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, 2/10 and 3/1. DnnviUe's, per bottle. 3/6 John Jameson's „ 2/6 Einahan's L. L. 3,4 Brenan'aV.S.o." 3/6 George Roe's „ 3/6 SCOTCH WHISKIES. Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, 2/10 and 3/1. Encore, per bottle. 3/4 Melrose „ 3/6 Lome 3/6 „ Glenlivet O.V.G? ? ? ? ?g 36 ? ? ? 3/5 Glen Alva 3/0 G!enisle .? ? ? ? 3? Robertson's J J J 3/6 Medical Comfort.????.? 3/6 j RUM. I Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, and 2/10. GIN (London.) Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, and 2/10. DE KUYPER'S HOLLAND. Per Bottle 2/6d. BRANDIES. Per Bottle 2/7, 3/1, and 3/6. CASE BRANDIES. Guaranteed the genuine productions of the names whose brands they b ar. HENNESSEY'S. 1 Star, per bottle 4/5 2 5/0 3 5/6 MARTELL'S. I Star, per bottle 4/6 2 „ 5/0 3 „ 5/6 JULES DUFONT & CO/S. 1 Star, per bottle 4/0 2 „ 4/6 3 5/0 CHAMPAGNE. I'iper Heidsieck's, Roederer's, Pol Roger, Meet Md Chn.ndon'a Perrier, Jouet's, G. H. Mumm's, Vcnve Clicqnot, Heidsieck and Co., Saumur, and vanous other well-known Brands. BURGUNDY. Per Bottle from 1/8. HOCK „ 2/0. PORT l}o SHERRY l?O CLARETS. ?0 MARSALA. 1/6. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LIQUERS. Come and see our Stock of Wines, Spirits, and Liqcers, unequalled anywhere in quality, at prices within the reach of all. MINERAL WATERS. Schweppe's, Ellis', and Ediabnry and Co.'s, also NATURAL WATERS from all the best known German Springs, at Wholesale Prices. 0. K. BENSON & Co. 14, HIGH STREET, WJREXUAM AND 21, CROSS STREET. 2206 OSWESTRY. ji 2206 OLD IRISH WHISKY OR RUM, THREE SHILLINGS PER QUART, EquaJ, if not Superior, to anything in trade at 4a WILLDER'S, CHEAPEST HOUSE jx WEEXHAM FOR SriRITS MARKET HALL VAULTS [Entrance to Marl-et HaD). 767c WREXHAM. BAYLEY & Co., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &e., Ac., HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, Have a Splendid Assortment of CHRISTMAS L NEW ? YEAR S CARDS. TO THE TRADESMEN OF WREXHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S ADVERTISEMENTS. 1895-6. CHRISTMAS is close upon us, and It is just the intervening spn.ce between now a.nd then that a judicious outia.y in advertising ia certaia to repa.y itself over and over again. At this period of the ''ear a thousand and one additional articles ale required in every boagehold.. Tho feative season bl'lngš \itli it. the dnty of Bapph ing innun)erab!e iv,,tiitsi nnd to do this the Tradesman of all classes of business will be requisi- tioned. The Draper, the Ts.ilor. the Grocer, the Booima-ker, the Tea Merchant) the Wine Mercha.nt, the Coal Mercha.nt. and others will be looking forward to a large amount of djitioDal trade. But whc. is to reap thu greatest p&ttlon of this ? It 's. unqccstionabiy, the Tradesmen who ha. ve the enter- prise to vive the createst possible publicity to their wares by Advertising them. Many tradjsiuen are deterred by the expense of advertising, but H is undeniable that a regular and JQdiciona discharge of &d\'ertiaementa resnits in a lar,"e accession of trade. Timid business men are afraid of incurring a tiide of expense for advertising, and the enterprising man, "y keeping himself bdere tbe public, reaps the Lenent. h To be c-Hectu.] t'he adv-rtisius' of Christmas gooçV- oS úuld be KOlle at on<:e.. The Pr<Jpl1etors wish to drâi the pecdJ ttentîon of Tradesmm\ to the .a attention of TradesmA", to the fact, that since the rednttiol1 of the pnce of the AdverOser to One Penny, the circulation has largely in- creased, and is ste-,tdily