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WKK.XHAM DISTRICT HIGHWAYS BOARD. I Captain Urithth-Boscawci), chair- j man Mr S. T. Baugh, vice-chairman: Messrs ] T. LL Kitz-Hugh S. Yorkc S. P. Hojie W. Li'st n. M inera C. W. Parsonage d. Mil- ligan: — Powell, (Jwersyllt Williams, Biviii'ni; Benjamin Davies, Kuabon; E. tlulnits, (jrestonl Hogers, Pickhill Dr. Davits. Ruabon P. Wright. Pita))(iii •hiii Bersham; Thomas, Burton Prit- thanl. Allington Matthews, Esclusham Be- l"A Wilcoek, Marchwiel, &c. thk At ( orN'i's. Tip (,'ltrk read a (-ireular from the Local Jiiivenuiieut Board ivlative to the Local Tiatioii Returns pointing out 1,S TJ Liiil 1)()iiitiiiir (illl tluir <<iio of its priix-ipal objects was to ensure ■ill ivtarns being made up to the same date, tiir year to ehd on the -oth March instead of the 31st December. livery return must be -stilt the Local Government Board, and not t.. t!u: :'eCl'ttarv nf :'tate awl the first return j under the Act must be made for the financial year 111) to the L'th March. 1S7S.- The Chail'- man said this was a circular from the Local ';orl'I'I!lIlcnt Jinanl altering the date for the tiiaxiiig up of tilt. fi-oill the 31st De- • vmher, the end of the proper year, to the -»tii March, in order that their accounts rnight tally with the account" of the Poor haw- ami other authorities made up to that ,hr", THE TUINPJKK liOAUS. 1 'a-1 hamu li! said he wanted to hriug be- !"it- the notice of the Board a matter which lit- thought deserved their serious and careful att -nti,>D, and that was the increased re- <i»,ns:)»:3it> which was IMW being thrown Hi"-« tin- ratepayers by the falling in of the l :ul turnpike trusts within that hlglmay Hear, hear.) Now, perhaps, they w, 'ii"t all aw are of the fact-. During tint tc.tr the Highway Boan l hail mau)- '-iiik'l miles of roads, which were for- IIi..ill turnpike roads, at a cost of t'LTNO. at tlic' rate of £ •>.» 8s per mile, and in bin Surveyor's opinion an insuflicient aniuunt spent upon the roads t > put them '"to rally good condition. Now on the 1st of Uj't November they had III miles of r"a? '?'?- in, which )ii-ought them up t" 4"> miles :?'"?'neh)tHn.'ti)?r<.a(U('!t'th)?t?<1?-srur. a;v had now 4? miles of old turnpike road '^ne-r tin.- jUl'j"lidi"JI of the present Board. 1111 'I" the: pti'sent year, six more miles "j''1.' A :l'l "b "laking it uji to )1 miles a).? ""???)?,?]??,.??,??,j?,? '??"t?t.t?;)t.U?. the Surveyor! repre- ""I' 1 'I 11'" 1, ?'?? ,is the a" ItJ/I]la "'I" t' 111" 1 I w' ?"t?nt-:?,?t?. ,)?.paYer.shvthe)n- 1'1,111 ¡' t! "'0 '1 V". t t h-se renipike ,?. Besides 111"1 t., I ¡ 1 f' tl « ile .i tiiey the.ahu-y tile :'?'t.J??!n?t..thea?.titi..]?? wrk' th''I1 t II' ( II 'I 41 lr" him. ami ??.y ?,?,(?. 2fl!> miles ;>;■ ..m„ alto^etla-r, of « hieh 4.") w ere fo)-nierly "'1"1 '1, 'I'" 1  'i;s SJo.100 was a new c haise tilt-t NV]iiejt tljey ha.t never I'l )., I' 'e beeausu the n??' wu?n??- t.V t'1'' ???- and this charge was paid I t' I 'J "y ^iU' ratejiayers who were a.-sessed !Ii l' t f' "try ?!.?riets. and the ad )al'elJ 'J"iwtotnnis would not pay anything t,i' 'L'"S 't simjily eon tributeil to- hut s.i),.p)y ?.)ttri).nt'?H< ???-?!L'?.t-ys,)ta portion nf the roads within tll'h'lll 1' t pni in.tanr. ?km?the: l^ I hd'!I', I III 1\Italll: ta 'lJIg Ie: Lt?i u?p.-rtant ,h "I Chester,; iPf I t ||'pnlatii.il ,i' about; |U r'M ?"' "?"! Wrexham t" I r i i-> r' tt:is IU>W nl'"n the rn)a! ].?a! ¡\it 10 "'It B t I I II ¡ ■irit.lit.itfies Broxton and Wrex han.Hi?nvav l^ tl *tter going as far as Pulford. p. the latter ?.in: as far I, )'u]f.?l.!    ??used il yeat ileal hype..p]ere- iloll"" l¡ ..?."?'e?te)-, who however, would not "11\' I ? '? anything except tcwar.? a very 'h?'CHnf road within the city, the pro- '1' w ),ieh Would be scari-el v I" 1'1 ii-l 'y w?'ht, therefore hep?.yin?the "\1"'11 j 1 f' Ii '] t' ?, 111 great portion of trat (' be t ween to, t<, 'I I ¡ I'] ',A!!S C hester, Wrex ham, )'cn)?]t. til i | 1 1 1' tt. 't' ?"?'M in the neig h bourhood and tlit lli?ili till)e tIlk-N "tiolilli utill- ,it !I"* t] II i 1 I ?rat?ythinL: e.-uht he?uneinthe? a. Now they ha? been ]?'.?n i --e? time ,¡It. nO/v: t wY, 1<1' '('1'11 ]'1'1111''1'' :1111' tli:tt 'L i'lli lol.(IlILIit ifiti) hd¡¡:II" tu (!I>:d \nth this ijiiestiou, and he 1 ''a<' ?"?'? in during the '■ liiist tl ¡r-, t I I)Iit tin%-illg totile Ijls'I1"" h t ¡ 1 1 "I 1 iii-. "T had been e?hs?ere.tJ?rc. lil,¡,t'l t 1 'iiu? 'tei-s. they had alway" beMt ? ■ I'll' •] i 'f tl' tlie beginning of this "i¡;I") 1:\ ¡ ]1 c: ö. ).h? lie ?' ?'???eeifa))y bi]]swere! |lhli,311,1 ?ti.?the ?ue.sti?n but there w, Last year, ?rSeIater-H-?th had "'1' t l' I + '1' 1 '11 I. t' ""ivi'il lve bring in a bill I'e atlll"/) I. 1' I (:! c -?n?'?', "?"'? ?' ?''? <-??ing state ..f aflair< i exciteineiit connected with the ki-te," and ..ne thing or another, Jt iI,< ii 1'. 