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??""?' .??rc that they came and  ll Vf ere in be,?i ? s "'rlso. ^member tQlling 808e one 35, fi-s«beller"" ^i>boay? b dy ??????? \??S?o. B??t?h?e 12th, was there a young oJ, "n'" 't raT,  11' the house L' pl-- Bradwe m  .ht have been. r'S<jU "S character, De- I qUe 11 •o.'f'Si "tTsav tl.at J" did not ? up aU ,putt, ellll tll 8 b? p" 't1U 111 ?D.cember? tnr'¡:I" the Jl night one ?t. I had ::> ¡IlI--I sat up a ^^re. J«»S man with I~ ,.Ira ,was there a 0 ( I)nn, th I *» »" "> "ith 1 40, t e, e ? ?i u  that von were burnt in 1 ^.Zkre T°» itil SOille man from the rail- ??'?:/??-e man from the rail- I" \J," f r "ùlU" 1 .:c'-? No 1:- th i' • Qi- ?o- for ji™ on ? ? h vc ha 1 the goose once before. W' ha\'è =>   ?'? h? They did not want things ;t:I=' 'J Wl'Y at. ?^. Jl T' „ v,m will do me j nstice. .1'" I hope l'n;l l"k" care to d" you justice ac- y,! \'f u a I ¡  °'1 'h k if th   :i l TOa not ?ike me with a knife the Dî vou n f"'7li¡i- 11. 9 v^ uf??''? 'i t "pv« I did not. »■, ?t say I should hare no dinner? DI you d' .f ??fS?-o. ?outd have no dinner if ¡II, I-I .all h d d.  ?. ?'? ? ?' your ?' v)" .n.1 8011l' v ■; DT^l# r: ■ ',I.bour of the complainant) was j Ii n,'I' U A ;tCI1 "1 ce confirmed that of the com- ,> Hr eVI! n d h • ^rr^,to the assault and its ?r.v.ted cha- tI-  0 U d K & h ¡Iood M.n? stre?uig down com- tJ. 'J,I tel d d r .[!»;lf:er!e WIS struck, and she was carrie d ? .f,?. "?' He hit her three times with   "JlCS ?).? ? He hit her three times with  1\¡'" I don't know your name. Were you on «* I saw You strike her with the & nave von not seen young men come to  are. D, t n:ht. « '.L i P \Cr, 1. ht ?"?Toa n-? ?" me so last night. r?'?rspoketoyouintny?e. ''=" ?u said j"st now that you did not ???? witness's name (laughter.) "1'1 \*s not aware I said so (renewed p  ¡ f? ?' Yoa are contradicting yonrself. h?.?'. know the rules of evidence as well as 7*J called. He said—On Thursday ]11,0 j' t?n called. He aaid—On TbundsT D "lDplainant w?s brought to me between six tl' 'bl I ,sometime. She was partly insensi b l e, W *E3eJ 'recovering. She was bleeding pro- kId c:roybille,l of the back of her head. I exa- foil rid a small contused wound at I-e. P¡ d d f °eI 1 waJ a larger cue—a contuse d wound ? a¡c', jc I d' 1 d h. d fc3K\ long. It divided the tissue down, ?,.<,? denuded. It might have been JJjJjJt HNt iMtrument such as the poker pro- I ";OJ ?'l,h)t? bench as to whether he had any ques- t t! Davies, i': '???-N&-Mr Davies has acted in a very fit EisuiDer- I, ,J.iùr then said to the defendant—Now that fr.^closed her ca;e t-e think it right to tell P L; .,are of opinion that the assault proved is of « l-'nj'irated character a. t) authorise ns to punish ;or t C -iininal Assi-Ut Act. We now proceed i" under the 43rd section of the 24th, and {ii'ijiMi Victoria. And if the case is proved it tlri I, P ,.er to send you to prison for six months. P,.aw how to shape your defence. Kfliiai—Very good. I am perfectly aware of b Ti'MiTir—Have you anything to say in defence ? then (turning over h 8 brief) said-On the illSomber Mrs Musgrove. without any provoca- IiIÙiw, left my bed. Previous to that perhaps I iiEK go back to the first circumstances of the lilliror—Let me remind you, as you are not sup- pbisr any professional man, tiiat all that has nothing tiiri the oase. Tile cas we have to try is,—did !I I. i.tiose