THE CYMRO NEWSPAPER AND THE WELSH GENTRY. To the Editor of the North Wales Chronicle. 1111'. Editor,- Your Critique on an article which ap- peared in the Ci/mro of the 24th ult. has surprised me and many of the readers of that perhaps orer-zealous paper. We, who too often feel the want of lay support in our endeavours to remedy the evils which have sprung up in our benighted parishes from faults, lay as well as clerical, committed iflages gone by, can vouch for the truth of Cymro's assertions in too many instances. I thank God we have some noble exceptions in the present OilY, and I pray that their good examples 1myawaken those who have hitherto been neglectful of their duty towards the Church. In Scotland I will grant that everything is done to assist the Clergy in their efforts to ad vauoe the spiritual and temporal welfare of the people committed to their charge. Would that the same laws and the same spirit influenced those high in Church and State in poor Wales, over which, if reports be true, a heavy cloud at this moment hztiigs all but ready to burst. At no period of our Welsh Church history had we a greater number of zealous, hardworking Clergy than at the present day, but much of the future will depelld on the encouragcment held out to them not in words only but in deeds. The prevalence of Dissent in Wales has been attribut- ed by those who wish to screen the really guilty party, to the absence of the English language among the lower classes but this is not entirely the reason. I had hoped the cause had been removed; but I dread for the future in consequence of a rumour that the same influence which recently caused so much scandal in the Church has again been exerted with success. I remain, Mr. Editor, A CONSTANT READKK.
THE LANCASHIRE DISTRESS. To the Editor of the North Bates Chronicle. Sir,—The now genemlly acknowledged state of poverty and destitution in which hundreds of thousands of our fellow countrvmen in Lancashire and other manufactur- ing districts arc involved, makes it unnecessary to dwell on the duty which is imposed upon all possessed of the means of giving aid to these suffering and meritorious members of the community. The principal difficulty which offers itself seems to be as to the best and most effectual mode of collecting the aid which so many in almost every locality are desirous to afford, and to make it available in the way most beneficial to the recipients. The system which has been tried (and proved success- ful) in many parts of England seems to me most likely to answer, especially in agricultural districts, where few of the gentry are residents, viz., the formation of com- mittees in the several parishes, or districts, throughout the c mntry; which committees should assemble at stated times; each of the members in the interim exert- ing himself in his own locality to procure the names of such persons its may be willing to contribute, and keep a list of them, receiving also the sums contributed and paying them in at each (say monthly) meeting, to be for- warded to the Manchester Committee-unless a Central Committee for the Kingdom shall be formed, which seems most desirable. This plan, if adopted generally throughout the coun- try, would (it may be hoped) produce results beneficial to the cause now so loudly claiming the charitable Clm.. sideration of aii, even in so highly taxed and impoverished a county as Anglesey. Your insertion of these suggestions in the NORTH WALES CHRONICLE will oblige, Sir, your constant reader, Sir,) our cons an re MONENSIS. P.S.The system of permanent committees above re- commended, offers the further advantage of continuing to act as long as the necessity may exist for them.
CANONIZATION OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW. To the Editor of the North Wales Chronicle. Sir,—It would appear that this important ceremonial which was supposed to have reached its climax on 24th Aug.isnot yet concluded. In this respect the Church's prac- tice is sharper. She has her saints' days-commemorates the virtues, and holds forth the example of the cloud of witnesses for imitation, and concludes the services of the day. Not so Dissenters, for I see that at Rhyl and at Mold only a few days back meetings were held, at which were sounded the praises of the noble, conscientious, per- secuted, martyred 2,000, in commemoration of whom it is proposed to raise a large sum of money to be levied out in building colleges, chapels, &c., throughout North and South Wales. Now, no Churchman can reasonably object to the Dis- senters furthering their cause in every legitimate and honourable maimer; but every Churchman is aware that the 2,000 are made the occasion of malignity, misre- presenting, and openly assaulting the Established Church. Facts are exaggerated, history perverted, and truth sacri. ficed on the altar of sect. I would, therefore, advise the Clergy, even still, to be- ware of this leaven of the Puritans, to be vigilant in their endeavours to counteract its effects. Let not their pulpits be desecrated with the subject; they have other weapons besides preaching. Several excellent defensive pamphlets have been published by the Church party, such as Pa fodd y daethant yno ?■" Hai, nain, hwd- iweh;" "Y ddwy fit, gaii Diacou;" "Beth wyt ti yn ei feddwl am y dydd hwnw," &c. The circulation of these and other tracts among people disposed to read, and not to be led away by the one-sided statements of interested orators would surely have some enlightening and beneficial iiifluence-it would tell in time if not speedily. By the way, there is some discrepancy in the reports of the Rhyl and Mold meetings. At the former, Rev. William Griffith, Holyhead, states that it was determined to raise a fund of A;20,000 for the erection of a College, &c., of which sum £10,000 had already been subscribed. At the latter, Rev. W. Williams, Rhos, states that it was determined to raise £ 30,000 for the same purpose, of which sum £ 7(100 had already been subscribed. Pity these rev. orators could not be consistent in their ac- couuts; but they belong to the Independent churches, and are evidently independent of one another. Does the truth lie. or lie between them ? CHURCHMAN. I
MATRIMONIAL HOAX AT CHESTER. Three weeks ogo, the following advertisement ap- peared in a Chester journal:—• MATRiitONy.—A young gentleman, aged 22, who is in receipt of t:130 per annum, wishes to correspond with a young lady of suitable years and means. A carte de visite partrait must be sent, when the gentleman will return his.