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Shipping Notice?. "WHITE STAR" Ll.?-E,?l i NOTICF-Tlie S < nu ers of this Line take the Lane Routes recommend 1 iy Li- ut. Maury, on both the Outward and Homr-»;nd ja-suges. #. I ? r?'??MG? ?'-????-=r- ?T??.TS UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM- ERS. 0 tons burthen. 3,000 Horse power. wiling from LIVERPOOL for NEW YORK, on Till KSHA^S. From QUEENSTOWN (Cork) ever*. FRIDAY. fforwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States an 1 Canada. RETURNING FROM NKW YOUK SATURDAY. The well-know b Fast Mail Steamers of this Line sail m under :— From LIVERPOOL. BRITANNIC Tl ur.-ilav, November 22nd. CELTIC Thur.lay, Nov. Nlh. (iKhM'NIC Thursday. Dec fjlh. BA fC December, 13th. APJfl A'ilC Iliur>day, Novtmber ^Uih. From NEW YORK. CEI.TK" November Iflth Rl.PUlil.lC Saturday, Nov. 17th I" w and sidenelid Ves-gls reduce the passa; &1 th e s'it«->t possible ti»n< and afford to Passengers the hichest decree of comfort hitherto attainable at I Hlfc. ATi-rijif ]>ass:i{re s} c!a" in summer, days in Vii.tei. Farh vi-sel is constructed in seven water- tight rc-mrar nunts. The Salimi, I ad'f-s' Boudoir, State Rooms, and f-mnk ig rooms aie anddslnp'. and are luxuriously furui.-lud ainl fitted wi h all modern conveniences; pianos llbi..lies, (lectiic 1 ells, bath rooms, baiber's A r. Salami Pa-^afe. ]."i < iiiineas, and 1 Guineas; Re- turn Tickets at re.tieed rates. The eiayr ace n>ru"il:ii ioii is of the very highest, cbarac er, the n.iin" ar liMi-uualh spacious, w..1' lighted, auned, and passengers of thi cl— r-d t' e'r <—vfi rt carefttllv studied. An in limited supi l o' (Voted Proisions. Medical cu)nf"tts fr« .• <,fcharge Ste.wardesse.- in Steerage to attend the Women and children Steerage tares at Reduced Rates, and pas- sengers forwarded to J.oste.n, Philadelphia, Balti- more, Quebec, and Portland, without extra charge. Drafts on New York for sums not exctioicg £10 tree. For freight or passage anply to ISJIAY, I MR IK, CO. "10, Water-street, Liverpool, ot u 34, I.e.idenliall-street, London, E.C. Agent for Wrexham WI I.LI AM H WKINs TILSTON, 3, High-street, Wrexham. MR R ROMKHTS, 2: Town Hill, Wrexham. AJtrJt for Hoi- hi- Mr W. W. SMITH. 95era L I. A N LINE. -HoRrK-T OCEAN PASSAGE TO I M E K I C A. _\1 Ù.J I.. Gom»os«n OF RWI NTV HhST-CLASS ROYAL MAIL STK-.MKK.S. SAILING IJAY>— FII.II LIVERPOOL, every TeEs, DAY a- <1 THCKOHV TO CANADA, and everv ALTER- Tl"K-I»AY to HALIFAX anrf BALTIMORE, loi vai.tii f'as.-i-ngi rs on e.tsv terms to aU parts of CANADA and he CM'li:i) STATES. Surgeon Stewardesses provided free for all das si s of Pasx-iiyers. Passetijiers w secure their Tickets before leaving borne are < ut the Railway station in Liverpool by tYl apponitid Anent of the Company, who takes charge of t J:< in urtil they go on board the Steamer. The ( a.iiadiar Government grants ASSISTED PAS- SAGE 1.\ tl.c AJ.LAN" LIE. For Rates- of Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTH IKS <V Co., Alexahdra Buildings, James street, Liverpool, or to EDWAi'H LO\ ATT. Auctioneer, Wrexham. W. (;1:1 i: .Jm:r., 4, Upper Clwyd St., Ruthin. W. ) Wrexham St., Mold. J. HOWARD, llryin'o. 198r FRE £ EMIGRATION TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA. THE GOVERNMENT t»F SOUTH AUSTRALIA GRANT FREE PASSAGES TO the following Art;z-nis viz.: Carpenters, Brick- t layers, and Plasterers, and hon:, tide Agricultural and iJ.iiU.ay Laborers, nwt exceeding 40 years of a/e. single or married with not more than three also to single female domestic øervallts, S" M,intes Wanted. All Persons who ar. considered eligible by tlie Emigration A^ent., paving their own fuli passage, receive a Land Order Warrant of the value of £:211 lor every adult above 12, and £10 for children beiween I and 12 years of age. No Money, or l-e of anv kind, is to be paid bi intending ( .migrants to the Local Agents for their remuneration. Full particulars and information, with forms of ap- plication, to lie obtained at the otlice of the Govern- ment of South Australia, S. Victoria Chambers, Westminster, London, S. W., or of J, JONES, ESQ., Solicitor, 2303 Wrexham dUSIJWSii Announcements. .& 17S9 i V t w i L ,11 IMEiiCi' t CA ill n t-i C7PHOLSTEHBK, AND; GENERAL UNDERTAKER, i 8UMU STREET, WREXHAM. —— t AG EN'i iO THE PATENT METALLIC AIR- TKJHT COFFIN COMPANY, LIMITED.  COiHus ire covered with white, -I '-lack, a')d CTlI"'1J clotb or velvet, and and en ry iie-ign of coloured and metal furniture is used. They are only h the weight of lead L-oItin■» and are more durable. The expense is so small that they can lie us d f. rail funerals except f-hose of the very poorest Various sizes kept in stock. