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WANTED, A Good Plain COOK. Apply to A. SOBOL- PIBLD, Esq., Tan-yr-allt, Llandudno, WANTED FOB THE DRAPERY BUSINESS. JAMES GRIFFITHS, Northern Basaar, 117, Great Homer STREET, Liverpool, b. le for T.. ,r Three active YOITIH8 as apprentices to the above business. Age from 12 to 18 (Welah pieferred.) Premium required. Apply either by letter or personally. PARTNERSHIP. TO CABINET-MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, &c. A YOUNG MAN, of m04eral, thorough bu.ine.. habits, and g.. d eipfriencn i, ?I)e trade, dt,?res o join a wen CON- DUCTED Firm, in town or country. The highest references given AND required. ADDRESS—W. n" care of Messrs. HrDB, ARcuaR 8t Co., 7, Finsbury Place South, London, ltC. TO LLOYD FAMILIES. WANTED, the Descendants of HUGH LLOYD arid MARGARET A,,??L ,h.ri,d in the year 1729, and reiided In the P?rish of Llanrwst, Denbighatit?. Apply to THOMAS IRELAND, Accountant, Hunter Square, Edinburgh. NOTICE. ALL persons WHO have any claim aainst the ESTATE of Mr. JOHN HUGHES, late of Park Lane, Denbigh, Solicitor, are ,?q.?.t,d to seiU 10 the lame to me on or before the 9Lh day of January, 1850. Januaryilp? indebted to the hte Mr. Hughcs are requested to call upon me, \Jndenlned, and dhrhRTe the same without ,delay.IcAhD ?ILLIAM, Solicitor to the Executors. Vale-street, Denbigh, December 15,1859. MATHEWS' SCHOOL CHARITY. EXHIBITIONS to the amount of £ 10 per annum In this Char- j ity are now vacant, and will be filled up in the month of March* ,tey are to be applied towards defrying the expenses *f the education of sucn boys akin to the'l' :stator JOHN MA- THEWS, of Aleppo, who diell about 1636." as to be towardly boys slid apt to learn," and are available to any School or College, on the approval of the Trustees. Appli??,i,?n., with p,!digfr??. and l1ch documents as are neces- ..Ty to substantiate the ammt)., and ALSO testimonials as to K,od nduct and proficiency, must be sent to the Rev. Joseph Maude, Vicarage, Chirk, on or before March 1st. Further paiticulars as to the nature of this Charity, and the te?ulations under which it is administered, will be forwarded on application as above. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TH AT the GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the Trustee. TI &h:e?e1 F''Pi: h:i,t ntolr;bs: Tof t?! The Moid and Denbigh District, 'ri?eI Rhyddlau District," The Conway District," and The Saint Asaph District" of Turnpi lloaQI, will be held at the Office of us, the undersigned, situate ja the City tSA., Asaph, in the ,count). of Flint, on '1 UKSDAY, the sixth day of MARCH next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of receiving, auditing, and letUin" the aocounts of the1 rea8urers, Surveyon, and others mp di. the receipt and expenditure of the monies belolling to the said several and respective Trusts; and for transacting ch other mAtters and things relating to the said several Trusts as may be required. WYATT 81: SISSON, Clerks to the Trustee.. St. Asaph, 4th February, 1860. 'CARNARVONSHIRE TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 'THAT the General Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the said Trust will be held at the GRAND JURY Roox, in the Town of Carnarvon, on SATURDAY, the Tenth day of March, 1860, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of Auditing the, u, of the Treasurer, Sur. veyor., and other parties connected 1.ith the Trust, and to receive the Rmrt a?'d E-timates from the Survey?s, and then for other genek'l bUliue.. of the Trust. O. JONES, Clerk to the Trustees. Castle Square, Carnarvon, 7th February, ISoo. THE PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the Seventh NAnnual General Meeting of the Proprietors of the above Company, will be held at the WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTU, in Wr?h,t?, O'W. ,he 29th DAY of February lnstnt. "t T..I,. o'clock at noon precisely, to receive th Report of the Director. for the year .,?din. 31.1 DECEMBER. and to cud, Di_ ,4 A uditorllD the room of those who retire by r.La- tion and otberwile. the t.?.f., book. of the Aad Noti. I. hereby given, that the transfer books of the c:aot;"ll:. h:I fr:'t:aa\' uillftr ':hk:aidf2"th day of February i..L By order of the Board, ANTHONY DILLON, Secretary. Board Boom, Wrexham, 8th Feb., 1*60. CARNARVONSHIRE VOLUNTEER CORPS. BANGOR COMPANY. PERSONS d, fj,,i?in" thb Company, either as Effective r,Hoiiorary Members, are requested to send in their names to Mr. J. W. HUGHES, the Hon. Secret.ry and Treasurer to the to Mr. j". A Id io? f glo io?.r.n ?.?,?.I 3ubøcription of £ 1 Is., onlit,,tes an Honorary Member. Effective Members annual subicription, 10S. 61.. i Subscriptions are solicited for the purpose of assisting those anxious to join. but unable to defray the cost of the outfit. SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY ANNOUNCED. £ 8. d. Col. the Hon. E. G. D Pennant, M-P .Ioo 0 0 The Rev. R R. P. Meal) 5 0 0 Me..n. Wiii.?.. & Co., Bangor Old Bank >0 U Captain Ireioonger Bev. Leonard Sister Ii 0 0 Henry Kennedy, Esq 4 0 H. Beaver Roberts, Esq.440 ADOITIONAL SUBSCRIPTION. Bobett Davies, E.q„ 80dlondeb. 