—Address, in confidence, A.B.C. Post-office, Flint." This, as might have been expected, has caused a prac- tical joke to be perpetrated upon the young man who was so foolish to divulge to the WOlld through the me. dium of the press, his anxiety to lead to the hymeneal altar one who would promise to obey, serve, love, and honour" him, and his ardent wish to enjoy connubial bliss. Several young men in the city it appears, soon found "a young lady of suitable years and means" for the indiscreet aspirant, and the reply she sent to him proved to be irresistible. She stated, with that modesty which is characteristic of the fair sex, when the delicate subject of marriage is talked of, that she was an orphan, residing with a rich old aunt, about three miles from Chester, who had a great dislike for the opposite sex. She also stated in her letter that she would attain her majority in March next, when she would be in the un- controlled possession of £ 90 a year, and in order to ex- pedite matters, she requested him to send his carte de visite when he answered her letter. The lonely bachelor at once replied, stating that he had had many replies to bis advertisement, but he thought the only person likely to suit him was herself, and he hoped fcis carte de visite would make a favourable impression on her mind. He gave his real Dame and address, and it appears that he resides not a hundred miles from Rock Ferry, a rapid. ly rising place, famous for its collieries and the superior quality of coal they produce. Of course the young lady could not do less than furnish him with her name, which was Beatrice M. Weston. The reader will understand Miss Weston was a myth -the creation of the brain of a number of wags who got up the affair—although a reality to A.B.C. who looked forward to the time when he should see her in propria persona, and when he hoped to succeed in win- ning her affections (if not already gained by letter writ- ing and his carte de visite) by his personal attraction and conversational powers. Miss Weston was in raptures (could it be otherwise ?) and sought an interview with Mr. who was no less anxious for a sight of his in- tended bride. There appeared, however, to be some difficlllty in the way of this taking place, as Miss Weston s aunt was in the habit of coming to Chester with her twice a week, when she received her music lessons. The weather was the means of getting over the difficulty, for it was too se. vere for" aunty" to walk out, and Nlr. was told by his fair correspondent that she would meet him one evening at the Pied Bull Inn, about five o'clock, when her lesson would terminate, and she would be at liberty to have an interview with him. He would have no dif- ficulty in recognising her, as she would wear a small black hat and a blue cloak—a very pretty and unmis- takeable signal, no doubt, thought the ardent seeker ot matrimonial The rest of the story is soon told. The victim, de- termined to be in time, made his appearance opposite the Pied Bull Inn in the afternoon at three o'clock, and paced up and down the street, (in company with a well- known confidential friend of his) until six o'clock, be- ing honoured all the time with a number of wickedly- wise eyes, for the thing had oozed out, and was sadly too public for Mr.. At length, one of his tormen- tors, (who by this time had mustered in strong number), shouted out "A.B.C. another, "how about the £ 90 a- year?" much to the chagrin of the object of their ridi- cule. He discovered that the whole affair was a hoax, and for a moment, his frame was in such a state that he might have been subjected to the shocks of a galvanic battery. Recovering himself, he ran away as fast as his legs would carry him down George-street and up Wind- mill-lane, being hotly ehased, but he was soon lost to his pursuers in the darkness, which fortunately for him, favoured his escape.
In this department ,? fuU and free expression of opinion 1, accordea to correspondents, the Kditor wishes °A °lin\i tinctly understood, that he holds himself respon.s:blfl for none. Ail letters should be accompanied by the name and ;wldress of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee I of good faith. I
THE THREATENED SURCHARGES IN THE ST. ASAPH UNION. To the Editor of the North Wales Chronicle. Dear Sir,—Mauy persons fancy, no doubt, that, tile abov" subject, has been thoroughly ventilated; in fact, I thought so myself until a few day. ago, when, from in- formation I received from a gentleman in this locality, who appeared to be well acquainted with the rules and regulations of the Poor Law Boa," I was induced to change my option; and as I think it only just and right that the blame should fall on the proper parties, and that the ratepayers of this Union should have an opportunity of judging where the fault rests I will, with your permission, give them as much of the law upon the case as I have been able to glean. By article 202, No 8 of the Consolidated orders of the Poor Law Board, it is stated that At the first meeting of the Guardians in each quarter, the Clerk shall lay be- fore the Guardiaus, or some committee appointed by them, the non-settled poor tccountiixl the non-resident poor account, posted in his ledger to the end of the pre ceding quarter, and to take the dirpctiolls of the Guard- bus respecting the remittance of cheques or post office orders to the Guardians of any other Union or palish, or the transmission of accounts duo from other Unions or parishes, and requests for payment." No. 9 of the same article says, Within 14 days; from the close of each quarter, the Clerk is to transmit by post, all accounts of relief administered in the course of the preceding quarter to non-settled poor, to the Guardians of the Unions and parishes, on account of which such relief was given; and to state in every acoount 80 transmitted, the names and classes of the several paupers to whom the relief in question has been administered." Iu a note to the above by Mr Glen, is the following :— It is of great importallaIJ that the above regulations (8 and 9) should be attended to for in Wycombe v. Eaton, it must be taken, that where Boards of Guardians do not send quarterly the amount of relief granted to non-settled (Wipers, the amount cannot be recovered in a court of law from the Union wherein the paupers are settled." Thus far it appears to me that tho Clerk is the prin- cipal cause of the accounts not having been sent out for if he had complied with regulations No. 8, the Guar- dians would have had an opportunity of seeing that No. 9 was complied with. Such being the casù, I think the Auditor is merely making himself appear ridiculous in the eyes of right and reasonable-judging men, when he talks about surcharging upon the Chairman or any other Guardians, the amount which has, to some ex- tent, been lost by the negligence of the Clerk. Let us now inquire what is tile duty of th<ft.udi- tor in these mutters. By Article 35 of the Poor Law Accounts' Order, it ap- pears that" In auditing the accounts, tlte Auditor shull see that they have been kept, and are presented in pro. j er form; that the particular time., of receipt aud ex- penditure are stated in detail, and that the payments are supported by adequate vouchers and authority and he shall ascertain whether all sumJ receimd, or which ought to have been received, are brought into account," &-c, The Auditor wishes to get out of the dilemma by the fast of his having reported the state of the accounts to the Poor Law Board; but I will simply ask the rate- payers of this Union, whether it was not the duty of the Auditor (when he found 12 months ago, that a very large sum was likely to be lost to the ratepayers if not applied for at once) to have apprized the Chairman and Guardians by letter of the risk they were running and if it were not his strict duty, I think, out of court<)sy, he might have made the Guardiaus awar" oi the fact. lily holiest opinion of the matter is, taking the whole of the circumstances into consideration, that the Auditor is really and truly the iniit to blam t in the matter, for these reasons :-It does not appear that either Mr. It. E. Williams (although he was the Clerk in reality) or any one connected with the Board of Guardians, knew that these accounts were outstanding. The Auditor did know 12 months ago, and must have been aware of it each year since; and I therefore feel firmly convinced that he ought in justice to the Board of Guardiaus and the ratepayers of this Union, to have taken steps to bring Rnm. which ornht to have been received, into ac. count. Yours truly, count. Yours truly, FAl It ILAY. Denbigh, Dec. 1, 1862. k
