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BUSlIlcSS AilI:u:ilit,riPJr-UiS A R I I> » TO K H I V A BY CAPTAIN FRI.IJ BURANBY, Royal Horse Guards. Two pairs of lnn-d with fur were also taket)' all,, for I)IIN si(-m,t,ii whii-h it i as well tc I he suppled tra,tfliii)g iii oiit-of-tlie-w:t) > IUie (¡uillin. all<l ('chit; Pill, the lat- ter a ino»: inv.i.ualilt- m..iiciue, and one which I bave used "n the natives oi Cent.ral AITICa with the nreatest po-s.bie succ.. ». In fact, the marvellous effect- p-oduc -d upon the mind and body of an Arab >heik, who wa- impervious to all native medicines, wiun i admini.-tered to him tive CuCivLK'S PI LLS will never fude from my memory and a friend of mine, who pa-std through the same ilistrict many months afterwards, informed iiie that my fame as ;i 'uieui ;ine man' liad not died out, lout that the uurvellou.- cure was even then a theme uf cuii- vcrsatiou ill the bazaar." (e BCKXAJSV'tS JJJ>E To KHIVA, Page 13.  AC O O D KAMI 1. V M K I) 1 I N R C H K s T A with a pru'tf?t use, ha- saved m.my a hf.?, and vet we think the idea might be improved upon, and j,-iluce'i to a more ?m?e form, Take home good compound, such as COCKLR'S AXTIBILlOUS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales and Weights, or little im-teriuus O'lii- paitiuents or enchanted touct.e, with crystal stoppers, U:bcrc might be Used, but COCKLE'S PILLS, a.tested b\ man> thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose well, InAy lie .set down as the best. — Obm i cer. AK I D E TU K H I V A BY CAPTAIN FRRD BURNABY, Koval Hor>e Guards. Page "Two pairs of boo:, Juie.; with fur were also taken; and for phy>;c—with which it is as well to he supplied wli>-n travelling in out-of-the-way place.-—some quinine and Cockle's I'lhs, the latter a must invalualde m"dicin., and oueuhich I have Used on the natives of Central Africa with tile greatest possible success, jn fact ttie marvellous effects produced upon the i^ii.ij and body o: mi Arall heJk, who was t-, ill native medicines, when ] administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS »iil never fade from my mentors and a fricii(I of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as 2 medicine Ulan' had riot died out, but that tha marvellous cure was "vell then a theme of conver- sation in the bazaar." See BURNABY'S HIDE TO KHIVA. Page 13. CO C K L E 's A N TI B I L 1 < •) U S P I L L < CI THE OLDEST PATENT .MEDICINE. In boxes at li. lid. 2s. yd., 4. ii,l., and I] s. QOCKLE'S ANTIBILlOUS PILLs. In use SEVEXTY-SEVEX YKAIlS. May be had througlioir thel'nited Kingdom. In Boxes at Is l £ d, 2- Hd, 4s (id, and Fls 18, NEW UIOIOXU sTKEET, LUXDOX. 92j, t AAA PATTKHXS of :\LW SILKS or Dres? ±\7?? (ioods free, si l.lCs rrom I GUINEA tu 20 liUlNi-As. Write to 1). NICHOLSON and Co., 511 to m, St. Paul's Cliurch Yai a, London K.c. Estab- lished 1813. THE Eyery-I)ay DIN.VER SEKVICE. S, t for l. £t ¡: Ainaiv. I of pood ta-te, economy and ma -structibilit y. i ot'oin ni.d Ut, in pieat vaiie'v.' J'rir.-s and patterns iree t,v jiost. JollN M2, t, 4: 1, Orciiaid Street, ilartiiiaxi W. SCHILLING'S BIUOMTOX SELTZKK. A* sup- s plied t."th"H(???<)f 'nb, Junr. United S"T- vice Club, iVc., at 4s per dozen. Carriage free (where no Agents) in cases of six dozen from the Manufac- tory, H, MIDDLE si., IDN. "W7" AM) T. JO\K-. A?i'Cu, London, Oil i Merchants, Petroleum Importers and Diy- •alt rs. "W.S.J." MACHINERY OIL. hite Star.' ''Natrona," and "Dtmoand .J" C..1za Oils. Sold by all Druggists, Crmvin, Ironmongers,' and (lilIllen THE Oil. MEUCHAN is' A DRYS\LTEKS' PldCE HUlIK By A. -.tavimhagen Jones, h, S<>ut hwai k-street, London, S.E. New Edition Past free 2s tj t. Sold by all (Jt emist> ° U !) t  I in Botties 1 IS, 2 "d, 4 (i, and 11 Neuralgia, or l ie, Rlieuamatie, 11'ill', ;t'ialit'a :11,<1 all fo'ins of Nerve pain, sleeplessness, <V< prompth relieved and cured a f.,w d. 