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Salr.s V.y Auction. B" .1!E. VTV ,R II.};h.hi !'um tun: an-f at I'.IIYX H V FRYI\ }'t'" l C,.u,It,III, ;If"" Wr,rhalit, ME-?; K?' <.t! ? JONES hnvo ■ u'?-n instructed by !?t t! rt-pr)"nt::?'tt-s < th" lalc Mr hm?! Junes, TO SFLL?Y AUCTION, ? l»r\.jhyfryd h'nn, afore- ?J.) ..n M"nin.t n rv -<- !S.1. thø ?hole of th HI D L-I"-ITl-r" IIOVS, H'>LD h"l"N'ITUr:K and other tfTects compris- ing— paiuted. wHituv. oil. kitchen. MI i oth. r tables chairs, copper wi.vinii'S II ,11. copper httk, enam. hath, three mutioiiiny fiesta or onnwrs, two mahogany sofas, mahogany dining tabk-, four li.alio- .ny h-nr-scat. d chairs mahogany hook-ca-e. w» «*is>ht <l:iys' clicks, American Jitt'i,' liwlioj i<iy l:ir Siv.tcd easy chairs, mahogany loo tAtlie, fI» l,;t t> "f b'-oVs, A. dre.-yin^ tobies wn-hstands toilet glasses, toml r:iiJS, and wood bedsteads, meat safe, m tnale. tea tr:i_\ f-'ii'lt'r iron Hto,.i, flrt- irons p..t-nt .•i,;h'ng machine to weigh 5 c-vt., flour scales and weights. truck, together with numerous other (I, ct<. Also, patent ch.?B cutter. h:ht ('art '<ft (f <')t!-t St'BM.cish?ne?s, light trap ? 't? lumps, vei-v us-f?l pony ri?a;; 5 years old, 3 pigs, about ..U cwt of h?y. Ac. & S?'e nt Twelve o'l'lo! prompt. l$9n PliKMMfNAKY. if r.?",U Pr.<f/-T'v ft "own aid Bor-jUyh of Ho i, in the "nv.r,V< if Dcnbijh, TO BR Ai;n II»V by Messrs and .TONE'S :it the W ;it» l.i>n, in the town of Holt, aforesaid, t sr'.y i- the nom'h < f February next subject to condition, several MK^SU AGES or with exeel'.ent Card-ns with the outbuildings and ap- purtenances thi re an'o belonging, situate in the said town and horonuh of Holt. Pull particu'ars will :>ppen.r in future advertisements, and for further inlnnimtii n m the m«i»ntim«, npply t i Mr Hampden PoyxtT. solii itor Wrexham. ur hi the office of the Auctioneers, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 2:iUa SALES BY MKSS11S JONKS & tiON. r. ,r,.r- -0. I'o.¿- SVKl.Xi: AM SMITHKIEl-n THUttfDAY. FEERnAHY?RP, lr8U « JONKS ANf» SON", will h'lM their nest SA1.K ut'' ??K in tho aboro Smithrt^Jd, on fhurnay, Febru) ry 3rd. !??!. ALKKAI.V ENTKKKD. A lot of Prime Fnt Beast* Several Diiiry Cows, Fr? B.?. I.?f heifers, nhort bumec\ bulls A nice lCot. of Sheep, Lambs, CaartM. and Pigs Sale at Ten o'clock. SKTTl.EMESTP AT CLOSE OF <4ALR. Officer :-l, A remit', Hicli-street, Wrexham. 3^*71) PIISTI'ONEMRMT OF SALE. HALF. of FAT and sToHK STOCK advertised to t take pl»c- AT THE FAUStiOS Al'CTIuN MAUT on MONDAY, Jiinunrv tlie 31ft, 183', IS POSTPONED in pons: flueuce of the order issued by the Privy Council. JONtiS A ti N, .:2ijf Auctioneers. IiAIF BY MESSRS Wif. IIALL, WATERIDGE AND OWEN. r ->í,r"J HIGHLY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. SALK1 COST1-V JEWELLERY. I CO WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATED ARTICLES AND FANCY GOODS, rro BB SIIU) HY AUCTION, at the SHIJKWsliURY MUSIC HALL, ?re the ?.? wd; t? rnn-ved ? for cv vemence of sale, by order of th- vepr. ntativt s of the lute Mr E. R ?vi?. ?tct.n. k»r "?' .?r'?' No 3 Castle-street M?wt?y M.srs. uA ?A" WATKH'JJGE A OWKN an. ftvfud with '"?t)t)Ct!"H9 to EI.L BY U'CU'?.< ?'d.?. 1u.-d?y. Wt-dn?d?v. 'hurs,lay. Fri? and S?ur.?v .).??y 2Hi' ?h.?th 21th 28th, ..d?.hth. wh.. e .f thi- VAL' AB' E hTuCK..?.uu? iii-"to "ttr ?'"? i" Y?'M?, which conipn-e t?(he-. and Qe.?.n.< <I.i '??-" '?? :u,d. Geneva patches »ilvtr Knalish L.v.r. Ct-net.?. higin. and W?ham W??jvtr hJ ? nil about .!?). Fin Gold Colored ?d Bnght IJMM Je.vt'llery, DIAiO:" n llO", Valuabli! French Fieces, Regu! Uors, M iterinls of 'i'ht ?cL.n?s h«rf ? all sp.c?' ?.nHonto this m?t iwp"rbllt and < x<. n?v. Mie of the above first class ttt?'b. 'hf w hole be UK tbe &<?ft..?? property of the late Mr K n, Davit.ft. Fu)?t?"'?rs in bo< k <:atalne- w be had from the Aurt unee's" OHi.-cs. 1!eini"iit, Shiewsburv, er on the premiscs :l. C;.5t:c.treet. '?: ?on?nc?e? ?y at 11 o'clock, end at 6 30 in the evening. ?-ep SALE BY MESSRS. T A TTE RSALL. -'oJ ,J-[ RUGBY MESSRS rATTERSALL will hold Sales of HUNTERS, HACKS, and HARNESS HORSES, at their RUGBY ESTABLISHMENT Every ALTERATE TUESDAY during the Hunting Sesipon. Next Sale TUESDAY, JANUARY 25TH. Hale commences at Twelve o'clock. Applications for terms and nt?ns to be made to Messrs. TAfT?MRALL, Albert Gata. London. ^v RALE BY MESSRS LUCAS & CO. I r" "r.J- 'J'i Lu?