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Shipping Intelligence. WRITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE.—The Steamers 01 this Line follow the apecieed Outward a.nd Homeward Tra.cka adopted by the Iea.dins Liverpool smd New York btea.mship Com- panies. :¿. .)6" :r.'ii). r.s.. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORE, ria QUEENS. TOWN, every WEDNESDAY. ???;?- ?-. ? B?A? ?d. ?b. ? ADHL\'l'lC. Weù..J!lll.23 BIU'l'A!lC ed. }i eb. G Second Cabin will be carried on the voyages marked thus* Oi! a.t low rates, including Out6t. free to New York. Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Sapcrior accommodation at moderate fares tor Saloon a.nd Hecond Cabin also through boomngs to Chill;t, J.ipan. Nov. Zcahmd. nnd Australia. For further information apply to R. RouKl:TS Zj, Tov.n Hi!I. Wrcxham; W. D. Joxus, Old Bank, H_ oiy- heH.d: J. V. IIAI.L, 97, George-street. Chester ;J. 73. Chester or of IstiAT, bmlE & Co., 10, Water-street, Liverpool. 950 CUNARD LINE. riVK AXD A THIRD DAY PASSAGHS. Tr?OY\I?.iL STE AMErSFROMLIVER- ? J?.O .A L.Ln<r. AT QY' EENSTOWN. '?'?"*?'?-?'? — ? ? ? -???.. \?. FOR KEW YORK. FOB BOSTON. ETRt'l{IA.Hn.t.,J!U'.19tC'ATAIjONIA.Thm- Jan. 2.) S;n.f"u.26 SCYTHIA. Thnr.. Jan. 31 Sa.t-.Feb. 2 JPA VOXIA. Thur., Feb. 7 SurERior: ACCOMMODATION at moderate fn.res for Fir.;t and Second Class Passengera <dso through to CHINA, JAPAX, NKW Zj!ALAX!), and AUSTRALIA. to all parts of America, a.nd Canada at low r,ltcs; thuse by Boston steamers booked to New York without extra, charge. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LiMiTED 8, AVater-atreet, Liverpool, Or to their Agents: T. CHARLES, The Old VicM-age Brvmho, Wrexham; R. ROBERTS, 23, Town Hill Wrcxhan: R. D. ROBERTS. Estate Agent, Rhyl J W. HAi.i., 97, George-street, Chester. 261: A BERD?EN LINE.—LONDON to J? AUSTRALIA, via Cape of Good Hope. in 42 days. ABERDEEN, Captain A. T. Wi)Is, 5,659 tons January IS. AUSTRALASIAN. Captain T. F. 3.630 tons, February 13th. These mniíicent iuii-powered 6tea.n)ei-a will sa.il as above for MELBOURNE acd SYDNEY, taking passengers for al! Australian and New Zealand Ports. The for nrst and third class passengers is very superior, and a surgeon will accompany each vessel. Fares:—Saloon from .E50. cheap third class fares. For particulars apply to George Thompson a.nd Co., 24, Lea.denha.Il Street, London, E.C. 5f —— ? U -— ————— CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MANCHESTER. C 0 N C E NT RATED MANURE Made from Siaughter-house and Market Refuse, excrement from Pa.il Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c., Dfilivcred tK bays, carriage paid, at To-n. Special p¡'Íce ofer JoO lIIilu. Supply strictly limited. Orders should be given early in the season to prevent disappointment. Full particulars from R. D. CALLISON, Indoor Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester, Or to Mr BOLD ALDRED, Stamford-roa.d, AItrinc- ham, Cheshire. t2331 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER AND FEMALE AILMENTS. ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOXES. In Boxes. 9a, s Hd. and 2s 9d each, with full directions. The Is na box contains 56 pilla. Prepared only by the Proprietor— THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELENS, LANCASHIRE. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH—PERFUMES THE BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, of al! Druggists, or from the Proprietor, for Is, post pa-id. f557t CURE HIS! And to prove this to you, if you are interested. I wil! GIVH you a bottieof my remedy, for nothing so that you have the chance to try it before paying out any money, be- cause I have every coacdence 'n my remedy, aud I am sure a trial of it wiU soon convince You of its sterlin" merit. I have made a lifelong study of Fits. Epilepsy nr Falling Sickness, and when I say CURE do not mt:an merely to stop them for a time. and then have them re- turn again but a radical CURE. Because others have bailed to relieve you, is not a good reason why you continue to suSer. Send gd. <br carriage of my testimonials, and iree bottle of medicine and TRY !T. MR H ROOT 28 ENDSLEtGH GaR&EMS, MMHO U n. fb* nOnUUnT t-?"R LoncoN, K w. RAPHAEL.'S ALMANAC FOR 1895 Contains Hint" Farmers and Gardeners; Birthday Informatioi. tpt orer. day of the year the Fate of a.ny Chi:d LuLU LOut-ing 1895. When to Buy, Sell, Court. Marry. Set Fowls. Seek Employment. Sign Ca,cts, Favours, Hire Servants, Deal with Onhers, Speculate. Travel, Remove, Ac.. Ac. Weather and General Predictions. Farming and other Tables, A-c., Ac. 115 pages. Price 6d, Post free 7d. A Co.. 4, Pilgrim-street, Ludgate Hill, E.G., and mtioners and Bookstalls. 1657z FREE TO MEN. When you are tired ot taking nauseous and mvsterious preseiiptions a.nd compounds, which ao you no good. oniv ruin your digestive organs write to me and I wtl F'cnd vou bookwhieh describes QUICK AND CEKTAIN cure for lost strength; wa.sting!weakness, Ac.. from whatever cause arising NO STOMACH MEDICINE. NO ELECTRICITY: Sent in envelope on receipt of two stamps for postage. ? J LEIGH. 92-95, Great RusseH-st,, London, W.C. 1916 PARISH & DISTRICT COUNCILS. TO OVERSEERS AND OTHERS. AU the NECESSARY FORMS ca.n be procured from BAYLEY & BRADLEY,L "ADVERTISER" OFFICE. WREXHAM. Business Announcements. TORPID LIVER. ?-?????? HEADACHL, I PURELY VEGETABLE. SUGAR COATED. All Chemists is. I Small Pill Small Dose Small Price. 1263 1121 II !!C'1 f.4-}' 5¿. ';) I '"t]. W.lf.1 7> <> 1'1 11:t" S't' f.i' '.7 ")""¡í=j ???!Ss!?i!!?!f??!??i!r"" ?)t E? ?-')?'<j L?!'j.? t,. (.,]1, .b Æ"f, 0. i?\ < r7* '? ? '????<A<t'?j*??,Ki t&??fa H  ,J: tJi'J "#ilj\II: "??'?J;7??T?M????5J??.S???'-? 'f¡;=;)<l'. 'Irl: (P 11' ¿<J: i: "c-e> "<'t¿'" ¿.)F ;° '# .V If' r. ;1 "4 A I I, C' .(. u.:1 Q.. t- I 'I"" t:f: 'i f¡h.k._> '7Q "Q¡ C:' h, < t. >l; P; .¡' 1. i"'¡ I,. j'f'1 L4 I\i ihrt:£,1:!jsl\;tl. '}ii11, I ,r,. .(¡¡J I 1'\ i; These Remedies have stood the test of "1 F 1FT Y YEA R S' E X R I E C E, il I :I And a.re pronounced the Best :M:edwme fur almly use. i ii THE P ILL '8 I ii' ¡i Purify tho Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STorACHI KIDXEYS flwl i:, Bjw?Ls,u.nd are in va.lua.ble in all complaiuts incidental to jLem?loaoiuila?u.s. ? ? i llOWELS, u,wl are illvaluablo in all complailltg incidental !o :Ft;lw,l.lo:j 01 ail uöe,:L ¡¡ il II I. tho only ,Cliab:e:;for Lsos?LR:'nd OLD Wom'; i !1 j fur D?C?cr.J-r.?. S'JRE TlIROATS, CoCGH3. <.?-? CuUT, R;1EU?A1I?:J?. ¡ ¡ Gu.iDL{" (SWELHNG9, and for all SKIN DI82A3J::S it hlS r.0 etiuai. Manufacture:! only at 73. NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533. Oxford St.,LON?, ? rt SOLD B? ALL MED)C!t?E VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ??. Advice Gratia, at the abuvo address, d-iiiy between the hours of 11 & 4, or by letter. -?? ?_ _??? -?? _?. = ??_ Money. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED), ESTABLISHED 1X56, Are prepared to advance, at a few hours' notice, from Y,5 upwards, nron PERSONAL SECURITY, or upon deposi, of JLFE POLICIES, TITLE DEEDS. SHARE CERTIFICATES, DEBENTURES, &c., AT MODERATE INTEREST. No Preliminary or other Charges or Premiums. Specially Reduced Terms for BILLS and LOANS of JL50 and upwards. Repayments by easy instalments. Strictest con- fidence and privacy observed. Forris of application furnisi 3 Free by post or other'/isj. Prompt attention givn to every applica; tion.—Apply JAMES PiiENNAH, Secretary, 4, Temple- row, Wrexham. 72 NO FEES UNLESS CASH IS ADVANCED. PRIVATE ADVANCES T?ROM JE10 UPWARDS, on Borrower's J' own PROMISSORY NoTK, without Sureties. No Bills of Sale or other Registered Security taken for upv aids of Ten years past. For Prospectus and Terms apply to GEORGE PAYNE, ACCOUXTAXT. 