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. IMPURITY OF THE HLOOn. — ENFEEBLED EXISTENCE. This medicine embraces every attribute required in a general and domestic remedy it overturns the foundation of disease laid by defective food and im- pure air. In i listrucLion or congestions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or any other organs, these Pills are especially serviceable ami eminently successful. They should be kept in readiness in every family, being a medicine of incomparable utility for young persons, particularly t<> those ol feeble constitutions. BILIOUSNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, HEAD- ACHE, AND LOWNESS OF SPIRITS. These Pills affect a truly wonderful change in debilitated constitutions, as they create a Healthy appetite, coriTct indigestion, remove excess of bile, and oveivoiue giddiness, headache, and palpitation of the heart. MOTH EES AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one hing more than another for which these Pdls are famous it is their purifying properties especially their power of cleansing the blood from all impurities, removing dangerous congestions, and re- newing su-pendod secretions. Universally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaints, these Pills never fail, never v>eaken the system, and always bring about what is required. INDIGESTION, STOMACH, AND LIYER COMPLAINTS. Persons suffering from any disorders of the liver ston ach, or other organs of digestion, should have immediate recourse to these Pills, as there is no medicine known that acts on these particular com- plaints with sucli certain success. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Persons who feel weak, low, and nervous, may rest assured some serious ailment is looming in the dis- tance, against which instant action should be taken. These renowned Pills present the ready means of exciting energetic action on the liver, liberatin" accumulated bile, and lifting at once a load from the spirits and expelling a poi.suu from the body. Bolluu-au't Pills are the be ft remedy knotmi in the wurlii for the j"llulCillfjdiMQ8eIi;- Ague, Asthma. Biliuus Cumplaillts. Blotches on the skin. Bowel Complaints. Delnlity. Dropsy. Female I rregularites. Fevers of all kinds. Gout Headache. ludigo^ti • n. Liver Complaints. Lumbago. Piles. Rheumatism Retention of Urine. I Scrofula, or King's Evil Sore Throats Stone awl Gravel. Secondary Symptoms. Tic Doloureux Ulcers. Veneral Affections. | Worms of aU kinds. | ? e?kut-ss, from whatever causes Ac. die. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLO- WAI 'S Establishment, Oxford-street, London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Boxes and l'ots, at Is. ld., 2s. !'d., 4s. lid., I Is., 22s., and 33s. each. The smallest Box of Pills contains four dozen; and the mallest Pot of Ointment one ouue-e. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. N.B.—Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by ap- plying at the above addrtss, daily, between the hours of 11 aud -4 or by lett er. I \TERlTY's Bronchia! and Puhn?nary remedy for -v C(ou?h?, Bronchitis, Consumption, As hma, ?c.. ngreeable and tuost efficacious. Is lid and 2* 1M, 3.5, Warwick sit. W. & all Chemists. Business Acnouncements- i Q W I L Y M ELANS' I QUININE BITTERS, OR VEGETABLE TONIC. I APPROVED AND REGISTERED ACCORDING TO LAW. I O?St-TIXG of Quinine and the act:ve principles of SarsapariUa, Saffron, Lavender, Burdock, Liverwort, ??. (;em an, &c., prepared ,cie'ltitk'¡'y in 'he proortion:j mot desirable to ensure its perfect success. The great object ot the Quinine liit'er. i> to se; in order the main springs (as it were; of the methani m of the body, ar,d to remove the various cizuses *\hi-h produce such painlul effccts in the human system. They as-ist liig. -tion, j romoU- ;ind f ici.it te t:r.bi i-i.-ii, st:cngtheii the n<-rves ar.-i juiifn. the blcod brace up the j sy t- m in short, brine the whole body into a sound and healthy condition. Being gifted with a hIghly tunic gifted with a hi,-hly t?nic and I r art: -peoany reoon;mend&'l as an effective cure lor depression o spirit-, sensation uf sinking ,n the icli, U..ious he*aches, nervcu* relaxtion, muscular weakness, wasting ot the tissues, dis- tuibed -It, p, heartburn, crump, pain in the stomach, 4tc. For all affections of the cn.-ft, such as hoirsen-s, cough, spitting of b!cod, asthma, &c., their effect is j acknowle -ged at.d appr-c.ated by those iho h iv tried them. This remedy does not injure the teeth, as it is compos-d exe'u-ively ol m-iedi-n:s eta vegetable character, the a tion of which on the human system is mild but efficient, and adapted to ail age-, f rk,ru the iu:ant to the adult, and to every variety of temperament and con- stitution They can in no w.y injur- -he stomach an ] ihe benefits derived from their use is not the result of a teaiporary ar..] injurious stimulant of he digestive orgtns, but they fff-et a radical and lasting cure, by restoring the normal functions of :he stomach, an i auii-jr ill consort with nature to cxptll disease. Ex, ,t rirriet,t will -erve to establish it as a h -use old remedy. A- the '■ Quinine Bitters" act on tlu- on-ti-ution generally the patient is cautioned not to be too sanguine of immediate "uue s, ano th., ] a ntec does not profess that they act in a miraculous manner," or that the" fir t dose cur s," or m ten minutes" A-e as may be > iten seen adveitised but they will, altera fair aLd continued trial, show tbiir beneficial effect-, if taken in time. The 4s i,d butties c Æt ,ill as much two Js 9d bottles, thereby the purchaser may save a shilling. I Th." fallowing testimonials from medicil men will be read with interest:— I>KAR SIR,—I have cxaii-aiol ji-ur Quii.u.e Bitters an" find them o be quite tie,- Hon ra 1 mi: erais, and am pleised to add that they have b. en ve y i flicaciulis in uuuier jus instances that have come under my imme- diate notice, loi gmeial denlity, a tonic naiigestion. (Vc. 1 h iVe fiiqu- i.tiy reeommtndeJ tin in with marked suc- ((-S-. Signed, SAMCKI. J. J. Ki ELLY, il.R.C.S. (Eng. & L.S.A. (Lon). 