<b Liverpnnl Salt for Huntere and (■'ther Valuable Hones MESSliS LUCAS & CO be to intimaW to nobTemen and ?Uemen h?i.? .tuds of HUNTERS and other valuable HORSRS to dispose of, that their Next Select SalcB will take place on THURSDAY, 3RD FEBRUARY, THURSDAY 17TH FKBKUARY, Full descriptions of all h >ries intended for these sales to be forwa-.ded at least one week previous y, and the h'rues must be sent to the Repository Two Daj a prior to I the Ble. ioi Entry forms and terms on application. 18-1 J .= -=-I SALE BY MR. S. ASTON. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. Important and tnUrtsting Va'uable Collection of Furs, It gs, Triinrniny*, WI. Carriage ana Travel- ling Jlucfn, and other costly items of winter attire at ths COR" EXCHANGE, WREXHAM. c», f | R SAMUEL AS TON be«? to announce that he i 'n- ?t suuctfd'-v?numin lit a'mof furrkr? to SeU by Auction at the Corn Exchange, Wrexham, on Wednesday, January 26t.h, 18..1 c .lninjncinjl at half-past One o clocK prompt an immense as-"»tment of VALUABLE KOIilsiUiX FUHS, Ccrnpri>iiiK ladies' rich sealskin palet..ts, cJoaKs rolies and j-ickets (the sealskin jackets vary inches in length) >able mufTs, oppossum. skunk and other varieties, lidies" furs unlimited in choice variety rich fur lined clo iks and tlnliiKim, seal>bin vests, and a. !irge col- lection of h'lk' winter attire, hand-ome carDago anrt traveU:ng- rngs trimm¡..g and other costly miscellanies conuected with the furrier busi- *N B —The Auctioneer respectfully asks the attendance ladies and gentlemen to inspect the foregoing bona Me costly stock, which must be rea'ised reg irdless of sacnHce in consequence of the continued depress-on of trade. On view morning of Sale. 217p Sale of a Cottage or DicMing-hou»e and Garden and two Crofts, at pkn-Y-MYNYDD, Hope. MR ASTO hM been instructed by Mr Robert Wil- ?1. Hams to SELL hv AUCTION, at the White Lion Inn, Pen-v-mvnydd, on Monday, February 7th, (881, at Four o'clock in the afternoon, punctually, subject to con- ditions to be then produced, all that Valuable COITAGE or Dwelling-house and Garden, and a Croft or Parcel of Land thereunto bel»o-ins, or therewith held and occupied. The propertv is *it!i;ite at Pen-y-mynydd in the town- ship of Hope Owen, in the parish of Hope, in the county of Flint containing in the whole, including the site of the iaid Cottage, two acres and one rond, or thereabouta. be the fiamu more or leas formerly in the holding of the late Mary William. her under-tenants or assigns. For further particiihtra, apph at the Auctioneer s Office, 13, Queen-street, Wrexham, or to Mr Ashton Brndley, solicitor, 59u, Hope-street, Wrexham. W SALE BY MR PARRY. 'J'r. .r- PRELIMINARY. KNOLTON BRYN, NEAR OVERTON. ALE OF VALUABLE FARING STOCK? viz. ?Head of DAIRY CATTLE and YOUNG STOCK, 2 Powerful W vGGON HORSMS. Gears. Capital IMPLEMENTS, Dairy Vessels &c. &c., The Property of Mr 8 imuel Hughee, who is quitting, on Friday, February 4th, 1881. 205a C. PARRY, Auctioneer. SALES BY MESSRS D. ROBERTS & SON. "¿" ..J "j'I" ON TUESDAY NEXT, JANUARY 25TH, 1881, MESSRS D. ROBERT-4 & SON will SELL BY AUC- if TION, at TY HELIG, BRYNEGLWYS, 12 head of cattle, cirt mare, pLs fowls, crops, swedeii, potatoes, (the cropBtogooff) farming impl- ments,da-,ry vessels and partof the Household Furniture, the. roperty of Mr Ellis Roherts, who is giving up farming. The usual credit or discount given. Lunch at 10.30 and Sale at 11.30 a.m. 20In ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, JANUARY 26TH 1881, MESSRS D. ROBERTS & SON will SELL BY AUC- TION, at GLAN'YRAFON. LLANF MR DYFFRYN Kt 'tia tli whole of the HOUSKHOLD FURNITURE, books, perns, curiosities, sportin!! and other souvciijrsj the property of John Henman, Esq., de- feased (late chief constable uf Denl ighshire). Terms cash. Sale at 11 o'clock precisely. 202n OX FRIDAY NEXT JANUARY 28TH, 1881. VfKSSns. D ROBERTS & SON will Sell by Auction 4. at TY Y PISTYLL PBNTREDWR. near Lian- gollen, valuable HOUSEHOLD FUI:NITURE, &c., the fraperty of Bentley Milne, Esq., who is leaving. jje-criptive citilogues m y "e had at the Hotels in Lian- if,3;1.112 and from the Auctioneers. Sale at Eleven o'clock. 