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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OK THii FOLLOWING CLASSES: Houses to lie Lrtt, Situations Wa.¡¡t,?!. Situations Vacant, I Apartmsnts Wanco-a. Apartments to be Let, Monev Wanted Miscellaneous Wants Lost or Found, Are Mnerfd fl1' Clllt/liln at the under-mcntioneil charges One lMertiu!' (? ?"?ds). 1; Three Insertion.- -'I t:id ?"' And :M ?'e?'? additional line of nine words. Annonnc^non-' of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, with any rewa-k other than the Rimplc facts, One Shilling. Advertiser.; re particularly requested to name the n.itr.'ier of insertion. when ordering Advertisements. A!l Advertisement.- not ordered for a definite period will be ins,'i t countermanded. Advertisers aie -guested to forward Advertisements w, e illy an ii, -ih!^ in the week to insure insertion and correctness :o; it ¡i "nly possible to insert a limited niT-flier received so late as Friday the publishers, tlwa"b anxious t > accommodate the public to the latest moment, tunnot guarantee insertion when re- ceived aftuc T»VK:.VF. o'clock on that morning. All orders for the alteration or withdrawal of Adver- tisements mllit !>" rei-eived by mid-day on Thursday. Wanted. Wanted A? ImRAD BOY. Apply to ?t MR T..tuNKS, Church Street. 267e  t?? iiORR?)W ??CU upon Mortgage. ? Cott; u'; Se mity.—Apply, T. C., ?'?"???'' Of&ce. _?. 1Sh(V_ WA_ NTRO A? Mt-door Apprentice to the Watch -Aite.kpply to Mr fRASt:? 42, 1,11(1 ^8a M:):h-.?rcet_ 27'4a VH^ANTBi) sir >n-j active dean GIRL as Ceneral ?'W ,L,V,I1f, H))RT:)?, 5, Avenue Parade, 221b rT?O?ULU?-?'A?THU. a steady, experienced' i Mf?),r',R. \?. H. ROBERTS ? Co., Alun r lb. M" J ?— ??S 260-, ??T?'T??i'rr)U':hh'practical Pit Carpenter. ?? -Ap¡:l" !,bnager, })la:;k'natL>n Co?I 0om- pa: R'.&bon. 2-" < WA>TTRI> A i.KN'KRAL ImYANT. Fair w Wageh 'i" efii 'ient service. Apply to Ali??s 'J' iiuito" "'H i, (iresford. 274e W AN~T;<.I>A vesoectable and i-itellil-ent AS Jl'XIOR CLERK. Apply to IR ]<i :\IOHpr. Tho Priory, Wrexham. 2íi8e A(;NT-i:"o-Tï':I>t.;¡;J1 first."¡as Lubricating AOI!li. ??'m??-?'" Liber;)!.—.I')H? H.B):\nK)nn (:1), it/ CVictoria-street, London, E.C. 74e of William Hughes or ? .?<,)..<. !.?-mer!y T?!or.s.Ar..of Hih treet, Wr;»:b.m, Ln ?Kl"Ul')]C?te with a Niece of William If ughe-s. 130f t?ET ? ?TK ? i :'s;n*' tabit- country youth a-? Genem] in-(':ior Pirter, and to look after a Pony and Trap.—Apply V,x F-DWAKO SMITH, 2ti, High-street, V eshara. 24 1:t -mTAIy'UH AND CLOCK :\IAT\I(i, WAXTED a tlionuiiiVumpetent Workman to the above. Wage;! sWan. Apply with References to D. D. "PSKIICK, HenMa-s-street. Wrexham. 276e AOTlirT~MT C ATI ON, as Clerk or some pi;: of trust. Would not object to travel. Understands drap"ery and grocery business.—Ad- drau, J. D., Post office, Garth, Ruabon. 18,"?g PARTM ENTS. —Wanted by two youn? men a ?JL Hittin?-coom ?Utd two Bedrooms. (Preference j»i van whore vse of Bath-room can be had.)—Ple:ise a td:\jss stating terms to J. J. D., 53, Faulkner-street, Bi;;liop's Fi^'is. Chester. 2tioh TO SHOEMAKERS. THE GUARD JANS of the Wrexham Union are L prepared to BIND a YOUTH, who has been tw[ve months at the trade, to the above business.— Apply to Mit ItILL,-H, Workhouse, Wrexham. 207f OFFEH"TANTKD~A Large LOOKING GLASS U for Shoo Use. PLATE GLASS COUNTER CASE, with a Set of Heavy Plated oil Pure Nickel Silver FORKS ai,(i SPOONS (all new). To be seen it- Kr R. OLL i?-ir:n'S, !1, Charles-street, Wrexham. 263d WANTED, a thoroughly experienced HEAD NURSX, t., tdke charge of a baby and young children, to a re.illy trustworthy person accustomed to tti, management of a nursery, liberal wages will be given. None other need apply.-Addres. Mrs R., Gl nirafon, Mold, North Wales. 214 WMVTKD inaSelect Ladies' School, a thoroughly V? 201(1 PLA}? COOK (kitchenmaid kept). One *Vi » can man ige well. Age from 2" to 30, and Pro- t,erti:j.!it. GooJ clnracter indispensable. Wages ilg ar.