'I uit.. dfectual. 'J he t').)?r?:))x'th<"hf<?r Epileptic hits. Inventor and Sole Proprie- or. A'tanner Eaii field, Llver- lpool. gJU I ■ ■ ■ -J —. Monei 3|oKEY MUKKY MONEY ADVANCES immediately made from jLIU and upwards, oil ajipiu-atioii to S. H A I T, >2, All householders, prof'ssional gentlemen, car pro- prietors, cart iw ie rs, trad •sinen. fanner-, and others requiring temporary advances in stiict secrecy, at a moderate rate of interest, and repasable by easy nst.ilnients to suit their respective incomes, should apply at the abuse address. No sureties required. No charge of any de.-crijit in;, unle s the money advanced. All genuine a'iplicatini:whether made per.-oe ill. MONEY immediaie!> advanced t? any amoui t j?J fr?tu?.'?.??) upwards, up -n every iI.Tiptlt'" oi securits, comptisttij; real and persohal estate, farming stock, reversion-, annuities, nirtuturt* (with. I out removal), life policies, ami any .er tangible p'-r- ) sonal securits. No charues m "le or commissions taken, and the strictest sectecy ssil in .ill ci-es be ob- setved. lilt, rt,,t -t, f(ill" viz 4 WTI freeholds or leaseholds from 3 per cei.t. per annum, personal se- curity from 4 per c n; rr annum, other securi'ies at etjually reasonable rates Applicants are rei|ues!ed to a]iply in the lit.-1, instance l>> letter, c ntaiuiii^ full particulars, in oMer to save unin cessary trouble, to Frederick Has-kins, Esq c'i\ at Russel -tr- ,-t, Blooinsbury, London, W.C r ONEY A J SECbu lfi. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, Li)nitt-d, is prepared to advance any Sum from £ .0 to upon Personal or other Security, for periodsof from three liiontlistOL >vo years; repayable by Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or other Instalments. Good Bills Discounted on advantageous terms. The strictest coi. h-m-e observed Ajiiilication to be made t* the Secretary, Mil John Davies, secretary. Offices: Temple oliee (over the County Court Ofhce), VVrexhai-.i. trains ot ap]di- catioiis furnishid tree, and if applied for by post, will 1 it f.irsvarded on receii't of a stamp'd siirected envelope.—Oflice liours fol the (of making advi-.nce-' am! 'foeis iiu* repayniems. trom 1" 7-y THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND I.W EST.MEXT, COMPANY, LIMITED Is prepared to advance any "1111 from .L3 to t upon per.onal or othei s-a*ui ity, for period* of tliree iii,)ii;lis to tN\ years, repayable by weekly, monthly, quarterly, or other instalments. C.ood bills discounted oil anvanLafieoiis irinis. The strictest couiidence obseived.—Applications to be made to the Secretary, Mr .lames Pr ce, Offices, Summer Hill, near Wrexham. Forms cf application furnished free, and if applied for by p- st will !« .orss-ar led IIU if il stamped directed envelope 773s M O X K Y TU L E N D III- TIIE i M P E K I 1. A D V A X C E BAN K, C7, SOUTH JOHX STREET, LIVERPOOl, IN TOWN OR COUNTRY, WITHOUT ANY KIND OF suilETlE-5. I THE STRICTEST PUIV.V'Y (.I'AliAXT. ]•). ILO TO J.C DL'L). READY to br advanced at a few hour?'n?ticf in I t? ?um-Ut -mt Oriul. tneti or Ladies (]j m-e- holders., ssitli-mt any kin of ~'neues and \\i¡1 iia utmost secrei s, r«-;ias t>- io easy m-I almeir. s. MosT IMPORT NT To tanuers, Cosskeepers. I'ai i'luiinctur-, sJjnpkeeDers, other:. j. without any delay Hi,n etVei t ■ wirhoiit rennival, in sums to -nit them, upon their own uihrj takings, without th ■ a,i o! friends to become sureties for them, s\hich v .iu b^-repa'ii month's -pi irterls', or oth. r term-, a- may be I U1„,n ^1,1^ fhem to increase ttit,r st. l:s. atlll rey)d.r thetn t'Verv kiiil of teiiifiorary accoun-aouatioo .F.XECLTIONS OF I VI I;Y KINII p\H) OUT j tM-iA?ri.?jttH.ri'. EVERY INFORM STU'X »^T1.LIN"0LY Aii'L'?. lhe Bank ii.n-tji- Ltr"e capita iu handll o S"HI a)ijilica'.i.n. letu-e.t. j Apply