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<- WREXHAM BOROUGH MAGISTRATES' COURT. Monday, Skptkmhkk 23110. Befon, Di- Edward Davies, in the ch:m': T- C. Before Di. "William Overton. ftsq., John limy. Esq.. Jones. Esq., William Thomas, Esq., W. E. Samuel, Esq.. H. Y. Palin, Esq., Simon Jones, Esq.. Benjamin Owen, Esq., and Evan Richards, Esq. THE ItllOliS. Mr Janic-s lJhennah presented the list of jlllors which was approved without objection. SENT AWAY. Mr Ash ton Bradley appeared on behalf of the Wrexliam School Board, and applied tha.t the boy John Richard Edwards, son of Charlotte Edwards, who was remanded 011 Monday to the Workhouse pending inquiries regarding a school for his reception. should now be committed to the Chester Industrial School. The rea.son for the application was that the boy was not under proper control, was neglected, and was in the habit to associating with doubtful characters.—Mr David Lloyd Jones, attendance officer of the Schcol Board, proved that the lad, who was ten years of age, was entirely neglected and Inspector Robinson stated lhat in his opinion, the bov's mother was not a person suited to have control of the cbild.-The Magistrates made the necessary order committing the boy to the Chester Industrial School. THE ADJOURNED LICENSING BUSINESS. The Court t hen proceeded to consider tne acvjourneu licensing business. At the annual licensing sessions held on August 26th. the consideration of the re- newal of the following licences was postponed :-The Alexandra Vaults, the Rainbow Vaults, and the Cannon Inn. Concerning the Cannonglnn, Mr C. E. Glascodine said since the licensing sessions the former tenant. Mr David Baker, had died, and his widow, Mrs Frances Haker, had been unable to give the necessary notice. He therefore asked that the sessions should be further adjourned in order that her notices should be coiiipleted.-Tlie Magistrates saw 110 objection, and adjourned the sessions. They decided to renew the licences of the Alexandra and Rainbow Vaults. A lili.LIAlir) LICY.N-Cl;. Mr Stituley D. Edisbury applied on behalf of Mr R. J. Jones, the Victoria Dining Rooms, 39, High- street, for a billiard licence. Mr Edisbury said that Mr Jones had been frequently asked by those who Stayed at his house, and by his customers generally, to have a billiard table. The house was not licensed for the sale of liquor, and he (Mr Edisbury) thought the magistrates would not object to griiit the licence under those circumstances.—Mr K. J. Jones, the applicant, having given evidence, the magistrates granted the application. W.UXKENNKSS. P.C. Andrew Roberts charged George Edwards, Wrexham, with being drunk in Bridge-street on the 15th inst. The defendant said he got his driuk in Johnstown. Fined 2s 6\1 and costs.—P.C. Lewis Thomas charged Daniel Jarvis and Rose Jarvis, husband and wife, living at Brymbo, with being drunk on the night of the 16th inst. Fined 5s and costs each. lUlKVSIXG TO QUIT. Joseph Griffiths, of the Horse Sooe Inn, rexham, charged Edward Braiinan and Wiiliam Hi^ins, with beins; quarrelsome and refusing to quit.-Before the case commenced the complainant asked to lizLN-e the case withdrawn, as the defendants had apologised to hilil.-Tlie magistrates decided to hear the nature of the case.-—The complainant said on Saturday, the 14th inst.. Wiiliam Higgins came into his inn. When he had been in for some time he began to fight with another man. Complainant ordered him out, and he refused to 1:0. He then turned defendant out. Whilst complainant was doing so Brannan came at the back of him, and threw him down. Whilst lie was down he received several kicks.—The magistrates decided to a low the case to be withdrawn. A PUB AT LAltOE. Sergc-aut Woollitiii charged nenry ALuiiilord, Stanley street. with having a dangerous dog at large. —Sergeant Woollam said lie had received numerous complaints about the defendant having a dog (produced) not under proper control. Witness had cautioned him, but he had taken no notice of it. He would call witnesses to prove that the dog had bitten them and was a nuisance to the strect.-The follow- ing witnesses were called, and said they had been bitten by the dog :-Mary Anne Davies, William Roberts,ManU:y-ro:.d. and Elizabeth Miliington.— Inspector Clarke, of the R.S.P.C.A., said he con- sidered the dog a dangerous one. It was the terror of the street.