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WANTED, A Situation as L.illY's MAID, or a COMPANION £ L to an invalid Lady, by a respectable young persun-II. mcm. ber of the Chn.eh of England. Apply, by letter, to X. Y., Office of this Paper. TEEBOKTHHHALL ACADEMY, Conducted by Mr. G. L. Parry and well qualified Assistants. Fis respectfully announced that the Second Qiurter will commence on MONDAY, March the 26th. THE AGENCIES ARE now being revised of a Life. and Fire Insurance Company with a wiøw to Ailing up vaoancje8 ffOIR deaths and other causes, an I ot al-poititiiig Agents for districts ",bert: new populations are growin# up. 83 well aa for other places her, the Company has not ?ith,rt..?de appointments. Application*, in writing, may be ?ddre..?,d to X. V. Z., Po?t M?i'??rtM.t.?t. London. ??tisfactoi) references will be req?ired. ASAYING IN GAS, FROM 20 TO 30 PER CENT, BY using White and Co.'s REGISTERED GAS m>RN»«, "hieh stops all Bickering, and fcauses the Oat to be brigilt aull pure. SOLI AGENT FOR BANGOH, ,MR. ROBERT JUNES, PLUMBER, In: STREET, (Appointed by S. L., U7, Benacre-str.et, Birmingam.) ANGIFSEY VOLUNTEER CORPS. P' compliance with a Requisition to me di- .1 rected 1 do hereby summon and convene a Meeting of th inhabitant* of the County of Anglesey, ?" be l??ld a? the SUtRR H ALL in THE T?'n of BeMnmn.. in th Mid Count) on FBI. DAY, the 23id dav of March next, at tl\e hour of Thtee o'clock in the afternoon, f..r tha purpose of organising a Voltinteer Corps for the Count) of \nrleey. for the County GI,mt.a: lUCIIARD GRIFFITH. Esquire Tencraig. Feb. I. 1S00. High-Sheriff. INSOLVENT DEBTOR, To be heard at the Court House, Portugal-street, Llncoln's-Inn- Ficld, in the Countv of Middlesex, on FRIDAY, the 23rd day of March, I860, at 10 o'clock in the morning precisely- ROBERT GREATWOOD, formerly of Par- J? i!l?, Vine-ard Road, W?lli.gt?.. Salop, then of Meridcn place C" Birininghat?, then of A*hby Place* Bristol BoadBirmingham, both in WarHichtMrt. then otTywyn near Con?ay. North W?e., and ..Mt and late of ■Reirent-streel Nliddl?ex, part of the time Attorne ,t-L;,?, other "par??'p???nd in the ?r.')?9 and I NDeputy- CoronerfortheCcuntyofSabp. Coroti fo r the T.K.At'fS.AttcrneyfortheIneoh'cnt. 7. South Sqllar, Uray's Inn. CERRia-CEINWEN CHURCH, ANGLESEY. TO BUILDERS. THE Rector is desirous of receiving Tenders for Ke-builtting this Church. The drawings and speciBca. bon may be .eeu at the B ? A..?, near the Bodorgaii ?ion? ? ?" ?<-?e'r ?d Holyhead Railw??-, on after M? ;Y, the '9 h day -1 M?rch next e??suing. Tenders sealed and t?doried ?t be sent under cover, to M?r.. KINNBDY and ftouERS, Architects, Banmr, ann $3, Wobura.?uare. London, ?.r ?.re M?..?. tl?? 1,?d of Ap,,I The Recor does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any Tender, ANGLESEY SPRING ASSIZES, 1860. NOT ICE IS li E R-B B Y G I V EN, THAT the next Assizes and General Gaol TH??'T'ry, ",r the County of An?ey. "W be held at BML._ ..i?, in .he said County at An?.?y. on THURSDAY the 22nd da) ot March next; and all Justices of the Peace Chief Con- 8taùliI. Corom'r. ?ite?rds, Bailiffs of Liberties, Jurou, Pro- .Mutor. and W tneMe?, are requested to attend at BeaumMt« $Wcl^ day f M,r?l? next, t the bour of Ten o'clock in tne forenoon of the same day, to do those t hi,g Wbtab belong done. GIWRGE Rtcll.\1lD GRIFFiTH, E,Q High She'riff. 17ndersherifra Office, Lltkngefni, Feb. 29, 1860. HOWELL'S CHARITY. ASSISTANTS for Girls' Schools at Llandaff 0 and gli, in Waie9. which are about to be opened, the former ?,?d the latter 1., 25 Orphans, the G-???-,oy? of each School being at liberty to admit Boarders not :.?,,d?ng 30 in .her, a9 weH al day 8cho1..l.rs. ""xte're rShtaf 3 Governess for each Sch .d who ?Jt n'a? '?? c'a.'e' superintendanee, and direction of ?e School, M..?t as the Inmates of the E.taMithmeM and AMt.tant., who ?be ?.nber, of the C?rchof Englad, ?ho -re to be paid a .tip?.d f iC4UP??'e*i d?. mair" ,?e e, re ,,q?i train lthe Girls in piety and itu?L according to the principle of rrU m"n Religion. The Assistants will h.'? t? t.?l, h. PWia Heid* W!itin(f, Arithmetic. English Grammar 010- ?y B?phY. History, the E!?,.ent? of Astronomy Garden S??' :¡:8,t, :a\d o:uti:;n: the Gô"ernon ¡hall fr.m time to time threet. Th» ?tauts are to be api?outed at a Court of the Drapers' ComDanv and applications fr ""iidates capable of instruct- ing 11 Girls in t' rhe. .I Eduoation before meiino.ie by t.?ln.. I' ?), may be t to Mr. W. H. S., w?.. the Clerk to the Drapen Company, Drapers Hall, London, ?u or before TUESDAY, the 27th March instant. SAINT ASAPH UNION. APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICER. THE Guardians of this Union will, at their j. Meeting to be held at the BOARD ROOM, St. Asaph on T8vir.^e.M^c» iii%tant, ?r@ceed to t .ppoi.t.,?e.t  a M "dical qfflce? for tho Workhouse and $t Asaph Dhtrjc. ",}rich ?p,,??. the 'jS ^a" Aaaph, powpeud^ and Dvmeirchion; Mntainin? MM of 16098 "-?'  