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GRANITE CHIPPINGS, For C.m-iage Drives. GRANITE SCREENINGS, For Garden WaJks. srrri.tKn IN QUANTITIES OF 4 TONS AND UPWARDS, t''L'r rncea and Particular address THE ( KIRIOG GRANITE COMPANY, CHIRK. 624z HAXELD S HOTEL. WEST 'P D LONDON. Telegrams-H"ell, jLouaon. PERSONAL ATTENTION. HOME-LIKE. Convenient for City (uic[ Theatres. Single Bedrooms.frcm 3s Double „ (;a PI:nn Breakfast (optional) li 6d Tabled IIote .Brea.kfa"t (optioll!l), the Je,t ;n London ns 6(1 Electricljii''ht CHARGE Attendance ?<' CHARGE E. NELaoX IIAXEI.L A SON, 1182a 1'ioprietoi-H. Business Announcements. TKK BET AND CHEAPEST HOUSE IX WALES. 50 LESS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. W. MARTIN \Vi!I offer for Sale at his extensive JEWELLERY ESTABLISHMENT, 52. HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, A Choice a.nd Carefully Relectcd Stock of Novelties' suitable for WEEDING AND BIRTHDAY GIFTS, Not to be obtained elsewhere at the prices, in DIAMONDS AND OTHER GEM JEWELLERY, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE, MAKIiLE. GILT, NICKEL, &: WOOD CLOCKS ENGAGEMENT, KEEPER, & WEDDING RINGS, GOLD ,'i: SILVER ALBERTS. CHAINS, SEALS LOCKETS, BROCHES, Ac. The puhlic are respectfully invited to call and inspect thi. magruncent Stock, whether they purchase ft not. H\) !:Y AmiCLE MARKED IN PLAIK FiGUBES. AXD WORKSHOPS— HOPE STREET, W R E X H A M SettJ for Illustrated Catalogue. 2639z TDIJJIW. i-LATES. BRICKS, TILES, CEMENTS, LATHS, SEWERAGE PIPES. And all other Buildmg Material. E. 1\1 EREDITII JONES'S, .] TIMBER YARD, AND STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. Be"t led HUHjDING BRICKS made at the Brick- yards near Wrexha.m. TELEC.KAPniC ADDKESS :— MEREDITH, WREXHAM." 1816f COMMERCE HOUSE 39. HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. MR. H. B A Y L E Y, WEM, S.\LOP, Respectfully begs to n,n!touuce tha.t he has purchased the above Old-esta.Mished .business of Mr John Row- lands, and that shortly he will be prepared with a large and extensive STOCK of GOODS suitable for the present Sea.son, comprising purchases from the teaming Manufacturers in the trade. A large assort- ment of Woollen Cloths for Suits, (kc. Men's, Youths'. a.nd Hoys' Felt Huts a.t a great Reduction. Linoleurns. Carpets. Cheap Millinery in all its Bra.nches. DRESSMAKING On th<* pre)n!fa. nnder experienced mana.gement. Fit a.ud :ity Je gua.ra.uteed, and charge:; strictly Jlloderate. Chanties and Clothing ClubH allowed a liberal di"dm1t. 2349c (;OCKJ"' ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THEIR ONLY PREPARATION (;OCI\LE'S' ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FREE FROM MERCURY ('10CKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE SAFEST PATENT MEDICINE COCKLE S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, (JOCKLE"S ATIBILIOUS PILLS, THE BEST FAMILY APERIENT /"1<)CKLE S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR LIVER (OCKLE"S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR BILE 10CKLRS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR INDIGESTION (;OC.KLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR HEARTBURN i0( KLK s; AXTIBiLIOUS PILLS, FOU SICK HEADACHE _n_ ? COCKLE S ANTfBILIOUS PILLS, CSE AMONGST ALL CLASSES C"1( J(:, l.E"S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN t'tjE EIGHTY-NINE YEARS (;OC!