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MOLD. T ArmT. On Monday, at the Kauway ANN, the accounts of the Flintshire District of t V; Ancient Order of Foresters for the ye::r en lin" December 31st, i, were examined andfo.md correct bv the auditors, Mr Joshua D ivies Argoed Colliery, Mold, ;tii( I Mr Peter D tv i e,: ('o l l i f? i, Evans Jones, Tanyear, Bagillt. The acounts of all monies received and expended oil b dialf of the district were kept in the iiiot clear and faithful manner, to the credit of the secretary, Mr Joseph Wliitehouse, Hodfari Forge, and Mr James B:tte,ii.t,i, treasurer, Tynvca^ara Farm Northop. THE ('AI.VINI.STIC 'MEIMOMST CHURCH.—It niiy lie strange to some of our readers that although the Rev. Roger Edwards ha.s been con- nected with this church forty-three years, and WJ.! regarded by outsiders generally as its pastor, it was only on Sunday evening last that he was emoted to that office, and so became formally one of its officers. Under a system which iliis been observed for nearly a century, the Calvinistic Methodi.->t Churches were without any special pastors, much of the work falling upon them in other churches being performed by the deacons, while each minister was considered as the minister of the connexion and not of an individual church. I Th.; system is still cherished and ioildly regarued hy thousands of the members, but is gradually losing ground, in favour of one by which every minister is still regarded as an oificittl (of, the con- nexion generally, but w hose special sphere of duties is limited to a church, or, at the most, two or 1 hvei-churches. As we have said before, in outside circles Mr 1 wards was regarded as the pastor of the church at Mold, and lie had acted as such for a great number of years, but without being specially recognised as such. A few months ago, it was mooted in the church that such a re- cognition should be given. At first, the move- ment met with some opposition, not from any spirit of animosity against Mr Edwards person- ally, but wholly out of a regard to the old system and usage. The movement made way, never- the less, and in November last, the question was f ormally put before the church, when it was re- solved by a great majority that the step should be taken. The consent of the Monthly Meeting had to lie obtained, and that body delegated two gentlemen to t-kthe sense of the church upon the question by badot. These gentlemen—the Revs. Michael'.Tones, Flint, and Ed. Adams, Cileen—attended on Sunday evening, the vote being taken after the usual service. Out of about 3JJ communicants 25!) were actually present, and the voting resulted in 22o ayes and 34 noes, so that six-sevenths, and not the required three- fourths, were in favour of the movement. We say in favour of the movement advisedly, for those who opp )setl the recognition did so from no personal considerations, and among them may be found friends as true to Mr Edwards as any who voted in favour of he pastorate. The result has been received with satisfaction, and will lie acquiesced in with unanimity, and we trust that the consequences will be such a toieutto the genera] well-being and success of the church. THH VICAR 01-1 MOLD AT BIKMINUH UI.—A simultaneous Church Mission has been hell this at between forty and tiny churches of Birmingham. At t. Philip"; Chureh the Missioner is the Rev. Rowland Ellis, vicar of -*lold, who inaugurated the proceedings by an address on Saturday evening, in which he said that after a preparation extending over some weeks, they had at length come to the commence- ment of that great mission, the object ot which was to stir up the sinful and careless, to bind up the broken-hearted, to csta'uiJi and buildup the faithful,to win souls for the Lord Je-iis Chri-t in tiie gnat town of .Birmingham. Was it not a glorious thought that during th" next eight or te;1 days between forty and 11fty churches in the town and its suburbs would lw united together in on' mighty etfort to undermine the st''on?ho?ds "?.'ttan and to extend die kingdom of our Lord ami Saviour, Jesus Christ? Jt was a blessed un-I dertaking, a great work, and it needed deep searching of heart and earnest importunate prayer by those who were called to take part in tlh; effort. He was glad to find that there was not a house in that parish to which the invitation to COIlie to the mission had not been sunt in one form or other, and that his fellow labourers had worked as though everything depended upon their effort. He trusted that they had also prayed as though everything depended upon f iod, without whose grace and help they could not ex- pect the seed to take root or th • harvest to follow. He urged those present, in the continuation. of their labours, to go forth ia faith, hope and love, and assured them that if they did so, a blessing would be sure to follow. Tlie evening sermon on Sunday was also preached by Mr Ellis, who took for his text Isaiah i. 8, "Come now and