80 0 0 BAILMOUTH. MOST DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. AN appeal il h r1l11 to tbe benevolent I,d charitably din- A=. ,Ilot the t:"bVO/ "hld:it:tl¡;d Jones and the widow and children of John Rees, ??l?..e wife hu been confined of a third r.hild ,ince his death. These poor men were unfortunately diowned by the upsetting of a Boat on M on. day the 9th ultimo, near ?artnouth, Deen !?ppl.y?d in dilchar¡iug the cargo of a wreck. Their families are 1. extreme poverty ,ldIhi' appeal is h.?'ly submitted to our 'n?, O. and e 1,.nt reader, with the hope and &sour- ?eegthat you will kindly asht in mitigating, as far as possible, fhe misery and di,trclB of lh,.? POOR W,,?.w? AN..a.. *"I'"i\he\mount of £ 115 3s. 6d. have already been Con tributions to the amount of 9115 h, 61. have already been ^Contributions will be th,nkfally received by W. W. E. W>n"e, E;,IObeVe¿.1l LI¡fii:v Mr. É:olM':i\i;: Collector of Customs, Barmouth. Wlliw GARDEN SEED CATALOGUE. FRANCIS & ARTHUR DICKSON AND SONS' N EW DE9CRIPTIVE SEED CATALOGUE, ith C,,It?,.l NE:t2osrc:i:> ';1i.n:b. ;t,: on applicalioD. AU inferior .arietie, are omnutted. Th. PRAO- (rinAL DKSCBJPTITB NOTKs will be found a ?eful guide. ThS ™l« 0feed. CAREFULLY GROWN, and TRUE TO KIND, I. Ppreit?d by aU Hortieult",i.ts. T. h,. important ?r??h bn.m.n F. and A. D and 80nø de,ote their specia penonal attlouon they have, there- for! thorough confidence that their aeeds will give perfect uti.. fact, 0. to .11 vb. saw the.. 'THE OLD-ESTABLISHED SEFD WAREHOUSE, 106. EASTUATK STREET, CHESTER. rJE PECULIAR ARRANGEMENTS OF T L!:fst¿1'o1f!o!H::iI!. and grivilt-9 on the Policy-holders which, it 1, believed, CANNOT be obtained from ?k=th,r Anurauce Office. FREEDOM FROM RESTRICTIONS.—The Policies now being issued hrI:p:t:n";o: t:i:\{e: i h.:„ihrr Companies) and confer important privileges. Limiu of Residen, I'd Occupatlon.-Mlhtar)' and Naval SenkE'. &c i And.I" ..at ca8el, al.mot complete pr? 8¡.Jiÿ "öt (t\SENCE,-Th. ASloeiatioll, ,no" 0' T-Iy One Y,?. t%? -11, l?1."is one )f the o?,tand .ue,? ful Life OM, and th p0' .ele(ellt of laety ",It cont -d in er I -??titutiOlls- R' r¿Faå; N( :¡i I !:m;IJJ':OI;. wbolly  h? LialJiltie f rartnenhlP, and the SuntS .r. It rnl,ed. p:ds'i:d'¡hare of Profits i. allocated  to ever)' P,?li?y buhler r the 'eal8' standir¡ at the precee ing annual balance, and is applied so as to reduce the present out- 1.1 for big p It HAZF-CREDIT SYSTEM.—Policies of £ 500 and upwards may be effected and kept up by payment of only One-half of the Premiums for the first sia years, with Interest on the uther half. VOLUNTEER CORPS.—The Assnsed are permitted, without Astra oayment, to serve io Volunteer Corps with,. Great Britain, and^ Irhud dui AL^d'v ANT AGE THERE I" A SPECIAL WA"DV'A.T. in Assuring before the apl)roacliinR Close of the Book. for the 21,1 ANN U A l BALANCE; (i e v».r: earlier oartiripatiou in Profits will thus be secured. A PPLICATIONS will be received until 5ti, APRIL. Till),, FRASER, Hoa. eeoy. T mdon. 20. King William Street. City. E.C. AGil4T, Mr. JOHD Edmund., British School A. eEd. 0. WMo.. L.dgh. Office li Wi.? M.r? ..t Canarvon Mr. Mo? go. Loyd, Wloe M.ycant Conway Mr. W. 0,1.- National pronne..1 Bank Holyhead .Mr. Frederic,National Provincial Bank Mr:  H. C?. ,.tio.l Provincial m j E. Wi,111'ea Bw* r. 1  FRENCH AND DRAWING, WAUGHT by M. LAURENT, of the University of Paris. J_ Ladies' S?yhoo I, and Privat F .milie, attended to on mo- derate terms. Address to the Grammar School, Beaumaris. DEPOSIT ASSURANCE AND DISCOUNT BANK. IjMVE PERCENT on sums for bed period., or at seven dayp, .£' notice, or Three per Cent, at CALL. G, H. LAW, Manager. Offices '5; Cåillion;.trret, West, R.C. WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, SEE THAT YOU GET IT, As inferior kind* are often b.,it?ted. TO FABHEK8, TRADESMEN, AND OTHERS. LOAN8, of 100 nl upwards, granted, for a Term of Y to L 0:g::eI:7aid:tr:te" '}: J.fe 1m; of 9 170.000 may be inveated -by wav of Mortgage, in Sum. to suit the convenience of Borrower#, at from 8 to 0 per cent., according to the nature of the Securities. Apply to Meura. ANSON, 6S, Chancery La^e^ London. FOREST TREES, &c., FOR WALES. GEORGE CHIVAS offers several millions of Trees, suitable Gfor Mountain Planting, and the largest Stock of Trans- planted Quicks in Great Britain. Purchasers are invited to inspect the Nursery. Truck loads delivered free at any Bailway Station. Chester, December 20tb, 1859. TO BE SOLD, (BY A LOAD AT A TIME,) SBVEBAL TONS of excellent HAY, most profitable for Cows in milk. A. B., Pod Office. G.?rw?.. ANGLESEY. TO BE LET, IMMEDIATELY, THE Tile and Brick Field near Llysdulas X Bay, Aml"ch, all which are now in complete working order, wilh Macbinerr. Shed. and Hiln, for immediate use. The Clay is of a superior quality, of which there is a hrge quantity now raised. Vessels can toad near the works. This coneero is well worthy the attention of parties with capital. Apply to the Agent, HBNRY B MITCHELL, Llysdulas, Am- Iweh. February 9Lh, 1860. VEGETABLE TREES FOR NORTH WALES. GEOKGE CHIVAS announces the publication of his Priced GList of the above for the present seaso ?, of the usual ..p?ri. r quality. Collectio's us heretofore supplied to uit,.i. .us sit?d G?rden?. Price Us ?' 4?.. and 6?. ou:):à: exceeding 1:aa'g;5:id4,t:ay Station. NORTH WasT OF ENGLAND SEED, PLANT, AND IUFLBMBNT W ASBROUSB. Chester, 26th January,1860,. 1>0 EVERY ONE WHO HAS A GARDEN.—The G\R i DENKH'S WEEKLY :U.Iÿ\i- HARRI SON, will be found the cheapest and best Periodical of its class, giving the earliest information on all subjects connected with Gardening, containing practical articles on Flowers. Fruits, and Vegetables, Botany. anti rural affairs, with numerous cuts and other illustr.tio..? Published every Monday. No. I. appeared on January 2nd, 1860. 21 Pages, 8vo., pri Three-halfpence. London J. ALLEN, 20, Warwick Lane, a?d aU Booksellers or News-agents in the kingdom. Country Subscribers may have the weeklv numbers post free for six mouths, by remitting 5s. 5d. to the Editor, at the above address. — rpHE LADY'S NEWSPAPER and PICTORIAL TIMES X greatly Enlarged and Improved, is published every Saturday price Sixpence, free by Post. It contains Choice Engravings of Passing Events—Designs of the Latest ,r,. F,hio. V ork- Table Patter 8 (Working Size)-Portraits of Eminent Persons, accompanied by Descriptive Letterpre6B-Court and Fashionable Intellienee-OriKiDal Tale.