2, Hanover-square, Kennington, Li-nrion, June 1877. i To Mr GWII.VM EVANS, Llam by, South Wales. DKAK :-IR,-Your" Quinine Bitt-is'' have been found to be 01 ut.ivtr-al service in many in which I had rec irimi-nd< d t hi-m I have d them ,nd proy, d them to be efficacious for the fullowiiil- maladies; diffi- cult an i ] ainful cigt-tion, affections of the liver, and nervous debi ity. They seim to have been mixed in i very "hippy" proportions. 11 «vir.c travelled consider- al i y, I am m a po-itiou to sav that they arc < very where spoken ot very highly. Youi, truly, 1'. W. JONKS Another doctor wrrc- to say that he considers the Quirim Bitter- an e cg'ant fhaim i eut;ca! picparation, 1 which pr duces a sound state of ti e lur.gs and bron- chial tube-, an a pure condition of the blood, by re- energizing the wkole system. Testimoniab have been received from people who were never expected to reco,er. The Grand Hotel, Brighton, July >th, IS 76. DEAR SIR,—I feel it is my duty to the public ar.d T, iir- self to inform you that I have derived immense benefit from your Quiuine Bitters, or Veaetab e Tun c. I have been for some months a victim to head-aches, pain in my j back, anli I believe a general derangement tf he liver. I am happy to say I now feel w. 11, but I take a dose of your "Bitters" occasionally, when my appetite fails. Yours faithfully, EOBEAT FOSTER. To MR GWILYM EVANS, F.C S., M.P.S. December 14th, 1S77. DEAR SIR,-I have 1 een suffering severely for a long time with indigestion and nervous debility and their at- tendant inconveniences. After trying numiez ou reme- di- s. (to no purpose) I tiied your Quinine Bitters, and the result is I am now a healthy maw. Had I tried it sooner, I believe I should have escaped many restless nights an i many pounds in money. Publish this for the benefit of others. Address—THOMAS REES, Decorator and Valuer, Forester's Arms, Llanel'.y, late ot Fishsuard. For want of space no more testimonials c-n be inserted. A list on nppÏcation of all tirst-class ch( aiists, 01 direct lr. ni MR GWILYM EVANS, I'haimaceuti. al and Analytical Chemist, Llanellv. Any chemist c.n ord-i these tr.- of expense with their other goods, from the wholesale- agents: Messrs Barclay and .Sons. London; Evans, Suiis, ard Co.; Liverpool; Bowers Brothers, Chester; Pillling and Graham, Manches- ter, &c., Ac. viol "A CE.NTS.-MR J. FRANCIS, and MR J. F. EDISBUR Y, CHEMISTS, WREXHAM." THF OLD SWAN Bhv," il, iiY. -L ABBOT-STREET, WREXHAM (FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES OSLY), -■DWARD LUVATT, PKOPRJETOK, AUCTIONEER AND VALUKK, Agent. Jot the Provincial Insurance Coinpaiiy, Tipper'* rattle Food, the Wrexham Tent Company 991Jj n- A CCIDET BY FLOOD AND FIELD. ACCIDE.NTS OF ALL KINDS May he provided against by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS* ASSURANCE COM- PANY, The OWest and Largest Accidental Assurance Company. Hon. A. KINNAIRD, M.P., Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £I,OtJO,UU(J, ANNUAL INCOME £ 2116,0U0. zLI,120,000 have been paid a8 COUPESSA TION. A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a Weekly Allowance in the event of Injury, may be secured at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed, tu Insurers of five yiarg' standing. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 154, CORXHILI" LONDON. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary AGENTS FOR WREXHAM:—.Mr W. JAMES, Wheat sheaf Railway station. MR J. 13. SHIRLEY, 17 National Provincial Bank of England For the BLOOD is the LIFE."—See Deuteronomy, chap, xii., verse 2:). CLARKE'S AORLD FAMED HLOOJ) MIXTURE rHE GREAT BLOOD AND RESTORER I.V.R CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD I' fioin ALL IMPURITIES, cannot betooti?hly recommended. It CUKKK Oi D SORES, CUKKS CI.CF.RATI.I) SORES in the NECK. CURES ULCERATED SORE LEUS, CURES BLAClUI EADS, or PIMPLES on FACE, CURES SCURVEY SORES. CURES CANCEROUS ULCERS, CURES BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES, CURES GLANDULAR SWELLINOS, CLEARS TIIE BLOOD FROM ALL Immjuk MATTER, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from mercury—which all pills and most Medicines free from anything injurious to the most ielicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits suli'erers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousand* of Testimenials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s fid each, and in Cases, containing "x Bottles, Its each, sufficient to effect a permanent aire in long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any aeidress on receipt of 50 or 132 stamps, by F. J. Clarke, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLN. Wholesale Agents BARCLAY and SONS, LONDON, and all the whole- sale Houses. 