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THE NORTH WALES (WHOLESALE & RETAIL) FAPEB-HAMQING ESTABLISHMENT, CATHERALL & NIXON, BOOKSELLERS & PRINTSELLERS TO HER MAJESTY, BANGOR, Moat respectfully invite all parties Intending to purchase PAPER HANGINGS to inspect THEIR NEW STOCK FOR 1860, Compriaing.an immense variety of the best and most recent designs of both English and French Manufactures. THEIR SHOW ROOMS Being extensive, and the arrangements complete, the purchaser has every opportunity of viewing the whole of the Patterns without the least delay and they feel assured that one inspection will convince the Public that theirs is The Largest Stock in the Principality, and the Prices exceedingly moderate. GW Gentlemen residing at a distance from Bangor, waited upon, personally, with Book of Patterns. r* 00  '9?)UMpM'M'q?S?Mft'?t?nMOUi'M ,?t H =: Z a> 'aiiqsao.\«a«o SiaaaiSuv U! SJ3WO\Sn,) £p q)! \a IHM "n '*■*« .ø £ | S hixok AH3A3 naAiaoaa SNOIPSY.* .40 SH.l.VU CI XV SMOQg ,S_q g flp3g l ?g? 3 • "S W £ > oIIo. ool5:t: Eo< a g¡; 212 S?S?gt? ??!! ? ° .s i 31X |" ° 11. (i, 9-st -«lS^^rl = ¡:d S > a S S fi C'SOOP § ?!? ?! !?!! S 8 H -a J w £ 0 w m 0 S ? g gg g t; 5 S o"«5 opS =iH fi >* a as ft aMox œ P3 w 61 3 -qaJxy-M, a\om saonvj. aweiv W TOLLS TO BE LET. FESTINIOG, MAENTWROG AD HARLECH TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Tolls arising from the several Toll J. Gates, within the above Trust, will be LET BY AUCTION, for One Year, to commence fILIth day of May next, at the ûweø and place" undermentioned AT the OAKBLRT Aams HOTEL. Tanyhwleh, on MONDAY, tile 26th day of March next, the Tolls of the following Gates, which produced last jear the sums set opposite each Gate, over the expense of Collection  ° Featiniog Gate £ 55 0 0 Maentwrog Gate 260 2 6 Gane;Gate 06 0 0 Tt.n?tddG?te 3300 Bont-newy?d Gate. 800 ,At the Vi 'To.??, Llanher. M TUESDAY, the 27th day of March n1t., the Tolls of the follo??%ing Gats, which Pa.- duced last year the nms set opposite each Gate, over and above the expense of Collection Barmouth Gate. £71 0 0 ClogwynGate, lo (J Llechwedd-Du Gate 38 15 0 N.B.—Whoever happens to be the highest Bidder must give lecurity, with suilicient Sureties to the satisfaction of the Trus- ees, for the punctual payment of the Rent at which such Tolls o, be Let. "?ebM?'20?. 1, TOLLS TO BE LET. SHREWSBURY AND HOLYHEAD TURNPIKE ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Tolls aris- Ning at the undcrmentioned Tu,?,I,ik? G?,?? and W,i-I.i??g Mach?''er?e'i !)n'' ?'?'' ??"Road," ?t'! b? LET BY AUCTION, to the highest Bidder or Bidda.. at the re.pective Time. and Places undermentioned, via. OnTUBSDAY, the lOtU day of Aptil next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, at the B:LL'S HEAD INN, in the 0"I of Llangefni, in the %o?y?of Anglese?-, ?ll be LET BY AUCTION, the Til? of the following Gates, which Tolls produced the last Year the different Sams annexed to ea&k. over and above the expense of collecting the same, vu. Stanley Gate and Cae Ceiliog Gate £ 260 0 0 G? ..i Gate. 000 NantÜR\e 288 0 0 Llaufair Gate 73 0 0 AJso, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of April next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, at CAPEL CURIG INN, in the County of C?r? ?M?M.?i'K I"I BY AUCTION, the ToUa of the totems Gates, which Tolls produced the Ian Year the di rent Sums annexed to each, over and above texpense of collecting the same, viz.:— Lonisa Gate and W(!Igbing Machine ;CMS00 Ty'mwr Gate. 100 0 0 Ty'nyLonG?te. ?Z g g Bettws Gate and Hendre-Isa Gate 215 0 0 Cernifge Gate 99 0 0 'teaa. I: g g Corweti Gate, and T)i.aG.t..aid 466 0 0 ing Machine 486 0 0 Also, on FRIDAY, the 13th d?y 01 April iie?t, at Twelve o'clock at noon. at the NVYNNSTAY ARMS INN, in the Town of Os- WeSt,y, in the Cty of S.I.p, ?iH be LET BY AiCHON, the ToUe of the following Gates, whicb Tolls produced the last Year the different Sums annex?