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.ir's by Auction. nv MK-SKS. B\r*m, JONES, &co. "I,f. -J" • M \M -MlrHl'IF.LD. V, !>• EMBER fini, 1877. nl F HT q) .T"liE STOCK DAY, it 111 oYlbck, and the I -r r* -p > ulHi' "*1 c!,at the Stock be at "r r '?"\r"?? URKAtiv F.NH-.RED, i„* < f )''n'')????'?'' J.  ?'.J" 1 n. r, s an I P. '? -n' .H? pig". ""I 1, ,1 (j' Ii' ¡¡ I: \n,! .J" A CO. 9073 I PR KM M IN v It V. I .*v■■-}< a-d Hv.'Mhig Laiid, at r RV rh-nn r'v «I..p« it \I'<f .H .D'N-x A- Co., '?tverecf'ved • 'I f-I:r; •« On- n-|.r»..v,ita«iva of th" I 'w 1 ;f. ",¡ '???"?"t.RY<.rCTtON 'J' Ir 11" '5 C?r?n?s a? ,r .r11J".f' »♦ nl('k ':In. Bmuahton, now .'? .??-n'T!? R'ushtQn.niw NJ r(i -?T)(I oth"f", A?oJ ..¡..r:P til. \1. Hi!1, :¡flj',inlng t,herf:111f"n('p. of IIFfl' 'w''R?Fr?.r'nTT?f;ps? ?'?' ?f"- ?° '?w rhtr.'h, .'i i i* s 'be rH-id<»>c«» of Hip Rev. Win. .{ 'i i' tllf" r"1Clf'"cP of thp pv. \Tli. r' "r '?' wi" shortly. Th? i iv-t • ligible for building purposes \¡¡11, 1 "I'j6 I r -) e '■ and Allitton, H•?*. <t*c., at HVK'T'tV. t?0<SKTT. ,?.?r.U'?" .??r'SA?-nr-o..ha?bppn Al ? ?'- Th-imi« P,.ri-?. t? <"FM. RY •'II vrm V ? M.???v th? ?.)<)nvnfnecfmher 'T!n', n 'II 'I f n .fl f'T'" a Piirton -ine Tnilo of Rnq. lo'e of v i« snloriflid FAT OXEN "all;FTr'FI: "'RTf! RR SHEEP, alqn ??HT '? ?'??'R?S HORSER. and STORE 1 Pi- r.nipr; HfT ?''? .?,; fnir vonr "?! bullocks (he?vy wei?hta). :.1 .ran ,'?<r?-ar(!:[''?'-rs. F?' ??,??..?'? 'n,?n("'?''ine ???'?. ;?rip''??''?'??rs. r.r> I' ,?tn!?' .mar''r ''r:n h?r<?(;xer," 6 yearso?}. T' u rd» b=- (lr })lIr.,¡p (:-tptl1ll;) ypurs 0 (, 16 hMdK ,tt' brown h"T" Jack." 4 veir-f old, lfi hands ? ? n- m ??.< y<'3)'s uhL 16 hands high, '7vmMr—dv.ddK h- in t'11T""lh.. :tlt 'Htdlp. years old, by ? ''?. n?m"ini; ha)t hrfd co]t n,mg 3 years old, by Clare," 4 • iTtni^t't s kff'p allowed to the purchaser of more A '"r » larje q rtntity of home-cured hams and | ¡t' (0' 'f" P"rb'r' rp,j,lpnce) at 12 ",1.. to I M' p-r k ^r's residence ) at 12, sa le to v n,u' "'cl«ck prompt. 27e F T STO^K AT THE po^-K'T At'CTlOV MART. J'lVF and Co., will hn?i ?t ;)?,rr.x?'f"fF.?-"i??'re?tf?k,a.t?hp t.i.H Inn, R.?-?tt..n F.id.ty, the 7th Deccm- <u\r"k n1r^a^y ewtfjr^fl A ;0. of vvme F it P.ul] "rks :in<l Heifern. K }g' n' rii«" *v,-Mi*r Sheep. Fat 'Vv*s. f' ?.i -t.?'- P'C- T..r.t?' '? ? Ptfnnr. K-q F. Pf.tts. Esq., ?..fj(.r ?'r ?' '?"?n'-h?nd. ?. ?wffpnham, I: 1: 1'1.. Mr J. F.dw^rds, Mr Jf<nf":? jilV.u'r'ch, Mr P W!"i'm'. Mr n?vi?;. Mr PriL W,),,I, ie)4 \Tr V, Wo..lrkh Mr p f ?n?.p? ?'- n?'?r. M?'"<rs. Ba&aley, Mr Hinch- B:iL,,tlev, .Nir Hin(-b- i»rp^ntft"1 to the ownfr of thF v*>r<liV eiin ft. nIP ownpr of fiv-, S+ofk fn ho f-ntored rfW'-rY, on'! t" 1". in po«v«>«sir»n of owner at lenst ir 'Ti* 1. f r" thc day of «ale, and to be, at the fl4*: i.-v On*- oYlbck Purt'-fr v solicited. A: wi!l !»e p-ovi'h'd immediately after the Sale. Sale nt Two oVWx k prompt. 27'J^r PKFUMiN A Illy. ;• ■'<tarl;z of Wh^ni P,'i -Jry/ Oats, <:fraU!, Hay, Tv n\i-s 1)oiry Cntrs, Dranqht florae*, /'r< "¡'IS P'.X'?X. ?.ft.x /,?j'e?M?'0/ y, D iirtj \'fsss's d:c at C'-VKI.'SVLIT FAHM.  ?\tJ':H .Xt?F.s. ??.) no. h:n'c been ? ??'?.f) '?\1rj .?n?..?i:t (w'?'s ??vin}; l'Y ".Il,)Ieof tlle r-iv« «T>d Onad F\R STOCK, on Tin s- u ,e Hill day of December, 1X77. Hay and straw ".eulars next *wk. 276% KI.IVT-iMIUE. T hi: s(n,n r>v auction, hv vpwr« BACOH, I .I'lNi'S. <V C in thf ln'.ntti of Deci-m'.er, ,ir,h.i.i c.ii r\(;i: and (;\i;i> N, itiiitt, T iiiwoud fur -nil' years past •• ■ -up'ition ..f \UN M l?«t)ipr's. '■r'til irs iri fn'ur.. -i Iv.t'i^ni.'nt^. 2i7;,h •ALHS r.Y MP..T. VY. IC'l'VN. •T I.N': !• N i) IU"'KI,I".V. sap >r'.( ,t ami Wi'u.bl," Freehold Ihti'i' Land M. i w. mi nv\' w i'? 't'tt'? -.r'.).),).v 't U.'tt't\?')tnf').t\27'h ?')y?)f N'VeUl- -'7:t'.hr.t' .r'.?'k ?r.j-.)\?[ t'n- '"ro>* ? in.L.t'i'n<,Hn'k?'n';r '.)?). .u'?'c; to .■■ ? !h''?r"i?,)'h:t'ht!??'rr-<'ho!d V 1 > ;?.j'n n ?! 7 IUdf' ih':tr 'J ■; I v, I i i,n ,,i >ui iiar.i'i.is^rs. L; !? ( i ;) h. r??-.t? which it I ..I,i [ij y. ini it .It ill Et..t.. HI I; lie o'.i'.aiiit-il I )i 1.11 I • '.I in! r • Ill r'lo^, l-'il 'it at li-v .f Mr (Ji o I" -vi, r ir" r. \ÏuId: >>r i>i the Andiom-iT. Hiuh- I ;tj,¡Ü i-'iMV- M.I-; OF FAT SI'O'K AT K-{i>r<5M-ION HALL MATKIN. M: w. Hi.'n'TN i:i h.ild li,.s ueit |SALE on I » I)c t?'t?.1?77. J'HJZ • :• -lit-t li.iee C uineas dtl iln. i'u. >1 J: 1,. ck, Do. I' d • I). II"i.i, |» n ..f ~> Three (iuiueas 1hl d., (hi ii Pig-, duo ■ ..i:v I'nzt. i« f; v>-to the Purchaser H'k. 1.• r winrh the Pr ze is j;ivfi), One :•ii, » 11.i. c linal. (-'iirtvl i .p c .moi-ti'ioii to be sold for r—rve, ami t i lie in til" Yard ii,)i *1' tt:aulo n\ .,n*iv a TH ;1, tur i-.i :■ l.