1844c u DAMP HOr?ES. DA?P CHURCHES, &c., can i.? be cur?) cheaplv and th?'rcu?hty by th PETRIFYING LIQUID. Manufactured Transparent or in Colours, ollly by the Liverpool SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, v-lio are also the Sole Manufacturers of the Petrifying Silicate Paint. FRANCIS'S VOICE LOZENGES, FOR CLEARING & STRENGTHENING THE V 0 1 C E, BELIEVING ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT, HOARSENESS, HUSKINESS, SORE THROAT, LAXAT ON OF THE UVULA AND TONSILS TEAZING AND NERVOUS COUGHS, Give power and tone to the Voice in speaking or sing ing, and teliere thrt,at alf,,cfio)is arising from any unusual exert inn of the Voire, colds, and other causes. Public Speakers and singers take them with much benefit as a preventative of Hoarseness, and as a re- uk-dy when it exists. A FEW TESTIMONIALS. MrFanish, L iv e rl,oul: I'lie effect of the Lozenges Is remarkable indeed gave me a voice as clear as a bell, and strong." Mr Lewis > Llew IJwyvu) I lie- lieve that I could not have performed my part (owing i to hoarseness) at the concei t, had it not been for the eflicacy of your Lozenges." Mr Hughes (chorister, Bangor Cathedral, N.W.) :—"Your Lozenges com- pletely restored my voice," Ac. Rev. Mr Roberts, Glanaled They are excellent for disordered voice i and hoarseness." A Clergyman (near Wrexham :— "They have a won.lerful effect upon my voice "— L. England, National School, Appleby, Penrith. I must say that I have derived great hem-tit from vour I Voice Lozenges. They also did a great deal of good to several of iiiy friends, who were troubled with bad coughs, and could not sleep. Send another b JX." Sold in boxes, Is, Is ljd, 2s rd each; or per post, 3s, from the Maker, J. F R A CIS, M. P. S. P 11 A H V a C L' r T1 C A L CHEMIST, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. Also through Messrs. EVANS, SONS, A Co., Liver- pool; and APOTHECARIES' HALL, Town Hill, Wrex- ham. 1;)1\1 GIHDEHS Rolled ard Rivetted 1 CASTINGS, NAILS, and BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY. Charles Willi.ims and Co., 90, Cannon Street, London. Estimates and design- free. TO'ILINSON &- C O TOML1NSON &: CO.'S BUJTER POWER ''?tAKi';s Firm and Sweet Butter in the Hottest Weather, prevents it turning rancid, removes the flavour of sour grass, weeds, or rank herliaire quickens the churning, and increases the value 2d to 3d per lb. TOMLINSON & Co 'S BUTTER POWDER. Sold b;. all Chemists and Grocers, in 6d, Is, and 2s till boxes. UN X L'D THE | QLENSF1ED gTAIlCH. | THE QUEEN's LAUNDRESS USES NO OTHER THH QUEEX s LAUXDH?s L'sES XO OTHER VtTALTER TRUEFIT'I's, 1, New Bond >treet, T T London. Hair in all the newest styles as worn in London and Paris, Black, Frown, and Golden i Dyes, Kalotrikes, the be t dressing for the hair, As- tringent Lotion stops its falling. Sempervivens is the best re,turer. Gentlemen's hats, Ac. Best articles at moderate prices. MILNER'S SAFES, best and Cheapest AFE- ?JL CL'AUD ?.tin>t FmK .uid THtEVEb Phoenix Safe Works, Liverpool. SE -NIA.TEli'*IAN' REVIVER. The onlv, yj material suitable for KID BOOTS, rendering them soft and equal to new, all blackings, pastes Ac destroy the texture and beauty of the leather. He-. tail oj all Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Wholesale i at 18of bermondsey tit., Loudon, &E. I E LLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS. pURE AERATELP WATERS. E LLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS-CRYSTAL SPRINGS. i J SODA, POTASS, SELTZER, LEMONADE, LITHIA, and for (jOCT i,ililia AND POTASS, corks branded" R. ElIi" and Son, Ruthin," and verv label bears their trade mark. Solef everv- where, ind wholesale of H. ELLI do SON, Ruthin, North Wales. 921 PEPPFR'S QUININE and IRON TONIC will re- M. move Indigestion, Flatulence, constant Heart- burn, Weakness of the stomach, Sinking Sensations, Nausea, NC. Quinine Iron is the most effective treatment in all complaints arising frcin derange- ment of the Nervous System. PEPPER S QUININE and IRON TONIC.-The t Remedy in all Wasting Diseases. Sold bv Chemists in Bottles containing 32 doses, price 4st)d" next size Bottle, lis and in large Stone Jars, 22s The signature of J. Pepper is on the label in red ink. pEPPER-s QUININE and IROX TONIC Purifies and hnitches the Blood; Strengthens the Nerves and Muscular System; Promotes Appetite and Improves Digestion Animates the Spirits and Mantal I-aculties. Thoroughly recruits the general Bodily Health, and induces a proper healthy condi- tion of the N ervous and Physical Forces. rpARAXACUM and PODOPHYLMX.-A fluid ? combination for Derangement of the Liver, particularly when arising from slight congestion. By gently stimulating action of the liver, and slightly moving the bowels, the drowsy feeling, with sensa- tions of fulness, head ache, pain beneath the shoul- ders at the chest) after eating, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and other indications of dyspepsia are re- moved Taraxacum and Podophyllin is much safer than calomel or blue pill for removing bile Pre- pared by J. Pepper, 237, Tottenham Court Road London whose name is on the label. Bottles, 2s 1 hi and 4s bd. each. Sold by all Chemists. SULPAOLINE LOTIO,-An external ren?dv for ?? ?ku))?sea?es. The most obstinate eruptions and Pimples are subdued by Sulpholine. and a cle:tr, healthv skin developed. Those complaining of ten- der, reddened, and irritable skins, or affected bv the suri, rough winds, c., and even sufferers from COll- stitutional r- kin Diseases will derive great benefit and comfort by »sing Sulpholine Lotion which his i I'o«'eiful conserving and salutary action, removes the effect of constant perspirati. n, and maintains the cuticle in a -ree, healthy condition. Bottles 2s 9d each sold by all Chemists. I II P 0 RT A N T INFO R M A TI 0 N DH. ROBERTS'S CELEBRATED OINTMENT Called the POOR I%TAN's Fit]E.ND, Confirmed by more than Sixty Years' experience as an invaluable remedy for Wounds of eve-y de-ci iption Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Sore and Inflamed Eves and scorbuhc Eruptions. Sold in Pots, at Is lid, 2s 9d' lis, and 22s each. Also, his PILULE ANTISCI' OPH ULAI., One of the best alterative medicines for purifying the blood and assisting nature in all operations They form a mild and superior family aperient, which may be taken without confinement or chanKe of diet each in Boxes, Is 2s ¡d, 4" M' Us' ""? 