growing, thus greatly enhancing its value as an advertising medium. ,\H &s to the best ;tnJ cheapest mode of -.h dU"mp, wiit be [un;i"lwd un application. ADVERTISER OFFICE. WREXHAM, BAYLEY ('t BRADLEY. LIMITED. &3 Business Announcements. USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. SPLENDID STOCK OF FANCY AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, DAVENPORTS, FANCY TABLES, WRITING TABLES, CABINETS, FLOWER STANDS, COAL VASES, &c. AN UNRIVALLED SHOW I OF ) BAMBOO & WICKER FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT EXCEPTIONAL PRICES. SPECIAL LINES TWO-FLAP BAMBOO AND MATTING SPECIAL ±jJ.±?J-iO TABLE, 4s. lid. BANDS OME WROUGHT IRON AND COPPER ) TELESCOPE FLOOR LAMP, iyg lld. PATENT DUPLEX BURNER-Perfect Safety. J 2,000 PAIRS WHITE AND CREAM LACE CURTAINS, SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS, from Is lUd to 2 Guineas. RICHARD JONES, GENERAL DRAPERY & COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 50, 52, 54, 56, BRIDGE STREET, CHESTER. CRANE AND SONS. W R E X H A M PIANOS, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, BY ALL MAKERS, I FOR CASH OR BY EXTENDED PAYMENTS. HARMONIUM IN WALNUT CASE, 5s. per Mouth. SEVEN STOP HARMONIUM, 6s. per Mouth. TRE BEST A CRUNST NOUSE IN WALES. AMERICAN ORGAN, Polished Walnut Case, Mirror Top, Height 5ft. 7in., 10 Stops, and 2 Knee Swells, 8s per Month. CRANE & SONS supply a HANDSOME WALNUT UPRIGHT PIANO, Iron Frame, Trichord Check Action, Panel Front. Mid Truss Supports, 10 6 PER MONTH until paid for. Delivered on payment of One Instalment. TUNINGS either sing)y or by the year. REPAIRS of all kinds by experienced workmen. Estimates Free. Old Instruments taken in exchange. New Illustrated Catalogue, 70 pages, Post Free on receipt of post cajd. CRANE AND SONS, R. THORNTON JONES, MANAGER, 4, REGENT STREET. WREXHAM. St. James's Quadrille Band for Bails etc. Terras on application. 957 CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS 1895. 1895. 1895. C. K. BENSON & Co. RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THEIR PATRONS. AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, TO CALL AT AY OF THEIR STORES, AND SEE THE CHOICEST AND BEST SELECTED j5TOCK OF COOKING AND DESSERT FRUITS IN THE PRINCIPALITY. (CURRANTS WASHED AND CLEANED BY PATENT MACHINERY.) MUSCATEL, VALENCIA, & SULTANA RAISING, JORDAN, VALENCIA, AND BITTER ALMONDS, CANDIED LEMON, ORANGE, AND CITRON PEEL, CRYSTALLIZED & GLACE FRUITS. DNAPPROACHED IN QUALITY ANYWHERE. I A Large and Varied Assortment of XMAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS. 14, HIGH STREET. AND 85, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, AND Sl, CROSS STREET, OSWESTRY. 2445te t COAL. 1- COAL. COAL. COAL. RUABO? YA?D. CRANK. MAI?, A?D STEAM COAL DcIivoLPct if 1'own and Country at Lowest rdces. ,Speci;Ll Quotations for Truck L.1:tl-b- JAMES LEE, ABBOT STREET, WREXHAM. 2569:. I I QTT"\T INSURANCE OFFICE. ? LJ -1- ? FOUNDED 1710. SUM INSURED IN 1894, 1 .6393,622,400. Fur all particulars apply to Mr Trevor-G. i V): 'st3n, l!. Business Announcements. PUBLIC HALL, OR POST OFFICE, HIGHTOWN, WREXHAM. PALMER <& HOLT. )j DINING, DRAWING. <& BEDROOM SUITES MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRS AT MODERATE CHARGES. 