THE LATE PENRHYN COURSING MEETINGI To the Editor of the North II ales Chronicle. Sir,I am very unwilling to prolong the controversy about the last Bangor Coursing Meeting, especially after your notice that no more correspondence on thi3 subject would be publishel but I think, in common fairness that you ought to allow me one letter in answer to my opponents, and taking this for granted, Ishall just make the following remarks on A Witness's hot letter, for it is with him I am going to deal, and not with your Rhyl correspondent, who I think ha3 plenty to do in re- forming the coursing meetings in his own immediate neighbourhood. A Witness" admits that hunting of itself is an in- nocent amusement, but only adapted for the higher class of society. What is the reason that he excludes the two other classes, if it is an innocent amusement ? Does lie think that the middle and lower classes are more prone to drink and bet at these meetings thau their su- periors If so, I cau tell him that he is greatly mistaken, for they are all very much like each other in this case, and I do not know of any place where classes mix and work more harmoniously together thau on the coursing field. The reason that Government puts heavy duties on horses and dogs is, because it knows very well that those who can afford to keep such luxuries can also well af- ford to pay the duties; and not, as A. Witness" ilU- plies, to make hunting tho exclusive sport of the higher class. "A Witness" says, "that when men of the mid- dle and lower classes are addicted to hunting, they are prone to neglect their other duties." There is a vast deal of difference between a man addicted to hunting, and the one who only attends a coursing meeting perhaps once a year; and I appeal to every man of com- mon sense, whether a man, after a day's recreation, does not return to his avocations with new life and vigour. This is my experience, and I believe it is al- ways the case when you attend a coursing meeting for recreation and not for gain. But, at coursing meetings the occupier of the farm h a considerable looser." He is, is he ? I thought the cat would be out of the bag before long. I do verily believe, that if the Bangor Coursing Meeting had taken place on any other part of the Penrhyu Estate, we should not have had all this correspondence about it. I had every reason to suppose by the first letter of Witness," that he was the occupier of the farm where the coursing took place his second letter, to a great ex- tent, confirms that supposition, and I shall now let your readers draw their own conclusions about the sweeping assertions made in his first letter. Had he been a dis- interested witness, and had made these assertions in all sincerity, they might have a little weight attached-to them, and perhaps, ultimately tend to the discontinuance of coursing meetings in this neighboiirliood-biat under the circumstances, they are not worth the paper they are written on, and I trust your readers will treat them with that contempt which they so richly deserve. There is one great evil which A Witness" imputes to coursing, viz., the multiplication of poachers. I con- sider this one of the most serious of his charges, because all right thinking men will admit that a confirmed poacher, is decidedly a degraded character, and fit for anything from pitch and toss to manslaughter. But I differ with him on this, and challenge him to pro- duce one case in point. I firmly believe that ooursing in a great measure does away -with poaching, for it is a well-known fact, that there is far less poaching on es- tates where coursing is allowed, than on those where coursing is prohibited. It is the damages to turnips, fences, stonewalls, and that which is also done by the tramping of an inebriated crowd," that annoys this unsympathising Witness. Does he not think that the killing of forty hares on the far. is an equivalent to this slight damage; for, according to the theory that thrtJe hareB eat as much as one sheep, he would have to feed 13 sheep more than he could reckon as his own, and I think he ought to be very thankful to us for taking this unprofitable stock off his hands. A Witness* need not have complained more if Belloiu herself had" cried havoc, and let slip the dogs of war" on his farm. But it seelus that nothing will satisfy this Stonewall JACK-SOU but the utter annihila- tion of coursing meetings, or at least that the Bangor Coursing Meeting must keep clear of the sacred soil of Farm. I cannot help thinking how Time changes men and manners. It is not many years ago, a respectable farmer, close to this historic ground, used to treUthe gentlemen of the Bangor Coursing Meeting annually with a round of beef aud a barrel of ale. Alas I how changed. The hearty hospitality of the old gentleman has given place to the undeserved abuse of an unsympathising "Witness," and I am afraid that the Bangor folks next year, if they go a coursing on certain grounds, will find, instead of a barrel of beer, an Armstrong gun, and the round of beef made into a round shot. I shall now take leave of the subject, promising never more to trouble you about this affair, only remarking, that however droll my last letter may have appeared to A WitUC3S, there was truth in it. ANOTHER WITNESS. IAs soveral members of the Bangor Hunt appeared to think, that ?, had cted unfairly in closing the correspondence last week, 'We hav: allowed the letter of "Another Witness" to appear' Wc shall not, hnwever, pubibil any (mthu lidttag ga tho oqb- ject-El>, N.W.C.] I
CAE-LLEPPA" AND THE BANGOR LOCAL I BOARD OF HEALTH. To the Editor of the North Wales Chronicle. I Sir,—The subject-matter of your correspondents letter, signed" J. It. M. iu the last impression of the CHKOXICLK, I think but consonant with my duty as representing the above named Board, to more fully explaiu. J. R. )1." complains of the want of public lights-the inefficient state of street repair-in fact, the non-performance of all the Local Board's requirements. Now, Sir, its all very well for your correspondent to sweep over the matter in such a way; it may do for the occupiers of tenements in Cae lleppa, but it won t suit the ratepayers' pockets as a whole; inasmuch as the Local Act being carried out to the extent requisite to put into a proper state the street or streets in question, would entail the outlay of scores of pounds, perhaps at the expense of J. It. M." and other ratepayers in his immediate district; and constructing the following works, commencing at High-street, viz. sewering, levelling, paving, tiagging, channelling, lighting, and makiug good in their entirety the streets known as York-place an,l Cael1eppa.strcet, being streets or part of streets within the meaning of the Act, vide Public Health Act, 184S, 11 and 12 Vic., c. 63, see. 69. The sewering would include gullies and connexions with main drain for the disposing of the surfaco water of the streets and the connexions of all down spouts for eaves water. I must here admit that in wet weather the channels (such as they are at present) in these streets are torrents cirrying down and depositing in the High- street heaps of earthy matter, much to the annoyance of foot-passengers, the remedy I leave just now. The levelling, paving, flagging, and making good, if the Board carry the same into effect, would not be the con- structing of works in the manner and with the