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Scholastic. j U KEXHAM BRITISH EVENING CONTINUATION SCHOOL. Students v. ill re-assemble cr: ESPAi. OCTOHEH 1ST, AT 7 c CLOCK. TaKt-htHeading, Writing, Compo- Ar:tliiiittic. English Grammar. Shorthand, and Mensuration. Meetings 7 to 9 every Tuesday and Friday. fec= :—J* Fer Quarter payable in advance. SCIENCE AND ART SCHOOLS, WREXHAM. A CLASS IN MATHEMATICS Will be held at the above schools LTESDAY EVENINGS, FROM 7 TO 8.?0, (•W'II:cncing OCTOBER 8TH. 1535. 8TIi. E. LECKENBY, M.A.. OXFORD. ;r:hcr particul.-rs apply to Mil. ASM ON BRADLEY. Secretary, J2 Wrexham. COCXTY OF DENBIGH. I'lli; RCABONGRAMMAR SCHOOL. Head Master The KEY. A L. TAYLOR. M.A. Mathematics and Science D J. B O W E X B.Sc. }io3e;t! Languages, Shorthand. t..zi Mercantile Department Mr J. T. HUGHES, A.C.F. Yocft Master: Mr WILFRID JONES. P..A.M. it.L School Buildings are now enlarged and improved, a Laboratory and WorksLc: i:r Technical vju.i'-iou being also acHtd. i,r:iii:-Ul per SchuM £ 2, and Lc.ver School £ 1 iii 4i per term. ~cuool re-cpens on V IONKKDAY, SEirziiEEElSth. I: is intended t. hoju Evening Clisies dnring the jiiur mouths for tiit- teaching of Science and I^hnie.il Education. < c.. of which further particc- ii:- will be announced. For prospectuses and lorms of application apply te I L.I.J Master, or to J. DENBIGH JONES. .Iji.sstown. Ruabon. Clerk to h = Governor° lS778 T UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE, CAKNFF. Medical Faculty. Winter Session H3595-Tile Third Winter Scss: of the New I Department will commence on October 7th, 1895 Students who wish to rrerare for the UedL'ii Decrees of the I niversity i r London, Dur- ham. or the Scottish Universities, or for the Diplo- jja; cf the L jnaon or Scottiah Coiieares. or of the Soc»'y of Apothecaries may spend in Cardiff from two t1 three out of their five years of Medical Siuiy. -t a co=t which compares favourably with tha.t t¿..¿;d education in London or elsewhere in the provinces. The College Laboratories and Museums ire .-urpii.-J with modern requirements for teaching, ard tbe Students have access to the oat-patient dep.ir:eut of the Infirmary—within three minutes' iL.1. t: :-i the College—and can take cut their surgi- ~i! dr.s=inir and clinical clerking. The medical cr-»jc-ot=5 can be obtained on application to the Registrar of the College.-Furtlier information and .idvi ■ he obtained from JOHN EEF.Y HAYCRAFT, ill' Dear, of Medical Faculty: J. A. JENEINS, B.A., r.cr;-trar.—U niversity College. Cardiff. Julv 20th, 135j lS54te Legal and Public Notices. DRAW for Benefit of Charles Williams, JL/ jjincr. POSTPONED to Oct-ber 14th. All book-1 > be returned not later than October 9:h to Po ;1 EVANS. 11, Napier-street. 2020a  £ AN*OX HOPRINSS TESTIMONIAL- Oc.itted from last week's list :— Mr II. Croom Johnson 0 10 6 jlr Edg-.ir 0 10 6 e THOMAS OAKES WRIGHT (DECEASED.) A LL PERSONS liaviij-(, CL-AI-NIS a-ainst the of Thomas O ik-z-3 Wricht. late of Ore-ford Bank, Grosfoid. in the: County cf Denbigh, sentk-uan. who died on the 5th thy cf September, lh91 iiid requested to "ena fonhw: th the particulars, u wnanjr. of their claims to cs. the undersigned, not iiter thin the 1st day of No veniber next. Dale J this 26th day of Septe raber, 1395. JAMES & JAMES, EryoyfiyMon Offices, Wrexham, Solicitors to the Executors of the will of tLe Deceased. 12029 WREXHAM SAVINGS' BANK. rP;i- BUSINESS of the Wrexham Savings' -L I'aiik i- now transacted at the Offices of Messrs IAML.-3 d" JAMES, Bryn-y-ffynnon. Priory-street. Ti,t Bank at Bryn-y-ffynnon is open for business or, — MONDAYS, from 12 to 2. THURSDAYS, from 4 to 6. SATURDAYS, from 6 to 8.30. L'-positors may deposit to the extent of .