2059 I CHRISTMAS, 1895. r CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW j YEAR'S GtFTS AT W. MARTIN'S, JEWELLER, 53, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. FANCY GEM RINGS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS, LADY'S AND GENT'S GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. GOLD AND SILVER BANGLES, DIAMOND BROOCHES, HIGH-CLASS GOLD AND SILVER BROOCHES, &-c., &-c. Send for New Catalogues jaat ont. 386 Illustrations. A LARGE STOCK OF WEDDING RINGS AND KEEPERS, t PLANTING SEASON. FOREST, FRUIT, And other ORNAMENTAL TREES & PLANTS, ROSES, &c. A FINE COLLECTION 0 F TABLE AND DECORATIVE PLANTS NOW ON SHOW AT HIGH STREET, All at very moderate Prices. STRACHAN & EVANS, RAILWAY STATION NURSERIES, X H A M THE SMOKE NUISANCE PREVENT SMOKE AND SAVE FUEL BY USING GREEN'S PATENT SMOKE CONSUMER. Applicable to all Horizontal Boilers without any structural alteration. Inexpensive! Effective! Has given entire satisfaction to every Machinery Owner who has tried it, as proved by testimonials received, copies of which, together with all other information may be obtained on application to Messrs GREEX & Co., Vron Brickworks, near Wrcxham or to Mr H. E. W. WiLsox, GIascoed, near Wrexham, Agent. t21M COCKLED ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. The Oldest Paten Medicine. In use for nearly a Century. The Safes Family Medicine, Of purely Vegetable Ingredients. Free from Mercury and other Injurious Drugs. THEIR USE. For all the common ailments of veryday life Cockle's Pills are simply invaluable FOR BILE, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY, INDIGESTION, SICK HEADACHE, 1t'.Dd all kindred complaints, these famous Pills act readily, surely, and safely. I COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. DR. G. F. COLLIER, writing on the Phaj-ma.- copceia of the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, says I have no hesitation in Baying that it is the best made Pill in th? kingdom." TAKE NO OTHERS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. ? c OCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PELLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. ? c OCKLE'S PILLS. ? COCKLE'S PILLS. ?J Cleanse and regulate thr whole ey stem, leading it f"cefrom all impurities. They carry off all un- heaJthy hnmonre; are ad- mirable in women's ail- ments, overcoming all ir- regTtIarities and maintain- tB<; the syatem in he&Ith, att.ngth, and vigor. To use them always is to beep yourself in perfect health—the bowels free, the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and comolexiou free from blemish. May be had throughout the United Engdom, in Boxes at Is lid 2a 9d, 4s 6d, I' and 22a. 4, GRBAT ORMOXD STRBXT, LONDON, W.C. fI2Ma Business Announcements. "'?", 'io-, A-HANS < -.r;;j< Gold Medal, Paris Exhibition. 1878. The Prize Medal, Dublin Exhibition 1865. THE CREAM OF OLD IRISH -I1SKJ£S PURE, MILD, and MELLOW DELICIOUS, and VERY WHOL.j E. THE FINEST SCOTCH WHISKY SOLD. GUILDFORD STREET, YORE ROAD, LAMBETH, S.E, Agents.IIESSRS C. K. ]BENSON, alid Co., WREXHAM.. 2255 I EVANS & DA VIES I ARE NOW SHOWING A CHOICE SELECTION OF MANTLES: TAILOR-MADE JACKETS, CAPES, AND MACE3NTOSHES MILLINERY: NEW AND TASTEFUL DESIGNS. FURS: IN THE FASHIONABLE SHAPES AND KINDS. ALL AT POPULAR PRICES. 20, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 2166  ?—— OSWESTRY. 35, HOPE STREET, aili M. a 11 ?-x*f< Reft?TP?tp MS'?' W li E X ,q r All* 13, HENBLAS STREET, ? b ==-?-— ?_csC ? CIOU8 s?KUbb biSEET, íi'1t fREE EST.NATES REM  BY ROAD OR RAI  "I HER H&SON,WREXHA9 ??s?ESI? FURNISHERSINMs ? ? EM ? ER! ?SH ? ?? ?ANl?FACTURERSRE?'R??? ? BPMnMCD< ?°" ???-??? REMOyERS_A??S??