203p ON MONDAY, JANUARY 319T, 1881. HE-vSHS. D. ROBERT & 90V will Sell by Auction at -'? PLtSUCHA EGLWYSKGLB. ne?r !J?ng'en 6 Fle,,d of Cii! tie, 3 C?rt Mares, (-aw and Pigs, 44 Shropshire SZhP, Crops, and Manure 't' eo on) Fanning Implements ?'ry Uten i! and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the II rt.y of Mr Edward Unyd. who is giving np farming. 'UM usual credit .?r discount given. Lunch at Ten and sale at Sieves o'clock. .\uctioileer's office. Temple Uuildingi, Cersen. p804p Sales oy Auction. BY MR, LLOYD. WUHXHAM snTIIFIELD, FA 1)1 DA Y, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, lSH. R LLOYD'S next UCTION will take pl.'vce on ay I ihureday, February 3rd, 1I, thti present entries -,vill mduelt: A prune !ot of Fat Heifers, IJuUo.-ks, an l Bull3. .Several m.v'i:c.'nt Dairy Cm.s and Htifurs, C.I\ and to Calve (this Auction is notioeo :■ • be one of thtj lend- ing sales for iirst class Dairy Cows during tI:i" time of year). A lot of choice Barrens, tirks, and Str.ck Bulls. A magniiicent selection of Fat and Rearing Calveg. I.ti.i_Lrs and Buils from the leading Stocks in the neighbour- hof)d tif t'lic-shire. A prime h t of Shropshire and Welsh ethers, al,so orc Sheep.. A number of Turk and liacon Pigs, sows, nd Store Pigs. The property (,f Sir W. Vr. Wynn, Bart., M.P., Wynn»tay. 6 P. ime Fat Heifers New British Iron Company, Ruuben. 0 Prime Fat Bullocks :10 Ripe Fat Welsh Wethers Sale at 1U 30 prompt. HORSE SALE, First FAIR in the Month, at two o'clock. All entrieF3 taken up to Morning of Sale. Offices, Plas=ey, Wrexham. WREXHAM HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, BEAST MARKET, WKEXHAM. MR LLOYD hag great pleasure in annonncin?, he will l' bold his next St)? of &c.on Thursday, February 3rd, when he wilif .ffer for Stle 15 Powerful Cart Horses and Colts 1'| Hacks, .larness II." e, Ponies, &< Several Traps, Carts, Sets of Harness, The property of B. S. Roberts, Ksq Burton Hall. Brown half-bred mare, steady in harness, a great hack and hunter, by .St. Clair John Lea. Streetyrwch. Black waggon gelding. 7 ye-irs old. It) hands hiah, very powerful and capital worker, believed to be sound, and sold without a fault. Mr Wm. Owens, Eyton. Three powerful cart horses lpztrticu:,Lr!g next week.) Mr Jackson, Greiiville Terrace, Ruabon. Excellent pony trap. S tie at 2 o'clock. Further entries solicited, which will he taken at the Wynnstay Aims Hotel, Wrexham, on Thursday next, be- tween I and 4 o'clock. Offices, Plassey, Wr xliain. 223a PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY llTH, 1880. A il attractive sale of 28 firand.fnt heifu ana bullocks, 200 itteabitres of i;eed vr maltiwi burteu, 1[0 ineasur-s of oats. t;O nirasi'.fc'v of rxcellent jjotar- ex, 4:> tons atctde tu' ip*, 16 toitn of print t> ziptand hay. 50 in-n hurdles. Th* Imple- in#-nts will include two broad "h, cu ts, market thundry, new Caiabritlje roll r, horn- rake teu'di r, re piivj and Mowing m tchines, tchcr- pbitii/lis. /jloujhs, iron aitd wood t,. r. ip 6cityie., row turnip drill, chain harrows, turnip pi>J;. ■■ tcelfJhiny machines, horse power for cr>n,iaj', c:>'>pi>i.nj. nr th ashiny, and drum complete; cult'V itor, ynsn, (luck- poultry, rakex and pi.fa ls, yelivs, feed ng tubs, rabbit trap*, cow chain-, pig' troughs, I-p ladileis, t,ein )tg o.f th, ill ai,d chain gsars, ploayhi* g backhands, «i-c. 7 he hairy Vemse's and Furniture inclu<le cheese tfbs, chics- bii ders, cheese elo hli, irvÎt. 0 dste dx, ba'-i-r's pai s lit- ad till$, &-c., &c; 15 g ana stcr■ czcrx, grmj pony, fight years o'd, steady in harness, and ill foal, at THE GROVES FARM, EWBISTOCK, situate on: mi'e from Oc-rtu.i Bridge and three from liuabvn.  R LLOYD most respectfully announces that he has ?fj. been h"nnnd with instiuetions from A. E. Reeves, Esq. (wh is relinquishing agticultunil pursuits), to SELL BY AUt TiON in his Farmyard, situate as aforesaid on Fridav. February llth, the wh")- of his trillv valuable FAT STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, DAIRY VESSELS AND FURNITURE, <fcc„ &c. Particulars next week. Sale at One o'clock. 