«iiii. ]<t Dec., Is7;. .nv -l.il.i'i • ;.i-ii; at twelve o'clock, i 't i. ;nc!i:al ):,¡. I :;71S !,Y w Ii IX H in t'f d VIl l'hun>Jay, Decern- i; HI:. H L.> t. inform hi> miin'U* friends ■<1 i,u-t<»nh*r■- i.r. a.K t.|r,| for ~:i.e, c"-inpri>iti^ a lot of ''r.m.' t it lvM~t~. I'nuu- F.Il h?)?n?L,.mi?. I i i' an I .re (':II: nl':I.r' uf he ,unpl)rb>r.¡ 0: T,ll1 Inart: i!l- in.u i yurk. F?), A. t'?. E-q J. Clark, L i», ).:?? .). Walker, f'isij., Hr.??t'v, r" F 1,-wi, I M(., Ml -IN T. 11, II. j y I v. -I •. T. i;b, it< J. ■Sandbach. J. Pi^ott, J. -sandjiadi. junior. — Lee, J.. ,{.. .Ma lnv: 1 Wivxl am. loXfiv L Y V.KS-I;S. CIH'I'KU AN" S »N. AT KIDN.AI,, Mah'iy -tut i n ■ i.i U'l.i; \Mi > i li v,, been favoured w'th 'nif ion- Mr Dii'ton to s||,l, BY "l)N W-l • lie "• I rI V. 4'1'1 e 17 I nIN-CAI.K, i:i HF.IF: K- -HO .-ed be in- st..r.-bull, 1 "1: I"{ r 4 COW fA -2 P^OH" w I '?..?.<?.).t.ur. f .?.j., w 'oti horse ;hree yar- nl.l vv ,l]t W() j1j 11, T -r.<.<h .?he.t :?" 'r? '?.?u??.f???, :• '5 ,0^ ?"' 1. ?.?i'f <in? ."? ?;'? ?' ? -P[ !)?)i?.j "I.I:\IFT" i ".i' n?,.?- and ■, ■ I i Vnld^tiir^Nrrr; '1" "f Ul" ?'- hm??a'? Ui -t d-v ..Illy) 1 «• A |i"ii' Sin t ad f, tt,; Anf,01nn- iiiicliur. il, ) H Y V|: < I ik.m. i i l' I i -X I i>i i H i Ci/l N 1 y I l -o; i• I:y W i 1 M- KK'HAIM)  l"' 11 v -? .?. N' v ov. i, '1 H 'I 'I' I ¡ I ?rhr.. )n'?. ??') h 'I "v-!l«»ia >t .ti ■- r I ir <• I'ar .tii'i oil. I U..tr:I", ,i in j.i'ts, '*• a oil. a' other i Ye "I J dari:e:, tIt .11 .la-; r. et, 1 i I k. .'■•r >tVl. 1:Itit.tt, Wrexham. 2771b • '• In-, b- I iMl> Y ?.H'?!:)? ?:.r? ? V ?, )' l v „1 ?'" 'Y )..) r,'V.!v L ;K" ?. ( "I /). r* U:,T" ■" „ T. 'rl;I ;t c :1 '1". "r: Sales by Auction. SALKS BY mr. LLOYb. THURSDAY, DECEAlBEK tiTH, 1.S77. A1I *R i, ovnfHAM ??HFH;LD. an- /) to '"?' his '?'?'-o? frf„rifis III aud "upportrrs that he has takl"} ESK   the Ntw llil.tli?el(i (wlJih 1, on the left baud bide of 1 he entrance), where be Si" im.1'11 ttcta ss? stieep, p?g-i,    he receive support that ]¡a" hitherlo beeu accurd"d l,iil- (lu!ill, the time he has Iken in buine- t?, an auctioneer, and: &  hi" next sale wiJlI'lke as zssp&xsr*- TUe folluwir,g -St.ock are alrear!y eatere,t.  A prime lot of Bullocks, Heifer". and Bulls In-callff Cows. and itli C",lves at foot, .Earrens. Stirks, Haunill" -&C. ?-? ?.Barre,??r? 4 magntSccht lot of Fat and Rearing Calves A prime Jot of hropshire and Cros".bred Fat Sheep A nuirber of Pork and Bacon Pig-s, Thp n"n.TloL" c.   J'??"?'' of t'? late Auction Mart:  V%, W, Wyun, Bart" .\J.p" (^'vT'V 'Sir «• Calmer, Bart" sir R A' Cunliffe, Bart.. H,)U. Geo, Kenyon, T. 1,1. Fitz-Hugh, i,eel E?q-, Br?,n )'-Pj'S S. Yorke, s. P. Hope Psq H. ),ee, r;sq., PickhIlI H,,Il  Ped, Esq" (;erw.?n   E -iq.  ?" "??- ?-??y. ?' ?iereMtth,E.q.i. Beakbanc,K<q.,F K ?.ton ?q Capt&.n He?t. H..Swetenh?m t-\u W H' » CJaytt>ll, E-q" :lIajnr I Btsriaarcttoonu • JI VCll irke, Esq., R. <j. Websre- I- AILhrey, ??,??'<??? ?rh.ur.E.q J. Hel">' Dennis, Esq Hen'ry ?rg. M?t. ?.: He?y Dennis ?''H?y HHnumm^phh rey- Esq" J. R. Bennion, Esq., H'- Ht-.tir?, P,sq., R. J. Jb',sq. Charles Oriffiths, Ks, t, °rn'hq V1';Hp HlU J. Kenrick, K-q.. I !?Yr?u Hall ?rs Johnson, -Esles,4-: • ^NTISH LR"" Company .Iessrs '1:, Evbon, Eton; R. Pe;?tt?, Evtan • Tbos VMLLL'PRN'J' MERE,ILTH. N-J. fioberts. J, Davies, Llan, ¡¡wll E, William-, H. KATE s T. L;E-V«, E. "P?reys, T. Rohert?. Beise T ??arna!n i Royton J. B. Iur1ess, S. Dale, H "It; )t CT^I' Beigrave ? Forrester A. Sutton, Thomas T Aithre,?,; r. Be?Lke, J. Owens ?din,toM;M.?, Ho?ett,; C?ke, ?-rth?.uur?' K. H?rrt.n, Pt?c.'ch.J. Ed wards, f:jr[h..?H" T ?.i.nwr?ht, J.)?bert.?\Vuo.th..u?;J. i,ee H C. )Jurless, Ku?hon; T. Jon?? HoU.es; C. "arsoil- ■TJF", Bevau Jac80n, Eardiey, W. Bitin?tou, M. Darlington, &c., Ac. Sale at 10 o'clock to a minute. :¿1J9v F lit SI AND SECOND STAND, WREXHAM SMITdFIELD. C II II I s T M AS SHOW MONDAY, DECEMBER lOru, 1877. 70 GUINEAS WORTH OF SILVER CUPS. \'J" F' LLOYI) most respec fully informs his. P"r. I .T? and Friends that hi-Fifth Ann.)!? (JH';I->T- M*SSAI,E and SHOW of FAT -ToCK «il' take PLACE1,, the Smithneld, on Mornla Decemi-.r 10th, IX/7, when the following Sterling silver cup- will be given, viz.: oi'I;\ ro (;I-:STI.EMI:\ (IM.V A SI LV I ,K unv c as- exhibited, aiso A SILVER CUP, value 7 yuiuea-, for the lie-t lot 4-f Beasts, B'IUF; th" proiiei ty of a gentleman the number to be considered. OPEN TO FAiOlKlts ONLY: A WU'KR CUP, value r, guineas, for the be-t B"at exhibited of any class A SILVER CUP, value 7 -tiiiie-isz f,,r tll- hest lot of liea-t exlnhi 'II 1; tm. one Tenant Farmer, ) UPES TO GENTLEMEN AND FA KMEllS. A SI L,V EU CU I', value 7 F-'u;nea-fo. I HE be* to Slirop- shire must H I ve been MI tile Ex- hibitor's farm for at least three M >nths. OI'E'TO FARMKKS O.M.V. A S!EVi:I:CUP, value 4 Luineas, f„R th- be-t pen of O U_ L