-i all found. Also HOUSE^IATD, wages £ 15.— AN m. Westl'liffe-road, BirkdalePark, South- p.trt 255b ifP; r,Am:ASHJRE AGRICULTURAL CHEMI- GAt, COMPANV (Limited), St. Helen's Junc- ti m, ,.tre desirou,.i of appo;nting inlfuentiil and energetic A2("lts fur tl: ¡-<tl.k of Manures, Runes, Bone Meal an J Asli, Vitriol, etc., in unrepresented districts in K irth Wales, fjii>eral Term.Apply to the Manager, i ll ? Works, St. Helen's Junction. 253h MAN K. —WANTED to Appoint a youn .1\'Jl Parmer, Corn Dealer, Estate Agent, Potato V "rchanfc, or any one with influence amongst Farmers, ir, e-erv district, to undertake the representation of a w;4)-established Manure Company. No better terms eve ■ offered. No riik.-A(I(Iress at once to Bones," t £ i, CaVpenterj Roarl, Stratford, London. 2-22e E>1RKENHEA5 BoROUGH CONSTABULARY. IE) -w.'nt? ACTIVE YOUNG MEN to ioin the abitve force. Ag, between 21 and 31 years; Height, not less than 5 feet it inches. Pay, 24s on appoint- ment; 25s after 1 year's service: 2fe after 2 year's service; 27s after.1 year's service 28s after 5 year's service. T}p,e are also Merit Classes for deserving Bi?n, AfJpiy At the Central Police Station, between ](I,1.1n, J. B. BARKER, Major, Hirkenlisid. Head Constable, it,MiLVcy, 1878. 174e To Let.    HOUSE TO LET, in St. Mark's-terrace, Wrexham. -AripU to Dr. EVTOX-JOXES. 25Me 10 LET a House in rring Road, Rhosudu. Rent E £ 13 A:>oIv .Mn HKYW.VRD, opposite. •I^URNfSHED APARTMENTS. — Sitting-room JP with on > or two Bed-rooms To Let.-Apply 32, Fi<idig Road. Wrexham. 277a m 0 [,ET, vich immediate possession, in Hall-street, [Ihon, a House and I-, -Appiv to Robert K-(.'{Si' K street, Rhos. 245a Ov f Y- ana Eight Ton Coal Waggons to be Let on ) —Apply to the Flintshire W^ aggon CoiB- p u y. Pa-le ;•» jod Junction, near Mold. 2lia A. PArt'Í'ENT:o; t(? LT, suitable for one one or ?-?_ twi 9:?nt!emsn. Attendance and ?nod cook- it" Te-?.. nndeK.te.—Apph', 4, St. Mark's-ter- rn 243g TO LET, t<?t20"d UAR?HNS, well stocked with Tfruit k': also a LOCKUP SHOP, suit a hatcher o• business.—Apply, Swan Inn, Peny- bryn. 241g HAT TMri, CHARLES-STREET. Wrexham.— E It Horse.s and Conveyances (single or double bar- ness) for HfEiE.-Hor.sos taken in at livery, moderate charge*. 27411) 10 flE LET, House with Good Garden, No. 3, X Garai->g Terrace. Erddig Road, containing front II ;m l hack Parlours, Kitchen, Four Bedrooms.—Ap- ply 2, Towu Hill. 195h APART.VEXTS. Comfortable well-furnished & Apartments to Let at No. 18, Grosvenor-road, Vu-xUan. consisting of large front sitting-room and Biwlroom —nply either at the office of this paper or em the |iwn;ws. 12711]1 n'O BK LET in Wrexham a HOFSK containing j J iSitttnsr-r.him, Kitchen, Back-kitchen, four Bed- royiis., Kent Also a HOUSE in St. Mark s j Ti-rnic.j. Apply to Mr Wjl. HAWKIYS TlLSTON, liigh Strsst. 275e flYJ with immediate possession, a House in fl Nelson Terrace, Rhosddu, containing in all 11 ro.»ms. gis and water. Also, a House in Victoria Terrace, containing 1(1 rooms, ,fr ai ,iiitl water.—Apply to H. Ni-rsos HccHHs, Rliosddu, or ISHMAEL E. F,V/.I<S, I, Heubla-s-street, Wrexham. 2(»t>87. Ci iihVT.T HEY, WHEXHAM.—This Elegant ) MODERN .MANSION TO BE LET for a term, (Wita'Tja, three spacious enterta.iumg-rooms, eight lai'Ro hyr-rooms, bath-room and the usual conven- iMrM o: a gentleman's house. In thorough decorative TCjHir. Extensive (Jardens and For P.irtiMiiar.s apply to MR CoxnAK, Greenfield, H\¡ I.i,lu, Wrexham. 223e OLD ANn CHESTElT(Tietween).—TO BE LET 1.11 ON 1.EAE, eleven years to nm, a Very FKitTlLH FARM of -)Oil Acres, greater portion Arable, with aRESIDENCE and (iARDEN. K-nt £ 400. Game not preserved. Also in North Khi ofislur i, on a fourteen years' lease, a Splendid FA HM of 200 Acres (two-thirds (irass), with a GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE and COTTAGES. R"fJt WILLIAMS, SON, AND LOKK, 40, North John-street, Liverpool. 