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I TOWN CUUNOIL ANi) LoUALi HOARD. The usnal monthly meeting of the Town Council and Local Board was held on Monday last, when there was a large attendance of the council present the Mayor prt'sided.- The Surveyor reported that three lious. s, being a portion of the new working men's houses, near the Coltise Hospital, had been inhabited without being first certified by him to be fit, and that on examina- tion he had found them not to be in compliance witn the bye-laws, inasmuch as some of the upstairs windows were too small, and there was no ventilation in the att cs ar;J also that the drainage of the water-closets was not com- pleted. The Mayor said he was surprised to hear this, especially after reading the description of the houses in the Advertizer (Tizer with a zed), which described them as model houses. A long discussion took place as to what steps were to be taken, when it was ultimately resolved to call for the ventilation in the attics; and on that heinrr done, and the draiaage completed, to allow the windows to remain as at present, and the surveyor was urged to be more active in the periodical visits to buiblings daring erection prescribed by the bye-laws.—The Clerk then produced an estimate for a general district rate of Is. GJ. in the poind, which, after a long discussion on the urrears, was agreed to. The collector was ordered to summons all part.es in arrear aftpr the 18th inst. Meat, Drink, and lIealth.-The Mayor said thit at the last quarter sessions the Recorder had req nested hi IU to bring the question of a public analyst of nitat and drink before the council, but he hoped that the tradesmen and innlieept-ri of Oswestry were too honest to ailuiterate. Mr C. W. Otven said he believed that the tradesmen of Oswestry, taken as a whole, would be glad to see a pu lie analyst, and in tins Mr W. Jones concurred, but the subject dropped tliroti.-h.-The medical officer read a most satisfactory report, showing that there was less illness at present in the town than there had been sornt-lyears. The New Reservoir.—The Town Clerk said that some misunderstanding had taken place respectin g the new reservoir, and the surveyor had received notice from Mr Lawford not to deposit any more clay in the field adjoin- ing, where it Nas understood hv the deputation who waited upon Mr Gore that they had his permission to p1:: it. The works committee had met upon the sul>j-?ct, and he had been authorised to write to Mr Lawford and Mr Gore, and the result was that a deputation were to mrc: Mr Lawford, the agent to Mr Gore, at the offices of Messrs Lonuneville, Jones, and Williams, that day. He (the Town Cierk) might state that Mr Gore received th m on the first occasion with the utmost kindness and iu his letter since he bad expressed his regret at the mis- understanding, and his desire to comply with the wishes of the board, acting for the town.—Mr Bayley sziitl tl:;eir recent troul 1 s on this subject bad all been occasioned hy an unfortun. t remark of Mr Bickerton's, at their Itit meeting, ai out the value of the land, for which Mr Bickerton, and not the board, was responsible. (Hear, hear.) The question 0' the price of the land at that time was in no way before them, and he could not think what induced Mr Bickerton to introduce so irrelevant a snbj. ct. He certainly thought the sum obtained for the lan i by Mr Goie was a reasonable sum, and not more than its value. (Hear, hear.) If it had been, Mr Gore was not responsible for it, because the price had been fixell by tiie late Mrs Gore for the land required for the two fi.t reservoirs, and the present one was to be paid for at the same rate. He wished it to be made known t'aif Jlr Gore had i;cted throughout in the kindest manner possdile. (Appi,i!ise. -Tlip Mayor said he regretted as deel,ly as any one the unfortunate and uncalled for speech uf Mr Bickerton, to which reference had been made. He believed he conveyed the feelings of the board when stated that they believed Mr Gore had acted with the greatest kindness.—A deputation, consisting of the Mayor. Aldermen Hill and Lloyd, Councillor Baylev, and tr Surveyor, was then appointed to meet Mr Lawford. to arrange the matters in dispute.—The Town Clerk sal they had expended in wages, plant, aud m iterials used ÍCl the construction of the new reservoir, t555 lGs. Id. He wished to have an order to obtain another £ ">00.—I" reply to Mr Alderman Hill, the Surveyor said he I',ia every reason to believe that he should complete ttJe reservoir for the sum he had estimated.—The order was then given to obtain JE500 from Mr Humphreys, of Hanley Hall.



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