h 0" NNY orher Cr, Bred >HE**N I (EXCEJUII'JR Shrfip-hires.) TWo I-Al)[i,S' PUPSF,,N I' *-I,t t- if 2titi prize f"r the best, lot of bacolI or Porket Pifjs, nut less than 15 in number. STKRMNO SI'.YER ("UP, v.du- 12 L.UOI.;1S will BE giv,,tl to, tile I)e,, ii,,p)rter mean- ing th* jiart.V that SEJl- LARGEST am .NUT SH iw-dav, inclusive. -ILVK-i ("UP, vdue.J suineaswili be J;ive:I to the jiurchas r oft h- lar^r. am>u>itof i.ive S ock Hay, !nipleui-iits. &r A■ Mr I,h,d- tion inclusive. TO THE HrTl'UEItS. (The {lift of TLI- Winner- the six Silver CUPS.) A SIL\ KI; CUP, value U ^.uiiie:I-I. or SIX GUINEA- I in Coin, will he given to the largest Inner Of STUCK enl ( h. 1-tm IS ',Ii 'iir vi,iii, the STUCK are ill f-te,ie,l away without aiiv litigation. Also a Sec .lid Priy. will he GIV n by Messrs Elkinntnn audio., SD. ersnii: h, Liverpool. I N.B.-Th. \villTH:r", nf dlt ix silver rilp to) r:"urll one guinea EACH which will be awarde 1 as above. Early eturic- ')??tfu!)y -ulicitt'fi.asthfvwill j finally close on )>e. ember 3 d. 26!;4 Y .MKSSRS DKW AND SON. HHYL. N 'RTH WALKS. Frreliold Buthitii'i and Acrotnm<nlation Tdtlld iear the tnwn oj ilhyt, containing altmj -iher lO'i 1 ;p TO BE *-OLI> by AUCTION, by Me—rs. DFW tlle I;r,Voir t4? tt?l, 1,11%) (ill Jay. the 41h day of December, 1?77, at 3 o'clwck p.in. j'rrci?c'y.?u'.jcct t? cnnditions of -ale to Ue then lead, and in tile lollowing Lots and Order, or in such of sale. 1 <>t I conjfiri-ES a rerv Valuable RI'U,DISC SITE, and conta'iis la 2r :!0p. This lot i> in the occupation of Sarah Lloyd, and is near the I:ail way station at RIl) I. Lot 2 i.-A Va ua!de Piece of ACCOM MOD\TION L t \D, containi'.L* la (Ir IJ.'ip, -itu ite a short di-II ce fioin tiie town of Hhyl, anlI ADJOINS a farm belonging I to Major Warren, ca led 'iyiiewy.ld. Tin- lu is U-. v. j togetlier U ITH lot.) and 4, in the occupation of .Mr Ed«ard P U ry. Lot 3 i- a I.'I .-imila-ly situated, coiitaini'G la 2r I 6p. Lot 4 a Lot similarly situated, containing fta 3r 1 12p. Lot •.> i.s a ij'i. illet if LAND in a Field, th>» proper'v nf tajtlr liuwl. y Conwy, of B.>iiiliyddan. It is m the occupation of Mr Ivlwan) Hughes. Lot Ii i, :1 .du:: hl,¡ FI U.P, COTT.(; F, :111,1 ( I:, DEN, near the sea s hore, between Klivl and Pres- tatyn. and about one mile from the former to n. c<.n- i taining altogether 11a Or 2Xn. It-is in the oicupation j of Mr Edw. rd Parry and another Plans and pariicuUtr- mav be obtained of Mes-rs. (.I! 1 li- Lt-tl Den!»i-h ot I Me-r*. K 1 ;■ and K. eue. s .licit..is, Moid o" of the Auctioneers, Rmgora-d IMivl. 2ti"jr SALE BY -111, li. COOKI, I- LLE-MEUE, VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. 5^0 BE s( I LP BY AUCTION, by Mr H. COoKK, u< THE BniixihWATKR AiSMS HOTEI., Flle-nieie. on 'I I I SDAV, the IX h day of Dec- mb^r, is. at I i\ e o chick in til** alter.loon, sul j- ct lo conditions to he men produced. AH that or DWELI.INC- Hld'-E ai d -H'»P, with Yarl. st-ibles. Coachhouse, oid Pr. ini-es situatein Willow-street, E: einere, aforesaid, in the occupitiop of Mr .1 din Putlev, or his undu -trn-iii' mid adjoining on one side to the Brewei v Pr.-nii-e« of J.olixi Alliii-ii. E-q. I lie situ itiou o! this pr-iperty in the i,,o (.f traffic from the -e ,.f the town to the r.tiiway station r-rders i' a good inve-tm-nit for anv puroo-es of t'ade. w'dle i's being in the neijh'.oii'hood of r.-n.-cTai.le residences, mikes it eligible as a private I dwelling. in nit, Mr liu'er, will kin.llv s how th nreni -e. ?,j mrther i. rticular- m-iv be obtain—1 I fruthK?);\<, S\[.T!K. H-(). FIle" It' from KMTIN (, SALTER. E-q.. icit.ir, Ellesui. ie • o* v n. Me-e s. WA 1 soiici'ors, Colle 'e Hdl ?h .< y. ?,? SA' .E BY MR joiin -TOXi-S. PRKMMINARY. j ?H,'?! !.r.? :,?,„?,????, 1 > v a' M;ri: ;v; !l;v;ir^N.-i»'Vi,i.le ??.?;?'?'-??'?'<. ? r. ?. <h. '?"ay.D.i'.ri?. Is- ?; '!?-'?-??Y.???,,??,?'! .?'—nu?.r..?)?.?? • t.\ 1: j r' :4 Jar;e :l-clrt-¡ L).?'.? .?' .?. ?r?.'?j:? — ?.?.r? '?" .'?r'???.'t. Cr- 'trr. ee, Wrexham. 2774), I Sale- by Auction. SALKs BY MR DAVID ROBERTS. ON MONDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 2TITH, LH77F AT BRID(;E END, RUTnIN, By o'</? ? the V'fMt'e??/'t? late Mr ?'?7tyu??. 3- ?AV!D ROBERTS wi!] SELL BY j \I R;l. ,• I'iN at End, Huthin, afore-aid *i .vTaH;,nr' w?. h?.M,4.?.ce?.ryc..?: 4 II -t[":k. of "? all"'t cor" (t?g.?, t.mher w?n. PUlley I-loc?-A and chains, c?t.?ftsofh?e?ar- in )?.tt. gig and ?h?uftry single and doub? harness^ ho's* pt?er pa"nt ch? cuUer( puper and al general assf>rtment of Farming Implements, &c. Tlerms—c-inh. ,>ale t,) commence at 12 o'clock. 2754j ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. NOVEMBER 28TH, 1877, AT TRAVELLERS' INN, RHYDTALOG, About half way between Wrexham and Mold, ta the p uperty 0, Jfr Pnce Jones, who is leaviiig. \i"R;r'/ ?? R'?'KTS will SELL BY ?