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BOROUGH MAGISTRATES' <4.>URf. M JWAY, N-ivember 12 h. 3-for T. C..JOl".g, Esq., c■ ■ aii m in T. E, tH. •J ")• J, E. Tuc", A. W. Edward., E. W.i.iams, -trid J. Biem« (, x- M'.yor), E qr?. THB T .XTETH PARK GUARDIANS ASD THE WRXX HAM EAKEl'ti A PPit ENTICE. i ue a.'ij aroed ca e, in w-.ico Mr S nine; -J ;U.-N, Saiop-ro-id, Wr \li .ta. i-J coaro.-it H |); t u iing his b^-preiitiC •, 11 iJ iV f.oiu tiie ToX i -i I p", i; (L'verjUjui) Worknua-i-, to a It ¡JU, 0 C l flube 0impel, Wiih lebutse.i, i: Si- producrioa of 'he o y'- grAi,(If t Mr M mlding again appeared for the proseenriJU, A a p i)t?,?; e,i for ttie i -)D, T. nlF) for the d. fence. J'JIID M ii rr ry s ii 1 he -vas now re-idii g in To- ",tLt Park Workuou-e. He had adangh:>-r w,iii d vKrgai- w in weti' by toe uaiiie of ut-r ha.-h^n-i, M'Coat. Slit lIad t vo childreu, one iiied iu two hours after birth, t ,e lJli..r-J ;i,Li-wa.-i Lite iii), .v-ij ivi-.i the siirj-ct of i5ih pr..j. ii case. W t qe.-Ms WrtS a Rimo.ll Caihoiic, J .ii So Willi his dau^'iter, and the boy was renr«-d a It In I. C-ttiiotic. Witne-s rememtier-d the boy's h r; ¡,. add the latter hadaiway* liv, d w t I iiiio. Wh-n .pinieho' wife lived (.he boy's grand ID- t jpr) iili, took the hoy to St. Pdttiok", Citholic On-ipel r- jrtlarl y. W .tuess wefct into the tV )rktiotis(A,, ak-d the b y was taken iu after. Witness enter d himself on the creed register as a R on m Catholic. f-i,e b y wis hap'ised as a Ca hohc, and they oev-r cuangnd their rtligion. Wit m s« was boi u in Ir. Ittid, and to was his dtiugliter, ialie. being baptised as a Cvtholic.—By Mr Bmv: II., daughter's kustiand was named Thomas M'Court. Wi■ nes did not know where lit, w now, t ioug>it ue was deud. He aid not remember wiien his daughter died. She and M'C- nrt left his hou-e to tie married at S'. Patrick's C'lO-ch, hut lie did not know wiitii, r they w -re ni trii- I, hLt tie y ctffl- back and liv-d as coinfoi t .ti!v as any hus baud ind wife wonld. He Wdri" a good luisbami, but a bad fathor. He Ji < uor kllu ,v if he were living now. He was 1,01. pr, s nt ht the boy's christening. After thu grainluinib. i'* dtaiii, witness r.d the buy. Whuu ho went into the Workhonne, n ubing waa «aid ab 'UI thu b J'. religion.—Mr Moulding: If was n. i curiam whether the daughter was mirrie<i. Mi-Cooit wiaa It Hllao C.ti,ol c.-By iii.. Ciiiir- filaii H-i did not remember when his ciaiighte! Was married. Mr Bury said hewonItit rep<-a? the contention used in this matter, last Monday, that in a p rial ) pro'ec"ti 'n like the preseu1 one, th-y mu-o li, v, -Ue very it x ebi proof. H- co.iteinlcd th it t »■ evidence af tiie granotather was by no menus auffi :icut to «t-ta1>lish the case. His uieuiory wito ve-y ad c iv. arid tht<ro were v.-ry n-rioio <lis- c,- -puuuitn in his 8t^temi-iit. At toe u':ann?, tiie creed of ?bu lad ?ti:.jjtu hive I ut-n??kHtj how the gian ilatii-i'« s aieiu-n bat now the lui-.er said bHwa?nrVtrnt-k 'J t'? I q ? t! kiti. Trie prost cu'ion dtclnji-d t> ^ro'ui'e liie ui-tiriK^f and baptismal ceit fi. ,t s, tl.ioign they were b- ih easily procma de. ilè ¡'uif\e,i that the I Vldsiicn was urn S.iflieieut, a nt «Vas a !)eit that ,oull be ob'ziii,e,j. Mr Moulding reminded tne B I)f tii < Jrga, t lat it rested on the reiioi ,u., p. r.-oi.i- ion illi lilt li tile boy wis ),I- -ugi t oil. II- sub- JJ I't,d that ihe bay was nrougiit up ii I!e Itoi.j,iii Crt.ioi.c fail ii, that the grandfa lie.- sai l tti.it I. ui-uwlf, ami t if b..j-'t fa in r «t,d u" U. r C. lit I rhey were iB-irmd or not did not null, i) w-ie R miu 0-iiholies and n> v-r went any wu< els Tiie Bench then retir .i, Hit c't r r:. ijl:ij inio C-uit, toe Cil il Ell ill t i.s out) of the mom important C.t is lot i Com" oef .re lb-- Court killCP lie had li i i ih honor i f Sitting on tiie B och. I iiad given II" w !g S- tratei much iinxir-iy ofmntJ, t'm ti. v hod tn d-avjur (1 tu d I .hat wilich was j i. i".i.ii le iii between the pa' tit s. Tlk (luciiiii th it Jo lb iiad entered into with tiie ToX'etn Gd »fdi •.»