5, TOWN WALLS, SHREWSBURY 1, CAMBRIAN BUII.DIXGS, OSWALD-ROAD, OswESTRY OR 3, CRKSCEXT ROAD, RlIYL. Established 1870. 1195n MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT FROM XIO TOX5,000. AT LOWER INTEREST THAN OTHERS. FpO LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Farmers, JL Gardeners, Carriers, Cowkeepers, ShopKeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks, Schoolmasters, Clergy- men, Gentlemen's Servants, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders, and others in good situations, On their own security without bondsmen, on note of hand atone, re-payable by easy instalments, or ar- ranged to suit borrower's own convenience. All communications are received and kept in strict conndence. No genuine application ever refused, and honorable and straightforward transactions guaran- teed. Intending Borrowers are invited before apply- ing elsewhere to apply to the actual lender. B. EDWARDS, 17, Pepper-street, Chester. N.B.—Town or Country; distance no object. Letters immediately attended to. No charges what- ever if no business be done. 2002n ?\/rONEY TO LEND, to Farmers, Trades- i?jL men, and others, in town and country at 4? per cent. per annum, in sums from X50 totl,000, upon personal security, for term of years to suit borrower money upon Mortgage, 3i per cent.—Mr WOOD, 56, Tasman-road, Stockwell. S W., London. 1943t OLD IRISH WHISKY OR RUM, THREE SHILLINGS PER QUART, Equal, if not Superior, to anything in trade at 4s W I Ij L D E R S, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WREXHAM roR SPIRITS MARKET HALL VAULTS (Entrance to Market Hall). 767c WREXHAM. BREAKFAST SUPPER. E P P S S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA. BOILING WATER OR MILK. M53 READERS OF THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER WHO WISH TO BE SUPPLIED EARLY, AND DIRECTLY FROM THE OFFICE, CAN ARRANGE TO DO SO ON LEAVING THEtR NAMES AND ADDRESSES. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. The Oldest Pattern Medieixe. In use for nearly a Century. The Safest Family Medicixe. Of curely Vegetable Ingredients. Free from Mercury and other Injurioai Drugs. THEIR USE. For all the common ailments of everyday life, Cockle's Pills a.re simply invatua.ble. FOR BILE, LIVER. ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY, INDIGESTION, SICK HEADACHE, and all kindred complaints, these famous Fills act readily, surely, and safely. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. DR. G. F. COLLIER, writing oa the Pharma- copoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, says I have no hesitation in spying that it is the best made Pill in the kingdom." TAKE NO OTHERS. COCKLE' -fILLS. Cleanse and regulate ?- ? the whole system, leaving COCKLE'S PILLS, it free from all impurities. Tliev cn.rrv off all un- y?OCKLE'S PILLS, healthy huTnonrs; aread- mirable in women's ail- c OCKLE'S PILLS, '"ents, overcoming all ir- reguiaritteg and maintain- ? ??lUr\br'Ki.LT lT? 7'b c; DFiTLT LT bc' ? ?s system in health, c OCKLE'S PILLS. strength, and vigor. To use them alwaya is to />??OC?IT\-L?E T?S c. PILLS. keep yonrself in perfect ?? hpatth—the bowels free, COCKLE'S PILLS, the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and c OCKLE'S PILLS, complexion free from t) blemish. May be had throughout the United Engdom, in Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, Us, and 22s. 4, GREAT OIIVO,-ID STREET, LtONDOX, W.C. fl294n  cuB, B??SMARETTE?PiiN ?p<t?MTTtnwtTi) e<tVSTAtt?)Ot)YHP)ECE'??? tj?RECOMMENDED rOR THE REHEt-&'<? tt CURE OF ASTHMA.BRON?CH 0 M CATARRH.COt.DtN THE HEAD. Et?. EEEB!!B!maESaE.H< Ï!;¡; HAYFEVER?tRt-UEMXAa? ii ) MtOtt<H.t..CMEM<STS OR fOST fftEEK?TAMPt?) ) t 4? ?MM Tt)E WHOtEMLE ACEtfr? AyaTOt)a.9jmHOEt"!S. L ? ?N DUKE ST UVERPOQt. j ]5.35 