-Reviews of New Books and Music J'a?d the Mi.,elln, ??M o?h? W?ek. his will be found the best Weekly Illustrated Journal for Ladies, being especially devoted to their instruction and amusement it is particularly valuable to Families out of Town and quite invaluable in the Colonies. 8ubscriptionø. 6s. 6d. per quarter, received bZ all Booksellers and NewI"enden; and by tbe Publisher, W. J. J..N?. 83, Fleet-street, London (E.C.) Now ready, price One Shilling, or free by Post for Fourteen stamps. THE LADY'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANACK FOR 1860. THh'\ae:alAretL:fveOI :y re.pect, will 'orm one of t ? e most attractive of our Annuals! Choice and ntimemu Engravings are freely intenpersed, many of them illustrating ul??je?l. from tbe London and Paris Exhibitions of Paintings for 1859. It contains beautiful Woik Table Pattern: —Notes on the Months-Remarks on the Weather- Festivals, Anniversaries, and Remarkable Events—Proper Lessons for lSun- d?). and Holy D.The Queen and Royal Family- Her ,MM,t".Mi.i.te, With ot useful and interesting informa- tion, comprising Postal Regulations, Law and University Terms, Stamps and Taxes, &c. Sec. &c.—Published by W. J. JOHNSON, t the It Lady's Newspaper" Office, 83, Fleet-street, Loudon E,C,) FURNITURE, CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY RAILROAD STATION. PARTIES FURNISHING are recommendod to apply for th complete FURNISHING! OCIDB, Illustrated b) 3 0 Engrav- ings (forwarded gratis) of every articlea recluired and suited to all classes of society. The complete Estimates will be found most useful. Estimate No. 1.-A Four-Roomed House £20 11 0 2.—Six „ 67 17 0 3.—Eight 131 10 0 4.—Ten „ „ S 6 F. &Bzyp U" City Furniture Warei; Not. 91,93, & 95, City Boad, London, E.C. THE FRIEND OF ALL I HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Nervoua Disorders. What is more fearful than a breaking down of the nervous system I To be excitable or nervous in a small decree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found 1 Here is o e drink but little wine, beer, or spirits, or far better none; take no coffee,-weak tea being preferable- gctall the fresh air you can: ta k. thr., or f our Pills every night; eat plenty of olide, avoid- ¡etr: 1oidinh:ehlde: i':y are ;e: you will b happy In min d, dtrang in body, and forget you have any nerves. Vothers and Daughters. If there is one thing more than another for which these Pills are "Ou1 it is tbeir purifying properti. eopedaily their ,= of ?.e .n,n, the blood from all impurilies, and removing dangerous and suspended secretions. Universally adopted as the one graud remedy for female complaints, they never fail, never weaken the system, and always bring about what is required. Siek Headaches and Want of Appetite. These feelings which so sadden U8 most frequently arise from annoyances or trouble, from obstructed preparation, or from eating and drinking what is unlit for ne, thus disordering the liver and stomach. These organs must be regulated if you wish to be well. The Pills, if taken according to the printed instruc- tions, will qnickly restore a healthy action to both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural consequence, a good appetite and" clear head. In the East and West Indie. scarcely any other med,eine is ever used for these disorders. How to be 8trong. Never let the bowel. be confined or unduly acted upon. It may .ppe., singular that Holloway's Pills should be recommended tor a run upon the bowels, many persons supposing that they I.r ru.,?p.. Ihelowe, This is a great mhtake however, for 'Id i, ease these Pills will immediately correct the liver and stop every kind of bowel complaint. In w!trm climate. thousand of lives have been saved by the use of this medicine, which in all cases gives tone and vigour to the whole organic system however deranged.- health and strength following a. a matter of course. Disorders of the Kidneys, 10 sll diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or With aches and pahl settled il? I?? loi-1-1 the reKion of the dt hI pi 'o11 be taken acco ding to ,rin,,d "? I 'io..d Ile''i'.e, should be "èll rubbed ?n!o'i? small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other e. ha"e failed. For Stomach out of Order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove aU acidity, occa8iond either by in. temperance or improper diet. They reach the liver, and reduce it to a =.?y .'tio. the are wonderfully efficacious in cases of .p.i. fet tley ?ever fail in cuiing a.yi disorder. of the liver and stomach. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the f.Ilowi,,ff diseases:— Ague Asthma Bilious com- plaints Blo.ches on the skin Bowel com- O plaints Colics Constipation oft e bowel. Consumption Debilitv Dropsy Dysentery Kr?ipefa. Female Irregu- larities Fevers of all kinds Fits Gout Headache Indigestion Inflamma ion Jaundice I Liver com- plaints Lumbago Piles Rh,u.oti Retention of Urine Scrofula, or King's Evil Sore Throats Stone and Gra- I vel Secondary se:)'m. I Tk-doloureux Tu,mour. Ulcers Venereal afec- tions Worms of all kinds Weakness, from what- ever causes, &c., & Sold at the Eatabthhmentt of P,.f,,sor Hoiioway, ■ (MtM Tempte?bM.) London; also by all 'efpectaible ugg d D ealere in Medicine throughout the ciTUiz.d worl?lth ]owing phcee:-)*. ttd..2<.9d.,<6.6d., U8.,Me.. and 33s. each °?' There is a considerable saving t-i king the larger ie Vuid&DCe Ylpationts, ilk every d4yo r?or ?. _jdirections for th; I ed towa B". ue allied tQ«M& HIOLiYHIEAD ORKS. TO BUILDERS, SHIPWRIGHTS. FESTES, AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD, A jBARGAIN, A LARGE QUANTITY OF QUEBEC TELI4W PINE AND BALTIC TIMBER, IN LOGS, PLANKS, SCANttlNG, BOARDS, &c. THE Timber, which was w..h?d down from th. North Br.akwatsi the tni gal. I. u.1 to ne. "ArUilABBOUd I PRIVATE TREATY and PUBMC AUCTIONS. The Brat Auetfa frwflUalie place o'.the_E4CU oJ t. l'EW H,ABBOU' onSAT URDAY.FRBRUARY]Tth,1860.tommmen,tll,?o,?,kl p-4.  