Ü..E'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EVERYWHERE ('10CKLE'S ANTiBILIOUS PILLS. THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. it) brxes a.t Is l;d, 2s 9d, 4a 6d. and 11s. (.O( 'KLKS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In n-ie muHTY NINE YEARS. May be had of .). )'ISHER EDISBURY, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 1294 Business Announcements. THE CELEBRATED PENADUR SPRING WATERS. '?S???S?:????? of Alet-it awarded "!I the CUlLJwil of the Sallital'!J lusfltllfe of Greert Bn'taÍ;l,f(),. tllcse ¡Vate, also at IlIfcl'1wti<>/ial E:rhibitiol!, LondOl/, 1881. PURE AND STANDARD BEVERAGES ??? PURE AND STANDARD BEA ERAGES ? ?. AND ? ? <? ? ??? MANUFACTURED FROM .?? ? ?"??'? ? '? PE NAD UR ????????I??.??.??J?????'?'?See?at SPRINGr. — -??? ?? ???'?? ??? ? Trade ? "? ?j ?? ?- ? ? ????? ?r ? :i- ??? ???? ?s on Cork-tabel- ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? -j ? ? ?? Bottle, in order to prevent ??? ?? ?—? ?e ? ? ? ? ? s ? ? Ô Spnrious Articles bciug substituted. ? ??" ————— \?'??" Agents Evcrywiierc, or direct from the ? ? NORTH WALES FACTORY, vVREXHAI. Contractors to the General Station Buffets at Chester. Birkenhead, Wrcxhaiu. Ruabon, &c. Hydropathic, Blackpool, Rhyl, &c. 312 PIANOS AND ORGANS. THE BEST i CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WALES. I X?K I ¡ A illl,i??l;Ili fl ION 64C-rmR CRANE & SONS beg to inform the Public that, having emptoyed a. Superior Sta.Sf "of TUNERS, persons entrusting their Instruments to their care may rety on receiving that careful attention which can only be given by Superior Workmen, such as they exc!usively employ. F. IR W!N, Manager. 4, RECENT STREET, WREXHAM. \:1 .i.' hl1..J 1.L¡ ..L:J. 974 -.n_ n THE STAR CIGAR AN1) ()->ES. ESTAHLTSHHD THE OLD T CIGAR STORES I ?? 4, z I i BACC iI6I I I 1870. ESTABLISHED [X WRKXHAM. .R 0 G 1-> u E. ROGERS. <), CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM. E. R. bega to a.cqua.int her Pa.trons and the Gencr. Puhlit; th!).t she is now ahowmc a. very large and carefully selected Stock of SILVER-MOUNTED BRIAK a.nd MEEKSCHAL'M ril'ES CIGAR a.nd GIGARETTE HOLDERS, CASES, POUCHES, Ac. 2B?C°_CIGARS of the finest brands of Hayana., Mn,niHa,, and Mcxicn.n Ltea.f. a.n in good cotidition. 'CIGARETTES. British, America.n, a.nd Oriental, by the most noted n'!1krs. TOBACf'OS—The productioNN of the most Celebrated ManufactureM kept in stock, in loz. and 2oz. packets and lib.. ill).ind Hb. ttn=. SOLE AoEKT FUR WRKXHAM AKD DisTHicT FOR ARCHER S CELEBRATED BLACK BOY TOBACCO. TRY W R E X H A IVI MIXTURE." 249o S7'/?/!C/V lt EVANS, Beg to ;.