next to worthless material used in all those portions so far done in the said streets, but with approved material and in a workmanlike manner, having regard to dimensions and quality. With regard to the lighting, the number of lamps, brackets, &c., with all their connexions, would be erected in such a manner and in numbers as would be deemed snfficient for the proper lighting of streets. J. II. il." before going into print ought to have made further enquiries respecting the position of the Local Board with regard to the said streets; for let me inform him the Board under the circumstances adopted the only course left them when application was made for lamps; for, until the foregoing requirements are fully completed to their satisfaction, they have no legal power to declare tho streets public highways, for in doing so they would burden the town with the expense of re- pairing and making good the streets which, to all in- tents and purposes, ought to be borne by the owners of the property adjoining or abutting upon the said streets, besides making themselves liable to indictments on all sides. sidIes s."J. R. M." aware that i.t .i.s i.nconsequence of the owners of the property breaking faith with the Local Board that the necessary works have not long ago been carried out by the Board, at the owners expense; if not, I here inform him that a deputation of the most in- fluential (then) owners of building plots in Caelleppa waited upon the Board, and prayed that they (the Board) would not enforce the making of the street until the buildings intended to be erected thereon should have been completed, at the same time pledging them- selves to carry out aU the Board's requirements so soon as practicable to their entire satisfaction; the result of such leniency "J. R. M." knows. Amume, Mr. Editor, that the Board carry into effect their powers with regard to the said streets, what would be the result ? why the owners (for the most part men of straw) could not refund the amount of outlay the town would have to expend for their beiiefit-litigation would ensue, and the result you may conjecture. May I in return ask "J. R. M. why he occupies a house in such a locality when the approach is so bad as he states; and also why, when the Board are trying to make the landlords put their houses in a tenantable state before being occupied, do they (the tenants occupying or about doing so) screen the land- lords, and go into dwellings when the plaster is still green; and even appear in court as witnesses against their own conscience, if the truth was known ? In con- clusion, I can only remark that with regard to the Boai d, both individually and collectively, they try to do the best for the town, studying the public weal at all times, and if there is one fault more than another it is their leniency. I remain, your obedient sprvan b, W. Y. HARDIE, I Engineer and Clerk to the Board. I Bangor, Dec. 5th, 1862.
PEN-AND-INK SKETCHES. BY A QUIZZICTL CORRESPONDENT. Joltn Jones 1oon't be a Mayor. John Jones is decidedly a taciturn man. He has now retired from business, having partly by success in a chandling business (gas was scarcely known, when John Jones was all apprentice) and partly by a number of windfalls" from "dear relations," managed to secure a tolerable sum at his Bankers, &c. John is also a married man—a fact which it is impossible for him to ignore or forget, and his children are" hopeful" aud pro- mising. John likes peace and quietness; and when a storin is blowing at home, he sneaks to the bar of the Blue Elephant," to enjoy a pipe and his tumbler of whiskey-the easy arm chair of which is almost Bolely appropriated for his personal accommodation. Mr. Jones is not ambitious; nor, as I have before hinted, is he by any means a talkative individual; but he is a capital listener, and that is saying a great deal for him in these loquacious times, when every person wants to speak and none to listeu. He does not bother his brains about politics-parochial or parliamentary, and he never reads the latest intelligence in the Times, nor the Letter of our Special Correspondent." He was appointed Overseer once, and that lie holds to be the most miserable year of his publicly placid existence. He has a horror of Boards of Guardians, and never attends vestries. He attends the Parish Church twice every Sunday, but if called upon can never remember the text, aud indeed, lie was missed from his pew for one whole month but then John was troubled sadly with an attack of acute rheumatism. His partner for life-MN John Jones—is composed of quite different materials, and is little in common with her liege lord, save their purse and their bed-room. Mrs. Jones is vain-ambitious; and her "unruly member" might be almost taken for the" perpetual motion." She is a constant thorn in poor John's side, as well as a domestic" rib." She wants to see her husband a great man," otherwise than what his somewhat rotund per- son suggests. They are rich why may not her hus- band then become Mayor, or High Sheriff, or fill some such other honourable and dignified what she should like to know. She henpecked her husband to a degree, and would have her own way but in these points John was as obstinate as Swedish Charles at Beudier," and would not give in. She might pet him to death; but better to die at once than to be made into a Mayor. The truth is, John is no orator, and he knows it, and would that many others had acquired this useful bit of self-knowledge He did not believe that he possessed any latent powers of speechifying, or that he had any oratorical" mission" to tulfil-not he. Of course, his wife has "no patience with him;" but for all that, he is disinclined to make a greater quadruped of himself than was originally intended. When he could take his ease in the Blue Elephant Inn, John's desire and ambi- tion were satisfied. He is at home there, which can scarcely be affirmed of him in his own parlour. It was the lJth of November, that eventful day in the history of municipal corporations, and amongst mayors, aldermen and town councillors. Speculation ran high in Blanktown as to who was to be the new mayor, or whether Mr. Silvertongue would bere-elected or not, and no one took a warmer interest in the matter thau did lively Mrs. Jones, and as much from envy as frn any- thing else. Our friend John was forthwith despatched to learn the news, and to return with it to his spouse, and with the least possible delay. The old mayor was re elected to the great disgust of the senior alderman, who seconded the nomination for all that. The Mayor, of course, made a long and eloquent speech, which was duly forwarded to the local newspa- pers for insertion, the circulation of which was increased in consequence by some dozen copies or so, Before returning, Mr. Jones just called at the Blue Elephant, for one tumbler only, and no more, and which of course exteuded to three, and then he predentod himself before his own parlour fireside. What took place there, the following interesting dialogue will shew;— Mrs. Jone6- Why, really, you have come at last, have you ? Mr. Jc-nes-Yes, I believe I htwe-I am pretty sure. Mrs. J-Ye.3, and after keeping me so anxiously wait- ing all this time, and when you kuew I was so desirous to know who is made mayor -but it's like yoit-you never study my feelings, never! I suppose that you can tell me now that you are here 1 Mr. J-My old friend, Mr. Silvertongue, has been re- elected. A nice man you know. Mrs. J—My dear; what that man again? A pretty friend of