THE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1887. NORTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. H.M. Inspector of Mines, HENRY HALL, ESQ. having certified these Roles to be now correct, ha.a neceasajy special authority to issue them This we are now in a position ta do, both in BOOK AND SHEET FORM. PRICES AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. BAYLEY & BRADLEY, LIMITED, ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM Business Announcements. GLOBE F URNISHINC- COMPANY, I COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 12, 14,16, AND 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE LIYERPOOL. tS" FURNISH FOR CASH, OR ON THE HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM AT CASH PRICES. THE GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, the oldest established and by far the most extensive Furnishers on the hire-purchase system in the provinces, supply every requisite for the complete furnishing of Cottage, Hote], or Mansion consideru.bly cheaper than the majority of those nrms who sell for cash only. This they are able to do through having a very large ca.pita.1 at command, and being the bont- fide manufacturers of the principal goods they sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRED, NO EXTRA EXPENSES, ON OUR HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. The fair and equitable manner in which our business is carried on, and our reasonable terms and low prices. are so well known throughout the North of England and Wales as to render further comment unnecessary. General terms, which, however, can be altered to suit the convenience of Customers. Payments Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly :— Amount of purchase iClO Payment per Week 3s 6d S20 „ 5s Od JE50 „ 10s Od „ .m00 „ 17s 6d ..ZE500 „ 80s0d An inspection of our stock will at once satisfy in tending purchasers that we give better value and offer easier payments than any other house furnishers on the Hire-Purchase System in the Provinces. All goods are delivered Free in our own private vans, and no expenses of any kind are incurred by customers. Furniture sent to any part of England or Wales. The trade supplied. ''Shipping orders executed with despatch. CAUTION.—As some 6rms adopt various means- such as copying our prospectus, &c.—with the evident intention of inducing the public to believe they are connected with us, please note our address. FURNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE HIRE- PURCHASE SYSTEM. New Prospectus, Large Illustrated Ca.M.logue, Press Opinions, and Price List sent Post Free Application. Kindly mention this paper. Business hours, 9 to 8 p.m. Sa-turd&ys, 9 to 6 p.m. GLOBE F URNISHING COMPANY 12, 14, 16. AND 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE, LIVERPOOL. 56j DISK LIMITED. PROFIT UNLIMITED JL? SPECULATION B? OPTIONS. "Speculation by Options is of all methods of speculatird the most prudent .—Arthur Crump (late Financial Editor of the rtwes). S<oc&* and Shares says :—" Large profits, averaging JESS 15s for every .Ell 5s invested. hitvo accrued Stock Exchange Times says In 17 days, each sub- scriber of S5 12s 6d received a profit of JM4 7s 6d. Messrs Smith and Beresford have an ampte capital for the con- duct of a very large business. The firm is the largest in Option DeaUne in England Birmingham Daily Gazette says:—" Large pronts averaging JE88 15s for every JE11 5s invested, have accrued to those who have acted on their advice Cttptta!Mt says :—" Messrs Sm1t. and Beresford give some very sensible advice about Options, which they re- commend, may be consulted to advantage." Stoch Exchange says :—" Messrs Smith and Beresford have been very fortunate in recent transactions." Financial World says Messrs Smith and Beresford have a thorough grasp of the subject, and a careful perusal of their work will well repay speculators." Civii