0Rifts Piassey :md Eyton Hous?. Wrexham. ]z pELmIXARY AN NO UNCEM ENT. IOXDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, 1881. Highly Important Sale of 8. gr-<n t yung Dairy Cows, Heifers, Bulls, &,c., niclwiimj 45 grand ymng Cows, calved and to calli" 20 very clinic two year old Shorthorn Heifers to calve 10 very fresh. Bit ns and Stirks, three stock Bulls and three yearling Bull-, 12 grand young Waggon Horsrx, HunterHacks, C»lts, d-e., 40 in-pig Sow, Store Iligs, and hoars. I he icholn 01 the mmtern and new Agricultural Implements, appertaining to a .farm of 300 acre*. The whole of the exc-.Uent Dairy Vessels, suit- able for a Dit i, y of Hil cows, togo-thtr with a greater por- tion tf the Household Furniture, and other ejects, at THE ALTHREY (adjoining Bangor accourse •, situate Half a mile frvm Bangor, and Tico from Oc-erton. I I P. LLOYD most respectfully announces that he has ? been favoured with iustructi"ns from Thomas Brrisaey, Esq.wbo h;s given up the faroi. and is reti'ing I from farming TO SELL HY AUtT)"N. in his Farm Yard, situate M ?foresud. "n Mondiv. F bruarv 14th, the whole of his tru'v valuable FAb'M STOCK, DAIRY VESSELS. FURNITURE Full particulars in d e course. Offices- Plassey Farm and Dyton House, Wrexham. loin MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH, 18S1. PRELIMINARY AN NoUNCEM ENT Of the Eighth Annual Sale at THE HOlE ¥. HJ. PFYI. i Situate Two Miles from lluabnn St(zfi,)rl. of 50 Ve,y Prime Fat Heifers, Bu locks, and Bulls CO rnns of Prime Upland Hay and Cl»v*r. 2i10 II n<llr% of Potatoes, 20 TOils of Mangolds, 5 oi.s of Carrots. i'ai)ta;iz Or?nrod i has aga in fa cored ?aR LLOYD with i' sanctions to h"ld his Eighth ,;¡ Annual Sale at The Home i arm, Pfnv!?n, on Monday, February 2,tli, 18^1. when he will SE L BY AVCT[O, the whole of the .<' ovc valuable LIVE STOCK .md PRODUCE. whic't is?ffxceI'ettt?uaJity. Full particulars will sh"rt. appear. Offices Eyton House, ) ear Wrexham. 159z MONDAY, FEBRU4RV 71H 1881. MAELOtt VIEW," Sitaato at Johnstown, Ttcu miles from lLtt.tbf.?a. and Three from Wrexham. I -0 BE SOLD BY AUCT ON BY MR LLOYD, by ? order of Nlrs Griffitliq, t the Viu's H ad Inn, Rhog, on Monday, February 7t at four "VI .k n the afternoon, subject to conditio>11"to hetheiiand there produced. LotI- All that Genteel Residence, or liweHin H.m-' known as "MAEI.OR VIKW," with a I:tr;e w:tlle(I front, and kitchen garden, stahling c..wh"II.. nl otlwr huildings also an excellent pasture tielli cont liniuj ::1 (-reg or there- abouts, in the occupation uf M's Unffiths. the owner. To be sold in one lot unless otherivKe determined at the time of sale. The property is situ-ited on an eminence commanding ex- t»a«ive views of the Cheshire and Welsh hd's, and in close proximity to the Wrexham uti Rhus Tramway, which run daily Lot 2 —All tlio-e THRKK COT i »GKS situat^ e in High- street, RhosIlaiierchrti;4"g, near t-i- C "-s. and now or late in the respective occupations of Ed^v.trd Ellis ;-iid Thomas Jones. For further information appb to J. A. HUGHES, Esq., Solicitor, Wrexbaui, or at the (iffic, s tif the Auctioneer, Plassey, and Eyton House. Wrexham. 158n PRELIMINARY. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 7TH, 1S81. Sale of Freehold Property at tie Rho*, ?,,Par uabon. 'T'O BE SOLD by AVe I' by Mr LLOYD, at the < Nag's Head Inn, Rhos. on Monday, February 7th, at Four o'clock in the afternom, subj ct to conditions to he then proriuced, 1111 that M'>si'A(iK or SHOP now .sed as a Cocoa House, s.tuated in t-ne of the leading streets in the Rhos. Further particulars next week. Further infonration can be oi tained from the Auctioi eer. Offices Plassey and Eyton House, Wrex am. 222c I SALE BY MR J. W. BROWN. STOCK SALE AT BROUGHTO.Y HALL STATION. MR J. W. BROWN begs to Hiinourn-e that he will SELL BY AUCTION, at the above Station, on Wed- day, January 2titb, 1881, the foil >win< Fat and Store Cattle, Sheep, Calves Pigs. &c., viz :— 20 Prime Fat Bullocks and Heifers Several Calving Cows allli Heifers 90 Fat sheep 6 Fat Pigs 3 Fat Calves Together with such other Stock that may be entered up to the day of Sale. Lunch at 12 o't-,Io(-k (19 each ) Sale at I o'clock puna- tually. Church Lane, Mold. W AT ALLN VIKW, MOLD. M R. J. W. BROWN is ill-true-ed by Mr Joseph Wilson iTt (who is leaving the neiglib. u hood) to Sell by Auction, on FRIDAY NEXT, Jmuny 28th. 1881, the principal part of his useful a/lll niooern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, appertaining to .-ittiiiu-rooiii two ki ehens, and two bedrooms. lite si11 im r.