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a—■———^mi m— i—no—■■be BRITISH AMERICA STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. *fUiidfir Contract with TTer Majesty1* Provincial Govern- ment for the Conveyance of the Canadian and United I States Mails). WITER ARRANGEMENTS ISGO ttbe Montreal Ocean Steam-ship Company's first-class powerful Screw Steamers. I  ? 7 &?? BOHEMIAN Capt. W. GSANGF, NORTH BRITON ..Capt. R. BOIILAXII, HUNGARIAN Capt. THOS. JONES, NOVA SCOT! AN. Cap. A. M'MASTER, ANGLO-SAXON .Cpt. BAIXANTTXE, NOI-:Til AMERICAN Capt: T. AITOK. CANADIAN (Mow bnildiasi). Are intended to sail between i LIVERPOOL and PORTLAND, (MAINE,) U.S., As follows I FROM LIVERPOOL. Calling at Quecnatown for Her Majesty's Mails, and Passengers. NORTH BRITON Wednesday, Tan 25 BOHEMIAN Wednesday, Feb 1. HUNGARIAN Wednesday, Feb 8. ANGLO-SAXON Wedtiesday, .-eb 15. NOVA SCOTIAN Wednesday, Feb 22. NORTH AMERICAN Wednesday, Feb 29. N V e d nes d ,%V, I'eb 29. And every Wednesday thereafter during the Wiiiter Season I FROM PORTLAND. ANGLO SAXON. Saturday Jan 28. NOVA SCOTlAN Saturday Fch 4. NORTH AMERICAN Saturday Feb 11. NOltTIl BRITON. Saturday Feb 18. BOHEMIAM Saturday Feb 25. Bate of Freight to PORTLAND, 60s per Ton Measurement, and 5 percent Primage. Weight subject to agreement. Cabin Passage Money tll PORTLAND, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS and FIFTEEN GUINEAS, inclndiag Provi- sions, but not Wines or Liquors, which can be obtained on J Board. Steerage Passage Money to PORTLANB, EIGHT POUNDS, including a plentiful supply of cooked Pro. "visions By arrangements made with the Grand Trunk Railway Company ot Canada, Bills of Lading and Passage Tickets will be granted in Liverpool for the conveyance of Goods and Passengers, at vely modarate through rates to all the principal towns in Caaada and the United States. Bay gage taken from the Ocean Steani Sliips to the Rail- way Van Free of Expense. Apply in London, to Montgoraerie and Green home, 17; Graceeimrch-street; in Glasgow, to James and Alesauder Allan, 54, St. Enocii Square; or to ALLAN BROTHERS and CO., Weaver Buildings, Brnnswick-street, Liverpool. For Steerage Passage apply to Sabel aad Suarit, 19, Water-street, Liverpool. SILKS! SILKS!! SILKS!! PATTERNS POST FREE. THE NEW AUTUMN STYLES IN Crossover and Checked Siiks, £ 1 5s 6d lull dress. Shepherd's Check Silks, JEt is Od. Striped, Checked, and Crossover Poult de Soie .£1 7s 6d. Jasper Bar and Bayadere Glaees, <6: lis 6d. Rich Raised Satin Bars, iSt lis 6d. Novelties in Spitalflelds and French Silks, igi Is tid. Rich Brocaded French Silks iel 19s 6d. Two-flounced Kobes, 24 Guineas. Double-skirt Robes, made up, 2q Guiueas. Rich Moire Antiques c3 8g od. Iii. ndseye, Moiiairs. Dresses, Linens, and Fancy CToods, in great vaiiety. PATTERNS POST-FREE. AMOTT BROTHERS, 61 and 62, St. Paul's Chucrchyard, London. • TO GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, TRADESMEN, AND OTHERS. OWEN DALY, I YORKE-STREET, WREXHAJI, BEGS respectfully to announce to the Gentry, Farmers' JD and Tradesmen of Wrexham and its neighbourhood that ho is prepared to supply, as a Licensed General Ilorze Dealer, USEFUL SOUND HORSES of every description, in each and every case warranted according o their real respective merit and condition. Orders received promptly attended to, and advice given in all cases where required. Hq is also prepared to BUY OR tlELIJ HORSES for Gentlemen on a very Reasonable Cornraission. 0. D. feels the more confident of his being enabled to give complete satisfaction to Gentlemen, from the fact of his having had for a great number of years practical experience in the management and purchasing of horses. Unexceptionable references given if required. A trial is respectfully solicited, IMPORTANT NOTICE, As some unprincipled Parties are now making and offering for Sale an Imitation of the GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, we hereby caution all our Customers to be careful, when purcbtsing, to see that tho word GLENFIELD is on each Packet, to copy which is Felony. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW & LONDON. EMIGRATION. Tire GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION agent in t Victoria, in his annual report to the Colonial Government flays, that a very urgent 4tnd increasing dJ- mund exists throughout the colony for single female ser- vants, and employment could readily be found for at least 300 monthly. The following are the current rate of wages :-Cooks and laundresses, £ 30 to t35 per an- nem, housemaids £ 25 to £30, general servants £ 25 to £ 30 nursemaids JE20 to £25, but ically skilful and tried ser- vants readily obtain much higher wages. The class most in requisition arc good farm men ser- vants who can mkè themselves generally useful, and female servants of ey,!ry description, to whom paisa" ae3 are now being granted. For particulars and forms 0 of appplication, apply to. JOHN JONES, ESQ., Solicitor, Agent, or MR. ARTHUR CLARKE, Accountant, Sub. Agent, Wrexham. ROWLAND'S STOMACHIC DIGESTIVE PILLS. THESE PILLS arc prepared from the prescription of a late eminent physician, and will be found a most valuable remedy for all disorders of the Stomach— mpaired digestion, flatulence, acidity, deficient appetite for food, pain in the stomach alter meals, head-ache or ner vousuess, and for females before and after confinements They do not contain a particle of mercury, or any of its preparatiot s, being composed entirely of vegetable ingredients; and their continued use will not weaken or in any way injure the system, but from the toni c property which they contain, will have a strengthening and invigorating effect. A more valuable family medicine cannot be obtained. Sold in boxes at 8d, Is lid, and 2s 9d by the proprietor, a 4 WM. ROWLAND, DISPENSING CHEMIST, High Street, Wrexham. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH used in the Royal Laundry, renounced by her Majesty's Laundress to be the Finest Starch she ever used. Sold by all Chandlers, Grocers, s.c.. &c, I BUllKOWS AND Co., WHOLESALE WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. Store*. LUll STREET.—Offices, 51, D L'KE STREET I fHE Proprietors be,- mnst respectfully to call the JL attention of the Trade, Nohlemen, Clergy, and the Public, in general, to their extensive Stock of Choice Wines of Rare Vintages. B. allll Co. are not disposed to comment upon the lriri- ty of their Wiues, which is daily most laudably acknow- ledzed by the public and eminent inedieai uieii of all countries, as the increasing patronage of the highest families in the land is a sufficient guarantee. They beg to call particular atteuti >n to their pare Their Tonic Vvine is admitted to be iiioit, essential to Invalids, both old and young, and should never be absent from the homes of the weak and sickly. Its properties are (Iuir acknowledged at,d appreciated by the leading men of the Faculty, both at home and abroad. To prevent imposition, each Bottle is scaled with the name of the firia.-All orders to be made payable to I Henry Burrows. TONIC WINES, as being so valuable to Invalids and persons of weak stomachs. A Sample Case, containing three full sized Wine Bottles, wiil be forwarded to any address, oa receipt of r. 0, O. for 6s (id, or a d"zcn for 24s. It is a well known fact that impure and adulterated Winis are the greatest foes to health, producing acidity in the stomach, and debilitatiug the digestive organs, wiiile Pure Wines will accelerate the digestive powers, invigorating, alrengthenibg, and bracicg the nervous system. GREAT CLEARANCE OF Y E It 1\0 N They shall DIE, and for EVEZl CEASE HARPER TWELVETREES' MICE AND RAT M KILLER is the most delicious dainty ever pre- pared for Vermiu! Mice cannot resist it They will come from their holes and follow it aizywhere Eat it greedily, and DIE, mi the spot! You may clear them away by the score every night and morning. A Six- penny Packet will kill one hundred Mice, and fifty Rats. Sold in Packets at 3:1., 61., and Is. each, by all Patent Medicine Vendors, and at the Advertiser Office, Wrex- ham or any size free by Post if postage stamps are sent to Harper Twelvetrees, "The Works," Three Mills Lane, Bromley-by-Bow, London. E. HOw to SAVE Hard Earnings'—One Pound of ft Butter for a Penny Nine Eggs for a penny Use Harper Twelvstruos' BAKING AND PASTRY POWDEll, by which the most delicious Loaves may be made without Yeast, and puddings, tea cakes, buna, bis- cuits, hatter puddings, pancakes, and all kinds of pastry. WITHOUT BUTTER OR EGGS, besides saving TWO POUNDS of Flour in every stone. A Penny Packet is equal to Nine Ll,s 1 or a Found of Butter or Lard 1. 