=t;mate tAmi tJoelr DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. ",itlt Cultural Insfpuctioiia h note Ready. Post free on application. SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS CHOl'1.o COMPLETE CM.LEf TMXS OP VEGETABLE SEEDS, Producing a Supply of the Bent Vegetables all the year round. 1 For a Large Garden 42 2 quantities proportionately reduced 36 3 „ „ „ 30- 4 21 G „ a Small Gnrdcn 15 6 „ a Cnttitg:' Garden 10 6 DfttrovJ J'r« hi) J!<n! 0)' Pott. .a. 4, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. i IVURSERIL-'S NEAR RAILTI?AYS T-4 TIOV. 394 T. BATES (Only successor to Mr Simeock), SALT STORES, TENTER'S SQUARE, WREXHAM. 149c 149c WALL PAPERS. A Large Stock of the NEWEST DESIGNS for 1892. B. COPLESTON. DECORATOR, HIGH-STREET. WREXHAM. 265c 7 7 7 1!, 7. :C" 1, TOWN HILL. ?) nL?MS:TEA?Hm 19, HOPE STREET,  ? R E X H A M CORN EXCHANGE, )? And at SHREWSBURY, CARDIFF, OSWBSTRY, ELLSMERE,LLANFYLLIN. London Address: 28, MINCtNG LANE. I Business Announcements. =- ovrVl RY AM BYTHV CAUTtON. R. E L L! S & 5 0 N Find it necessary to caution the j?ub;.ie against imitations of their Manufactures. Purchasers should see that Corks are branded R. Ellis & Son, Rulhin," and that every Label bears Name and Registered Trade Mark (Goat on Shield as below). SODA WATER. POTASS WATER. SELTZER WATR. LEMONADE. ? GINGER BEER. t RmGxgTpr7D. SOLE ADDRESS- AROMATIC GINGER ALE. PURE DERATED WATER. FOR GOUT: LITHIA WATER, an t LITHIA & POTASS WATER. K. h.LL!b & SON, RUTH!N, NORTH WALES. Lo,%j)ov AGEXTS: W. BEST & SOXS, Henrietta Street, Cavendi.,h F;¡p::lrf'. 2052 FIRST PRIZE MEDAL: LON mjN7t87s7 SOAMES WELSH -T RAD %L- 1fA.R L E PUA:" SPAR,KLfGiI THE BREWERY, WREXHAMNORTH WALES. f3:Jl STAPLES SHEEP DIPS ( PATENT DIPPING M A C H I N E L A NGr SH AW RO WL A N D & Co.. CHEMISTS, HIGH ST., WREXHAM, & RUABON, Hilve engaged the services of an EXPERIENCED AND PRACTICAL MAN TO ACCOMPANY THE ABOVE MACHINE. AND. SUPERINTEND ITS USE. The Machine will attend at any farm where a sufficient number of Sheep are offered. PRICES FOR DimA'(7 (ineluding uxc of A&tfAt)i<, Afait, alld Dip), 12/. scol-c.. The price depends upon season of year, it is highest in winter and spring. Every MONDAY the Machine will be at Mr Frank Lloyd's OLD SALE YARD. Beast Market, Wrex- ha.m, where sheep can be dipped for the convenience of farmers liviug near the town, and others purchasing Sheep in the SmithReld. All Shfep bought should b&dtpped before driving home, and so avoid infection. The Dip used will be Staples' (poisonous or non-poisonoas) untesa otherwise desired.. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. For further particulars apply to 9, HI C H S TREET, W B EX.BL AM.. HORSE & CATTLE MEDICINES. CHEESE COLOUR & RENNET, OILS, PAINTS & COLOURS, AT LOWEST PRICES. 