-orn includes a very fine t med seven octave, < <iti;ige piauof -ne. in handsome rose- wood case, by Collard and Collard," -.eceutly st-lected by Da'e. Chester. Full particulars in posting bills S de at One o clock Church Lane, Mold. 206P HALE TIV ME^RS nOaPER & SON. ISLE FARM, TILSTON, 1J miles f o'n Rrox'on. Station, and ;1 miles from ilalp s Stati-r. on the Ch-t -r att, H't itch-rch lladway. OOPER A.Vi) S')V linve received instructions from > the representarive. of the lite .Mr Thomns Huxlev, deceased, TO SELL BY AUCTION, on WkDNKSDAY, January 2fith, 18-41. roifjuiencio!: "t 12 o'clock. 15 Dairy Cows (in-cal') Heift r (in-ci f) 3 Barren Heiters. 3 Yearling Heifers, Sow and 6 Pigs, .-s<.w. IHlt, b ,If.bred Grey Mare rising four year -I(I, hal- lue l B'ack Mare, aged, and their noon¡ Farming Iniplejnenifi, find Husbandry, Tools, in 211f Entertainments a.nd Meetings. 60 i"¡-J' "r"J-r,r"I"6 MR EDWIN RARRISSS GRAND CONCERT, (14TH SEASON, 47TH CUSCEKT), UNDER MOST D 1 S TIN G U 1 SHE D PArr R (I) NAG E. TVJTR HARRISS has the honor to announce that he has completed arrangements with the Mtowing xTi long array of eminently distinguihed artistes for 8 GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL, WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, 1881. ARTISTES MADAMOISELLE ILMA DE MURSKA, MADAMOISELLE VOGRI, (Contralto, Grand Opera, Milan.) MADAME SINICO. SIGNOR VIDAL, (Tenore, Royal Italian Opera, Covent Gardeu ) SIGNOR SUSINI, (Basso Profundo, Italian Opera of Paris ) HERR MARCEL HERWEGH. (The Grand German Violinist. His first appearance in Engkr,d.) SOLO PIANIST HERR LOVVENTHAL, Of the Conservator e of Paris. BARITONE SIGNOR CAMPOBELLO. CONDUCTORS.—HERR LOWENTHAL, HERR VOGRITIG, MR EDWIN HARRIES, and MR CHARLES ALBERT HARRISS. THE FESTIVAL WIlL CONSIST OF A GRAND MORNING CONCERT AT THREE O'CLOCK, AND A POPULAR EVENING CONCERT AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. Arrangements for the Morning Concert—Numbered Stalls, 7s fid; Tickets to admit three, J61 Chairs, 3s Balcony, 2s; Seats I s. Plan of at Mr Edisbury's H gh-street, where tickets for the Morning Conce-1 can only be obtained. Doors open at 2 30, Concert at 3. Carriages at 5. Arrangements for Popular Evening C mcert—Nuinbere I Stalls 38 (dress optional), Family Ticket to admit four 10<; Chairs s; Balcony Is bd Back Seats. Is. Do TS open at 7 30, Concert at 8. Carriages 10 3Plan of Seats at Mr Hdisbury's, where tickets are to be had also of Mr Ba>ley Mr G. o. Scotch-ir, Mr Rogers. Air Garratt-Joaes, Air Murless, Wjnnstay Arms, Ruabon. Special Train for Ruabon at 11 o'clock, after the Concert. 62 Business Announcements. "J-r- -J" -r. THE NORTH WALES MINER A L AND CRATED WATER FACTORY, WR> XHAM, J. F. EDISBURY & CO., (LATE R. EVANS AND CO.) MINERAL WATERS, PURE SODA, SELTZEH, POTASH, LITHIA, Ac., LEMON ADE, GINGER ALE AND QUININE TONIC, IN BOTTLES AND SYPHONS. Manufactured with the utmost care and by improved machinery, these productions are recommended for PURITY and EXCELLENCE of QUALITY by many leading members of the Medical Profession; the flavor of the LEMONADE and GINGER ALE being procured from the FRESH FRUIT and FINEST JAMAICA GINGER, they may be relied upon as furnishing delicious and satisfactory beverages, either for general use or specially for invalids. The SODA WATER is absolutely free from any metallic impregnation, and being by improved machinery highly charged with Carbonic Acid Gas, and each bottle containing a definite aad unvarying proportion of PURE CARBONATE OF SODA, J. F. E. and Co. have every confidence in inviting a trUl from those who have not already patronised these waters. The SELTZER. POTASH, and LITHIA WATERS are prepared with the utmost^ixactitude and the pures ingredients. The NEW QUININE TONIC furnishes a pleasant form for the administration of a most valuable restorative, and is refreshing and agreeable. GINGER ALE (AROMATIC) of superior quality, and strongly recommended as a Non-Alcoholic and warm stimu- lant beverage. Wholesome and refreshing May be taken by young and old summer and winter. N.B.