\?A.L-Oio?.at Khy.?alo? af..r?.id, ?head.f ?c? ?tt)t..7 h"re- and "l1ie, 80W a;1 p? .-tack<of ha^ and c -rn (to ?< ?. uiMu?, trap and. harness .'u???r.d assortment of Farm Im dements, Ac. Credit, or discount given. Sale at 12 o'clock. ON FRIDAY Ni.Xl, NOV EM BE St 30, 1t;77, AT RHYDONEN hAF, XEAlt LLANGOLLEN, On the P.operty of Mr David tioberts, who tsteavins. UR DAVID ROBEfTs will SELT. BY AUCTION, At Rhydou-n aforesaid, 15 Head of Cattle. 8 -J p"llIes* 35 Sows -? ??..?eep.?heep 'U ??'?,?'' ?"?P'?s.&c. Credit or discount gi>en b Lunch at 11, and Sale at 12. 2756c ON TUESii iY, DECEMBER 4, IS77, AT CEFN I WHCH FAWR, OYFFYLLIOG NEAR RUTHIN, Oi. the Pruperty .tfr,; Junes, who U leaning. ? I?).Vi1> '?BEtns?,UsELL BY AUCTION, 'Ni at (:,fi, ?' ?" 11 large ?k.s of Corn ?nd H..? )? Ht,r-t? and ?"? 26 Head of Cattle; ■ 11 ??= ?haf.me.ted Sheep; and atlul nthe Farm hn;e;nents Cre.mur Dbcount given. *'F?- arm I,mplements Credit or Discount given. Lunch at 10 Sale at 11. 2757c ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1x77, AT BON I'M UCHAF, NEAR CORWEN. it i R I>^V ID ROBERTS will SELL BY AUCTION' at Honum l:ch ,f, Stacks of Oats, Hur-es, Catt.e, I' g-, E .rui Impiemeut-, and excellent House- Hold Furllltur". Auctioneer's Office, Temple Buildings, Corwen. 2758c S\LE BY Mil K. W. JONES. PON TBLYDDYN FARM, NEAR MOLD. Important Sale of Valuable Live and Dead Stock tiay and J'art of the iJuU!i,hu!ri FurnituTt, Da ry U L Ro(«EI» Jo.N Ks has beet, favoured with Robert Williams, Queen's Anlls I tI,lyddYIJ ("ho is r..tin.? irom farming) t.? L "H. A I' 1 I I11X, at tiie al ove lann on Friday November 1x77, al Kleven o'clock prompt, the wtiole of hi, well-seieC*,ed STOCK, c., nbicb con- ,ilit, .,1 the undeimentioned, viz HOK-I s. l-ive po-.veiful cart hor-es (warranted g 'oil dr:¡w, rs and hackers, well suited for tOWII work) as lolloivs I black hor-e 16 hands high, aged, I to:in h rs III, r-. prrunisiii'o"; I i:trk I r,i. hor-e It; lit II s" ilicli,-s I)Igl), tiTe-iear (ild, active and powerful; 1 brown mare llj hands 2 ilicfie- h1h. aged I )m mare in foil i;ows. —H.ur C'o-s bled dairy c .wi, all to calve be- foie Christ ma-; one fr-li barren, oil.. t%v-) %e:tr olil li.-ii'vi, one yeaning ditto, one year old short horn bull (-ii c-lour and very prouii.-iug). 1MPI.KM'• NT-. I wo 4J ii:ch w hee carts with harvest gearn.g cmplete; two ir 11 plough-, lis Edwards, l.lan-y -pwl, iron ha'lows, stone land roller, ca ital Wiriiowmg m chine, peck measure and sievesi three ktnve, MMIV cutter (I,J (.'ro-skili;. ditto turnip pulper, I.itto sellfll r, wlieeli.arrow, six ladders different Vngths, pair of liet, s for a irap, lot, of extra chains :,b e for ?nnt?r c ;1,: 4 'artnf?s.? -pt?cart j g < -J s.'t? j? id.ug chains, 2 sets pf ughin* gear-, r..w,.h,), j:,r.?<'?t iron '?r .ml giate, .-hovel-j !t..rt;?.?k?s, )?k.-).s, qnant"\ ot c'ap iron, a!ar?e i d.miig tent, 21 \ards ).?).v 7 Ard-, wide, in good rd- >, and lots ,.f -uridries. rve'*ra-s and c "\1 r, a-i.iu .() tons to g, ,ff the premi-e-. I DAIKV Es.si.i s. —Large wheel .liuui »ith strong Stand 11: e ns. pms, ieves, 1),-neliei, «Vc Huf.-KIIOLI. IriiMTI RI-Large painted kitch-11 cupboar', do dre-ser and sh.'ives, sycamore kitchen table with ilr .weis, grand piano by ilroa.lwood, oak, aim and kitchen ch drs, fender and fireiroi-, three iron hed-tead- wnh. matti. -scs, v.a-li-tands and ware, di"e-.jng table-. Lunch o clock, Sale to commence at Eleven I o c'o. k prompt, the day.-being-lmrt. Ordei Ot -ale—Implements, stock, and Eurniture. N B — rile Vti:- ionet r respectfully begs t call the attention ot farmers and others to tile above Stock, as tin v aie in good condition and very marketable. H-muiiiioi, Vj la Mold, October 31 st, iS77. 2667b I Lejjil ;iB 1 Public Notires. SALMON FISHERY ACTS. For the. pit r{,one of iacre<ininy the xupply of Salmon. ':0 I'I':I.I sliri;l fisli f..r, catch, or attempt, to 1. catch ■ r kid S.dnion or Trout between the 2nd ,v of November and the 1st day of February'. And an* pei.-on -o offending ,-h-11 incur a penalty of X5, at.(t £ f_,r Il"h Sa moil s 1 caught. TWJ' L'SON .?.an ),uy. ?1), or "XP() for sa;e or ? have tn po-e-.sion f, r :ile any "a'!u?n or part ot any Sa moil between the 3 d day of September and the I-t day of Kebiu iry. Andanv person sooffendine shall incur a penalty of £ 2 'or each Salmon or oart of >annon. 11" NOTICi: IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a re ward (of A:5 dl i-e ).-i t b_. the umh r igin d to anv per.