6Q9j, FIRST SPRING SHOW. MR R. C THURSFIEUX 10, CHURCH-STREET; WREXHAM,. Will mahe hia FIRST SHOW OF SPRING 00<ms NEXT WEEK. NEW DRESSES. NEW- COSTUME TWEEDS,. NEW TRIMMINGS, NEW CAPES AND MANTLES. NEW JACKETS. NEW MILLINERY, NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. R. C. T. wouIcTtake this opportunity of caJJmg. special attention to the DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT which is still under the eBBctent Ma.nagpment of MISS BRIGGS, a498. MESSES THURMAN CO., BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURERS, STAFFORD HOUSE, BRIDGE-STREET ROW, CHESTER, Be- to announce that they are opening a BRANCH SHOP in the NEW" ARCADE, WREXHAM, ON TUESDAY, MARCH Isr, Witli a very hu-ge and varied selection of HIGH-CLASS Ladies'. Gentlemen's, and Children's HOOTM. SHOES, &c., in the h: eat and most approved styles and make, including the following welt-known t-pec-.dities :—Finets, Beetive, Cinderella, Walk Easy, adapted, Ltc, BOOTS MADE TO MEASURE. REPAIRS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. ATHLETIC REQU I SITES. 451o R. LLOYD & J. DAVIES, ENGINEERS, MILL-FRIGHTS. BOILER MAKERS, WHITESMITHS, BELL HANGERS, & GENERAL SMITHS, ELECTRIC BELLS, Ac.. BROOK-STREET9 WREXHAM. Contracts for all sizes of HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL ENGINES <X: BOILERS, which :ue hnpplicd ntted and nxed, in Town and Country. S T E A M F I T T I N (r S Including VALVES, TAPS, STEAM GAUGES, GAUGE GLASSES, and INDIA RUBBER WASHERS of all Sizea. HEATING APPARATUS FITTED IN CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, CONSERVATORIES. DWELLING HOUSES, AND SHOPS. ORNAMENTAL GATES AND RAILS MADE TO ORDER. PATENT LOCKS NEATLY REPAIRED. AND RE-FITTED WITH KEYS. Pl.A\S A*<D ESTIMATES SUBMITTED FoK AxY KiND OF EKMI'-KKJKlXt. WuRK. Prompt attention given to Repairs and Breakdowns. M5i' SEEDS' SEEDS! SEEDS! H It U 1) Gr E Begs to call attention to Ins well-selected and specially tested Stock of VEUETABLE MW FL 0 W E R E ED S For the present Season. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. NOTE THK ADDRESS :— 14A. QUEEN STREET, 552o WREXHAM. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFING SHEETS. HCY FROM THK MAXfFACTUKERS. SHEETS LOW AS 1/1 EACH. PtUCES nx ArPMCATIOK. CORRUGATED IRON Co., WOLYERHAMPTON. Lal'gest 'MlI,kel'!i in the Kingdom. 398f IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. CORPORATION 'OF THE CITY OF MANCHESTER. THE MANCHESTER CORPORATION CONCENTRATED MANURE, MADE FROM BLOOD, BONES. FISH. & DMFD ANIMAL MATTER. &c.. From the City Slaughter-houses, Market, Ac. Contains from 34 to 4 per cent. AMMONIA, and 8; to 10 per cent. BONE PHOSPHATES. Analysis guaranteed. The Manure is K<')M in BaRs con- taining 1 cwt. each, and is in the condition, and has the appearance, of fine soil. Siiititbl& for all crops. "?3 PER TON <?RS Free), deU?red at the ncnM«t ??" Railway Sta.tioj], ciu-riaKc pnid in t-ton lots, within 150 miles. Supply strictly !i:&i;:c'<l. Special price for Jess than 4 tons, and for delivery 1YOlld 150 miles.—For Samples, TestuaMuaIs, &c., apply tv:- HY. WHILEY, SrfEMNTEXDENT. 2676 TOWN HALL. MANCHESTER. A LL Orders for PRINTING, ?JTHO. J? GRAPHY, BOOKBINDING, d-c., intended for the ADVERTISER OFFICES, will be received at the Offices, MARKET SQUARE, O-Niy, there being xo coNNECTlox with Niy othey Srm. Office b<?wa, 9 &.m. to 6.Q i Wurdays, I \q, to 1 p.m. Business Announcements: GRAND SHOW OF MARBLE CLOCKS AND ELECTRO-PLATE, W. M A R T I N, W. ill A- 11 T I N )2 .HOPE- JREET, WREXHAM. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 92to E.'iTABLISIIC, D A.D. 1852. ALFRED W. BUTT (LATE F. FRASER), JEWELLER AND SILVERSMITH, 42, HIGH STREET.WREXHAM. IS NOW ¡;nown.G A CHOICE STOCK OF N.OYELTIES IN ATJ< DEPARTMENTS. GOLD BRACELETS AND BROOCHES, SCARF PINS, STUDS, SLEE VE LINKS, DIAMOND AND OTHER GEM RINGS. Gentlemen's Watches, L.&dies' Wa.tches, Silver Jewellery ft,nd Pl.tte, Ac., <X'c., at most moderate pricea. Specia.1 and proinpt attention given to REPAIRS In Wa.tches, Clocks, Pla,te, Jewellery, &C.. by a. staff cf higb-clam workmen, upon the premises. CLOCKS WOUND AND REGULATED HY CONTRACT. SPEC I ALI TIES. G.mnea, Gold Wedding Rings. Eye Glasses and Spectacles from 1/- upwtuje. Best BitM.Ili.).n Pebbles at 7/6. Antique Silver Plate. ChtTuuig Cloeks. j2624o NEW SPRING GOODS.. WE are now showing onr Enrly Delheties of New and Bea.ntjM MATERIALS AND COLORINGS, FASHIONABLE N K W C AP E S JACKETS. MANTLES. CHOICE MILLINERY. Tasteful, but inexpensive MIIjLINERY it a. SpeciaII tywithus. W. ( J. PRICHARD. 355j WREXHAM. MORGAN &: Co.. LIMITED. (Lote,Tacksoit alld Soit), COACH BUILDERS AND HARNESS MAKERS, OF LONG ACRE LONDON. I PATENT CEE SPRING "-NIORVI" CAR. (As supplied, to the Empress of Germa.ny.) On Morgan's Patent Cee Springs. UST OF TESTIMONIALS POST FRE);. BRANCH ESTAHLISHMENT, NORTH WALES CARRIAGE WORKS, W R E X H A M Established 1762. 416n THE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, NORTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. H.M. Inspector of Mines, HENRY HALL, EQ., ha,vLag certified these Rules to be now correct, has given us the necessary special authority to issue them. This we a.re no'.v in a position to do, both in BOOK AND SHEET FORM. PNCES AXD PARTICULARS OX ApPLICA'U'\): BAYLEY & BRADLEY, H ADVERTISER OFFICE, WREXHAM. Q Business Announcements. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. FINE SAMPLES OF BARLEY, WHITE OATS. YELLOW OATS, BLACK OATS, ENGLISH BEANS. The Oats direct from Ormsku-k and Angtesea., which a.re first-class changes for tit's Heighbourhood. S.nnp!eij to be.scpn in bulk at MK. WILLIAMSS. LIYEHY STAPLES, CHESTER-STREET. WKEXHAM. 3tAY BE T:A" J KOM MR. LEWIS. ROSSETT MILL 693<: NEW VIBRATING Sm'TTljE MACHINE. AHE I BEST. I SINGERS SEWING MACHINES I LARGEST SALE. BEWARE OF GERMAX IMITATIONS. SINGER'S MACHINES CAN ONLY Bn PtRCHASED IN WREXHAM t'ROM THE -AfAYEl.S, THE LINGER ?\/rANUFA<JTURING ??0., ? L T- t ? 7, CHARLES STREET. 693z AN iirpORTA.NT EVENT. A ROYAL CIFT FOB READERS OF THE WHEXHAJi.AlJrEltl'ISER. Royal gifts a.re )dwH.ys desirable. beint! of exeeptiona! munincence; the title is therefore specially appropriate to this IMPORTANT PRESE=-TATIO=-, A valuable Bajikrupt Stock hu.s just beau secured, which v. ill be dis- tributed as below, so that A HANDSOME !'1;EE 1'RIXH. of considerable worth is as AN ABSOLUTE CEJfTAjLN'J Y to all who cut out ami encl"se the C,;up"u below to H. Samuel with P.O. Order fur the W:tteh required. Read the follow ing— W hat the \ve:trers sn y' Oi:c- it (,f thousaiid, 66, Wind-street, Aberù<l1'e, Soiith )f';f;'< 1G< I'd)" 1892. 