—Every Bottle is protected by a distinctive label, with Name and Trade Mark. Carriage paid on full goods of 6 doz. or 12 doz. bin cases, (which may be assorted), and in 4 doz. Syphons. Empty returns carriage free. Price List on application. Holders of Bottles, Cases or Syphons, are respectfully requested to return the same to J F. K. and Co. as soon as possible. Dealers and the Trade are CAUTIONED not to buy or SELL said Cases or Bottles, they now being the registered property (WITH TRADE MARK) of J. F. E. and Co. 2637 FIRST GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF SUKPLUS STOCK OF GENERAL DRAPERY AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. NOW 0 N AT PADDON'S, COMPTON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR. STRONG WELSH ALE Of delicate and old flavor for this jovial time. H ROYAL WREXHAM," 10S PER CASK. EXTRA STRONG, In 41 Gallon Casks, delivered into Consumers' Cellars. BREWED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS SEASON BY THE WREXHAM BREWERY COMPANY, MOUNT STREET, WREXHAM. Families are also supplied with the fine Ales of the Wrexham Brewery Company at the following prices :— Is Gals. 9 Gals. u IPKRIAL WREXSA)f n. 33/- IK/6, FAWSLY MILD ALE 24/- 12/- 118 Gals. 9 Gals. l FAMILY MILD ALES 20/- 10/- Do. INDIA PALE ALE 30/- 16/- 18 Gals. 9 Gals. The celebmted "GUINEA WREXHAM PALB ALIC 21/- 10/- Other qualities oi different Priees, Particulars poet free on appHeMfOD. H86 Business Annoupcements. GROCERY GROCERY!! PROVISIONS PROVISIT G. & J. PATTINSON BEG to announce that they have taken the premises (lately occupied by Messrs D. Owen and Co.), 22a, TOWN HILL, where they intend to can y en the above business, and trust, by strict attention to business, ami y supplying articles of GOOD QUALITY, combined with Moderate Prices, to merit a share of public patronage. WE SPECIALLY RECOMMEND OUR 2S AND 2S 6° TEA AS WORTHY OF A TRIAL. PRJME HAMS, BACON, CHEESE, AND BUTTER, WHICH F'JR QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS CANNOT BE SURPASSED. G. & J. PATTINSON, F. i sIILY GROCERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS, 22A TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. nfta (Now being Compiled.) C ROCKER'S WREXHAM DIRECTORY AND POSTAL GUIDE. INCLUDING HOLT, OVERTON, ADWYR-CLAWDD, BANGOR, BERSHAM, BROUGHTON AND BRYMBO, CAERGWRLE, CEFN-Y-BEDD, COEDI'OETH, GRFSFORD, ROSSETT, GWERSYLLT, MARCHWIEL AND MINKRA. PRICE TO SUBSCRIBERS, 2s 8d. The Publisher, has undertaken to compile and Publish, a concise List of the Clergy, Gen'ry, Private Residents, Commercial and Agricultural Inhabitants of the above-named Borough and surround ng district, and trusts to issue such a work as will merit the approbation oi his Subscribers and the public at large. The arrangement of the work will be ax follows:— (1) Official List. comprising Public Officers And Offices. Postal Guide, Parish Officers, Registrars of Births. Deaths, and Marriages, Churches and Ch.ipels, Public Schools, Institutions etc Country Carriers, Newspapers. Clubs, Local Charities, Banks and all ofier useful local information. (2) Alphabetical L st of Commercial Inhabitants and Private Residents. ,3) Street Directory of Wrexham Published by W. C. CROCKER, 24, Talbot Chambers, Shrewsbury. R AILTON POTTER, Bookseller, Stationer, Ac., 18 and 19, High-treet, Wrexham. THOMAS OWEN, The Library, Oswestry. HOBSON & Co., Booksellers, Stationers, &c., Market Square, Wellington. j All cimiiinnications addressed to the Publisher will have po QWpt attention. 2743n A B S 0 L U T E L Y P U it B See ANALYSES.—Sent Post Free on Application. EL'LIS'fo. '!)f? Soda, Potms, S?tzer, ww Lemonade, also Water K ??-1 ? t)T7?rTTT'\F without Alkali For .?\. ?t?  i??????-? GOUT, Uthia Water tfg t ) y and Lithia and Potass Wat, W ATERS. REOISTERED. CORKS BRANDED R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN," 'Old every label bears their Name and Trade Mark. Sold everywhere, and wholesale of R. ELLIS AND SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES, Manufacturers to the Royal Family. LONDON AGENTS: W. BEST and SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. CAUTION.- Beware of spurious imitations, and insist on having ELLIS'S MINERAL WATERS. Wholesale Agent for Chester and District: MR S. STEPHENSON, Blossoms Hotel. Stores: No. 1, St. John-street. 697 HARE. if CLEAR AND THICK SOUPS, Vk II 1/6 PER PINT (SENT OUT.) \1 AT STEVEN'S II RESTAURANT. Jf 2575 STAR HOTEL, MOLD. This Well-known FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL Having been throughly renovated is now OPENED Under New Management. POSTING In all its Branches will he commenced with the New Year. PROPRIETOR R S. W EBSTER. 2tiJ\.Q "gLOCK AND c LEAVER, THE NOTED BUTCHERS OF LIME STREET, LIVERPOOL, Beg to announce that their MOLD BRANCH, in KING STREBT, IS NOW OPEN I With a Choice Selection of BEEF. Prices to range from 5d. LAST SATURDAY. Great success. BEEF 1 sold early in the afternoon. Extra quantity sent. D, -and great, Quality tip top. Prices as before. I Come and iry the Quality. 