( ,it'ach, over and above UH; expense of collecting the same, viz. .?'9;i 0 0 Llangollen Gate. £ 193 0 0 New Whitdwrau Gate, and Black )'a k ?d Be?.on? Bar: 206 0 0 Llwyn Gate 434 0 0 1"1,- O?i?,?e.. ci m Shelton Gate and Montford Bridge Gate. <? 0 0 And will be put up by Auction, to lie let for One Year, from the First Day of June next, under such Covenants and Conditions as Shall then be declared. Each person at his first Bidding will be required to produce or name his Surety, "ih, if not satisfactory, his Bidding will not be taken; and whoever happens to ?e the best Bidder or Bi ders, must at the same time gi%e"ri" with sufficient Sureties for the due payment of the Rent by Monthly In@tahuent8. and also for the Performance cf such Cove 'ants and Conditions as sba" be declared at the time of the Auction. JOHN PROVIS, Clerk to lhe Commissioners Holyhead, March 6th, 1860. BURROWS AND CO., WHOLESALE WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. STORES: Lime St. OFFICES: 54, Duke St. THE PROPRIETORS beg most respectfully to call the atten- Pof the Trade, Noblemen, ?lerg?-, and the put?ic in ge- arral, to their cxtel¡Î\e stock nf (?hoice wine, of rare vintages. B, and Co. are not diiposed to comment upon the P.'?t" of their Wine.. which is dail ,,t laudably acknowledged by the public and (minent men of all ounhics. as the increasing p.- tronare of the highest families in the land is a sufficient guarantee. They beg to can particular attention to their pure Tonic Wines, a. being so valuable to invalids and persons of weak stomachs. A 8ample Cuse, containing Three Full-sized Wine Botiles, will he forwarded to any address on leceipt of post ottice order for 6s. H.,oradMenfor2?.. It is a well-known fact that impure and ,dut,r?kt?d Wines are th, greatest foes to health, producing acidity in the stomach and debilitating the digestive organs, while pure Wines accelerate the digestive powers, invigorating, atrengthcmng', and bracing Ule nervous flYStl'l1I. Their Tonic Wines is admitted to be most essential to invalids, fcoth old and \'oung, and should never be absent from the homes oftbe weak and sickly. Its properties are duly acknowledged, and appreciated by the le.din. men 01 the faculty, both at home and abroad. To prevent imposition, each bottle i. sealed with the name of the firm. All orders to be made payable to HENRY BURROWS. LEA & PERRINS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BE TIIE "ONLY GOOD SAUCE," AND APPLICABLE TO EVERY VARIETY OF DISH. EXTRACT of a LETTER from a MEDICAl. GENTLEMAN at Madras to his Brother at WORCESTER, May, 1851. Tell LEA & PERRINS that their SAUCE is highly es- teemed ia India, aud J8, in iny opinion, th mopt palata- ble .0 welt as the most whole- some Sauce that is made." The success of this most delicious and unrivalled condimen b. caused many unprincipled dealers to -PPIY the name to :f 0 1')1 (: c/ lI g :I:: p; ttYa I eet: t requested to SEE I?.t th of LEA PEKBINS are upon the V.4PPL,lt, 811,OPIIER, i'h 1i\')1\f are upon tile Manufacturd by LEA & PERRISS, Wlr?,te,. Sold by CROSSE 8z BLACKWELL, London and all respectable Druggjats. Grocers, and ItaliAn WRrhouemeu th.. ;,? the World. BENSON'S WATCHES. Manufactory, 33 and 31, Ludgats Hill, London, B.C. ESTABLISHED 1749. SPECIAL attention is re- O quested to Benson's HeW llluatrated Pamphlet on Watches (post free for two Hanlr. h contain. a full description ot watch now made, profusely illustrated with dr"wings, with their various price., important information to t l?? Watch to l -»u y and how to me it. By itta d M?on? nE?. lV le .?err ion; ?part of the Mn:dom, can .eJect with the greatest certainty the watch b t adapted to thcjr use. E'ery watch is warranted and sent free and safe by post on receipt of a remittance. Banion'l lady's Watch Exquisite ariimic feeling in oma- SSfuUon and infection °1 mechanism. -• Morning Post.' S?r.'