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Shipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMBRS. NOTICE.-The Steamers of this Line follow the specified Outward and Homeward Tracks adopted by the leading Liverpool and New York Steamship Com. panles. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via QUEENS- TOWN, every WEDNESDAY. -i"P>TTr'T*Vpd. Oct. 2 "TUETONIG Wed. Oct. 16 GEP.MANIC Wed. Oct. 91 BRITANNIC Wed. Oct. 23 Second Cabin will be carried on the voyages marked: thus* Cotton not carried on Passenger Steamers. Steerage passage at low rates, including Outfit free of charge. to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Superior accommodation at moderate fares for Saloon and Second Cabin also through bookings to China, .Japan, New Zealand, and Australia. For further information apply to R. ROBERTS, 23, Town Hill, Wrexham; W. D. JONES, Old Bank, Holy- head; J. W. HALL, 97. George-street, Chester; or of ISM AY hmu; i Co., 10.%Water-street, Liverpool. 95o CUNARD LINE. FIVE AND A THIRD DAY PASSAGES. BOYAL MAIL STEAMERS FROM LIVER. RPOOL, CALLING AT QUEENSTOWN. FOR NEW YORK. FOR BOSTON. LLCAIA ..Sat. SEP:. 28 ] CEPHALONIAThnr. Sept. S ETRURIA Sat. Oct. 5 | CATALONIA Thur. Oct. 3 CAMPANIA.Sat. Oct. 121 GALLIA Thnr., Oct. 10 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for First and Second Class Passengers also through to CHIXA, JAPAX, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA. Steerage Passengers to all parts of America and Canada at low rates; those by Boston steamers booked to New York without extra charge. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED 8, Water-street, Liverpool, Or to their Agents: T. CHARLES, The Old Vicarage Brymbo, Wrexham; R. ROBERTS, 23, Town Hill Wrexham R. D. ROBERTS, Estate Agent, Rhyl J W. HALL, 97, George-street, Chester. 261z ABERDEEN LIE to AUSTRALIA via ATenerife and Cape Town 42 in days. THERMOrYLiE Capt. A. Simpson 3,711 tons Oct. 25 AbElIDEE-N; C, ztpt.A. T. Wills.. 3,659 tons Nov. 25 The steamers of this fa vourite Line sail from London monthly taking saloon and third class passengers to TENERIFE. CAPE TOWN and all Australian and New Zealand Ports. Fares to Australia iEl4 14s to £ 50; to Cape Town £ 8 8s to £ 26 5s. For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson and Co., 7, Billiter Square. I TIMBER SI ATE S BRICKS, TILES, CEMENTS, LÅTHS, I SEWERAGE PIPES And all other Building Material. E i\l EP?EDITI-I j- 0 E s, S, E ]\JEREDITH JONES'S, TIMBER YARD, AND STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. Beat Red BUILDING BRICKS made at the Brick yards near Wrexham. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS :— » MEREDITH, WREXHAM." 1816f Perfect" Hung BfJal Unequalled for INFLUENZA, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA. BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS AND ALL CHEST COMPLAINTS. The Bimiijtglicnn Chronicle, Novem- ber 2:3rJ, Mnys: The most efficacious cure ever offered to the public for the numerous varieties of chest complaints is Thomasso's "Perfect" LUNG HEALHB. It will be found of the greatest use in ail bronchial affections, hoarseness, coughs, colds and asthma, and affords instant relief to the sufferer." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Price im per bottle of Chemists, or post free 1;:1 from L. Thomasso, London, S.E. Thomasso's Perfect'OSL The Greatest outward application for Gout, Ehsumatism, Sciatica, Neu- ralgia, Hsa-daolia, Sprains, Bruises, an& all pains. The most Perfect Oil ever brought before the public, and will give relief quicker than any other remedy. bold by chemists at lIlt per bottle, or post free 3d. extra, from 14, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E. DEAFNESS CURED, JM ?? Safely, Rapidly, and Permanently,  ? BY ?S[X8 E R 0 Z O N E," Which has Restored the Hearing of Thousands. THOUSANDS OP TESTIMONIALS. None genuine without the word JHROZONE." Price 1/11 per bottle of all Chemists, or post free 1/3, from L. THOHASSO, lS. "Westminster Bridge Road, LONDON, S.E. OITS DOSE I Pwslisvcs. 02TF T-TJZ 1 L?NGSTAFFS T I IE:31 I ma I.- !?3 I These Pil; 'H"PtiveJY Cure quicker th?n any other reinetly ;1 i > IS- "HARGE,- of GE.\i- ,i ..ILL OR'IAVS in eitl^r sex. Acquired ur Constitutional; also GRAYBL and PAINS in tho BACK. FREE FI:ou MRR'URY. Sold in boxes at titi and 2/9, of all Patent Medicine Dealers, or post free- 1 3 and 3'- from 148, Westminster Bridge Road, Loudon. PARISH & DISTRICT COUNCILS. TO OVERSEERS AND OTHERS. PM the NECESSARY FORMS can be procured from BAYLEY & BRADLEY, LD., "ADYERTISER" OFFICE. WREXHAM. EVERY MAN SUFFERING from NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY should send for a valuable pamphlet explaining how all nervous and organic derangements may be successfully treated without stomach medica- tion. The method is easy and pleasant, and will effect a perfect and permanent cure. Sent sealed poet free.