Kin pe»num. extras allo by the Consolidated Older, and other orders of the Poor Law  person appointed will be required to reside within the I,Iri ?,r"n P"oi"ted w ill be required to reside within the The .na to into a contract for the ,ue performance of Applications and testimonials, ",Ub f q. difl??ti.n, to be sent to me on or before the 2?t day of March instant. The person elected will have to enter on the duties of his oM?e at Lady-day t .By  ?? WJLUAMS, Rot)?r: EDW. WJI,LlAMS, Clerk to the Guardians of the St. Asaph Union. Board Room, St. Asaph, 8th March, 1860. CARNARVONSHIRE EASTER QUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 7 mw IT Tihe GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of t (? Peace ???h?o?'o?ar.?o??.? ,{ ethoa; ?.? in Carnarvon, in and ?r the said County, on WMNM- ?the? 4th day of APTil, 1860, at the hour of ten o clock in ?o?noon. for t?e dispatch of the civil and criminal bu¡jness, and will be con'inued by Adjournment from the 4th day of April ,f,,e,,id to be held at the County Hall aforemid, on Thi/USD \y UtheSt! liday of ApTilaluresaid, at the hour of 10 oc ock 1, the /onoon I which 1, menti@ieq time and pl.?e aUb?in?.m?e?. Cbthl 'r;in;i: :'ed a:'s I ment, ma?a'emtnt and application of the County Stock or Bate of the said County ot Carnarvon, (which by any itatute or tatutes now in force. the Justices of the Fee e,, ,au t,orised ? do?'n?'?'?  ?'?ner'? ? Quaker Sessions, or  adjou "?.,?nt ?.eof), will e.,?pt Pereinaf?er menUoued be .fenced, done.  Court. AN D No"' c"" IS '"I'' R?' -Y N F That the business relative to the County Police will commence at 12 o'clock Thursday, the bth y of April atr,.aid. Dated this 10th day of mwbIh.2 wNl T H i ARSBY POOLE, Clerk or the Peace. P" 're "ete' to forward Recogniz- ad L, ? ?, ,lelk t..l. ? to reach him nou>teru.anthe Saturday pTeceding the Ses.ion.. NERIONETHS [IRE QU TER SESSIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, SESSIONS of the ?^^k [J^^PEACEforthe^ountyof^^ofnetbwill at )I o'cl??ck in th forenoon, when the Conrt ?ij e.,) It? ?' \?nn.i'tt? a -n d proceed to au it all such 'bi./???? accounts into a Co mn..??. a il?.11 be then delhered and a180 to transact ?he'b?i??rSntto the A"t Application, and the l\laolcgement of h, County Stock. or Rate, General Management o Man???t .f ?. lliikkeewwiisse e all ?-.i?.??ti*? to ?. County Count) bu.ine. Md "?' ? ? M.ntg.m.m of the Pohce Con.tabutary ??'???"?)1,e adJuurned to the following ?to"b??a: the?c ,n the forenoollj day, to be held at the same p when the Grand and Petty J "i". ''d the Court ,ill pr.?,,d to h,Ir and d aett ermjiQ i all matters brought gf pr before them in Hi. fo 0 wingor" r?l. 1. he trial of pri eonerB indicted lor tss?utte anu mlsdelDe.nor at an fOTwer Sessions, and in calling person^ s bound by ,.i,.n,.e. in cases ,,here .t h.I, I be madefor t P PO ¡rs:r:lt: :Ie:f 0ti:¡;'1;1:;rbg motious ..d i. lie transaction ol such other bueineso a b,ought before the Court. I All peapons bound by recognizance t0 «p-r«oaseArcnu te or who may f the p.. e, rer"u 'red to I.i.h  'i" P.111.1 and in case &W».«s^ass^s1R. of?l, 'g. i..tru,tio.l.u.tbegi,en ;rk» to the Justices ofthe several Divisions are requeued to h, ;it to » ,e,, days before the SenioRs, aU epo.,tion ?'.v om d It?g. a., hih h,,Ilathen been tekeli ?\n)' i..?ucfi. for Indictments, which they may be able t, "e. a?in.t the County which .hU ha? been audited and allowt)ti either 1,i(luly t 1,1 tthe b.- 8«?M. mutt  to y)ieCount^ Trc>BUrer between the be prMenttd f?" J Wd.day, the 4th day of April,   vvue they .?.t Id onr till tbe fOU-i-I 8e.llonl. WMt mu. NDWARD BRZESE, ClMk()fth<P*Mt. NORTH WALES ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENCY OFFICE. FOR Houses and Lands to be Let, or for Sale, X npply to Mr. MOOUB, Architect and Suiveyor, Estate and HOU8 Agent, Llandudno. No charge for Registering Houses, Fishing, Shooting, and Farms to be Let, or for Pioperty for Sale. FARM SEEDS FOR NORTH WALES. GEORGE OHIVAS'S STOCK of the above is now complete, and is of the usual superior quality. A List of Prices (which are \ery moderate) will be forwarded poH free on application. g,?"h ?v..t f England s??d Warehouse, Chester, March 15th. MONEY. The Llandudno Water 9" Gas Company, Limited. LOANS ON DEBENTURES. THE Directors of the Llandudno Water and J. Gaà Company re prepared to receive Tenders of Loans, in 8ums of 9100 and upward?, on Sectirit of D itui-a, for periods of three to five years. Interea £ 3 per centum per annum. 11, Ordu. JOliN WILLIAMS, Secretary. Estate Office, Llandudno, March, 1$50. ELXiIS'S RUTHIN SODA WATER. R ELLIS and SON beg respectfully to in- E t for. the Public that their SODA, POTASS, AND SELTZER WATERS ANI) CHAMPAGNE LEMONADE, So long celebrated for their unrivalled purity, may Le obtained from all respectablo Retailers of Minera! Waters in tile United KLL,SIMPORTERS OF GERMAN SELTZER WATER. RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. ffONDY'S PATENT FLUID, \J OR NATURAL DISINFECTANT. Not only deodorizes but disinfects perfectly, and DESTBOYBS FOR BVBR th cause of infection. Is not poisonous, tiS jt may be ued to purify water. Evolves no noxious or unpleasant gas. Cannot be mistaken for any other fluid, thereby preventing death and disease, and is therefore the best, 6afest. cheapest, and m03t pleasant disinfectant ever introduced. This fluid has been examined and reported upon by the Board Of Health, 11 th,? .?.?t eminent Men and Chemists o i the day, in aUcaspsinthemottiatKfactorytamn?p.?ibit. The Public are recommended to U8H this Fluid, properly dilluted j with water, frequently and habiaully in larders, sculleries, dairies, ..ty cask-" -i,k rooms, close places, &t a' it t?.. numerous advantages, and can be used with certain immediate i lull e,? ?'I perfect ."f'ty. '"?o?''in'Qn? 13.ttl,? 