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DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Ol"åer of LeoTJold of JJr:lgitem), M LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL ?N PrMcribcd by the most ptninpnt Medicat Men throunhout t:ip ?? worid as the Naffst. spf'diest. aud t?oxt eH'M'tua' '<-dy t'" ?M CbM<MM?/t'MM, 7?-oMe/?''?. ?/M?.a, ?o?/? '< .? ?N 6'oM/ C?f??j-??y, jp??M c/'?c 6'?-?<, .A'/r??, ?N J?M<<7<' ?M?Hy, aHcf o? ?M'-q//<?;? ??rt<oM?. ?M DR. DE Jo?Gn's <)i) i? the ;?oste<!iMciou.'<. tha 'f'o. r'?'- ??t ttahle. ant), trotn iti) r:b.d eu..T.tlve ejects, unqu'tid')ahty lie of ai) F':UI¡(' suI' ;rjorit' o\'l:r "very other variety is t'sta.Lt i shtd by ?M jmtUmcritbtu s)nnt.meous tfstuuom.ib from PhysieMus a.ad ?? isurc;(.,uiis of I-,ur,)peaii rcputanon. N SELECT MEDICR OPINIONS:— ?N The Ltto JONATHAN F.5 EIRA.t M.D., F.R.S. -P: '?EIRA, ]A.D., F. R S ?M < the trl;ivc),sity ol* LOildoll, l'hysiâan to tile ?N London Húspit,d, &-C.. &C. ?N It M iitth!? tfMt, the author of th'' best analysis and ?M ]nvt".t) ¡,il"¡S i"toh Jlr'Jp..rtie of "hi, Oil shoutdhtms if ?M be "I' thit ir'))'ori,:mt 'uc i:ciup. ?? "1 k:w t:,aL nO nno e:.n be iMtler, and ("IV so well. M- quaill![ wiL1& t1& phl'síe'\l anctchouiea.) PI-0301-tii!S of tili ?M asyourfei), whom I regard as the htghest, auihorits n the ult}:ct. ?M '1'h' Oil whn-)) you pitvo me WHS of the very ?ftn?st quaHty ?M wh<t!)'' cunsidt'rcd?vith reference to its colour, tta.vuur, or ?N ?umicat prnpcrn.;s,and I itm s?ti?tiudthttt lor mudiumat pur- ?M o?es u:) tiacf Uit Ciui oo pfoduuc:J." M G. H. BARLOW, Esq., M.D., F.B.C.P.. ?N Thysiciaii to Guy's Irospital, Aitthor of A ilfa,el oj the Practico of Medicitie," &c., &c. ??N ? I h:ive ftcquenttv rcconmended persons consn)tin): me u:;e ot Dr. <it< Conch's Cod Ltfer Oi). 1 hay!} belm ?N well s:t.tMti 'd with in effects, and behove it to b9 a pure ?N Oil. well tittfJ for thosd cases in which the u-.e 01 that ?M 6u,stituto is indicated." N CHARLES COWAN. Esq., MJD., L.R.C.S.E. ) ?t /Iior rltysicirm to tlie Royal !1crksdre Hospital, Con ? PLygitia)a to </t8 Aeadiiig l)¡spcn8ay, 4-c., 4-c. ?N Dr. Cow:ttt is glad to find that the pru'essiou has some rca.<illI:lble i;u!).r'tutH8 for a geiiuirie artier, ??N ? TJ'L' ;uatcria) now sotd varies iu a]ntost <very estahlish- =Cllt %V)L,re it i.-i I)ureli:isc-d, and !t tcudfUCVtOprcffr a col. tastless i)ii, if t)0t cOlluLer:.d.!tl, will ulllmately jp<'pardlsc the reputation of an utiqlit-sti,itiablv valuable aLl. tiitioa to t!t'! Matt;rM -Nit-L;ica. Dr. Cur\vatt \is!)fS Dr. (ie 7.aigii uvery sucuexs itt hu weritorioiis uiidertakiiig." M ED&ARSHBPPARD7Esq.,MD.,M.R.C.S. r: Gib,,rt Oli Diseases of the .?</< 11 Be. yt'f/-f./ (lJul Rod¡ur',y Research-es on the Blood," ke.. de. Dr. Slii-ppa-d has n<a.de pxtfiMive use of Dr. do Jough's Li¡:ht- Ht"L'W" C.<d Liver Oil, a'td hM great pk'asurt* iu te,;tif'yitJc' to his superiority over any other prep'u"ttion tf be ]nft, with in this country. It has the rare excetieuceof beiiig n'ut uorne and assimilated by SMtBMhswtuch rej ect tbu o.diNary Oiis. Dr. Shuppard has no hesitation in stat- ing thnt he b.'Ueves an imperial uint Of Dr. (ie Jon!:h'!} Li?ht-)!rown Oil to bs of more vafuc than an imperiai quart ot any other to be met with in Louduu." "So)d on)y in Imperia! Ilalf-pints, 2..3 6J.; Pints, 4; 91. Quatta, Us. ('apsu)ied, !md %vittt Ur. de Jjmh's s ii! n<tmrf, wittiout whioh nOùÐ can possibly be genuine by ftiapccLiiUto chtimisLs. SOLE COXSIGXEBS AKSAli, HARFUKD & Co., 77, STRAND, LON- DON, W.C. Agent by appointment at WREXHAM Mr WILLIAM ROWLAND, Diapering Chemist, High Street. S.ILRS! SILKS!! SILKS" )oJ PATTERNS POST FREE. THE NEW AUTUMN STYLES IN Crossover and Checked Silks, .