peisonal.v, >-r i! b; tv' ?1:1 e ;Ilii-lurit Deposits reci sed. (_. BF??U\ ??! :.LlLt r K E, i & -OU-N-I:.Y TOWN CRIER AND NEWS AGEXT, FLINT. A-ent s DAM ADVERTISE ■j. hN iit i h"p, ..i. surreunding distric.. :t i. i t., ';t?i:.L. _\f,ij)?'' Bnsir^s Announcements- K I-NG'FOI-D'S OSWEGU STARCH. .Now ii-e(i in the rL and Collar Factories, and Bi-.ic:i Works. &c., is pronounced to I", SUPERIOR Tu ALL OTHERs on account of its s'reMgth, sunerior tiuish, and entire free Join fiom acios. Awarded the First Prize Medal on tvtry occasion of Exhibition. Sold Retail in Wrexham by BENSON and Co., 14, Higii-btrcet. ami Wholesale by the Os.wego Company. 44, UPPER THAMliS STREET, LONDON, E.C. J. H FAXON, Sole Agent for Great Britain. 1324 SEWAGE TREATMENT. ri^HE NATIVE GUANO COMPANY mvite 1UW? A ACrHOKlliE.-) tu n"n t;ie AYLESBURY SEWAOE WUUKS. ORDERS t j N'IEW can be obtaine 1 at J, Victoria Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W. L'IAJDIEH:-i shoul:\ uJakt: then owu AUiIHCiAL J. MAN L'liEs and save lii :y percent. B) testi moiiLds Iroai all parts it has ueeu ]ir »ved a go.l M aiure, can be made suitable for all Crops without Machinery t jr abo.it £2 per ton. lhis M.mure can be pieiared by any Labouier. Ingredients procurable at any Market Town. For receipt and fu l instructions a small charge will be made. Apply to W. OWalON, M ilior ii iii-e, (iantoii, Yolk. MANCHESTER, LIVERPOOL, AND NORTHERN CO UNI IKS. HORSE, CATTLE, PIG. POULTRY, AND CAME jH Dl M I .NT, U:ed in Her Majesty's >tabl-s auu patronized hy the leading Agriculturists 111 tilt. Kingdom. AGENTS WANTED, apply J. Peak, Lancashire. lUl:J,THY,-1f you want your Poultry to LAY 1. well, PAY well, and TH 11VE well use P>ROWN's AROMATIC COMPOUND for POLLT^ GA:-J E, ic Sold in Is, 2s fid, J-, IV-, and 2U- I in- bv chemists, Corn Dealers, Ac. I s and 21), liib Carriage Paid to any l.'aihvay Station. Paragon Fou try Corn and Meal, lis per cwt. 2 Csvt. C trnage POlitI to any Railsvay Station in Great Britain. E. T. BRoW js\ :il, Dean street, Nesvcastle 011 Tyne. X-iO.NNE.>, Natuiai valine ^ulphorous Water J of the Basses-pyre: ees, long favourably known and exten-ively used in France in the treatment or, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, consumption, quinsy, and all affections of the throat and lungs, IIlIY n nv be had of a 1 chymists. Each bottle bears an 1-Jnglish label with directions fur use. A pamphlet and copy of Proieshor Atttieid s analysis, seiit post f.,e, on ap-1 plication to the sole wholesale agents, Sl EBBING v Co., ti, Martin's-lane, London. KIPPERED MACKER-.L in Tand 2 ih Tim, Fresh English Mackerel, Digby Chicks, liii)- pered Herrings, Yarmouth Bloaters, Oak-smoked] Herrings a la sardine. Potted M-ats, Game and Fish in Fancy Tins and Jars. Wholesale onlv from MACONOCHIE BliolHF.Rs, Rawlan WORKS. il.OWF.nXOKT. (The largest Fish ai d Meat Preserving Factory in Great Btitain.) nf"VJ CORPORATIONS, LOCAL  BuT!:7)s T BCH.DHRs, CONTRA TORS, SToNl l MASONS, PAVIOIls, AND 0 T I I F, -.J X, FLETCHER & SONS, FJngine-rs, tro-.fnun .ers. c I'lagle Foundry, Booth-street, Salf-.td (~,U yaros froni Blckfriars Bridge), beg to invite attelltioll to their U M P PILL A R"s, fil LEY ORIDS, for highsvays, streets, passages, « £ c. MVNHOLE COVERS f,,r sesvers. EN I'lLATING GRIDS for sesvers SIOKM GIUI IS, (<LU i TON sTORM GRIDS. ARK.i GRIDS I GOAL (JISIDS, SA-H WEIGHTS, ic., thousands of which are now in u.-e. 'PHE AUTOMATIC (iAS LAMP makes its OA'll I gas as it burns, equal to and cheaper than coal j T IIE ST-N GAS MACHINE, for making g.s with- out coal, reqilite,ii skilled labour. Can iie set up anywhere. Apply To the Sutt Company" 1],). South- svark Street. Lwndon. j SLATEs, slate Slabs, Stone. Tiles, Uricks, Cement., S. LA'E" :-lae Sl:t1,s, t""c, Tile, Br¡c. C,-u:JJ! f) Stoves, Ranges, Cutter.?, Nail-. MaOd- an.) ? enamelled Slite Chimnies. \SH'ION A" (.'b'EEN,: 11 12, 1 t, and 15. Bury street, St. M.iry A -e, London, E.C. Branches 7o and 77. Victoria street. Bristol, and 11, estlan-1 llosv, Dubdn. Ca;ligucs on app'ic itioli IJVJONoMV IN FUEL, I'EF i .C I C< i.M U-TION lA 'A\OXLY HM()".T'H)'?V?)