48., Finn 2., Half-pints Is., and in bu)k )0<.perGation. SoM by a\l ft"t-cl..s Chemists, Wholesale—63, King William-street, London Bridge, E.C. SAINT ASAPH UNION. TO LAND SURVEYORS, &c. THE Guardians of the above Union are pre- J. pared to receive Tenders for a Survey, Plan, and Valuation of the Parish of Abergele, within the said Union, the area of which, according to the Tithe Commutation Map, is 9001 acres. Separate Tenders are required for the Plan and Valuation, but parties mav tender for the two combined, or each ep?ra?ely. The Guardiads do not bind th..?el??. to accept the lowest Tender, ?r both Tenders from the same er"  T correct Survey and Plan will ?,: r?q?reo [o' be on four sepa- rate pieces, and drawn on a scale of three chaini to an incb. An additional Plan of the Town of Abergele, including Pensarn, will also be required on a scale of one chain to an inch. The Contract or Contract, to be entered into will contain a ctau?e re?r??the completion of both Plan and Valuation (,hou)d both be undertaken by the Mme party), to eighteen ,.?ienday mont4s, other% month a sUbsequently be ?o?ed for the Valuation fn"n the days of the execution of be COlltraetl. ABond of S2 10 will be required for the effectual carrying out of the Contract, with two sufficient Sureties, or. if preferred. Security for that amount by a Bond with deposit of Title Deed. will be a"epted- W Applicationsfonolosine n?e.of Sureties and Testimenials, to be forwarded to me, the unders.:ned on or before Wednesday, the 21st day ot March next, ouverdcTibed-" TendeT for of the Parish of Abergele," according as whether only one or the two are tendered for. two re tendered for. ROB. EDW. WILLIAMS, By Ord er, Clerk to the Guardians of the said Union. Board Room, St. Asaph, 23rd Feb., 1860. THE PROVINCIAL WELSH INSURANCE COMPANY. (The only Insurance Company Established ip, WalesS) CHIEF OFFICES. HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 49, MOORGATl'-STREET, LONDON, E.C. 77, BUCHANAN-STREET, GLASGOW. TDTTSTERS. The RIGHT HO?. LOR?7b;7'T?)?; B?lgrave -equate, London Hedsor Lod'p Maidenhead and i?l 1' Anstmey. The RIGHT flON. LORD TREDEGAR. TrMte?ar Park. Mo- mouthshire, and 32, Portman-square London. St. sI WATK1N 1,LIAM?'? W NN, BAU1., M. P 18, St. James's-squsre. London, .?d Wynustay, 1),?bigh. COL3N'Et"'M''YDDEI?O'N"'BID???.P??rd Lient.of the County of Denbigh, Chirk Castle, Di?nbighbir?. TOWN8HEND MAINWARING, ".q" M.P., GaUtlaenan, Den- bi "'i R" C??'WATKtNS, M.P., Lord Meut. of the County of Brecknock, Pennoyre? Bre@kiiockshir?' pS?k''R"?A???;??. HutMn Castle, Den- i"i"' H?N'? THOMAS. Esq., Chairman of the GIam.?hir. Onartpr Sessions. Llwynmadoc, Brecknockshire. Westminster, THOS. BRASSEY, Esq., 4, Great St. GeoTge-street. Westmin.ter, ?nJ Lowndcs-square, London. HUGH OWEN, ?q.. Barnsbury, London. TRUSTEES IN IRELAND. VISCOUNT AVONMORE, Ennismore, Kingstown LORD MASSEY, The Hermitage, Castle ConneJ, County FREDERICK TELVERTON, Bellisle, County The'TlON. FREDERICK YELVEBTON, BeUi.te, County Tipperary. DIRECTORS. CHAIRMAN .-THOMAS BARNES, Esq., Farnworth, near Man- Chester, and The Quinta, Salop. JOHN JAMES, Elwy House, Wrexham. R. VENABL6S KYRKE, Esq., Stansty Lodge, W.ubam, HUGH OWEN, Esq., BMMbury. London. THOMAS PAINTER, Esq., Bodlondeb, Mayor of Wrexham. R. C. RAWLINS, Esq.. Hope Mills, Wrexham. EDWARD TENCH, Esq., Plasnewydd. Ruabon. WILLIAM WRIGHT, Esq., Gresford Bank, Wrexham. The HON. W. H, YELVERTON, Whitlaud Abbey, Carmar- thenshire. thensh. BANKERS. THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. THE NORTH A." SOUTH WALES BANK. CONSULTING SURGEON. T. T. GRIFFITH, ESQ., Wrexham. CONSULTING ACTUARY. GRIFFITH DAVIES. ESQ, London. SOLICITORS. Messrs EDGWORTH AND DEVEREUX PUGH, Wrexbam. D. THOMAS, ESQ., Brecon. SURVEYORS. RICHARD KYRKE PENSON. ESQ., Swansea. M. GUM MOW, ESQ., Wrexham. SECRETARY TO THE COMPANY. ANTHONY DILLON, ESQ., Wrexham. LONDON BOARD. CHAIRMAN :-The HON. W. H. YELVERTON, Whitlaud COLONEL POWELL, M. P Junior United Service Club. COLO t:L POWEI.l" M,P., Junior United Serriee Club. G. W. Fi RZHUGH, Esq., 2, Great Stanhope-street, Mayfair. HUGH OWEN, Esq., Barnsbury, London. BANKERS. Messrs. HANBURYS and LLOYD. CONSULTING SURGEON. lOaN PROPERT, Esq., 6, New Cavendish-street. SURVEYOR. RICHARD D. MOORE, Esq., 4 Queen's-terrace,Regent's Park. SECRETARY TO THE LONDON BOARD. JAMES BENNET, Esq. GLASGOW BRANCH. Offices, 77, BUCHANAN-STREET. MANAGER. W. J. CARS WELL, Esq. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. I LIFE.-8tamps Daid by the Oiffce.—Medical Ilefe?es paid for  ??Rec?rt?Front? B?nfy pe? c.?. returned .-OM,e ?n?ery moderate, and ..ifly borne by the Fire De- nar^ment so to iMrtue the Bonua.-Non-forMtMe of Policies —No liability ?"?d by the A?r.d as in Mutual Offices -Members of Volunteer Rine Corps assured ?ithQ?,t ExtTa ChaTge.  ?T?'e- Twe?e months eredit on Premiums if re- m,1«d «>?b £ ct '° '"t""t at ?.?-?" .??.-d  to thIs Office ,-Iy FIRE -Modera?te  ..d liberal t t I?rq.t f o?ses.-I,?armil?g Sok r: d t s. per cent., provi d Ie ,d the amount be sub-d. ided, »« ««ctedm tbe Company'a FOTIDI &1 beretoloTe, OT at 5? pereent. ifoot so subdivided. Fireln. s u rap oe^ effec ted in ih" ofn ce. may ^transferred to this Company free of any charge^ P«l.c £ t.-P. I ANTHONY DI tLQN, Co.?.eeo.ny?????? Cble' Ollie. Wrexbam. '.E.'IJ Chi.,Offlc.Wr„Ufa WANTm SALE BY MR. HEALING. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, EY MR. HEALING, On TizVRRIDAY, the 22nd day of ?l 1860, at F ve o'clock in the afternoon, at the 1tW INN, in Rhuddlan, ALL those 32-64th Parts or Shares of and in At))eBriti.h.buUtSch.,oner"EHZABETHMARTH?"of the P,t of 09 *1'?. Register -1?.Fth, 69 feet 3-IOtlis breadth, 18 feet 6-10th depth, 8 feet 1-lOth built at Hhudd.an bMr, J)lin obt?Y?s, in 1857. ?he is ?.)) found hI Storu. and is in first-ratp order. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Queen-street I Rhyl, and at the Ollice 01 Mr. HUMPHREYS, Solicitor, St. Asaph. SALE BY MR. EDWARDS. CAENAEVON AUCTION MART. HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE PERIODICAL SALE. BY MR. ROBERT EDWARDS, (PEREMPTORILY,) On WEDNESDAY, the 2lst, and following day, if necessary, A LARGE assortment of first-class, London made, modern ?nteo) HOCSEHULD FURNI ¡ UltE Te- moved to the Mart under the authority of a Bill of Sale, I., the convenience of Sa!c, comprisingreqnhitcs for a 13i-eak(?,t Dininp, Drawing Bnd one Bedroom, in tfpanUhtMahogany and HosewoodJ an* tetfln tw., Bfeh-ooms and Kitehen j useful TeqWlremeni^ :(j :t:tf;l r:'II; J.:r.tt   Cottage Pianofortes, 6 $ octaves, in Rosewood, by Ballingtvall; a neAt Photon (under duty), and a variety ot other articles. The Sale to commence at I] a,m. untIl 1 p.m., Tenming at 2. On view daily from 10 to 12, and from 2 to 4, and descriptive Catalogue may be had at the Mart, and by post for two postage stamps. SALES BY MR. DEW. SALE OF MEASURABLE TIMBER. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS, COACH-BUILDEBS, COL- LIERS, AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. W. DEW, On MONDAY, March 19, 1800 (at 12 o'clock at noon), at T BE- UAUNEDD, near Llangefni, Anglesey— tA Large quantity of fine ASH, OAK, ELM, A and otherTIMBEKat well as several Lots of PIT-WOOD. CAE-LLEPPA, BANGOR. VALUABLE BUILDING LAND. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, At the BRITISH HOTEL, BANGOR, on FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1860, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to J be then produced— T1 HE above VALUABLE PROPERTY, forming a i portion of the field called CAE LLEPPA, aud is situate in the heart 01 tl,yof Bangor. t'?rh? P.P??,, y CI'?il been laid out with much care and attention, aod is d'S!N\?o s?b!e Lots for the erection of Dwelling Houses, which, from the gTe,t demand existing in Bangor for HousM of every de.?r,pti,??,, will be readily let. From its ele- vated position, commanding view. of the surrounding scenery and Meaai Straits are secured, and which cannot be built out. An opportunity, which seldom occurs in the ncighbourhood, no?"one'r. ?e'trto parties anxious to posseM their own Free? hold?. Arrangements can be made to give the Purchasers early possession. Printed particulars and plan, together with further information, can be had from lIlr. GOLD EDWARDS, Solicitor, Denbigh; and of Mr. DEW, Auctioneer, Bangor. EXCELLENT FREEHOLD FARMS IN ANGLESEY FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WM. DEW, At the BULL'S HBAD INN. in the Town of Llanerchymedd, on WEDNESDAY, the Uth day of April next, at One o'clock in the afternoon (unless disposed of in the meantime by Private Con- t,.?t of which due notice will be given)— T'SE ° Fee Simple and Inheritance of and in J. the following Property, ii; j All that compact and desirable Farm, formerly occupied as two tenemenU, and called by the sevml names 01 BBTtws aud TREFFYNNON, situate in the Parish of Amlwb. in the County 11 Anglesey, and compriMng a Farm Houe and Out-batidtnj!? and?? S' ? ro?ud?t perches of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. P The^ aoo? Farm lies c)oae to the hi?h road, and is distant only about a mile from the populous Town of Amlwch, which affords an excellent market for farm produce of all descriptions. LOT 2. All that other desirable Farm, called SIMNAI WBN, or SIMDDA WBN, sitoate in the 1, ,ish of LlanlecheU, in the said County of A?leiey.compriiinf; an excellent Dwelling House and WENA, gle"?d about 40 acre.ofArabt.. Meadow, and Pasture Land. now in the occupation of the Rev. William Johnson, V.Mr of Llanbadrig, under a lease, at moderate rack rent, for the term of hi. incumbency as such Vicar.  F'or°a view of the ° Property °app)'?e' the ProptieMr, Mr. JOHN GRIFFITH, 01 BTyngla., Llaneilian, and any further particulars may be obtauMd of bim.tftat^Oiffce, of J0NEgj MR. HENRY LLOYD JONES, Solicitor, Bangor. Dated 10th March, 1860. Vi SALES BY XR. KUTCHARD. -{t:£tïlriii=ri: "??ER"ROBERT PRITCHABD Dif@tor .1 the Bangor Mutual Murine Assurance Society, TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At TIE SHIP BOTLDISG YARD of Messrs. Parry & Co., Hirael, ? g-, "EDSRSUAY. the 21st March, 186Y, at One o'clock ,ilf .rternoorJ- Ti wral i Materials saved from the Brigantine JL CANDIDATE," r??eiitly wrecked at Rhoscolyn, An,le.ey conalttlng of a Snit uf Sai,s, in exce ]cut order, together with a q.t?ty of R.p?,, Bi..k,, &c. r, BE SOLD BY AUCTION, I BY MR. ROBERT PRITCHARD, On To?BtT. the 20th of Mreb, 1860, rpHE TTnll and Materials of the Schooner JL • ELIZA & MART," M they now lie on the beach at Dinas, Portdinorwic. '1'118 vessel is well worthy the attention of ship- owne r ,.I others, and the materials are in excellent order, con- Mtiu<[ ? a new Maimait, ne'er bent, Mai,ii For<Mi'. Mad} neN, Kore-stav-Sail, First and Second Jibs, and a Squa* 8,,1, also neaily'new tiv,i Stream Anchor, and ?KK???,, l d,6uUo., two Ch.ift and Running Hi?tin? ':¡pR; a'Il;sa:IIll¡h ,i'hi!lg::1d ?) S !