-Address E. NORTON, 249, High Holborn, oadon, W.C. 1078c FREE TO MEN. When yon are tired of taking nanseons and mysterious prescriptions and compounds, which ;do- you no good, but only ruin your digestive organs write to me and I will send you a book which describes QUICK AND CERTAIN cure for lost strength wastinglweakness, &c., from whatever cause arismg NO STOMACH MEDICINE, NO ELECTRICITY. Sent in envelope on receipt of two stamps for postage A. J. LEIGH, 92-93, Great Ru&seU-st„LondoiVw.C Business Announcements. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. The Oldest Paten Medicine. In use for nearly a Century. The Safes Family Medicine. Of purely Vegetable Ingredients. iree from Mercury and other Injurious Drugs. THEIR USE. For all the common ailments of everyday life Cockle's Pills are simply invaluable. FOR BILE, LIVER, ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY, INDIGESTION, SICK HEADACHE, and all kindred complaints, these famous Pills act readily, surely, and safely. COCKLED ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. DR. G. F. COLLIER, writing on the Pharma- copoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, says :— 1 have no hesitation in saying that it is the best made Pill in the kingdom." TAKE NO OTHERS. COCKLE'S PILLS. cleanse and regulate the whole system, leaving COCKLE'S PILLS, it freefrom all impurities. Thev carry off all an- c OCKLE'S PILLS, healthy humours; are ad- mirable in women's ail- COCKLE'S PILLS. ments, overcoming all ir- < regularities and maintain- ¡ COCKLE'S PILLS ing the system in health, C??O?Cr'KT.'LTE T.c S PILLS. strength, and vigor. To O use them always is to c OCKLE'S PILLS. keep yourself in perfect health-the bowels free, COCKLE'S PILLS. the liver active, the head clear, an the akin and COCKLE'S PILLS. complexion free from blemish. May be had throughout the United Kngdom, in Boxes at Is lid 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 22s. 4, GREAT ORVOXD STREET, LO.NDS.N, W.C. fl234n OLD IRISH WHISKY OR RUM, THREE SHILLINGS PER QUART, Equal, if not Superior, to anything in trade at 45 WILLDER'S, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WREXHAM FOR SPIRITS MARKET HALL VAULTS (Entrance to Market Hall). 767c WREXHAM. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitu, tional, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Sold in-boxes 4/6 each by allChemists and Patent Medicine Vendors- or sent to ¿;.rIY address for 60 stamps by the Makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln.—Wholesale agents, Barclay and Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. BAYLEY & Co., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c., &c., HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY. Our Special Demy Broad Folio LEDGER. bound half-rough sheep, 800 pages is Extra- ordinary Value. DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, &c., at Wonderfully Low Prices. GOOD CREAM LAID COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES from 3/- per 1,000. SPECIAL ORDER DEPARTMENT. ACCOUNT BOOKS, Ruled, Printed, and Bound to any Pattern, at Moderate Prices, and on the Shortest Notice. Is ENGLISH AND WELSH — FROM PENURY TO AFFLUENCE; A Tale of a Wreenam Lad. One Penny. A Choice Selection of CHINA VASES AND TEA SERVICES JUST RECEIVED. Also, A Great Variety of TOILET AND DINNER SERVICES, AT ALL PRICES. BAYLEY & Co., THE NORTH WALES GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUSE, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. READERS OF THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER WHO WISH TO BE SUPPLIED EARLY, AND DIRECTLY FROM THE OFFICE, CAN ARRANGE TO DO SO ON LEAVING THEIR NAMES AND ADDRESSES. Business Announcements. TORPID LIVER. HEADACHE.   -L-  SUGAR COATED. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price, j Small PiU Sman Dose Small Price. l !???  IV  PURELY VEGETABLE. ? *———'?——  j) i???? These Remedies have stood the test of These Remedies have stood h e test o'L ?! FtFTY YEARS' EX PER! ENCE, j And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family =a" THE PILLS :j Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDVETS nn d I; i i: Bow £ 1 £ and are invaluable in all comp laints incidental to Fema l es of all ages. ij j; THE OINTMENT J; Is the on?v reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, 80HES. ULCERS, and OLD TYorsns; i for ERL'?f'?'?- SORE THROATS, COUGHS, ?L.L?S? GOUT, RiTEU?A-J-IS? | GLA^DL^.r>. SWELLIXGS, and for all SKIX DISEASES it has no equal. jj; Hannfactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD •! ? SOLD BT ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WCRL'). ? )) Adnco Gratis, at the above address, daily between tie hours of 11 & ? or by letter y>' i|  i = = = = = ——— -———-————.?—————?._——— .—— ——————— t      = = = =-——" Money. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED), ESTABLISHED 1856, Are prepared to advance, at a few hours' notice, fr im, S5 upwards, upon PERSONAL SECURITY, or upon deposi t of uIFE POLICIES, TITLE DEEDS, SHARE CERTIFICATES, DEBENTURES, &c., AT MODERATE INTEREST. No Preliminary or other Charges or Premiums. Specially Reduced Terms for BILLS and LOANS of JE50 and upwards. Repayments by easy instalments. Strictest con- fidence and privacy observed. Fonns of application furnist a Free by post or otherwise. Prompt attention given to every applicaj tion.