£50 in one )to, They uiay also deposit up to S200 in the whole. Interest at 2; per cent. is allowed on deposits up to R. PERCY JAMES, Actuary. 1921g COUNTY OF DENBIGH. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the i-.ext GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS ot tlic- Peace tor the County of DENBIGH, will be held at the County Buildings, in Wrexham, in LLe z-tid cú¡¡, on FRIDAY, the ISth day of OCTOBER, 1S95. at TEN o'clock in the forenoon, for the tr.ii o: prisoners, the hearing of appeals, and ait j-her business relating to the County, over which the ('jr.rt h.tn juh-dictiuii. Al: Jurors, Prosecutors and Witnesses are re- quired to Le in attendance at the above named hour. LL. ADAMS, 5 C istle-stre-et, Rnthin. Clerk of the Peace. 25:3 Sept. 1S95. —Instructions for indectment; should be sent t3 m- cfice (if practicalic-t four days at least before tt-c Soa-ions. 2C09e MRS. ALICE WILLIAMS (DECEASED.) 1>I.RSUAN"T to the Statute 22nd and 23rd J- Vic., np. 35, intituled An Act to further A.II.d the of Propertv and to Relieve Trustees," NuilCE b HEREBY GIVEN, that all Creditors f.r- ■ ?'' I?rson= having anv CLAIMS or DEL\])s upon the e-?teof ALICE WILLIAMS,  .?f T?e Co[t!t?., Wrexha.m. in the County of w?' d,-) w'. d?ceLL?;cd (who died on the 24th day of Member. 1894. anj whose will w?s proved by Ihrry Yates Barker, of the Citv of Chester, solicitor, ilii hAecutor tlierein named, on the 12th day of June, 18-45. in tho Principal Probate Registry of Her •Ha;city's IR„'h Court of Justice), are hereby rc,, !rel to nend it. particulars, in writing, of H and demands to us, the undersigned, th. o!:c:to: for the said Executor, on or before the Hth cay of October next. after which date the Ba.id Exc'll t 'r will procced to distribute the assets of the Crctaseii among the parties entitled thereto, having oniv to the claini3 and demands cf which the Executor shall then have had notice, and that c -.a n? be liable ior the assets, or any part tht:r<:0!. 3? distributed to any person of whose claim <'t??tmnd he shall not then have had nDtice. Va.tel this 11th day of September. 1895. BARKER &- ROGERSON, 12, White Friars, Cheater, z.liî Solicitors for the Executors. t tn? uPTURECURED? C T QHERMAN, Hernia Speci", Ban" '? new N S. J. S Book of = lnfonn»tion. pin free. 7± I,OWFANZ & 26 ?mS 6 4 CILALWO O 1923 NOTICES. }.I,'1I Advertisements for this paper are received Mr 11'. A. Layley, Rosencath, Kingshill-road, Li kenham, Kent. All communications intended foi- L I tioit should te addressed to the Editor, and not to any person by Subscribers and Agents iclio desire to be supplied u-ith Saturday morning's edition of ti, ADVERTISER arc requested to communicate vrith the Publisher. In consequence of the increasing pressure lipoil our space, ue are obliged, in rep)rti;;{j l eal mectinns fKtirtahiMent*, tfe., to give preference [C thou- trliich ri tci::cd o) sutjicii;<t imj-ort ii.'cc i it (idicitiscd in tirr Cfl-int'is. Business Announcements. AUTUMN, 1895. NEW STOCK OF BEDROOM SUITES, DINING ROOM SUITES AND SIDE BOARDS, DRAWING ROOM SUITES AND OCCASIONAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, "LINOLEUMS, BEDSTEADS, PLUSHETTES, CURTAINS, BLANKETS, QUILTS. CATALOGUE POST FREE. DELIVERY FREE ON ALL ORDERS OF tl VALUE. RICHARD JONES, GENERAL DRAPERY AXD COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 50, 52, 54, 56, BRIDGE STREET, CHESTER. 