?. ? to M guinea*. Gold 5 to 50 ?uin?. BSMU,, Ce"tIemM'Wa?-?" that can be dulred in hi.b. taate Bud dt-l.du.lJ_f liwtJe.' ?'M?.?o''?in?'. 'OoM. StoICO?uiM. Benmls Lover W.t?e.L???.? to be de?d but ??.?.?t.?   t. M ?n?. SU,er. 4 to 30 gui.?.. 0.1d. 7 to 50 trllineaa. BmMn'' Horizontal Wgteheg, A good watch with.utp.y- ill, an uorb,t.nt prI('e'IJail)' T.e1e¡rraph.' ?;?'t?'??'??? to 20 guineas. Apn&8 for India-M.s.rs. Orindley and Co. C?l???tt?; lium. Rmifh Taylor & Co., Bombay; Messrs. l'hacker & Co., Calcutta ikud AU&hai)a(i Me?ors. Le Page and Co., Library. C.1cutta, of !?omtWDP'<" can be obtained. Orders, with remittances (in- 7 5 din»S» ?trt for fo<tMe). should be ent direct (or though ???'.bo??m?'oJ.W. B.?on-. Watch M.nuf.ctory. ,ny '??Hiti London. E.C. KetaMi.htd 1749. ?M?'n? S?"i" Sh,pp?r. Watch Club., and Wholesale B? Seated with liberally. Old ?t.h? t.k.nin.?hMX. rred. THE NORTII WALES CHRONICLE, AND ADVERTISER FOR THE PRINCIPALITY, A FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. TE1E NORTH WALES CHRONICLE, the Oldest Estah. I li.h?d Newspaper in North W.I?., I- published in time for ,b"Iy posts on Friday evening, and xtensive(Y circulated every SATURDAY M«IINTSG throughout the Six Northern Coun- ties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, Merhmeth, M?ntomer't Denbigh, Rnd f hJ1t, 10 Car¡j¡anshtre. and amongst Welshmen m England, Ireland, and Scotland. It is the best medium for gitiny-puMiett;' to Advertisements, being read by all parties, on 8CQ\lnt of its Nationality, the spirited and independent tone of its Leading Articles, the extent and acouracy of its Local Reports, and the variety and comprehensiveness of its Foreign and Domestic I n- telligence, itø Original Correspondence, ita early and reliable Accounts of the Money, ?>hare, Corn, and Cattle Markets, and other information suitable to the great interests of the country and it circulates chiefly amongst the classes who have property to dispose of, and ahilitv to purchase. The NORTH WALES CH RO'7 IV-LE been very greatly Enlarged and Improved, comprising Eight Pages of closely printed n,? ,,Il In?'tt, "n is i(? be found in the prin- cipa1 News Rooms in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birming- ham,and other leading centres of Commerce. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. If paid in advance, 19s. per annum; 9s. 6d, for the half year; and 5s. per quarter. On Credit.21.. pcr annum; 10s. 6d. for the half year; and 5e. 6d. per quarter. Orders, Adctli.$ement3, Post-ofRce, Bank, and other remittances, should be addressed to the Proprietor, J?HN KENMUM DOUGLAS, NORTH WALES Cilit" NICLE OFFICE, BANGOR, CAR. NARVONSHIRE. 1 fcT Is 9 ?.ti s i c" ó i  = 11 :;5:> 1. !j!  as 0 ? .s? 'B M i 9 TEDGEES, JOURNALS, CASH Jj BOOKS, Al BOOKS. 1, made to any pattern, in Ru?.a, 'e'Uum,Ca)f,&c.?tith' all the latest improve- IDEnt, and or the best material and w .rk. ??bip. HAND AND POSTING BILLS, CA- GUE8, Circular Letters and Notes, Cards, Pamphlets, Club Articles, and every description of Priut- ing, executed with neatness, accuracy, and despatch. "VTEW Works, Magazines, Reviews, and -Ll all Periodicals, supplied to order immedi?iuly on publicalion. BIBLES, Prayer Books, Church Ser- vices, &c., from the cheapest to the most elegant and novel style of binding. A N assortment of L niTHER GOODS, ?i- including Btottin? Books, ?,!ti?g Cases, PursM. ,t?. aho, 1 6,, ,11,tion of Papier Mache Iuk. staudi, Blotting Bùol;t Szc. PLAIN, School, and Fancy Stationery, of every description. A GREAT variety of Children's Tale Books. PERFUMERY, MAPS, VIEWS, &:0. OT Books, Music, and Miscellaneous Articles, not in stock, obtained to order on the shortest notice. PIANO FORTES ON SALE OR HIRE.




Family Notices