22^ each, LARWILL'S PILLS, Prepared frem he Original Recipe of the late Rev. J. I.arvvill, L llIe Regis, one of the best remedies in the world for the cure of Dropsy, Bilious Complaints, Iu- ciuient Disease of the Heart, Lungs, Ac. They are of the greatest utility in Female Complaints, and their operation is easy and g. ntle. Said in Boxes at Is lk(1. Sold by the Proprietors, BE ACH and BARNICOTT at their D'spensa-y, Bridport; and bv all respect- aide Me iicine Vendors in the enited KiugdolH aud Colonies. 1710v ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. THE ORIGINAL LUDDINGTON'S the CELEBRATED HORSE, SHEEP, AND CATTLE MEDICINE, (Registered), STANDS UNRIVALLED as a safe, effectual, and speedy REIEDY for COLIC or GRIPES in HORSES DIARRIHEA or SCOUR in CALVES. FOALS, kVc. Cows m DIFFICULT CALVING EWES LAMBING; MARES in DIFFICULT FOALING. As an external application for Fly Galls, Ulcerated or eddr. Bites of Dogs, dwellings, &c., it is .afe and benetichl. Sold in bottles, 2s titl, 5. and iin lls, vby all Chemists. Sole Manufacturers and Ex- I)i)rter, .(f,,r T. Canwick-road, Lincoln), Tri0TM^lr,i INJ -0N J' & HAYWARD, Lincoln. Observe That T. H.Dn?GT'?'s Signature is en- graved on the Stamp affixed over the Cork of each Bottle. TICIVS, LICE, SCAB, FOOT-AND-MOUTH,' And all Contagious Disease THE "GLYCERINE DIP, FOR SHEEP AND LAMBS, IS a certain preventive and cure of Scab is also JL destructive to Ticks, Lie: and all Parasites in- festing the Skins of Sheep and other animals its emoDn-ntand stimulating properties greatly promote the Growth of the Wool, and being a Powerful nis? mfectant, it arrests the Spread of Contagious Dis- eases. It does not discolour or act injuriously upon the natural yolk of the Wool, but feeds the Fleece' and maintains the natural lustre. Sold by Agents in even Market Town. Price 6(; per pound, in various size Tins and Drums. Sole Manufacturers and Exporters I TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, Chemists, Lincoln 1423c BOURNEMOUTH.—Queen of Watering Places HlGHCLIFFE MANSIONS HOTEL. Full South. Magnificent Sea Views. Table d'Hote. John Kilncr, Proprietor. ACCIDENT INSURACE COMPANY (Limited. AL 7, Bank Buildings, London, E.C. Insurance against accidents of all kinds on a new prin- GENERAL ACCIDENTS. PERSONAL INJURIES. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS. DEATH BY ACCIDENTS. C. HARDING, Manager. SIR W. A. ROSE & CO. 's. LIGHTHOUSE COLZA OIL lj FOR MODERATOR AXD OTHER LAMPS. Merchants and Refiners of all kinds of Burning and Lubricating Oils. PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. Offices, titi, Upper Thames-street, London, E.C. c CHEAP JEWELLERY-Sbopkeepeers will find be-;t assortment and lowest prices at :\IJLLI:U- 12, Houndsditch. London, Clocks, Watches, Cutlery, 7C; ombs Spectacles, Pen's, Pipes, Purses: Catalogues free, Estd. 1857. Cash only. J OHX D'ARCY AND SON, Brewers of o POlaER and STOUT, ANCHOR BRFWERY, DUBLIN. (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one ) Purchasmg Agents required in all towns in which there are none. WALKER'S CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are ??uper.?edingall others. Prize Medals Ion. iion, ISO-, Pariti 1S(>7- Silver from £ *{ *?■ r* 11/ 16 6;4. (?S, CornbiU, E.C., 2.;(), iegent-street W. and 6, strand, W.C. DescripUve Pamphlet free. Business Annouuements. EGERTON BURNETT'S ROYAL SERGES Repeatedly Supplied to the ROYAL FAMILY direct. The Court Circular, The Queen, Civil Service Gazette, Myra's Journal, &-c. &-c, testify to the superiority of Egerton Burnett's Serges as par excellence the material for Ladies' wear. Woven from the finest wools they surpass all others in durability. Neither salt water nor rain will affect them. Orders daily leceived for these excellent Goods from all parts of the Kingdom. Prices from Is 2d per vard. New mixtures for Autumn. Extra )li!led do. for Gentlemen and Buys' hard wear. Pattern Books post {r..e. Carriage paid on all parceli over 12 EGERTON BURNETT, Woollen Merchant, Wellington, Somerset. AC H E s T of TEA for 25s. it containq It; lbs )' 11" m i < i < ru. less than Is 7,1 per lb, but worth 28 lid retail. Carriage not paid Cash with order. Never at the pric« before. Half-pound sample by pj)t toany part of the Kingdom for 15 stamps. JOHN MIXER ? CO. 94, ?-ew?ate St., London, E.C.¡ E?ta' 1*54. B RADFORI)'i JOUR-NALot SPECIALITIES!