1 '1 I ,e ?'scu.ss..d He theref.?e. begged tIt "'1\ tl t 'r-1': 'Vl'tlnf it, no &nl forward a mem'jrmi t'j Mr j Sclater-Booth, the President of the Local Government Board, drawing attention to the position in which the Wrexham Highway Board was placed, and the large expense thrust upon the rural districts, and expressing a hope that some relief will he afforded during the present session. He thought it was very desirable to make such an appeal, for in the present state of politics, and the grltlt interest taken in Eastern affairs, the Highway Bill might probably be crowded out again. They were all highly interested in the matter. The charge thrown upon the ratepayers was exceedingly heavy, and would, he was- sure, increase the highway rates very much. He thought there was a certain amount of injustice in the matter, but it was not for him to suggest what should be the remedy. But he certainly thought that considering these great turnpike roads were made i originally for the whole traffic of the country from town to town, some means should be provided whereby the whole of the urban population should contribute pro rata for their support. (Hear, hear.) He thought those living iu towns should pay their proportion of he cost. He would suggest that they send up either a memorial to Mr Selater- I Booth or a petition to Parliament. He was aware of what usually became of peti- tions, and that they were consigned to the recesses of a large bag—(laughter)—and that i nothillg more was heard of them, and he -tvotir of a I)ut i tii)ii. Iii was personally not in favour of a petition. In a small township adjacent to him, the town- jhip of Mar ford and Hoseley, which being in Flintshire, was never included in the High- j way Board, they had a portion of the Chester road thrown upon their rates, and had to inciitl it entirely themselves, and lie was in- formed that their highway rate, instead of being 2d, was Stl in the pound, just quadruple, in a township the rateable value of which was, he thought, barely £2000. He wasnot for shirk- ing keeping the roads in proper order, and whatever was really required to be spent upon the roads should be spent. He thought the road should be repaired, and the grievance re- presented. Sonie boards held over, and did not do any repairs, but this was a course lie did not advocate. In conclusion, he moved that the Board scud a memorial to the Presi- dent of the Local Government Board. (Ap- plause. ) Mr Baugh seconded the resolution, observing that this question of taxation had been grow- ing upon them. They had paid for the repair ox the turnpike roads since they had fallen in that district-in 1874, £ 170 (is lUd ill 1875, fHiS 4s lid; in 1870, toO-Kistd; and in 1877, -1,7SO Cs la, The total county and the total of the Wrexham Highway District £ 1(52,700. As- suming, therefore, that Wrexham was one- third of the whole amount, which, in fact, it was and more, a Id rate would produce tt;80, and a 4d rate of course four times that amount. It became a most important matter for them to look at their position fairly in the face, and he thought the ratepayers should be taken into consideration, and the steps suggested by the chairman adopted at once. Up to 1876 they had 33 miles and six furlongs of roads fallen in, and last year 11 miles more were thrown upon their hands, and in the present year they would have the road from Wtexham to Ruthin. Some time ago it had been proposed that the turnpike trusts should be subsidised by handing over to them the tax upon carriages. If there was a county assessment upon the whole area it would pro- duce, at 3d in the pound, about £ 2,000 some odd, and at 4d t:OOO and he thought in pre- paring the memorial it should be stated that if the taxation was spread over the whole of the county it would be a great boon, and they would be relieved of the very heavy pressure put upon the Highway Board. (Hear, hear.) Referring to the Urban Authority, they had already thrown upon their hands, by the abolition of turnpike trusts, about five miles of road, and they had to pay taxes, and pretty smartly, towards keeping these roads in re- towards keeping these road" in re- i pair.-)Ir Lester suggested that they should not only send the memorial from that Board, but that they should invite the co-operation of other Boards.—The resolution was then put, and carried unanimously. .SUPPLEMENTAL CALLS. Mr Baugh said he was sorry they were compelled to ask for a supplemental rate. It was the first time the necessity had arisen since he had been Chairman of the Finance committee. The expenditure, however, had exceeded that of any previous year to the ex- tent of about £ 1100 upon Turnpikes alone, and it had been altogether an exceptional year.— The calls were agreed to. TliE SURk-EVOL' Mr Rogers, waywarden for Pickhill, gave notice that at the next meeting lie should call in question the conduct of the Surveyor.—The Chairman said he could not take such an in- definite motion as that. He must make a definite charge of some kind, and not a general indictment, which was not in order. -Ilr Rogers promised to do so, and his notice of motion was then accepted. There was no other business of any general interest.











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