-on « bo A 111 g 1 v■ IJill). anH pv,i,tit:t IN before a Court of Jii-tice, such t. formati u, a- -hal! lead to the convic- tion 01 anyone acting in cotitvaven m of the said Acts Signed, A. MOsTYN OWEN, 4 A Conservator ot the Dee. I WREXHAM !:hTIUCT TRAMWAYS. I ( .1 ]>ji ieo t >■ n j'ir a Provim-nal Order to au'liori*- ?, L' c'h '■'her Mechan-cal power „ (,'h,,r -liet,ha,L,cal > 11 K I-. I I-. r.UEB\ Ol YEN. that applicati -n is ? intended t" be made l-v the Wr.b:iui D.. (,4,n) l l:t?, lio:ii,, l o, f 1 ratnway s Company, „ ,heJJ,] ,,f Tr;„u. J ••rovi-ioiia! Onler. to au'horise the working 01 the _T;t.?.tn!h.t?,j t.y-Th.. ?'t,-x)?n. );?:'ict I iaui«a\s A t, i?,'t,y ut?os of ),.c.m..tive? Engines, or Carnages m?v?i bv st?m or other mechanic I or ,u ject to Mich con dt¡o!I" H11., ¡llId rt'gu!a'ions, as lnay be l're"!l:rihed 1,\ the Board of I iao.. I., repeal, a'ler, or amend all or ,f the pr,3- vi-n.ns of "?'?"?''? )h'trct'tr?n'?sActJ r-,n.Ha\s Act, IS70 The L-'C .motive s*'•• d 1 Ue L..?.t.,?,?.? 1"5." aldl an Act ann n-iing the -aid Acts or any of them, so far a- ihev le-pecively may apply to, or affect the said tramways,,r any h nuines or (\irii'ig.?» to be used their- 11, and air other Act of Parliament "hicll may in anynise affect such Tramways, Engines o'" Carriages. 1 c nfer <-n the Cotnnany a 1 ri.hts, powers, and 'v '-e-. ne.es-ary or convenient for carrying into et I li.- ,I j -t.- afore-aid, and to vary or extinguish ab r irii an 1 privileges inconsistent with, or winch w ouId or might ;n any wi e interfere w it h such objects. Ou o^ Let re the 30th day of November instant, a I copy 1 1 t .11s a 1 vei tir-rmeiit will be deposited tor ii aiiiiy 01 Denliiih, at hi- ofifce, at luiihin at the oftic. of tlw Bo ird of trade, Whitehall Gardens, with I I p:tri,h clerks if the pai 1 -li. sot u xha 1; and Ruabon, at their respective re.-i,tecc s, a ,d wi h the Local Authority of every 1) strict in which the said Tramways are situate. )" iln,- drt t Hf th.. Pr.iioLll_)rd.er ( 11 Order ;o-l"-u-n at the office of the Boar of Tuiite, Oil (,r (..fore the '3rd ti a i of December llext. and P'LI.tei copies thereof wii,n ,tn.i -f the Pio\i-i..nil did. i" when made, will be furni-hed (a' tile price of one shilling for each cop- ). to all persons app 1111. for them a the 1 >fhce- of the undeisigned. ??.. -oi.-d^-irous of making any representation to the Boa.d of I lad or of bringing hffore them ")Y ol-j-ction respecting the intended application for a P.v?.n.t)?r.i.r,n?.in.n)?]ettt-r?)d'f.-e()t?thp' AsM-r ant -ecreta.y of riie l.'adwnv Dep-ntuient 4,t 1 :,l|e, on or before the loth day ai Januaiv. c -f tiieir ,Ij,CLi,,IIS IRU,T aL tile :,aiiit me i.e M in t tiie un-le-siiined. EYAN MOh'Rl-, Solicitor, Wrexham. A'\[) -1, A! ir.gdun-street, We-tminstcr, 2673 p Pariiniueiiiary Ageiits I Ltgal and Pabnc U .ti es, CORX EXCHANGE, WREXHAM, TO NIGHT, FRIDAY. I MR (JHA1;LKS J^ILI.ON'S I BENEFIT, L rT nd, er the Patronage jf His Worshii. THE M AYOR (J. C. Owen, E-q,), an,1 most of the elite of the neighb. urh .od, BELPHEGOR" va(leline .NIRS M. HANNAN. Heiari MISS MARIE PHILLIPS. Band uf the bt j),H. Voiuntcvrd in .tttfiida»-ctr. O-MORROW, (SATURDAY). Positiye'j the Last Night. Diou Boucicault's great Melo-Drama. I •'ARRAH NA POGUE." 2773c CORN EXCHANGE, WREXHAM. 31R B KINSLEY SHERIDAN will appear for SIX NIGHTS, MCND VY NhXT, NOVEMBER 26TH, Ne Supported by a Talented Dramatic Company. New Scenery, New Stage, &c,. for the performance of the famous D-atna of the "SHAUGHRAuX," FRIDAY. Benefit of Mil B. SHERIDAN, and Last Night but one of the Dramatic Company. Prices of Admission 2s, hi, and 6,1. 27,J4b WJISLEYAN METHODIST BAZAAR. 4 CHRI<r:MA-SALRof?ed)eworkand Fanrv •71- Artic]e will be h-!d in the SAVINGS BAK, Wrexham, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, December 18th and 19th, 11;7.. Ttc Bazaar will be opened on Tuesday, December loth, at 12 Doon, by HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR (J. C. OWEN, Esq.) Tickets of Admission available for the whole Sale One shilling each. Entrance second day to 5 •'clock' Sixpence after 5 o'clock, Fr-e. The Sale will be open each day from 12 noon to 9.30 p.m. 2743c 3JR [)ERCY JJANDALL, (Late Pianist with the Diorama of Ireland,) Is now open to receive ENGAGEMENTS for Concerts, Balls, Parties, itc., during the Winter Season For te-rn- apply to Mr C. BAI-I.Ei-'s, Hope Street, W rexham. 220ib AUSTRALIA FROM LIVERPOOL. THE mag- Anifictut iron ciifppr .?bip Mi.:)othiaB 2 ?0 tons, highest class, will sail from Livurpool on NO- VEMBER 30th foi Sydney, X S. W. Has splendid pas- senger accommodation. Farvs extraordinarily low. Through tickets given to Melbourne. Apj>ly to Houl.DF.R BROS, and o., 14, Water street Liver- pool, and Ho, Le .deuhdll-street, London, E.C. 2752r G!?'AT DRAW OF HOUSEHOLD H'):\irmb &:c,in \ID of JOHN RATHBoNE, who h.ts be? ill for the la-t fiv.- v-;trs. TICKETS ONE SHILLING EACH. (THE DR\w will take place on WEDNESDAY, Dec. it 19th, 1X77, in the presence of not less than ten members, when the lollo.ving prix s will be drawn I for:- Ilrizp. £ s. d. 1. Handsom.