2247z THE "OLIVE CREAM, (Registered at Stationers' Hall,) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR PRESERVING, INVIGORATING, AND DRESSING THE HAIR; RENDERING IT SOFT AND GLOSSY, AND IMPARTING A HEALTHY STIMULUS TO THE ROOTS OF THE HAIR, MUCH SUPERIOR TO OILS, POMADE, LIME-JUICE, & GLYCERINE, &c FOR DRESSING THE HAIR PUR.PA?: ::D ONLY BY FRANCIS, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, 53, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. In Is and 908 Bottles. 1726z "X■ '/Mk/fc DOZRN REAL SHETLAND SHAWLS 100 Mlnk '4ky Black, Grey, C?dinat White, and other colors, 2 yards square. Sent post free for 28 4d. stamBpAs, KER & CRISP, 198, Regent street, London, W. NOTICE TO FARMERS LIME. FFRITH LIME WORKS, NEAR WREXHAM. 78 6d PFR roN, CASH. IF BOOKED 8b. Further particular* may be obtained from Mr PHOFFITT, at the Kilns. 11.. J BAYLEY & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS, LETTERPRESS AND LITHO PRINTERS, PICTURE FRAME MAKERS, AND MOUNT CUTTERS, CAXTON BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. B. & Co. have always in Stock a large assortment of Stationery, &c. ACCOUNT BOOKS. Comprising Ledgers (single and double), Day Books, Cash Books, Memo and Waste Books. N.B. Books ruled, printed and bound to any pattern on the shortest notice. LETTER COPYING BOOKS. Tn all sizes and styles of Binding at low rates. STEEL PENS. By all the be-t Makers, including Hughes', Gillott, Mitchell, &c. WRITING AND COPYING INKS, Including Morrell's, Stephens, Webster's. Draper's, Hyde's and Lyon's, &c. NOTE PAPERS. In Blue, Cream and Repp Machine and Hand Made, by Pirie, Jovueon Towgood, &c. ENVELOPES, In Blue, Cream and Repp, Merchant, Court, Cloth, lined, and Official Shapes. PAPERS. Bill Paper, Foolscap, Brief, Quantity, Draff, Sermon, Brown. Casing (all sizes and weights), Cip, Tea, Sugar and Tobacco. Agents for the PAPER FELT, for laying under Carpets, < £ c. Prices and samples on ap* plication. ENGRAVING. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Card Plates, Address Dies, Monograms, &c., engraved on the shortest notice, speci- mens on application. PICTURE FRAMING, &c. Pictures framed in either English Gilt or German Mouldings on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. A large Assortment of CHINA and GLASS always in Stock. N.B.-All kinds of GLASS, EARTHENWARE and CUTLERY, lor Hire Orders by Rail, Post, or Carrier, receive prompt jitt en tion. BAYLEY & CO., 61, HOPE STREET, 2714 WREXHAM. THE CROWN SHOP. GENERAL DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 19, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. The above Premises have been OPENED by CHARLES E. EVANS, With a new and useful Stock of General Drapery, which he has purchased in the leading maikets, on the most f vourable terms and which he intends offering at the lowest possible prices for cash. CHARLES E. EVANS having been for years engaged in the D apery Trade of the Town, can, with eterj confidence, assure his f iends and the public, that no lack of attention nor effort shall be spared to ensure the success of the above under- taking. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS CHARLES E. EVANS, THE CROWN SHOP, 19, TOWN HILL. 63n CHAMPION'S MUSTARD! IH all genuine and not adulterated. CHAMPION'S MUSTARD! Is pure and genuine, and commands a preference over all other. LoNOON-Corner of Old-atreet and City-road. LIVERPOOL DEPoT-ButWn-AreeL 28148b Business Annc-uiicd^aents. "r" 'F\' -.r-y" GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, A J girt tier Offiu, MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM. Every description of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY EXEVTD Publishers (by authority) of the Abstract of the Coal Mines Regulation Act, AN/I Special Colliery Rules for North Wales. To be had in Sheets and Books, in both Bngli&h and Welsh. TOAYLEY & JGRADLEY, PROPRIETORS. N O R T H WALES PUBLIC SU PPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, (OPPOSITE THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALKS BANK.) WREXHAM. These Stores of Supply are based and conducted on the Co-operative principle. —the Smallest Profit for Cash Payment, with a view to meet the re- quirements of a class