<B! 5s 6d lull dres!. ,Shepherd's CIJCCIt bilks, JEt is Od. Striped, Checked, &nd Crossover Poult de Soie -<:l 78 6d. Jasper Bar and Rayadere GIacea, dEl 9s 6d. Rich Raised Satin Bars. zCl lla 6d. Novelties in Spitainelds and FreDoh SHk* dEt 15s 6d. Rich Brocaded French Silks, £1 tSs 6d. Two-Houneed Robes, 2: Guineas. Double-skirt Robes, made up, 21 Guineas. Rich Moire Antigues.£3 3, OJ. Lm. dseys, Mohairs. Dresaes, Linens, and Fancy Goods, in Rreat VM-iety. rATTBRXS rOST-rREE. AMOTT BROTiIEKS, 61 and 62, St. Paul's Chucrchyard, London. To'GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, TRADESMEN, AND OTHERS. OWE ND A L Y TfORXB-STRBM, WRBXBAM, TDEGS respeetiuny to announce to the Gentry Farmers' B and Tradesmen of Wrexham and its neighbourhood that he is prepared to supply, as a Licensed Genera! Horse Dealer, USEFUL SOUND HORSES of every description, in each and every case warranted according o their real respective merit anj condition. Orders received promptly attended to, and advice given in all cases %-here required. He is also prepared to BUY OR bK,LL HORSES for Gentlemen on a very Reasonable Commission. 0. D. feets the more confident of his being enabled to give compiete satisfaction to Gentlemen, from the fact of his having had for a great number of years practical experience in the management and purchasing of horses. Unexceptionable references given if required. A trial is respectfully solicited. IMPORTANT NOTICE, As -some unprincipled Parties are now making and onenng for Sale an Imitation of the GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, we hereby caution all our Customers to be careful, when pnrebMing, to see that the word GLENFIELD is on each Packet, to copy which is Felony. WOTHERSFOON & CO., GLAscow & LO:-iDON. EMIGRATION. mHE GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION a?ent in -I- Victoria, in his annual report to the Colonial Government says, that a very urgent and increasing de- mand exists throughout the colony for single female ser- vants, and employment c"uld rcadity be found for at least 300 monthly. The following are the current rate of wages :-Cooks and lauodtesscs, ;C30 to £35 per an- nem, housemaids £25 to £30, general servants;C25 to;C30 nursemaids C20 to £25, but teaHy skilful and tried ser- vatitj rc;t<H)y obtain much higher wages. The class most ia requisition are good farm men ser- vants who can make themaeJvea generally usefu), and female servants of every description, to whom passages are now bsing granted. For particu[Ma and forma 6 of appphcatton, apply to. JOHN JONES, ESQ., Solicitor, Agent, or MR. ARTHUR CLARKE, Accountant, Sub. Agent, Wrexham. BORLAND'S STOMACHIC DIGESTIVE PILLS. THE, SE PILLS are prepared from the prescription of J- a late eminent physician, and will be found a most valuable remedy for all disorders of the Stomach- mpaired digestion, flatulence, acidity, deficient appetite for food, pain in the stomach aiter meab, head-ache or ner vousness, and for females before and after connnementa They do not contain a particle of mercury, or any of its preparatioLS, being composed entirely of vegetable Ingredienta; and their :continued use will not weaken, or in any way injure the system, but from the tonic property which