let us reason toother, saith the Lord." His remarks were in the form of an earnest appeal to the nn- converted and the negligent. At the a'ter service to which a considerable number of persons re- inained,the preacher took off his surplice, and addressed his hearers from the lectern, seeking to show those who desired to respond to the liospd invitation how they might do no. It was an- nounced that after each of the services the mission clergy would attend in the vestry to receive any one who desired to consult them. A basket, it was also stated, would be placed at the entrance to the church to receive applications for the prayers of the congregation on behalf of persons: for whom some definite mercy was desired. These petitions would be offered up at the morn- ing service 011 the following day. THE CASE OF SUSPECTED INFANTICIDE. — The adjourned inquest on the body of the male child found near Bromfield, was held before Mr Peter Parry, on Monday. The Chief Constable was present, also Mr D.C.C. Adams. Th evidence IIf Powell, the carter, being read over, Mr William Vcnables Williams was called, and said tliitt P.('. Derrick brought him the body of the child. It was quite dead, and had the navel string con- siderably drawn out, turned over the right shoulder and twisted twice around the neck. The 1 end was looped around one of the rings encircling the neck. He called his father, who viewed the body, and he was present with his father at the innriem examination which took place on the following day.— Dr. Williams said, that ae- companied by his son, lie made a post mortem examination on the body of the child. On ex- amining the external appearance of the bOlly he found the navel cord twelve inches long. On the body there was a white mark, indentation or impression, extending from the navel to the right side of the neck and around the neck. He found the chest well filled, with the iungs fully inflated | rendering it evident that the child had breathed freely. The heart and lungs were then taken out, placed into a panning of col. I water, and they floated, proving the same fact by the hydrostatic test. Upon cutting into the lungs they crepitated freely under the fingers, shewing there was air in them. The cavities of the heart were full of blood. On opening the head, he found that neither externally nor internally were there any marks of violence. The sinuses of the brain were full of blood, but the brain itself was perfectly healthy, though congested. He had no hesita- tion in saying in his opinion death was caused by strangulation effected by the twisting of the navel ¡ cord. Further, in his opinion, death could not have been caused by a negligent birth inasmuch as the lungs were so fully inflated with air, while I strangulation would account for the congested and pouted lips which the body presented.—The Coroner said he was sorry to inform the jury that the police had been unable to find any clue as to who had hidden the child. The whole matter appeared to be as mysterious at that moment as at.the outset.—Dr. Wiliams added that in his opinion the child had not been born more than forty-eight hours beiore the p took place. The foreman said the jury were of opinion that no further evidence was required to enable them to arrive at a verdict, which was to the effect that the child was wilfully murdered by some person or persons unknown, and they further wished the Coroner to censure the witness Powell for with- holding every information respecting the finding of the child from two o'clock in the afternoon until seven in the evening. Powell was then called in and severely censured, ti e Coroner say- ing that had he found the body of a dead dog he Could not have been more indifferent about it. CHORAL SOCIETY'S COXCEKT.—The first con- cert given by the Mold United Choral Society came off very successfully on Monday evening, the large room of the Market Hall beidg crowded notwithstanding the threatening aspect of the weather, and the front henches lwing- especially well filled. The following was the programme Choru." Then round ahout the Starry Throne, The Choir s(ilo I know that my Redeemer livetli,Miss Jennie Maldwyn Chorus All we like sheep T)ie Choir .Solo Hunour aIHI Arms sir D. Gordon Thomas Chorus. And He shall purify," .The Choir .song .rell me, my heart,Miss Jennie Maldwyn Song Love's request," Lambert Song. I fear no foe,Mr D. (iordon Thomas Sons "JYr eneth amdil'fail,M*ss Williams Tlie Traitors' Chorus," by Jos. Parry. Solo tenor- Mr J. Allen Jones. Solo hn.ss-Ir (;, H, Allams, Solo ti ute. A ehe la Morte," Mr K. J. Williams Kong The Cambrian War Song," Mr (J, H. Adams Soiig Esineral da Miss Helena Edwards €horus Teyrnasoedd y Ddaear," The Choir Solo bass — (iordon Thomas. Sou* "Tom Bowling," lir Lambert Dilet 11 When a little farm we keep," Miss I Kdwarils and Ilr Foulkes S„n" «- The blind girl to her harp," Miss Jennie Maldwyn Sollg 'g A warrior hold,Mr j), Gordon Thomas finale- "(joll