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I??-QtC! i??a.ijti.UL?,

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I ??-QtC!  i??a.ijti.UL?, I \1" 'I f 'I WUHXaA?.-T?.?t, ?'i)Hi'vuf?pt:rMt:.?u-<')-<iu. o<, ? )), .? ? M ??? ??? ? ? ? ? '8 6d Hed ?he: „ ?.?u? .? ? ? ? M ??? v iew Ii !r1 ? 78 2d <?t?.)d(j.jrb:e-!of 45)'.? ro .J !M '?tt" ? ? ? "d "?. ? ? o g? ?) do. ¡-" oJ Mating b?l-jv?r/Ulb?. 5, ?, ? P?O? Gt'nidingdo.pt;?!bj). ? <t) ???d P..ta.),.?, (p..)- :)')!h.? l.]?) -? 'M Butter (per ib.) of rj.x) ? ? M 4d Beef (per Ui.). ? ? ? a ..?..? Mutt.on?p? ;b). ? "?? Pjrk(perlt).).??. ? ? ? ? ? 8d Ve?I(per )b.). f."n!' per t).). )); ?? .? ?<1 t'?'.v! i;)c)- ff)u?)f). '? ? ?. o? ?d Um-k'< :}. m ? ?J Tjrk?a, c.?ks (per .?.?Ie)..L?.?.? U? u.. ? "? ? 9?: n?? h.u. "„ o (. C!?(ner!b.) (;, ???d RK?-tito S for?"? ? to ,-)' For 1 1 1 ¡.. &. :t :i:t.. -)':e'ifnt.;?ih'j?:?t.).;i. ?, re: -.vih-.tt ')'ii).t to?Utt; oat? ?'?'.a b?:-iey, 1'? Wd to ?2s (1; p.t:ttoe,, p? 2!'f)i)? ?. t. ? .-? 'mM.r, p.r :h. ? ? tr. is -? ,?, ?! to .? f:jr ?n? ( i f r i ;I, px,. d t'ut :t t:m- qti.mtity n? Englbh wheat on .tfer. iLntl KO.ds.t.npies su!d l'c:viily -tt 7.4 :!tI JlH nIbs Oat> IW'lIl' u.nd :nt-'y we e it) hmited suppty but wer; uua.tterc<l in nuue. hidiitn corn h>lS a(lv-,ne.?,] 211 per C" ntal ou t:ie w.'ek. 1 L ,¡ tVhe:tt,?hit< pc"OaUd to <!i< .„! ? 3!? ? Ditto, red. U? )j.) t<, Os M. 7sU!?7<?'. !i))?y,tU??i)t?,:Mqts<? Odious '<«).. ;jt<!dt?'? Ditto, .?.m.ii?'?b. U?Udto? <). !? ?n", ? 0?s, -.c?!:t? .? O.[ t.? C.i. <? Be:u]- pHr?Hb. O. ?ttf) ?. Od. < ,)).; ?.? Ditto, H?ypt::in,pe'M''i:'s.'s'id:)!, 'i.ttj. ui ?.. ?f.) ;H!nc<;rM'?rJ<)')U)').)t)?;!?. ;?(;<-) OS\VESTHY. White v.!tc.'tt;.p;;r measure), "s'i toti.sOd; :'edwhp!.t j.di. <smt.-7s0d: "at'dd(p':2MIi.s).I.?odto ? !!)d;Ii.i..Kb.u!ey (!)er-S.Ui).)??Udto24?.J;g))a(}- !di!.to,C.i. ':t') C.sUt:;p<?:i':(.t.<,pj:-2'-i!j.?, 'tt'o ls'- but?'r (;,H'' )'), ? :?t i,:) !.s t. ;)..f 7'' t?j. mutton, S{dto!)d: v?U. {ôi! try íJd; 'd t?.'d;]:i:nb,?;' to')d' :p..r!(!dtoSd f''w:. ( er c )ii! oe), 4s (lot tu 4 fi,,[ flilelrq ).!d co th U.i eg;, S for a -hiUiug geese, tj:; to 7s ea.-h. tm'i'K:N. wheat pfr !t.j!). new, fj.! t,, j, Oat8 ditto new, (L 'J.t to 8s Od; .Ualting b.fiey ¡Htt.), JOs f),') to 13s. Od.;G!'indiu;; ditto, Os. t<; s !tl Itutzer. ''s to Is. ,M. per lb.; GlJei, b J.. t,. li),l,; :'Illtt"¡, lL ,0 :;11.. Pork, Sd. to :)d. Fowis, 2-i )<d to 3; 0 I wr c."p! 4s. i"t to 4-Cd; Geese, Hd p':r lb. Eg:, Ili to 12 'I a '11:1:11:: Wi 0,1 t.. ;j i; 8 O,{ to 0, JIr 10511):'1. !nl'Íc' 12 '¡ L 1;1, I, ¡Jer lJjll¡! Hs; p.r!h i. t 1 t ) ? bed, 7<t to )<)': !u'ttct rd i.) t).l: v. 1),1 t.. Ot- tamt-' <).