2027nz CRANE AND SONS, WREXHAM. PIANOS, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, BY ALL MAKERS, FOR CASH OR BY EXTENDED PAYMENTS. IME BEST& CHEAPEST HOUSE II WALES. HARMONIUM IN WALNUT CASE, 5s. per Month. SEVEN STOP HARMONIUM, 68. per Month. BY k-L L,- E M I N E N T M A 1< E RS PPAAYY E r4 STC AMERICAN ORGAN, Polished Walnut Case, Mirror Top, Height 5ft. 7in., 10 Stops, and 2 Knee Swells, 8s per Mouth. CRANE & SONS supply a HANDSOME WALNUT UPRIGHT PIANO, Iron Frame Trichord Check Action, Panel Front, and Truss Supports, 10 6 PER MONTH until paid for. Delivered on payment of One Instalment. TUNINGS either singly or by the year. REPAIRS of all kinds by experienced workmen. Estimates Free. Old Instruments taken in exchange. New Illustrated Catalogue, 70 pages. Post Free on receipt of post card. CRANE AND SONS, D S 0 ',? \T S E. THOIiXTON JONES, MAKAGEB, 4, REGENT STREET, WREXHAM. St. James's Quadrille Band for Balls etc. Terms on application. 957 ESTABLISHED 1813. A. RICHARDSON (SUCCCESSOR TO BOUCHER AND CO.),, CENTRAL ARCADE, WREXHAM, AND 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER. Agent for the following Eminent Manufacturers, whose Pianos are all well represented in Stock :— MESSRS STEINWAY, BECHSTEIN, KAPS, BROADWOOD, COLLARD KIRKMAN, HOPKINSON, &c. SOLE AGENT FOR "BLUTHNER" AND THE" WALDEMAR" PIANOS. PRICE LISTS AND CATALOGUES POST FREE ON APPLICATION. THE CHESTER MODEL IRON PIANOS, BEST VALUE FOR MONEY. None Genuine viltaout A. Richardson, Chester and Wrexham," in Cast at the top of the Massive Iron Frame. 21 GUINEAS CASH. 24 GUINEAS BY INSTALMENTS. THOROUGHLY QUALIFIED AND CERTIFICATED TUNERS AND REPAIRERS (FACTORY HANDS) ONLY EMPLOYED. An Instrument on our Instalment System being returned through inability to falfilJ Terms of Agreement, the Money paid is returned, less Hire Tuning, &c. MUSICIANS SUPPLIED FOR DANCING, &c. f22233 EDWARD LLOYD. I REGENT BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. SEASON ANNOUNCEMENT. HIGH CLASS TAILORINO. Overcoatings, Suitings, Trowserings, Waistcoatings, Waterproof Covert Coatings, Riding Tweed. Uniforms, Hunting Coats, Hunting and Shooting Breeches, and all kinds of Sporting Garments, a speciality. I Clerical Tailoring-All garments are made carefully I —being experienced in the requirements of this important branch of the Trade. I Ladies' Jackets are made in all the latest designs, and a well-selected Stock of 3Iaterials for same. GENTLEMEN'S GENERAL OUT-FITTING. SILK AND FELT HATS. UMBRELLAS, RUGS, TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. 1972n COAL. COAL. COAL. RUABON YARD, CRANK. MAIN, NUTS AND SLACK. Delivered in Town or Country at Lowest Prices, HORSES For, HIKE. JAMES LEE, 2, ABBOT STREET, WREXHAM. 1740z DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN. RYDAL MOUNT, 38, LOCH PROMENADE. Splendidly Situated, Facing Sea. Terms :-Ladies. full board, 5s Gentlemen, from 5s 6d per day. R. ROBERTS, Proprietor, 1539a Late of Denbigh House. MONEY. CASH ADVANCED from 22 upwards on the —— shortest notice to all respectable persons (male or female), Tradesmen, Workpeople, Farmers, Clerks, and others. No FEES, No BONDSMEN. STRICTEST SECRECY GUARANTEED. Any person in need of an immediate accommoda- tion should apply without delay to the WRF,XIELA M -&-DISTRICT PRIVATE LOAN CO., 37, Manley Road, Wrexham. Easy Payments. INTEREST 5 PER CENT. 1868w LIME LIME LIME I fO^T -OOD HAND-PICKED BUILDING and AGRICULTURAL LIME, To be obtained at the FFRITH LIME WORKS, For Prices apply to the Proprietor, JAMES BEESON, FFRITH. ¡ 1841j WANTED, AGENTS for the Sale of the "IT ANTED, AGENTS for the Sale of the ?V jn-fx?oM J?-M'/tM)- in Districts where not already represented.—Apply, BAYLEY & BRADLEY, Limited, Wrexham. Business Announcements.   A VO&?4Ave- 35, HOPE STREET, and DI RECT F rtO M • THE GARDENS. yy14, HIGH STREET, -Far 21, CROSS STREET  < -1 WINES AND SPIRITS AT" WHOLESALE PRICES, AT C. K. BENSON AND Cogs SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, AND 21, CROSS STREET OSWESTRY. A IRISH WHISKIES. Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, 2/10 and 3/1. Danville's, per bottle. 3/6 John Jameson.s" 3/6 Kinahan's L. L. 3/4 Brenan's V.S.U. to 3/6 George Roe's 99 3/6 SCOTCH WHISKIES. Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, 2/10 and 3/1. Encore, per bottle. 3/4 Melrose „ 3/6 Lorne „ 3/6 Glenlivet O.V.G. 3/6 Glenisle 3/6 Glen Alva '3/0 Robertson's 3/6 Medical Comfort. 3/S RUM. Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, and 2/10. GIN (London.) Per Bottle 2/4, 2/7, and 2/10. DE KUYPER'S HOLLAND. Per Bottle 2/6d. BRANDIES. Per Bottle 2/7, 3/1, and 3/6. CASE BRANDIES. Guaranteed the genuine productions of the names whose brands they b ar. HENNESSEY'S. 1 Star, per bottle. 4/6 2 5/0 3 » 5/6 MARTELL'S. 1 Star, per bottle. 4/6 2 5/0 3 ,t 5/6 JULES DUFONT & CO.'S. 1 Star, per bottle 4/0 2 19 4/6 3 II 5/0 CHAMPAGNE. Roederer's, Pol Roger, Moet and Chandon's Perrier, Jouet's, G. H. Mumm's, Veuve Clicquot, Heidsieck and Co., and various other well-known Brands. BURGUNiL.,jC Per Bottle from 1/8. HOCK 2/0. PORT 1/0' SHERRY 1J 1/0. CLARETS IJA MARSALA 1 (e. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LIQUERS. Come and see our Stock of Wines, Spirits, and Liquers, unequalled anywhere in quality, at prices with-in the reach of all. MINERAL WATERS. Schweppe'a, Ellis', and Edisbury and Co.'s, also NATURAL WATERS from all the best known German Springs, at Wholesale Prices. C. K. BENSON & Co. 14, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM AND 21, CROSS STREET, OSWESTRY. 2206 WM. PIERCE, CABINET MAKER & GENERAL UNDER- TAKER, BRIDGE-STREET, WREXHAM. Agent to the Patent Metallic Air-tight Coffin Com- pany. Funerals compiety furnished on the shortest notice, and upon reason- able terms. 2012e TO BUTCHERS AND CONSUMERS OF MEAT. THE NANNERCH ABATTOIR HAVING NOW COMMENCED BUSINESS Is Prepared to SUPPLY all Classes of Meat at REASONABLE PRICES FOR CASH. For particulars apply to ABBATIR, NANNERCH. 2004a WANTED, AGENTS for the Sale of the IT rexham Advertiser in Districts where no, already representecl.-Appiv, BAYLEY AND BRADIEY Limited, Wrexham. DAVID WATKINS, I (For many years w!th Mrs Rogers, Furniture Dealer, Henblas.street, Wrexham), begs to inform the In- habitants of Wrexham and neighbourhood, that, in connection with the Furniture Business, he has com- menced the Business of AUCTIONEER and VALUER. Having a long practical experience of the Furniture Trade, the Public may rely upon the utmost care and attention. Entries of Surplus Furniture, &c., invited for periodical Sales. (Note Address) 12, HENBLAS STREET, WREXHAM. 1515s PROPRIETORS OF HER MAJESTY'S BONDED STORES. [Telephone 15.] THOMAS WILLIAMS & Co., IMPORTERS AND BONDERS, TOWN HALL, WREXHAM. Office Entrance in High-street. CHAMPAGNES OF EVERY KNOWN BRAND. WINES. The very Large Stock of our FINE OLD WINES we are convinced cannot be surpassed in quality. Prices will compare more than favourably with London quotations. SPIRITS. Being the Largest Bonders in the Principality, an nolding very large Duty Paid Stocks, we are excep- tionally prepared to offer well-matured Spirits of the finest quality, at the lowest Market Prices. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKY. Our Blends of the above will compare more than favourably with any Whiskies offering. We select the produce of the best distilleries, and mature it i oar own Sherry Wood. STOUT—Combe and Co.'s London Extra and Invalid Stout. PALE ALES-Bass and Co.'s. ELLIS and EDISBURY'S MINERAL WATERS. A.gents-Struve's Brighton Seltzer. HAVANNAH CIGAR IMPORTERS. A large and varied assortment of the most choice and approved Brands, in high maturity, always in Stock. te2130s Sales by Private Contract. ?OR?ALE??T?Mntity  JD cheap.—Apply, C. BATE & SO, Union Brewery, Wrexham. 1968z TO BE SOLD by PRIVATE TREATY, 100 TLots of Valuable BUILDING LAND, situate in the village of Gresford.-For particulars apply to Messrs. POYSER and SHUTER, Solicitors, 16, Regent- street, Wrexham, and High-street, Rhosllanerchrngog. 