!?(U- A SHALLOW FIRE, CONSI'ANI'LY Fi D AS THE FUEL is CONSUMED. Extract fro III letter from T ie A-'r.m .user H'.yal. alIter's Pat ent S if fe d iiri stove eff.-cl s its nui- pose exc "edirig'y .sell, a' no .neat osp -n-e, a- ij \\HJJ! v?\ )it))e trouble. I:' b BY EM! THE illtst El i l'TENT AND CONVENIENT sToVE FOR MAINTAINING \<'U\H.\U.<)r?n'.)HMHmr THAT ')?\Vi,??; G. B. AII^Y, Royal (llei-r; tory, <»retMisvich." May be obtained Tnrouidr any Ironinwiiser. iin. 4^1 H.P. Horizon'al S I'E M ENGINE and vertica ,¡ BOILER, i.'oi|. quaatits" in stock and in progress. Particulars of N. G. Bad: Street, Bath. FROES JllEI's M ARKING )?K PENCILS, 'j T • Most ."in?t) e in it4 u -e. N pl'paratJO'L I'atetitfie' an(i -(j;e Agent, ASi'HROLL, Scutt, Yard. London, E.C. importer of ttie Lyra Lead Pencils and Came1 Hair Brushes inow THE NEW ALBUM ALUM A 1, D, MOYEN fJ, (; I': l' Having /V 0?* ?'?? KR?\T D E s I G X S ?? From Missal ? of the Middlu .?<' at THE BRITISH AND PARIs MU.EUMS. Of the Principal Stationers and i;<.).st)!.rs. Copyrighted and Stamped with the Publi initials. T. J. S. s A Co. Y M N AS I' IC AP)'\t:Airs t..r StHttTi?J (K 1 VIILI NTI.;I:I:S, Sorii-nii s A?n Puts si t. F.\M tl.Il-.s. Illustrated Prospectu- po-t fr. e. CIIAKI.KS 1:1.. r Fins'.ury Park. London 1 Est <4. 2tl Years. Contractor to Her Majesty 's NVit- Pep run -lit for Military Gymnasia. 'ltl.l:\ WOOL and GERMAN X EE1) LE W o|[K Imported liirect by • 6 J LEADER, New Inn Yard, sl-.oreditch, ,r* l.dMiov, E.C. P):K)?R\)):n CAHI>HC)ai:I>, CAWSS, F ii.osr.i.i.: Ac., j Pri"e List post free. IRI-11 JAMES LINSAV COUI'VT, Donegal t'htc", .i .s>r, wi\\ IINI'.NS. forward to ail;. Rai'way i, _tj Carriaire paid on Pare'is ot Lo and u; sv :rds in value. Damask TAISI.F. LIM-NS, Di SIM.KS, 11 1: 1 N I; Pit.laiw LI.nkx, SIII it'i IN-: s, Tosvi I.I.IV.S, Ac., and j every des< ription of l,i.Ni: i(,i- .i?'u'?'h?Id Ul. !• mbroidered Cambric Hankeicliiefs. PRICK LIST ASD I'.l T1 KU V.n- P'IST Fit EE. > Manufacturers of Plain Tletn-titched and .) ??ms IJ?SAY ? <:<' Liu<n ?!e;ch.?:t' Belfast. HK\HH ('UX?'Y's n/'iMsin st s a t. r (for1 SEA WATERBatlis) combines the properties ..f?' and Sea Water and ;i Pure .,1 i,. B'11I, p, PURE A IK.invigorates the bwdy and fortifies it against disease and cold, and re i'-ves Rheumatic pains. Of all Chemiftx or direvt from ihe Ci, N Depot, HH. Oueen Victoria St., London, E.C. Pries | In I., I ii lit, Is til. 2 lbs 3s. 4 lbs. In b,,x, —7 lbs 3> (id. i4 lbs 7s. 2S lbs 14- Caution. The j ne/inine Condy's Fluid is signed II. BoI.LMANN i CoNPY" at foot of every label. B-ware of imitations sold as "Condy's Fluid" by un-crupulous Chemists foi exti I M'ofit. Every Satuulav, Price Id. Yearly Subscript! n, tisOd post free. I 1 R I K F A Weekly Epitome of current news. 'I bought and Criticism. The Cheapest and best Family Paper ■—Containing the Cream of the entire Pr, s» for One Penny. Office, M, Great Queen Street. London, W.C. Seventeenth Year of publication. (iRATh and 1 POST FREE  YKXAMLRs? S!t??'Am\\A<K and P)!)rf? I a )!ST<r 1*7S contain—Map of London—Cab j Fares — Remarkable Events of the pa-t year—-tatis- ■ ties of the l)riti,li, iii(I Tizi-k-"sli P<?'uI:tti<'nofK??'i?h''?uuti?"-—P(n'.a)(!nidr'—?!;tr-? Woll](111's Ac*-).t??i-i?. I ? "Cl? Tltr- zi ti<n.:JKx)ti?iticn<—W.?f':indM:n'??')t!: ')'t'aud? a variety of intelesting and us.-fitl information. I,.()it's?is!lin:;t?h'?cac?p\'<?ft))i?Ut)ijU?W()rk s])?ud send their adiiress to T. VKNAIU.KS and SONS, sli,)ii (I tlivir to I Whitechapel, London, J. IKON CHI RC111>, Ac, EKECl'l D-ub-tantially and :It possj'- c «-t-. A. CH(»PUI^"G, 2, Hanover street, Keii:i-h Town, London. 