* M :hog;*ny -dd.-bn.ird, value 10 1 0 2, Handsome M dn-any Book, ase S S 0 3. Ten Tons Be-t Mo— H.ii-e Coal.5 0 0 4. Cak Grai' ed K.tchen f re-.?er 440 ?.?)aho_'n)yHa!r-?.(tedC..uch j )) u «j ^even Tons n-.t?t.?sH.tseCoa) .(? ) 0 7. s..fa in ('th .? S. Handsome Iron Bedstead 2 o 1i5 n () 2 15 n H Ditto 2 IIJ U 10, Handsome Ha)I(t,)ck 111 u 11 F?-.? Ions B -t Moss House Coal ?10 01 12. (ient- Easy Cha r in Leather 2 0 (I And XS othtr useful Pr¡z' varying in value from X2 to 2s. y li ning nuin ers will be pubii-hed in the Wrexham A (;ii(ir(l,a ii tfT er iie iii-:tw. A Imn-ed number "r tickets "II')' will he printed an call;, ai piic.iti*-ii is ttier»-fore r* Quested Books containing twenty-four lickt-ts and one Free Ticket can he obtain, d by applying to J dm R ,'hbone Mo-s, near Wrexham. Holder- of Books will please return counterfoils and P,II, U,d..r f"r cil,li on or before the 1;;tl1 day of )).c > made ptyabie to J- hn Rathl.oue, at summernill P"toftk. 11 ",a r rl'xklln J. RATHIS'INI, reserves tiie right of withholdin- of the PiiZ 'si- the Whole of the Ticket- ar- ti(;t disposed of, Iotp guarantee- to give full value in Prizes I ill propor ion tt) ztie num ier of Tickets sold. k2. Ilk Susinese SPECIALITIES FOR THIs SEASON. CRITERION BISCUITS (PINK DOMINOES)* GATEAU A LA CLEOPATRA. T G A T E A UAL A SULTAN. MERINGUE A I.A RUSSF u' BROWN 15 READ. ihese uovidties are the sule introduction of J TEYENS, I CO K AND CONFECTIONER. 45 AND 4tj, HOPESfRELT, WREXHAM. BREAKFAST ROLLS Christmas Parties Furni.-hed Throughout BALL SLI*I"-RS. DINNERS. REFRESHMENTS. BALL '-Uflll?Rs. VIENNA BREAD. 2759 AMERICAN FRESH BEEF. pRATICAL BUTCHERS i will find it to their advantage to give thi91 artii !e a fair trial The undersigned receive* regular shipments ONLY ONE QUALITY—THE PEST. I Condition always good. Quotations, &-c., on application. A. C. JEFFREY, 4, K roniA-TNEET, I.I;TIlPOUL. 2681C E. V A R K I NT S 0 NT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, NEW STREET, MOLD, 1') EGs to return his sincere thanks to w his numerous friends and the public generally, for the liberal support awarded him for a large number of ye:trs, and to draxv their attention to his LARGE ASSORTMENT OF I PIC T U REF R A I E S in great variety of wouldiugs and pitterns. EVERY ORDER PROMPT! AND NEATLY EX CLTED. 257-1p  XURSERY STOCK. Y. gTRACHAX, SEED MERCHANT AND NUR-ERYMAN IUG H-STRI-.E I', WRi XHAM, BF(;S tl offer the finest .—lection of >tardanl and Dwart Roses Pt !n-»ard an,1 Dwarf Fruit Trees evergreen and ^lowering shrub s in great vari*-V' rv?n.M and i-I.?rin?- hru?insr?tv?ri?v'' also a l.uge s?ck of Larch, spruce, Md?cutch f irs and many thousands of Quicks, and Privet. An early inspection invittu at the RAILWAY STATION :TR";ERIE. WREXHAM. 051,3. I.N (,, V P, SINGER! I JEWING UACHIXES. Can oiily in Wr.xham ,t the Sil1er \J:m1J-1 factunng 1 ..in .:i"v s Brancli (iffi,- 8 \M .;T; EET, 2 110'1 iii,o already sohh now r^4f' 't pr.ee L. mdh.ms more, 'ale or Hire 4?in 2- bd per Week. I- ,ve per cent, disc-.unt for C'-sb 1 CAL'IIIIN. — Beware of tlio-e whn acIn,r:bé" ger Marines, aud only offer an imitation, 265? BuciafcbS Au:ijuttoeiuc'u! OPENING OF THE NEW PREMISES, WESTMINSTER BUILDINGS I (LATE ART exhibition,) HOPE STREET, W II E X H A M THIS ESTABLISHMENT is now open with a very choice Stock of TEAS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ITALIAN GOODS, BREAD, FLUUH, &C., &C., AT LIVERPOOL PRICES. THE BEST QUALITY, | ? THE THE BEST QUALITY,) AT THE THE V)WES T Pl-dCi>, f'LIVER. FOR CASH OLY, FAMILY ORDERS WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. THE L I V E R HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 2729 LLAY HALL COAL, IRON, AND FIRE-BRICK CO., (LIMITED.) OPENING OF WKKXHAM DEPOT. I HE LLAY HALL COAL, IRON, AND FIRE-BRICK COMPANY, beg to announce that they are opening a Depot at the WREXHAM, MOLD, AND CONNAH'S QUAY RAILWAY CO.'S GOODS STATION, R H O S D D U fortbeale of their Superior HOUSE AND STEAM COALS, AND FIftECLAY GOODS; and respectfully solicit the support of the Merchants, Traders and Residents of the Town and Neighbourhood. BEST HOUSE AND sI'KAM CJALS, At lowest price-. MERCHANTS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED. Brinks and Tiles (Red, White, and Blue), Sanitary Pipes, Chimney Tops, and other Builders' Materials will always be in stock. Orders and Enquiries to be addressed to the Office dll the Wli rf, or to the RESIDENT AGENT:— MR. EDWIN G IL LAM, 2561j S P li I N G R 0 AD, R II 0 S D D U NEW SEASON'S TEAS AND FRUITS. HENRY ROBERTS & (JO-, Have now in Stock, NEW SEA-;ON" Tl,' L a,I FRUITS, sel.c-.ed in the best Markets in the Kingdom, and will compare favourably iu quality and vitti lilY IItller il-.u-j in the Trade. The IOIl experience allll the connections tint H. R A :o h iVe xv th th I BEST HOIIS-M enables them to obtain all the information in rega .1 to qaaatics im ,orte and their practical knowledge in .selection, will ensure their customers the best value. A telegram, dated Hong Kong, September 20r.li, giv s the tot tI exports of Tea to date as 113,000,000 lbs. To September last jear, lnS.