Forparticulir. apply to Mr. B CORNisn, Ha?rt..or Wr MR. ROBERT P ?CH???  H.. received ln?t?tion. f? M .ro. J. & C. B?by to SELL BY PU .I1'.A VQt'leN" '? ? of the above Timber, on SATURDAY i'EDRUAR y 1860, to commence at 13 o'clock at nODB !II!I>< b. Al,o, up?ards of 100 LOGS, B.ILTIC and YILLO.W PIKE, to be RN.yx?EACa, Llmrf. w- rog, ?t .id. of Ho.?d B.,on TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7th, at own. *?'' CITY CAR-P£T AND FUR??IN? ?A&EHOUS EASTGATE ROW.'tfflkSTjSB, BECKETT ROW-Og?ATM (LATB I'RlOilWl.) RESSITS. Tte unce tbat m ae now thowinR at tl'eir Furnishing B.tabli.h.pt, MES¡agaeEivf¡;teB:aei;leetz :kn' onBaR;i\% t ';i;; Iid Fr;I!lR atiËJ: compri.in a at variety of .w T..ig n. l the pr?h-.?  GOOB, M. B. beg to "y they have b en      SX'????????.k oF?MPROVED'? MMTEADS, ..d OHtLDRKN-9 COTS. in !RON and "?*?' Also NEW DAMASKS. DIMITIES, CHINTZES, AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. Messrs B having at their New Establishment the iavantage of eterj facility for a large extension of their Fnrn.eh.nx Trade. re ??i!)t.o?c?th.pttronMe of f,?ini"' b. to furni.h. an d be g =they feel .Mnred t at b the punctual, economical, and ?o?ouJh;eMent m?ner in which they are prepared to exe.ateordMti.eteTybr.nch of the Fnmt.htnf Uph.ht.ry business, they will not fall to sectirt? the approbatioii of h ?l U.to.?' thC5'WMATTRASSESthlFEATHER 'BEDST AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BECKETT BROTHERS, (LUE PRICHARD!'), EASTGATE ROW. CHESTER. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. BANGOR, CARNARVON, AND DENBIGH. P-THE NEW DISCOVEEY41 ARTIVICIAL TEETH SELF ADHESIVE I WlTHQITT SPRINGS! VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBER AS ABASE! PROTECTED BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. attekdaKCB IN CHESTER, j Every TUESDAY, at No. 3, Pepper Street. BANGOR, N. WALE9. The first MONDAY ineuh M6nth, at Mr. ltoberts, Watch Maker, High Street. CARNARVON, Tb. Unt Tu ,,okY i.h Month at the Pxbridge Arms, Hot4l. Private Bo?ms. t;7- NOTICE-FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF PATIENTS FROM THE COUNTRY. Mxaira Gabriel's hours of attendance in BANGOR will be from 9 a.m. till 8 p:m. 1. hours of attendance at CARNARVON, from 9 a.m. till S p.m. Messrs. G riel's next visit to BANGOR wU1 be on Monday, 5th of March. CARNARVON „ Tuesday, 6th „ » DENBIGH i „ Wednesday, 7th „ _4 OB JUST PUBLISHED GABRIEL ON T TEETH, POST FREE THREE GRATIS ?TA.Pl. TEETH I their Lou and as now Re.t..d on Gabriel's New By. te. .t 'Cillary Attraction and Suction combined, ?y mea?. of a ,f, Flexible Lining with COBALITB UX-,OLO,,D INDIA R,P, I.( bone or .?t.1, there are no spring, wire, or *nv operation reouired, they are warranted pure, wholel?me, and ',ntir*ly free from taste or smell, are easy and comfor??le on the Kr^itive and may be worn for many year# without being in any way effected. co<t only by The best =,0, with Lit-elaw workmanship guaranteed, @a an uppiled at less than half the ordinary cost only by MESSRS. GABRIEL, (Dentists to the Prince D'OttaJana, Established 1815, see Diploma.) 134 DUKE STREET, LIVERPOOL; LONDON, 33 A Sf, LUDGATE HILL, AND 110, REGENT STREET. BRANCHES: BANGOR, at Mr. ROBERTS'S, Watchmaker, High-street. CARNARVON, at the UXBBIDGE AaM. HOTEL. DENBIGH, at the CaowN HOTEL. Treatise is of great Importance to a nq?tring a E?"- *LIA from such a od.. may be confidently on.UNIT.D SZRVIOR GAZETTB. "??''S'"?i???T?n.y. more annoyance, Md .t.U!)?. di?M-h.?-t.JOM BVLL. n ?? .?SdPre?Son'-the hite Ename per pa.et;" P" It. M? for wppig, and the ay.1 Tooth Powder for restoring the T.th may be bad of any of tb;ir wat.??h My h.-it ID th. T!.iM Ki?. AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH, The best in Europe, ?rmnted to retain their ?lo*. (&in 3.. (d. per t?th Seb R4 h DECAYED T???e?)SIy?p?Jd*? thJwH?TB ENAtfzL. GOLD, t?d?UCCED.?mCM. preventa farther de.y ..d TOOth MESSRS. GABRIEL are in attendance daily, from 10 to 7, aDd may be consulted on the Loss of Teeth, and alloperaUon8 ap- pertaining to Dentistrv, at their eslta'bil.he.t. p.,??'?ti.try..tTe'ir ??.??i..rp..t (dLcUy opposite Be?-.t?t). CITY ESTABLISHMENT, 33, LUJGATE HILL. Particvlarlv observe that the entrance it up the private pottage between the State Fire Insurance Office and Benson's, the silversmith, and 110, Hegent-street, Next Menhi s. BURROWS AND CO., WHOLESALE WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. STORES: Lime St. OFFICES: 54, Duke St. THE PROPRIETORS beg most respectfully to call the atten- 1 tion of the Trade, Noblemen, Clergv, and the public in ge- neral, to their extensive stock of choice wines, o rare vintarea. B. and Co. are not disposed to comment upon the purity of their Wines, which is daily most laudably acknowledged by the Public and '-i"e"' -en 0' .11 -3outri..? 1, n."Idd b,t  pubUc and eminent men of all countries, as the increasing pa- Son'aM ?h? highest families in the land is a sufficient guarantee. They beg to 'a" particular attention to their pure Tonic Wine., as big 80 I..bipato invalids and persons of weak stomacha. A"?mD?e 'n? containing Three ?°?ed Wine ?oS?. 'wUi be forwarded to any ddre.. on receipt of post omc. order for 68. 8d., or a dOlen for 24s. ?'it is a well-known fact that impure and aduterated Wine. are the .rreateat foes to health, I,.due'ig ?ldi" .n the stomach and debi?in? the dige.ti.e rg.n,, whi). pure Wine..ccdeM. the digestive powen, invigorating, strengthening, and braoing Their Tonic Wines is admitted to be mo.t essential to invalids, both old and young, and ,Id never be absent from the he. ?f the weak and Mckty. :M 'roperi.. are du y ..knowledged, and appreciated by the leading men of the faculty, both at home a. d abroad T. pr? 'e;t imposition, each bottle is BeatedttiththonaMof the Orm. ?ordera to be made payable to HENRY BBRROWS. DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the mo.t eminent Medical Men thmug tthe world, M th..a f?