1"^s.pKiT DEs iKl'l'S. A tu'?''? i o.us /?.??' T"H>e Li'/iiexr from Eititsi g.s- nj ii.stmt relief inbr<'chi:?.AL. Apply ?. W. >??mt.r,:i7,K.i't- cheap, 1 ondon. I-B XN TINE. MONTAUHAN'S FJc moinic.il CHoCoI ATINF' MO* N'T' Al'B iN'S Trv a Sixn. nuv Tin. CHUCOLA- TINE M" ON" T U B AX'S See t"iat sou aei it. CHOCOLA- TINE. HENRI'S VATKNT I I F. T) I D FKKD I'OIT tt r<)\)'i1)?\!?'!«"S. In toxt' L\lntainin 21b feeds 4 Can" me paid. Diiection for tise enclosed with I estuno' ials. Free from injurious subs'ances. The most extraordinary a:tic'e i ever use.' for in- crea'sin"g the srr.Mittth and vigour of inor and deh- cate horses—most eflectual ]lI!:I, i¡,1 of gi-ii 1—alt. getlK-r an c-setitial artte'e." SL-ned H. G. ENGLISH, Cheltenham. Address—STEAM M.i.L-, Rri OKM st., HULL. T^o THE. Pt-'AE. — Thi lit v. K. J. silverton's < At'Kl.sI. KKMKPOS. D..fne-s r 'ii-v. d imme- diately. cured iiltiuiateiv. The 'Iriimne: enables persois in h"ar at once, and tiie Meai-'ine removes the cau.e of Deafmss. j h>-t'» .»>c 1" bene- I f,)r s to F. J. i Verion, Baptist MinisU:Ib-.tt lli-use, Park j tree:, Nottingham. Business Announcements Jg. poWKLL ? PAINTER .v OtNEI! L HOU E 1> .CO l: \To. ,\1.-0 PEA I.. IV PAi'.lR i'AV.iNG- WORKSHOPS—BIRMINGHAM SQUARE. RII.SIDKNC::—35, CHLSTEK .-THEET. 2021 c L CARD.] CmD, jpowELL, ti « yyHITAKKR, | ENUINEr-i, Ii;i;N* AND BRASS FOUNDERS, CAM BRIAN IRON WORKS, ADJOINING GRKAT W'E.STEHN RAILWAY ) WliEXHAM. 2155 WINTER FASHIONS In Millinery, M.uitles, C'o-tume-, Lingerie, ic. IOL-NIES Are now making their chief (Usphty ot Paris F<i')n?ua forth- \V u.ter Season, and resj/ec:- fuliy r- (iii? ?? t:¡e f..vO'1I' of a Vi'lt t" tbelr showroom-. j BALL DRESSES AND F.VL?f?C CLO.11?, SEAL JACKETS, FIR AND FLR-I IKIMMINGS. I' PALETOIS A?U?K?T?\UKS LINED FUR. RIBIIONS, LACE-, TRIMMINGS. I, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SILK TIES. BERLIN WOOLS AND FANCY ARTICLES. A variety of nesv good.- ssill be found in the Silk am! Dre s f'fp.irtm ots, which permit of novel arrangement in th" style of Costumes. BRIDAL TROUSSEAUX. I Estimates given at low r..tes for complete outfits. Pattern sent free by post. SILK MERCERS TO HER MAJESTY AND H.R.H. TIIE PRINCESS OF WALES. CHESTER, November, 1ST". 31}lb SEWIJSG MACHINES, BY ALL ) makers. I PRICES FROM £2 EACH. Weekly payments taken. MACHINES KEPT FvU HIRING OCT BY THE DAY OR WEKK. lOlL, COTTOX, THREAD, SILK, Ac. MACHINES CLEANED AND REPAIRED. S. SOTHERX, I 21, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM. 134.) 1- THE Y X N T A Y ARMS HOTEL, ¡ OSWESTRY. 0HARLES DUEW, PROPRIETOR. The Proprietor begs to inform th, rt;,i ltzit-i ()f O.ssvestry and the surruuudmg districts that he has I iieouin- the tenant or the ab .ve Hotel, and trusts he may continue to receive the support so lioerally accorded to his predecessors. FIRST-CUsS ACCOMMODATION for Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and Tourists. THE BOWLING GREEN and PI.E\sURE GROUNDS are acknowledged to be uu-u:passed in the neighbourhood. A Spacious BILLIARD SALOOX. WIXES, SPIRITS, and CIGARS of the choicest description. Good STABLIXG an I Lo CO VOH H (USES. Careful attention given to the POS1 IXi i DEPART- MENT. 2 '40b ON ESS H E J. ALL () I X I M E X T P (Traoe Mar it—registered;, OR EVERY )lA::S' FRIEND. BEST APPLICATION' KXUWX for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds. it cures 01.1 :ore", Ulcerated Sore Leg, IL cures Ulcerated Sores oil the Head and Neck. It cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. It cures Scurvy Sores, Cancerous Ulcers. It cures llurll awl Scal.is, Ringsvomi, Itch, Piles. It elites Weak and Watery Eye-. it cures Ieil and Sore C:lid: It cures Inflammation in the Ey. it cuies Moving Specs or Floating Bodies before the It cures Cataracts and