-iOO.OOO lbs hid 'oeen -h'pped, ag.ins* 109,000,000 lbs in 1X75. No Tea, however. has been shipped direct to Russia this Season, the cause beilló no doubt THE WAR IN THE EAST, which doubtless accounts for the increased exports to England. Owing to the above facts, H. R. & CO. are in a posit 111 to offer to their customers, TEAS OF THE FINEST QUALITIES AT PKICES, and by the choice selection which they hive now made, are cram lo i' tain th confidence of their nu>aerous fiieuds, which they have succeeded in doiio. for "1I:h a num r .f years. CHESTS, HAuF CHE-.TS, and CAtH of the FINEST T As of this year's growth, which they intend Selling to famil.es aud Urge eonsuu: r- a'- -A hoi- -a!e i'r'.c J, v.z — CHESTS FINE KAISOW, containining ab, ut 90.bs. liett it 2-. Ij.l. t 2-. O l. per lb. HALF CHESTS, about 501bs. nett 2-. Sol, per lb. CADS STRONG CONGOU, containiniug 2>).bs. n-tt, Is 10 1. to Js. o,| CADS OF FINEsr PAKLING KAISOW, VERY CHOICE (it AI.ITY, .outlining 201bs. nett, at 2s. Sd. per lb. We feel confident thit all parties who may favor us with a trial, will find it much to their advantage. All Orders by Post will havtJ the special and prompt attention of HENRY ROBERTS & CO., 2, HOPE STliKKT, WREXHAM. 2354bj 11, HIGj ST. I SET, MOLD. I J LLOYD'S C A B I NET AND U P ii 0 L S T E It I N G ESTABLISHMENT, 4, CHESTER STREET, WILEX IlAiNI. -_u BEDROOM FURNITURE AT ALL PRICKS AND DIFFERENT STYLES. DINING ROOM AND DRAWING ROOM FURNIiURE IV THE NEWEST COVEBIN .s. IRON AND BRASS BKD-TEADS. SOLE AGENT FOR THE NEW WOVEN wmr: SPRING MATTRESS. LINOLEUM IN THE NE\H>T PIUZ; DEriGVS CRETONNES, REPPS, AND LACE AND LENO CURTAINS. J. LLOYD LARGE WAREHOl>;E FO;{ STO!U:t; FlJf{X¡ rura:. 2287 HAS A LARGE WAREHOUSE FOR STORING FURNITURE. 2287 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, 3 HOPE STREET, W i> EXHAJI. EDWARD LEWIS, In returring thanks tr) the ntirneroui friends and puh'ic who i: iv h'th-'rto so liberally supported him t.egs to cill their atteii:i->'i ti his eu" "h r^xV -I'i'K i- ling ili urchin -r< t-hai-, they m:iv rely upen getting the VERY BEST ARTICLES at the !) VEST POSSIBLE SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO His NEW SEASON'S TEAS. PRICES FROM 2s. ♦.» 3s. od. p-r lb. NEW FRUIT, JAMS, PICKLKS..J :i.T.I"S, -\U('F.s, ,tc. 2104 -.=-==-=-+-=-==-=- ==-=-=-=-=- -==-==- n_ W. "OPe PIERCE, I FAA1ILY AD DI ;PENSING CH'- ^'IST, AND I ?" ITALI\N WAREHOUSEMAN, -? -1 X E W S T J E E T, M OLD. PR! V \TH RFCI PES M ADF. IT W ITH ACCURACY AND DISPATCH. A^ent for Hon'ienithic Medicines. Price List ei HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. Phvsic Ball- xd. each, f> per dozen. I Condition ditto t,1. — 3s. — Urine ditto 4'L 3, — — Cough ditto 3d. — 2s. — Cnn,liti,)Ii fl,ilv(lels T)pr Alterative ditto Is. til. — CATTLE MEDICINES. Cleansing Drink- t r Lows alter < "living, si eacn. ) Alterative d". f"r YeI10w. (;,r.'t. F-ver-, .?c, Nea h. Diarrhtei ?!;xturf. for Sc..nr ng Ca,1v, SI¡""¡>lId I Lambs, in b<?U?. l-.an? ??i?.'?h. Gripe \)x'u'? ,I C, T I' I i Ti 11 ?-' tW, 2 t; Driffield Oils, fo- Cut- W.mnds, Bru'?\vf))in.:? A-c..inH.r-fs. Cattle, and. She-n and 2s 6-1 each. Anplifition for Thrush in Horses a id foot Ret ia Sheep, in bottles, Is 6d each. 2514pe BILL POSTINO J: "t p().nG! 11, L I k Al PICrURE F A NY K F P, AND G r.NEI' V f)i: \LER, If:, Q < Ie -tre t, Wrexham, Begs to inform t' -tif r •! Pat.he that he has made ar-a'i-ern ts t.. or Deliver Bills in Town or u*tf v ti e> ■ m y der end on having th-ir B prope- fy por.e-1 or promptly delivered. 21,>r | JOHN |) x •. i E S I d'riv: s; l;U!)i:R, AND ( ON TRACTOR. In I F. ¡ I; n:T "O:> Hejs to i.h r.i J, ,r: !'1 ,.iid tI." il1h:I.'t:t1It" I) I ?'?"? ?.t' t1. r he has ?h?thc P7*1" 1 • lV '?: M.')?tn J..nm.?h.ehf? | Ko: f* -r. 't tj-.r; r,, r*u^icombined with .f.. '?' ;lI.l -? w.kn):u?h?., t" be j luv ii r- i .i\ ?. t- .? ,?,???.??? Doura d V, .:td ,wa mud-j to order, 2414r I Basineso A?iu?ucci.?-?. I U:_ C,-À.1/ I (j1l: 11:8 tiS, HOPE-STREb 1, \\îUXUAM. CHAKLbS j), ¡ to; "¡hL" to tais t)ppor- tuuity of tUauk.ii I. io ttUtueixu" f TltMli in lit! cli.,L.,uifewis f, r tli-, v -i i (»;•1 u: 11 11 n atf.'r-letl hi in dun u j: i !:c tuur u..r, "o luu in fcuijuncst* in \Vr..xhauif and tru t". I.y trit-t, to :.)Illlliilcti r,-Ii, 111: for !u>iu*t >mer» larjie au i ut il- eie- r I > ui" lil ,iic ;so*v<->t >t> let* amt best MuJiurarrii; e ;it M r r, ) rce". too coll- tiuue to air-rit ;i i;trge lt:te oi ..ft it- C. 1). Unll.il ;tiso t ike OiV"l Illl-I; l.il.oming his LU-luiii.