yours, indeed! But did you ever! unanimously, I suppose, as they call it ? Mr. J- Yes, nobody opposed him. Mrs. J-Gh of course not; its the way with the peo. ple of this pbce111 the honours are for ever kept in one family or to one set. You have no spirit-nol pluck, no manliness, or you might have been mayor long ago; but it's like you, you never will do as I wish you-never! I, re;>Uy, well, I'm downright vexed at He male a lotig flourishing speech, I suppose, as usual, and as he always does everywhere! Mr. J-Yeô. Mrs. J-And- was "loudly cheered," of course, by all the hypocritical boobies present—of course ? Mr. J-Yes, the speech of the day was a very clever one, though a little long. Mrs. J-Who says ? Some of your foolish companions at the Blue Elephant, I 'spose. Mr. J—Everybody, everywhere. It will be in all the papers. papers. J—Bother the papers-I hate them all, the toadying things. They are always making a fuss about nothing, and praising some foolish person or another. What rubbish Who proposed him ? Mr. J-Mr. Gammon, the senior alderman. Mrs. J Oh, yes, that's rich, that it is, when every- body knows that he wanted to be proposed himself. Who was the accommodating seconder 1 J Mr. J-1r. Snap, the councillor. Mrs. J-A very worthy couple, upon my word--very nice persons, indeed, and with such beautiful names But so it always is with some kind of people-tongue is sure to carry the day. Only let a man have the abil- ity to make a bit of a speech (and this same oily Silver- tongue can speak for ever nearly, and on any subject) and then he get,, to the top of the tree, and lords it over better folks than himself, and richer. Is there to be a Mayor's Diuner ? Mr. J—Yes, I think. Mrs. J—What's the use of thinking-what did you ever get by it? Talking it is which enables men to be- come mayors, and not thinking. If you had been like any other man, you might have been mayor yourself years back, and I a mayoress/ instead of our being no. body, as we are now. We then could have gone in pro- cession to church, and given a Mayor's Dinner. It's really too bad of you, and I say you must get into the Council, and be a mayor like other people. Mr. J- Whot's the use of it-I could not speak three sentences if I were to go. Mrs. J-Of course not! But you can speak and be disagreeable enough when it suits you. Don't tell me- I know better! When you are at that nasty Blue Ele- phant amongst those nasty low companions of yours, you are eloquent enough I dare say, and merry enough too, It's at home, and with me, and when I wish you to say something, that you are so very stupid and quiet. Don't tell me you can't make a speech, because I know you can if you like. But I know how it is-yon only want to vex and tease me-thacs all. Mr. J—All nonsense my dear,—I never could speak in my life to do any good. Mrs. J Yes, because you are too spiteful and too stupid totry. But you might make a good mayor, with- out being able to make what you call a "speech." The Mayor of Birmingham can't speak no morethau you, and he says ho doesn't mean to try neither. Great speakers are very often great in nothing else, and are by no means great" doers." Ranter parsons can shout and speechify by the hour—just like Silvertongue; but what real good do they do for anybody? Useful busiuess men are never great talkers, and I suppose you possess a little knowledge of business, if of nothing else. I tell you it's no use of talking" and you must and shall be a mayor yet. Mr. my slippers at hand, my dear ? Mrs. J—Never mind your slippers-you are not in such a hurry to get away from the Blue Elephant par- lo ur. Oh dear no I say you must and shall go into the Council. And why not 1 The Mayor of Birmingham i canUQt speak as woU as our parrot i %ua froU2 What I learn, they are likely to elect a Teetotaller for a Mayor in Pwllheli, and I wish you were like him, so there will be no Mayor's Dinner there this year, nor anything, and still he will be a mayor equally with our Mr. Silver- toiigtie, Mr J-But if I were to be mayor, I should like to give a dinner, even if I did not drink wine myself—its so very shabby not to give a dinner. But what could I do-I should never remember what toasts to give. Mrs. J—Oh, yes, you would, weU enough. Besides, could you not write them all down, and then read them out like some other mayors do. You could do that, I su.ppose 1 Mr. J—But as a mayor, I should have to "sit" and try people for getting drunk, and what do I know about law or justice either! Mrs. J—Fiddlesticks What a stupid you are to be sure! Why, mayors are not supposed to know anything about them—it's all done by the clerks and the police. about tliein- i t'R  I say you must be a mayor, or you shall have no peace at the Blue Elephant, or the Blue Anchor either, that you shan't. How proud the poor dear children would be if their mother was a mayoress and their father a mayor —the dear good things. Yes, you must promise mo, for I'll never rest until you do. Dear me-this Silver- tongue Mayor of Blanktown again! and his foolish speeches in all the papers, polished up grand, I dare say, by those vulgar reporters. It's much too bad, and I could quarrel with everybody. During this last tirade, our friend John Jones had quietly dosed off into a gentle slumber, and was dream- ing cosily of speeches, the Blue.Elephant, and teetotal mayors.
I FASHIONS FOR DECEMBER. If we may draw a conclusion from the preparations made by the leading manufacturers of articles for ladies' dress, we should be led to anticipate a severe winter and, although warned by an old proverb, not to judge by appearances," still, as faithful chroniclers of all mat- ters referring to fashion, we are bound to notice the seve- ralnovelties in material which are offered to the fair sex as a special protection against the expected inclemency of the season. Some of the new goods are perfectly novel, while others are merely old friends with new faces and names. Satin will be much wore this winter, as will also velvet and moire antique. The last-mentioned material is made sevemlnew colours and designs; those with Pompadour flouncesare perhaps the most elegant, and decidedly the newest. They are manufactured in a variety of shades both light and dark but are better adapted for evening wear. For toilettes de ville, silk and poplin are much worn. In both materials, the colour of Russian leather is greatly in favour. For morning and in-door wear, reps and drougets are still fashionable, as are also a variety of new and old materials, which would scarcely be re- cognised by our readers under their new appellations. Evening and ball dresses are made in tulle or tarlataue, over silk or satin, or either of the latter materials alone. It is anticipated that worked muslins will be revived. For a young laày's ball dress, what can possibly be more elegant than the new gauze grenadine with saiin stripes ? It is excessively atrial in appearance, and is inexpensive wear. Lace flounces or tunics will be much worn on ball- dresses, but for toilettes de ville, they are decidedly in bad taste. We always considered them out of place for this purpose, and willingly announce their disappearance. On mantles, lace has a very different effect: and will still be the most habille style of trimming. Soutache and passementerie are still, and will long be, favourite ornaments for cloaks and dresses. Buttons and tassels are much worn, and are made in a variety of dif- ferent styles, which will suit any material or form. Speaking of trimmings, we welcome