Partial Blindness. [Eyes. It cures Ohsurity of Vision and Dimness. It cures Children's Sore Fives left after measles. It allays Inflammation in a few hours, and soothes pain I very quickly. Sold in pots at Is. lid., 2s. yd., and I 4s. lid. each. THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. J 1 O?ES AND C 0 S "f UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Iark- t. Purif) illg Mixture." For Purifying, Cleansing, and Clearing the Blood I ironi all impurities, arising from whatever cause, and guaranteed to be the best preparation in the world for all eruptions of the skin, blotches, spots, pimples, black-heads, pustules, boils, carbuncles, ringsvomis, j scald heads, sore eyes, erysipelas, itch, scurf, scro- fula, scurvy, glandular swellings, cancerous .-ores, bad legs, piles, syphillis, secondary symptoms, and for all blood and skin diseases. For rheumatism also it is uneijualled for relieving pains and subduing inflamma- tion, and .speedily effecting a perfect cure. It is agreeable, palatable, and safe, and may be aken at all seasons, and under any circumstances. ->old in bottles at 2s. !M., and 4s. t ii., each, and in cases (containing six times the quantity lis each all 1 htmrsts and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom, or sent to any ad- dress on receipt of 27, 5'i. or 132 stamps. C O U G F1 S CO U G H S JONES'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, TOLL7, & LINSEED—(Registered). n ..E MOST AGREEABLE & EFFECTUAL i. KEMED\ for asthmatic and consumptive coughs, bronchitis, uiliter coughs, difficult breathing, whooping sough, hoarseness, io-s of voice, and all affections of the chest and lungs. One in most cases effects a cure. Price Is. lid., 2s. J.I., and 4s. t;(I. per bottle. J 0 N E S' S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND, (Registered), k RE "1 ii E HE ST PILLS IN THE WORLD i. K f t bad digestion, wind and pain in the stomach, liver complaint, jaundice, sick head- ache, pains in Flie chest, 1 ss of appetite, flatu- lency, griping, a sense 01 weight in the back an.1 loins, darling pains in the Iitjn of the j heart, liv, I- and kidney constipa. u, pains in the thighs, sometimes shooting down to the calf ami feet, suppression and retention of urine, tj: in the stomach, and all liver complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Eios, and many who had been pro- nounced hop dess, have been thoroughly re- stored tii health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. Sold in bnxps at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and-Is. 6d. each. Sent post free for 15 or 36 stamps. Sole manufacturers, W. JONES and Co., Chemists, 157, Great Hosvard-strett, Liver- pool. REMARKABLE CURES. I 2, Birkett-street, Liverpool, 20th March, ls74 I Dear sirs,—It is with feelings of pleasure I write to inform you of the good effects your Pt-IIFYINt. dlX l'URE and HEAL-ALL OINTMENT has done to Hie. About six years ago I was bitten on the lejj by a venomous reptile, which nearly cost me my life and I now declare to you and the world, after spending owr £ 150 in doctors' bills to try and heal the leg, it is nosv entirelv healed, after using onlv tsvo 4s. fid. pot. of your WORLD-FAMED OINTMENT and two lis. cases of your universal PURIEViN'G MIXTURE. The truth of the above statement any person wb- svishes may refer to me. i Your very obedient servant, Messrs Jones and Co. JAMES SMITH. | Baton Rouge, Louisana, U. States, July 21st, 1S74. < jeiitlemen,—I enclose you a P. M. order for 12 10, for one dozen boxes of your Vegetable Wind Pills and Heal-All Ointment. Please send bythetirst mail, and direct as before. 