_??? j Are now able to remove Furniture by ROAD or RAIL, in their owuVa.ns. T;;cyhave just hadllllcw Van built (by the Hull Wa.pon Works Company) for Road or Ra.il, on the Intent de:igr. uf IRON FRAME, which is stronger a.nd MUCH LIGHTER than the old-fashioned ones they have experienced men, and their own horses, so that they have everv adva.nta.ge of giving iow eat'.ma.tes. which are always given willingly and FREE. We have small Vans for REMOVALS IN TOWN, and i-pecia.1 low rates by the Hour. S. AST ON" & SON, ARE NOW SHOWING NENV DESIGNS IN DINING AND DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE, Designed and Manufactured by S. ASTON & SON'S First-Class Hands (May be seen in process of Manufacture at their Works, LTill-street) JE a. d. DRAWING ROOM SUITE, in Velvet- £ S.d.] Couch, Eady's and Gent's Easy Chairs, andsixSmatI Chairs 5 5 0 DINING ROOM SUITE-Same, Nine Pieces, a.ny Colour Leather 6 0 0 BEDROOM SUITE—Wardrobe, Chest of dra.wera with glass, 'Washsta.nd with Marble top and the back, Cupboard, Ranl.and Chairs. 5 5 0 BEDKOOM SUITE-Same number ot Pieces, but LARGER, in Solid Walnut 10 0 0 s. d BEDROOM SUITE-Very Massive a.nd d La.rge, Wa.lnut. Riehiy Carved 35 0 0 I SIDEBOARD—Very Fine Carved Wal- nut. 6ve feet long with Glass B&ck 9 9 0 MANGLE (heavy) 24in rollers. 1 6 6 BEDSTEADS. Great Variety—Full Size from 0 10 6 BEDS (our own m&ke) 2 Pillows and Bolster—Fun Size 0 6 6 I SOFA or COUCH in Leather. 150 CHEST of DRAWERS. Mahoga.nv. 176 CHEFFIONIERS, Mahogany and Walnut 196 A GOOD DISCOUNT FOR CASH OFF ALL TEESE PRICES. I We are the La.rgss House Furnishers in Wales, and keep the Best Stock of CHAIRS. FENDERS. TEA SETS, TABLES, CURBS. DINNER SETS, I SOFAS. BRASSES, CLOCKS, COUCHES, IRON STOOLS, DRAPERY CHEFFIONERS, MANGLES. (,pUnT?,IW S OVERMANTLES, BASSINETTES, AxD I PICTURES. I _.&. T _øR REPAIRS of &!1 kinds executed on Shortest Notice by compel wol?en ? ?? ? W? ?) nn the WeeHv Payment System at the Lowest Possible fnce, a-nd GIVE a DIbCU.u ? ?J- p?U?K CAS Good.Dei?ered FRE? J di?nce, ?nd ? Furmture Gn?nteed,and?no?pFrovedof exchanged. ADDRESS- S. ASTON AND SON, WREXHAM. R. k- L -n_ 1865 WM. PIERCE, ¡ CABINET MAKER & GENERAL UNDER- t TAKER, I BRIDGF,-STREET, WREXHAM. Ag" ent to the Patent Metric, Air-tiht C ffin Com- pa.ny. Funerals comp!ety fumished on the r shortest notice, a,nd upon reason- g able terms. 2012e LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1894. PARISH MEETINGS AND COUNCILS. The necessa.y FOR.VQ and BOOKS en;! &e obtained at the. ADVERTISER" OFFICE, MARKET SQUARE, BAYLEY AND BRADLEY, LTD. Business Announcements. ? =::J"l;. I hAMUEL ROBER"TS FRUITERER, POULTERER, !?' GAME DEALER 10 and 11, VEGETABLE MARKET, WREXHAM Be6:s to thank his customers for pMt. ?a.vom-a ?a.T.? to anuounce th? he h? a I?ge ?10??? Geese, and aH kmda of Game for Christma? J? orders prompUy attended to. 2533? ESTABLISHED 1870. I E. ROGERS, TOBACCONIST, 9, CHURCH STREET, W R E X H A M ) CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 'i.. :f,: ¡¡I: I, SEASONABLE NOVELTIES. Solicits an inspection of her la.rge and ca.refnU chosen Stock of Smokers' Requisites. A choice collection of SILVER-MOUNTED WALKING STICKS. 2513e CHRISTMAS PUDDING FOR NOTHING. GIVEN WITH tLB. OF TEA AT 1/1, 1/2, & 1/3, ONE FOUND CURRANTS. HALF-POUND RAISINS ?NUT? EG? ?'  NUTMEG, NE PACKET PDDDIXG SPICE, ONE ??ST ?ER?S??. ROYAL TEA COMPANY, 10 & 11, BUTCHERS' MARKET, (Bottom of Central Arcade), WREX HAM. No connection with any other Tea firm in Wrexham. 2543z BUY RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1896. contains Hints to Farmers aud Gardeners Birthday Information for every day'W, and the Fate of any Child born during the yeL. hen to buy, sell, court, marry, set fowls, nsh. hire serves, seek empioyment, speculate, bake, brew, travel ?'bh??'' ? ?y??. ?? The be.t Almanac ??A-???; ??ice ?