1Y[, H. Samllcl.-Dear Sir,—J am yl",z <u sttili, that the JE2 12s 6d. E?iglislt Lefer tt'u<c/) 1 /«;<< /f-oi;t i/u« !«t<' .September otUMe<;e)'t/&6[<if}/<tcNo«. 1 tak.' it to I¡'if (('(¡rk un,-Iergrou?id et'fr!/ d'«; ft<;</ it g,d it. j/</ friends acknowledge it a <7r<f);</ :;<< I 7.t<cc {)ef?! able to mat'<' « great stivi;i!j 011 Ih" 111'1/i1/<l1'!I jI/'iC/; by SC))<!i?!</ to !/0«. 2'7t6 ?t<t)ifbo);;(' 1'i; '/()!f ti(:?It willI it WfM. very eiceeptable.-Yozirs faitllflilly, A. .I.oms. Get a Post oa5ce Order to-(ta,y for .E2 12., 6d :L"tl scud it to H. Samuel. You will receive i:t return a :\L\(;IFI- CEKT EKGLISH LEVER WATCH, made, jewelled :nid tttted with dust n,nd d:t.)mi tifht cup; ill solid silver hull-marked cases; elinhte tum.-d :utd etigravcd with shield n.nd porter. WorHi reta.ii 5 Ku'jn-u. \Vith each wntfh H. Samuel presents :t. THIUTY HOUR LKVHR TIMEPIECE, in handsome polbbelllJiekcJ ca.sp, with brass )t!(juuts. A good timekeeper and :tn eJegant and valuable gift. Or, hi return for,LI.0.0. 25s, H. S:miue) will send his CELEBRATED THREE-QL'AKTEH PLATE ACME WATCH (Lady s or CehUeman's) extra; jeweUed, c<irefuUy adjusted !md titled i;) solifl sterling (stamped) sitvcr case. Lady's size richly ehtmed and with din.1 clcK:mtIy tinted or plaiji, :s preferred. Worth 3 g1'.Ïueu,s, ith each H. S,-iiiiii-el presents n- BEAUTIFUL l-LATOIUD GOLD ALUEItT CHAIN (Lady's or (tent)f'tti:t.n's), with dfop piece complete. A perfect imitation of reat eold. EVERY \\ATCH WARRANTED FUR FJVH YEAHS. AND SUPPLIED OK WEEKS FREE TRIAL. Motley returned if not approved. POST YOUR ORDER TO-KIGHT. ??? o- ?M H?'c?-yKtHt.lf7''t'r<M?r Readers, I 1892 ??- COUPON & 1 ——-—— SPECIAL PHIZE BOND. ————— The holder is entitled to :cc,c the watches de- scribed abuye at the rofltic(-tl of 1,2 12s 6d :md JE1 5; and I undertime to rres"r!t ith cnch the SPECIAL HANDSOME FKHE PHlXMi'.ssmted. (Signed) H, SA)l FJ';L, Manchester, j H, Salllll<'l cwowt !JU,f)'lIlIte'i:t!ll'SC l)ri::s ILftl'l' U!lays jront this f!«f< All watcll,ljs sent secure cmd safe at H. Samuel's own rMk, to an ya.dflress, complete with key, f j wn.rra.nty, instmctioD' aj)d Speeia,! Free Prize. All P.O. Orders to be made payable to H. Samuel at G.P.O., Manchester. Large Catalogue of Watcnes, Jewellery. Electro Silver Plate, Clocks, &c., free. to <MJy address on application. Newest desigttB &t lajgely reduced orices. Huttdreds of tunaxine testimonia.Is. BRILLIANT SUCCESS. Thousands of Clubs in full operation aH over the Kingdom. Additional Agents Wonted everywhere Foretuen, Timekeepers, and others desiring appointment as :-tecratai'tes shuujd write nt once- Liberal Terms. Piacnos, Violins, AeeordMns, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, &c.. auppUed. H. 8.,8, M U E L, /7':t'j?7? WA,T(,H MASl."1".1CTCRER, 97,.99 & 101, MARKET-STREET, MANCHESTER nl034K « FOR THE BLOOD IS THE U P E' I W&RLD-FAMED THE GREA'l' BLOOD PURIFIER AND FOR