<  ..T'.? -iH ??d iq ,uab )Bt..M may <wt purchag- 3a!t  e fjllb. .7 :i?a ?i V. hti- li at 1 o'clock In U1e a Auctioneer's Offi?,?, A?lgln(?y House, Ban?or, March 8, I860. Au\ioneeT's Office,. Anglt' House, BangoT. MaTch 8, 1860. SALE BY MR. ROBERTS. DENBIGHSHIRE. POOL PARK, 1-. T-T rZ 1-13: ZT MR. ROBERTS Is instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, at the Farm Premises, Pool Park, on TUESDAY, the 27th day of March, 1860. THE very valuable Farming Stock and Iiji- JL plements, Hack Hoises and Ponies. Stc., late the property of Thomas Tumor, Esq., deceased, consisting of— SHEEP. 52 Black-face EWES, in lamb OT with lambs. 56 CHEVIOT ditto ditto 12 WETHERS. 2 Black-face RAMS. 1 CHEVIOT RAM. CATTLE. 12 In-Calf COWS. 9 TWINTERS. 2 Two-J ears-old BULLOCKS. 14 YEARLINGS.  1 BULL (W,I.h.) 11 IRip Fat BULLOCKS. U Î-tf1lKS. HORSES (Waggon.) 9 Powerful and active WAGGON HORSES—various ages. 3 Two-years-old ditto RACK HORSES AND PONIES. CHESNUT HORSE, 5-years-old, quiet in harness. GREY MARE, 7 year. old, extraordinary hunter and clever hack. BAY COB, 7 years old, handsome, up to great weight, and with fine action. BAY PONY, 6 years old, 14 hands, very fast and clever. Handsome GllEi PONY, 5 years old, 13 hauds, fine action, with immense power. BROWN MAttE, aired, quiet in harness. BAY GELDING, rising four (by Rainbow.) Ditto rising three (by Grey Gilbert.) Ditto FILLY, rising three (by Windsor.) BROWN FILLY PONY, rising three. BAY ditto, rising two. PIGS. PIGS. 4 BTeedin; SOWS, In Pi? 'I. B"i'td.. l' w??tU 'I tTtl- ,?r of Pi., 1 BOAR, T.-?th breed, 1 BOAR, Berkshire breed. 3 Fat PIGS. POULTRY. Geese, Ducks, Turkeys, and Fowls. IMPLEMENTS. An important collection of modern Agrieulturva Implements, aStt. new), including a Portable Steam Engine and Thrashing Machine (by Clayton and Sbuttleworth.) CARRIAGES AND SADDLERY. From the well known reputation of the late Mr. Tumor as an a?ntu?t. the Auctioneer d??- it a ,moo unNMCMMy to make any comment on the above important Sale. Thelayte ?r. Tumor had for m?y years past paid especial ati:t: i: Sh!? p Flock, which w It be found i: an emie"t deJTce th.qnaiitiM be was .0 ami.u. to ..tarn, vi." sort,- -bt,d with hardiness of constitution. These point. of recommendation a, so apply to the Cattle. Th.. Waggon Hor.ce are both active and powerful. The Hack H?. Poniea and youn? Stock, are .?h an Auctioneer has ?don?ppor?y oto?erin? to the public = they c.mbm. blood and a?tio2 with  poweT. '"T'he'I???'.???" by first-class makers, and ,[ PTSotLTmayVemoPb?ain;d the folio win, IloWsi-White I ion Ruthin ? ;rown, Denbigh Royal, Rhyl i Bee, A ;,er?e la Roval Ch"?.?' B tck Lion, Mold; Wynnstay r., W,e. a-; Owen Glyndwr, Corweh Eagles, Llanrwst; Voelas Arms, Pen- trevoelaa Lion, Gerrigyruidion Elwy Y?ult?, St. A.?,ph and fro??h.Au.tio?. ??;????, Sale to !nc,e punctually at Eleven 8,m; HOLYHEAD HARBOUR "WORKS. TO BUILDERS, SHIPWRIGHTS, FARMERS, AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD, A BARGAIN, A LARGE QUANTITY OF QUEBEC YELLOW PINE AND BALTIC TIMBER, IN LOGS, PLANKS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c. fHE Ti.b, which w. W from the North during the eent gales, is equal to new, and will be ,Id 1 PRIVATE I'REAT .and PUBLIC AUCTI NS. The flat Auction will take p lace on the BEACH of the .NEWHABBOuI on SATURDAY MARCH 84th, 1860, to commence at It o'clock at noon precisely. For particulars apply to Mr. E. ConNisu, liar b our Works, Holyhead. MR. ROBERT PRICHARD Has received instructions from Messrs. J. & C. Rigby to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, about 100 Lots of the above Timber, on SATURDAY, MARCH 34th, 1860, to commence at 12 o'clock at noon precisely, al above. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. BANGOR, CARNARVON, AND DENBIGH. p-THE IT:S -W DISCOVERY4S ARTIFICIAL TEETH SELF ADHESIVE! WITHOUT SPRINGS! VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBER AS ABASE! PROTECTED BY HER MAJESTY'S ROJAL LETTERS PATENT. ATTENDANCE IH CHESTER. I CHESTER, I por Street. BANGOR. N. WALES. The fint MONDAY in each MONDAI .?. ??,?h, Month, at Mr. R. Roberts, Watebi.aAkter, High Street. I CARNARVON, The lint TUESDAY in each Mouth at the U.blidg.Z.. I Uot, Pri,.te ILWM? DENBIGH. I The Ilrat WIID B..?. hI Month, at the CrowD Hotel, PTinte Room.. NOTICE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF PATIENTS FROM THE COUNTRY. Messrs. Gabriel's hours of attendance in BANGOR will be from 9 a.m. till 8 p:m. hours of attendance at CARNARVON, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. » hours of attendance at DENBIGH, from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Messrs. Gabriel's next visit to BANGOR will, be on Monday, Znd of April. CARNABVON „ Tuesday, 3rd » DENBIGH ■ „ Wednesday, 4th „ OE NBW BDITION OR .u:?::?. GABRIEL ON THE TEETH POST  THREE GRA.TIS.. STAMPS. ?kR^}«00 Qna oa now Restored on Gabnd'. New System of Capillary AttrMtien and Suction combined, by 'neaMofa TpvKtj ?t?M. Soft flexible Lining with CORALITB GUM-COLOBBD INDIA BUBBBB, io lieu of bone or metal,Hhere are no sprin¡rs, wire, or any operation required, they are warranted pure, wholesome, and entirely free from taste or smell, are easy and comfortable on the 1008\ sensitive gum" and may be worn for maoy years without being in any way ff.?td. ^hebest matwials with Lst-class workmanship guaranteed, and are.supplwd at Ie.. than half the ordinaTY cost only by MESSRS. GABRIEL, (Dentists to the Prince D'Otttyana, Established 1815, see Diploma.) 