-Apply JAMES PHENNAH, Secretary, 4, Temple- row, Wrexham. 72 MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT FROM JE10 To £ 5,000. AT LOWER INTEREST THAN OTHERS. TO LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Farmers, -L Gardeners, Carriers, Cowkeepers, Shopkeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks, Schoolmasters, Clergy- men, Gentlemen's Servants, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders, and others in good situations, on their own security without bondsmen, on note of hand alone, re-payable by easy instalments, or ar- ranged to suit borrower's own convenience. All communications are received and kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honorable and straightforward transactions guaran- teed. Intending Borrowers are invited before apply. iiag elsewhere to apply to the actual lender. B. EDWARDS, 17, Pepper-street, Chester. N.B.-Town or Country; distance no abject Letters immediately attended to. No charges what- ever if no business be done. 1634n THE OLDEST ADVANCE OFFICE IN SHREWSBURY. ADVANCES made privately and con- ?'indentiaHy in sums of £ 10 up to £ 500 UPON PROMISSORY NOTE ONLY at much lower interest tkan usually charged. Repayment arranged to suit Borrowers' requirements. Genuine and extensive business dsne for 25 years past. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. Apply personally, or write for terms, to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 5, TOWN WALLS, SHREWBURY. OSWESTRY BRAcH-1, Cambrian Buildings, Oswald Road (next to Cambrian Railway Station. 1497a WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER AND FEMALE AILMENTS.! ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOKEs. In Baxes, 9id, 1 s lia, and 2s 9d eacb, with full directions. The Is Ila box contains 56 pills, Prepared only by the Proprietor— THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELENS, LANCASHIRE. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH-PERFUMES THE j BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, of all Druggists, or from the Proprietor, for Is, post paid. fl234t WAITED, BOYS to SELL Advertisers t' en Saturciay mommga.—Apply, Office of tbjaPa.per GLOBE FlJRXISHJZ\G ^JFOMPANL COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 12, 14, 16, AND 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE LIVERPOOL. ta- FURNISH FOR CASH, OR ON THE HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM I AT CASH PRICES. THE GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, the oldest established and by far the most extensive Furnishers on the hire-purchase system in the provinces, supply every requisite for the complete furnishing of Cottage, Hotel, or Mansion considerably cheaper than the majority of those firms who sell for cash only. This they are able to do through having a very large capital at command, and being the bona- fide manufacturers of the principal goods they sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRED, NO EXTRA EXPENSES, ON OUR HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. • Tkefair and equitable manner in which our business is carried on, and our reasonable terms and low prices, are so well known throughout the North of England and Wales as to render further comment unnecessary. General terms, which, however, can be altered to suit the convenience of Customers. Payments Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly:— Amount of purchase iElO Payment per Week 3s 6d •• f20 „ 5s Od f50 lospd ..£100 17s 6d -?00 80s Od An inspection of our stock will at once satisfy in tending purchasers that we give better value and offer easier payments than any other house furnishers on the Hire-Purchase System in the Provinces. All goods are delivered Free in our own private vans, and no expenses of any kind are incurred t customers. Furniture sent to any part of England or Wales. despatch"36 ?PP?- Shipping orders executed with despatch.  CAUTION.-As some firms adopt various means- ?????? P?pectus.&c-with the evident intention of inducing the public to believe they are connected with us, please note our address. FURNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE HIRE. PURCHASE SYSTEM. eWP?0SpeCtnS'J £ arge Ulnstratea Cacalo-ue, Press Opinions, and Price List sent Post Free Application. Kindly mention this paper. Business hours, 9 to 8 p.m. Saturdays, 9 to 6 p.m. G LOBE F URNISI-IING COMPANY 12, 14, 16, AXB 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE, LIVERPOOL. 1495j BREAKFAST-SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. 1771 THE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1887. NORTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. H.M. Inspector of Mines, HENRY HALL, Eso having certified these Rules to be now correct, has given as the necessary special authority to issue them This we are now in a position to do, both in BOOK AND SHEET FORM. t PRICES AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. BAYLEY & BRADLEY, LIMITED, 11 ADVERTISER OFFICE, WREXHAM*

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* I -bioLD.