wounds on your wife or not ? Liliiv.t—I dt,n't denv that. b Hijor— Then don't go into a lot of matter that to do with the c ise. Suppose she had left Jf :-L have nothing to do with your family ixi -v Neither will they justify you in knocking jctriifce way you have done. b-iesk'l'ireuin-stances of a peculiar nature have ■aeluiiu-iJt. I don't know whether to beD at fcfcsiiifciH. When a man like yourself, say, is jtefciciL-nblic Market Hall, and called a ii tnos^irorouse a man's tamper. (Defendant wfnt ■ ati.v'a i! at some lengtli, making a number ( f •h" i.'i 2-; his wife, which liad us little to do with i'ffti.i, que.,tiotis he put t I her in his cross-ex- Haiien called his son S.tmuel Musgrove, ^-T.iEce chit-fly went to show that one any at din- t-,)j¡,r.n'è (the complainani ) cut her husband's 1r:l a carving kuJe in a squabble that took place L- rj)i,eiamination witness said that was an -•iwt then callel hia daughter, Mary Aan Mus- ?tsheh?.nefttbeco?rt.ttl. ^iant the i sa'd-I am sorry to have to call my ?-iircu in this wav. •a ,1IT ir— Tiiat is the m"st satisfactory thing I ?-5'iyou say to-day. Y,' '?a?, then addressed the bench for the defence.  he thought the defendant by the line of de- ?' uJ ?'pt.-ft.stMtdHnn? his wife and other peo- ??y?'nv?tet hisnH.-nce. His client de- ?-? hit MenrJa1t with a knife. She took the 3™' his hand probably got scratched in the isj t ?'toite?pand feed a person like that C.- Vjj:.I, 'jir children was enouogh to stir a woman's ?"M children w?j enough to stir a woman's 1:11: I f t b th M ,'?'?'?Mmher of questions pnt by the Mayor ? '? t? '>lmr from Ashbeydelazouche, in j?' Hts first wife h?dbeen dead eighteen I:a" Rt ?"Cr-inbuamess in Burton-onTrent  ?'?ctun&ker. B:.¡, '1 h 1 1 b 1 D b. h hir ?.?'?'?he had been on the Denbighshire ?. J.<,l had been d?m?.ssHd twice for druuket- ? ???'the? retire 1 for a short time. ?..?'? Mayor 8a' '—It's quite unnecessary 'J sa. an'" 1 f I. I wsi*anvtu ni oudjmnation of this case. I |n-'Ci3? i -y I feel satisfied that ►-i-:t y 7 has ?'? the case must agree with us in ¡'I' I 0 ?<:?. '? dis?racef?t c.?e was never brought *?,'?'" Having s:ud that I shall do no L a:¡¡. the d f h b 1 1. I t i?-,ioii of the bench, which is, that ? ?°' V,) (lefi,n(]!int, John Musgrove, be ?".J? ?"t'aLh-n'Lir month, with hard labour, '?''?'????"'?'?? that period you be b?und • ae<i an I be of good behaviour for three ?'u.???. yo?elf in twenty pounds, and two Ni, P'j:j,)ds each. In default of finding this 'lr 'r ""P?'soned for three months. } t'-? "'?s then removed. 'hr.tvf. ?. L. -= p. r ••UOUSK KBEPEES FIED. I P. I I k '^fiYi f ?' ?'c''?"t (Juddy were sumraon- ?-(   'e'?eftm? to cle?ae amI white- ? i "j? ??'? Proper periods, in accordance }?. HO{le Act. I 11 on -e Act. ?(? ""? ?- costs, and Caddy was h'S STEALISO SHOES. I  "o..J;,hn ?rrY. two v?rants, were D 'hi 1 f j)"'?,t? ?''P?f si?)? from the shop of "?..T ? 'L T).y )? t.een apprehen?- 1 *=r ;n r-7^l''Fiwn the shoes. '1" tryl[} tll pawn thc. :;hoes. V,i1 "*e' six months' imprisonment and {..? R"SKENNF.RS. I r. t 1P;:I "'3 3uraTn,n,t,l for ??"S (hunk and dis- '< ?"'it.? .?? 17th inst. TI? ch?ge was L J, L• ■ J )Ilf. D^ sfendant ?:J the police had 14:leh bv him across the l s '-? ttrf D, a?-oss the Ie  airl sai rVJ the.v 11 ad not summoneJ him rJ.'5ro,is \{1|n/1J1/'a'thongh there was plenty of '?? ?on''?y'_ ?'thou?h there was pleBty of IS  h's le0"a to get well.