134, Duke-street (opposite Berry-street), Liverpool; London, 33 and 34, Ludgate Hill, and 110, Regent-street. BRANCHES: BANGOR, at Mr. ROBERTS'S, watchma High-street. CARNARVON, at the UXBRIDGE ARMiI OTEL. < DENBIGH, at the CROWN HOTEL. Gabriel's Treatise is of great importance to all requiring a Dentist's aid. and emanating from such a ource may be confidently "Gabriel TreaU.e i. of ?at ?portan.e t. aU reqairin, a Dentil'. ?. and e-nanat? from 3uch a .ource may b. conndently « QAJJ^I^GJ^GJ^^lt^y^uch BULL. Royal .b,iel's oelebrated Yreparationl-tbe White Enamellia. peT packet,,the =ercha is. 6d., bOLh for stopping, and tbe Royal Tooth Powder for rettorin? the Teeth may be had of any of tbeir a?ntt or throu:h any chemi? in tbe Uited Kingdom. AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH. The belt in EUTope, waTranted to Tetain tbeiT coloui, fTom 3. 6d. r t-th. Set., 94 4.. DECAYED T^THeff«tu^ly ^ppedwith theWHITE BNAMEUGOLDf and BUCCEDANIUM, prevents f.the, decay and tootli.he. MESSRS. GABRIEL are in attendance da?. fron' ?o ta^ ?-?ulted on the Lo? .fTeeth.and ano?..I.ap.   134, DUKE-STREET, LIVERPOOL (DIRE OPPOSITE BERRY-STREET). LONDON, 33ÀJEGFIW6vJlA.MT S'I.'REE'l'. I AGENTS FOR THE A Y]k OARA'I'ION 8 INBANGOR. r. Gri iffth, Chemist, High-street. CARNARVON r, Griiffth Oweno, Chemist. „ jpfk, Wlff, OT. ASAPH r. Hughes. GRIFFITH DAVIES, FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, BANGOR. CARPETS IN VELVET RILE, BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER. TAPESTRY, VENETIAN DUTCH, FELT, PRINTED DRUGGETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS, COCOA AND INDIA MATTINGS, HEARTH RUGS, DOOR MATS, &c., TISSUETTS, REPS, LA^TINGS, DAMASKS, AND UNION MOREENS, UTRECHT VELVET, TABLE COVERS, TOILET CLOTHS, COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, TOWELLINGS, BED TICKS, TABLE LINENS, DAMASK CLOTHS, NAPKINS, BLIND CLOTHS IN ALL WIDTH; CHINTZES, DIMITIES, &e.&c.; FRINGES, LACES, OIMP8 AND BORDERS. IMPORTER OF SWISS WINDOW CURTAINS. "PAPEN IIANCXINGS," .{. IN FLOCK, GOLD, BLOCK AND MACHINE MANUFACTUR :c £ | 15 SUTTA PERCHA PAPER FOR DAMP WALLS; GOLD BEADING; BORDERS AND CENTRE PIECES FOR CEILINGS AND DECORATIONS. :KI FIRST BATE DYEING, CLEANING-, CALENDERING, BLEACHING AND EMBOSSING. A LL orders sent through the Agents caniage paid. Most respectable references given ia allV part oftbe ty' — L??' FebJuao'2l,,Pim' W. PRITCHARD, DYER, LLANRWST. VOLUNTEER RIFLE CORPS- HENRY PRITCHARD, LONDON HOUSE, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, "REGS respectfully to announce that he has been selected by the Hon. Colonel Pennant, If M.P., to ,Iy the Penrhyn Corps of Volunteers, with Uniforms and Accoutrements, and that the CommHtee of the Bangor District have also appointed him to furnish the :Ban, Corps with their Uniform, 8! approved by the General Committee at Carnarvon. ARD has secured the services of Mr. 0. Morgan, of Catnavon, whose militarv style of cutting has also bee? A.ed Upol:o¡:tb:rëteae:i:e'wtY:I'1insffi ;;ri:m,:lifchty: O:mc:.g baili8h:O: able ,O .ue ?? rd?r. wltlpr,,plit le,dtaod,rte,?t?.fcharg?s. N.B.—Estimates for Uniforms ?"d ;?.,?te,?,nt. may be obtained. Lndon House, Hi?h-street, BanoT, Merch Oth, ,Oy CITY CARPET AND FURNISHING WAREHOUSE EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER, » BECKETT BROTHERS, (LATE PRICHARD'S.) MFS9RS BECKETT BROTHERS beg r"" "'U'I' to ann"unae that tbey are now showing at their FUTni.hing E.tablilhment. Eastgate Row, (late Prichards), an entirely New Stock of BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER and TAPESTRY CARPETS. comprising a ?reatMriety of new and superior designs. In the purchase of these Good, Messrs. B. beg to M; they have been narticularlv careful to select only such qualities and colourings as they can safely recommend. Messrs. Beckett beK also to announce that they ?X ??t?ece?ea'"a?e'w Stock 0, IMPROVED METALLIC ?EDS'fEA'D? and CHILDREN'S COT6,"in ?oS?nS BlUSS. Also, NEW DAMASKS, DIMITIES, CHINTZES, AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. Messrs. B. having at their New Establishment the advantage of every facility for a large extension of their Furnishing Trade, respectfully solicit the patronage of fmll1e8 bout to furnish, and beg to say they feel assured that by the punctual, economi??al, ad ?no?ou?n!?emSe? manner in which they are" ,,p,'?d to ?.?e,.te orders in every branch of the Furni, g Upholstery b?inM*, the* will not ail to secure Ii? apr.ti of ,h"ipr customers. MATTRASSES, FEATHER BEDS, °' AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BECKETT BROTHERS, (LATE PBICHABDS'), EASTGATE ROW. CHESTER. IMPORTANT NOTICE. As tome unprincipled Parties are now making and offering A. for Sale an Imitation of the GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, we hereby caution all our Customers to be careful, when pur chasing, to see that the word GLENFIELD is on each Packet to copy fehichis Felony. tocopy WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASO >W & LONDON. DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men throughout the world, as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUCH., RHEUMATISM GOUT, GENERAL DEBILITY, DISBASBS OF THR SKIN, alC- .atll NIANTILE WASTING, & ALL SCEOFULOUS 11111TIoll. D DE JONGH'S Oi 16 t e most e.C,@CiOU$, the most palata- D 1\P' ;noSiiih:uti:w:ti,îit; most economical of all