save the Queen." Ofthechoirit.selfwe cannot speak but in the highest terms, considering especially that it was only formed the other day, and had hut seven or eight practices. The voices were of good quality and fairly well balanced, though we would like more soprano, and more quality in the bass, hut, we understalltl that several members were unable to he present. The appearance of the choir was such as to predispose the audience ill its favour, the ladies appearing Oil yn eu gynau gwynion, which became them exceedingly. In the first chorus the members did not appear to be very well together, but that may be attributed to over anxiety, at the same time, the (Conductor's baton should have been better followed. In the next chorus, they were much better together, and the same remark applies to the third with the exception of the first few bars. The fouith, or, the Traitor's Chorus," was the piece of the evening. The voices were well together, and the members— owing to more application at practice-had per- feet confidence in themselves. The part begin- ning with the solo bass-" A prayer, and ending with the chorus In our distress we humbly pray," was especially well rendered, while the energy of the following and closing scene, the Victory of the Citizens, accompanied as it was by a string band and closing with the rattle of a tenor drum, roused the audience to enthusiasm. A well merited encore was loudly demanded and granted, when the piece was we think better rendered on the second attempt. The last chorus Teyrnasoedd y Ddaear was fairly well renderd, the trio bein? very good. There was a little harshness in the forte portions, ) which, we have no doubt, will wear off with application. On the whole, the performances of the choir were highly creditable, and the con- ductor Mr Allen Jones, has a right to feel proud of the very satisfactory debut of the Choral Society. Mr D. (iordon Thomas made his second appearance in Mold on this occasion. He possesses a rich, mellow, bass voice, of consider- able compass, and the improvement manifest since his last appearance augurs well for the future, and he is certainly one of the most promising bassos of the principality, and was loudly appreciated according to his merits on Monday Evening. We believe this to have been the second appearance of Price--Jeniiie Maldwyn—also, and she fully sustained the very favourable impression which she then made. She has a good voice, and with application, a bright future is before her. She had two encores, and in the first instance gave Y gwcw yn y fedwen" and in the second a verse of the Bells of Aberdovey." Mr R. J. Williams was ex- cellently received, and fully merited the encore with which he was rewarded. Miss Williams has plenty of voice, and, were she to pay a little more attention to expression, and chose shorter pieces, she would be very favourably received. Miss Edwards's effort was by far the best we have yet heard from her, and we note the improvement with much pleasure. She was rewarded with an encore, and again when she appeared in the duet with Mr Foulkes, both ren- dering their parts with spirit and taste. Messrs T. Lambert and G. H. Adams were both of them very favourably received, and well maintained their reputations. At the conclusion of the choruses, Mr Allen Jones came forward to thank the audience for their support. He said that, the choius Teyrnasoedd y Ddaear was one chosen for competition at the forthcoming Bidœnhead I National Eisteddfod. The choir inteii(ledcoiii-l, peting as well as competing for the chief prize £150. The proposed competition would entail considerable expense which these concerts or rehearsals were intended partly to meet. Several gentlemen had already shown their sympathy with the socity by liberal contributions, and lie would be sincerely obliged to those ladies and gentlemen who approved of their objects were they to assist them in the same manner. Mr Jones concluded by again thanking those present for their support. Shortly afterwards Mr Jones a-zi appeared and said that Mr J. Scott Bankes had kindly given him a sovereign towards the funds, and had also very kindly consented to preside at the next rehearsal. Mr Bankes then rose and was received with loud and continued cheers he said that he had been highly pleased with the entertainment, and he did not think that there was any little town in the country of the size of the town of Mold which could have pro- duce a better one. With regard to the statement of Mr Jones, he would have much pleasure in presiding at their next concert, as he fully sympathized with the object they had in view, and, more especially, as the attractions offered by an entertainment of the kind could not be but elevating in character, tending in some degree to lessen that yearning for the public-house which was the bane of the district. He concluded by wishing the choir every success, his remarks being continually interrupted by loud cheering.