-t, Speediest. and most e<rMtuat ri-med, or CO?M.-?'ON BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS, BHKUMATtSM ?.?T aBNMAt. DEBtHTY. DMBASHS OP THB MtN. RIC- KBTS, INFANTILE WASTING, & ALL SOBOFOLOOS AFFECTIONS- Dr DE JONGH'S Oil is the most efficacious, the most priata- D bte.and.trom iM rapid curatit. etTMt*. unquestionably the most economical of all kinds. Its Imme.aurable therapeutic superiority over every 1: .bli.h ed 'Y I ? -.r.ble .p.?aneou?t?nial6 from Physicians and Suwon..f Euro- pean reputation- SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:- BARON FOURIER. Professor at the University of Paris, Physician to His late Majuty Louis Philippe, fre. te. I mu.t openly k.oi.dg? that ).u have rendered an emi- nent service to science by itnt. "g P"ctlt'"e" tli? ca?e of ?e'qu:? ?.a'ri?y"i'n' ? ?.t.f Cod Liver jOfl, and directing their attention to a proper cb°' !t fore, with the greatest pleaure that pay mv i ri 'bu te .f,, 11 ;:ii. to.th. 11?.?d physician and chemist, whose researches after truth h. cost him many eaorinee. and who ha. ahown us the way of render«r h?h y .?tnfi the administration of one of tbe most Powerful Medy, cinea we are acqa tinted with." HENRY LETHEBY, ESQ., ILB., P.L.B., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in the Medioal College of the London Hospital, Medical Officer of Health to the City of London, tc. c. "In all cases I have found Dr. de Jongh's Cod Liver Oil pos- sessi g the same set of propenies, among which the presence of ch-, laic compounds and of iodine in a state of organic combina- tion are the most remarkable in fact, the Oil corresponds in all its characters with that named Huile brune," and described as the best 1,riet, in the ,n, treatise of Dr. de lo, ? It L. Y b'??. u?i?r.?acknowtedxed that thh deacriptlon of Oil has great theupeutical power; nd, from my investiga«j tions, 1 have no doubt of ill being a pure and un tered B. D. EDGCTTMBE, ESQ., N.B.C.B., Surgeon to the Royal Dispensary, e. jrc- I have used Dr. de Jongh's Oil in my own f?.ity wi&å marked1 ?ce.s, and believe it to be in itl effect .uperior tQ evejy other preparatIon. I am desirous of introducing It into the Iloyo Dis- pensary, of which I am one of the surgeons. H ?01' ONLY in IMPERIAL H?lf-pi.U, 2. W.; Pints, 4a 9d' Q??.rts, 9 ?., capsule,]. and labelled wio DR.- DB :t;W:f I and sign;iure. WITHOUT WHIII. MONB (AN 690,iLy Bi GEN UINB, by respectable Chemists. 80L ".?'zB ANSAR. HAllFORD.8L8.NN,G:ND. WNDON, W.C. CAUTION^Where the least difficulty U8 i" 06" taininb Dr. de Jongh's Cod Liver Oil, Messrs. AWSAB, HARFORD & Co. willjorwardfour Hafl-Pints, CARRIAGE PAID, to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of- remittance for ten shillings. THE NEWSPAPER PRESS, At the latter end of the last and the commencement of the present century, with a Review of. the Great Changts which have taken place since the First French Revolution. JAMES AMPHLETT, WHO his been styled "The Father of the PreM." <tt the'to!?. iit-ti?'. of a number of Proprietors and Editors, both in London and tbe Country, has agreed to give One Volume of his 'Rwlle.ti 11 to the Press, t he declines to publish a speculative soale, be hu been advised to receive the names o. tubMribeM. The Introductory Notices will be written in the spirit of the Historian, and will contain nothing offensive to persons. AB8TEACT OF THE CONTENTS 'A three days Carnival of the mob in the Birmingham Church .ud ¡og Riots, a descriptive ekt?tch-Reaccion of the public "!iP, and first Meetings of the Jacobin. (as all Libe rals were then called) at the Ship Inn, in Mill Street, and other places— J,djono., (?e t from th e London Corre. ponding Society), in Birmingham, and their Prosecution for Be: r.ti:o?i:i:¡ )t i TcI,g:, ;i \e:¡r P;:í:iq t the writer being subpeenaed on his amateur notes—Rapid ad- nats of Birmingham (from Burke a Toyshop "?f Europe F to the S.atofth e Arts and the Na tional aI..ur Abor?i,e attempts of different Newpapere in Birmingham, till the Birmingham Journal redeemed the Town from the discredit of not poiessing a paper of first-class ircu a,on- is. and Fall .on on Daily ,IP & within the present ,tur -Political and Electioneering Sceoealn Staffordshire, Lincolnshi)re, and 8m s ire- he News- pa p er Pres or the paper Press of the last century—Three Libel ,e sustained by the writer, all signally defeated—Recollections of the late Ser- le.t Wilk i.M?t'l"I and anonymous prodacqons of the writer published in different newspapers, with a variety of other .no o.tt r. There will be a few short notet, one of which will contain an outline of the Chancery Suit, Bhobotham v. Amphlett, commenc- ing in 1833 and ending 1857; the causes of which were an unad- vised WILL, followed by the sudden death of the Testator, who had el tged to make another WILL and appoint proVer execu- tar. ;t t,ro..n, the property of five children and others, into the 'o" direputhble .-el,, a retired Saddler and his Son, (low speculators in race-horses), as fole executor and 51 NBXT friend," with an insolvent Lawyer as their adviser. gap xhe Names of ubseribera may be forwarded to the Author S.Y.RM COTTAGB, T.. WALLS, S-.w$BURY; or to the Book- seliers, who will be allowed their regular profits. RUPTURES. By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. 1M!TE'sMOC-MA!N LEVER TRUSS T>ramlringno steel spiing round the body, I, reeommend of w p ?u". A tie..ad ?d,.n t,I.t,f.eiji, 1, or pÜeation; 2ad, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or M- titiatt:9rd. it may be worn with equal comfort in any position ofthtbody.byd?yor ni?M; 4th. it admita of every kind of .?. without the Iilglit?.t ieon,,?n?ence to the wearer, and is .erfeetly concealed from observation. '!?