( t.) hwl,; er cuupf"; !< {. 2s 9 t, uur't. to 3'. tu)kcyf., to ¡]. H(;.n!sn'<;r ¡Ii Ii,> ¡ r;,j to i,.J 7 ta H frrr it. "Jhin:H:. KL!l:S;M!H. TLir.-?,EJAY.SL.f!:It ()S. Od. to Os. CJ.,)j. lay fl3 "d. tel ¡¡.¡ <).t- !<. !J,1. (: ,1, O (' io to )- p,. ,Ii-/¡ ,¡f ¡,; fowls. 2" Cd. to 4. 0 pur <-o[ti))f ,111,;1;: 4; 5;; 0,1. ,,er couplu geee, Od to !Jd. pHr !o. htrke/s. Ù8 tn lOs, each; p,;tatoe" ():; 0,: 11<1' ?') Ihs: netv dit'.j. ii-I per ntt'if-uie. WfIITCfIurWH. FRIDAY.-Whe,it, 1;1 6! t-) 6< 8) p:r ¡!.g barley, 5s. 6 1. ,1) 5s. 9 !f)ats, is. St.tous.u: Mee 7toSfor!t.shnHn!{; !)t:'t.ts 2 1.Fh of 16oz.;fowt<2-=. f! to :31. (; .-„ ,1:i: 4.< to 5s Odpe;- cnup)e: trt-e :(i. 8!. t'U 'h turkeys, Od. to lUd. i)er lii. f);. t(1 0-. <).! per 90 Ibs n'i\v potatoes, Od perth hc..[, 71 I'}. 10d.per!b. SHf:'E \V:3UH. ¥. v.s sI'!t''J with ir:dor sr i< :tnd t:¡-re \ti )itt1t (-i- n-) tr t(ii \itever 10" F-nb U1'i¡.). i''i"ht':t.t!H!t h;¡d :y. t:», It:t:l tn IJe offered a: .trj)::l<'c'.lrttno.' sJll1:hÎ:1' H¡: -;ll dnll. WhiteWhea.t, per 75tb9. (:, < ,? Redditto, < u! ? ;} Barley, per701b9 4. 211 Oats, per 2251ba. ]:h 0.! ;;< (;< Beans,per2:33Ibs. 1'); fj 2:: :1 Pea.s, per'225tbs. !-l, Ot :) l!< ); MaJt, per imperial bushe! Oi ,c. o (),; I.IVERPOOL. CATTLE. he"sts, í!Io::ll lill ;,j¡ <J m td' f«, .u! t s'i 'en, inJu.JinE 7!1i1 C'Ln':Ilhn' Price- I!<s!:))f);t.< 7dt.. 7 '.d per lb. second hM.-)t, ti fill >ihee[J, 7,1 t':), The S¡;PV!y c' both catttu :Lnd s'tet-;) w.ii! sui,ti!<-r th:) !a-t wfek the sa in ,.Lttle I)Qi!i:x m.iti she<jp l.tl. T-i, dJnand f.'r h;)th <itt,t.! a.nd sheep wa g,.ol, prices in fMOt; of&e'ie.s. C'u'ttry'uers:r.):u-rom Co:ir<,Tuesda,y.—AttodHy)'u:Mket\t:th full MteBd- ;tnce ;.nd ;t. titM tnnH, Mhe.tt had K. srmd cons:'mptiTt demand: A'neriCin dfscrif'tiuns. spring moM e"Mcia!!y (froin scarcity), re.disn-; ]d .md in 'j<mfcases]dto2d Citliforni.m an<t other k;n!ii ))r,:viou extreme price': Flour, n.iso ineetinz a steady :?f,t st, a'thoc-'h not qu..t"J higher, w.n marked ilY a silIuew}ut tr,)ngd fueling. U*ts remdnHd stditdy at lirevi(-us Otweal mived .iast st.'wiy at former r<tt-s. i'gyptian beans and j C.tn:t')i;in n":is foi.nd huyrs to ,L M:r ext?.m at the qnota- jtio;)- M:tSt:tnd!i.eyc'os'dw)tho:!t!iot.t.h;gchangeof any M:' Indi.tn corn. !)eiii-, fre Just pr.rtialJy th' inn-rvit) recÍ1rdJ :tbuv<butob- t.¡"ed, nevcrthc!csa, r,iti;er higher fi:;urcs than 0:1 FridAy la,st. l'isHA\n .\r.:ERtCAXpRov)Sio-<s.—Hutter: No impycive- mpnt. Bacon L{:ht ne ght stea'iy re([Uhst. lAr(I weaker. Cheese in Moder.tt.; den): ud..