151d Sales by Private Contract. HUUDLKs of cleft oak, fi bars, 7 feet long. Price Ji a. 2- each, at 1. M. Timber Yard, VP.cxhap;. 17n POtt SAI.K, a UROWX WAGGON STALLION J' S;;v;-n Years Old, and he carries Sev.n Medals i«.IIe(i the" Prince of Wiiles.'1— Apply to I)..JONES Salop Road, Welshpool. HHJ 1?7*??'??? VARDS OF LAND (JFUATE t ??' between Wheatsheaf and Hho' Rohin) J?t (W) H:!ck? ami a quantity of Sand, to be SOLD BY PUrVATK TREATY.-Apply to Mr. Joseph Firnistonc, Railway Lodge, Rhos Ilohin. 111011 ("^OAL WAGGONS FOR ?ALE.—AfewStonCoa! (./ Waa?o'M, in first-class condition, having been very titt!? "sed. and almost equal to new. n Price nr-tfiotnlde, and coal taken in payment if required.— Apriiv Coal Merchant, Wrexham Advertiser Office. 70a ON SALE MEAT CHOPPERS and SAUSAGE FILLER, for butchers, sausage makers, hotels, hoarding houses, and private families. A variety to t-.liooae from. Quality good and prices moderate. Wholesale and retail at the Enterprise Hardware Co.ilt, ,nv, N'uwington, off Bold-street, Liverpool. WTMKFNG MENS CLUB, MOUNT STREET, WREXHAM. TWO First Class Billiard Tables, charge 4d for 50 JL Points, Sit a 100, or Is per hour. Chess and Draughts. Reading Room. Hot and (iolft Baths. Dinners an 1 Soup daily. Visitors Id each. 107f W. VENN. Manager. no MILLERS, &c.-TO BE SOLD Five Pairs 1 French Bur MILL STONES, 4ft. 3in. diameter, wit,t, bushes, hanging bars, and balance boxes com- plete 'delivered on truck at Caerwys Station). These stjrtM have only been in work a short time at the n Maesycoed Flour Mills. -Applica t ions to bo male to the Maesycoed Portland Cement Company, N'l th Wales. 235a TO BE SOLD CHEAP, a good second-hand ? HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 71 cylinder, 2 feet stroke, with boiler and fittings complete, nearly new. Atno one Cornish BOILER (equal to new), 23 feet long by 5 feet 6 diameter, with dome 2 feet 6 by 2 feet 6. and 2 tubes, 1 foot 9 diameter, with fittings complete. Can be seen and inspected and any further particulars obtained at THE BROUGHTON HAUL IRON WORKS, near Wrexham. 61j Sales by Private Contract. ,.1 VIOLIN for SALE, a fine old instrument in T excellent condition. R. G. PRICE, Acrefair, Ruaboih 2tifie FOR SALE, Lloyd's Patent BLAST FAN, c;i?."l Fof blowing eighty smith's Hres.—Appty to North Wales Carriage and "agon Compan,?, Padeswood, near Mold. 2-1!h OR SALE.—AF?shionabte WAG GON KTT E, r forming also a Stanhope Phaeton, second-hand, ?ut in perfect order, equal to new. Also a variety of 2 and 4 wheel vehicles at reduced pi-icec;, to make room for new work, at CONRAN'S Carriage Works, 50, Chester-street, Wrexham. 261b Lost and Found. LOST, between Pren Brigog and the Square, Buck- ley, on Wednesday evening last, a VICTORINE. Whoever will bring the same to the Police Station. Buckley, will be rewarded. 25!lg Business Announcements. H A X E L 1, S R 0 Y A L EXETER HOTEL, J iTl. situate ill the most open part of the WEST «» Sim\n' dose to the THEATRIC, OP::RAS, .??? and Objects of Interest. Apartments, '??  ?? 2s 6d Drawing-Room, with Bedroom en SHi-'c, 10s 6d, 12s Hd Service, Is (id. ESPECIAL NOTiCE. "HAXKLLS HOTKL, 1'? now entirely surrounded by the wood pavement, Trcsenis .tH the quietude of a counhy residence, with the advantage of being on that world s thoroughfare- Uw tralH1. Great comfort, with mo(temte charges. —Vidu G<ft?MP.?TM<?t??f?''<< i b  W ILI, the Person who took by mistake the Music from the Public Hall ante-room, on Monday :ii'ht, return it at once to W.M.R., 30, Bridge-street. 224a TO CORRESPONDENTS. j '\YE THINK there is no need of any reply to the letter! of "A Bewildered Churchman" in Monday's Liverpool Courier. We see it is dated from lkn. high, which certainly is suggestive of its origin. How came it to escape the generally vi^lant watchfulness of Mr Robinson.

Family Notices


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