-e do no! hesitate !o ghre to thi, invention out unqualified apirobation, and wte nuou, d'i"' th u. of ft to "I tho, ?'p 'b'ti in need of that protection, which they cannot 10 tully, nor'with the same comfort, obtain from a"' ot 'or -P '.tu. 0 ??fro'? s:h ?ch'we' h? the'?gb?tMjJfac??n'?u! f^cfmmendiBg."—Church and State Gazette. W..M.?nded by the follo%ving eminent Surgeon.Willi.. nE,FI.I.,Professor of Surgery in Kin?) C?t?. Surgeon to King's College Hospital, &e.; C. G. li, Esq., Sur,en to the Royal WeatnuMter Ophai- VA10 Hospital; W. Bowman, E<q., F.R.S., AMiitant Sar?eon ? th? CoUexe Ho.pitat; T. Callaway, Esq., Senior As- .i.i.t.r,n to Guy's Hospital; W. Coulson, Surgeon to tie Magdalen Hospital; T. Bluard Curling, Eq., :I,7e*n ?eonto the London Hospital W. J. Fisher, Esq., 8urgeon-in- twto b?? Pol itah Police Fo:et ::i :E\ to POtee Albert; Robert Li.ton, Esq., F.B.S.; James Inks Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society; Erasmus WtiMn ,E. F. B S and many others.. '"A<?ipt-t?ircuS o::a¡'e had by post, and the Truss (which cannot tail to It) can be forwarded by post on '?''{h. 'to.,?l,?u.e.i,. of the body two inches below the Lip- to the 'm#Pu*acturer^wHiTE Piccadilly, London. Prle#of ft Single Truss, 16s., 21s.,26s. 6d.,and 31s. 6d. Postage, Is, !„ D.-bl..1, d!ig.ad 62.. Sd. Postage, 1-. 8d U,billal42. nd 52.. 6 i.. Postage, Is. 10d. to?der.t. be.Iegayab,,e to ??'? °W'H'NË,b.øI'cIUY, 10 STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c. The material of which these are made, is recom- mendtrt by the Faculty, of as beingELASTI( Ct)x  EST IN VENTION f??, t??d = ent.rt in Il cases of WEAK. ¡ r:l :fte';eùit P¡;'imhntLÊ'(ist VARICOSEVEINS. RAINS, See It is porous, light in texture, and inexpensive Mdis Brawn au like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 7s. 6d. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDO T,. M loecim4as may be lOelllll the Cttttal fattM. GRIFFITH DA. VIES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAPER HANGING ESTABLISHMENT. DB-A-IST C3-OZR- GTV BEGS t& intimate that his New Stock is now ready for ine tion, embracm? ? G. D ? most in?m designs in Gold, Mock, Block, and Machine Papers Gold Beading and Water-Proof Papers. Wholesale buyers nd the trade are invited to make an early call. BRITISH DEALINGS WITH CHINA. A SERMON preached in Llandisilio Church, Angleseyr MI A Sunday, November 13th, 1859, by the Rev. R. E. HOOP- PELL, M.A. London: A. W. Bennett, Bishopsgate-street Without. Ban- gor: Catberall and NUon. Upper Bangor: Humphreys. Car- narvon Humphreys. lIeallmarl8: Ambrose. Menai Bridge Davies. TO BE DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATK CONTRACT, THE PWlLtifBLI PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. T HE OMee COD3i3t. of one excellent Super Royal Columbian TH r?::Vin:Itr' gfioe:ec;l¡kt r:: one Super Royal De., 1.;e,t.1 F, r, ,7 oneIroti Proof re,g one Standing :l, ter!urf D'bll:OooÓI."Jo;a 5 ,.?t. of Brevi. 3 to "ewt. of Long Primer, with good Font. of Minion and Pica. The Jotibi.? Type inomptete f?. Double- Pic. and Two-Line English up to Twenty-Line Pica, with Chases, Sticks, eight Brass Gallies and Wooden ditto, and all the other requisites.. HuG?Es, or to I.r.1 :t.? r parlicnlul apply to Mr. HBNRY HUGHES, or to Mr. GNMPHHBY GRIFFITH, Auctioner, Pwllhell. LLANRHYDDLAD, ANGLESEY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In Lots at Holyhead, earlv in the month of March next. by MdM of the Mortgagee, under ample powers of Sale contained in his Mortsnge D-d f, th,IIMi,l Puttee of Charity Lands, approved by the ,gh Court of Chancery, and with the sanction of the Chanty Commissioners^- DIVERS Cottages, Gardens, Cro'ts, Quillets, and other l?lece. of Land, in the occupation of Tenants from year to )ear, containing ?oMu!er "?pwards 01 Thirty-three Acres, and compos in? the Church Charity Land..inth.Pari.hofUanrhyddtad.in the County of 'Y the Co "'V 'nge:? to this Sale, manyof the Lots being very valuable as accommodation lands, and the whole being sold to r? money advanced by the Ilor?,ud.r on.ofthe Court 'fn::C:'eOyid"h!eÎia'l:r co of Llan- rhyddlad. Full particulars will be aiven in futute notices. Apply to Messrs. KODSRTS, BARBBB, and Huoiss, Solicitors, Bangor. 19th December, 1859.. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR, WILLIAM DEW, On WEDNESDAY, the Uth March. 1860, at the 8TANLBY ARMS INN, Holyhead, at 12 o'clock at 0000- rpHE following valuable FREEHOLD LAND X lyi. in the Pariab of b04edern, in the County of Anglesey: LOT 1. All that ver?compact Farm adjoining the Holyhead post road, ano?ed T'A???Lt,T In the o.pti.. William O?en; as tenant from yegr to !e, and comprising an excellent F r'- house with convenient and 8ubetantial 0 tb ,,Iin, .d73.. 2r. 4p of productive Land-Ihe whole being well arranged and ?enced.an?a c?p?t order. The tenant is under notice to quit. All that Cott?ke. with the Enclosure. of Land, formerly known ?en ???demno??!edP?-?R?'LLT?.rtheoc?. nation .1 Owen Prih.,d, tenant from year to ?"'r? onti",i"' r; Ir. 13p. a joining Lot i and situate on a de?htfut emtnence. commanding extensive and varied prospects, which render this Lot P'ri' ?"' 'eig i" e '0 r building. ?)