-i.s ami iliL1 'LL".IC g ii, r h I in tucure tde bii.s,r>oa wol oe curtictl oil uuiitr kuo uuiiie of CHARLES D.\VIES. i C. h>. ii„s iimv completed h wlide of his pur- chases f. r tile cuunug seison, comj.n-U'H all Lila I New Patterns iu -couli, Iri-h, Wei !i, an.I foreign Manufacture. A speciality in Supi r Sc >tch Txveed, for Shooting Suits. A large ami van. >l a-i> tmeiu ol ail other Wakes, f.r Naval, Military, .mi i,eu«ral wear, together xvith a tine -t, ctioo of Ox -.Coatn.s, L dien* and Gentlemen's l istens, and t aiic. worsteds for Ladies' Jackets. L I V E R I US, Gentlemen waited upon, or ipi itatious forwarded upou application. HO-IERV. C. D.-WIES would il&v,to attention t his large and varied Stock iu till., uepartinent, WII.d! ,'I" lie touud replete with gooda ol tue best iiuoi:) aliti latent ilc- signs. Scotch hand-maJe Ho-se ami Ilajf-hose. -eotch Lambs' Weol, Nierint). itti(i Tweed Knits au.l Vests. (•loves, Ties, scarfa, >Vc. A s eciai D. -.kiu Lilove. 2s bd. Dressing Gowns in Tweed, Cashmere, aud flannel. FOOT-BALL AND CRICKei CLUBS .SUPPLIED. Patterns, Colourings, and Quotations forwarded on application. Manuel, I weed, and Dress shu t-, ami everythiag requisite for a gentleman's x«ariliobe. U.Ni I i It, L L \.s. In Silk, Alpaca, and Zuniellt; a special li-it- in silk, tux's Paragon frame, -llver-b.ppeit Cap, ls tfd. MACIN TOSH COATS. MACIN l u-sH (ilti APKoNS MACl.NTOssH RUGS. The above having he oine a very im,»ir;.iiit branch in my business, I am How prepared xviih a very large and varied Stock ot all the latest m ikes and ininrove- ments. VENTILATKD AND OTHER WATERPROOF GARMENTS. In TWEED, DKABhTS, ( AMIMERE, ALPAC4, AC., ole. USI-.FL L FOR FARMKR.S, xvarrauieki Water- 11. prooi, i_.s o I. A variety ol t all, rns to select iruia or special orders. H ATS. XILK, tti.i", AND BKAVKK. HAIS, newest IItyles for the coming season. PORTMANTEAUS AND TRAVELLING BAGS. Of all de-Ciiptions. The (»LAD.-TO.NE BAG, in black and Brown Cowhide. Prize Medal awarded for these Ouoils at the In- dustrial Exhibition, Wrexham, 1X76. C. DA VIES, 5S, HOP" STiiKET, WREXHAM. 2404cre rrHE FAMILY GROCERY, FOREIGN AND COLONIAL STORES. 14, HIGHsTREET, WREXHAM, C. K. & UO., PUOPiiittTOltS. TUKhE J>rOKK:S are e^tabit-Uod to supply the PUBLIC with TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, FOREIGN & COLONIAL GOODS GENERAL GKOCKIUE.S, itc., At the lowest market pi ices. The unparalleled success which has marked the progress of C. K. B. and Co's. business from ) e:h to year is the re.suit of their practical knowledge of TEA, anil of the exercise of proper care in the se.ectiou of -tl'ck, xvh.ch enable.- hein to sell TEAS and COFFEES of superior' ipiality at moderate pri, es Taking QUALITY as the STANDARD of VALUE and TE:-T of (,. K 1;. t,4o. state that goods p irctia-ed at til-ir -tores cannot be surpassed by any other stores, Firm, or Company in the Kingdom. C. K. B. Co. lender their thanks to their numerous customers f r their con- stantly increasing sippo11 and extei Hive re- commendatiun and they may rest a-sured that all orders entrusted to th U1 will con- tinue to have prompt atteuooii. DELIVERY of UOUD-i- C. K. B. & Co. deliver all Orders Free of Charge by their own vallS or by carrier, or carriage paid to the nearest railway statiou.- ORDERS per post, carrier, or messenger will have immediate attention. C. K. B. & Co's, stores are opened at 8.0 a.m. a id closed at 7 p.m. On Thursdays) at 8,:10 p.m and on Saturdays at 10 30 p.m. N. B.-They will be entirely closed on the Four Days sut apart as Bank Holidays. THE Old TKA \\rviiKHousE. 14, HIGH STREET, 22i1' WREXHAM. TIMBER SLATES BRICKS DC. llliOO CEMENTS LATHS SEWERAGE PlPK8 And all other Building Materials at E. INIEREDITB JONES'S, TIMBER YARD and STEAM SAW MILL. CHARLES-STREET, 1818 WREXHAM. THE FLINTSHUiE^t wiNi; .?ALHtXR I)EPOT, 11, Chester-xtrtet, and 40, ,\e.w.itreet, Mold. INI P%, tiOH-N \\HLLIAMS, PROP P I BTOR, Has a Number of SECOND-HAND SKWIN't; NJ Equal to New, Of the best makers in the Trade ii, i-"8 ?heet.r?h?f c sed), Pri,,c s-es, W-Hr/l  :UI' I t<C- Bt-atrice, l,owe ,U ?S Also a variety of New Machine bv the best m tkeri. Adjusting and Re-viirs execu'd on the premises.  aqr JOSEPH pKNTON & M?nufstc'u'r?of Crueihle ('as .t.1 ca n •- ). r. lis Ax?..n.. P.?.t?:' Oollf^v C [• Yt,eely{ Guides, Win.iing I'u 'ie.. '?-  ,??sand I (;ÍoI" ,indin: Pu" ;II" ?"" "Cro?it:?s, I-P-iints,ri XYKIS WURHS, "-IIKFFIK'.II. Please address et:((n!rie.s and order MtJ. W, (; \\IBI.I:, 1:, QUEEN WREXHAM. And the same will have prompt :¡)tf'!¡tlOn. 2220e