- P°? ?'? 7?- Book??? E?? ??- ? ??H?L-S Book of Dreams, 1s. Foulsh?m 4, Pilgrim St., Lnd?te nii], E.C. and all Stationers and Booksta.IIs. 1917g Entertainments and Meetings. WREXHAM INFIRMARY, THE ANNUAL BALL, In a,id of the Funds of this Institution, v.iti be held AT THE PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM, ox TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1895. Dancing to commence at ten o'clock, punctually. LADY PATRoxEss:—Mns CORXWALLIS WEST, Ruthiu CastJe. PRESIDENT:— The HIGH SHERIFF OF DENBIGHSHIRE (Philip Yorke, Esq.) TICKETS (SINGLE) 12,6 EACH. GEORGE WHITEHOUSE, 27, D Regent-street, Wrexhair., SLCRETAHY. December 7th, 1895. The Committee respectfully request that appnca.- tions for Tickets may be ma.de to the Secret.,Lry not later than Decem)Mi 27th, 1895, in or.ie,- that t¡,e ..robaMe number to be provided for mnv be ascerta.ined. ? 2552jf WREXHAM VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE. THE ANNUAL BALL In a.id of the Funds of this Brigade, will take ph:ce in THE PUBLIC HALL, Under the pitronage of His WORSHIP THE-MAYOR (Mr Councillor Char!es )Turless), and the MAYORESS (Mrs Mnrless), ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 18TU, 1S96. Doable Tickets, 15/ Gentleman's, 10 6; Lad.(=, 7/6. R. E. TURNER, Hon. Sec., 2611z 44. Talbot-road, NN-re-xlitm. ST. JAMES'S THEATRE. WREXHAM. ON THURSDAY. FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, 26tb, 27th. a.nd 28th December. GREAT CHRISTMAS ATTRACTION' "UNDER THE CZAR!" String Eiind and Effects. On BOXING NIG IG,' (26th) c.nrly door opens 6.45 p.m. 2619c ODDFELLO"'S' BALL Will be held at BANGOR-ISYCOED, lu th3 GIRLS' SCHOOLROOM, ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27m, 1895. 2518a R. MULLOCK, Secretary. ROSSETT ART EXHIBITION. AN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, ART NEEDLE- WORK, METAL WORE, WOOD CARVING. Ac., Under the patronage of THEIR GRACES THE DcKE AKD DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER, JL'HE LORD BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH AXD MRS EDWARDS TBE LORD LIEUTENANT OF DEKBICHSHIRE AND MRS COHXWALLIS WEST, THE HlOH SHERIFF or DENBIGHSHIRE, PHILIP YoRKE. ESQ., SIP. WATKIX AND LADY WYXN, SIR R. E. EGERTON. E C.S.I., C.I.E.; AXD LADY E&ERTOX, HIS HONOUR SiR HORATIO LLOYD AND LADY LLOYD, PROFESSOR H. HERKOXER. R.A., Will be held in the ROSSETT SCHOOL, ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 27TH, 28Tn, 30TH AND 31sT. The Exhibition will be opened ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, AT 12 NOON, BY HER GRACE The DUCHESS of WESTMINSTER, And in the Evening. A Grand CONJURING ENTERTAINMENT. Also an ADDRESS npon ART. At 7.30. A GRAND SOIREE WILL BE HELD. On Taesdav Evening, S o'clock, a CONVERSA- ZIONE will be held. Admission 6d. All proceeds will be devoted to Rossett School Alteration Fund. ADMISSION :—Opening Day, 12 a.m. to 6 p.m.. One Shitling 6 to 9, Sixpence. Other Days, Sixpence, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. REFRESHMENTS DURING niK EXHIBITION AT MODERATE PRICES. The Great Western Railway wii! i-cuechean tickets upon each day from all stations. 25Mfex T. C. DO j)D, VENTRILOQUIST, IN ith his FUNNY FOLKS AND MAGIC ILLUSIONS. FCLL EVF,ING'S I-:N-rT-.r.T.%T-i X: r'HOVJDi:D. TERMS jiuDhjfATt:. Address: TEMPLE ROW. 'YJ:EXHAM. 2485z ?TANTED, AG?r< '-< tor ih< Sal<- oT thc J .t- W ?v.?.)?. i') Dis!.ii<M v<herc no' a.lre&dy repress ?ed.-A (..)''y. 1;.?.?' ?- BE\r.u? Ltmited, tvioxh?;.