757a 10s QD Solid (Government Stamped) S,,ver Curb Albert, with Solid Silver Medal attached, guite new. Worth 21s.—26, Henblas- street (opposite Vegetable Market), Wrexham. 0s  Genume Solid Silver English 3Q& ? \? Lever Watch, chronometer balance, flat unbreakable crystal glass. Warranted for 15 years. 1 OS ^D Solid Silver Watch, Lady's; very IO vJ handsome engraved cases, opal dial. A very useful and pretty present. Warranted for two years. Jeweller's charge 21s. 4S QD For Second-hand Silver-plated (4 *t: \j bottle) Cruet. Hardly soiled. A bargain. )?S ?D And upwards for very Handsome # U Carpet Squares, 3 by 3, and various other sizes. Rugs from Is 6d.—26, Henblas-street. Don't forget our old and only address is 26, Henblas-street (opposite the Advertiser Office and Vegetable Market), Wrexham. 1144t THE ISLE OF MAN Stands UNRIVALLED as an AUTUMN HOLIDAY RESORT. FDõEST CLIMATF. IN THE BRITISH ISLES. WARM IN WINTER, COOL IN SUMMER. Illustrated Guides, Maps, Sailing arrangements, Lists of Accommodation, and all particulars sent free by A. KEIG, 5, Athol-street, Douglas, Isle of i Man. 947n Entertainments and Meetings. HELP THE INFIRMARY!! WREXHAM CYCLISTS' CARNIVAL, FRIDAY EVENING, 4TH OCTOBER, 1895. SIX BANDS. FOUR FIRE BRIGADES. WREXHAM. CRE- STER, AND PULFORD I CYCLING CLUBS, in Novel and Comical Costumes. DECORATED AND AMUSING VEHICLES AND CONVEYANCES, &-c., &,c. Numerous Prizes are offered for Decorated Cycles, Conveyances, and Coilectors. All Cyclists cordially invited to take part. A DANCE will be afterwards held in the PUBLIC HALL. The whole of the proceeds in aid of the Wrexham Infirmary. For further porticulars see Bills. Cheap Tickets will be issued by G.W.R. from Chester, Oswestry, Llangollen, and intermadiate stations. Special late trains and Cheap Tickets will be issued by W.M. and C.Q. Railway to Brymbo, Bridgend, and intermediate stations. No Advertisements will be allowed to take part in the procession. ROBT. L. ELLIS, ) Hon. 1867f H. MEREDITH-JONES, Sees. I WREXHAM CHURCH GYMNASIUM. ANNUAL TEA & SOIREE AT ST. JAMES'S HALL, OCTOBER 1ST, 1895. TICKETS 2/- EACH. Tickets may be had from the Members of the Com- mittee, and Mrs BOBBIN S, 11, Hope-street. 202lz PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, HOLT. THE ANNUAL TEA MEETING TAKES PLACE ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 4th. Tea at Four o'clock. 2015z CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, GWERSYLLT. ASALE OF WORK- Will be held in the Schoolroom of the above Church on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, October 22nd and 23rd, 1895. Sale commences at Two o'clock each dav. 2016z MRS T. P. GRIFFITH, Sec. MISS AMELIA JONES (CONTRALTO), Of the Royal College of Music, and Pupil of Madame Lemmens Sherrington, is OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS AT CONCERTS &c. Lessons Given in Singing, &c. Terms Moderate. INKERMAN HOUSE, GWERSYLLT, 1888n WREXHAM. Railway Notices. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. LEAGUE FOOTBALL MATCHES AT WOLVERHAMPTON & PERRY BAR. ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 5TH, a Cheap Half-day EXCURSION to Oswestrv, Shrews- bury, WOLVERHAMPTON, and BIRMINGHAM, will leave CHESTER at 12.0 noon, WREXHAM 12.20, and Ruabon 12.30 p.m. 2041 SPECIAL MARKET TRAIN TO OSWESTRY. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, and every Wednesday until further notice, a Through Market Train for Oswestry will leave Chester at 8.40 a.m.. Wrexham 9.5, Ruabon 9.15, Cefn 9.20, and Chirk at 9.25 a.m. Market Tickets will NOT be issued from these Stations by ANY OTHER TRAIN on Wednesdays. 