CLEANSING 31111 CLEARING the -Ll' BLOOD from all IMPURITIES, cannot be too highly recome?ded. P,or Scrofula, Scurvy. Eczema, Skiu and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinda, it is a never permanent cure. It CrRE? Ct?) SORE' 'UrO:SO SMtE? IK THJE NECK, CunES. SonK LE<M. I CURES BLACKHEADS', or PiMPLKH OH the FACE, CfRE& SCURVY, Crl!E, ULCERS, CURE, Bi.OOR AXD SKIK DISEASES, CURES GLA,YkV]LATI SWELLIKHS. CLEARS THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPURE l\IATTER FB(H< WBATEYER CArSE ARIiSIXO. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and watT&Bted frea from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex (from in- fa.Ncy to old age), the proprietors solicit sufferers to give it & tyiaJ to test its value. c WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Skin Disea.sep. EruiJtIona. Blotches. Spots, Pimples. Pustules, J!oi!s, Ca.rbuncles, Riugwornia, Sere Eyes. Erysipelas, Scurfs. Discoloration of the bkin/ Humors and DisecLses of the Skin of whatever na.me or nature, are litera.Hy carried out of the system in n. short time by the use of this v.orld-fumed medicine. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL— Cleanse the vitiated hiood whenevci you find its impurnics huj's¡ ing through the skin in pimples. t;ruptif)ns. and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed und slugpish in the veins; cJeanse it when it is foul—your feelings will teit you when. Ket p your hiood pore, and the health of the system will follow. Sold in hotties 29 each. and in cases, containing six times the quantity, 11/ sufncient to effect a permanent cure in the grent ma.jortty of long-standing ca,ses By all CHEMISTS and PATIENT: MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any a.ddresa on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps bv the Proprietors, THE IjINCOL-N AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG CO., LIMITED. TRADE MARK, "RLOOD MIXTURE.' Ask for CLARKE 8 BLOOD MIXTURE, and dG not be persuaded to take an imitation. Y OUNG LAI)IES wlio want to be inde- M pendent, and make their own way in the world, should write f&r Prospectus of the Scientific Dress-CuttingA8socia.tion.272, Regent-street. London, W. Situations found for aM pupils at good salaries. 43a. BE A MM MNTW8RRY labQut your wekns anot incapacity, hut send at once <or uur p:nnt'h!ct, which ?describes how you tn?y be thoroophly restored to he?hh and tn.in'y Yi?our. Post free for 6 sunups. MABSTOIf REMEDY CO., 249}. High Holborn. London. W.CL 139 GRAFTON HALL LEY, CHESHIRE. FROM MAY 12 TO OCTOBER 12, M92. A limited number of COLTS will be taken and kept sepa.ra.te from the Cattl-t. JE s. d. One-yeM-oM Heifer. L" 1 5 0 Two.yea.r-old Heifer. 2 0 0 One-yea.r-old Colt 2 15 0 Two-yea-r-old CoIt. 3Y5 0 Application to be ma.de to Mr IsAA< CnEKTHAM, I Grafton Hall, MaJpa.s, Cheshire; or Mr J. H. EowARDs, Smithy llous, Bershina. Wrexhani. 658. -? -?. .L < "Y?TANTEn, AGENTS ? the Sale <? ?ho l T trrc?tMi? ?fei h?r m Diatricta v.hm-e not already o BAULKY ? BR<\PI,ET. Wre\ha.m.