1 intend to distribute them amongst I ms friends here. Your Wind Ptll* are the best I ever used in my lite, and your OuiUnent exceeds anything I I sa v tor healing all kinds or" Yours very obediently, i„ W. Junes and Co. El»\ViX -V-CGLUI. Sold ill bottles at 2s. 3d. and 4s. t5d. each, and in cases containing six 2s. 3d. bottles, lis. each, sufficient to dIed a cure in loug-standirm cases. Agents for Wrexham and districts :— 'lit. J. F. EDI.S'SL'I;Y, Chemist, High-street. I I J. Franks, Rhos Mr Magin Kuabon Mr Eu. Davies Llangollen Mr Esans Oswe.-tiy Mr Saunders N lr E. NVilli:tll'? Mo:.L..?.MriE.?'m'M"? j "Denbigh Mr Jo'Ms U _J Hope-stre,-t. Ruthin Mr tlouw Holysveil Mr Carman lihyi Mr Jone- Abetgele Mr Jones Corwen Mr Jones 1092 Busi.-ess PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. THE IT dUe ARE HERKBY INFORMED THAT i ii L l' l, R U i A N (j L a *.> y> C u 1' A N Y LIMITED, 57 OLD HKOAD S.KEEt', LONDON, E.C., By the terms of their Contract, are the SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE AyW.s of the SitpreiM Government of Peru for the import ition of us Gaauo, which the PERUVIYN lit: sNO COMPANY, LIMITED, a!on-t now receive d rt,.t fr,iiii the Dep-jsitf, and seii GENUINE, WITHOUT CHEMICAL TREATMENT OR ADMIXTURE OF FOREIGN SUBSTAN'lES, no o'h-j r persons, firms, or companies bcinj now the Agents uf the r jtne G ver.iinentof Peru. Depots established in ol pirtg of the United King I.i.ii are well p-ovi led with stocks. The Guano being sold strict y upon analysis su uation of samples dra-vu bv indepen teat parties, vil., t h' n, .ck Companies, or sisorn Weighers, consumers are certain that in buying the Guano imported by the PERUVIAN Gl snd i COMPANY, LIMITED, they have every guarantee u; its g nuiueniss and value. Every facility will be give for inspecting cargoes. I Cupy of Official Analysis of each Carge. and further particulars may be obtained on application 11 W. A. RAU, Sole A jeni of th j C)as; /a -e-i the Sales in tKe C/v't-d K-'axd Jm, I 57, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. The Guano imported by th • PERCVIAN GL AND COMPANY, Lnll LED, c in likewise be obtained I la Scotland. From Messrs ALLX. CROSS Jc SONS, Glasgow. For Galway III Ireland. Sligo I from MI SEBA-TIAN M XOLAN, Limerick ) Hea I Offices, Tuam. For Cork, from Messrs MACKENZIE SONS. Limited. "ISOX | «• H?. ? s.?. LondtjiLderry I rom. ss | it F I frK'nM?:,r-.IURD& ?DA?tSOX, t L,' t:e rpoij f Adelaide Buildings. iAt Bristol I !AtBrt.? Gloucester ) ???? p?? ??? ??? hi,, ,th l from Messrs Fox. Ko\ c.wCr^of.f Fall Z'h ( Head Offices, Plyinouth. ?OMf?t!M?tO:t' ;At 11 ll, from Messrs KEIIIHlEY, MAXTED, SC Co. At Sewcastle-vpon-Tyne, from Mr J. CAMERON SWAN. 2547p PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. Me-srs. DREYFUS, BROS., <<: CO., Contractors with the SupretHe Governm nt of Peru, hereby jGive Notice, that by virtue of their Contracts, they continue to offer PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, Chosen and imported by them direct from the "est depnits of Peru, and FIlEE FROM ANY ADMIXTURE OR CHEMICAL TREATMENT WHATEVER, through their sole and exclusive Agents, MESSRS. J. HENRY SCHRODER & CO., PERUVIAN DEPARTMENT, EAST INDIA AVENUE. LONDON, E.C., Who will also continue to offer DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, WITH GUARANTEED lwith Sulpiuricj.Aci.l under their control at Messrs. OHLENDORFF & CO.'S Works, Victoria, Dock, ^London. Prices and Particulars on application to the LOCAL DEALERS, or from the DEPOT, at BIRKENHEAD, under the control of J. H. SCHRODER & Co, PERUVIAN DEPARTMENT, 13, ROMFORD PLACE, LIVERPOOL. 