they contain, will have a strengthening and invigorating enect. A more valuable family medicine cannot be obtained. Sold in boxea at Sid, la lid, and 2a 9d by the proprietor, WM. ROWLAND, DisrENsmo CnEtosT, High Street, Wrexham. GLENFIBLD PATENT STARCH \jr used in the Royat Laundry, FtOnonneed by her Majesty's laundress to be the Finest Starch she ever used. Sold by all Chandlers. Groeera. &e.. &< 0 THBSE RAT." H WIIAT shall I do to get rid of them ?" ppR. r'f CHAfE a PACKET of CARD'S RAT PO w- DER. and in a few nights your house will neither be troubied with Rats. Mice, nor Beetles. There is not a ship, Warehouse, DwcHm" or Farm Yard but is infested—then why not tr': a Pjekct cf this Ponder ? You will 6nd it wnrth its weight in potd, 3d, 6d, and Is a Packet. To he had of JA:.tE3 KExmeK, Chemist, &c., Town Hill, Wrcxham, wholesale depot, Mitre Street, Aidgate, City, London. FAMOUS MELTONMOWJbRAY PORKFIES -—— JAMEB OLLERtIEAD Tf?EGS to an'inunce to the I'nbiic ?cm.'r.iy,thathe I JD has now commenced, and wiU continue to t'eee've his re-tilar siippl. of the far-famed MELTUX MO\V- BRAY PUKK PiES.and t)mt ho will always keep on hand a stock of his own UNEQUALLED "ORIGINAL AND HIGXLY CELRBRATMO FtNE WREXHAM G1NGERUKEAD" H!f;h-street, Wrexhafn. MR. FRED. BULLIN, SURGEON DENTIST, 13, WHITE FRIARS CHESTER AT HOME DAILT FROM TEN TO FIVE. CONSULTATION FREE. GREAT CLEARANCE OF VERMIN! They 8hall PIE, and for EVEIZ CE.A.SB! TTARPER TWELVETREES' MICE AND RAT KILI,Ett is the molt deleeiw(.3 dainty evar pre- paTedforVermin! Jfi'M cannot resist t< Tltey will com/! from their holes and follow it anywhere; Eat it grecdity. and ])[E on the spot! You may ciear them aw&y by the score every night and morning. A Six- penny Packet will kill one hundred Mice. ahd fifty Rats. Sold in Packets at 3d.. 6'].. and la. each, by all Patent Medicine Vendors, and at the Advertiscr Vttice, Wrex- ham; or any size free by Post if postage stamps are sent to harper Twelvetrees, "The Works," Three Mill.4 Lane, Bromley-by-Bow, London. E. TTOw to SAVE Hard Earnings'—One Pdund of Jt Butter for a Penny I Nine Eggs for a pennv Use Harper Twe!vetrees' BAE:!N(r AXD PASTRY POWDER, by which the most delicious Loaves may be made without Yeast, and puddings, tea cakes, buos, bis- cuits. batter pudding, pancakes, and all kind: of pastry. WITHOUT BUITEK OR EGGS. besides saving TWO POUNDS of Flour in every stone. A Penny Packet ia equal to Nine Kgg9! or a l'L'und of Butter or Lard '— Sold at Id.. 2d., 6L, and Is., by all the Ageata for Harper Twelvetrees' Soap Powder for Washing. rJjL nHE LADY'S NEWSPAPER and PICTORIAL TIMES greatly Enlarsed and improved, is putjitill,jd evei'v Sa- turday, price Sixpence, free by Post. It contains Choice Engravings of Passing Events—Designs of the Latest Paris Fashions—Work Table Patterns (kvorking; Size)—Portraits of Eminent persons, accoiBpMied by Descriptive Let. terpress-Court and fashionable Intelligence—Ori);inal Tales-Reviews of New hooks and Musio-and the H. lustrated Journal for ladies, being especially devoted to their instruction and amusement ;it is particularly valuable to Families out of Town, and quite invaluable in thd Col- onies. Subscriptions, 6s 6d per quarter, received by all Boottel- lers and Newtivendora; and by the Publisher. W. J. JonN- aoN, 83, Fleet-street, London (E.C.) Now ready, price One Shilling, or free by Post for Fourteo" Stamps. rpHE LADY'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANACK for 1860. ?. The