—Butter—Irish \V.terfer<! Kiikeziny, Ciomnet, a:id Citrlow, ltj,;i t'l 11 3 per cwt. ditto, extra, tine, liSs to 121)s; EnniMOrtby, lu6stoll5s. American: Choice c:pMnv, 'a to e"- ditto, da.iry, :)5.s to 1 0, ditto. t:dr to g.joJ, 7cs to &&< C.in:tdi:).n Ciu-ico cre;imy, 112-. to lUs: d:rtj 100s to) 1l0; ditto f.t.ir to xood. SO-! to 110- B.con Short middle" rib out, 5Cst.' 5;? Od ditto, rib in, 5? to 54? Ions middles, rib out 4Ss t" 54t Od; long bon tess h.i.c! 4' tn4?-! Cum- berland cut, 4Ss to Ma Stretford cut, 5 1.9 to 55s. fJa.m" In salt: i.onx cut, 50a to 5t)s short cut. 5<J; to i:t; shcn!- durs, 3i)s to JOs. L trd: HxtM 6ne. 58,3 Od t') 5-.< t;d. Cueese, ;Extrtfine,nw.<M-. to tils; nne,48s to oil ("d'narT to msdi!t!n, 2')s to 3''s. ijONUON. of :d! p:rade. t:.i per Mbt ILarer prime q)t;L!it)us scarce middi.ng .md inftrior s]ow of ftisine.,is ii,s I)-i-k in t)r sht-pm.trheta.i. Sd. and I in some intance as lUuch :lS 411 ad ,.m',e. En¡¡8h caIn. walleul choice a !.hade dearer. 1lli.Lll pigs also realieed rather More m)ncy The British hea.,tg com- pn.,ed<0 Scotch. 5UU Iri- 11, :tnd I.NO 1!!¡dbnd and hom" eounhes Pnce-. Beef, 3s 8(1 to 5s Kid mutton, 5s to 7s veal, M to 5 )<).) pork. 4s <!d to 5s 2d. The stock on offer c.)ns.st<-d of 23:iii beasts, '!570 sheep, .ind I:.W .'lvt' ino)nd- inz IhO foreign heists ;t[id 1220,,Iieep CORN. Monday.—Ths ni?rket w?s vt;rv 'f cuict Wh<-at siow of s:t e f:)n;)ish ..n-.tt?red in v.ducs.?-u ?therm favour of buyers. A du!! trade for Horn- w:thoJt quotable ci?eit prices. Grinding bartey qui?; uniting kinds stead;, oats steady .tt about former rat?. '?ze.beanf. andpuastirm.but pnees were without a!ter..t,:<jn. Seed m'Lrket ext.remely quiet fflr farming de-oiptins. Quiet Siite for birdseeds. Konigsherg hires rttf.ted r,lt)er cheaper. ArrtV,ds Br.txh wheat, M:) qr. b,n'Ie: 4:11; nrs oats 23f;2 qrs niaize. nil Hour. 21,ti4o sack.. t\,r¡,jgn wbeat, i5 'Hfi qrs; har!e, 124"5 (irs oats, qrk maiM 2'2,4Wi <trs Hour, 12,:J'i s.icks and M3 I"lrre].. Hors; MondaA-.—The market c..ut:nu-;d Srm i;.wM sjrf< "f hn?hsn and for?Kn denrcr owing t? s-.rc?v o* bettei- .[uahties. New Kent?. ?5 to ?U) Sussex; ?- to ?6 15s- 1-7????" ?"' ?"??- ?" ? ??'??ric?; £7 to 1:,S S; £:J 10s to L:t). Y3:!lljn,r. ;¡,j t.,) £5 It); o?ps?'. t:?"pet- :.? .? ?? ?'??- ? ? ? ?? COR. WednesdaY.-Th!;re was scarce], anythin (loyt, a nd prices of "I: anJ all other :11 tidPc were quoted and?r?"'?J'?" ?-?? ?"" ????.- S??. Mar? ?)n,iet??e. Ha :cu?tL,t:.ns)n good request.



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