2ti38j OLD BANK BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. JONES AND CO. BEG to announce that they are now prepared to show an unusually large and II varied Selectmn of G?eds ,uitahle f?r Autumn and Winter wear, and can with confidence recommend the same as being the best value they have ever offered. Their Stock of WOOLLENS for the ORDER DEPARTMENT Consists of the Newest Designs in Scotch, West of England and other Cloths Black and Blue Worsted Coatings also a large variety of the newest materials in Diagonals anti Serges suitable for Overcoats, Ulsters, ivc. Fit and Style guaranteed—patterns of these go'jdssent post free on applica'iun. I THE READY-MADE DEPARTMENT Is also replete with a large assortment of Men's Overcoats and Ulsters, all well-made, and of the choicest Fabric- also a variety of suits, made in the Latest Style from choice patterns in scotch and West of England Tweeds. Special attention is given to the JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Comprising a large variety of Eu:, Suits, Overcoats, and Ulsters in vaiiousjsha lesj and Materials very superior m stylj and svoikiaaiislitp. I THE HUSLEKY AND SHIUT DEPARTMENT More attention is being given to this Department than has hitherto, and efery branch of the same has been entirely replenished wIth all the latest Norelcies in Bu) s anll Men's Shirts, Hosiery, Glov, s, Scarfs, Collars, Ac. A Large Assortment of SILK AND FELT HATS. of the Latest Shapes. Zlaella, Regina Cloth, and Silk Umbrellas, Macintosh Coats, Rugs, &c., in great variety. 13, High-street, November, 1^77. 2624cp THE MOLD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT. JOlIN WILLIAAIS, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER, CUTLER, &c. Ill, II Pi LI STREET, JfOLD. PRIZE SINGLE AND DOUBLE PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CHAFF CUTTERS, TURNIP CUTTERS, A. BUILDER'S IRONMONGERY, FURNISHING IRONMONGER, COLLIERIES AND MINING REQUISITES, CUTLERY. TEEL BAR IRON, HOOPS AND SHEETS, KITCHEN RANGES AND BOILERS, FENDERS, FIREIRONS, BOLTS AND NUTS, corrox WASTp, GRATKS AND MANTLE- PIECES, < 0 YL VASi S, LAMPs, BRATTICE CLOTH, WIRE ROPES, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, IRON* B 1DSTEADS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, WASHING AM) WRINGING MACHINES, ENGINE PACKING, SILVER PLATED GOODS, SPADES AND SHOVELS. SIGNAL WIRE, OILS, PAINTS, PITCH, TAU, NAILS, BOI.Ts, GUNS, AND AMMUNITION, FENCING, &c. I A SPLENDID DISPLAY OF LAMPS. 25N4 I ItlCHARD V A N 8 AND CO., THE LABORATORY, WREXH-VM. p U l K A K A T D M INK UAL WATERS. I SODA WATER, GISGEh VIE, SELTZER WATER, LEMONADE, POTASS WATER, VICHY WATER, iilNGMRADE, MAGNESIA WATER, LITHIA WATEB, EAU DE SELTZ IN FREV(: G' S TPHONS. OTE.-These RAT ED BEVERAGES are prepared from WATER supplied t b" our DEEP ARTESIAN SPRING OF THE PUREST QUALITY. t I Delivered in 'I wb or Country. PRICK L 1 s T O N CAUTION! B'^WARS OF WORTH Mv-iS IMITATIONS OF RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE. THE Marked Superiority of this LAUNDRY BLUE over all others, and the quick appreciation or iz, merits by the Public has been attended by the usual result, viz., a flood of imitations the merit ot the latter mainly cou-i-b in the ingenuity exerted, n..t simply in imitating the square shape hut III-Lki; the general appearance of the wrappers resemble that of the genuine article The Manufactii. vi- therefore to caution aU buyers to see "RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE" on each packet. Sold in P-iiii, jj Situates by all respectable Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists. 857 | haden&CO., i YEA S T IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR PEEK, FilEAN & CO.S BISCUITS, IHENITY FAULD3R & CO.'S PRESERVES, Ac, AND WILDER'S SELF-RAIING FLOUR. H. & CO. wiÙ to ;l1tinl'\>! t,) anil Customers that they have taken NEW PREMISES in Y )RKE STREET, thus a litiona! fa '1:ties for i.rfering their different Yeasts an1 '8 fur s11. fur sale. j NOTE—French, Ger:il:u, ,tn. I [)ut.¡ i\s-s arrive d ii!v. l, ..11 Hampers, 4*. per doz. » < All Orders entrusted to H. & Co. will r^cjiv; r.- .in >t at'.entio.i. Terms on application. 1 ADDRESS,—YORKE STREET, WREXHAM.





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