—P.C. Williams said he had spoke;) to the defendant about the dog not being under proper control, and the defendant promised to look after it. He had not done ?o.—Inspector Robinson a'so cautioned the defendant about, the dog.—The magis- trates ordered the dog to be destioyed that dit- and defendant to pav the costs. < .v £ jt-umvix«. Inspector J. Clarke, of the Royal Society tor the Prevention ot Cruelty to Animals, charged Andrew Harrison, travelling photographer, Leicester, with over-drivine an aged mare belonging to Henry Andrews, Manley-road, Wrexham.—Henry Andrews said he owned som liors* s. which he let out to people. Oit the 5!13 inst. defendant came to him in the morning at about half-past eleven to hire his horse. Witness was very unwilling to let it out to him at first, but after some nersnasion he let it go. Yv itness let it to the defendant to go to Bam-or only. Witness had taken the mare to Pt.lford and back prev i ous to it being the IHare to P?.!f'rd ?n< .)ack previous to it b?ng hired by the defendant that morning. At about halt- past nine on the n:giit in question, he received infor- :n?iion that the trap was at the Feathers' Hotel, in Cheiter-stieei. He went and saw the horse, and it wfis in a dreadful condition. lie noticed after he had taken it into that thcie were swellings on the hind legs. The mare was sweating verv bac;lv. The marc- had only been shod 011 the previous fcjaturO.av. anci the sh.(; on t.he night in question were It could hardly walk to the stables. He called in Mr Fletcher, the veterhmrv surgeon, to look at it.—By Mr S. D. Edis- bury. who defended On the night of the 3rek instant, he let the mare to Mr Robert: Chester-street, veterinarv singc-on, to go three miles on the Wrex- ham to Chester. He did not know what iiine be got back. Mr Roberts put the mare in his stable till the next morning. The horse was not out alter. He was certain the defendant uid not say he wanted to go anywhere but to Bangor. On the night, of the alleged offence, he noticed the whip was broken. He saw no whi]) marks on the horse. He gave the matter into the hands of the R.S.P.C.A. riisi)octor.- John Wardlc said he saw the mare return to the Feather?:' door about half-past nine The mare was sweating verv badlv. He also noticed the whip WitS broken.—Inspector Clarke said he was called to see the mare 011 the night of the 6th of September. It was suffering from over driving. Its shoes were loose and he had great difficulty in moving tiie. iiiai-e ioiind. Its lour legs were swollen.— W. J. Fletcher said he the horse on the 6th instant, and it was suffering from over driving. Its legs were sv.ol'en, and it was very lame.—Mr Roberts, Chester-street, said he hired the horse from Mr Andrews on the 3rd inst. to go near Chester. It came back very slow.'v. He go', back at a.bout half-past two the next morning.—Mr Edwards, Cab proprietor, said defendant had hired horses from him, and they came bad, in a good condition. —Mr Parrv. Royal O"k. Bangoi". said defendant called there and gave the horse some oats on the day in question. The first time he called was at twenty minutes past two. and the other about eight going towai lis Wrexham. The mare was all right then. It appeared that the defendant had been as far as Vi elsli- pool and back.—Mr Edisbury, for the defence, con- tended that Mr Andrews was a contributor to the state of the mare.—The defendant was fined 10s 6d and costs, with a week allowed to pay it in. ovEit i.o.unxc. Inspector Clarke charged John Davies, t inth. with over loading his stage cart un the 31st of August at 10.30.—Fined 5s and costs. SKLLiNo SILVKI: ri.ATi: without A Lu I.NCJ.. -lir Lyons. Inland Revenue Supervisor, charged, on behalf of the Inland Revenue, John Hughes, Central Arcade, Wrexham, with selling silver plate beyond a certain amount without a licence, as requiied.—W. J. MtTarland. Inland Revenue Inspector, Chester, said lie called at the defendant's shop and asked for It silver Albert, which Mas Hall marked, and was be- yond the specified weight. W itness paid 12s 6d for it. Defendant had not got a licence. He produced the Albert.—Mr Lyons said he had been receiving numerous complaints from other jewellers in the town about the defendant not having a licence, and lie considered it very unfair that defendant should carrv on br.siii'jss in that way. The annual licence was "£2 6 .—The defendant ws«s lined £ 5 3s and costs.




- - - - - - - - - - -..--HOLYWELL.-





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