kinds. ItoimmeMuraMe therapeutic .uperiority over "eTY other variety is estabhshed  by innumerable 8pontMMWU' (Mtimonials from Physicians and Surgeous 01 Euro- pa to. S^L'ECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:- BABOH FOUGTJIER, Profetsorat the Univertity of Pans, Physician to His late Pro eMorat <Ae UntMr«<y o Majesty Louis Philippe, Sfc. frc. "I must openly acknowledge that you have rendered an emi- ent Mr*iM to science by acquainting practitioners with the cause 01 ?freaueUt incgulaTity iu the effects of Cod Liver 011. and directing their attention to a proper choice. It is, there- fore with the greatest pieaMre that 1 pay my tribute of weU- rltedi.: to :s:u:fule evro\aI Jalh:r.3t:hfs¡I and chemist whose researches after truth have cost him so many sacrifices, and who has shown us the way of rendering highly effectual the administration 01 one of the most powerful medi. ciaes-we are acquainted with." HENRY LETHEBY. ESQ. M.B., F.L.S., Pm/MMr of Chemist"' and Tozic%g!1 in the ?MMteaf College 6f the London Hospital, Medical Q?cer o/' R<.aM<o<A<! City of London, 6e. 6*c. pos. In aU cases 1 have found Dr. de Jongh's Cod Liver OU pos- sessing the same set of properties, ?mong which the pre?nce of ehtaio compounds a'ad'' of'' ?d? ?' a "?''?or?? combina. ?n?eS?in..t remarkabte in 4ct, the Oil corresponds in all its characters with that Mmed lk,ilc, brune, and described as the bMt variety in the ma."Tly tTeatile of Dr. de Jongh. It is I believe, univer?iv acknowledged that this dMCMptton 01 Oil has great theiapeutic?l power; and, from my 1eati ?oS' ?h?'e ?o doubt 01 iU being a pure and Lad?tered article." R, D. EDGCUMBE, ESQ., H.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Royal DtepenM?. 6'c. &c. I have used Dr. dL? jong?'s Oil in my own family with marked .u.?. and helieve it to be ?n its effect superior to every other ?Darat?'' ?'?de!.? of introducing it into the Royal DM. peDMfy, of which o. ouTgeona. Bold ONLY in IMPERIAL Half-pints, 2s. 6d.; Pints, 4s. 9d.; Quarts, 93 capsuled, and labelled with DR. DE JONGH'S stamp and signature, WITHOUT WHICIl NONB CAN POSSIBLY BB BEN UINE, by respectable Chemists. SOLE CONSIGNEES, ANSAR. HARFORD, S CO., 77, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. CAUTION.- Where the least difficulty exists in ob. taining Dr. de Jongh's Cod Lioer Oil, Messrs. ANSAR, HAITFORD & Co. willjortoardfour Half-Pints, CARRIAGE PAID, to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of resitiancefor ten shiUinqs. Nothing brinqs on Nervous Debility, Premature Old Aqe and shorten Human Life, more. than Diseases of the Chest. UNDER rHE — A W AND PATEONAGB OF THE THE PRINCIPAL QUEEN FISFISS NOBILITY. THB ONt? ?AL CURB WITHOUT INWARD 51BDIC??. IS EOPBR'S ROYAL BATH FL?STEM. ?" C''?' ROJ;:n:>.Y ¡:'tTo, F;tSi:a¡:' oOTth°Ïf:t,A;, Hooping Cou h, tnauenza. Chron Strune, Bruues, Lumbago or Pains in the Back, Spinal and b eumatic AfI'ectionl, Diseases of the Chest, and Local p?i"?. theCbe??Loc?? OF WONDERFUL CURES Pit?hl?y Hall. M. 'ro* Mr h 18, Sin.-tti: with heartfelt gratitude that ¡ write these few hn. in ordtr that sufferers ftom comp)aint<. ?"??''?''??'? 1 have I ll laboured an.ce December. tMO. 1 have been atHtcted t int. with Croup and Spasms, and although I have tried many remedies, they were all next to useless, until a short time ago, when a friend coming from Sheffield brought one of your Roper's Plasters; andBince that time I have experienced no recur-I rence of the malady. You are affect liberty to make any use °,thi9lI remain, yours truly, ROBERT POTTER, I Temain, yonrs truly, ROBERT POTTER. MeaBTs, Roper, & Son.Providtnce Row, Hull, Jan. 15, Sir-Having received remarkable benefit '?.?"L???, Bath Pluter, I wish to .kemy ?.? eit. ownforthe?s, ofothers. Some months ago I caught a severe col^whi^ hak- ing Fits. These settled in my chest I be.- so 111 that I r?- ,.u.'d eo. t?t attendanceone of the o,?", was -P plied, whici produced relief at once, and noW I am ast progresPs. ing to a reeovery.—I am. EOBINSON. MA ;'FHA A iqA ? ROBINSON. To Mr. Reinhardt, Chemist, Marke? PI!?? Hoil. MM. (1?r. Whith-, Essex, -Ilt?- -1 have received much be..õi ir?? ihe use of )our Roper's Pl8ter8, once or m a »pnuu m the back, and at an.th?r ti.? f r p.i. the aMe. Dated Feb. 5, 1857. ?"?' ^7;PAST FOB FOUR MONTHS. MT R Maiden of !Jury has great pleasure in ?:ndiag to Messrs Roper and Son a recommendation of Roper s Plaster, hi !< r William Dutaon. EMt.BtMet, Bury, for a ee?re Ina?m. ?nofth?u? He E'"ii' four months, and is ??ert?thMhia recovery is through the timely ""t"" OfYOUT valuable Roper's Phster, wh!c he p u, h..ed t '?y shop. You a*e :t lib.rty to ..k. of this in any way you think pro- 'pa. ior the benefit of the public generally. 'M?''