Almanack, greatly enlarged and improved in every respect.will form one of the moiit attractive of our Annuals Choice and numerous Engravings are freely interspersed, many of them Illustrating subjects from the London and Paris ExiuMtion!) of faiatings tor 1S59. It coutMna beauti- ful Work table Patterns—Notes on the montha—Remarks on the leather—Festivals, Anniversaries, and Remarkable Events—Proper Lemons for Sumtitys and Holy days—The Queen and Koya.1 Family-Her Majesty's Minsters—\Vitli other useful and interesting information, comprisiu" Postal ResulMions, Law and University Terms, St;= Ulptl aud Taxes &C, &C, &C.—Published bf W. J, JIHiN:30N, at the Lady's Kt.WNpaper OtBce, 83, Fleet street, LoHdoa (E.C.) STEAM TO AUSTRALIA UNDER SIXTY DAYS Passage Money 914 and Upwards. "BLACK BALL" LINE OF British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, and Eagle Line of Packets, In conjunction with the Celebrated Auxiliary Steam Clipper GREAT BRITAIN. Appointed to Sail Punctually, From LIVERPOOL on the 5th and 15th of every MONTH. To the Conaigumeat of BRicaT, BROTHERS, & Co., Metbcurne. TEE ABOVE IN ADDITION TO BEING THE ONLY LINE WITH STEAM OUT OP LIVERPOOL, IS COMPOSED OF THE LARGEST, THE FIN- EST, AND THE FASTEST MERCHANT SHIPS IN THE WORLD. Ship. Reg. Buy. Capt. Date. BsiTisH TMDENT ..1555.400p.. O'NEiLL. 5th Jan. MBBUN 1030.3500.. BnRnsB.. 15th Jan. GIPSYPRIDN.J467.4000.. MuMrnY.. 5th Feb. MERLIN. 1030. 3SOO.. BonLASN..l5th Feb. TO BE SUCCEEDED BY THE roLLOWMG &HPPERa AND BTEAMMa:— j GREAT BRITAIN LIGHTNING CHAMPION or THE SEAS DONALD McKAY GREAT TASMANIA EAGLE SALDAtHA MABCO POLO OCEAN CHIBP BjUTiaH TRIDENT GiFSY BRIDE MORNING LiGHT COMMODORE PERRf MoNTMORENCY ?"? rTtIIE above celebrated Steam and sailing J3 ?i? JL Clippers forming the only lines ????' honoured by a visit from Her Majesty the irnB&t W S? Queen, and so well known for their rapid passages, punctuality in sailing, and splendid accom- modation unsurpassed by any ships in the world, will continue to sail Reguhny between Livetpo: and Mel- bourne, affording to Passengers and Shippers, the most unrivaHed advantages. The Commanders are men of experience find noted for their kindness and attention to passengers. The Cabin accommodation is most superior, the Saloons being elegantly furnished with every requisite to insure comfort to passengers, and are supplied with Beds, Bedding, &c. Bonnty Ticket Passcngera forwarded to Laua4estou and Hobart Town. Apply to GIBBS, BRIGHT & Co. Merchants, or to JAMES BAINES, & Co., Liverpool. OR TO MR. ARTHUR CLAKE, JBYNYFFYN- KON TERRACE, WREXHAM. THE ECONOMIC LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 6, New Bridge Street, Btackfnara, London, Established 1823. The Lowest rates of Premium on the Mutual System. The whole of the Prontd divided every Fifth Year. Aeseta amounting to JE),840,000. The Bonua additions in 1859 (which averaged :E65. per cent on the Premiums paid) amounted td .E475.000, the sum of ;CS90,000 having been added as Bonus at previous Divisions. The Annua) Income exceeda jB360,000. ALEXANDER MACDONALD, Socretary. Agent at WaEXHAX. J. Bury. „ DBXBIOH. T. G. Edwards, Sol. „ LLANBWST J. S. Hughes: „ rwu.HEu .H. Pugh „ CA&NJLRVOM. ECONOMIC LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY- 61'ECIAL XOTICE.—BONUS OF 18S4. Proposals for Assurance should be made before the January, 1860, to entitle the Assured to participation the Division of Fronts in 1854.

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