of customers who are able and willing to pII. ready money for their goods, and reasonably expect to receive full advtUttagew for the same, thereby doing away with the system whereby good customers are made to pay for the bad, CHRISTMAS SEASON, 1880. THE PROPRIETORS beg respeetfnlly to call the attendance of their p trons and the public generally to their choice and well-selected .l\ii.l{ of NEW PATRAS, VOSTIZXA, AND CKPHALONIA CURRANTS, MUSCATEL, VALENCIA AND SULTANA RAISINS, FRENCH PLUMS, ELEME FIGS, JORDAN, VALENCIA, AND BITTER ALMONDS, CANDIED LEMON, OUANGB AND CITRON PEEl., CRY ST A L1 Z E D AND GLACE FRUITS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF COSAQUES, BON EONS, AND CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CAKES, ICED AND PLAIN, ALSO OF PLAIN AND FANCY BISCUITS. GORGONZOLA, PARMESAN, GRUYERK, AND STILTON CHEESE. FOREIGN WINES, SPIRITS, AND LIQUKRS Purchasers can obtain the. c.doaiitjgti tf Co operatic* Stores ithout the expense of taking Shares or buying an annual ticket. COPIES of new price LIST can be liud FREE nil application to the Stores, or per Post. DEPARTMENTS. TEAS AND COFFEES. GENERAL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. FRENCH, ITALIAN, FOREIGN & COLONIAL GOODS. WINES AND SPIRITS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. BRUSHES, MATS, SPONGES, A-c. PATENT MEDICINES AND PROPRIETARY ARTICLES. PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS. DELIVERY OF GOODS.—AH orders delivered free in Wrexham Xld neighbourhood by oar own vans, or by Carriers. ORDERS of jE5 and upwards will be delivered FREE to any railway station within 100 miles of Wrexham. C. IV BENSON CO PROPRIETORS 2619 i ONES, LLOYD & CO., MOLD. TESTIMONIALS :— Your Ale kept bright and sound to the last; the cask which I return by L. & N. W. Rsilwav, is nice and sweet." W. DURRANT, Cellarman Royal Albert Hall. It is for you, gentlemen, te raise the good, healthy, and pure Ale to a national drink in this country." A. SCHWARTZ. I haTe the pleasure to notify that the Jurors ba" awarded you the distinction of a Bronze Medal." EDMUND JOHNSON, Commissaire lielegne for Europe. Messrs. JONES, LLOYD & Co., of Mold, fent a ossk of their light Welsh Mild Ale. This was a clean drinking beer, with an agreeable flavor of both Malt and Hops, aud one of the best samples in the Hall" Extract from Report of Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall. Islington. London. See Brewers Guardian, Octob r 14th, 187M, page 341. Y mae weithion yn adnabyddus ddigon fod Cwrw JONES. LLOYD & Co o dan arolygiaeth ANDREAS 0 FON, F.S.A wedi d fod i hynodrwydd bydglodus am ei bereidd- dra blasus, burdeb hihafal. I'w Cwrw hwy y dyfarnwyd y Tlysan gwobrwyol yn yr Arddangosfeydd yn Llundain yn Hagenaw, Germany 0It yn Cape Town, South Africa. o Gwrw. ni cheir rhagorach.—a wnalea Na Jones Lloyd," bni-ach Rhyfedd —mae'n gwell*'r afiach Y gwir yw,—mae n gwrw iaeh. b2SSflr JJANKINSON AND KEMP, ACCOUNTANTS, HOUSE ESTATE, INSURANCE AND COMMISSION AGENTS, 97, FOREGATE STREET, CHESTER. Rents and Debts Collected, with Cash Settlements. LOANS FROM £5 TO £200 ON MODERATE TERMS. Zglp G. TAILOR AND HABIT MAKER. (Late Cutter at Mr E. Lloyd's, Regent Buildings,) 27, REGENT-STREET, WREXHAM. G. B. begs to inform his fri nds and the public generally, that he has commenced a Private TAILORING BUSINESS, at the above address. Having had considerable experience as a Cutter, he has every confidence in his having the support of those who have pre- viously known him, and also solicits a trial from the public. LADIES' JACKETS, ULSTER CLOAKS, Ac. LIVERIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FUNERAL ORDERS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 2007 RATCLIFFE AND SONS, HAWaRDEN IRON WORKS, NEAR CHESTER, Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Bridges. Brewing Boilers and general Pumping and Wind- ing Machinery for Collieries, Mines. Quarries, Ac. Estimates given on application for the ranair of Boilers, Engines, Ac. FOR SALE. One Pair of new Horizontal Engines, 124" cylinders. One new Horizontal Engine, 14 cylinder. 2-e stroke. One new Horizontal Engine, 12 cy imder, 2-3 stroke. One new Mortar or Clay Mill, with 6ft. pan. The Engines will be sold cheap, and can be fitted with Pumping or Winding Gear, or adapted for driving Machinery. Apply to t RATCLIFFE ANB SONS, HAWARDBN. ZTSdfk