!'e a?e* n?pe'?'y' ? close to ?he' Village of Bodedern, and is thou?hree mil.s from the Valley Railway Station, and about six mile. from Holyhead. It pays no land tat.andoffeMan CMeHent opportunity for inve,lme,? or occupation. For further particulars and conditions of Sale apply to opFp:r furth;S 8. ROBERTS, BARBER, & HUGHES, Solieiton, Ban,or. LEA & PERRINS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, j PRONOUNCED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BR TUB "ONLY GOOD SAUCE," AND APPLICABLE TO EVERY VARIETY OF DISH. EXTRACT or a LETTER from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at Madras to his Brother at WORCESTER, May, 1851. Tell LEA & PERRINS that their SAUCE is highlr e- :edStdl:, dblís. e; my opinion, tbe mO$t palata- ble a. We I"is ..t .?.?e. some Sauce that is made." The success of this most delicious and unrivalled condimen having caused many unprincipled dealers to aply the name to ;o aSuM DUS cJ;1 g í:I::p;tJ¡f;Yaee::t¡; 'e,ted to ee that the names of LBA & PERBINS are upon the w'kp, slÄ :t.tröpË: ¡AD &B;l!'l are upon tbe Manufactured by Lu & PBRKINS, Worcester. Sold by CROSS. & BLACKWSLL, London; and all respectable Druggists, Grocers, and Italian Warehousemen throughout the World. THE HYGIENIC SPRING LATHS BEDSTEAD (GEYELIN'S PATENT), Combining the advantages of Metallic Bedsteads with the com- fort of a Spring Mattrass atless than hall the cost. Certified by Medical men a. the best and most comfortable Bedstead ever invented: invaluable for hot climates; cannot possibly harbour vermin. Also Patent Folding Hygienic Spring Latin Bedsteads, 8-feet £ 'i 10s.; and 4-feet 6 94 IOs. Hygienic Mattresses and Bedding of the Best Class only. HAGIC HORSE TAMING NOSE PINCHERS (GEYELIN'S PATENT), Warranted to subdue the mOB..iciouB horse at the instant. Kick?, rearing plunging, and running away rendered Impo.- sible. It is simple, ornamental, and can be Oxed to any bridle. THE UNIVERSAL GAS BURNERS' REGULATOR (GEYELIN'S PATENT), The only one in the world with a valve; the flame from all burners lemain illy,?"a?ble under all variations of ps.?re. Price 3s. each, one sent by post on the receipt of 3s. 7d. in postag: .tamps. pATENT ENDLESS BRICK, TILE, AND SOCKET PIPE HACHINE, The most perfect, compac and portable ever invented. 11- ,u trated Catalogues on appHcatio!1, post free.—Ag. nU, IVIol aa? and ?e?y"M'r'" G. G?G?! ? B?[M-ttr<-et, .,O. to Madame TU.Baud's EÙibition; and Mr. W. H. KENNEDY, 462. Oxford-street, W.C. London, FREE FOR ONE STAMP. <<TvI3EA8E AND ITS SELF CUR?,11 ?y the newly-dise ,vergd D process of Local and Comtitutiontt tet,. et. D.- covered abroad by a distinguished Physician, which supersedes entiiely the absurd and futile English mode of treatment; the use of mineral poisons, which destroy the! Digestive Organs and confirm the malady, and the aid of certain dwwrs, who proftM more than they perform. A TABLB OF SYMPTOMS accompanies the above, which enable, the reader to detect the precise disea?e, and how to app'y THB CBHTAIN MODB 0 I SBLP COBB, which is Kiten aw!I 401?ly g:Tive:v:ef:h: b:ft:; t\:e'l PIZ and will not be sold under any pretext b.t?,er, Ih? ""otan advertisement to get P.' t".?p and can readily be d??. tin?i.bed from that ?a.Sendaddr?. and the b.?- wi II be forwarded post-paid per return, by M. LANNHS, No. IS. Brook- street, Regent's Park, London. POST FREE FOR TWO STAMPS. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY OF AN ENTIRELY NEW THEORY OF CURING DISEASE, T»FING the recorded experience of thirty years'Special Practice B? Britain, Fra.'c'?nd America-w,lLh .he I»te,t Sc.-  denomln ,tod ,LOH L 8i?LF-TRE,t r,i ENT. discovered in Amer??  -d wh lh?" Oe-ee(lingly simple that a?can ?aXc?or?eif ::t;,O šlf:, 91':tth 'O?t ?.t thuf) a'o'dim dctor8' fes and their mineral poi- ?'T? NEW MODE" is an EXTRAORDINARY DIS- fn?FRY for the treatment and Self-Cure of SupermatnrhTa, SeminaiWeakneM. Dehlhty, Nervous?ess Latitude, Depression nfsniritt LoM of Energy and Appetite, PaIRs in the Back and S. Ti.idfty, 8,,f-di- rust Dizziness, Want of Energy, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, alplhtlon of the Heart, Noise. in the Head anEar?? Indecunon, Wretchedness, Involuntary Di,h?rg.,I.P-il- 4 Sig htan( t Memory, Indigestion, and Bodily Prostration rr:;rh:i::rli'I\'1::on'y':lMi tal and Phy-ical Incapacity, &c.; and supersedes (in the above compwots) Poisonous Drugs, which are dven under various di.- guisie,.r the utter ruin ?f the patient's health. With Inva Iua. fa{omiot é':niai,l\c;ilt.tst;¡Jh:i hidden mysteries. Also HINTS TO THOSE CONTEMPLAT- ING MARRIAGE. Thi. novel and cientific American di e demon.trateø t?. absurdity of the English treatwnt of sucb cases and will prove a Boon to Suffering Invalids, who a:ro"¡itiel.a'e:e:: "gain pristine fealth and vigour, by adopting the we?9 pre- 8ented. Evening Su? "Anew and extraordinary eia in the ?tenee of medicineo"- G be. The important fact that these alarming complaint. may easily be remooed without Drug,. here clearly ''emonstrated and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted, fully ?-ined .d? Review.' fn r,?r e. :u themet'e' of tho above, the author ha. not and will not, aU(-w the eametobeMtd.bNthe will tor?rd it to those who send their address, and two stamps fo =il.. HILL, Esq" M.A., No, 37, Alrfed Place, Bedford Square, W.C. THE BRYTHON, (OR CAMBRO-BRITON MAGAZINE), A NATIONAL JOURNAL of Welh Literature, AdUq.iti" Aand Useful Kno?ledge, EUITBD BY THE BEV. DANIEL BILVAlf EVAKM- Published by S. I. JON F,8, Tremadoe. Frtu 3d., or i U per pott. gold by aN RodkuUW. ITB.-Distributors wanted in every locality. WINTER SAILINGS OF THE PRINCE OF WALES 8TEAMEB. THE PRINCE OF WALES Steamer (Thoma 1 Davies, Commander), sails as usder for the Season. From MENAI BRIDGE, fONDAYS and FttMM. From LIVERPOOL, WBDNBSDAYS and SUUIODAJrS. Callin at LLANDUDNO, ivetlir permitting. Cargo for Wales taken at Clarence Dock every Tue.day"durinr the winter. Fare-Cabin, 4. Deck, „ 9*. 6„a,. Liverpool Aply to J. H. Rol ?T.W,?', i, il?, W TIMOTHY, Menai Bridge; and to JOHN T.A.,B..pr. street, Carnarvon. City of Dublin Co/s OfRee, Menai Bridge, ?'' Oe?<bmmh' lM9. WEEKLY STEAM COMMUNICATION TO NEW YORK. "ObK rpHE LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, and THIL- & T%.L STEAM-SHIP CUMPANY in-  intend le,tl,.g th<Ír Fun-Powered Iron krew '???S??S?p?t)?n? lt?'UEE!<3??N, to embark P?ssengers and despatches as follow. WEEKLY FROM LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK, EDINBURGH Wednesday, Lth Feb., 1860. GLASGOW „ 22nd CITY OF BALTIMORE 29th. And every succeeding Wednesday 1 0 abin Passage, 15,17, and 21 Guineas, according to;the accom- modation. Forward Pa.Rage 8 Guineas, includinK all Pro!isions cooked. Passengers 'f? CANADA and the WESTERN ?T'AT?9, booked through on very advantageous terms. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 2, Watei-»tre«t,Liverpool. <)r i Mr. EDWD. ELLIS Jun., Shipbuilder, ganror. ?'' ? i Mr? A'' F. WATTS. Abergele. .NAPIER'S & CO.'S STEAK COKMTTHICATIOH BETWEEN LIVERPOOL & RHYL FBOM 1011 NEW LANDING STAGE, LIVERPOOL. This route is the cheapest, the quickest, and the most direct to and from Liverpool and Rhyl, and the adj acent places of Abo? I ;rB;:t;iedf;d IynOe jêC: P1):Ibi: serth, Henllan, Ua?wBt."L?n)MtttfraU,Uanp.rm<w. HanMt. t.1h,,i.n. Ll. .5..n. Li..dd.ilm. Llaneli?, Llandtillo, LI? au, Llanrhaiadr, Meliden, M ehdre,, Newmarket, Preatatyn^ Rhnddlan, Ruthin, St. Asaph, St. George, T.t, Tl:, meirchion, &e. &c, THE New Powerful and Yast-SaillnglronSteamer. 3^^ ) LION, fitted up ""pre..ly for the ..tion (or other suitable Steamer), JOHN WILLIAM FIRTH, Commander, EVAN JONBS, Steward, will start fron the New Landing Stage, Prince's Dock, LTerpoo4 ??"'? from Ehyl, tMt. FOB ABBUAKT, IM. Weather permitting, as -4?r E?.qkuy:- [ From Rhyl. 6. Monday 9 SO a m. 8, Wedneaday.. 10 30 „ 10, Friday M p.m. "7* 90 ,e W ed.?ody 30:: 17, Friday ?. 7 0 a.m. 00, M.d.7 100 I 22, Wednesday 10 30 „ 24, 27, Monday 1 30 p.m. 29. Wednesday 2 30 I From uvnpost. ?, TsHdtjr$* ftjfe a.ThM??.??? -T 11, Saturday 10 M „ .?..MMpSt. Th..d.y 3 30 18, Saturday 7 0 pjQ« .?.. <M „ 23, Th,d., 9 O „ 25, Saturday 10 0 28, Tuesday 11 0 „ Fares-Saloon, Is. Fore Cabin and Deck, &d. p "h' "V ,,ONI for Ll,.?pool ,.oold 1-. h. Eait?yattheVorydStation. Carriers will attend the Steamer Ilpl-Ily at both sides oBh. Foryd, to convey goods to and from the above-named placet. An Omnibus runs regularly between the west side of the Foryd and Abergele, in connection with the LION." FMten?er? from the Abergele side of the Foryd hould be La attendanèe 20 1 nute a befo re h e state d time of 97,,nff. STEAM TO AUSTRALIA UNDER 60 DAYS PASSAGE MONEY, tM AND UPWARDS. British and Australian Ex-Royal Kail Packet, and Eagto Line of Packets, In conjunction with the Celebrated Auxiliary Screw SteamClipper GREAT BRITAIN. Appointed to Sail Punctually, From LIVERPOOL on the 5th and 15tli of every month. To the consignment of BRIGHT, BROTHERS A CO., MELBOURNE. The above, in addition to being the only line with Steam out of Liverpool, is composed of the largest, Attest, and faatfft Merchant Ships in the world. Ship. Register. Burthen. Captain. Date HOPE 1101 3500 .Raisbeck. 5th Mare WILLIAM KIRK 738 2000.8raith 1Mb Mai. GREAT TASMANIA 2140.4500.0ardyne 5th ApL DONALD McKAY .2604.5000.Pryee.To Follow. To be succeeded by the following Clippers and Steamera:— GREAT BRITAIN LIGHTNING CHAMPION OF THE SEA DONALD McKAY GREAT TASMANIA EAGLE 3ALDANHA MARCO POLO OCEAN CHIEF BRITISH TRIDENT GIPSEY BRIDE MORNING LIGHT. COMMODORE PERRY MONTMORENCY ? r1 pHE above celebrated Steam and Sailing Clipper* -Ufe*. forming ,he .-I, i?-e, honoured .Vloit f, j, ?r t:aje;y thnQue,noa'ddao :.I1 ?S????f'o? th?r r?M?'M?" punttu.UtyinMM- ??S 109 and splendid accmnraodation, unsurpMMd by My '.htMin the world, will continue to sail regularly bet?MX Liverpool and M<!)bomrn<nbrdinxtoPaMen?nm<t8htppMt, the most unrivalled advantages. The Commanders are men of experience, and noted for their kindness and attention to passengers. The Cabin accommodation i ??y.perior. the Saloons beisr elegantly furnished with every requisite to insure co=m ort, -A are ou Ppiied with Beds, Bedjing, &a. B.u niy Ticket Pu.engere forwarded to Launceston aDd Hobut T W °?)y to GIBBS, BRIGHT & CO.. MeKhtn?. t. North Jobaw street, and JAMES BA1NES& Co.,Tower BuUdingsr Lherpooll or to their Agents. AGENTS: Mr. M. T. Edwards, Conway. Capt. Tully, City of Dublin Office. Holyhead. Edward Ellis, jun., Garth Point, Bangor. Mr. A. F. Watts, Abergele. Liverpool. May 9.1859, A XT S TR A L I A. NOTICE.-The clipper ships o( this line are MMn?t tb. argest, fastest, ad handsomest in the world, an are fa- for their unswerviog punctuality, the (tuperior way in whiell the y &re offi?ered and appointed, md the ele4,ity their passages, which rank amongst tbe fastest on record. & I THE "WHITE STAR" LINE OF BRmsa TH n'.lLl-kLoA¿: PERS, saillrnm LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOUESE, On the let and 20th of every month. Landing and forwarding Passengers at through ratH. and by 8teame,n, to every port of Australia and Tasmania. Parties h?ldmg Bounty ti?eS fnr'LauneMMn HobMt To" will be c??rred oug t by the hip? of this Line via Mrlbourne. The Line ? com po.ed .f the following m?ftMnt tMM)*:— ,ip. 8h'p* Ship ? W. "T. JAC..T. STAR oF THII EAM RMJA?. WH? JACKET.  WHITE MAR. MERMA. ?'"?, BLUB JACKET. 6HAL1MAt. ABABtAf. PMNOE of the SEAS. 8,.o(; 'o* BLUEJAoCf K?ET. S?A? ?j?? known in the trade. FOR MELBOURNE ONLY. R PITRTING .Gilchrist. 1609 5000 Feb. 30* The magnificent clipper ship CURLING, will be despatched for Melbourne only upon the 22nd February, on which day pw- seniers are requited to embark. She is the largest vessel oil th. ?. and was built by Mr. E dward O'Brien, one of the molt e=nt .hip-b.ild, f th? day, from whose yard many of oar fastest and finest clippers have been turned out. She h.. mad* most remarkable Pas$Rg-$, and may be expected, from her gre4 me, to make a very fast run to ,e? lbo r,e- Her .?o.odati.. for pas..ngera ,e. f a very .ior character, the berth* being airy, light, and room ah¡.i'u!:frtt. passage, &c., apply to the owners, orc?tu Mt, H. T. WILSON, AND CHAMBEM. II, Water-street, Liverpool. Or to P "RRY and Co., Shipbuilders, agents, Bangor; JoBIg JONBs,Steam Packet, Company, agent, Carnarvon; T. BELl., Holywell'; or to ROBERT PRITCHARD.New-v-street, Holyheadj N.D.-Just Published, and sent for 2 stamps, Willojt'i Aof* ltcallall and Now Zealand H&nd-Book«