?.M53. "'Pri' ei ?le keeper., for the sake of gain, have vended spurious ImltatlOoø. Pumbagem are therefore ,tio.?d to NOTICE the word@ "ROPERPS ROYAL BATH PLASTER," en- graved on t?, government stamp, and the Proprietor's Autograph ?Se back. ONLY BY ROBERT ROPER AND SON, CHE- PREPARED ONLY BY ROBERT ROPER AND SON, CRE- MISTS, SHEFFIELD, On Medico-chemical principles, from British Herbs and the Gums and Balsams of the Eastern Clime, where "The trees drop and on all the boughs Health sits and makes it sovereign as it flows." FuU-si,zed Plasters, Is. Ud.; and for Children, 9Ad. e.cb, or direct by Post on receipt of iti. 4d.or Is. each in P..tf? t-P0. Sold by most Patent Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdom. BEWARE OF IMITATIONSB« puUM?t Md Mk for Rom', pt.jumt. 4 GRAMMAR-SCHOOL, SAINT ASAPH. COMMERCIAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND CLASSICAL. r MR, HARRIS. L.C.P., HAYING removed to more convenient Pre- ll misea, lately known as the Plough Hotel, will be happy to receive a few more BOARDERS. The next quarter will commence APRIL 2nd, 1860. Terms on application. At both the Cambridge Middle Class Eiaminations, THE OIlLY BoYS BDUCATBD IN NORTH W ALBS, who obtained Certificatee, were from this School. One or two Young Men who with to pursue their studies with energy can have private rooms. HOLYHEAD COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. ViaitoT-Rev. THO5. BRISCOE, B.D., late Vice-Principal and Senior Tutor of Jeeus College, Oxford. CONDUCTED BY F, WAYMOFTH, Pt.D., M.A., (Giesseu University, Germany,) Of Cn)"M)tT CoU?. Lotxten, Md Commercial Master to the North London Collegiate School for the last seven yam. THE North London Collegiate School passed, at the Oxford Middle Class Examination a number of Can- didates exceeded by no .,her School in he Kingdom. S.CT OF STU .The truths and duties of Chri.ti-ity- English—Greek—Latin—French—German—Writing and Book* keeping—Geography—Arithmetic and Ilathematica-Menu? ié;cifdt:¡ïcllfio;:ri'An:i Medern—Elements of Pl?ii-ophy and M??h.ni.?-Drawing. TERMS, FAYABLB QUABTBBLY IN ADVAli CB. -B..d?.,4LI Guineas per annum, all extras inclusive (except only repair of clothes.) Day Scholars-Above 11 years of age. jEl )?.per quarter. Under 11, 91 Is Latin, French, German, and Draw- ing, will be extras tor Day Scholars, at a charge of 7s. each ..b- ject per quarter. je,l p,eh r E'o U:rder has a separate Bed. A Quarter's Notice required previ us to t?e removal of a pupU. A DriHing Master attends the Schwls twice in tle ?e?k. Pupils prepared for Naval, Military, Government appointments and Oxford Middle Class Examinations. Five Exhibitions at Oxford, value £40 each per annum. Further particulars 11, 11 e,ti,ed ly pp?,i., Dr. hppH"rd. HIh?ad. Wpf:o}'¡t;ir:n :Ii'tliiited (having an extensive." view, .d?ted .ri.t. 'a ? O, r ity. Pupil J (unless objected to by P.re- .), e. '.t advantages of eea-bathing, under the superin- tendence 0Ithe Principal. References to Clergymen and Parents, and to William Dew, Esq., Bangor. E.A q, ie" istribution of Prizes to those Pupils who have .u.. .inuished themselves in the various Studies. ti'1:.tei:vQteccUi:rh 26. 1860. BURROWS AND CO., WHOLESALE WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. STORES: Lime St. OFFICES: 54, Duke St. THE PROPRIETORS beg most rep,,tfully to call t?e ?tte? tw of the Trade, Noblemen, Cl" nd 11 publ'c in ge- neral, to their extensive stock of choice wines, of rare vintUes. B. and Co. are not disposed to comme?? ,0. the punty of their Wines, which is daily most laudably acknowledged by the public '"d ei ot aU ountries. as the "'r" .g P, .ob. 4 efthehighe.?fmilii.1h?la d i?a :u lfleint rnt- They beg 10 a,l,,ti,ula,,tt,nti,, to their pure Tonic Wines, ,9 being so valuable to invalids and persoii? o f w-,kto,Il A' Sample Case, containing ?hr? F.. "?, W. ?, ,U, ;in be forwarded to any addreM on receipt of post omce order for 6.. 6d., or dozen fr 24  It is a wen-known fact that impure and ,d,?itert,d Wines are the greatest foe. to I?e.ith, pd.ig "e'id"Y in the stomach md blf¡t e: d?ettive organs, wnite pur eWine. -C-1- the digestive powers, invigorating, strength?.g, and br.Wg the e, on, ,e, I'h e ily. .T-"ni?is admitted to be most essential to invalids, both ol?and young, and should never be absent from the homes of the ak and sickly. Its properties are duly atkno?viedgd and apd aated by the leading men of the faculty, both at home and abx 1. "Tdo 'bPl ?t ip.itio., each bottle is sealed with the naM the firm All oid s to be made payable to HENEY BORROWS. BENSON'S WATCHES. Manufactory, 33 and 34, Ludgate Hill, London, B.C. ESTABLISHED 1749. C ) SPECIAL attention is re- a quested to Benson's new Illustrated j|T Pamphlet on Watches (post free for two stamps. It contains a full descirption of te now made, prt)fue'd illustrated with drawings, with their various prieea important information as to the Wateh to buy and how to use it. By its aid persons Mr\BESB?TM'°?'" ???' ??""?. Wal", or any paTt of the kmgdom, can 'elect with ttz M greatest certainty the watch best adapted to their use. Every watch is warranted and sent free and safe by post on receipt of a Benson's Lady's Watch-—"lExquieite artistic feeling in orna- =:8"; !:tl;f¡-;)i.t,rip:,ø onaa. 8ilver. 3 to 15 guineas. Gold 5 to 50 guiDe. Benunle Gentlenl&Ws Watch —AJl that can be d..in<I in d.i.h, t?.te -d design. "—' Globe. Mve?.?. SM '?umeM." ?'GoM. 6totOOtuIn<M. Bemn?s ?ever Watches, Leave nothing to be '? ? the money to buy them with.' —' Standard: Silver. 4 to 30 gulDeaa. Gold. 7 to 50 guiueas* Benson's Horizontal A good ..th ?ith?o?t pq- ing ¡¡:b.la2ŠailY Telegraph. Sil,?r. 2 to 8 guineas. Gol 1 5 to 20 guineas. AM'tl?ortndia-MeStre.Ormdteytnd Oo..CatMttt; M..UI6 S?Ta?r&C. Bombty! M?. Th.k.r & C.. Me.M. a?Aii.h'b'd M.Mr.. Le Page and Co., L?My. C?c.tt*t whom p?. h ?t. CM be obtamed. Orden, with Kmtttanett (in- cludin 59. ex for postage), should be sent direct (or though any o?the ve firms ) to J. W. Benson's Watch M..ftoy. au d te Flili, London 'E C 'Established 1749. n.. 8 pr., VV?t,:h Clubs, end WholeaJ* libe,2y, 0 watches Weuinezdmw or repaired.