with great satisfac- tion the return of fringes, decidedly the most graceful ornament ever introduced. Our readers must not un- derstand from this that we allude to the old style of straight silk fringes; those now in favour are excessively becoming, whether in silk or chenille. They have splendid headings, and hang in tufts, separated by pen- dant buttons, or little mossy balls. Fur is much worn on dresses and mantles; Chinchilla is regaining its sway, and is considered more dress than Astracan, which has not lost in favour since we last wrote; muffs, victorines, and cuffs are now made in the latter. Round boas are no longer worn; the furs in- tended for the throat are made in the shape of a large collar; they quite cover the shoulders, and are either pointed or rouud behind. These pelerines are made with or without long ends, but the latter are much the most distingue. Muffs, on the contrary, seem to disap- pear, day by day, and if the present fashion continue, they will soon not be of the slightest nse. But a lady, however, always understands how to modify the fashions, and will never wear anything exaggerated. Plush is de- cidedly becoming a favourite material for bonnets and mantles, and is even employed for trimming dresses. Tho present shape of bonnet is, we think, the most elegant that has appeared for a long time. It is very narrow at the sides, very close to the cheeks, and, though still raised quite high at the top of the head, is very prettily rounded. The pointed form, we are happy to say, has totally, and we trust, irrevocably disappeared. The curtains appear to be a little wider than they were a few weeks ago, but, we hope will never recover their former preposterouo protonalonV are made in almost all materials; plush, terry velvet, silk, satio, figured tulle and plain velvet; the trimmings are velvet, feathers, or flowers; ribbon is very little worn, and only on quite morning bonnets. Feathers are more patronized than ever, both for bonnets and coiffures; dresses are also trimmed with them, but not for out of door wear. Terry velvet is not, of course, considered so habille for a bonnet as the plain royal velvet; in fact, the latter material mixed with satin or tulle, Î3 the only style adopted when worn in dress. The new mantles are much smaller than was fashion- able last winter; they are made in so great a diversity of form, that it is a difficulty to select from theIR; we may, however, confidently state that the Polonaise" is the most elegant, and decidedly the most dressy. This cloak is a species of half-fitting cas3aque with sleeves; it is not so long as those formerly worn, it marks the out- line of the figure without fitting, and is much sprung out from the back below the waist, so as to allow for the cournure. If made in any description of cloth, it should be braided down all the seams, but not round the bot- tom, or it may be trimmed the same way with a 'band of fur so narrow as to form a mere rouleau, which may also be continued round the bottom. We have seen a very elegant Polonaise made of black velvet; two very deep roses of black guipure were placed round it, one cm the velvet, the other below; above the upper flounce was embroidered on the velvet' a narrow baud of sprays of coral. The open sleeve was trimmed in the same manner, but with only one lace which was laid on the velvet. A pelerine of guipure was placed on the shoul- del's. Circular cloaks are much worn, and of all lengths, but the most distingue are short and edged with lace. The paletot is still in favour, but not so long as formerly; it is made in various materials. Many cloaks are trim- med with fur. Those in velvct with chinchilla or sable, and in other materials with Astracan. Lama shawls, trimmed with fur or quilting, have be- oome very common butcachemires or the new Paisley, will always be too expensive to admit of this result. Flounces are rapidly disappearing. When worn, they are so narrow and full as to have the appearance of ruches. Those ladies who do not like to relinquish this style of trimming, accompany the flounces with passe- menterie, an insertion of guipure, or head them with ruches. The flounce bound top and bottom is quite out of fashion. Plain braided skirts are trimmed in either medallions, detached ornaments round the skirts, or braided up each seam. The bodies are, of course, trimmed to correspond. They are sometimes made with postillion jackets or braided revers; but the most elegant are plain anll tight, with the design on the skirt reproduced on the body, narrow rouud the ruche, wider at the middle of the back, wide again on the bust, and quite narrow at the waist. Dresses are worn very full and very long behind. The boxplaits all round are no longer admissible, except for moires, velvets, or satius-Le Follet,
POKTMADOC. THE DISTRESS IN LANCASHIRE.—The Rev. J. Jones, Rector of Criccieth, the Itev. T. Ll. Kyffin, Iremadoc, and the Hev. It. Williams, Portmadoc, have recently made a house-to-house collection throughout the parish of Yuyscvnhaiarn, the total sum collected amounting to 1:34. This sum was forwarded, on Tuesday last, to the Central Committee in aid of the general fund. BICENTENARY MEETING.—On Monday evening last a meeting of the Congregationalists of this town and neiO'hburhood was Iehl in the new Independent Cha- pd in order to celebrate the bicentenary of the e.?p.l. sion of the dissenting ministers. The delegates were the Hev. D. Roberts, Carnarvon, and the Hev. Thos. Jones, Tabor Chapel, Pentrefeliu. A sermon ws preached by the Rev, D. Roberts, after which subscriptions, to the amount of a little over .£200, were promised towards the erection and endowmentof a "CommemorationCollege, There was a very large attendance. WOMEN'S CLOTHING CLUB.—About twelve months ago Mrs. Captain Matliew, of the Wern, established a Women's Clothing Club in Portmadoc, the payments to which were paid monthly in the National Schoolroom. On Monday last tickets were given by Mrs. Mathew to the different members to purchase wearing apparel at what shop the party might choose, a little over one- third of the accounts paid in being kindly added on the tickets. This charitable kindness of Mrs. Mathew to the poor people of the Port speaks for itself, and re- quires no comment from m. THE CROESOH QUARRY RAILWAY.—The extension of slate quarries in the districts of Festiniog and Tremadoc has been very great during the past year or two, and should they ultimately prove profitable" and turn out well, Portmadoc will, at no distant date, most assuredly become one of the very first and most important sea- ports in Wales. Near Tremadoc the Hendy Ddu and Moelfra quarries are fast being developed, and success- fully so; that at Mynydd Ednyfed, near Criccieth, is being pushed on with very considerable activity, and the Company is still sanguine of success and close to Tremadoc town a miscellaneous quarry has been com- menced, the particular merits and features of which we shall give in a future number of this paper. THE DISTESS IN LANCASHIRE —At the drill on Satur- day night last, Captain Mathew requested the Sergeants, assisted by the Corporals, of the Portmadoc Volunteers, to make a collection during the week amongst the other officers and men of the Company (exclusively), the money to be paid in at their drill on Saturday next. We are also glad to find that early in the month of January next there will be given a grand Amateur Con- cert in the National Schoolroom, in the Port, by the members of the Harmonic Society, assisted by other Wlipg and gcnfcloKKJix of fho neigh hîln,.no()t1 the pro. ceed3 of the concert to be given to relieve the distress which now prevails so alarmingly in the manufacturing districts. Mr. Owen is the conductor of the choir, which has already commenced practising once or twice a-week. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING CLASS.—We are glad to learn that a class has been formed in Portmadoc for the purpose of improving the singing in our churches and chapels in Wales. It is held once a week in the National School-room, the leader being Mr. William Owen, who is also the conductor of the Church Harmonic Choir, and it is attended regularly by persons of all religious per- suasions. A very excellent congregational tune-book has been published lately by the Rev. John Roberts, C"I- vinistic minister, AUerdare (Ieuan Givyllt), and this is the principal book made use of by the Portmadoc Class. Church Chaunts are occasionally introduced by Mr. Owen, as a vai-iatimi; but the Dissenters, of course, are not much up in this kind of music. This class is very popular at present, aud there can be no doubt whatever but that if persevered in, it will greatly tend to improve the singing in all our places of worship. At Festiniog, the same speculative activity prevails, and that iu an equal degree. The Croesor Slate Quarry, which is situate oil the south-west sidof the celebrated Moelwyn Mountain, has been pretty fairly developed but the extreme difficulty of removing the slates to the Port for exportation has hitherto operated as a very se- rious drawback. In order to obviate this difficulty, it was resolved sometime ago to make a tramway to Port- madoc harbour, past Ynysfawr aii(I along the flat ground of Traeth Mawr, so as to join the inner harbour by Yuystowyn and Mr. Spooner, the civil engineer, was directed to survey the line, and to supply the required plans and sections. This having been done to the sa- tisfaction of the Company, it was resolved to carry out the design and we are glad to say that last week the undertaking was fairly commenced, at the end next the quarry. Of coufse this railway will necessitate the making of a new quay by Yuystowyn, and this has also been resolved upon. This line, when completed, will have another and a collateral advantage. There are a number of mines opened near to Beddgelert, and there is now scarcely any outlet for the minerals produced there. Now a branch line of railway can easily be made from near Ynysfawr up the famous Beddgelert Pass, so as to reach these isolated works directly, and then the produce, what it may be, can be sent straight off to Portmadoc for shipment. This tramway, then, to Croesor will be an indirect benefit to Beddgelert, as well as a direct one to the Company and to the Port, and we heartily wish success to the undertaking. THE NEW QUAYS IN THE POUT.—The new quays which are being erected on the edge of the Glaslyn river, south of and adjoining the Welsh Slate Company's wharf, are-progressing very rapidly towards their com- pletion. The Cwmor River Company's wharf, 600 feet in length, and which has been let to the contractors, Messrs. Maokensie and Jardine, is much the farthest advanced, a largo portion of it being all but completed. The height of this wharf is 22 feet) and the masonry is of the most perfect-and excellent kind, and is not sur- passed by any similar work in the country. About SO yards of this length has been ballasted with small grn. vel, and is as level and as smooth as a drawing-room. We stated some time ago that Mr. Percival, who owns one of the Festiniog slate quarries, had let his wharf to Mr. Jardine, exclusively, and this quay Is also now being pushed on with the utmost despatch. The extensive wharf of the Welsh Slate Company is also being length- ened, on a line with the other series, by 50 yards, this extension being carried out by Messrs. Griffith and Jones, who, we are told, have constructed nearly all the pre- sent wharfs in and around the harbour. In all there will be four new quays made on the side of this part of the river, the total length of which in front will mea. sure 400 yards or so. We may add that the stone for these works is obtained from the rock which nearly overhangs the harbour, and it is of the best and most durable character. The number of mechanics and la- bourers employed in these works is very considerable, and lodgings are now very difficult to obtain in the Port, the charge for-which has increased accordingly. How the navvies are to be accommodated when the Welsh Coast line of Railway is commenced in these dis- tricts, it is impossible for us to conjecture. THE VOLUNTEERS.—The Eifionydd Company of Yo. lunteers was inspected on Saturday night last, in the Town Hall, Portmadoc, by Captain Peel, Adjutant of the Carnarvons)uro Battalion. There were nearly 50 of the members present, wben the men were very miuutely inspected by the Adjutant, in company with Captain Si.athew. They were then put through the manual Merck* by Lieut. J. H. Jones, and through the platoon ditto bySergt. T. Williams. They were then "proved" by Sergeant Ash, after which they were taken in hand by Sergt. Wyatt, who put them through the first and second position drill (standing). The inspec. tion was concluded by Sergt. CaSson exercising them ia the third position drill (kneeling.) The Company was divided into five sections. „ The Company having been formed into three sides of a square, Captain Mathew stepped forward and said- He was sorry to find that two™ the men were leaving the Company, as they were about emigrating to Brith Columbia-uamely, Privates Robert Pnchard and Wm. o IVens. Pritchard had conducted himself with the greatest propriety since he first joined the company; he was an excellent shot, and he had attended his driU so regularly that it was oniy the other day that he thought it hi. duty to mark his (Captain Mathew's) sense of his good conduct by making him a Lance Cor- poral. He trusted he would continue to conduct him. self so well in the distant country he was about going to, and that he would be successful and prosperous in life. As a memento, and to testify the esteem he was held in by his brother-volunteers, he had much pleasure indeed in presenting him with a Bible, ana he hoped he be guided by the precepts and principles inculcuted in that the Book of books. Captain Mathew then presented Pritchard with the Bible, amidst loud aud prolonged cheering. He also shook hands with him, M did aho Captain Pee Private Owcn was not pre.ent at the drill, but we believe that a Bible was also sent to him by the Captain, as he was one of the best and steadiest men in the whole company. PETTY SESSIONS, FIIIDAY, November 28.-Before D. Williams, John Jones (Ynysgain), and O. Griffith, Esqrs. Mr. Ellis, Chief Constable, was also present. Warrant of Ejectment—Mr. J. H. Jones applied on behalf of Catherine Mary Jones, and Elizabeth Jones, for a warrant of ejectment against Jane Griffith, of London Road, Portmadoc, who holds a house which is the joint property of the above named applicants. Mr. Jones then produced the legal notice to quit on the 12th of November last, and also a copy of the notice of that application which had been served upon the defendant 7 clear days before that meeting. Mr. Morris W illianis, County Court officer, proved the serving of the notice in May last, and P.C. John Thomas the last one. Mr. Jones said that the warrant could not be executed before the expiration of 21 clear days, nor did the act permit of its extension over 30 clear days. Warrant granted for 21 clear days. Vagranry.