^ U lo77 includes a full description of the New Patent "huttfe Washing Machine, New Churns, New Bone Mill, New Potato Washer, A-c., & also further particulars and the reduced prices of the Vowel Washing Machines free by post. T. BRADFORD and Co., Ho, HI. 142, and 143 High Holborn, Loti- don Cathedral St-jpsand Crescent Iron Works, Man- chester; abo No. RjO, Bold St., Liverpool. Catalogues free on application. IMPORTANT to USERS of STEAM POWER. \V H PLATT AND COMPANY, ASHTON- NV UNDER-I,I'NE. Manufacturers of every description of ENGINE AND PUMP PA CKINGS specially made for amI adapted to MARINE, LOCO- MOTIVE& STATIONARY EGIES, STEAM HAMMERS, PUMPS, &c. Bst and cheapest Packings made. Samples and prices free on application. FINEST TEAS.] [BEST SELECTIONS. rROM ALBERT A. DEAN AND Co. 1 41, Ludgate Hill, London. Choice-t growths of the Season in China and India. in 4, 5, 6, and ■> lb. Cani.-ter-. Chests, llalf-Chcsts or Caddies.  (CHINA, Finest Moning INDIAN TEAS, from 1 1 :9 Finest Kaisow Finest quality i ) Finest Kaisow J 2,9 Carriage free on E2 worth and upwards. ONE BOX OF CJLAllKK:s.H 41 PILL:S IS war- ranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs, in either six, acquired or constitutional, (1 ravel, and Pains in the back. Solel in boxes, 4s. Gel. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Venders or sent to any address for till stamps by the Maker, F. J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, High-street, Lin- colll.-Whulesale agents, Barclay and Sons, London and all the Wholesale Houses. 993a BRASS, REED, STKI?f}, and DRUM and FIFE J BA?DS. PJAXOFOmESandHARMU?HJ.M!? supplied at Wholesale Prices, at J. MOORE'S, Bux- :on Road, Huddersdelil. Prices with drawings of iverv instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Patronised by the Annv, Navy, Rifle Corps. Second hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange. L A.NIPLoU(;H' PYRETIC SALINE is most agreeable and efficacious in preventing and curing fevers, small pox, and eruptive complaints. It instantly relieves the most intense headache ami thirst, and if given with lime-juice syrup, is a specific In gout and rheumatism. 113, Holborn-hill. E.C. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. will completely restore in a few days, grey or prematurely light hair to its original colour without the slightest chance uf injury. The Hair Restorer is the best ever offered fur sale. It effects its object satisfactorily, producing a perfectly natural colour thoroughly cleanses tin* heael fr,in scurf, and causes the giowth of new hair. Solil everywhere by Chemists and Hairelressers, in large Bottles, Is tiel each. Be sure to obtain LOCKVtit's >ulphur Hair Restorer. CIRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE. j By using this delicious aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of tke teeth becomes, white, sound, and polished like Ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for removing incrustations of tartar on Deglecte(i tfeth. Sold by all Chemists, Pots. Is and 2s lid each. (Get Cracroft's). 923 T HE PERTH DYE WORKS (Est iblished 1814). P. and P. CAMPBELL, General Dyers ari(I Cleaners, Perth. Receiving Offices:- London, 475 A; 476, Oxford- street. Ditto, 27, Sloane Street, Belgravia. Leeds, 4 A' 5, Tiiiiity-street Liverpool, 85, Bold-street j Edinburgh, 31, Cock- I buru-street. Glasgow, St;, Sauchiehall I street. Dundee, 33, Nethergate. Dublin, 20, orth Frede- rick-street. And Branches throughout the Kingdom, the ad- dresses of which and any other information imme- tlhtely supplied on application to the works. Cata- logues post free ARE AND BKAUTIFUL PRESENTS FOR LADIES. Richest China S:Ik Shawls, embroidered in the Choicest and most Superb .Myl^of Art. From 10s 6,1 each. Ladies Shawls from 10s b 1 to TWENTV'-FIVE POUNDS. Carefully packed and forwarded to any part of the World on the receipt of Post Office Onler. Address,  H E E L E H A N 1) COMPANY, I 10 and 17, Poultry City, London. Estalili-.lied nearly a century. The only CRAPES which REALLY WH.L NOT *POT WITH KA!? I_? we stamped HAtN-PROOF and a GUARANTEE is attached tm EVEHY PIECE. -"rHE GREAT WEST END TAILORS. The i. OXFOIW CI.OIHING COMPANY, 454, 542, and 513, New Oxford-street, having completed their extensive purchases of Autumn and Winter Goods. The stock embraces every novelty in West of 1 and and Scotch Cheviots, Beavers, Witneys, Elysiums, I Meltons, Petershams, Diagonals, all the new designs in scotch Checks, and Freizes in Overcoats, Checks, Tweeds and Fancy Angola Suitings, a.nd a large and varied assortment of Tweeds, Checks, Stripes and French Cashmere Trouserings from 13s per pair. A variety of each class to be had with plates of Fashion and Rules for self-Mea.