1- Sold at Id.. 2d., 6d., and Is., by all the Agents for Harper Twelvetrees' Soap Powder for Washing. THE LADY'S NEWSPAPER and PICTORIVL TI>IES greatly Enlarged and improved, is pllbllh..t every Sa- turday, price Sixpence, froa by Post, It contains Choice Engravings of Passing Events—Designs of the Latest Paris Fashions-Work Table Patterns (Working Size) Portrai ts of Eminent persons, accompanied br Descriptive Let- terpress-Court and fashionable Intelligence—Original Tales-&views of New b-wks and Music—anl tho II. lustrated Journal for ladies, being especially devoted to their instruction and amusement; it is particularly rjluabte to Families out of Town, and quite invaluable in the Col- onies. Subscriptions, 6s Gd per quarter, received bvail Booksel- lers and Newsvendors j and by the Publisher, W, J. jojlx. tion, 83, Fleet-street, London (E.C.) Now ready, price One Shilling, or free by Post for Fourtee11 Stamps. rpiIE LADY'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANACK for 1860. TTlie Almanack, creatty enhir?d and improved in every respect,will form one of the most attractive of oar Annuals Choice and numerous Engravings are freely interspersed, many of them illustratiug subjects from the Loudon nnd Paris Exhibitions of Paintings lor 1S59. It contains beauti- ful Work table Patterns—Notes on the molitqi- Item arkq on the Weather—Festivals, Anniversaries, and Remarkable Events-Proper Lessons for Sundays and Holy days-Tiie Queen and Royal Family—Her Majesty's Miasters- With other useful and interesting information, comprising Postal Regulations, Law and University Terms, Stamps and Taxes Ac, &c, ic.—Published by W.J.JOHNSON, at the Lady's Niwspaper Office, 83, Fleet street, London (E.C.) STEAM TO AUSTRALIA UNDER SIXTY DAYS Passage Money £ 14 and Upwards, "BLACK BALL" LINE OF British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, and Eagle Line of Packets, In conjunction with the Celebrated Auxiliary Steam Clipper GREAT BRITAIN Appointed to Sail Punctually, From LIVERPOOL on the 5th and 15th of every MONTH. To the Consignmeat of BRIGHT, BROTHERS, & Co., Melbourne. THE ABOVE IN ADDITION TO BEING THE ONLY LINE WITH STEAM OUT OF LIVERPOOL, IS COMPOSED OF THE LARGEST, THE FIN- EST,AND THE FASTEST MERCHANT SHIPS IN THE WORLD. Ship. Reg. Bur. Capt. Date. BRITISH TRIDENT ..1555 .4000.. O'NEILL. 5th Jan. MERLIN ,1030.3500.. BORLASE ..15th Jan. GIPSY PRIDE 1457 ,4000.. MURPHY,. 5th Feb. MERLIN 1030 3500.. BORLASB..]5th Feb. TO BE SUCCEEDED BY THK FOLLOWING CLIPPERS AND STEAMERS:— GREAT BRITAIN LIOHTNDJG CHAMPION OF THE SEAS DONALD MCKAY GREAT TASMANIA EAGLE SALDANIIA MARCO POLO OCEAN CllIEP BRITISH TRIDENT Gipiv BRIDE MORNINO LIGHT COMMODORE PERRY MONTMORENCY rpHE above celebrated Steam and sailing  X Clippers forming the only lines &m? honoured by a visit from Her Majesty the BMiaEaBB? Queen, and so well known for their rapid passages, punctuality in sailing, and splendid accom- modation unsurpassed by any ships in the world, will continue to sail Regularly between Liverpool and Mel- bourne, affording to Passengers and Shippers, the most unrivalled advantages. The Commanders are men of experience and noted for their kindness and attention to passengers. The Cabin accommodation is most superior, the Saloons being elegantly furnished with every requisite to insure comfort to passengers, and are supplied with Beds, Bedding, &c. Bounty Ticket Passengers fonvardod to Launoeston and Hobart Town. Apply to GIBBS, BRIGHT & Co. Merchants, or to JAMES BAINES, & Co., Liverpool. OR TO MR, ARTHUR CLAKE, BYNYFFtfN- NON TERRACE, WREXHAM. THE ECONOMIC LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 6, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London, Established 1823. The Lowest rates of Premium on the Mutual System. The whole of the Profits divided every Fifth Year. Assets amounting to £1,8tO,000. The Bonus additions in 1859 (which averaged CG5 per cent on the Premiums paid) amounted td £ 475,000, the sum of £ 890,000 having been added as Bonus at previous Divisions. The Annual Income exceeds 2260,000. ALEXANDER MACDONALD, Socretary. Agent at W.ItE¡¡ILUI. J. Bury. It DBNBIGH. II T. G. Edwards, Sol. „ LLANRWST .J. S. Hughesl „ PWLLHELI H. Pugh „ CARNARVON. ECONOMIC LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY- SPECIAL NOTICE.—BONUS OP 18G4. Proposali; for Assurance should be made before the January, 1860, to entitle tho Assured to participation the Division of Profits in 1854.