-The young lad from Abergele, who three weeks ago was sent to prison 7 days as a vagrant, was again brought up in custody by Inspector C. Danes, for precisely the same offence, viz.—for sleeping out at nights near to one of the limekilns in the Port, and having no apparent means of obtaining a livelihood. As this was his second offence he was committed to Car. narvon gaol for two months, as a rogue and a vaga- bond." Illegal Fishing.—An old man, 85 years of age, named Humphrey Jone.s, was charged by P.C. John Williams, stationed at Garn, with spearing and killing a salmon in the Dolbenmaen river, on the 5th of November last, it being during the fence days, and therefore illegal. The prosecutor said he saw the defendant close to the river with a spear in his possession, and al') a fish which was dead; but he could not positively swear that he actually killed the fish. The salmon was bleeding from the spear wound. When the defendant saw him (the police-officer) he ran through the river so that he did not secure the spear. The old man said he did not kill the salmon as alleged in the summons, but he found it in the river dead, and so picked it up. Mr. D. Williams observed that the spear ought to have been taken from the defendant at the time, as if be, an old man 85 years of age, could run through the river, surelv a policeman could do so too. Mr. O. Griffith said there were persons often seen salmon fishing in that river, young men, and nobody. ever interfered with them. He himself saw two lights by the side of the river a short time ago. He did not think it right for the police to summons an old man like that, 85 years of age, and who had managed to get a living without ever having troubled the parish, whilst younger men were allowed to go free. Mr. Ellis (Chief Constable) said the police-officers were not permitted to go out of the turnpike-road to watch the river; he could only summons those whom he might accidentally see fishing from off the road. Mr. D. Williams—That of course exonerates the policeman from all blame in the matter. Some observations were then made in reference to the New Fishing Act, which they all held to be a very defective one, and gave much trouble to the magistrates in England and other parts of the kingdom. The defendant was fined 6,1. aiid 9s. 6d. costs. The police costs (2.) were ultimately remitted, leaving the old man 8s. to pay for his salmon sport.
ALLEGED EsTE.vsiva BANK FRAUDS.—One of our joint-stock banks is likely to figure in a court of law as plaintiff in an action for the recovery of a sum of money under a bond of guarantoo for the fidelity of one of its clurka I10cu.ed of fraud and forgery to a large amount. The surety under that bond-a private gentleman and a relation of the accmed-Îs advised and resolved to de. fend the action, not being satisfied, after a long and careful investigation, of the guilt of his relative, who had been in the service of the bank for fourteen years or longer, and left his employment with a first-rate testi- monials. The claim on his sureties wai not made till twenty months after lie had resigned his appointment.— Advertiser. OVERLAND TO BRITISH COLUMBIA.—The Canadian party (not the English, arrived at the mouth of the Quesnelle, in British Columbia, in 134 days from their departure from Toronto. They reached Fort Garry at the end of May, the train, consisting of 146 men, one woman, and three children, with 100 waggons, 20 horses, and 80 oxen. The route was by Minnesota and the Red River settlement, and through the Yellow-head, 01: Leather Pass of the Rocky Mountains, to Cariboo. The party did not reach their destination without much suf- fering. Travelling was for the greatest part of the way very disagreeable; in many places they had to wade up to the waist in water. Provisions ran short, and the travellers were put on scant allowance. A horse was killed and eoten in the Pass of the Rocky Mounfains; a skunk and murkrat, when they were to be had were likewise served. Two deaths occurred in the course of the journey; Ir. A. RobertsoD, a Canadian, was drown- ed at one of the rapids on the Frazer; and Mr. E. Pat- terson, a young Englishman, died of malignant sora throat. A small section of the party remained on the east side of the mountains, to explore for gold irT the Saskatchewan River aud its tributary streams. Ac- counts from Cariboo state that the miners were being literally stirved out of the diggings, provisions being so very scarce that they were hardly to be obtained at any price. CHARLEsTON.-We are kept in considerable excite- ment about vessels running the blockade of the harbour of Charleston, and I will here mention a very curious fret. I suppose I have been in and over the Charleston bar hundreds of times, in all weathers. It was always a nuisance. If in a vessel drawing over ten feet, you had to wait until exact high water, and the,, you rarely found over 15 to 16 feet on the bar. The Goodwill Sauds are not more treacherous than those on the Char- leston bar. Well, what does President Lincoln ? At a very heavy expense he orders vessels filled with granite to be sunk in the main channel, where thero never was 17 feet of water at high or any other tide. The result is astounding. The Cooper and the Ashley rivers, which there pass to the sea on each side of Charleston city and out over the bar, have swept out a ship channel, in no places under 30 feet deep, and in some places there is 50 feet of water where there was only IS before the vessels were sunk. When peace comes, Charleston har- bour will be one of the finest in the Southern States. Man proposes, but God disposes." From nearly round Charleston the water in a channel of 30 feet will make her the second city in the United States in a few years. I have my information from a source that cannot be doubted by nie,-New York correspondent of the Hom- ing Herald. DEATH OF JAMES SHEBID.VN KN'OWLES.—A telegram announces that James Sheridan Knowles, one of the greatest of modern dramatists, has just expired at. Tor- quay. This eminent author was born at Cork in 1784, and made his first attempt at authorship when only H years old. In 1809, he first appeared pn the stage in Ireland, but after playing once or twice, he settled down in Belfast as a teacher of elocution. From that date down to 1843, he wrote many dramatic pieces, including The Hunchback," The Wife," The Love Chase," "Love," &c. He subsequently wrote several novels. In 1835, he visited the United States, and afterwards lec- tured at many places in England on dramatic literature. He also tried his hand at polemical writing. In 1849, he became the recipient of a literary pension of 200. Of late years, he preached as a minister of the Baptist denomination. Mr. Knowles was twice married. By his first wife, Miss Charteris, whom he espoused while an actor in the south of Ireland, he had a numerous family, of whom three sons and three daughters reached maturity. His eldest daughter was married to Dr. D. J. Marshall, Belfast. All except one son, Mr. R, B. s. Knowles, London, and one daughter, Mrs. W. Dobbin, ot Dublin, preceded their father to the grave. His second wife (once celebrated as an actress) Miss Elplunrltone, survives her husband. For many years Mr. Knowles a martyr to rheumatism, which almost entirely robbed him of the use of his limbs. His sufferings woreMvere but were borne with exemplary patieuce; and hw moments were tatfi^ujl aud resigned.