2007n p RINCIPAL ALTERATIONS of TRAINS. OCTOBER, 1895. The 4.45 from Paddington to Birkenhead will cease to call at Chester, and be earlier at Birkenhead. It will convey a Through Carriage for Liverpool (Central), arriving at 10.10 p.m. A train will leave Wrexham at 9.25 p.m., with Through Carriages from London to Chester, arriving by the 4.45 p.m. from Paddington. For particulars of other and minor alterations, see time bills and notices. 2005n DISCONTINUANCE OF WEEKLY EX- CURSIONS to LONDON. On MONDAY, October 7th, the LAST of the Weekly Excursions to Warwick, Stratford on Avon, Leamington, Oxford, Reading, and London, will run, returning October 12th. For full particulars see bills. 2006n HY. LAMBERT, General Manager. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS WEEK END EXCURSION TICKETS (FRIDAY OR SATURDAY TO SUNDAY, MONDAY, OR TUESDAY), FOURTEEN DAYS' TICKETS, AND TOURISTS' TICKETS (Available for Two Calendar Months) ARE now Issued from the Principal ACainbrian Inland Stations to ABERYST- WYTH, Borth, Machynlleth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Barmouth, Dolgelley, Harlech, Criccieth, and Pwllheli. Also, from the majority of the Stations on the Main Line and Coast Stations to BUILTH, Wells, Rhayadr, Brecon, Llandrindod, Llanrwtyd, and Llanganmach. TOURIST TICKETS are also issued from Cam- brian Stations to the Principal Health Resorts in England, Scotland, and Ireland. z ALFRED ASLETT. Tenders. i TO BUILDERS. THE Guardians of the Wrexham Union JL invite TENDERS for the carrying out of certain ALTERATIONS and ADDITIONS at the Workhouse. Plans and specification can be seen at the offices of J. Morison and Son, Architects, 10, King-street, Wrexham. Sealed and endorsed Tenders to be sent to my office not later than Wednesday, the 2nd day of October next. J. OSWELL BURY, Clerk. 9, Temple Row, Wrexham, Sept. 19th, 1895. 1957z WREXHAM UNION. TENDER FOR HAY AND STRAW. THE Guardians of the above Union are JL prepared to receive TENDERS for the Supply of Four Tons of Wheat STRAW in batten, and 1 our Tons of HAY (trussed), for the half-year ending Lady-day, 1896. Forms of Tender, containing all information, may be had on application to Mr BESSELL, Workhouse, Wrexham, between the hoars of 9 and 12 in the morning, and 2 to 5 in the afternoon. Tenders to be delivered at 9, Temple-row, Wrex- ham, before 6 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, the 2nd October, 1895. The lowest Tender not necessarily accepted. The Tenders will be opened by the Board on Thursday, the 3rd October. J. OSWELL BURY, Clerk. 9, Temple-row, Wrexham, September 19th, 1895. 1997c LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1894. PARISH MEETINGS AND COUNCILS. The necessary FORMS and BOOKS can be obtained at the "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, MARKET SQUARE, BAYLEY AND BRADLEY, LTD. r Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSRS. JOXES & sox, _0_ -wI" WREXHAM SMITHFIELD EVERY MONDAY AT 10.30. 90 to 110 Fat and Store CATTLE. 250 to 350 Fat SHEEP. 400 to 500 Bacon, Porket and Store PIGS. A number of Fat CALVES 100 Grand Black-faced Wether Lambs, direct from Scotland. I JONES it SON, Auctioneers. -„ r Arcade, Wrexham. 907a SPECIAL STORE SHEEP SALE. INT ESSRS. JONES & SON will SELL BY ?'ri?F??' °° MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1895, the following Store Sheep 500 Grand Black-faced Scotch Ewes, direct off the hills, and Snaranteed correct in every respect. 20 Grand Leicester Shearling Rams and Ram Lambs, consigned by Mr Swetenham, Hope. Sale at One o'clock. 