Sfrftct Gazette says Our readers cannot do better than take Messrs Smith and Beresford at their financial guides, philosophers, and friends CttMOt says :—" The only safe way of making money ON the London Stock Exclmnge." TTTNITED OPTIONS. Opened every Monday and LJ Thwreday on the System advocated above. Any number of Shares at JE5 12s 6d each. WITHOUT ANY FURTHER LIABILITY WHATEVER, may be secured by letter or telegram. SOLE CONTROL of all United Option e taken on behalf of Subscribers, thereby securing u. manifest advantage. Stamped contract for- warded. Send for revised pamphlet and full particulars of our ne-xmnited Option to SMITH & BERESFORD. Stock and Share Dealers. H and 54, Chancerv Lane. London. ESTABLISHED 1888. Telegrams: Clerkship, London." Telephone: No. 2588. Agents wanted everywhere. 1607o TIMBER SLATES, BRICKS, TILES. CEMENTS, LATHS, SEWERAGE PIPES And all other Building Material. E. IVIEREDITH TONES'S, TIMBER YARD, AND STEAM SAWMILL, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. Beat Red BUILDING BRICKS made at the Brick yaj'de near Wrexhajw. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS :— MEREDITH, WREXHAM." 1816f KIDNEY ?f?7'?T) T??'i'j?.y??? ',??C-?' '? ??tV.:?J-?..? J3 ?.M'?.J. <=<' ftfi l ii?d-?J-A.?J? an'' The Known is ,.]: J .l- ? C :s J :f I -f Ii' .& ,t.a. W ? ?'? ?'" ? C 11'" W ,or_ ?? M ? ?-? ? ? c C "t'} A ??? ?'L? A ? ?=? E The Good D'sn:.?. a.d Cured bv Destrcyin r.;id ;J 'Tel'iitT !roin Liver. Swm:¡ch, I Is n.nd Kidneys. Rj':CO)UfK\i)F;t) ttY n'!)'KiH)!.)' i')!YK)CiA*<S. PRICE líl R 2 9 P i-C BOTTLE. Can be had of an P:ttenr. Ve:.lors, c'r post free inci 3/ 'T''C7T? ?'i;?.fi-' ?''?'<"n'<'f?'?y 't'!?'? ?J.3-? j3?)??..??!?iJ?:?? t?'.?'.ty ? ? rttm??'t M'saJa!E&a.S'iJ' ?? '? &. !'? L-.N??E&-?3N ISiS'? ? -? ? ? ?.< ?- ? — ? ? — ? —- ? r.; T??T??'-T A '?c???? <&t t&tHb '<?.?t-?.f.-?)n. '.B ? E? &t? '<<t6? h? riirAG IC" FEMALE PILLS lies: an't afet. Never F.ni. Correct all Irte!iu)a!'itics, Rptnovc Oustl'uctiul1s fr(nn:myCfmsc'. These Piits are nor :t)a<)e fro;)) ste"¡, l'eI1uyroy,); tutter apple, or allY such u:<I!le:<s nr inj)i! ,Irtigs, but front (trnn;s ta)' niurc etH(;cious a.. reiiahle. Sotd by Chemists .u 111/¡ :ui(! 2/9, or post free 1/3 or 3/-f)-f'in:nttircss below. Advice .Free. S'*nd stamped envelope. *M'* "11'1" ?f? RHM ? ;? *'? '? "jam ?7%), ?? ? ? Jg ? ?i?'i?&? ?J???? ?;?.?.?????? <??'??? MY TilE u"r; "F "EROZOJE winch ha }!u:n'iim of Thousands. Unbutton 7,1'93. Dear Si:,—\ViI) JOu t.iixtty ol¡!iL;'t: me with bottle of Hroz:):te," :t.s the ()t!r i.:<s tnade me ever so IllUh better:' Yotlr" trn!y, ntl. G. Davenport, Per. St:iff, S''ot. Ritit's, !nnikon, Scotland. Of OtCMifts !H i/lt or 1'( fnf- 1/3 trum aidtire,-s be)ow. I GRArD HS"%M? ?S? Httt? tL?NN?SS?EC??a wtth \W6C* kect ."fi DebiUtedcuttstitu- '¡,m, hl\.e r"l\'e,! the Grand ):cM'art <tt!'prt<;ctKecovery after usjn for a -i:.ort time LONGSTAFF'S ViCORATfXG ELIXIR. which Imparts Yonthfut Vi,-t)tir, HestorfS Yitatity. The only guaranteed r.'mcdy for IHll,airc,1 111 eIIIOry. Gfnerx.) Debility from Overwork, :uld for Fa¡1ed- 'Wea.ry. nnd 'Worn-out Constitutions. Large bottle 5/ half size 3/1. Of all Chemist. or i,t),t ftce ft0!n )!< ct1ll1l1tcr Bridge Bead, London. L. THOMASSO, Westminster Bridge Road, London. 1626 CREAT aMERtCAM PMESMtPDOH rrWENT? YEARS' RESEARCH has brougMto Ughta JL gn&rtmteedHemedvfor NERVOUS DEBILITY.the Errors of Youth. Lost Manhood, WeaJmess. Dimness of &tght,BMder, eravoh Kidney, and Liver compT&inta. This Prescription is m the hfmds of a MmiBter Who Will befriend anyone suffering from these enervatmg diseasas. It ho.a CURED THOUSANDS. Marety send salf-addreseed stamped envelope to the Bev. David Jones. Ray ViHa. Lewes, when the preserip. ttonwiUbeaeatB!REEOFCaAB<jt& liamø m18 raper. MM

[No title]

[No title]












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