? w>.s very CILar and tii,re. cou,. be ii,) doubt "j mean- ing. Taere hari ceriainly i,e v ii gi.a. negl.ctvn th pai of the Gu rdians iu nor e-.r g Ct-u til the tudei.tare p. 1..1, x plain., to Mr J.iii.-s, who had af o -.vn.-il.. K'hd final i.n o.mice ami pirimp iud-S nt- it, it!) t s.udiiig The ii iy to a P'¡;c 0' ";k)r. i, t t fi i .1" l' to wliu* .it- 1>. !ji_'e(t. 1it w ■ Millie:, n Iy pr,lv..1 ..r. ;b. .n'acti. tf 'L BR -J, IT lUe Uomail (' .1 ll■ -C cr.o'd, tiie iVid'Oice )% il'ut iie boy's p i. elit ■ :.rH.l r5n\;f.lIL rt' o e f L111 i e- lijiou. As tue ense was brou-h. under a penal .-r'.tiiie, thev Illd endeavoured to have the po-hibie proof, aod the Bi neii were uiiaiiiinous ii consi.iering thai the ptoof w is soili:: .it, uud Mi ,j U, w,juid be fi led 1-. and 15-, toe c.r.'s of the CvUlt. M. Moul 'ing asked foi his ow c 'sls, In: t'on C,.iirw it sitid JJl'Y wuu!ci Ll,)t L'z li in c. 11- of the great n.-glec' t-a i iic p»:t of Ill," Gu-irdians, a >iegl «euc- p iitiy He ',JUt; ttl 1u: but jOi to thsr satisfac. ion of th« Ooiiri. TUE FIFTH OF NOVUM HE II. KHcu Hic?.y,M.'y Aon Sq a. -rsu red M.c:j?t<) Fia.iuvy f'iU-i'?! v ?j m '?er'UL'H' 5 ?i N v mher.—D. f- n o <llf !c9)hpL,'f]jDt!Ht''yr'? t'm t.y 'iir.??"? tiie-l'alls ahont, mid also u.d t q lally bt J !at?:c:ti?.. C?-? I d?tNiS?e?. RINGING THE CHANGES. Mu'tuel B a'iy, w?o 'I,i he came from Bolton, \a citar?'? with rii'g'ng the ha ns" on Fndiy ni?ht.—Edward F ? cis Goodwin 6nid i ne prisoner came into tue H t, P oe aioi n -k d f 1 h for a (if a l e, with which :l:ij s;s> served him, and Lie gave her a tw.»--i.iking c". Sue took the coin up, aud g It 1 IIll In 10.1 C iatige. He then -ked her ill give hirii a dt.i'n? for a sixpencf aud ai?p'.ce in CI)pp"r, h pu t'?' suitti)? 'ii the conn'er, aud he ?'k it up a?dpo it in hlsmou'L;. H- then tisked he;- to give him the two-shilling piece back for a shilling, s'xp-nce aud sixpence iu c- pp^r which she did = tad h? Lbf[ went away, and later o? be came !u h?aiu. Wit I ness uf-ei wards Went iu st aich of !,im and g?rf i information to tiie police. — Rictiai d G u; o. Mauley 3iid the prisoner atteinpied the same game at the Feathers Houl, and Ilr Williims, Yurke-street, said be also viai td his shop witu 'he same purpose.—Prisoner, who denitd t'ie charge, was sent to gaol for three months. I A ROW IN YORKE STREET. I Thomai Bncrty and Cuarles Parsjcapo were I oharged by P.C. McL.od with ii^hting in Y nke- street. on Saturday evenirg. Brier y w.s sent to gaol for a month, and Paraonage, who appears only to have actJd iu s"!f-defeuce, was dismissed. SCHOOL BOARD AFPLICATI IN. L .1__1 ?. ? I I I I ? ? ,ur i?tuaop saia ue n»a an 8 ppucmou ti miae in the case of J?ha H imphress, huckster, 32, !Lambpi!-str(-??. T?at day fortnight liehadbeeni gammoned before that Bench for neglecting t» send bis girl to school, and was convicted an-i fined. Bat al'hoa?h afoitui?bt had?ifpspdhe had neither paid ?p ?ne u?t eeNtt?e c?Hd to school. H ■ thpr?furc a?piifd that a warrant of committal bem?dhoatmthecise. Appi;c tior, I granted. TUESDAY.—Before Charles Hugh?s.E?q. AN ALLEGED LIGHTFINGERED LIGHTFO T. inoma8 Lightfoot, tan or, 17, Hjh-strett, a warrit:d man with three children, was oharged ou | 'he information of Mr Alfred William Bayley, president of the Executive C )aticil of the Amal- iiamaied Soct-ty i;f rii!orbi, w th having on the 30th S-pt-mhei, at 'he township of Wrexham R gi- unlawfully withheld from the said society the sum of P.17 8, 2!d, not having paid ench money or any par L I uer(-,)f to the treasurer of the cte y, as rtqaiird by th- ral.-g.-Prceecutor said the prisoner was local secretary of the sick, funeral, and t-,dt-, soci- y. t-ktaniislied nuder the Trades uo.oii A t of 1871, u iiranch of which society was ■ eld at W r.-xnuui, ar t t iai s'nee tue 1st January tit year he had II: sappropriatfcd by vari us iu-o>ns 'Le nro stated in the information. A we, k or w-i a-,o, he hid drawn a chtque for JE5 and left the t jw,), being subsequently apprehend d on a warrant ii7 'i'arpurlev.—Toe prisoner Was re. minded acnl M nd-iy, Mr Ha.;nes expressing bis 'v I i 1 o i tness ti accept, tuiiaoie hail if it oQld be I procured.




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