-urement post free hy sending to B CUBITT, Manager, 454, 512, and 543, Xew Ux- I' ford-street, London. Y, -N I T T I -N S I L K- K Any Colour, Is 9.1 per Ounce Skein. I FILoSELLE 2s per Ounce of 8 Skeins all one shade. is 6,1 per Ounce of S Skeins Mixed Shades. I Orders despatched by r. turn of Past to all parts of the United Kingdom. Or the Silk can he obtained of out Agents at the Above Prices. ADAMS and Co., Manufacturers, 56a, Citv-road, London, E.C. A HANDSOME PRESENT. The album P A It T ERR E, (Registered). IS DIFFERENT COLOURED FLORAL DESIGNS, With Title and Index Pages. Roval 4to size, bound in Russia or Morocco. SIXTH EDITION, REDUCED PRICES, FROM 25s. Of the Principal stationers and Booksellers. N.B. Each Bonk is Stamped C"pgu>righ>, with the Publishers' Initials, T. J. S. s. and Co. Aldersgate-stree CANTON'S Loudon, E. C. tlHRlSTMAS, NEW YEAR'S CAhDs, V.vLEN-' ? EstabUshe.)] TINEs, etc. [ i I). Stationers, Bestsellers, Ac., send stamp for Pnced List. AGENIS WATED, fur ihc'ea?e of in D come or permanent tmptf?ment. Our terms are most Liberal, no previous knowledge re- I quired, and no risk. Address, Wells and Company, 128, Bold >treet, Liverpool. | >ENT>, in stuffs, Prints, Holland, Black Alpaca, S7 101b. bundles, Stamp for prices. W. Clarkson, Merchant, Shipley, Yorks. II EAL1H. How to PRESERVE or I{IST'ORE it,I¡ EA 1, 1 H. i l o w to PRFSP.ITYE or  JLi People's Edition 7 stps. Mr Har lie, High 81HE TRADES BANK LIMITED" 33, NEW i BRIDGE STREET, LONDON, E. U. THE sHARES of this Bank ire now being issued a.' par and should be applied fur early in order to secure antllotmeut. THE SHARES are .;(.5 each, £ 1 being paid on application, aii(I.El Itis on allotment, but may be paid up in full at option of the applicant. BANK SHARES of all inscriptions are selling at very large premiums, and are the soundest and best Investments of the day. See Prospectus. THE BANK allows interest on sums placed on elepo-it for fixed periods, six Months 5 per cent., Twelve Months 6 per Cent. C U ii REN T ACCOUNTS opened without restriction. Customers' Trade Bills eliscounted. PROSPECTUS and every information can be ob- tained on application to the Manager. CAUTION.-BONDs CLY-TAL PALACE GOLD MEDAL MARKING INK.—Prevents theft loss or mistake. ANOTHER GOLD -N. F DAL awarded. South African, 1ST. Enlargement of bottles. Some chemists and stationers for extra profit palm coliurable imitation-. Genuine label address 75, Southgate-road, London. Vendors cautioned and remimlell of action tried Jan. i5 and 16, 1876 other actions pending. Detectives now employed. Caution, Caution NIXEY's BLACK LEAD. "CLEAXLISESS"- W. G. N IXE\ s Refiueel Black LEAD.- L' sed without wate or dust. Sold everywhere. Ask for W. G. XIXEY's BLACK LEAD, and see that you have it. 12, Soho Seiuare, Lon(lon. CA CTIOX. -Thpre are several imitations. BEADS, NOVELTIES, WHOLESALE O.-LY. Moon shine, Bronzed and Rainbow Colors. P.e.ads -ill kinds, Jewellery, Fancy Goods for Packets and presents SAMUEL HARRIS, Bead Merchant, 154 and 155, Hounusditch, London. HOT WATER APPARATUS, BOILERS, and ipes complete. From olis, for every screen- house. Send two stamp" for a catalogue with 100 Ihustrations. J. Ml'SSETT, Winstanley Road, Clap- ham Junction, London. ROOFING Galvanized torrugateel Iron, a liquida- ?.  tion Stock 35 Uns, new straight sheets? 6 7 aim M. lengths, 2ft wide, eay to fix. Also -.ever.d ? tuns got<d ?eund-hand at HUMPHREYS, 36, Borough Road Station, London, S.E. Business Aunouncciii&- TO TOURISTS, SPORTSMEN, AND FAMILIES VISITING NORTH WALES. THE CASTLE FAMILY AND COM- MERCIAL HOTEL, RUTHIN- IR W. 3J. 13RADBURY PROPRIETOR, (SUCCESSOR TO MR WILLIAM GREEN). This Doted Hotel will be found replt with every accommodation. Major West, of Ruthin Castle, owuer of the pro- perty, has lately addeel to the Hotel A SPACIOUS PRIVATE COFFEE ROOM, which is now opened, and parties visiting in the district will tilll every home comfort here. N.B.—special arrangements are inaele for Sports- men passing through huthin during the shooting season at the Castle Hotel Posting Establishment, the business of which has particular attention paid to it. August, 1877. 2u20b A NEW MEDICAL WORK BY HENRY SMITH, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Jena, and Doctor of Medicine of the Metropolitan Medical College, New York, by Examination, 1860. Just Published, Enlarged Edition, 114 pages, Crown 8vo., Free by Post Two Stamps, in Envelope. DEBILITATING AND NERVOUS DISEASES; THEIR CAUSE. CONSEQUENCE, SYMP- TOMS, AND TREATMENT. The work gives THE RESULT OF TWFNTY-FIG ilri, years' special PRACTICE for the Cure of all Diseases 01 the Nervsus System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Pal jitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Imlecisi u, Impaireel sjeht au-i Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, Blushing. Hysteria, Tilllidit., self-distrust, Dizziness. Love ol Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscu.ar Relaxation, .tc. It is a GUIDE TO HEALTH, STRENGTH, and VIGOROUS OLD AGE, invaluable to the Nervous, Sedentary, Dyspeptic, and all ttitis- whoso constitu- tions have become debilitated and relaxed from Ir- regularities of Life, Intemperance, Climate, Age, or Disease, or from Over taxed bor Abuseel Energies, whether of body or mind. Gives Instructions and Advice for t ie Treatment of Nervous and Physical Debility, Local and Constdutional Weakness, Prema- ture Decay, and all Disorders resulting from loss of vital force. Also by the same Author, by post Seven Stamps in Envelope, ON DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN THEIR CAUsK, SYMPTOMS, AND CURE. This work is written for the Use of Females. It is a Guide to the Cure of a class of ailmeuts to which the Female Constitution is peculiarly liable. NOTICE: Consultations free by letter. NOTICE.—The above Medical Works will be senr direct from the Author, in an Envelope, on the receipt of the amount in stamps. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY INVALIDS. CONSULTATION BY CORRESPONDENCE. |HE AUTHOR OF THE ABOVE WORKS will X for the benefit of country invalids, on receiving a description of their case, send his opinion, Free of Charge, with advice and directions for restoration to Health. a Confidential fonn of Correspondence containing Questions, Ac., to assist per-ons in describing their case, will be sent, post free, on receiving a directed envelope. ADDRESS: HENRY SMITH, S, Burton Cresceut, London, W.C. I486 BILE WIND INDIGESTION. D R. KING'S PILLS. The Best REMEDY for BILE, Wind, Indigestion, Headache, sickness, Torpid Liver, Giddiness, Spasms, Nervousness, Heartburn, and Debility. D R. KING'S PILLS. ONLY two Medicines reallv act upon the Liver one is Mercury or Blue Pill, the other D,mdelion. Thousands of Constitutions have been destroyed by Mercury, Blue Pill, or Calomel. The only safe remedy is CHORN'S BU?IUXS u instantly relieved and surely cured by JOBE'S IVY-LEAF PLASTER. Of all Chemists at Is 1yd I)t-r box, or by post for 14 stamps, from JAS. KOKUK. Great Portland-street W., London. ESTABLISHED 1797. 922j I IHE SOUTHWARK LEAD & GLASS CO., JL ROsE ALLEY WAREHOUSES, PARK -iT., LON- DON, s.E. LOWEST CASH PRICES to the Trade for Sheet Lead and Pipe, She"t zi-te, Tin, solder, British anil Foreign Clans, White Lea l, Oils, Colours. Vm-ni -hes Piumbers' Brass Work, Wrought iron Tubing, liain Water Castings, etc. Prices Current on application. K AYE'S, yyroRsDELL'si piLLS. TilE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE.  Purify the Blood. Cleanse the System. Go to the root of disease. Cured thousands. Established over 50 years. jV ETTING, NETS. NETTING for RABBITS, FISH- I ING, GAMK, I'M I.TRY & Garden from lei. per yd. Write for Lists & stamps. David Reid & Co., Hilton St., Manchester. PETROLEUM OIL.—Contracts now made for the t_ Coming Season. Price List on application. AMERICAN OIL LIGHT COMPANY, ill tfc 92, t),tliiierston Builelings, Old Broael Street, London, E.C. BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. Price 1< lJ and 28 !Jet per box. THIS preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modern chemistry as conferred upon mankind for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated, by un- soliciteel testimonals from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion proclaims this as one of the uio-t important iliscoveries of the present age. These Pills require no constraint of diet or confine- ment during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. Sold by all Medicine Vendors, or obtained through any Chemist. 2B27 IFE ALLIANCE SOCIETY, 51, Mooregatt i Street, London, E.C. To INVESTORS 5 per Cent. Interest Bonuses and Drawings. To BORROWERS Advances free of Interest. Prospectus on application tb the Secretary. AGENTS WANTED. THE PETRIFYING SILICATE PAINTS PRO- TECT IRON from CORROSION; WOOD rom DECAY. DO NOT I'.LISTER, ARE NO.N-POI- -ONOLS. BRILLIANT, DURABLE, ECONOMICAL. For M;>U>E, SHIP and GENERAL USE. Manufac- tured in all Colours by the SILICATE PAINT COM- PANY, LIVERPOOL. Po?t fr"e for Fi,e Stamp- from M?T. COGIŒVl', PECKHAM, LONDON. C 0 N SU M P T 1 0 N- ITS OXLY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. (Sew Edition) with many Interesting Cases oj Cure. I ROX HURDLES, IRON HURDLES. All kinds of Iron Hurdles, Continuous Fencing, Field and En- trance Gates, Manufactured by BAYLISS, JOXES and HAYLISS, Vietona Works, Wolverhampton, and 3, Crooked Lane, King William Str.-e London. Catalogues free on application. ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, B PONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, D R. J. COLLb BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. A tew dose- quite effectual. Caution-The extra- )rdiii iry medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a tjovenimtnt stamp bearing the worus Dr. J. Collis Brownes' Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice-Charteellor Sir W. Page Wood, the" Times," July 16,136. Numerous testimonials from eminent physicians ac- company .-ach bottle. 'I itt! General Board of Health London, reports that it acis as a charm, one elose generally sufficient. From W. C. Wilkinson, Esq., F. R.C.S., Spaleling. I consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough; the benefit is very marked. Dr M'Millman, of New Galloway, Scotland. I consider it the most valuable medicine known. Sold ill bottles, Is lyl 2s 9d and 4.4, d, by all chemists. Sole manufacturer, J. T. I)AVF.S?ORT, '*4, Great Rus- sell- street, Loulor. W.C. ATTEND TO YOUR TEETH. JJARVEY'S i ARABIA-N j TOOTH POWDER. THE most valuable Dentri- I ;tL fricHknown.itrfmftVH?all! Itartar, stops decay, preserves and beautifies the enamel, (fc sweetly perfumes the breath. It has been analysed by many eminent Chemists, et is recommended by Medical men in all parts of the Kingdom, who pronounce it to be the Best Dentrifrice ever prepared. Dr. Hassail aud Mr Otto Hehner writing on it say:— It will cleanse the teeth without in the least injurin the enamel, and imparts fragrance to the breath of persons using the Powder. It is an agreeable A useful preparation." Prepared by E. HARVEY. Dentist, Reading. Sold in boxes Is each by all j Chemists, wr by Post 14 Stamps. Wholesale Agents, Maw, Son and Thompson, London,




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