1991s ROSSETT, DENBIGHSHIRE. To BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs L JONES &- SON, at the GOLDEN- LioN liO-L," IZossett, on TUESDAY, THE 1ST OCTOBER, 1895, At three o'clock in the afternoon, punctually, subject to conditions to be then produced. The Valuable FREEHOLD FARM and LAND, known as The Townditch Farm," situate at Burton, in the parish of Gresford, in the county of Denbigb, containing 65 acres or thereabouts, and in the occu- pation of Mr T. B. Parker. The house contains two sitting rooms, and seven bedrooms, kitchens, pantry, milk house, scullery, cellar, bakehouse, coalhouse. The outbuildings consist of shippons for 30 cattle, stable for three horses, two calf kits, barn, and three bays, loose box, cart shed, granary, and piggeries. The orchard is well stocked with young fruit trees. There is a constant supply of water, and the land is in good heart, having been well farmed for a number of years. Mr T. W. Edwards, of Laurel Cottage, Burton, will show parties over the property. Particulars and plans may be obtained from the AUCTIONEERS, 4, Overton Arcade, Wrexham, or from C. W. TIBBITS, ESQ., Solicitor. 60, Castle-street, Liverpool. 1992e Fortnightly Sale of FAT and STORE STOCK at ROSSETT SMITHFIELD. ESSRS JONES & SON have pleasure "—— in announcing that their usual Sale of FAT and STORE STOCK will take place On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, 1895, When the following will be offered, viz:— 85 Prime Fat and Store Cattle, 246 Ripe Fat Sheep and Lambs, 184 Prime Bacon, Porket, and Store PigEl. 28 Fat Calves. Further entries invited. Sale at 11.45 Sharp. Offices 4, Overton Arcade, Wrexham, 1990 Attractive Sale of DUTCH BULBS, &c., at the PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. MESSRS JONES & SON will SELL BY -LM. AUCTION, on the Premises as above, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3RD, 1895, the undermentioned early spring FLOWERING BULBS, comprising :—Doubls and single hyacinths, double and single tulips, Due van Tholl crocus, double and single narcissus, polyanthus narcissus, irise scillas, white Roman hyacinths, &c. The above are suitable for houses, flower beds, pots, or glasses, of choicest varieties, large healthy roots, and vigorous growth, especially selected and imported from Holland. Sale at Two and Six o'clock. Catalogues to be obtained from the AUCTIONEERS, 4, Overton Arcade, Wrexham. 2036o LLANGOLLEN SMITHFIELD. MESSRS JONES & SON beg to announce -LrJL that, after being solicited by many of the leading agricult urists of the district, they have com- menced holding STOCK SALES in the above Smith- field EVERY FAIR DAY. The next Sale takes place on FAIR DAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1895, When Prizes will be offered. Prize list next week. Entries respectfully solicited. Sale commences at 10.30. Offices: 4, Overton Arcade, WrexHam. 2037 a t. SALE BY MESSRS. WHITFIELD & SON. VALE OF LLANARMON DYFFRYN CEIRIOG AND LLANSAINTFFRIAD GLYN CEIRIOG. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO be offered for SALE BY PUBLIC TAUCTION, bv Messrs WHITFIELD and SON, at the NEW INN, LLANSANTFFRAID GLYN CEIRIOG, ON THURSDAY, THE 10TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1895, At Two for Three p.m., precisely, subject to con- ditions to be then produced, in the following or other Lots LOT J.-All that Valuable FREEHOLD FARM, known as Tynewydd and Pentregwyn, situate in the parishes of Llansilin and Llancadwaldr, in the County of Denbigh, together with the two COT- TAGES thereto belonging, containing 208a. lr. 5p., or thereabouts, of mixed pasture, meadow and arable land, in the occupation of Mr Edward Jones. This Lot is situate close to the village of Tregeiriog, and the well-known River Ceiriog bounds a portion Of it. It is also situate contiguous to the main roads leading from Llanarmon to Glyn and Llanarmon to Oswestry, and is surrounded by lands belonging to Sir H. Ll. W. W. Wynn, the representatives of the late John Thomas, Esq., Mr Maurice Richards, %nd the representatives of the late Miss Edwards. The above is a very desirable investment, and the House and Buildings are in good repair, and the land is is a good state of cultivation. LOT 2.-All that Valuable FREEHOLD FARM, known as Nantswrn, situate in the parishes of Llan- silin and Llancadwaladr, in the county of Denbigh, now in the occupation of Mr John Hughes, contain- ing 59a. Or. 13p. or thereabouts. This Lot is situate adjoining the main road lead- ing from Llanarmon to Glvn, and is surrounded by lands belonging to Messrs T. Foulkes, Edward Evang, and Richard Lewis. The House and Buildings are in good order, and the Land in a good state of cultivation, and forms a. very desirable investment. LOT 3.-All that valuable Freehold FARM and LANDS, known as Pontymeibion and Cwmclyd, situate in the parishes of Llansilin and Glyn Traian, in the county of Denbigh, now in the occupation of Mr David Jones, The Ceiriog Granite Company, and Charles Hill, Esq., and containing 170a. Ir. 18p., or thereabouts. This Lot is situate close to Lot 2, and is inter- sected by the main road from Llanarmon to Glyn and the river Ceiriog. The Glyn Tramway also runs through it, and the contemplated station-Pandy- thereon, will be situate close to the same. It is surrounded by lands belonging to Colonel Barnes, Archdeacon Thomas, Messrs H. Jones, John Evans, and T. Foulkes. The property is in good state of cultivation, and is in good repair, and forms a desirable investment. LOT 4.—All that freehold semi-detached DWELL- ING HOUSE and GARDEN, in the occupation of Mr Hugh Jones, situate at Coedyglyn, in the parish of Glyn Traian. The dwelling-house has a frontage to the main road leading from Llanarmon to Glyn, and is dis- tant about half a mile from the latter place, and is in close proximity to the Stone Quarries. It is nearly new and is brick built, and contains kitchen, back kitchen, and two bedrooms. LOT 5.—All those Four Freehold DWELLING- HOUSES and Large BUTCHER'S SHOP, known as High-street-terrace, Glyn, in the several Occupa- tions of Messrs. Evans, Matthews, Jones, and Gittins, situate at ijiansanmraia-uiyn-ceinog, in we cou»»y of Denbigh. This lot is situate in the best business parts of Glyn, and is well tenanted, and is in good condition. The corner house consists of Shop, Kitchen, Back- kitchen, Warehouse, and Bakehouse. The other three dwelling houses contain four rooms in each house, with one large washhouse, yard, and out- officeg. For further particulars and to obtain plan, apply to the AUCTIONEERS, Willow-house, Oswestry, or to Messrs MINSHALLS & PARRY-JoNES, soZOOOj Solicitors, Oswestry. DENBIGHSHIRE. CRAB TREE GREEN, In the Parish of Marchwiel. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE AND LANDS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Messrs. WHITFIELD SONS, at the WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTEL, Ruabon, in the County of Denbigh, On FRIDAY, the 18th day of OCTOBER, 1895, at three for four o'clock in the afternoon, punctually, and subject to conditions to be then pro- duced, A Convenient DWELLING-HOUSE, called "Pen- yfron," with Out buildings, Garden, and Appurten- ances, and the several pieces of excellent pasture land thereunto belonging, and containing lOa Or lp (more or less), situate at Crab Tree Green, in the parish of Marchwiel, in the County of Denbigh, now in the occupation of Mr Robert Colby Evans. The property is well watered and timbered; possesses good frontages; is distant about three miles from Ruabon, and four from Wrexham; adjoins the lands of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., Philip Yorke, Esq., Mr Frank Lloyd, and others, and is desirable either for occupation or as an investment. To view apply to the tenant, and any further particulars may be obtained at the cSices of Messrs SALTER and GILES, Solicitors, Ellesmere. tzoll.